Contrat de construction standard Page 1 de 2
Contrat de construction standard Page 1 de 2
Instructions spéciales aux soumissionnaires
Conseil national de recherches Canada
Instructions spéciales aux soumissionaires
1.1 Les documents suivants sont incorporés par voie de référence, et sont partie des documents de l’appel d’offre ou de contrat :
.1 Compagnies de cautionnement reconnu
.2 Articles de convention
.3 Modalités de paiement “B”
.4 Conditions générales “C”
.5 Conditions de travail “D”
.6 Conditions d’assurance “E”
.7 Conditions de garantie du contrat “F”
.8 Liste de vérification des exigenges relatives à la sécurité LVERS “G”
La présentation d’un appel d’offre constitut l’attestation qu’un soumissionnaire a lu et qu’il accepte les stipulations de ces documents et des autres documents inscrits à la rubrique 1.1 des Instructions générales aux soumissionnaires.
1.2 Les documents inscrits à la rubrique 1.1 sont publiés par le Conseil national de recherches du Canada et on peut en obtenir un exemplaire en s’adressant au Conseil national de recherches du Canada, Services d’approvisionnement, Édifice X-00, xxxxxx xx Xxxxxxxx, Xxxxxx (Xxxxxxx) X0X 0X0.
2.1 À la fermeture de l’appel d’offres, les résultats de l’appel d’offre seront envoyés par télécopieur à tous les entrepreneurs qui auront présenté un appel d’offre.
3.1. Exigences relatives à la sécurité
.1 L'entrepreneur doit détenir en permanence, pendant l'exécution du contrat à commandes, une attestation de vérification d'organisation désignée (VOD) en vigueur, délivrée par la Direction de la sécurité industrielle canadienne (DSIC) de Travaux publics et Services gouvernementaux Canada (TPSGC).
.2 Les membres du personnel de l'entrepreneur devant avoir accès à des établissements de travail dont l'accès est réglementé doivent TOUS détenir une cote de FIABILITÉ en vigueur, délivrée ou approuvée par la DSIC de TPSGC.
.3 L'entrepreneur doit respecter les dispositions:
a) de la Liste de vérification des exigences relatives à la sécurité et directive de sécurité (s'il y a lieu), reproduite à l'Annexe G;
b) du Manuel de la sécurité industrielle (dernière édition)@ xxxx://xxx-xxx.xxxxx- xxxxx.xx.xx/xxx-xxx/xxx-xxx-xxx.xxxx
.1 Le soumissionnaire doit détenir une attestation de vérification d'organisation désignée (VOD) en vigueur, délivrée
par la Direction de la sécurité industrielle canadienne (DSIC) de Travaux publics et Services gouvernementaux Canada (TPSGC) ET DOIT L’INCLURE AVEC LEUR SOUMISSION OU FAIRE SUIVRE DANS LES 48 HEURES SUIVANT LA DATE ET
L’HEURE DE CLÔTURE DE L’APPEL D’OFFRE. Des vérifications seront effectuées par l’intermédiaire de la DSIC pour confirmer l’attestation de sécurité du soumissionnaire. L’omission de se conformer à cette exigence rendra la soumission non conforme et celle-ci sera rejetée.
.2 L’entrepreneur général doit nommer tous ses sous-traitants dans un délai de 72 heures suivant la clôture des soumissions, et ceux-ci doivent détenir une cote de FIABILITÉ en vigueur, délivrée ou approuvée par la DSIC de TPSGC ou tout autre agence ou departement du gouvernement et soumettre les noms, dates de naissance ou numéros de certificats de sécurité de toutes les personnes qui seront affectées au projet.
.3 Il faut noter que les sous-traitants qui doivent exécuter des tâches pendant l’exécution du contrat subséquent doivent aussi satisfaire aux exigences obligatoires du contrat en matière de sécurité. De plus, aucune personne ne possédant pas le niveau de sécurité exigé ne sera admise sur le site. Le soumissionnaire retenu devra s’assurer que les exigences liées à la sécurité sont satisfaites pendant toute l’exécution du contrat. La Couronne ne sera tenue responsable d’aucun retard ni d’éventuels coûts supplémentaires liés à l’inobservation par l’entrepreneur des exigences en matière de sécurité. L’omission de satisfaire à ces exigences sera suffisante pour résilier le contrat pour cause d’inexécution.
.4 Pour toute question concernant les exigences liées à la sécurité pendant la période de soumission, les soumissionnaires doivent communiquer avec l’agente de sécurité @ 000-000-0000.
National Research Council Conseil national de recherches
Canada Canada
Procurement Services Services d’approvisionnement
Xxxxxxxx X-00 Xxxxxxx X-00
Xxxxxxxx Xxxx Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx;
Xxxxxx, Xxxxxx X0X 0X0
Rev. 19/10/2001
Article 1 - Réception des soumissions
1a) Aucune soumission reçue après le moment fixé pour la clôture des soumissions ne sera acceptée. LES SOUMISSIONS RECUES APRES LE MOMENT FIXÉ NE SONT PAS VALIDES et ne peuvent être prises en considération, peu importe la raison de leur retard.
1b) Une lettre ou une télécommunication imprimée envoyée par un soumissionnaire pour signifier un prix ne peut être considérée comme étant une soumission valide à moins qu’une soumission officielle n’ait été reçue sur la formule prescrite à cette fin.
1c) Il est loisible aux soumissionnaires de modifier leurs soumissions par lettre ou télécommunication imprimée mais à condition que de telles modifications ne soient pas reçues plus tard qu’au moment prévu pour la clôture des soumissions.
1d) Les modifications à la soumission qui sont transmises par télécopieur doivent être signées et doivent permettre d’identifier sans équivoque le soumissionnaire.
Toutes les modifications de ce genre doivent être envoyées à : Conseil national de recherches Canada
Xxxx Xxxxxx, Agent supérieur de contrats Services d’approvisionnement
Édifice M-22
Chemin Montréal, Ottawa (Ontario) K1A OR6
Télécopieur: (000) 000-0000
Article 2 - Formule de soumission et qualifications
1) Toutes les soumissions doivent être présentées sur la formule de soumission - construction et être signées en conformité avec les exigences suivantes:
a) Société à responsabilité limitée : le nom complet de la société ainsi que le nom et le titre des fondés de signature autorisés doivent être imprimés dans l’espace prévu à cette fin. La signature des fondés de signature et le sceau de la société doivent être apposés.
b) Société de personne : le nom de l’entreprise ainsi que le(s) noms du (des) signataire(s) doivent être imprimés dans l’espace prévu. L’un ou plusieurs des associés doivent signer en présence d’un témoin qui, lui aussi, doit apposer sa signature. Un sceau de couleur adhésif doit être apposé en regard de chaque signature.
c) Entreprise à propriétaire unique : le nom de l’entreprise et le nom du propriétaire unique doivent être imprimés dans l’espace prévu. Le propriétaire est tenu de signer en présence d’un témoin qui doit lui aussi apposer sa signature. Un sceau de couleur adhésif doit être apposé en regard de chaque signature.
2) Toute modification à la partie imprimée de la formule de soumission - construction ou tout défaut de fournir l’information qui y est demandée peut invalider la soumission.
3) Toutes les rubriques de la formule de soumission - construction doivent être remplies et les corrections manuscrites ou dactylographiées apportées aux parties ainsi remplies doivent être paraphées par la ou les personnes qui signe(nt) la soumission au nom du soumissionnaire.
4) Les soumissions doivent être basées sur les plans, devis et documents de soumission fournis.
Article 3 - Contrat
1) L’entrepreneur devra signer un contrat semblable à la formule standard pour contrats de construction à prix fixe dont un exemplaire en blanc est annexé dos à la présente brochure pour information.
