COGITO: Code Polymorphism to Secure Devices
COGITO: Code Polymorphism to Secure Devices
Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx´1, Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx0, Xxxx-Xxxxx Xxxxx0, Xxxxxxx Xxxxx0, Xxxxxx Xxxxx0, Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxx0 and Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxx´e4
1Univ. Grenoble Alpes, F-38000 Grenoble, France CEA, LIST, MINATEC Campus, F-38054 Grenoble, France
2Commissariat a` l’E´nergie Atomique et aux E´nergies Alternatives (CEA) Gardanne, France
3University of Limoges, 000 xxx Xxxxxx Xxxxxx, 00000 Xxxxxxx, Xxxxxx
4E´xxxx Nationale Suprieure des Mines de Saint-Etienne (XXXX.XX) Saint-Etienne, France
{1, 2, 4, 0}xxxxxxxx@xxx.xx, 0xxxxxxxx@xxxx.xx, {6, 0}xxxxxxxx@xxxxxx.xx
Keywords: Code Polymorphism, Runtime Code Generation, Physical Attacks, Embedded Devices
Abstract: In this paper, we advocate the use of code polymorphism as an efficient means to improve security at several levels in electronic devices. We analyse the threats that polymorphism could help thwart, and present the solution that we plan to demonstrate in the scope of a collaborative research project called COGITO. We expect our solution to be effective to improve security, to comply with the computing and memory constraints of embedded devices, and to be easily generalisable to a large set of embedded computing platforms.
1 Introduction
Electronic devices have grown a huge interest for the average user thanks to the tremendous computation power and data storage that it is possible to put in a few square centimetres of silicon. Everybody has now the capability to put a lot of its personal and profes- sional information in such devices, and the confiden- tiality of the ’secret’ kept in electronic devices is of huge importance. As a consequence, security of such devices is one of the main concerns, on an equal foot- ing with user interfaces and connectivity. Therefore, when thinking about security issues in electronic de- vices, smart card or Java Card are the words that first come to mind for historical reasons. But today, the landscape of electronic devices is composed of com- puting platforms of very different kinds. Hence, secu- rity is now an issue for a very large set of embedded devices, from nodes in wireless sensor networks to smartphones.
All of these electronic devices can be subject to
“physical attacks” which are generally split in two steps, thereafter called ’first step’ attacks and ’second step’ attacks. ’First step’ attacks consist in getting general information about the functioning of the de- vices: identifying which security functions are imple- mented, when they are launched and on which hard- ware blocks they are executed. The term ’reverse engineering’, in the large meaning of the word, is also commonly used to refer to this step of the at-
tack. In this step, the attacker can use three differ- ent kinds of techniques. The first one consists in getting information about the chip design by direct inspection of its hardware structure. This inspec- tion may be performed by using any kind of imag- ing techniques or by using destructive means such as abrasion, chemical etching or focused ion beam. The second kind, called side channel attacks, con- sists in observing some physical characteristics (such as power consumption, electromagnetic radiation, re- sponse time, etc.) which are modified while the cir- cuit is active. The third technique, called fault at- tacks, consists in disrupting the circuit’s behaviour by using laser beams, voltage or clock glitches, electro- magnetic pulses, etc. In the ’second step’, the attack is focused on one or several security functions in or- der to bypass them (Xxxxx et al., 2010), to recover the details of their implementation (Xxxxx, 2003) or to recover the manipulated data (Xxxxxx et al., 2013). These ’second step’ attacks are very powerful but al- ways rely on a very precise spatial and temporal con- trol of the target. In particular, the success of a fault (resp. side channel) attack depends on the time pre- cision required to inject the fault (resp. measure the physical characteristics) at the right time and on the right area during program execution.
