Convention de partenariat
Convention de partenariat
du projet
UIA03-081, DIAMS, DIgital alliance for Aix-Marseille Sustainability. | |
Période de mise en oeuvre | 01.11.2018/31.10.2021 |
Autorité urbaine principale Partenaire du projet n°1 | Métropole Aix-Marseille-Provence |
Partenaire du projet n°2 | AtmoSud |
Partenaire du projet n°3 | ARIA Technologies |
Partenaire du projet n°4 | A Lab in the AIR |
Partenaire du projet n°5 | Geopost - Groupe La Poste |
Partenaire du projet n°6 | Matrice |
Partenaire du projet n°7 | L'Air et Moi |
Partenaire du projet n°8 | Ecologicsense SAS - Groupe Tera |
Partenaire du projet n°9 | GIP AVITEM |
Table des matières
Processus de decision sous la convention 6
Obligations generales des Parties 7
Performance des projets et des initiatives 10
Gestion des paiements anticipes, des frais de preparation et de cloture et financement des activites communes 11
Droits d'audit, evaluation du projet et archivage des documents 14
Droits de propriete intellectuelle 15
Responsabilites des Parties 17
Non-respect des obligations et responsabilite 17
Delegation et succession legale 19
Changements dans le Partenariat 19
Modification de l'accord et modification du projet 19
Convention de Partenariat pour la mise en œuvre du projet
UIA03-081, DIAMS, DIgital alliance for Aix-Marseille Sustainability
dans le cadre du programme européen UIA
Au regard du:
- Cadre légal exposé à l’Article 1 du Contrat de Subvention signé entre l’Entité Mandatée et la Métropole Aix-Marseille-Provence, agissant en tant qu’Autorité Urbaine Principale du Projet UIA03-081 – DIAMS ;
- L’article 8.1(a) du susmentionné Contrat de Subvention La présente Convention doit être stipulée entre:
Métropole Aix-Marseille-Provence,
Dénommée “Autorité Urbaine Principale”
Représentée par: Xxxxxxx XXXXXX, Vice-Président de la Métropole Aix-Marseille-Provence délégué aux Relations internationales et européennes
Et AtmoSud,
Représenté par: Xxxxxx-Xxxxxxx XXXXX, Président
Et ARIA Technologies,
Représenté par: Xxxxxxx XXXXXXXXX, CEO
Et A Lab in the AIR,
Représenté par: Xxxxxx-Xxxxxxx XXXXX, Président
Et Geopost - Groupe La Poste,
Représenté par: Xxxxxxxx XXXXXXX, Président
Et Matrice,
Représenté par: Xxxxxxx XXXXXXXX, Président
Et L'Air et Moi,
Représenté par: Xxxxxx Xxxx XXXXXXXX, Président
Et Ecologicsense SAS - Groupe Tera,
Représenté par: Xxxxxx XXXXXXX, CEO
Représenté par: Xxxxxxx XXXXXX, Directeur général
Ci-denommés les Partenaires du projet.
Pour la mise en œuvre du projet UIA03-081 - DIAMS, approuvé par le Comité de Sélection le 17/09/2018, la présente convention doit être élaborée entre les partenaires du projet et les Parties reconnaissent ce qui suit:
1. Dans le cadre de cette convention, les mots et abréviations suivants auront les significations suivantes:
Convention : Convention de Partenariat du Projet.
Formulaire de candidature : le formulaire de candidature, défini dans l’annexe 1 de ce contrat, ainsi que les modifications du dossier de candidature qui sont approuvées par les autorités de l’initiative.
Décision d’Approbation : la décision d'approbation du Comité de Sélection comme indiquée dans le Contrat de Subvention
Initiative : l’Initiative “Actions Innovatrices Urbaines”
Autorités de l’Initiative : L’Entité Mandatée (y compris le Secrétariat Permanent), la Commission Européenne et l'Autorité de Certification et de Paiement.
Autorité Urbaine (Principale) : l’Autorité Urbaine (ou Autorité Urbaine Principale dans le cadre d’un groupement ou association d’autorités urbaines sans statut légale d’une agglomération organisée) est la responsable principale de l’ensemble de la réalisation et de la gestion du projet. Elle porte la responsabilité financière et juridique vis-à-vis de l’Autorité Mandatée.
Convention de partenariat : Contrat signé entre tous les partenaires du projet contenant toutes les obligations et responsabilités de chaque partenaire avant, pendant et après la réalisation du projet.
Projet : UIA03-081 - DIAMS comme décrit dans le Formulaire de Candidature.
Partenaires du projet: les partenaires du projet, mentionnés dans le formulaire de candidature, y compris l’Autorité Urbaine Principale.
Subvention: le co-financement maximal du Feder alloué au projet tel que défini dans le dossier de candidature.
Contrat de Subvention : Convention entre l’Autorité Mandatée et l’Autorité Urbaine (Principale), précisant les conditions à travers lesquelles l’Autorité Mandatée verse la subvention pour la mise en œuvre du projet, à l’Autorité Urbaine Principale (pour le compte de tous les partenaires du projet).
Guide UIA : La dernière version publiée du Guide UIA.
2. L’objet de la présente convention, le cadre légal, comme exposé à l’Article 1 du contrat de subvention doivent être appliqués.
1. Les parties de cette Convention sont l’Autorité Urbaine Principale et les partenaires du projet, comme mentionnés plus haut et listés dans la dernière version approuvée du formulaire de candidature.
2. L’objet de cette Convention est de définir les modalités d’exécution et d’établir les principes de coopération et les règles et procédures qui régulent les droits et les responsabilités entre les Parties du Partenariat pour la mise en œuvre du projet UIA03-081 - DIAMS, comme indiqué dans les annexes. Les annexes – y compris les obligations sur lesquelles ils s’inspirent et sur lesquelles ils se reposent, sont considérées comme partie intégrante de la Convention:
▪ Annexe 1 – dernière version du Formulaire de Candidature, approuvé par l’Initiative UIA.
▪ Annexe 2 – le Contrat de Subvention signé entre l’Entité Mandatée et l’Autorité Urbaine Principale
3. La durée du projet sera de 36 mois à compter du 01/11/2018), jusqu’au 31/10/2021
4. L’Autorité Xxxxxxx Principale et tous les partenaires du Projet s’engagent à mettre en œuvre le projet conjointement, conformément à la répartition des tâches, précisée dans le Contrat de Subvention, avec pour objectif d’atteindre les objectifs et résultats du projet.
5. Les termes et les conditions ici sont reconnus et acceptés par toutes les Parties. L’Autorité Xxxxxxx Principale et les Partenaires du Projet doivent respecter les règles et procédures et accomplir l’ensemble des obligations stipulées dans la présente Convention, dans le Contrat de Subvention et dans la dernière version approuvée du Formulaire de Candidature, ainsi que les conditions et/ou les recommandations sous lesquelles la subvention de l’Initiative est versée aux projets sélectionnés.
1. La convention entrera en vigueur à la date à laquelle elle est signée par le dernier des Parties.
2. La convention prendra fin à la date à laquelle chacun des Partenaires du projet recevra sa part du paiement final, selon les obligations inscrites à l’article 8.4 de la Convention de Partenariat et à
l’article 7.1.c du Contrat de Subvention. En particulier, toutes les dispositions nécessaires à la réalisation des obligations d’archivage et d’audit, définies dans cette convention, doivent rester en vigueur jusqu’à la fin de la période référée dans l’article 9.4 de la présente Convention.
3. En cas de conflit non résolu entre les Partenaires du Projet résultant de la mise en œuvre du projet, la Convention de Partenariat restera en vigueur jusqu’à ce que le conflit soit résolu par l’autorité compétente.
4. La convention peut être arrêtée de manière anticipée par décision justifiée du Comité des Partenaires/Partners Committee du projet DIAMS, qui procédera aux changements relatifs aux conséquences de cette résiliation anticipée. Le Contrat de Subvention résilié, la présente Convention de Partenariat sera également résiliée.
Processus de décision sous la convention
1. Composition des instances : Voir AF
2. Les décisions relatives :
- aux propositions d’ajustements stratégiques du projet, notamment de nature à modifier la Convention de partenariat, seront prises par le Comité Stratégique/Steering Committee du projet DIAMS, en tenant compte des avis/enjeux des partenaires. ;
- aux activités générales du projet seront prises par le Comité des Leaders/Leaders Committee
du projet DIAMS ;
- aux activités individuelles des partenaires seront prises par le Comité des Partenaires/Partners Committee du projet DIAMS ;
- au budget général du projet seront prises par le Comité des Leaders/Leaders Committee du projet DIAMS ;
- aux budgets individuels des partenaires seront prises par le Comité des Partenaires/Partners Committee du projet DIAMS ;
- aux demandes d’exclusion et d’ajout de partenaires seront prises par par le Comité Stratégique/Steering Committee du projet DIAMS
Les décisions pourront être prises et validées en séance ou par voie par des échanges numérique par procès-verbal ou compte-rendus.
3. Le processus de décision sera organisé comme suit :
Trois instances de décisions sont mises en place pour le management du projet DIAMS, en complément des instances délibératives de chaque organisme.
- Le Comité de pilotage / Steering Committee est composé des directeurs de la stratégie environnement de la Métropole Aix Marseille Provence, d’Atmosud et du Lab in the air.
Les décisions à prendre par le Comité de pilotage / Steering Committee sont proposées par l’Autorité Urbaine Principale dans le cadre d’un ordre du jour adressé par courrier électronique au plus tard 4 jours avant la réunion. Les partenaires auront été consultés au préalable afin de prendre en compte leurs enjeux/avis sur les décisions à statuer. Les décisions sont adoptées à l’unanimité des voix.
- Le Comité des Leaders / Leaders Committee est composé des chefs de projets DIAMS de de la Métropole Aix Marseille Provence, d’Atmosud et du Lab in the air.
Les décisions à prendre par le Comité des Leaders / Leaders Committee sont proposées par l’Autorité Urbaine Principale dans le cadre d’un ordre du jour adressé par courrier électronique au plus tard 2 jours avant la réunion. Les partenaires auront été consultés au préalable afin de prendre en compte leurs enjeux/avis sur les décisions à statuer. Les décisions sont adoptées à la majorité simple des voix.
- Le Comité des Partenaires / Partner Committee est composé des chefs de projets de chaque entité partenaire.
Les décisions à prendre par le Comité des Partenaires sont proposées par l’Autorité Urbaine Principale dans le cadre d’un ordre du jour adressé par courrier électronique aux partenaires au plus tard 4 jours avant la réunion. Les décisions sont adoptées à la majorité qualifiée des deux tiers (2/3 majority), chaque partenaire étant doté d’une voix à l’exception l’Autorité Urbaine Principale dotée de 2 voix.
Obligations générales des Parties
5.1. Obligations de l’Autorité Urbaine Principale
(a) L’Autorité Urbaine Principale se soumet à toutes les obligations relatives au Contrat de Subvention et au Guide UIA, et est en charge de la coordination, la gestion et la réalisation du projet.
(b) L’Autorité Xxxxxxx Principale garantie qu'elle est autorisée à représenter les partenaires du projet envers l’Entité Mandatée/ Secrétariat Permanent et les autres autorités de l’initiative. Elle signe le Contrat de Subvention au nom de tous les partenaires et leur transmet une copie de celle-ci.