Article 4 - Destinataire de la soumission
1a) Les soumissions doivent être envoyées sous enveloppe cachetée adressée à l’Agent de contrats
Conseil national de recherches Canada Services administratifs et biens immobilers 0000 xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx
édifice M-22
Xxxxxx, XX X0X 0X0
et la mention “Soumission relative à (inscrire le titre de travail apparaissant sur les dessins et le cahier des charges)” ainsi que le nom et
l’adresse du soumissionnaire doivent apparaître sur l’enveloppe.
1b) Sauf dispositions contraires, les seuls documents à soumettre pour la soumission sont la formule de soumission et la garantie de soumission.
Article 5 - Garantie
1a) La garantie de soumission est requise. La garantie doit alors être soumise sous l’une ou l’autre des formes suivantes :
i) un chèque certifié payable au Receveur général du Canada et tiré sur un établissement membre de l’Association canadienne des paiements ou un établissement de crédit coopératif local membre d’une société centrale de crédit coopératif elle-même membre de l’Association canadienne des paiements OU
ii) des obligations du guvernement du Canada, ou des obligations avec garantie inconditionnelle par le gouvernement du Canada quant au capital et aux intérêts, OU
iii) un cautionnement de soumission.
1b) Peu importe la forme de la garantie de soumission, elle ne devrait jamais dépasser la somme de 250 000 $ calculée à 10% de la première tranche de 250 000 $ du prix soumissionné, plus 5% de tout montant dépassant 250 000 $.
2a) Une garantie de soumission doit être fournie avec chaque soumission. Elle peut aussi être envoyée séparément à condition qu’elle ne soit pas reçue plus tard qu’au moment prévu pour la clôture des soumissions. On doit fournir l’ORIGINAL de la garantie de soumission. Des garanties transmises par télécopieur ou des photocopies NE SONT PAS acceptées. DEFAUT DE FOURNIR LA GARANTIE REQUISE RENDRA LA SOUMISSION INVALIDE.
2b) Dans le cas où la soumission n’est pas acceptée, la garantie de soumission fournie en conformité avec l’article 8 sera retournée au soumissionnaire.
3a) L’adjudicataire doit fournir une garantie au plus tard 14 jours après réception d’un avis lui signifiant l’acceptation de sa soumisison. Il doit fournir L’UN OU L’AUTRE des documents suivants :
i) Un dépôt de garantie tel que décrit à l’alinéa 1b) ci-dessus ainsi qu’un cautionnement du paiement de la main-d’oeuvre et des matériaux s’élevant à 50%, au moins, de la somme payable en vertu du contrat, OU
ii) Une garantie d’exécution et un cautionnement du paiement de la main-d’oeuvre et des matériaux, chacun s’élevant à 50% du montant payable en vertu du contrat.
3b) Au cas où il ne serait pas possible d’obtenir un cautionnement du paiement de la main-d’oeuvre et des matériaux, tel que requis aux termes de l’alinéa 3a) ci-dessus, en s’adressant par conséquent à au moins deux compagnies de garantie acceptables, un dépôt de garantie supplémentaire s’élevant à 10% exactement du montant payable en vertu du contrat doit être fourni.
3c) Lorsqu’une soumission a été accompagnée d’un dépôt de garantie tel que décrit à l’alinéa 1b) ci-dessus, le montant du dépôt de garantie requis en vertu de l’alinéa 3a) ci-dessus peut être réduit du montant du dépôt de garantie qui accompagnait la soumission.
3d) Les obligations doivent être de la forme approuvée et doivent être émises par des compagnies dont les obligations sont acceptées par le gouvernement du Canada. Des modèles de la forme approuvée des garanties à déposer par les soumissionnaires, des garanties d’exécution et des cautionnements du paiement de la main-d’oeuvre et des matériaux ainsi qu’une liste des compagnies de garantie aceptables peuvent être obtenus en s’adressant au Services d’approvisionnement, Conseil national de recherches du Canada, édifice X-00, xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx, Xxxxxx (Xxxxxxx) X0X XX0, Xxxxxx.
Article 6 - Intérêt payé sur les dépôts de garantie
1) Les soumissionnaires sont avertis qu’ils doivent se mettre d’accord personnellement avec leurs banquiers relativement à l’intérêt, le cas échéant, payé sur le montant du chèque certifié accompagnant leur soumission. Le Conseil ne paiera pas d’intérêt sur ledit chèque en attendant l’adjudication du contrat et ne sera pas non plus responsable du paiement des intérêts en vertu de toute disposition prise par les soumissionnaires.
Article 7 - Taxe sur les ventes
1) Le montant de la soumission doit comprendre toutes les taxes prélevées en vertu de la Loi sur l’accise, de la Loi sur la taxe d’accise, de la Loi sur la sécurité de la vieillesse, de la Loi sur les douanes ou du Tarif des douanes en vigueur ou applicables à ce moment.
2) Au Québec, la taxe provinciale ne doit pas être incluse au montant soumissionné, car le Gouvernement Fédéral en est exclu. Les soumissionnaires devront faire les démarches nécessaires
auprès du Ministère du Revenu provincial pour recouvrir toute taxe payée sur les biens et services dans le cadre de ce contrat.
Cependant , les soumissionnaires devraient inclure dans leur prix, les taxes provinciales pour lesquelles les remboursements ne s’appliquent pas.
Article 8 - Examen de l’emplacement
1) Tous les soumissionnaires examineront l’emplacement des travaux proposés avant d’envoyer leur soumission, étudieront minutieusement ledit emplacement et obtiendront tous les renseignements nécessaires à la bonne exécution du contrat. Aucune réclamation postérieure ne sera permise ou admise relativement à tout travail ou matériaux pouvant être requis et nécessaires à la bonne exécution du présent contrat à l’exception des dispositions de l’article CG 35 des Conditions générales du cahier des charges général.
Article 9 - Erreurs, omissions, etc.
1a) Les soumissionnaires relevant des erreurs ou des omissions dans les dessins, le cahier des charges ou d’autres documents, ou ayant des doutes quant au sens ou à l’intention de n’importe quelle partie de ces derniers, devront en avertir immédiatement l’ingénieur qui fera parvenir des directives ou des explications écrites à tous les soumissionnaires.
1b) Ni l’ingénieur, ni le Conseil ne seront responsables des directives orales. 1c) Les additions ou les corrections effectuées au cours de la présentation
des soumissions seront incluses dans la soumission. Cependant, le contrat remplace toutes les communications, négociations et tous les accords, sous forme verbale ou écrite, se rapportant aux travaux et effectués avant la date du contrat.
Article 10 - Nul paiement supplémentaire pour accroissement des frais
1) Les seules autres modifications pouvant être apportées au prix forfaitaire sont celles précisées dans les Conditions générales du Cahier des charges général. Le prix forfaitaire ne sera pas modifié à la suite de changements dans les tarifs de transport, les cotes des changes, les échelles de salaire, le coût des matériaux, de l’outillage ou des services.
Article 11 - Adjudication
1a) Le Conseil se réserve le pouvoir et le droit de rejeter les soumissions provenant de parties ne possédant pas les connaissances et la préparation requises à la bonne exécution de la catégorie de travaux mentionnés dans les présentes et précisés dans les plans. Les soumissionnaires doivent fournir la preuve de leur compétence lorsque cela est exigée.
1b) Un soumissionnaire peut être tenu de faire parvenir au Services d’approvisionnement, Conseil national de recherches Canada, édifice
X-00, xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx, Xxxxxx (Xxxxxxx) X0X XX0, Xxxxxx, des copies non signées des polices d’assurance auxquelles il envisage de souscrire pour satisfaire aux exigences relatives aux assurances comprises dans les Conditions d’assurance du Cahier des charges général.