Many protections (also called ’ad hoc’) have been
proposed to counter all these ’second step’ attack schemes. But surprisingly, few protections have been proposed against ’first step’ attacks, even if these
ones constitute a crucial stepping stone for the suc- cess of an attack. We assume that polymorphism, which consists in regularly changing the behaviour of a secured component at runtime while maintaining unchanged its functional properties, can make attack- ers’ lives more difficult. Our hypothesis is that poly- morphism can tackle security issues at several levels: it increases the difficulty of reverse engineering, it provides dynamically changing temporal and spatial properties that also increase the difficulty of ’second step’ physical attacks. Moreover, we assume that the use of polymorphic code is a realistic objective even for resource-constrained embedded devices, and illus- trate how we plan to achieve this thanks to a tool for runtime code generation that fulfils the memory and computing constraints of embedded systems.
To demonstrate our hypothesis, the rest of this pa- per is organised as follows. Section 2 presents an overview of the general principles of protections and of the uses of polymorphism in the context of secu- rity. Section 3 introduces the solution envisioned in this paper and provides a simple illustrative case. Sec- tion 4 concludes.
2 State of the art
We make the distinction between general protections, which make reverse engineering of the target more difficult to achieve in ’first step’ attacks, and ad hoc protections, which are specific defensive mech- anisms implemented against a known attack usually performed as a ’second step’ attack.
2.1 Ad hoc protections
Many protections have been proposed to counter ’sec- ond step’ hardware attacks. Some protections (called ’sensors’) give information about the state of the sys- tem either by measuring light (Xxxxxxxx et al., 2013), voltage (Xxxxx et al., 2014), frequency or temperature or by detecting errors during computations. This de- tection is generally based on spatial redundancy, tem- poral redundancy or information redundancy. Sev- eral mechanisms are also proposed to detect a mod- ification of the execution flow of a program (Xxxxxxx and Xxxxx, 2007), or to avoid the effects of instruc- tion skips caused by fault attacks (Xxxx et al., 2014). In some cases, an additional hardware block is dedi- cated to this task (Xxxxx et al., 2005). To reduce sen- sitivity to side channel attacks, ’noise’ is added to the power consumption, for example by using an inter- nal clock, by shuffling operations or by masking the internal computations that could be predicted by the
attacker (Xxxxxxx et al., 2007), by using balanced data encoding or balanced place and route (Xxxxxxx et al., 2010), by using power filters or electromag- netic xxxxxxx (Xxxxxx, 2000), or by using software techniques called ’hiding’ (Xxxxxxx et al., 2007).
2.2 Obfuscation as a general protection
We propose to make the distinction between obfus- cation mechanisms that do not modify the behaviour of the target at runtime, thereafter called static obfus- cation, and dynamic mechanisms which purpose is to modify, at runtime, the apparent behaviour of the tar- get. Polymorphism, by providing to a secure compo- nent the capability to change form on a regular basis, is considered as a dynamic obfuscation mechanism.
2.2.1 Static obfuscation
Obfuscation of hardware is a common practice, be- cause the attacker can gain a lot of knowledge about the target by physical inspection of its struc- ture (Chakraborty and Xxxxxx, 2009) but we do not further consider this topic as it falls out of the scope of this paper.
Software obfuscation can involve modifications to the source code, to intermediate representations or to the binary code (Collberg et al., 1997) or encryp- tion (Xxxxxx and Tschudin, 1998) in order to make it unintelligible or inaccessible to automatic analysis. At the theoretical level, it was demonstrated by Xxxxx et al. that there is no general obfuscation technique that applies to any code function; in other words, there is no ”universal obfuscating tool” (Xxxxx et al., 2001). However, nothing in this theory forbids the existence of obfuscation techniques able to target the mostly used cryptographic algorithms such as DES, AES, RSA, ECC.
2.2.2 Dynamic obfuscation by polymorphism
Non-deterministic processors (May et al., 2001b) achieve what we call polymorphic execution, that is, the shuffled execution of a program from a static bi- nary input residing in program memory. Xxx et al. achieve dynamic instruction shuffling (Xxx et al., 2001b) and random register renaming (Xxx et al., 2001a). (Xxxxxx et al., 2012) describe an instruction shuffler: a dedicated IP inserted between the proces- sor and the program memory (instruction cache).