(c) L’Autorité Xxxxxxx Principale garantie que tous les partenaires ont accompli toutes les conditions légales et que toutes les autorisations nécessaires pour la réalisation correcte du projet ont été obtenues. Elle est responsable des infractions et du non-respect des obligations du Contrat par les partenaires du projet, comme pour sa propre conduite.
(d) L’Autorité Xxxxxxx Principale assume seule la responsabilité pour l’ensemble du projet envers l’Entité Mandatée. Elle assure le démarrage du projet dans les délais, et la mise en œuvre du projet dans le respect du programme de travail, en conformité avec les obligations de l’Entité Mandatée. De même, elle assure que toutes les activités envisagées dans le projet sont menées dans le respect de l’Annexe 1 de cette Convention, les législations européenne et nationale, et sont en phase avec le Guide UIA.
(e) Elle notifie à l'Entité Mandatée tous les facteurs qui peuvent nuire (retarder, entraver ou rendre impossible) la mise en œuvre des activités du projet et / ou du plan financier, ainsi que toutes les circonstances pouvant entraîner des modifications mineures et majeures du Contrat de Subvention.
(f) L'Autorité Urbaine Principale est bénéficiaire de la subvention du FEDER et gère les fonds conformément aux modalités de cet accord de partenariat. Elle assure notamment que les fonds sont transférés aux partenaires du projet dans les meilleurs délais impartis, comme suit dans l’article 8 de la présente convention.
(g) L'Autorité Urbaine Principale est responsable de la gestion administrative et financière des fonds, y compris en ce qui concerne les modalités de recouvrement des montants indûment versés. Elle est également chargée de vérifier que les dépenses déclarées par les partenaires n'ont été engagées que pour la réalisation du projet et qu'elles correspondent aux activités convenues entre les partenaires du projet dans le cadre du formulaire de candidature approuvé et conformément au Contrat de Subvention.
(h) Avant de soumettre une demande de changement au Secrétariat Permanent, l'Autorité Xxxxxxx Principale doit obtenir l'approbation de ses partenaires sur les modifications proposées. L'Autorité Xxxxxxx Principale peut fixer un délai aux partenaires pour cette approbation afin que, au-delà de cette date limite, les changements proposés soient considérés comme approuvés par les partenaires.
(i) L'Autorité Xxxxxxx Principale tiendra régulièrement informés les partenaires du projet de toute communication pertinente entre elle-même et l'Entité Mandatée/Secrétariat Permanent et informera les partenaires de toutes les questions essentielles liées à la mise en œuvre du projet.
(j) Toutes autres tâches convenues avec les partenaires du projet.
5.2. Obligations des Partenaires du Projet
(a) Chaque partenaire du projet prend toutes les mesures nécessaires à la mise en œuvre complète, dans les délais et au bon fonctionnement de sa partie du projet, conformément à la dernière version approuvée du formulaire de demande et conformément au plan de travail du projet ou convenu autrement, et conformément à la description des tâches du Contrat de Subvention.
(b) Les partenaires du projet s'engagent à prendre toutes les mesures nécessaires pour permettre à l'Autorité Urbaine Principale de s'acquitter de ses responsabilités telles que stipulées dans le contrat de subvention.
(c) Tous les partenaires doivent se conformer aux dispositions du Contrat de Subvention, du Guide UIA et de la dernière version approuvée du formulaire de candidature.
(d) Tous les partenaires doivent se conformer aux règles légales en vigueur en droit européen, aux réglementations nationales, aux ordonnances, aux décrets et aux décisions, aux permis et aux exemptions qui sont pertinents pour l'exécution de la présente convention, notamment en ce qui concerne leur propre partie du projet. Il s'agit entre autres des règles relatives aux marchés publics, aux aides d'État, à la publicité, à d'autres règles relatives à la protection de l'environnement et à l'égalité des chances.
En outre, ils s'acquittent des obligations suivantes:
(e) Xxxxxx un gestionnaire de projet et un gestionnaire financier pour les parties du projet dont ils sont responsables et donner à l'Autorité Urbaine Principale le pouvoir de représenter le partenaire dans le projet.
(f) Fournir à l'Autorité Urbaine Principale / aux Autorités responsables de l'initiative / aux autres organismes impliqués dans la mise en œuvre de l'Initiative toutes les informations demandées. Cela comprend les activités nécessaires à la coordination, au suivi, à la mise en œuvre et à l'évaluation du projet, ainsi qu'à la présentation de rapports, aux demandes de paiement et aux autres documents ou renseignements demandés par le Secrétariat Permanent. Les renseignements ainsi demandés seront fournis dans les délais et complets.
(g) Aviser immédiatement l'Autorité Xxxxxxx Principale de tout événement ou de toute circonstance pertinente pouvant entraîner une interruption temporaire ou définitive ou toute autre déviation du projet ou nuire à la mise en œuvre du projet conformément au plan de travail (exactitude, actualité, efficacité ou exhaustivité des actions). Ils informent également l'Autorité urbaine (principale) de tout changement relatif au nom de l'organisation, aux coordonnées, au statut juridique ou à toute autre modification concernant l'entité juridique du partenaire susceptible d'avoir une incidence sur le projet ou sur son admissibilité à l'Initiative .
(h) De rendre disponibles les contributions des partenaires, comme prévu dans la dernière version approuvée du formulaire de candidature et de la présente Convention de partenariat.
(i) Se conformer au budget prévu par ligne budgétaire, plan de dépenses par partenaire, répartition des tâches et des objectifs, produits et résultats par partenaire tel qu'indiqué dans le formulaire de candidature et notifier sans délai à l'Autorité Urbaine Principale, de tout événement qui pourrait entraîner une déviation.
(j) Encourager activement la participation des groupes d'intervenants, leur participation au projet et leur coopération en matière de diffusion des résultats du projet.
Performance des projets et des initiatives
1. Dans le cas où un partenaire du projet n'atteindrait pas avec succès un ou plusieurs objectifs escomptés, produits ou résultats tels qu'énoncés dans le formulaire de demande, le partenaire de projet concerné est responsable de suivre les mesures correctives demandées par les autorités de l'Initiative.
2. Dans le cas où un ou plusieurs partenaires du projet échouent à respecter les dispositions contractuelles relatives à la livraison dans les délais, à la consommation du budget et à la livraison des produits définis dans les annexes de la présente convention, l'Initiative peut réduire la subvention allouée au projet et, si nécessaire, arrêter le projet en mettant fin au Contrat de Subvention. Dans ce cas, le (s) partenaire (s) concerné (s) du projet sera responsable conformément à l'article 13 de la présente convention.
3. Les paiements de subvention non demandés par chaque partenaire du projet dans le temps imparti et dans leur intégralité peuvent être perdus pour le partenaire du projet concerné.
1. Chaque partenaire du projet ne peut déclarer que les dépenses éligibles. Pour être jugées éligibles, les dépenses déclarées de chaque partenaire du projet doivent:
a. Se rapporter aux activités et aux coûts qui sont effectués, encourus et payés à compter de la date de la décision d'approbation jusqu'à la date de fin du projet indiquée dans le formulaire de candidature ;
b. Se rapporter aux activités énoncées dans le formulaire de candidature qui sont nécessaires à la réalisation du projet et à la réalisation des objectifs, produits et résultats du projet et qui sont inscrites dans le budget du formulaire de candidature ;
c. Être raisonnables, justifiées et conformes aux règles applicables de l'UE et de l'Initiative. En l'absence de règles établies au niveau de l'UE ou de l'initiative ou dans des domaines qui ne sont pas précisément réglementés, des règles nationales ou institutionnelles conformes aux principes de bonne gestion financière s'appliquent ;
d. Être encourus et versés par le partenaire du projet et justifiés par des preuves appropriées permettant l'identification et le contrôle ;
e. Être identifiables, vérifiables, plausibles, déterminées conformément aux principes comptables pertinents et enregistrés dans un système comptable distinct ou avec un code comptable adéquat ;
f. Être vérifiées par un contrôleur de premier niveau conformément à l'article 125, paragraphe 4, du règlement (UE) n ° 1303/2013.
2. Par dérogation aux alinéas (a) à (e) de l'article 7.1, des options de coûts simplifiées peuvent être indiquées dans le Guide de l'UIA et doivent être appliquées en conséquence par chaque partenaire du projet.
3. Dans le cas où un partenaire du projet ne respecte pas les règles d'éligibilité, l'Autorité Urbaine Principale et / ou les Autorités de l'initiative peuvent imposer des mesures correctives qui doivent être mises en œuvre par le partenaire concerné. Ces mesures correctives peuvent entraîner l'exclusion de toute dépense non éligible et la demande de remboursement de tout ou partie de la subvention concernée.
1. Le versement de la subvention est soumis aux conditions suivantes :
a. L’achèvement fructueux de la Phase d’Initiation (réception de la Convention de Partenariat signée; recommandations du Comité de Sélection remplies par les bénéficiaires, etc.), par la signature de ce contrat par les Parties, et à condition que le contrôle ex-ante mené par le Contrôleur de Premier Xxxxxx n’ait soulevé aucune lacune ou irrégularité.
b. La mise à disposition des fonds par l’Entité mandatée. En cas d’indisponibilité des fonds, l’Autorité Urbaine Principale ne peut être tenue responsable des retards de paiement. Si l’Entité Mandatée ne libère pas les fonds nécessaires pour le paiement de la subvention, l'Autorité Urbaine Principale peut, à sa seule discrétion suspendre le paiement de la subvention, ou mettre fin à cette Convention. Si l’Autorité Xxxxxxx Principale exerce ses droits au titre de la présente disposition, toute réclamation par les Partenaires du projet à son encontre, quelle qu'en soit la raison, est exclue.
2. Un premier acompte FEDER, équivalent à 50% de leur part de la subvention FEDER, est versé aux Partenaires du projet par l’Autorité Urbaine Principale dans les 45 jours suivant la réception des fonds de ce premier acompte, au titre du Contrat de subvention signé avec l’Entité mandatée. Les parts versés aux Partenaires du projet dans le cadre du premier acompte FEDER sont présentés dans le tableau ci-dessous :
N° | Partenaire | Subvention FEDER | Premier acompte |
TOTAL | (montant maximum) | ||
en Euros | en Euros | ||
2 | AtmoSud | 831 060,80 € | 415 530,40 € |
3 | ARIA Technologies | 319 420,00 € | 159 710,00 € |
4 | A Lab in the AIR | 774 004,00 € | 387 002,00 € |
5 | Geopost - Groupe La Poste | 269 920,00 € | 134 960,00 € |
6 | Matrice | 356 760,00 € | 178 380,00 € |
7 | L'Air et Moi | 90 288,00 € | 45 144,00 € |
8 | Ecologicsense SAS - Groupe Tera | 399 096,80 € | 199 548,40 € |
9 | GIP AVITEM | 144 192,00 € | 72 096,00 € |
Totaux | 3 184 741,60 € | 1 592 370,80 € |
3. Un second acompte FEDER, équivalent à 30% de leur part de la subvention FEDER, est versé aux Partenaires du projet par l’Autorité Urbaine Principale dans les 45 jours suivant la réception des fonds de ce second acompte, au titre de la soumission et de l’approbation d'un rapport d’avancement intermédiaire et de la vérification des dépenses du projet par le Contrôleur de Premier Niveau. Ce paiement est accordé sous réserve que les dépenses déclarées atteignent au moins 70% du premier acompte (correspondant à 35% du budget total éligible). Dans l’hypothèse où la validation des dépenses du projet par le Contrôleur de Premier Xxxxxx conclut à un niveau dépenses éligibles inférieur au seuil susmentionné, un prorata sera appliqué au second acompte en conséquence. Ce prorata sera répercuté par l’Autorité Urbaine Principale à la part du second acompte FEDER redistribuée aux Partenaires. Les parts maximum versés aux Partenaires du projet dans le cadre du second acompte FEDER sont présentés dans le tableau ci- dessous :
N° | Partenaire | Subvention FEDER | Second acompte |
TOTAL | (montant maximum) | ||
en Euros | en Euros | ||
2 | AtmoSud | 831 060,80 € | 249 318,24 € |
3 | ARIA Technologies | 319 420,00 € | 95 826,00 € |
4 | A Lab in the AIR | 774 004,00 € | 232 201,20 € |
5 | Geopost - Groupe La Poste | 269 920,00 € | 80 976,00 € |
6 | Matrice | 356 760,00 € | 107 028,00 € |
7 | L'Air et Moi | 90 288,00 € | 27 086,40 € |
8 | Ecologicsense SAS - Groupe Tera | 399 096,80 € | 119 729,04 € |
9 | GIP AVITEM | 144 192,00 € | 43 257,60 € |
Totaux | 3 184 741,60 € | 955 422,48 € |
L’Autorité Xxxxxxx Principale peut, après consultation du Comité des Partenaires/Partners meeting, ne verser aux partenaires que la part du second acompte correspondant à la réalisation effective des activités et aux dépenses déclarées.