1c) Le Conseil ne s’engage pas à accepter la soumission la plus basse ni une soumission quelconque.
Article 00 - Xxxx TPS
1) La TPS qui est maintenant en vigueur est applicable à cette proposition; cependant, l’entrepreneur devra proposer un prix NE COMPRENNANT PAS la TPS. La TPS détaillée séparément dans toutes les factures et demandes de paiement partiel présentées pour des produits fournis ou un travail accompli et sera payée par le Canada. Le montant de la TPS sera inclus dans le prix total du contrat. L’Entrepreneur convient de verser à Revenu Canada tout montant payé ou dû au titre de la TPS.
Compagnies de cautionnement reconnues
Publiée septembre 2010
Voici une liste des compagnies d'assurance dont les cautionnements peuvent être acceptés par le gouvernement à titre de garantie.
Assurance ACE INA
Allstate du Canada, Compagnie d'assurances
Ascentus Ltée, Les Assurances (cautionnement seulement) Aviva, Compagnie d'Assurance du Canada
AXA Assurances (Canada)
AXA Pacific Compagnie d'assurance
Le Bouclier du Nord Canadien, Compagnie d'Assurance
Certas direct, compagnie d'assurances (cautionnement seulement) Chubb, Compagnie d'assurances du Canada
Commonwealth, Compagnie d'assurances du Canada
Compagnie d'assurance Chartis du Canada (anciennement La Cie d'assurance commerciale AIG du Canada) Co-operators General, Compagnie d'assurance
CUMIS, Compagnie d'assurances générales
La Dominion du Canada, Compagnie d'assurances générales
Échelon, Compagnie D'Assurances Générale (cautionnement seulement) Economical, Compagnie Mutuelle d'Assurance
Elite, Compagnie d'assurances
La Compagnie d'Assurance Everest du Canada Federated, Compagnie d'assurances du Canada Federation, Compagnie d'assurances du Canada La Compagnie d'assurance et de Garantie Grain Gore Mutual Insurance Company
The Guarantee, Compagnie d'Amérique du Nord
Industrielle Alliance Pacifique, Compagnie d'Assurances Générales Intact Compagnie d'assurance
Jevco, Compagnie d'assurances (cautionnement seulement) Compagnie canadienne d'assurances générales Lombard Compagnie d'assurance Xxxxxxx
Xxxxxx, Compagnie d'assurances du Canada Missisquoi, Compagnie d'assurances
La Nordique compagnie d'assurance du Canada
The North Waterloo Farmers Mutual Insurance Company (fidélité du personnel seulement) Novex Compagnie d'assurance (fidélité du personnel seulement)
La Personnelle, compagnie d'assurances La Compagnie d'Assurance Pilot Compagnie d'Assurance du Québec
Royal & Sun Alliance du Canada, société d'assurances Saskatchewan Mutual Insurance Company Compagnie d'Assurance Scottish & York Limitée
La Souveraine, Compagnie d'Assurance Générale TD, Compagnie d'assurances générales
Temple, La compagnie d'assurance Traders, Compagnie d'assurances générales
La Compagnie Travelers Garantie du Canada Compagnie d'Assurance Trisura Garantie Waterloo, Compagnie d'assurance
La Compagnie Mutuelle d'Assurance Wawanesa Western, Compagnie d'assurances
Western, Compagnie de garantie
Les cautionnements de garantie des compagnies suivantes peuvent être acceptés à condition que le contrat de garantie soit conclu dans une province où la compagnie est autorisée à faire affaires, comme il est indiquée entre parenthèses.
AXA Boréal Assurances Inc. (I.-P.-É., N.-B., Qué., Ont., Man., C.-B.) ALPHA, Compagnie d'assurances Inc. (Québec)
Canada West Insurance Company (Ont., Man., Sask., Alb., C.-B., T.-N.-0.) (cautionnement seulement)
La Capitale assurances générales inc. (T.-N.-L., N.-É, I.-P.-É, Qué. (cautionnement seulement), Man., Sask., Alb. C.-B., Nun., T.-N.-O., Yuk.)
Coachman Insurance Company (Ont.)
La Compagnie d'Assurance Continental Casualty (T.-N.-L., N.-É, I.-P.-É, N.-B., Qué., Ont., Man., Sask., Alb. C.-B., Nun., T.-N.-O., Yuk.)
GCAN Compagnie d'assurances (T.-N.-L., N.-É, I.-P.-É, N.-B., Qué., Ont., Man., Sask., Alb. C.-B., Nun., T.-N.-O., Yuk.)
The Insurance Company of Prince Xxxxxx Island (N.-É, I.-P.-É, N.-B.)
Kingsway Compagnie d'assurances générales (N.-E., N.-B., Qué., Ont., Man., Sask., Alb., et C.-B.)
La Compagnie d'Assurance Liberté Mutuelle (T.-N.-L., N.-É, I.-P.-É, N.-B., Qué., Ont., Man., Sask., Alb. C.-B., Nun., T.-N.-O., Yuk.)
Norgroupe Assurances Générales Inc.
Orléans, compagnie d'assurance générale (N.-B., Qué., Ont.) Saskatchewan Government Insurance Office (Sask.)
SGI CANADA Insurance Services Ltd. (Ont., Man., Sask., Alb.) Société d'assurance publique du Manitoba (Man.)
Union Canadienne, Compagnie d'assurances (Québec)
L'Unique assurances générales inc. (T.-N.-L., N.-É, I.-P.-É, N.-B., Qué. (cautionnement seulement), Ont. (cautionnement seulement), Man., Sask., Alb. C.-B. (cautionnement seulement), Nun., T.-N.-O., Yuk.)
Aspen Insurance UK Limited
Compagnie Française d'Assurance pour le Commerce Extérieur (fidélité du personnel seulement) Eagle Star Insurance Company Limited
Société des Assurances Ecclésiastiques (fidélité du personnel seulement) Lloyd's, Les Souscripteurs du
Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance Company, Limited NIPPONKOA Insurance Company, Limited Assurances Sompo du Japan
Tokio Maritime & Nichido Incendie Compagnie d'Assurances Ltée XL Insurance Company Limited (cautionnement seulement) Zurich Compagnie d'Assurances SA
Contrat de construction – Articles de convention (23/01/2002)
A1 Contrat
A2 Description des travaux et date d’achèvement A3 Prix du contrat
A4 Adresse de l’entrepreneur A5 Tableau des prix unitaires
Les présents Articles de convention faits en double le jour de
Sa Majesté la Reine, du chef du Canada (ci-àprès appelé “ Sa Majesté”) représentée par le Conseil National recherches du Canada. (ci-àprès appelé “ le Conseil”)
( ci-àprès appelé “l’Entrepreneur”)
Font foi que sa Majesté et l’Entrepreneur ont établi entre eux les conventions suivantes:
1.1 Sous réserve des paragraphes A1.4 and A1.5, les documents constituant le contrat passé entre Sa Majesté et l’Entrepreneur (ci-après appelé le Contrat) sont:
1.1.1 les présents Articles de convention;
1.1.2 les documents intitulés “Plans et devis” et annexés aux présentes sous la cote “A”;
1.1.3 le document intitulé “Modalités de paiement” et annexé aux présentes sous la cote “B”;
1.1.4 le document intitulé, “Conditions générales” et annexé aux présentes sous la cote “C”;
1.1.5 le document intitulé, “Conditions de travail” et annexé aux présentes sous la cote “D”;
1.1.6 le document intitulé, “Conditions d’assurance” et annexé aux présentes sous la cote “E”;
1.1.7 le document intitulé, “Conditions de garantie du contract” et annexé aux présentes sous la cote “F”; et
1.1.8 toute modification au Contract en accord avec le Conditions génerales.