Most (if not all) tools for program analysis and re- verse engineering of software cannot handle programs that are dynamically modified at runtime (Madou et al., 2006). Hence, despite the theoretical work of (Xxxxx et al., 2001), dynamically mutating code
and polymorphic code are likely to make ’first step’ attacks more challenging. (Xxxxx et al., 2006) use runtime code rewriting scripts to restructure the con- tents of a procedure from binary programs under a scrambled form. However, this form of dynamic mu- tation is only effective against code analysis and not against physical attacks since the executed program always takes the same form.
To the best of our knowledge, only a few research works have studied the use of code polymorphism for security purposes. (Xxxxxxxx et al., 2011) propose to shuffle instructions and basic blocks of the program’s control flow graph at runtime from a static version of the program. Their approach, applied to the shuf- fling of basic blocks only, is shown to increase the difficulty of DPA on AES. (Xxxxxx et al., 2012) use runtime code generation (described by the authors as code morphing) to protect an implementation of AES against DPA. A runtime code generator is generated at static compilation time, embedded in the appli- cation binary code. The polymorphic production of code variants involves register renaming, instruction shuffling and the production of semantically equiva- lent code fragments. The overhead of code genera- tion is significantly high since each new code gener- ation is reported to execute in 90 ms (11, 970.106 cy- cles at 133 MHz) on an ARM926 processor running GNU/Linux, in order to generate polymorphic ver- sions corresponding to the 64 xor operations in the AES kernel. This approach is the closest to the ap- proach that we envision in this paper, but as we will illustrate below, we expect our approach to better fit with the constraints of resource constrained embed- ded systems.
3 Code polymorphism for embedded systems
As explained in the previous section, the state of the art protections present the following limitations:
1. General protections, which make the code ex- ecution harder to interpret and so the knowl- edge about the circuit’s functioning harder to re- cover, are a primary requirement in secure de- vices. However, state-of-the-art solutions present performance issues or are not applicable to secure devices because of resource constraints.
2. Security in a device is incrementally built by adding standalone ad hoc protections. Ad hoc countermeasures are often proven to be efficient when analysed independently, but are difficult to integrate in a device since each countermeasure
comes with an additional performance overhead.
We postulate that code polymorphism is able to provide an efficient solution as a general protection against ’first step’ attacks. Furthermore, ’second step’ attacks, which rely on a precise behavioural (spatial and temporal) model of the target, are also more dif- ficult to achieve if the target’s behaviour is regularly modified. Indeed, the success of a fault attack de- pends on the temporal and spatial precision required to inject the fault at the right time during program ex- ecution, and on the right position on the chip; this should be more difficult in presence of polymorphism. Similarly, side channel attacks need to correlate a large number of activity traces to extract the target information; a polymorphic component is able to pro- duce a larger set of different activity traces, and as a consequence, the attacker needs to gather a greater number of activity traces to achieve the attack.
In the work presented in this paper, our objective is to provide a realistic solution to achieve code poly- morphism by introducing in a unique framework:
Introduce alea during runtime code generation to produce polymorphic application components,
Use semantic equivalences at the instruction level to produce different (but functionally equivalent) instances of code sequences
Shuffle, at runtime, the machine instructions and randomise the mapping to physical registers
• Combine with hardware protections
With limited memory consumption and fast code generation, so that it is applicable very small com- puting units such as secure elements
3.1 Sketching deGoal
deGoal is a framework for runtime code generation, whose initial motivation is the use of runtime code specialisation to improve program performance, e.g. execution time, energy consumption or memory foot- print. In this section, we first sketch the characteristics of deGoal and then elaborate about its use in the con- text of security. (Xxxxxxxxx´ et al., 2013; Xxxxxx and Xxxxxxxxx´, 2013; Xxxxxxx et al., 2014) further elabo- rate about the use of deGoal in contexts or application domains that originated its design.