4. Un troisième paiement FEDER, équivalent à un maximum de 20% de leur part de la subvention FEDER est versé aux Partenaires du projet par l’Autorité Urbaine Principale dans les 45 jours suivant la réception des fonds de ce troisième paiement, au titre de la soumission et l’approbation du rapport d’avancement final. Ce rapport, soumis au plus tard 3 mois après la date de fin du projet mentionnée à l’article 2.2 du Contrat de subvention, inclut la vérification des dépenses finales du projet par le contrôleur de premier niveau. Ce paiement est basé sur le principe de remboursement des frais engagés et payés. Les parts maximum versés aux Partenaires du projet dans le cadre du troisième paiement FEDER second acompte sont présentés dans le tableau ci-dessous :
N° | Partenaire | Subvention FEDER | Troisième paiement |
TOTAL | (montant maximum) | ||
en Euros | en Euros | ||
2 | AtmoSud | 831 060,80 € | 166 212,16 € |
3 | ARIA Technologies | 319 420,00 € | 63 884,00 € |
4 | A Lab in the AIR | 774 004,00 € | 154 800,80 € |
5 | Geopost - Groupe La Poste | 269 920,00 € | 53 984,00 € |
6 | Matrice | 356 760,00 € | 71 352,00 € |
7 | L'Air et Moi | 90 288,00 € | 18 057,60 € |
8 | Ecologicsense SAS - Groupe Tera | 399 096,80 € | 79 819,36 € |
9 | GIP AVITEM | 144 192,00 € | 28 838,40 € |
Totaux | 3 184 741,60 € | 636 948,32 € |
L’Autorité Xxxxxxx Principale peut, après consultation du Comité des Partenaires/Partners meeting, ne verser aux partenaires que la part du troisième paiement correspondant à la réalisation effective des activités et aux dépenses déclarées.
5. Les frais de préparation sont fixés forfaitairement à 20 000,00 EUROS de dépenses éligibles totales et inclus dans le budget de l’Autorité Urbaine Principale. Le financement FEDER correspondant de 16 000,00 EUROS sera payé à l’Autorité Urbaine Principale par l’Autorité de Paiement en même temps que le premier acompte FEDER. Le montant FEDER de 16 000,00 EUROS sera reversé au Partenaire du projet n°4 - A Lab in the AIR, par l’Autorité Urbaine principale au titre de l’élaboration du dossier de candidature du projet DIAMS déposé le 30 mars 2018.
6. Les frais de clôture administrative et de transfert de connaissances sont fixés forfaitairement à 15 000,00 EUROS des dépenses éligibles totales et inclus dans le budget de l’Autorité Urbaine Principale. Le financement du FEDER correspondant de 12 000,00 EUROS sera versé à l’Autorité Urbaine Principale par l’Autorité de Paiement lors du paiement final, suite à l'approbation du rapport qualitatif final.
7. Le financement des activités conjointes est régi par le principe du contractant unique. Le partenaire contractuel est le seul qui finance, contracte, paie effectivement, assure la vérification et rapporte 100% du coût de l'avantage conjoint et reçoit le FEDER associé. Les modalités de partage des coûts entre les partenaires sont définies entre les partenaires comme présentées dans le formulaire de demande de subvention (Application Form).
Droits d'audit, évaluation du projet et archivage des documents
1. La Commission européenne, l'Office européen de lutte anti-fraude, la Cour Européenne des Comptes ou d'autres autorités chargées de l'initiative sont habilitées à vérifier l'utilisation correcte des fonds par les partenaires du projet ou à faire en sorte qu'une telle vérification soit effectuée par des personnes autorisées.
2. Chaque partenaire du projet produira tous les documents requis pour l'audit, fournira les informations nécessaires et donnera accès à ses locaux commerciaux.
3. Conformément aux articles 56 et 57 du Règlement (UE) 1303/2013, chaque partenaire du projet s'engage à fournir aux experts ou aux organismes indépendants effectuant toute évaluation du projet tout document ou toute information nécessaire à l'évaluation.
4. Chaque partenaire du projet archivera les documents relatifs à la mise en œuvre du projet, pendant une période de cinq ans après le paiement du solde. Ce délai est plus long s'il existe des audits, appels, litiges ou poursuites en cours concernant le contrat. Dans ce cas, les partenaires du projet doivent conserver les documents jusqu'à ce que ces audits, appels, litiges ou poursuites soient clos. D'autres périodes de conservation légales, peut-être plus longues, comme le prévoit la législation nationale, restent inchangées.
5. Conformément au règlement (UE) n ° 1303/2013, l'article 140 (archivage des documents), chaque partenaire du projet doit veiller à ce que tous les documents soient conservés soit :
c. Dans leur forme originale ;
d. Comme copie certifiée conforme des originaux ;
e. Sur des supports de données couramment acceptés, y compris des versions électroniques de documents originaux ;
f. Ou des documents existant uniquement en version électronique.
Nonobstant ce qui précède, les formats d'archivage doivent être conformes aux exigences légales nationales.
6. Les exigences visées aux points (4) et (5) s'appliquent également à tout partenaire du projet qui quitte le partenariat avant la fin du projet.
1. Les décisions relatives aux activités de communication et de divulgation des résultats du projet seront prises par le Comité des Partenaires/Partners Committee du projet DIAMS.
2. Chaque partenaire du projet mettra en œuvre un plan de communication et de diffusion qui garantira une promotion adéquate du projet et de ses résultats auprès des groupes cibles potentiels, des parties prenantes du projet et du grand public conformément au point 2.2 de l'annexe XII du règlement 1303 / 2013, le contrat de subvention (article 12) et l'UIA Guidance. Les bénéficiaires doivent accorder une attention particulière à la visibilité du financement de l'Union Européenne : toute communication ou publication relative aux projets de l'UIA effectuée par les bénéficiaires, y compris lors de conférences, séminaires ou dans tout matériel
d'information ou de promotion, doit indiquer le soutien de l’UE et afficher le logo de l’Union Européenne. Lorsqu'il est affiché en association avec un autre logo, le logo de l'Union Européenne doit avoir une importance et une visibilité particulière.
3. Les partenaires du projet produisent leur matériel de communication pour les parties prenantes locales et les citoyens dans leur propre langue.
4. Sauf si demande différente par l’Autorité Mandatée, tout avis ou publication relatif au projet, sous quelque forme et par quelque moyen que ce soit, y compris internet, doit indiquer qu'il ne reflète que les opinions de l'auteur et que les autorités de l'Initiative ne sont pas responsables pour toute utilisation qui peut être faite des informations qui y sont contenues.
5. Chaque partenaire du projet accepte que les autorités de l'Initiative soient autorisées à publier, sous quelque forme et par quelque moyen que ce soit, y compris internet, les informations suivantes:
▪ le nom et les coordonnées de l'Autorité Urbaine Principale et des Partenaires du projet,
▪ le nom du projet,
▪ un résumé des activités du projet,
▪ les objectifs du projet et la subvention,
▪ la date de début et de fin du projet,
▪ le montant de la subvention et le budget total du projet,
▪ la situation géographique de la mise en œuvre du projet,
▪ les rapports d'avancement incluant le rapport final.
6. Tout document de communication mentionnant les activités de chaque partenaire dans le projet, sera soumis à la Métropole, au préalable, pour accord.
Droits de propriété intellectuelle
Les règles de propriété de chaque bien intellectuel, produit et résultats seront à définir au cours du projet en fonction de l’apport relatif des différents partenaires pour aboutir à leurs réalisations. En effet ; le projet DIAMS aboutira à la création de plusieurs biens, produits et résultats non définis au moment de la signature de la présente convention. Il conviendra donc de déterminer tout au long du projet, la propriété, la confidentialité, la souveraineté, l’utilisation éthique et l’innovation des biens, produits et résultats
1. Connaissances propres: toutes les informations et connaissances techniques et/ou scientifiques, (notamment le savoir-faire, les secrets de fabrique, les secrets commerciaux, les données, les bases de données, logiciels, le design, les dossiers, plans, schémas, dessins, formules, et/ou tout autre type d'informations, sous quelque forme qu'elles soient, brevetables ou non, et/ou brevetées ou non), et tous les droits de propriété intellectuelle en découlant le cas échéant, nécessaires à l'exécution du Projet, appartenant à un partenaire ou détenue par elle avant la date de signature des présentes ou indépendamment de la réalisation de sa part du Projet, et sur lesquels elle détient des droits d'utilisation. "
Chaque Partenaire est et reste propriétaire de ses « connaissances propres ». lesquelles seront listées dans le cadre d'un Règlement de propriété.
2. Résultats propres : désignent tous les éléments nouveaux, de quelque nature et sous quelque forme que ce soit, qu’ils soient ou non protégés ou protégeables par un droit et/ou un titre de propriété intellectuelle et/ ou industrielle, qui résulteront du Projet, développés ou acquis exclusivement par un Partenaire et notamment toute connaissance, expérience, savoir-faire, brevet, méthode, conception d’outil, procédé, composant spécifique, logiciel.
Les « résultats propres » obtenus par un Partenaire sont et restent sa propriété exclusive laquelle sera définie, négociée et validée dans le cadre d'un Règlement de propriété en comité des partenaires, et ce avant le lancement des travaux du Projet. Dans ce cadre, les éventuelles demandes de brevet, et/ou tout autre titre de Propriété Industrielle ou Intellectuelle seront déposées ou effectuées au frais du Propriétaire, qui est libre de les protéger par tout titre de propriété intellectuelle.
3. Résultats communs : désignent tous les éléments nouveaux, de quelque nature et sous quelque forme que ce soit, qu’ils soient ou non protégés ou protégeables par un droit et/ou un titre de propriété intellectuelle et/ ou industrielle, qui résulteront du Projet au titre de l’Accord et notamment toute connaissance, expérience, savoir-faire, brevet, méthode, conception d’outil, procédé, composant spécifique, logiciel.
Les « résultats communs » développées au titre du Projet conjointement par deux ou plusieurs Partenaires appartiendront conjointement aux Partenaires concernés. Les règles de propriété des Résultats communs seront définies, négociées et validées dans le cadre d'un règlement de propriété en Comité des partenaires, et ce avant le lancement des travaux du Projet.