1.1.9 le document intitulé “Échelles de juste salaire pour les contrats fédéraux de construction”, désigné dans le présent document par l’appellation “Échelles de justes salaires”.
1.2 Le Conseil désigne de SAGI (Services administratifs et gestion de l’immobilier du CNRC, du gouvernement du Canada, Ingénieur aux fins du Contrat et à toute fin, y compris aux fins accessoires, l’adresse de l’Ingénieur est réputée être:
1.3 Dans le Contrat
1.3.1 “ Entente à prix fixe” désigne la partie du Contrat où il est stipulé qu’un paiement global sera fait en contrepartie de l’exécution des travaux auxquels elle se rapporte; et
1.3.2 “ Entente à prix unitaire” désigne la partie du Contrat où il est stipulé que le produit d’un prix multiplié par un nombre d’unité de mesurage d’une catégorie sera versé à titre de paiement pour l’exécution des travaux visés par cette entente.
1.4 Toute dispositions du Contrat qui s’applique expressément et seulement à une Entente à prix unitaire ne s’applique à aucune partie des travaux qui relève de l’ Entente à prix fixe.
1.5 Toute dispositions du Contrat qui s’applique expressément et seulement à une Entente à prix fixe ne s’applique à aucune partie des travaux qui relève de l’ Entente à prix Unitaire.
A2 Description des travaux et date d’achèvement (23/01/2002)
2.1 Entre la date des presentes Articles de convention et le jour de , l’Entrepreneur exécute, avec soin et selon le règles de l’art, à l’endroit et de la manière indiqueés, les travaux suivants,
plus particulièrement décrits dans les Plans et devis.
A3 Prix du marché (23/01/2002)
3.1 Sous réserve de toute addition, soustraction, déduction, réduction ou compensation prévue en vertu du Contrat, Sa Majesté, aux dates et de la manière énoncées ou mentionnées dans les Modalités de paiement, paie à l’Entrepreneur:
3.1.1 la somme de $ (TPS/TVH en sus), en considération et l’exécution des travaux ou des parties de travaux à laquelle s’applique l’Entente à prix fixe, et
3.1.2 une somme égale à l’ensembre des produits du nombre d’unités de mesurage de chaque catégorie de travail, d’outillage ou de matériaux indiqué dans le Certificat définitif de mesurage mentionné ou paragraphe CG44.8, ce nombre d’unités étant multiplé selon le cas par le prix de chaque unité indiquée dans le Tableau des prix unitaires relativement à l’exécution des travaux ou des parties de travaux qui ont fait l’object d’une Entente à prix unitaire.
3.2 Pour le gouverne de l’ Entrepreneur et des personnes chargées de l’exécution du Contrat au nom de sa Majesté, mais sans toutefois comporter une garantie ou un engagement de quelque nature de la part de l’une ou l’autre partie, il est estimé que la somme totale payable par Sa Majesté à l’Entrepreneur pour la partie des travaux qui a fait l’object d’une Entente à prix unitaire, sera d’environ N/A $
3.3 L’alinéa A3.1.1 ne s’applique qu’à une Entente à prix fixe.
3.4 L’alinéa A3.1.2 et le paragraphe A3.2 ne s’appliquent qu’à une Entente à prix unitaire.
A4 Adresse de L’Entrepreneur (23/01/2002)
4.1 Aux fins du Contract, y compris les fins accessoires, l’adresse de l’Entrepreneur est réputé être:
A5 Tableau des prix unitaires (23/01/2002)
5.1 Il est convenu entre Sa Majesté et l’Entrepreneur que le tableau ci-après est le Tableau des prix unitaires pour le Contrat:
Colonne 1 | Colonne 2 | Colonne 3 | Colonne 4 | Colonne 5 | Colonne 6 |
Postes | Catégorie de | Unité de | Quantité totale | Prix unitaire | Prix total |
travail | mesurage | estimative | estimatif | ||
outillage ou de | |||||
matériaux | |||||
N/A | |||||
5.2 Le Tableau des prix unitaires présenté au paragraphe A5.1 décrit la partie des travaux visée par l’Entente à prix unitaire.
5.3 La partie des travaux qui n’est pas décrite dans le Tableau des prix unitaires mentionné au paragraphe A5.2 est la partie des travaux visée par l’Entente à prix fixe.
Signé au nom de Sa Majesté par
Xxxx Xxxxxx
en tant que agent supérieur de contrats
en tant que
du Conseil national de recherches Canada
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.1 Work under this contract covers the heat exchanger and piping repair work in the Council's Building U-70 of the National Research Council.
.4 Contractor's duties:
.1 Unload at site.
.2 Promptly inspect products and report damaged or defective items.
.3 Give written notification to the Departmental Representative for items accepted in good order.
.4 Handle at site, including uncrating and storage.
.5 Repair or replace items damaged on site.
.6 Install, connect finished products as specified.
.1 To ensure that any controlled product brought on site by the contractor or sub- contractor is labeled;
.2 To make available to the workers and the Departmental Representative, Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for these controlled products;
.3 To train own workers about XXXXX, and about the controlled products that they use on site;
.4 To inform other contractors, sub-contractors the Departmental Representative, authorized visitors and outside inspection agency personnel about the presence and use of such products on the site; and
.5 The site foreman or superintendent must be able to demonstrate, to the satisfaction of the Departmental Representative, that he/she has had WHMIS training and is knowledgeable in its requirements. The Departmental Representative can require
replacement of this person if this condition or implementation of WHMIS is not satisfactory.
.1 The word "provide" indicated in this Specification means to supply and install. Site Examination
.1 All work is to be on or before August 30th 2013
.1 Submit, for approval by the Departmental Representative, a breakdown of tender before submitting the first request for progress payment.
.2 Use the approved cost breakdown as the basis for submitting all claims.
.1 Install only new materials on this project unless specifically noted otherwise.
.2 Only first class workmanship will be accepted, not only with regard to safety, efficiency, durability, but also with regard to neatness of detail and performance. Security Deposit.
.1 Submit no later than 72 hours after tender closing, a complete list of sub trades for the Departmental Representative's review.
.1 For tendering purposes, the site visit(s) must be attended in the presence of the Departmental Representative.
.1 Comply with the requirements of Fire Commissioner of Canada Standards No. 301 and 302.
.1 Provide all materials required to protect existing equipment.
.2 Erect dust barriers to prevent dust and debris from spreading through the building.
.5 Protect the buildings, roads, lawns, services, etc. from damage which might occur as a result of this work.
.6 Plan and co-ordinate the work to protect the buildings from the leakage of water, dust, etc.
.7 Ensure that all doors, windows, etc., that could allow transfer of dust, noise, fumes, etc., to other areas of the building are kept closed.
.8 Secure working area at the end of each day's work and be responsible for the same.
.9 Provide and maintain adequate safety barricades around the work sites to protect NRC personnel and the public from injury during the carrying out of work.
.10 Post warnings in all instances where possible injury could occur such as Work Overhead, Hard Hat Areas, etc. or as required by the Departmental Representative.
.1 Do not use explosive actuated tools, unless permitted expressly by the Departmental Representative.
.2 Comply with the requirements of CSA A-166 (Safety Code for Explosive Actuated Tools).
.1 Ensure that all signs, notices, etc. are posted in both official languages.
.2 Ensure that all identification of services called for by this contract are bilingual.
.1 Bear the costs of temporary heat and ventilation during construction including costs of installation, fuel, operation, maintenance, and removal of equipment.
.3 Furnish and install temporary heat and ventilation in enclosed areas as required to:
.1 Facilitate progress of work.