In classical frameworks for runtime code genera- tion such as interpreters and dynamic compilers, the aim is to provide a generic infrastructure for code gen- eration, bounded by the syntactic and semantic defi- nition of a programming language. The generality of such solutions comes at the expense of an important overhead in runtime code generation, both in terms
static binary
runtime binary
HW description data
paltform compiler
Figure 1: deGoal workflow: from the writing of application’s source code to the execution of a kernel generated at runtime
of memory footprint and computing time and com- puting energy. In deGoal, a different approach is used: code segments (thereafter called kernels) are generated and tuned at runtime by ad hoc runtime code generators, called compilettes. Each compilette is specialised to produce the machine code of one ker- nel. Syntactic and semantic analyses are performed at the time of static compilation, and compilettes em- bed only the processing intelligence that is required for the runtime optimisations selected. As a conse- quence, compilettes offer very fast code generation (10 to 100 times faster than typical frameworks for runtime code interpretation or dynamic compilation), present a very low memory footprint, can run on very small microcontroller architectures such as 8/16-bit microcontrollers (Aracil and Courousse´, 2013), and are portable (Xxxxxxx et al., 2014).
In COGITO, we re-target the original purpose of deGoal in order to focus on security aspects: we ex- ploit the flexibility brought by deGoal for runtime code generation to achieve code polymorphism.
3.2 Application building, runtime code generation and execution
The building and the execution of an application us- ing deGoal consists of the following steps as illus- trated in Figure 1: writing the source code using a mix of C source code and of our dedicated cdg lan- guage (described below); compiling the binary code of the application and the binary code of compilettes using static tools; at runtime, generating the binary code of kernels by compilettes and in the end running the kernels.
3.3 The Cdg language
Cdg is an assembly-like DSL. From the programmer’s perspective, this represents a major paradigm shift: Cdg expressions describe the instructions that will be generated at runtime instead of the instructions to be executed.
Compilettes are implemented by using a mix of ANSI C and Cdg instructions. The C language is used to describe the control part of the compilette that will drive code generation, while Cdg instructions perform code generation. The Cdg instruction set in- cludes a variable length register set, classical arith- metic instructions, load and store instructions. From this high-level instruction set, compilettes map the Cdg instructions to machine instructions according to
(1) the characteristics of the data to process, (2) the
characteristics of the execution context at the time of code generation, (3) the hardware capabilities of the target processor, (4) execution time and/or energy consumption performance criteria. In all cases, code generation is fast, produces efficient code, and is ap- plicable to low-resource embedded systems such as micro-controllers.
In the case of the work presented in this paper, we remove the dependency of code generation to the input data, and make code generation dependant of an alea to introduce random polymorphism.
3.4 Main properties of the code generation backend
Considering that deGoal targets constrained embed- ded systems, drastic architecture choices have been made so that code generation can be fast and mem- ory lightweight. At runtime, a compilette performs in this order: register allocation, instruction selection and instruction scheduling.
Register allocation. In dynamic compilers, reg- ister allocation is usually performed after instruc- tion scheduling: instruction selection and instruction scheduling are performed on a SSA form. The SSA form is later analysed and register allocation is per- formed, using techniques that provide a reduced run- time computational cost of the register allocation as compared to graph colouring usually used in static compilers (Xxxxxxxx et al., 2008). On the contrary, in a compilette register allocation is done first, sim- ply by using greedy algorithm. The idea is to lighten
the pressure on instruction selection and instruction scheduling: if register allocation is done first, it becomes possible to perform instruction scheduling without intermediate representation1. This comes at the expense of a potential reduced code quality: cur- rently, compilettes do not support register spilling.
Instruction selection. Instruction selection is per- formed at runtime once the runtime constants have been evaluated by the compilette. Instruction selec- tion is done at the level of Cdg instructions: each Cdg instruction can be mapped to one or more machine instructions depending on the data input of the com- xxxxxxx and/or processor capabilities (e.g. availability of SIMD units).