Pendant l'avancement du Projet et à tout moment, la propriété de tous nouveaux Résultats propres et communs sera définie, négociée et validée par le Comité de Partenaires dans le cadre d'un Règlement de propriété fixant les quotes-parts respectives des Partenaires au prorata de leurs apports, ainsi que les règles de gestion desdits résultats. Ce Règlement fera l'objet d'un avenant.
4. Les autres livrables du projet doivent être mis à la disposition du grand public gratuitement par l'Autorité urbaine (principale) et les partenaires du projet. L'Autorité Mandatée et toute autre entité concernée de l'Initiative (par exemple, la Commission européenne) peuvent se réserver le droit d'utiliser tous les livrables pour des actions d'information et de communication concernant l'Initiative. S'il existe des droits de propriété intellectuelle et industrielle préexistants qui sont mis à la disposition du projet, ceux-ci seront pleinement respectés, à condition qu'ils soient notifiés par écrit à l'Autorité Mandatée par l'Autorité Urbaine (principale) et les partenaires du projet
5. Tout revenu généré par les droits de propriété intellectuelle doit être géré conformément aux règles communautaires, nationales et de l’initiative UIA applicables dans les domaines des recettes nettes et des aides d'État. Le programme d’action du projet DIAMS comprend l’élaboration d’une politique des données qui visera à définir les conditions spécifiques de publication et de mise à disposition des données concernant la qualité de l’air qui seront produites dans le cadre du projet (Workpackage 4 - Governance - A4.1 - Strategic & requirement documents). La politique des données du projet DIAMS décrira l'approche de la Métropole en matière de traitement des données relatives à la qualité de l'air en comprenant la propriété, la confidentialité, la souveraineté, l’utilisation éthique et l’innovation. Elle sera
co-construite au cours d'ateliers stratégiques et d'experts. Un premier projet devrait être publié en septembre 2019; le document final devrait donc être publié en septembre 2020 (Livrable D.4.1.4 - DIAMS Data policy).
1. L'Autorité Urbaine (principale) assume seule la responsabilité de l'ensemble du projet tel que défini dans le Contrat de Subvention à l'égard de l’Autorité Mandatée.
2. Chaque Partenaire du projet est directement et exclusivement responsable envers l'Autorité Urbaine (principale) pour la bonne mise en œuvre de sa partie respective du projet et pour le bon respect des obligations stipulées dans la présente convention et dans le formulaire de candidature.
3. Dans le cas où un partenaire de projet ne respecte pas ses obligations telles que convenues dans le présent accord et les annexes pertinentes, le partenaire du projet concerné est seul responsable des responsabilités, des dommages et des coûts résultant du non-respect.
4. Dans les cas spécifiques de coopération avec des tiers (par exemple la conclusion de sous- contrats), y compris les fournisseurs de biens / services, le partenaire du projet concerné demeure seul responsable vis-à-vis de l'Autorité Urbaine (principale). L'Autorité Urbaine (principale) est informée par le partenaire du projet de l'objet et de la partie de tout contrat conclu avec un tiers. Tous les contrats conclus avec des tiers devront être conclus conformément à la législation européenne et nationale, y compris aux procédures énoncées dans les règles de passation des marchés publics applicables au partenaire contractuel.
5. En cas d'irrégularités, l'Autorité Urbaine (principale) assume la responsabilité globale vis-à-vis de l'entité chargée du remboursement des montants indûment versés. Si l'irrégularité est commise par un autre partenaire du projet, l'organisation concernée rembourse à l'Autorité urbaine (principale) les montants indûment versés. Lorsque des montants indûment versés à un partenaire du Projet ne peuvent être recouvrés en raison d'une négligence de l'Autorité urbaine (principale), cette dernière reste responsable du remboursement.
Non-respect des obligations et responsabilité
1. Si l'un des partenaires du projet ne remplit pas ses obligations, l'Autorité Urbaine Principale avertit le partenaire concerné et rappelle à ce partenaire de le respecter dans un délai maximum de 15 jours. L'Autorité Xxxxxxx Principale s'efforcera de contacter le (s) partenaire (s) concerné
(s) afin de résoudre les difficultés, y compris solliciter l'assistance du Secrétariat Permanent / de
l'Entité Mandatée de l'Initiative. Les partenaires du projet s'engagent à trouver une solution rapide et efficace.
2. En cas de non-respect des obligations, malgré les notifications mentionnées au point 1. du présent article, l’autorité Urbaine (principale) peut décider d'exclure ou de remplacer le partenaire concerné du projet, avec l'accord des autres partenaires. L'Entité Chargée / le Secrétariat Permanent doit être immédiatement informée par l'Autorité Urbaine (principale) de cette décision.
3. En cas de non-respect des obligations d'un partenaire ayant des conséquences financières pour le financement du projet dans son ensemble, l'Autorité Urbaine (principale) peut exiger une compensation pour couvrir le montant en cause.
4. Chaque partenaire est responsable envers les autres partenaires du projet et indemnise les dommages et les coûts résultant du non-respect de ses obligations contractuelles telles qu'énoncées dans la présente Convention et les annexes pertinents.
5. Aucun partenaire du projet ne peut être tenu pour responsable de ne pas avoir respecté les obligations qui lui incombent en vertu du présent accord en cas de non-conformité dû à un cas de force majeure. Dans un tel cas, le partenaire concerné doit l'annoncer immédiatement par écrit aux autres partenaires du projet. Le cas de force majeure est un événement imprévisible et insurmontable qui survient après la signature de la présente Convention et qui empêche l'exécution totale ou partielle de la Convention (guerres, calamités naturelles, grèves générales, insurrections, révoltes, épidémies, tremblements de terre, autres événements semblables qui ne peuvent être attribués à une partie de / liée par l'Accord). La force majeure exonère les parties de la responsabilité de ne pas exécuter partiellement ou totalement les obligations stipulées dans le Contrat pendant la période où elles apparaissent et seulement si les événements ont été dûment notifiés. Il n'est pas considéré comme un cas de force majeure un fait semblable à ceux qui sont exposés ci-dessus, qui, sans créer une impossibilité d'exécution, rend l'exécution des obligations très difficile pour l'une des parties.
1. Si l'Autorité Mandatée, conformément aux dispositions du Contrat de Subvention, demande le remboursement par l'Autorité Urbaine (principale) de tout ou partie de la subvention déjà transférée, chaque partenaire concerné par l'irrégularité entraînant le remboursement est obligé de rembourser sa part du montant de la subvention indûment perçue à l'Autorité urbaine (principale).
2. L'Autorité Urbaine (principale) doit informer sans délai le partenaire concerné de tout montant du FEDER indûment versé en raison d'une irrégularité dès qu'elle est informée par l'autorité visée. Elle transmet également sans délai la lettre par laquelle l'Autorité Mandatée a fait valoir l'ordre de recouvrement et notifie à chaque partenaire le montant à rembourser. Ce montant est dû au plus tard à la date limite indiquée par l'Autorité Urbaine (principale) conformément à la procédure de recouvrement décrite dans le Guide de l'UIA.
3. Si le montant à récupérer est assujetti à des intérêts, le taux d'intérêt sera déterminé conformément aux dispositions du contrat de subvention (article 16.4) et s'appliquera à chaque partenaire concerné.
Délégation et succession légale
1. Aucun partenaire de projet n'a le droit de transférer ses droits et obligations en vertu du présent accord sans le consentement préalable des autres partenaires du projet et des organismes d'exécution de l'Initiative responsables.
2. En cas de succession légale (par exemple, lorsque le bénéficiaire change de forme juridique), l'Autorité urbaine (principale) ou le partenaire concerné est tenu de transférer toutes les obligations prévues par le présent accord au successeur légal. L'Autorité urbaine (principale) est notifiée par écrit par le partenaire concerné et en informe l'Entité Chargée / le Secrétariat Permanent conformément aux dispositions du Contrat de Subvention.
Changements dans le Partenariat
1. Les partenaires du projet s'engagent à ne pas se retirer du projet, sauf s'ils ont des raisons inévitables de le faire, étant conscients du fait que tous les changements dans le partenariat doivent être approuvés par les autorités de l'Initiative concernées.
2. L'Autorité Urbaine (principale) informe le Secrétariat Permanent dès que les changements dans le partenariat sont prévisibles. Les changements dans le partenariat nécessitent une demande formelle de changement dûment justifiée par l'Autorité Urbaine (principale) au Secrétariat permanent et entrent en vigueur seulement après l'approbation par les autorités de l'Initiative concernées. Toutefois, une fois approuvées, elles sont valables rétrospectivement à compter de la date à laquelle la demande écrite a été soumise au Secrétariat permanent. Le cas échéant, une modification de la Convention de Partenariat peut être émise.
3. Dans le cas où un partenaire de projet se retire du projet ou en est exclu, les partenaires restants s'engagent à trouver une solution rapide et efficace pour assurer une mise en œuvre correcte des projets sans retard. En conséquence, les partenaires s'efforcent de couvrir la contribution du partenaire qui se retire en assumant ses tâches par un ou plusieurs des partenaires restants ou, dans des cas exceptionnels, en impliquant un nouveau partenaire dans le partenariat conformément aux dispositions respectives.
4. Les dispositions prévues pour les audits figurant à l'article 9 restent applicables au partenaire qui a quitté le projet ou qui a été exclu du projet.
Modification de l'accord et modification du projet
1. Le présent accord ne peut être modifié que par écrit, moyennant un avenant à cet effet signé par toutes les parties concernées. L'Autorité urbaine (principale) notifiera au Secrétariat Permanent toute modification ou tout complément au présent Accord.
2. Les modifications apportées au projet qui ont été approuvées par les autorités de l'Initiative concernées, conformément à la procédure définie dans le guide de l'UIA, peuvent être effectuées sans modification du présent accord.
1. En cas de litige (même s'il est considéré comme tel par un seul des associés), qui peut résulter d'un nouvel accord ou d'une action concrète qui relève en totalité ou en partie du présent accord, les partenaires du projet doivent d'abord travailler vers un règlement amiable.
2. Dans le cas où les partenaires ne parviennent pas à un règlement à l'amiable, le règlement sera réglé par le tribunal compétent dans le district dans lequel l'Autorité Urbaine (principale) a son siège social. Le siège social de l'Autorité Urbaine (principale) étant situé à Marseille, les parties conviennent que Tribunal d’Instance de Marseille, sis place Monthyon, 13006 Marseille est compétent pour statuer dans tous les litiges découlant du présent accord.
1. La langue de travail du présent partenariat est le français Le présent Accord est conclu en français. Tout document interne officiel du projet sera disponible en anglais.
2. Cet accord est régi par le droit français, étant la loi du pays où se trouve l'Autorité Urbaine (principale).
3. En cas de divergences entre le contrat de subvention et la présente Convention de Partenariat, les dispositions du Contrat de Subvention prévaudront.
4. Si une disposition de la présente Convention devient totalement ou partiellement inefficace, toutes les autres dispositions restent contraignantes et les parties à cette convention s'engagent à remplacer la disposition inefficace par une disposition efficace qui se rapproche le plus possible de l'objet de la disposition inefficace.
5. Le présent accord est conclu en 10 originaux dont chaque partie conserve un original. Chacun doit être contresigné par chaque partenaire du projet. L'un des originaux signés doit être transmis à l'Autorité Mandatée.