.2 Protect work and products against dampness and cold.
.3 Reduce moisture condensation on surfaces to an acceptable level.
.5 Provide adequate ventilation to meet health regulations for a safe working environment.
.4 Maintain minimum temperature of 10 oC (50 oF) or higher where specified as soon as finishing work is commenced and maintain until acceptance of the structure by the Departmental Representative. Maintain ambient temperature and humidity levels as required for comfort of NRC personnel.
.1 Dispose of exhaust materials in a manner that will not result in a harmful or unhealthy exposure to persons.
.6 Maintain strict supervision of operation of temporary heating and ventilating equipment.
.1 Enforce conformance with applicable codes and standards.
.2 Comply with instructions of NRC Fire Prevention Officer including provision of full-time watchmen services when directed.
.4 Vent direct-fired combustion units to outside.
.1 Conditions of use, special equipment, protection and maintenance, replacement of filters.
.3 Saving on contract price.
.4 Provisions relating to guarantees on equipment.
.1 Before tender closing, examine drawings and specifications. Report at once to the Departmental Representative, any defects, discrepancies, omissions or interferences affecting the work.
.2 Provide items mentioned in either the drawings or the specification.
.4 Any work done after such a discovery, until authorized, is at the contractor's risk.
.5 Where special interferences are encountered on the job and they have not been pointed out on the original tender or on the plans and specifications, provide offsets, bends or reroute the services to suit job conditions at no extra cost.
.6 Arrange all work so as not to interfere in any way with other work being carried out.
.7 Commencement of work will imply an acceptance of existing conditions.
.1 Co-operate with NRC staff in order to keep disruption of normal research work to an absolute minimum.
.2 Work out in advance, a schedule for all work which might disrupt normal work in the building.
.3 Have schedule approved by the Departmental Representative.
.1 Prior to concealing any services that are installed, ensure that all inspection bodies concerned, including NRC, have inspected the work and have witnessed all tests. Failure to do so may result in exposing the services again at the contractor's expense.
.1 On completion, or as required by local authority inspectors and/or Departmental Representative during progress of work and before any services are covered up and flushing is complete, test all installations in the presence of the Departmental Representative.
.2 At all other times, special written passes are required for access to the building site.
.3 Obtain permission from the Departmental Representative to perform the specific tasks before scheduling any work outside normal working hours.
.5 All persons employed by the contractor, or by any subcontractor, and working on the site must wear and keep visible identification badges issued by the Council.
.1 Complete all work on or before August 30th 2013.
.1 Arrange for all service interruptions with the Departmental Representative. Do not operate any NRC equipment or plant.
.2 Allow 72 hours notice prior to cutting into any existing service.
.3 All service interruptions are to be of minimum duration.
.4 Protect existing services as required and immediately make repairs if damage occurs.
.5 Provide detours, bridges, alternate feeds, etc., as required to minimize disruptions.
.6 Plan and perform work in advance in order to minimize disruption and service interruption.
.1 Submit to Departmental Representative for review, shop drawings, product data and samples specified within 1 week after contract award.
This list shall be updated on weekly basis and any changes to the list shall be immediately notified in writing to the Departmental Representative.
.3 Review shop drawings, data sheets and samples prior to submission.
.1 Submit samples in sizes and quantities specified.
.2 Where colour, pattern or texture is criterion, submit full range of samples.
.3 Construct field samples and mock-ups at locations acceptable to Departmental Representative.
.1 Unless otherwise specified, comply with manufacturer's latest printed instructions for materials and installation methods.
.1 The contractor shall keep on the site, one (1) up-to-date copy of all specifications, drawings and bulletins pertaining to the work, in good order, available to the Departmental Representative and to his representatives at all times.
.2 At least one (1) copy of such specifications and drawings shall be marked by the contractor to show all work "As Built" and shall be handed over to the Departmental Representative with the Application for Payment and for the Final Certificate of Completion.
.1 Inspect the site before commencing work, review any unexpected conditions with the Departmental Representative.
.2 Commencement of work will imply acceptance of existing conditions.
.1 Restrict operations on site to the areas approved by the Departmental Representative at the time of tendering.
.2 Locate all temporary structures, equipment, storage, etc., to the designated areas.
.3 Restrict parking to the designated areas.
.4 Do not restrict access to the building, routes, and services.
.5 Do not encumber the site with materials or equipment.
.1 Make prior arrangements with the Departmental Representative before starting work or moving materials and equipment on site.
.4 Provide and maintain access to site.
.5 Build and maintain temporary roads and provide snow removal during period of work.
.6 Make good any damage and clean up dirt, debris, etc., resulting from contractor's use of existing roads.
.1 Ensure that no part of the building or work is subjected to a load which will endanger safety or cause permanent deformation or structural damage.
.1 A source of temporary power will be made available in the area. Bear all costs to make connections to the power source and perform distribution on site.
.2 Provide all load centres, breakers, conduit, wiring, disconnects, extension cords, transformers, as required from the source of power.
.3 Power is to be used only for power tools, lighting, controls, motors, and not for space heating.
.4 A source of temporary water will be made available if required.
.5 Bear all costs associated with distributing the water to the required locations.
.1 Contractor to erect a temporary site office at his own expense.
.2 Install and maintain a telephone, if necessary.
.3 Use of NRC phones not permitted unless in the case of an emergency.
.1 Provide sanitary facility, and bear all associated costs.
.1 Hold regular project meetings at times and locations approved by the Departmental Representative.
.2 Notify all parties concerned of meetings to ensure proper coordination of work.
.2 Do not store flammable or explosive materials on site without the authorization of the NRC Fire Prevention Officer.
.1 Provide temporary drainage and pumping as required to keep excavations and site free of water.
41. | ||
Construct and maintain all temporary enclosures as required to protect foundations, sub- soil, concrete, masonry, etc., from frost penetration or damage. | ||
.2 | Maintain in place until all chances of damage are over and proper curing has taken place. | |
.3 | ||
.4 | ||
.5 | ||
42. | LAYOUT OF WORK | |
.1 | ||
.2 | ||
.3 | Locate and preserve general reference points. | |
.4 | Employ competent person to lay out work in accordance with control lines and grades provided by the Departmental Representative. | |
43. | CONCEALING | |
.1 | Conceal all services, piping, wiring, ductwork, etc., in floors, walls or ceilings except where indicated otherwise. | |
.1 | Maintain an awareness of responsibility to avoid space conflict with other trades. | |
.2 | Throughout the course of construction, keep continuously acquainted with field conditions, and the work being developed by all trades involved in the project. | |
.1 | Cut existing surfaces as required to accommodate new work. | |
.2 | Remove all items as shown or specified. | |
.3 | Patch and make good with identical materials, the surfaces that have been disturbed, cut or damaged, to the Departmental Representative's satisfaction. | |
.4 | Where new pipes pass through existing construction, core drill an opening. Size openings to leave 12mm (1/2") clearance around the pipes or pipe insulation. Do not drill or cut any surface without the approval of the Departmental Representative. |
.6 | Obtain written approval of the Departmental Representative before cutting openings through existing or new structural members. Seal all openings where cables, conduits or pipes pass through walls with an acoustic | |
sealant conforming to CAN/CGSB-19.21-M87. | ||
.7 | ||
46. | ||
.1 | ||
.2 | Provide on-site dump containers for collection of waste materials and rubbish. | |
47. | FINAL CLEAN-UP | |
.1 | Upon completion do a final clean-up to the satisfaction of the Departmental Representative. | |
.2 | Clean all new surfaces, lights, existing surfaces affected by this work, replace filters, etc. | |
.3 | ||
.1 | Dispose of waste materials including volatiles, safely off NRC property. Refer to the article entitled "Fire & General Safety" of this section. | |
49. | WARRANTY | |
.1 | Refer to General Conditions "C", section GC32. | |
.2 | ||
.1 | ||
.2 | Manuals to be neatly bound in hard cover loose leaf binders. |
Manuals to include operating and maintenance instructions, all guarantees and warranties, shop drawings, technical data, etc., for the material and apparatus supplied under this contract. | ||
51. | ||
.1 | Use of Identification Badges is mandatory in NRC buildings. | |
.2 | ||
52. | ||
.1 | ||
.2 | ||
.3 | ||
.4 | Approval of alternatives will be signified by issue of an Addendum to the Tender Documents. | |
.5 | ||
53. | DRAWINGS | |
.1 | The following drawings illustrate the work and form part of this contract These drawings are included at the end of the statement of work section further in this specification booklet . |
.1 46-IMC0119-001 through 46-IMC0119-005
.2 Original Drawings 3A . P2, P3 and P4 (included for reference and information )
.1 The Contractor shall take all necessary steps to protect personnel (workers, visitors, general public, etc.) and property from any harm during the course of the contract.