Instruction scheduling. The generated machine instructions can be either directly written in program memory in order to fasten code generation, or pushed into an intermediate instruction buffer that is pro- cessed by an instruction scheduler. We plan to ex- ploit this feature in this work to perform instruction shuffling during runtime code generation. A func- tional overview of instruction scheduling is illustrated in (Courousse´ et al., 2013).
3.5 Implementation of code polymorphism with deGoal
We present now the features that we plan to imple- ment in deGoal in order to achieve code polymor- phism for security purposes.
Introduce alea during runtime code genera- tion. Code polymorphism has to present a fair level of randomness. Each new code generation should pro- duce a code sequence with a different binary code, while preserving the functionality of the original im- plementation. At the same time, the process of code generation must remain deterministic, considering a selected random input.
Random generation of semantically equivalent sequences. Our runtime code generation technique is able to involve all the optimisation techniques usually employed in compiler backends, where the purpose is to optimise the machine code generated according to the characteristics of the target. In our case, we leverage this level of variability to increase the num- ber of code variants possibly generated. We consider randomly changing the following code generation pa- rameters:
use of semantic equivalences; for example replac- ing a multiplication operation with a power of two with a left shift operation (Xxxxxx et al., 2012).
1or at least with a minimalist, much lighter intermediate representation
Semantic equivalence can involve more complex patterns than a one-to-one relationship between equivalent operations, hence they can change the number of machuine instructions generated.
insertion of dummy operations (Xxxxxxx et al., 2007), that is, operations intended to vary the ex- ecution time and the power trace of the target, but which do not impact the result of the processing.
• mapping to physical registers,
• instruction scheduling,
Ability to combine with hardware countermea- sures. Use of dedicated hardware support or spe- cialised instructions was a primary concern in the de- sign of the Cdg language: hardware protections or hardware IPs (e.g. AES) are easily integrated in the implementation of a compilette. Furthermore, Cdg being a low-level programming language, it is easy to integrate software protections at the instruction level. Limited memory consumption. deGoal com- pilettes embed only the necessary data to generate the instructions (and algorithmic equivalences in the case of this project) required for the target polymor- phic code. For example, we achieved runtime code generation with deGoal on the evaluation board of the MSP430 micro-controller, which includes only
512 bytes of RAM (Aracil and Courousse´, 2013).
Fast runtime code generation. Using deGoal, the current speed of code generation ranges from 10 to 100 cycles per instruction generated in an implemen- tation that is not targeting secure devices (Courousse´ et al., 2013). Even with the addition of extra process- ing to achieve the insertion of randomisation at vari- ous levels, we expect the speed of code generation to remain far above the state of the art.
Portability to very small processors and secure elements is achieved thanks to the small footprint of compilettes and the small amount of processing they require to achieve code generation.
4 Conclusion
In this paper we advocate the use of code poly- morphism as a means to secure the sensitive compo- nents of embedded applications such as cryptographic primitives. We assume that code polymorphism can bring improvement to several security issues at the same time. Firstly, it is de facto a mean to obfus- cation, hence making reverse engineering more diffi- cult to achieve. Moreover, considering that physical attacks are strongly related to the temporal and spa- tial behaviour of the target, regularly modifying the
target’s behaviour will raise the level of security of a component against physical attacks.
In the scope of the COGITO project, we plan to implement code polymorphism in secure components thanks to deGoal, a framework for runtime code gen- eration that is applicable to embedded devices even with limited memory and computing resources. We have presented the various ways to leverage polymor- phism, and illustrated them with a simple case. A large body of the work planned in this project will also consist in the analysis of the potential flaws that run- time code generation could bring to secure devices.
This work was partially funded by the French Na- tional Research Agency (ANR) as part of the program Digital Engineering and Security (INS-2013), under grant agreement ANR-13-INSE-0006-01.
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