6. Les parties signataires de l'accord de partenariat ont pleinement compris et accepté le contenu du contrat de subvention et entreprennent les activités et les responsabilités au sens où elles sont incluses.
Fait à, Date:
Marseille, le
Nom de l’Autorité Urbaine Principale et Partenaire de projet n°1 :
Métropole Aix-Marseille-Provence
Nom et fonction du représentant légal:
ovence délégué aux Relations
Xxxxxxx XXXXXX, Vice-Président de la Métropole Aix-Marseille-Pr internationales et européennes
Fait à, Date:
Marseille, le
Nom du Partenaire du projet n°2:
Nom et fonction du représentant légal:
Xxxxxx-Xxxxxxx XXXXX, Président
Fait à, Date:
Boulogne-Billancourt, le
Nom du Partenaire du projet n°3:
ARIA Technologies
Nom et fonction du représentant légal:
Fait à, Date:
Aix-en-Provence, le
Nom du Partenaire du projet n°4:
A Lab in the AIR
Nom et fonction du représentant légal: Xxxxxx-Xxxxxxx XXXXX, Président Signature:
Fait à, Date:
Issy les Moulineaux, le
Nom du Partenaire du projet n°5:
GEOPOST- Groupe La Poste
Nom et fonction du représentant légal:
Xxxxxxxx XXXXXXX, Président
Fait à, Date:
Paris, le
Nom du Partenaire du projet n°6:
Nom et fonction du représentant légal:
Xxxxxxx XXXXXXXX, Président
Fait à, Date:
Marseille, le
Nom du Partenaire du projet n°7:
L'Air et Moi
Nom et fonction du représentant légal:
Xxxxxx Xxxx XXXXXXXX, Président
Fait à, Date:
Crolles, le
Nom du Partenaire du projet n°8:
Ecologicsense SAS - Groupe TERA
Nom et fonction du représentant légal:
Fait à, Date:
Marseille, le
Nom du Partenaire du projet n°9:
Nom et fonction du représentant légal:
Xxxxxxx XXXXXX, Directeur général
Part A - Project summary
A.1 Project Identification
Digital Alliance for Marseille Sustainability
Project Number
Aix Marseille Provence Metropole (AMP Metropole)
(Main) Urban Authority
Project Duration Start Date
End Date
Total Months
Air quality
A.2 Project summary
The DIAMs Project brings together citizens, communityleaders, private and public stakeholders to build a data-exchange platform focused on service deliveryand technological sovereignty, developed in an agile mode through a flagship engagement program that will foster and facilitate coordinated action at the hyper-local, city, regional, national and supra-national levels.
The platform and the program are structured around four pillars:
(1) Perception: Improve air quality information and produce high quality, detailed and adaptive air qualitydata, bycombining the power of IoT, citizens science, private initiatives and the expertise of the air qualitymonitoring networks.
(2) Balance: Enable fluid territorial and air qualitydata exchange between the urban, regional, national data platforms to build an efficient local data infrastructure and facilitate integrated planning.
(3) Creation: Tap on the citizens and private sector ‘s creativity and expertise to co-develop and implement innovative solutions for air quality.
(4) Motion: Delivering personalized and adaptive information to citizens and engaging them.
Partner | ERDFco-financing | Contribution | Total | |||||
Partner | Country | EUR | ERDFrate | Public | Private | Total | Budget | %of project budget |
PP 0 - Xxx Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx (XXX Xxxxxxxxx) | XX | 601,640.00 | 80.00% | 150,410.00 | 0.00 | 150,410.00 | 752,050.00 | 15.94% |
PP 0 - Xxx XXXX | XX | 831,060.80 | 80.00% | 0.00 | 207,765.20 | 207,765.20 | 1,038,826.00 | 22.01% |
PP 3 - ARIA Technologies | FR | 319,420.00 | 80.00% | 0.00 | 79,855.00 | 79,855.00 | 399,275.00 | 8.46% |
PP 4 - ALab in the AIR | FR | 774,004.00 | 80.00% | 193,501.00 | 0.00 | 193,501.00 | 967,505.00 | 20.50% |
PP 5 - Mobigreen - La Poste | FR | 269,920.00 | 80.00% | 0.00 | 67,480.00 | 67,480.00 | 337,400.00 | 7.15% |
PP 6 - Matrice | FR | 356,760.00 | 80.00% | 0.00 | 89,190.00 | 89,190.00 | 445,950.00 | 9.45% |
PP 7 - L'Air et Moi | FR | 90,288.00 | 80.00% | 0.00 | 22,572.00 | 22,572.00 | 112,860.00 | 2.39% |
PP 8 - Groupe Tera | FR | 399,096.80 | 80.00% | 0.00 | 99,774.20 | 99,774.20 | 498,871.00 | 10.57% |
PP 9 - AVITEM | FR | 132,992.00 | 80.00% | 33,248.00 | 0.00 | 33,248.00 | 166,240.00 | 3.52% |
Total (€) | 3,775,181.60 | 80.00% | 377,159.00 | 566,636.40 | 943,795.40 | 4,718,977.00 | 100.00% |
Part B - Partnership
Rethinking the wayenvironmental policies are designed; helping policymakers to embrace the digital era byswitching to rigid planning to citizen-driven policies involves a large arrayof skills, a large number of which are new to the Metropole; and a profond shift in the waywork is organized. Working with partners and learning the skills from practicing them on live projects can be veryrewarding.
The partnership mixes policymakers with experts in the domains of air quality(Air PACA, XXXX, XXXX) and innovation teams with extraordinaryskills (MATRICE, ALab in the AIR). It is complemented bypartners that are specialists in the fields of engagement (La Poste, l'Air et Moi). Manypartners have multiple skills. Air PACA, ALab in the AIR, La Poste, ARIAet TERAhave strong IT development competences. ALab in the AIR specializes in policies evaluation and economic analysis.
Most partners have known each other for a long time and worked together on experimental projects.
Relevance of the Partnership
B.1 - (Main) Urban Authority
Aix Marseille Provence Metropole (AMP Metropole)
Organisation name (Original)
Aix Marseille Provence Metropole (AMP Metropole)
Organisation name (English)
Member state
Number of inhabitants
The Aix Marseille Provence Metropole has been established on 1st January 2016 as the merging of 6 formerlyexisting organised agglomeration:
• Communauté Urbaine Marseille Provence Metropole
• Communauté d’agglomération du Pays d’Aix
• Communauté d’agglomération Agglopole Provence
• Communauté d’agglomération du Pays d’Aubagne et de l’Etoile
• Syndicat d’agglomération nouvelle Ouest Provence
• Communauté d’agglomération du pays de Martigues
The Metropole Aix Marseille Provence is a grouping of 92 municipalities :
Aix-en-Provence, Allauch, Alleins, Aubagne, Auriol, Aurons, La Barben, Beaurecueil, Belcodène, Berre-l'Étang, Bouc-Bel-Air, La Bouilladisse, Cabriès, Cadolive, Carry- le-Rouet, Cassis, Ceyreste, Charleval, Châteauneuf-le-Rouge, Châteauneuf-les-Martigues, La Ciotat, Cornillon-Confoux, Cuges-les-Pins, La Destrousse, Éguilles, Ensuès-la-Redonne, Eyguières, La Fare-les-Oliviers, Fos-sur-Mer, Fuveau, Gardanne, Gémenos ,Gignac-la-Nerthe, Grans, Gréasque, Istres, Jouques, Lamanon, Lambesc, Lançon-Provence, Mallemort, Marignane, Marseille, Martigues, Meyrargues, Meyreuil, Mimet, Miramas, Pélissanne, La Penne-sur-Huveaune, Les Pennes- Mirabeau, Peynier, Peypin, Peyrolles-en-Provence, Plan-de-Cuques, Port-de-Bouc, Port-Saint-Louis-du-Rhône, Puyloubier, Le Puy-Sainte-Réparade, Rognac, Rognes, La Roque-d'Anthéron, Roquefort-la-Bédoule, Roquevaire, Rousset, Le Rove, Saint-Antonin-sur-Bayon, Saint-Cannat, Saint-Chamas, Saint-Estève-Janson, Saint-Marc- Jaumegarde, Saint-Mitre-les-Remparts, Saint-Paul-lès-Durance, Saint-Savournin, Saint-Victoret, Salon-de-Provence, Sausset-les-Pins, Sénas, Septèmes-les-Vallons, Simiane-Collongue, Le Tholonet, Trets, Vauvenargues, Velaux, Venelles, Ventabren, Vernègues, Vitrolles, Coudoux, Carnoux-en-Provence, Pertuis, Saint-Zacharie
Comments, if necessary
(Direction Générale Adjointe, DGAof Metropole Aix Marseille Provence DGAMobilityand more particularly the following units:
Transport Metropolitan Integration Unit that will be involved in the MaaS Operator Work Package Communication and Marketing Unit that will be involved in the Users Experiment Work Package DGAEconomic Development and more particularly the:
European Affairs Unit that that will be responsible for the Management Work Package DGADigital Systems that will be involved in the
Department(s)/unit(s)/division(s) concerned
Head of European affairs Unit
00 Xx Xxxxxxx Xxxxx
Address Street Contact Person Position
Post Code Title
Town Forename
Xxxxxxxx-Alpes-Côte d'Azur
NUTS 2 Surname
NUTS 3 Email Address
000 000 000
Phone Number
President of Marseille Provence Metropole
Legal representative Position
Email Address
000 000 000
Phone Number
Local public authority
Legal status of the organisation Partner type
FR 19 200 054 807
VAT number
VAT recoverable
Concept development - stakeholders involvement - coordination
Involvement in the design phase
AMP leads the project. It develop the digital and environmental policies. It mobilizes existing educational/awaraness program. It sets up the data monetization framework.
Involvement in the implementation phase
Metropole Aix MArseille Provence is an urban aera, senstive to air qualityof its citizens.
Competences and experiences in relation to the challenge addressed?
Metropole Aix MArseille Provence participates and manages a lot of projects since years. Aspecial service is dedicated to managing EU co-financed projects. Metropole has a long experience to it.
Experience in participating in and/or managing EUco-financed projects or other international projects.