.2 The Contractor shall be solely responsible for the construction safety of both its employees and those of its sub-contractors at the work site, and for initiating, maintaining and supervising safety precautions, programs and procedures in connection with the performance of the work.
.3 The Contractor shall comply with all Federal, Provincial and Municipal safety
codes and regulations and the Occupational Health and Safety Act and the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board. In the event of any conflict between any provisions in legislation or codes, the most stringent provisions shall apply.
.4 Periodic review of the contractor’s work by the Departmental Representative, using the criteria of the contract documents, does not relieve the contractor of his safety responsibilities in carrying out the work in accordance with the contract documents. The contractor shall consult with the Departmental Representative to ensure that this responsibility is carried out.
.5 The Contractor shall ensure that only competent personnel are permitted to work on site. Throughout the term of the contract, any person will be removed from the
site who is not observing or complying with the safety requirements.
.6 All equipment shall be in safe operating condition and appropriate to the task.
.7 Following a project and site hazard assessment, the Contractor shall develop a Site Specific Safety Plan based on the following minimum requirements:
.1 Notice of Project
.2 Site specific Safety Policy
.3 Copy of Ontario Health and Safety Act
.4 Building Schematic showing emergency exits
.5 Building emergency procedures
.6 Contact list for NRC, Contractor and all involved sub-contractors
.7 Any related MSDS sheets
.8 NRC Emergency phone number
.8 The Contractor shall provide competent personnel to implement its safety
program and those of any Health and Safety Act legislation applicable at this project location, and to ensure they are being complied with.
.9 The Contractor shall provide safety orientation to all its employees as well as those of any subcontractors under its jurisdiction.
.10 The Departmental Representative will monitor to ensure that safety requirements are met and that safety records are properly kept and maintained. Continued disregard for safety standards can cause the contract to be cancelled and the Contractor or sub-contractors removed from the site.
.11 The Contractor will report to the Departmental Representative and jurisdictional authorities, any accident or incident involving Contractor or NRC personnel or the public and/or property arising from the Contractor’s execution of the work.
.1 Authorities
1. The Fire Commissioner of Canada (FC) is the authority for fire safety at NRC.
a. Standard No. 301 - June 1982 "Standard for Construction Operations";
b. Standard No. 302 - June 1982 "Standard for Welding and Cutting".
.2 Smoking
.1 Smoking is prohibited inside all NRC buildings, as well as roof areas.
.2 Obey all "NO SMOKING" signs on NRC premises.
.3 Hot Work
.2 Prior to commencement of "Hot Work", review the area of hot work with the Departmental Representative to determine the level of fire safety precautions to be taken.
.4 Reporting Fires
.1 Know the exact location of the nearest Fire Alarm Pull Station and telephone, including the emergency phone number.
.2 REPORT immediately, all fire incidents as follows:
.1 Activate nearest fire alarm pull station and;
.2 Telephone the following emergency phone number as appropriate:
FROM ANY OTHER PHONE (000) 000-0000
.5 Interior and Exterior Fire protection & Alarm Systems
.6 Fire Extinguishers
.1 Provide a minimum of 1-20 lb. ABC Dry Chemical Fire Extinguisher at each hot work or open flame location.
.2 Provide fire extinguishers for hot asphalt and roofing operations as follows:
a. Kettle area - 1-20 lb. ABC Dry Chemical;
b. Roof - 1-20 lb. ABC Dry Chemical at each open flame location.
.3 Provide fire extinguishers equipped as below:
c. Pinned and sealed;
d. With a pressure gauge;
e. With an extinguisher tag signed by a fire extinguisher servicing company.
.4 Carbon Dioxide (C02) extinguishers will not be considered as substitutes for the above.
.7 Roofing Operations
.1 | Kettles: | |
.1 | ||
.2 | ||
.3 | Do not operate kettles at temperatures in excess of 232oC (450 oF). | |
.4 | ||
.5 | Demonstrate container capacities to Departmental Representative prior to start of work. | |
.6 | ||
.2 | Mops: | |
.1 | Use only glass fibre roofing mops. | |
.2 | Remove used mops from the roof site at the end of each working day. |
.3 Torch Applied Systems:
.3 Provide a Fire Watch as required by article 1.8 of this section.
.4 Store all combustible roofing materials at least 3m (10 feet) away from any structure.
.8 Welding / Grinding Operations
.1 Contractor to provide fire blankets, portable fume extraction devices, screens or similar equipment to prevent exposure to welding flash, or xxxxxx from grinding.
.9 Fire Watch
.1 Provide a fire watch for a minimum of one hour after the termination of any hot work operation.
.2 For temporary heating, refer to General Instructions Section 00 010 00.
.3 Equip fire watch personnel with fire extinguishers as required by article 2.6.
.10 Obstruction of access/egress routes-roadways, halls, doors, or elevators
.11 Xxxxxxx and Waste Materials
.1 Keep rubbish and waste materials to a minimum and a minimum distance of 6m (20 feet) from any kettle or torches.
.2 Do not burn rubbish on site.
.3 Rubbish Containers
.1 Consult with the Departmental Representative to determine an acceptable safe location for any containers and the arrangement of chutes etc. prior to bringing the containers on site.
.2 Do not overfill the containers and keep area around the perimeter free and clear of any debris.
.4 Storage
.1 Exercise extreme care when storing combustible waste materials in work areas. Ensure maximum possible cleanliness, ventilation and that all safety standards are adhered to when storing any combustible materials.
.2 Deposit greasy or oily rags or materials subject to spontaneous combustion in CSA or ULC approved receptacles and remove at the end of the work day or shift, or as directed.
.12 Flammable Liquids
.1 The handling, storage and use of flammable liquids is governed by the current National Fire Code of Canada.
.3 Flammable liquids are not to be left on any roof areas after normal working hours.
.4 Transfer of flammable liquids is prohibited within buildings.
3. Questions and/or clarifications
.1 Direct any questions or clarification on Fire or General Safety, in addition to the above requirements, to the Departmental Representative.
National Research Council Conseil national de recherches Canada Canada
Institute for Aerospace Institute de
Research recherche aérospatiale Aerodynamics Laboratory Laboratoire d’aérodynamique
Xxxxxx, Xxxxxx X0X 0X0
Statement of Work
9m Low Speed Wind Tunnel Heat Exchanger and Piping Repairs.
NRC Project Number: Aerospace 46-IMC0119 ASPM 3817
SOW Number:
Version: 7
Prepared By: Xxx Xxxxxx
Telephone: (000) 000-0000 Facsimile:
1.0 Background and Purpose
The National Research Council’s 9m Wind Tunnel requires extensive repairs to a large bank of heat exchangers located within the settling chamber area of the wind tunnel (see Figures #1-#5).
For the past ten years or more, this system of heat exchangers has been operated in the summer months using treated water, and drained for the duration of the winter. The system is no longer operational due to excessive leaks. The leaks have been caused mostly by standing water that has frozen during the winter and broken a few of the tubes in some of the heat exchangers. This problem has been made worse by the amount of rust buildup in the heat exchanger tubes.
The heat exchanger system is comprised of five separate vertical columns of heat exchangers, only the center three columns are being repaired at this time. There are a total of 42 individual heat exchangers (coils), 38 of which are of common construction, 4 of which are smaller units of a different design.
2.0 Schedule
2.1 The contractor shall complete all work defined in this statement of work on or before August 30, 2013.
3.0 Mandatory Qualifications
3.1 As a mandatory bidding requirement the Contractor (or the subcontractor that will be responsible for the piping fitting /welding/repair aspects of this project) must be holders of a valid Certificate of Authorization, issued by the TSSA, for the fabrication and assembly of process piping in accordance with ASME B31.3 Process Piping Code.
4.0 Scope of Work and Supply
4.1 Materials Supply
All construction materials will be provided to the contractor by the NRC except for the following:
• All fabrication consumables such as for welding, grinding, steelwork and painting.
• Paint.
• Gaskets for the heat exchangers and piping.
4.2 Heat Exchanger Disassembly
4.2.1 The contractor shall remove (cut away) the horizontal sections (expansion loops) of the supply and return piping immediately adjacent to the heat exchanger manifolds. In many cases, there are no flanges between the supply piping and the heat exchanger manifolds. Clearances are tight, and in many cases, plasma cutting is assumed to be the most effective cutting process. The center column consists of seven supplies, seven drains, and seven 180o elbow assemblies (heat exchanger couplers). See Figure #5. The left and right columns have a similar number of piping connections. This totals to 65 short piping assemblies to remove.
4.2.2 The contractor shall remove the piping manifolds from the heat exchangers. There are approximately 40 bolts in each manifold, and 42 manifolds to remove. The heat exchanger end caps have already been removed.
4.3 Heat Exchanger Tube Cleaning
4.3.1 The contractor shall remove all debris from the heat exchanger tubes. Each heat exchanger has approximately 39 tubes, 15 feet long each. There are 42 heat exchangers.
4.4 Heat Exchanger Weep Holes
4.4.1 Each heat exchanger coil has a 3/8” diameter internal weep (drainage) hole that is easily accessible when the manifold has been removed. Some of these weep holes have likely become plugged due to rust build-up. The contractor shall ensure that all of the weep holes are open. See Figure #14.
4.5 Heat Exchanger Manifold Cleaning, Repairs, Adapters and Re-assembly
4.5.1 The manifolds are made from plate steel with 3.5” diameter pipe welded to them as outlets. The contractor shall clean each manifold (remove excessive rust build up and old gasket) as needed to ensure a leak-free and reliable gasket contact surface.
4.5.2 The contractor shall clean the heat exchanger as needed to ensure a leak-free and reliable gasket contact surface.
4.5.3 The contractor shall modify the manifold outlets as per Drawing 46- IMC0119-004. There are 38 manifolds to modify as shown, and another 4 to modify similarly using 2.5” pipe. Also see Figure #7.
4.5.4 Some of the manifolds have excessive local corrosion around the outlet pipes and drain fittings (see Figure #6). The contractor shall repair these areas by welding build-up as needed to restore the manifold’s original thickness in the affected areas.
4.5.5 The contractor shall supply and install new gaskets for all heat exchanger manifolds. The gaskets shall be cut from 1/16” thick EPDM rubber such as Garlock 8314.
4.5.6 The contractor shall re-install all manifolds and ensure that the fasteners have been properly torque-tightened as follows:
• Outlet Manifolds: 7/16” UNC bolts shall be tightened to 40 ft-lb.
• A second round of torque-tightening shall be required 24 hours or more after the first tightening to ensure the gaskets are fully set.
4.6 Heat Exchanger End Cap Cleaning and Installation
4.6.1 The contractor shall clean each of the heat exchanger end caps as needed to ensure a leak-free and reliable gasket contact surface.
4.6.2 The contractor shall clean the heat exchanger as needed to ensure a leak-free and reliable gasket contact surface.
4.6.3 The contractor shall supply and install new gaskets for all of the end caps. The gaskets shall be cut from 1/16” thick EPDM rubber such as Garlock 8314.
4.6.4 The contractor shall re-install all end-caps and ensure that the fasteners have been properly torque-tightened as follows:
• End caps: 3/8” UNC bolts shall be tightened to 25 ft-lb.
• A second round of torque-tightening shall be required 24 hours or more after the first tightening to ensure the gaskets are fully set.
4.7 New Heat Exchanger Supply Piping (Expansion Loop Piping)
4.7.1 The original 3.5” supply expansion loops shall be replaced with new 3” Schedule 40 carbon steel pipe. The new expansion loop will connect to the heat exchanger and the existing supply pipe using grooved pipe fittings and welded-on adapters. Drawing 46-IMC0119-001 shows the new expansion loop pipe assembly to be fabricated and installed. There are 16 locations where the assembly shown on Drawing 46-IMC0119-001 is required, and another 7 locations where similar supply piping assemblies shall be completely field-fit between existing piping and the heat exchanger manifolds. The lower-most heat exchanger in the center column will not be installed while the contractor is on site, therefore the contractor is not required to complete the supply piping for this heat one heat exchanger (to be completed by NRC).
4.8 New Heat Exchanger Drain Piping (Expansion Loop Piping)
4.8.1 The original 3.5” drain expansion loops shall be replaced with new 3” Schedule 40 carbon steel pipe. In addition, an isolation valve will be installed in each of these expansion loops. The valves are 3” diameter butterfly valves designed to be installed using grooved (Victaulic style) fittings. The new expansion loop will connect to the heat exchanger and the existing 8” drain pipe using grooved pipe fittings and welded-on adapters. Drawing 46-IMC0119-003 shows the new expansion loop pipe assembly to be fabricated and installed. There are 17 locations where the assembly shown on Drawing 46-IMC0119-003 is required, and another 6 locations where similar supply piping assemblies shall be completely field-fit between existing piping and the heat exchanger manifolds.
4.9 New Heat Exchanger Coupling Piping (180o elbows)
4.9.1 Most of the heat exchangers are coupled in pairs, such that one 3.5” supply riser pipe supplies two 5’ x 15’ heat exchanger coils with the flow passing through them in series. The connection between paired heat exchanger coils is a fabricated 180o elbow. The contractor shall replace these elbows with 3” Schedule 40 carbon steel pipe, elbows and adapters for grooved fittings. Drawing 46-IMC0119-002 shows the new elbow assemblies to be fabricated and installed. There are 19 locations where the assembly on drawing 46- IMC0119-002 is required. The lower-most heat exchanger in the center column will not be installed while the contractor is on site, therefore the contractor is not required to complete the coupling piping between this heat exchanger and the one immediately above it (to be completed by NRC).
4.10 New Supply Valves
4.10.1 There are 19 existing 3.5” diameter supply valves (globe valves). All of these valves shall be replaced with 3” diameter butterfly valves. The contractor shall remove and dispose of the old valves and flanges, and weld- install new flanges and make-up piping for these valves. The valve installations shall be as per Drawing 46-IMC0119-005.