Total Partner Budget
ERDF(€) (a) | ERDFCo-financing rate (%) | Public Contribution (€) (b) | Private Contribution (€) (c) | Total Contribution (€) (d)=(b)+(c) | Total Eligible Cost (€) (e)=(a)+(d) |
601,640.00 | 80.00% | 150,410.00 | 0.00 | 150,410.00 | 752,050.00 |
Breakdown of Partner Budget per Work Package/ Budget Line
Work Package | Staff Costs (€) | Office and administration (€) | Travel and accommodation (€) | External expertise and services (€) | Equipment (€) | Infrastructure and Works (€) | Sub-total (€) | Revenues (€) | Total (€) |
WP 1 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 20,000.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 20,000.00 |
WP 2 | 63,000.00 | 9,450.00 | 35,000.00 | 30,000.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 137,450.00 | 0.00 | 137,450.00 |
WP 3 | 60,000.00 | 9,000.00 | 5,000.00 | 100,000.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 174,000.00 | 0.00 | 174,000.00 |
WP 4 | 60,000.00 | 9,000.00 | 0.00 | 100,000.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 169,000.00 | 0.00 | 169,000.00 |
WP 5 | 45,000.00 | 6,750.00 | 0.00 | 140,000.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 191,750.00 | 0.00 | 191,750.00 |
WP 6 | 31,500.00 | 4,725.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 36,225.00 | 0.00 | 36,225.00 |
WP 7 | 7,500.00 | 1,125.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 8,625.00 | 0.00 | 8,625.00 |
WP 8 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 15,000.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 15,000.00 |
Total (€) | 267,000.00 | 40,050.00 | 40,000.00 | 405,000.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 752,050.00 | 0.00 | 752,050.00 |
%of total budget | 35.50% | 5.33% | 5.32% | 53.85% | 0.00% | 0.00% | 100.00% | 0.00% | 100.00% |
B.3 - Delivery Partner (Partner 2)
Organisation name (Original)
Organisation name (English)
Member state
total structure
Department(s)/unit(s)/division(s) concerned
Head of Scientific Cooperation
146 Rue Paradis
Address Street Contact Person Position
Post Code Title
Town Forename
Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur
NUTS 2 Surname
NUTS 3 Email Address
0 000 000 000
Phone Number
Legal representative Position
Email Address
0 000 000 000
Phone Number
Infrastructure and (public) service provider
Legal status of the organisation Partner type
FR 65 324 465 632
VAT number
VAT recoverable
Air PACAis the french legal observatoryof Air Qualityin the PACARegion. Air PACAis responsible for workpackage 6: creation of system development of the DIAMS digital platform. Air PACAproduces in real time, observations, emissions, high resolution mapping since 40 years. AirPACAcoordinates the implementation of system architecture, sensor plateform, territorial interface and the services interface. AirPACAis also involved in the governance and the communications of DIAMS
Involvement in the design phase
Project concept development - Stakeholders involvement - Contribution to the construction of project budget
Involvement in the implementation phase
Air PACAgathers 4 groups members : local authorities (Municipalities, Regiona Council, Metropole), Regional administrations of the State and the public establishments, industries, associations dealing with environment. AirPACA, 50 people, 46 years in Air Quality(AQ), 33 permanents AQ stations inside the Metropole, emissions inventories and air qualitymodels since 20 years. Air PACA's missions are to monitor, inform, forecast, improve and support all stakeholders involved in the Air theme.
Competences and experiences in relation to the challenge addressed?
Air PACAhas been involved in 11 European Projects during the last decade, incl. in APICE (2014) and CAIMANS (2015) projects from the MED Program. Air PACAwas also partner of the MED IEVP GOUv'AIRNANCE (2016) Program. Air PACAis partner of 4 ALCOTRAProjects ; AERA(2013) PART'AERA(2014) SH'AIR ( 2015) and CLIM'AERA(2020). Air PACAis also partner of 2 projects of the LIFE program ; SYMPIC (2016) and NATURE4CITY(2022). Air PACAwas partner of APNEE (2002) and APNEETU (2003) projects.
Experience in participating in and/or managing EUco-financed projects or other international projects.
Total Partner Budget
ERDF(€) (a) | ERDFCo-financing rate (%) | Public Contribution (€) (b) | Private Contribution (€) (c) | Total Contribution (€) (d)=(b)+(c) | Total Eligible Cost (€) (e)=(a)+(d) |
831,060.80 | 80.00% | 0.00 | 207,765.20 | 207,765.20 | 1,038,826.00 |
Breakdown of Partner Budget per Work Package/ Budget Line
Work Package | Staff Costs (€) | Office and administration (€) | Travel and accommodation (€) | External expertise and services (€) | Equipment (€) | Infrastructure and Works (€) | Sub-total (€) | Revenues (€) | Total (€) |
WP 1 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
WP 2 | 56,700.00 | 8,505.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 65,205.00 | 0.00 | 65,205.00 |
WP 3 | 25,200.00 | 3,780.00 | 5,000.00 | 20,000.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 53,980.00 | 0.00 | 53,980.00 |
WP 4 | 56,000.00 | 8,400.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 64,400.00 | 0.00 | 64,400.00 |
WP 5 | 58,100.00 | 8,715.00 | 2,500.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 69,315.00 | 0.00 | 69,315.00 |
WP 6 | 178,440.00 | 26,766.00 | 2,500.00 | 550,000.00 | 5,000.00 | 0.00 | 762,706.00 | 0.00 | 762,706.00 |
WP 7 | 2,800.00 | 420.00 | 0.00 | 20,000.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 23,220.00 | 0.00 | 23,220.00 |
WP 8 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
Total (€) | 377,240.00 | 56,586.00 | 10,000.00 | 590,000.00 | 5,000.00 | 0.00 | 1,038,826.00 | 0.00 | 1,038,826.00 |
%of total budget | 36.31% | 5.45% | 0.96% | 56.79% | 0.48% | 0.00% | 100.00% | 0.00% | 100.00% |
B.3 - Delivery Partner (Partner 3)
Organisation name (Original)
Organisation name (English)
Member state
Total Structure
Department(s)/unit(s)/division(s) concerned
Project Manager
8-10 rue de la Ferme
Address Street Contact Person Position
Post Code Title
Xxxxxxxx Xxxx
Town Forename
Île de France
NUTS 2 Surname
NUTS 3 Email Address
0 000 000 000
Phone Number
Legal representative Position
Email Address
0 000 000 000
Phone Number
Legal status of the organisation Partner type
FR 27 379 180 474
VAT number
VAT recoverable
Participate in the plaform design to optimise the use of Air Quality(AQ) data at high resolution (measurements and modelisation). To ensure a dynamical mapping and interaction with the platform users. The spatial resolution needed for understanding hot spots and high concentration episodes is not uniform, so during the design phase, a hybrid mapping will be designed to identifywhere we will need high resolution data (in space but also in time) and where we will use already available results.
Involvement in the design phase
Implement different digital platforms to characterize the air qualityat high resolution (using high resolution inventory, meteorology, building characteristics) Focus on zone where the AQ will be identified as an issue (linked with Air Keepers program)
In addition, air pollution in an urban environment is not homogeneous. In anyurban environment hotspots occur, which can be related to various sources. High- resolution modelling could help identifying these hotspots and allow far more precise and more cost-effective measures that are best suited for that micro environment. Arefinement of resolution inventorycould be useful to better describe the AQ hot spots.
Involvement in the implementation phase
High-resolution mapping (3m resolution) in areas where the buildings and the emissions are verydense.
Experiences in implementing high resolution urban model (see xxxx://xxx.xxxx.xx/xxxxxxx/xxxxxxx/ Dynamical mapping combining modelisation (based on pollutant inventoryand meteorology) and microsensors data assimilation (to produce a blending of the deterministic model pattern and of the observed values that will keep the general model pattern but honor the data values).
Competences and experiences in relation to the challenge addressed?
Long experience in EU or international projects , hereafter a short list :
FEDER : AIRCITYAveryhigh resolution model 3D dispersion modelling for Paris (2013) (xxxx://xxx.xxxx.xx/xxxxxxx/xxxxxxx/ Life project :" KALAIR KALiningrad AIR Pollution induced by Traffic : modeling system design, installation and validation. " (2008)
Climate KIC : AtmoData4Health
Experience in participating in and/or managing EUco-financed projects or other international projects.
Total Partner Budget
ERDF(€) (a) | ERDFCo-financing rate (%) | Public Contribution (€) (b) | Private Contribution (€) (c) | Total Contribution (€) (d)=(b)+(c) | Total Eligible Cost (€) (e)=(a)+(d) |
319,420.00 | 80.00% | 0.00 | 79,855.00 | 79,855.00 | 399,275.00 |
Breakdown of Partner Budget per Work Package/ Budget Line
Work Package | Staff Costs (€) | Office and administration (€) | Travel and accommodation (€) | External expertise and services (€) | Equipment (€) | Infrastructure and Works (€) | Sub-total (€) | Revenues (€) | Total (€) |
WP 1 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
WP 2 | 18,000.00 | 2,700.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 20,700.00 | 0.00 | 20,700.00 |
WP 3 | 36,000.00 | 5,400.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 41,400.00 | 0.00 | 41,400.00 |
WP 4 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
WP 5 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
WP 6 | 157,500.00 | 23,625.00 | 9,000.00 | 85,000.00 | 30,000.00 | 0.00 | 305,125.00 | 0.00 | 305,125.00 |
WP 7 | 27,000.00 | 4,050.00 | 1,000.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 32,050.00 | 0.00 | 32,050.00 |
WP 8 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
Total (€) | 238,500.00 | 35,775.00 | 10,000.00 | 85,000.00 | 30,000.00 | 0.00 | 399,275.00 | 0.00 | 399,275.00 |
%of total budget | 59.73% | 8.96% | 2.50% | 21.29% | 7.51% | 0.00% | 100.00% | 0.00% | 100.00% |
B.3 - Delivery Partner (Partner 4)
ALab in the AIR
Organisation name (Original)
ALab in the AIR
Organisation name (English)
Member state
ALab in the AIR is an innovation lab dedicated to air qualtiy. It is a non-profit public-private cooperative (Société Coopérative d'Intérêt Collectif), cofunded by Air PACA. It deals with the digital transformation of air policies, and the implementation of innovation techniques for public governance and policies. It runs a dedicated space where experts, citizens and policymakers meet to work together. It is a member of the fablab foundation and of Fab&Co (corporate innovation labs)
Department(s)/unit(s)/division(s) concerned
Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx
Post Code Title
Town Forename
Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur
NUTS 2 Surname
NUTS 3 Email Address
00 000 000 000
Phone Number
Legal representative Position
Email Address
0 000 000 000
Phone Number
Legal status of the organisation Partner type
VAT number
VAT recoverable
Project concept development - Design thinking and stakeholders involvement - Prototyping - Coordination, together with AMP and an expert consultant in European Affairs.
Involvement in the design phase
Expertise in innovation processes, digital transformation (incl. IT systems architecture), evaluation frameworks and environmental/social economic analysis. Engagement of stakeholders and program animation. Digital communication and space management.
ALab in the AIR works closelywith thecamp, a major innovation accelerator based in the Metropole, and together, theywill create the DIAMS operating structure. Staff from the AMP and Air PACAwill be detached to this structure.
Involvement in the implementation phase
ALab in the AIR is run bya diverse team of professionals with a large arrayof skills. The Director, who will be heavilyinvolved in the DIAMS project, has more than 30 years experience in the fields of Air quality(modeling and policies) and innovation management in France, in the US and in the UK. The team also include a system architect, designers, IOT experts and economists. ALab in the AIR leads the digital strategyof Air PACAand has been involved in several major prototyping projects.
Competences and experiences in relation to the challenge addressed?
ALab in the AIR being a recentlycreated organization has not yet participated in EU funded projects. However some of the staff members and associate partners, have extensive experience of European and International projects.
Experience in participating in and/or managing EUco-financed projects or other international projects.
Total Partner Budget
ERDF(€) (a) | ERDFCo-financing rate (%) | Public Contribution (€) (b) | Private Contribution (€) (c) | Total Contribution (€) (d)=(b)+(c) | Total Eligible Cost (€) (e)=(a)+(d) |
774,004.00 | 80.00% | 193,501.00 | 0.00 | 193,501.00 | 967,505.00 |
Breakdown of Partner Budget per Work Package/ Budget Line
Work Package | Staff Costs (€) | Office and administration (€) | Travel and accommodation (€) | External expertise and services (€) | Equipment (€) | Infrastructure and Works (€) | Sub-total (€) | Revenues (€) | Total (€) |
WP 1 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
WP 2 | 21,600.00 | 3,240.00 | 3,000.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 27,840.00 | 0.00 | 27,840.00 |
WP 3 | 52,200.00 | 7,830.00 | 3,000.00 | 15,000.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 78,030.00 | 0.00 | 78,030.00 |
WP 4 | 36,000.00 | 5,400.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 41,400.00 | 0.00 | 41,400.00 |
WP 5 | 174,400.00 | 26,160.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 30,000.00 | 0.00 | 230,560.00 | 0.00 | 230,560.00 |
WP 6 | 311,400.00 | 46,710.00 | 5,000.00 | 60,000.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 423,110.00 | 0.00 | 423,110.00 |
WP 7 | 143,100.00 | 21,465.00 | 2,000.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 166,565.00 | 0.00 | 166,565.00 |
WP 8 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
Total (€) | 738,700.00 | 110,805.00 | 13,000.00 | 75,000.00 | 30,000.00 | 0.00 | 967,505.00 | 0.00 | 967,505.00 |
%of total budget | 76.35% | 11.45% | 1.34% | 7.75% | 3.10% | 0.00% | 100.00% | 0.00% | 100.00% |
B.3 - Delivery Partner (Partner 5)
Mobigreen - La Poste
Organisation name (Original)
Mobigreen -La Poste
Organisation name (English)
Member state
structure total
Department(s)/unit(s)/division(s) concerned
Rue Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx
Address Street Contact Person Position
Post Code Title
Issyles Moulineaux
Town Forename
Île de France
NUTS 2 Surname
NUTS 3 Email Address
000 000 000
Phone Number
Legal representative Position
Email Address
000 000 000
Phone Number
Legal status of the organisation Partner type
VAT number
VAT recoverable
Participation in the concept development. Feedback on previous experiments with sensors.
Involvement in the design phase
Creation of network of DIAMS contributors. Operation of a fleet of 300+ sensors installed on corporate vehicles and fixes stations.
Involvement in the implementation phase
Pollutrack experiment in Paris
Competences and experiences in relation to the challenge addressed?
Experience in participating in and/or managing EUco-financed projects or other international projects.
Total Partner Budget
ERDF(€) (a) | ERDFCo-financing rate (%) | Public Contribution (€) (b) | Private Contribution (€) (c) | Total Contribution (€) (d)=(b)+(c) | Total Eligible Cost (€) (e)=(a)+(d) |
269,920.00 | 80.00% | 0.00 | 67,480.00 | 67,480.00 | 337,400.00 |
Breakdown of Partner Budget per Work Package/ Budget Line
Work Package | Staff Costs (€) | Office and administration (€) | Travel and accommodation (€) | External expertise and services (€) | Equipment (€) | Infrastructure and Works (€) | Sub-total (€) | Revenues (€) | Total (€) |
WP 1 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
WP 2 | 11,600.00 | 1,740.00 | 3,000.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 16,340.00 | 0.00 | 16,340.00 |
WP 3 | 10,800.00 | 1,620.00 | 3,000.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 15,420.00 | 0.00 | 15,420.00 |
WP 4 | 1,000.00 | 150.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 1,150.00 | 0.00 | 1,150.00 |
WP 5 | 21,200.00 | 3,180.00 | 6,000.00 | 85,000.00 | 150,000.00 | 0.00 | 265,380.00 | 0.00 | 265,380.00 |
WP 6 | 16,000.00 | 2,400.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 18,400.00 | 0.00 | 18,400.00 |
WP 7 | 15,400.00 | 2,310.00 | 3,000.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 20,710.00 | 0.00 | 20,710.00 |
WP 8 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
Total (€) | 76,000.00 | 11,400.00 | 15,000.00 | 85,000.00 | 150,000.00 | 0.00 | 337,400.00 | 0.00 | 337,400.00 |
%of total budget | 22.53% | 3.38% | 4.45% | 25.19% | 44.46% | 0.00% | 100.00% | 0.00% | 100.00% |
B.3 - Delivery Partner (Partner 6)
Organisation name (Original)
Organisation name (English)
Member state
Matrice - total structure
Department(s)/unit(s)/division(s) concerned
Director general
16 avenue Xxxxxxxx xx Xxxxxxxxx
Address Street Contact Person Position
Post Code Title
Town Forename
Île de France
NUTS 2 Surname
NUTS 3 Email Address
000 000 000
Phone Number
Legal representative Position
Email Address
000 000 000
Phone Number
Interest groups including NGOs
Legal status of the organisation Partner type
If applicable
VAT number
VAT recoverable
Concept development.
Involvement in the design phase
Xxxxxxx brings a diverse arrayof creative, expert and entrepreneurial new skills bymobilizing a large set of students from the best schools of France. Theywill contribute to workshops, generate ideas, and organize events. MATRICE will also contribute to the platform development. More over, MATRICE is a powerful bridge to the academic communityand to young entrepreneurs. It also brings in its expertise in innovation management.
Involvement in the implementation phase
We are specialized in Innovative method on system development, entrepreneurship and specific method around challenges for the future in system development and IT development which is totally . The association created by Ecole 42 is in the same move than the project and have the experience of system developing..
Competences and experiences in relation to the challenge addressed?
Matrice is an association created in july 2016 which is explaning that we don' have managed EU co financed projects yet.
Experience in participating in and/or managing EUco-financed projects or other international projects.
Total Partner Budget
ERDF(€) (a) | ERDFCo-financing rate (%) | Public Contribution (€) (b) | Private Contribution (€) (c) | Total Contribution (€) (d)=(b)+(c) | Total Eligible Cost (€) (e)=(a)+(d) |
356,760.00 | 80.00% | 0.00 | 89,190.00 | 89,190.00 | 445,950.00 |
Breakdown of Partner Budget per Work Package/ Budget Line
Work Package | Staff Costs (€) | Office and administration (€) | Travel and accommodation (€) | External expertise and services (€) | Equipment (€) | Infrastructure and Works (€) | Sub-total (€) | Revenues (€) | Total (€) |
WP 1 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
WP 2 | 48,500.00 | 7,275.00 | 5,000.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 60,775.00 | 0.00 | 60,775.00 |
WP 3 | 87,000.00 | 13,050.00 | 69,000.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 169,050.00 | 0.00 | 169,050.00 |
WP 4 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
WP 5 | 53,000.00 | 7,950.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 60,950.00 | 0.00 | 60,950.00 |
WP 6 | 49,500.00 | 7,425.00 | 4,000.00 | 46,000.00 | 8,000.00 | 0.00 | 114,925.00 | 0.00 | 114,925.00 |
WP 7 | 35,000.00 | 5,250.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 40,250.00 | 0.00 | 40,250.00 |
WP 8 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
Total (€) | 273,000.00 | 40,950.00 | 78,000.00 | 46,000.00 | 8,000.00 | 0.00 | 445,950.00 | 0.00 | 445,950.00 |
%of total budget | 61.22% | 9.18% | 17.49% | 10.32% | 1.79% | 0.00% | 100.00% | 0.00% | 100.00% |
B.3 - Delivery Partner (Partner 7)
L'Air et Moi
Organisation name (Original)
L'Air et Moi
Organisation name (English)
Member state
Air and Me is a programme that raises awareness of air quality, making available a set of free-of-charge downloadable teaching tools. Air and Me aims at raising air awareness among as manychildren as possible o.This free-of-charge co-operative programme has, since its inception, involved various parties (including children, teachers, experts, doctors, facilitators and parents) working around this same aim.
Department(s)/unit(s)/division(s) concerned
00 Xxx Xxxxxxxx Torrents
Address Street Contact Person Position
Post Code Title
Xxxxxx Xxxx
Town Forename
Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur
NUTS 2 Surname
NUTS 3 Email Address
000 000 000
Phone Number
Legal representative Position
Xxxxxx Xxxx
Email Address
000 000 000
Phone Number
Legal status of the organisation Partner type
VAT number
VAT recoverable
Prototyping and stakeholder engagement
Involvement in the design phase
Development of a module air and me & Metropolis that integrates the contribution of sensors (linking with Brigades) - Create a support adapted to the process involving all parties, including the inspectorate, teachers ...
Accompanythe deployment with "Brigades" school program : awareness, support of the approach and controlled treatment of the results (children, actors of the school, municipalities, metropolis, inspectorate of academy...). Air and Me educationnal programm is focused on Work Package 5 of DIAMS' project.
Involvement in the implementation phase
Air and Me has been downloaded more than 130000 times. 250000 children were reached thanks to 500 interactive sessions in schools and high schools, and numerous train-the-trainers courses attended by 200 school nurses and lots of teachers. Currentlyspreading out on national and global scales (offices in other French regions and in Morocco), Air and Me was part of the COP23 and visited the French Ministryof environment to request support.
Competences and experiences in relation to the challenge addressed?
Air and Me project has been introduce in the AERAInterreg Alcotra Project in Genova conference (2013). Air and Me project was first transposed in Italy because of the SH'AIR Alcotra project (2015). In 2017, Air an Me has participed with Air PACAto the InAirQ Interreg project. It aims to describe the health impacts of indoor air qualityon the vulnerable population and to take action to improve the healthyenvironment in schools of Central Europe.
Experience in participating in and/or managing EUco-financed projects or other international projects.
Total Partner Budget
ERDF(€) (a) | ERDFCo-financing rate (%) | Public Contribution (€) (b) | Private Contribution (€) (c) | Total Contribution (€) (d)=(b)+(c) | Total Eligible Cost (€) (e)=(a)+(d) |
90,288.00 | 80.00% | 0.00 | 22,572.00 | 22,572.00 | 112,860.00 |
Breakdown of Partner Budget per Work Package/ Budget Line
Work Package | Staff Costs (€) | Office and administration (€) | Travel and accommodation (€) | External expertise and services (€) | Equipment (€) | Infrastructure and Works (€) | Sub-total (€) | Revenues (€) | Total (€) |
WP 1 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
WP 2 | 4,400.00 | 660.00 | 2,000.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 7,060.00 | 0.00 | 7,060.00 |
WP 3 | 12,000.00 | 1,800.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 13,800.00 | 0.00 | 13,800.00 |
WP 4 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
WP 5 | 80,000.00 | 12,000.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 92,000.00 | 0.00 | 92,000.00 |
WP 6 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
WP 7 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
WP 8 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
Total (€) | 96,400.00 | 14,460.00 | 2,000.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 112,860.00 | 0.00 | 112,860.00 |
%of total budget | 85.42% | 12.81% | 1.77% | 0.00% | 0.00% | 0.00% | 100.00% | 0.00% | 100.00% |
B.3 - Delivery Partner (Partner 8)
Organisation name (Original)
Groupe Tera
Organisation name (English)
Member state
Total structure
Department(s)/unit(s)/division(s) concerned
000 Xxx Xxxxxxx Xx Xxxxxx
Address Street Contact Person Position
Post Code Title
Town Forename
NUTS 2 Surname
NUTS 3 Email Address
0 000 000 000
Phone Number
Legal representative Position
Email Address
0 000 000 000
Phone Number
Legal status of the organisation Partner type
VAT number
VAT recoverable
Contribution to the project concept development - Stakeholders involvement - prototyping
Involvement in the design phase
Sensors kits - Contribution to the development of platform bricks (pulse app and sensor platform) - Organization of communication events (Air24 and workshops) - contribution to the WP7 workshops.
Involvement in the implementation phase
Sensors and citizens apps development. Organization of major events. Extensive experience in the field of air qualitymonitoring.
Competences and experiences in relation to the challenge addressed?
Experience in participating in and/or managing EUco-financed projects or other international projects.