4.10.2 The contractor shall install all valves and supply all flange gaskets required to do so.
4.11 New Supply Line Weld Outlets
4.11.1 The contractor shall weld-install one ¾” diameter threaded weldolet (branch outlet) above each of the 23 supply valves as per Drawing 46-IMC0119-005. These ports will be used for leak testing, winterising and possibly for sacrificial anodes.
4.12 New Vent Lines
4.12.1 Each of the three columns of heat exchanger coils has threaded piping connected to the top of each column to purge air from the heat exchanger system. The existing arrangement has one outlet per heat exchanger column which are then collected into one pipe that runs down and to the top of the cooling tower. The contractor shall remove this existing piping.
4.12.2 New vent lines shall be installed using 1.5” diameter schedule 40 carbon steel pipe with threaded fittings. Three separate vent lines shall be installed (one per column). The vent lines shall branch off of the outlet for the top heat exchanger in each column and run vertically to the bottom of the settling chamber alongside the existing supply and return piping, pass through the tunnel shell and terminate with a ball valve located approximately at the same height as the existing supply valves.
4.12.3 The air vent lines shall be supported at the top of the vertical run by one hanger, and guided using u-bolts at the same 4 locations as the supply piping (see drawing # 11056, sheet 4). The contractor shall install these pipe supports.
4.12.4 The vent lines shall be finished with one coat primer and one coat oil-based rust paint (white).
4.13 Pneumatic Control Tubing for the Drain Isolation Valves
4.13.1 The new butterfly valves (pneumatically actuated) installed in the drain lines require ¼” plastic tubing for the supply and exhaust of control air. Each of the 23 valves will require an independent supply (control) line.
4.13.2 All of the exhaust ports of the valve actuators in each column shall be connected to a common tube (i.e. one common exhaust line per heat exchanger column).
4.13.3 All of the pneumatic tubing shall be run vertically inside the nearest structural column (14” wide-flange I-beam). All tubing shall be run to the bottom of the column and a coil of 10’ extra tubing shall be left for others to terminate.
4.13.4 The tubes shall be secured to the column using NRC supplied tube guides in 8 locations per column (24 total). Each tube guide requires the contractor to drill and tap two holes for #12 machine screws.
4.13.5 All tubing shall be installed after welding and cutting operations are completed to avoid damage.
4.14 Weld Inspections and Acceptance Criteria
4.14.1 All welding work completed by the contractor shall meet or exceed the visual inspection criteria as per ASME B31.3-2006 table 341.3.2 “Normal and Category M Fluid Service”. Inspection to be conducted by NRC Departmental Representative
4.14.2 In case of disagreement in regards to the visual inspection of certain welds, NRC will hire a qualified independent examiner to review the disputed welds. The result of this third party examination shall be binding.
4.15 Leak Tests
4.15.1 Each of the 23 sections of the heat exchanger shall be leak tested using water at 150 psig. The test shall include all piping and components between the supply valves at the ground level and the newly installed drain valve. Pass criteria: no visible leaks after 10 minutes of full pressure. The contractor may use compressed air to quickly check their work for leaks as needed to avoid delays associated with hydraulic testing. Pneumatic leak tests shall not exceed 25 psig at any time.
4.15.2 Each of the three drain lines (8” vertical columns) shall also be leak tested using water at 150 psig. The test shall include all components from (and including) the 8” isolation valves at ground level to (and including) the newly installed 3” drain valves. Pass criteria: no visible leaks after 10 minutes of full pressure.
4.16 Repairs as a result of failed leak test(s)
4.16.1 New piping, new piping welds, grooved fitting connections and heat exchanger gasket leaks. Leaks in any of these areas are the contractor’s responsibility to repair and re-test.
4.17 Miscellaneous
4.17.1 The contractor shall verify all piping dimensions on supplied drawings before fabricating each pipe assembly to ensure there are no interferences or problems.
4.17.2 All contractor personnel that will be using the mast climbing work platforms shall be trained to do so by the manufacturer of the system (Klimer) or one of their approved partners. The contractor shall be responsible for organizing and paying for this training. A representative for Xxxxxx can be contacted at (000) 000-0000 or This training must be organized to occur no later than 1 week after contract award.
4.17.3 In several areas, the fins of the heat exchanger have been flattened. The contractor shall straighten these fins.
5.0 Site Conditions:
5.1 Access to the Settling Chamber
Prior to the contractor’s arrival, the NRC will have the site prepared as follows:
5.1.1 Exterior scaffolding similar to that shown in Figure #10.
5.1.2 The access hatch in the tunnel shell will have been opened.
5.1.3 Interior scaffolding will have been installed as shown in Figure #11.
5.2 Access to the Heat Exchanger (Mast Climbing Work Platforms, MCWP)
Prior to the contractor’s arrival, the NRC will have the site prepared as follows:
5.2.1 Two mast climbing work platforms will have been installed into the wind tunnel settling chamber. One mast climber will be on the upstream side of the heat exchanger, and the other on the downstream side. The mast climber platforms extend the full width of the three columns of heat exchangers.
5.2.2 The heat exchanger piping cannot be accessed directly from the main platform of the upstream MCWP. Platform extensions and associated railing need to be manually extended after reaching the desired working height.
The extensions cannot be left extended while travelling vertically because of interferences with various piping supports and wind tunnel structure. See Figure #13 for an example of a platform extension. The platform extensions include a system of handrail posts, plywood decks, wood 2x6’s for handrails and scaffold planks. The contractor shall be responsible for custom cutting plywood decks and 2x6 handrails as needed to suit each platform extension.
5.2.3 The mast climbers are rated for four people plus 2000 lbs of equipment, equally distributed across the main platform.
5.3 Electric Chain Falls
5.3.1 On the upstream side of the heat exchanger (piping side) there will be four, 1 ton electric chain falls with remote controls. Three of the chain falls have 60 feet of chain, the fourth one has only 15 feet. The controller can operate all four of the chain falls simultaneously, or in any combination of up/down/off.
5.3.2 The contractor may use these chain falls, however the contractor shall correct any damages that occur to them during their use.
5.4 Power Supply
Prior to the contractor’s arrival, the NRC will have the site prepared as follows:
5.4.1 An auxiliary power panel installed under the deck of the scaffolding inside the settling chamber that can provide the following power:
• 120V, 20A, six circuits are available.
• 208V, three phase, 30A outlets. Three circuits are available.
5.5 Lighting
5.5.1 Basic lighting for inside the settling chamber will be set-up by the NRC; however work lighting is the contractor’s responsibility.
5.6 Facility Access
5.6.1 The contractor will have access to the settling chamber and to the exterior of the settling chamber. The contractor is responsible for their own worksite storage and exterior covered work areas, if required.
5.6.2 Washroom / lunchroom facilities are not available; the contractor is responsible to provide their own hospitality areas.
5.7 Waste
5.7.1 The contractor shall provide their own waste disposal.
5.7.2 All hazardous materials brought to site by the contractor shall be handled appropriately, and removed completely before the contractor leaves the site at the end of the project.
5.7.3 The contractor shall also dispose of, or recycle, any waste and metal produced by the project.
5.8 Landscaping
5.8.1 The grounds around the site are grassy / sandy areas with generally very good drainage. The contractor shall be responsible to repair any ruts, or holes left in the grounds by their vehicles or equipment. Re-seeding is not necessary.
Lateral Guide (Piping Support)
Drain Piping and Horizontal Expansion Loop
Heat Exchanger Coupling Piping
Supply Piping and Horizontal Expansion Loop
8” Collector Drain Pipe
Heat Exchanger Manifold
Pipe Oulet.
Figure 7: Example of a Manifold Fitted with a New Adapter for 3” Grooved Fittings
Figure 9: Example of a 3” Grooved Pipe Adapter Ready for Welding to a 3.5” Branch of the 8” Drain Line.