Total Partner Budget
ERDF(€) (a) | ERDFCo-financing rate (%) | Public Contribution (€) (b) | Private Contribution (€) (c) | Total Contribution (€) (d)=(b)+(c) | Total Eligible Cost (€) (e)=(a)+(d) |
399,096.80 | 80.00% | 0.00 | 99,774.20 | 99,774.20 | 498,871.00 |
Breakdown of Partner Budget per Work Package/ Budget Line
Work Package | Staff Costs (€) | Office and administration (€) | Travel and accommodation (€) | External expertise and services (€) | Equipment (€) | Infrastructure and Works (€) | Sub-total (€) | Revenues (€) | Total (€) |
WP 1 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
WP 2 | 5,400.00 | 810.00 | 1,000.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 7,210.00 | 0.00 | 7,210.00 |
WP 3 | 16,920.00 | 2,538.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 19,458.00 | 0.00 | 19,458.00 |
WP 4 | 4,320.00 | 648.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 4,968.00 | 0.00 | 4,968.00 |
WP 5 | 48,900.00 | 7,335.00 | 0.00 | 235,000.00 | 163,500.00 | 0.00 | 454,735.00 | 0.00 | 454,735.00 |
WP 6 | 7,000.00 | 1,050.00 | 500.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 8,550.00 | 0.00 | 8,550.00 |
WP 7 | 3,000.00 | 450.00 | 500.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 3,950.00 | 0.00 | 3,950.00 |
WP 8 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
Total (€) | 85,540.00 | 12,831.00 | 2,000.00 | 235,000.00 | 163,500.00 | 0.00 | 498,871.00 | 0.00 | 498,871.00 |
%of total budget | 17.15% | 2.57% | 0.40% | 47.11% | 32.77% | 0.00% | 100.00% | 0.00% | 100.00% |
B.3 - Delivery Partner (Partner 9)
Organisation name (Original)
Organisation name (English)
Member state
AVITEM’s mission is to provide French public authorities with an extended set of best practices and solutions for Mediterranean sustainable cities and territories. AVITEMalso pays attention to the scalabilityand transferabilityof its projects. Candice le Tourneur, Head of the Cooperation Unit will be involved in the project.
Department(s)/unit(s)/division(s) concerned
Head of the Cooperation Unit
00 xxx Xxxxx
Address Street Contact Person Position
Post Code Title
Le Tourneur
Town Forename
Xxxxxxxx-Alpes-Côte d'Azur
NUTS 2 Surname
NUTS 3 Email Address
000 000 000
Phone Number
General Director
Legal representative Position
Email Address
000 000 000
Phone Number
Sectoral agency
Legal status of the organisation Partner type
VAT number
VAT recoverable
Concept development - stakeholders involvement
Involvement in the design phase
AVITEMwill contribute to WP2, WP3 and WP4 activities. In particular, its participation will focus on the advocacy, dissemination and transferabilityactivities: based on its experience, AVITEMwill contribute to drafting the strategic documents and to influencing policymaking vis-à-vis European, regional and local authorities. It will also lead the dissemination activities to share the project results with a large audience, through the participation to project public events, to external events, and through digital communication while reaching out to medias relying on its large network of stakeholders in the Mediterranean area. This will thus help co-build Metropole Air cities.
Involvement in the implementation phase
AVITEMgained experience through a project that aims at reducing air pollution impacts on inhabitants’ health in 4 cities. It contributed to influencing public policies while integrated measures of emissions reduction in urban planning strategies and documents. AVITEMsupervised the implementation of platforms and pilot projects dedicated to testing these decision-making tools. Our added value is also its competences in capitalization and dissemination of cooperation projects’ results.
Competences and experiences in relation to the challenge addressed?
AViTeMparticipates in:•2 MED modular projects (as Lead Partner): COWORKMED and MADRE and 2 MED projects as partner.
•2 Marittimo projects (Partner): TRIG Eau and PROMETEA•1 Interreg Europe (Partner): ZEROCO2 •1 H2020 on energyissues : HAPPEN
In previsous period, AVITEMparticipated in 10 EU co-financed MED projects on sustainable urban issues+ 2 ENPI CBC MED projects as Lead Partner including GOUV’AIRNANCE focusing on air quality, hence XXXXXX’x experience in this field.
Experience in participating in and/or managing EUco-financed projects or other international projects.
Total Partner Budget
ERDF(€) (a) | ERDFCo-financing rate (%) | Public Contribution (€) (b) | Private Contribution (€) (c) | Total Contribution (€) (d)=(b)+(c) | Total Eligible Cost (€) (e)=(a)+(d) |
132,992.00 | 80.00% | 33,248.00 | 0.00 | 33,248.00 | 166,240.00 |
Breakdown of Partner Budget per Work Package/ Budget Line
Work Package | Staff Costs (€) | Office and administration (€) | Travel and accommodation (€) | External expertise and services (€) | Equipment (€) | Infrastructure and Works (€) | Sub-total (€) | Revenues (€) | Total (€) |
WP 1 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
WP 2 | 51,600.00 | 7,740.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 59,340.00 | 0.00 | 59,340.00 |
WP 3 | 36,000.00 | 5,400.00 | 16,000.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 57,400.00 | 0.00 | 57,400.00 |
WP 4 | 24,000.00 | 3,600.00 | 15,000.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 42,600.00 | 0.00 | 42,600.00 |
WP 5 | 6,000.00 | 900.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 6,900.00 | 0.00 | 6,900.00 |
WP 6 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
WP 7 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
WP 8 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
Total (€) | 117,600.00 | 17,640.00 | 31,000.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 166,240.00 | 0.00 | 166,240.00 |
%of total budget | 70.74% | 10.61% | 18.65% | 0.00% | 0.00% | 0.00% | 100.00% | 0.00% | 100.00% |
Part C - Project description
C.1 Project relevance and innovativeness
C.1.1 Main challenge(s) to be addressed
Bounded bythe sea, and surrounded bymountains, with a warm sunnyweather, the Marseille area is conductive to the formation of ozone and PM.
The Aix-Marseille-Provence area is the second most important urban area of France; its harbor makes it the main exportation hub to the Mediterranean area. However, this intense economic activity is a major source of pollutants emissions.
Air pollution has improved despite the significant long-term economic and demographic growth. However, significant challenges remain and the area is still having some of the worst air quality in the nation. The region fails to meet the European Air Quality Standards.
Therefore, the Metropole must continue to work to further improve air qualityand to better protect public health. In this perspective, fresh thinking and new policies approaches are needed.
Indeed, the normative and top-down French structure of governance, in fact, hampers the deployment of effective action plans: lack of integration and limited information and data exchanges result in insufficient stakeholders engagement, silo thinking, unresolved conflicts of objectives, and poor cooperation between the local, national and european levels.
In addition, the digital era is making profound and rapid changes to our society, our economy, our political system. It is changing our ways of producing, consuming and living together; it affects the waycitizens relate with companies and public authorities; it is a deeplydecentralized organization where everyone can playa role and regain power: it fosters both globalization and individualization. The hierarchical management structures that most of the local governments still use todayare overwhelmed bythe challenges posed bythe complexdigital market.
The newlyestablished (1st January 2016) Aix-Marseille-Provence Métropole is therefore compelled to innovate in order to face those previouslydescribed challenges and the high expectations regarding its ability to rethink the waythe local governance plan, build and measure progress, and to set up a model that will allow everyone to activelyengage. This can be achieved bybringing together digital transformation, citizen participation and transparency.
To tackle this challenge, the Metropole will have to implement a multifold strategyusing a varietyof approaches such as accelerated deployment of cleaner technologies, best management practices, sustainable urban planning, incentive programs, behavioural change, based on an efficient governance enabling good integration and coordination between the Metropole, Regional and State agencies. In addition, the development process will have to incorporate collaborative efforts bya wide range of non-government stakeholders.
This necessarytransformation represents a great challenge for the Metropole; it is also a great opportunityto improve the efficiencyof air qualityrelated policies while creating economic and social value.
Main challenge(s) to be addressed
C.1.2 Proposed solution
The DIAMs Project brings together metropolitan policymakers, experts, citizens, communityleaders, private and public stakeholders to build a data-exchange platform focused on service deliveryand technological sovereignty, developed in an agile mode through a flagship engagement program that will foster and facilitate coordinated action at the individual, hyper-local, city, regional, national and supra-national levels.
The overall program is structured around four pillars:
- Perception: Improve air quality information and produce high quality, detailed and adaptive air qualitydata, bycombining the power of IoT, citizens science, private initiatives and the expertise of the air qualitymonitoring networks.
- Balance: Enable fluid territorial and air qualitydata exchange between the urban, regional, national data platforms to build an efficient local data infrastructure and facilitate integrated planning.
- Creation: Tap on the citizens and private sector ‘s creativity and expertise to co-develop and implement innovative solutions for air quality.
- Motion: Delivering personalized and adaptive information to citizens and policymakers and engaging them.
The DIAMS program consists in
(1) creating a network of contributors, both citizens and private organizations who put their skills (observation and analysis, insights and imagination, technologyand fabrication, leadership and communication) to work for the benefit of air quality(Perception, Creation)
(2) bringing human, spaces, data and technological resources to the network (Balance, Creation)
(3) integrating the contributors efforts outputs in the Metropolitan air qualitypolicies through participative procedures and an annual projects incubation process (Balance, Motion).
The DIAMS Platform provides the data and services used bythe Contributors. It facilitates transactions between the various stakeholders that would otherwise have difficulty finding each other. It also provides technological building blocks that are used as a foundation on top of which a large number of innovators can develop complementaryservices or products. DIAMS is organized around four structural portals:
- Sensor platform (Perception): Sensor acquisition and assimilation/aggregation procedures;
- Territorial portal (Balance): APIs for platforms communication and data exchange, Lean Emission Inventory, Cloud based conceptual analysis tools.
- Innovation portal (Creation): access to open public data and regulated access to proprietarydata; open innovation platform based around blockchain technology.
- Services platform (Motion): user-centered design applications and communitymanagement tools. Engagement mapping.
Proposed solution
C.1.3 Innovativeness of the proposed solution
The project innovativeness is threefold:
1 - In line with the “platform” strategyit builds upon approaches and tools that have been successfullydeployed in smart and inclusive cities (e.g. Barcelona, London , Amsterdam, URBANACT cities (e.g. Ghent), New York, San Xxxxxxxxx. See also EC funded projects H2020 DECODE (732546), FP7 DCENT, H2020 ICT2015 Making Sense)) and adapts them to the multi-stakeholders management of air quality. These bricks and approaches have never been deployed in an integrated air qualityprogram, and the “air as a service” platform strategyis quite revolutionary. In fact, veryfew cities included air qualitypolicies in their digital framework. To our knowledge, none of the air qualityagencies or boards has cooperated with cities to help building an integrated data infrastructure. This can be explained bythe all too common lack of governance integration in the domain of air qualitymanagement, which has historical roots (EU GOUV’AIRNANCE project). We have also learned from the IT industrywho bynature bring together various and verydifferent stakeholders, to build the foundations of business models that benefit both to the public service and to private initiatives. This is a bold approach in public governments and has not been tried in air qualitypolicies and tools, resulting in an ineffective apparent conflict between local air policies, european-monitored surveillance networks and private monitoring and reporting initiatives.
(2) It uses innovative experimental processes to ensure that the resulting program will be fully “citizen-driven”, such as design thinking, agile methods, prototyping and testing, lean evidence gathering. Again, we tap on the previous work undertook byother cities and agencies and build on it (eg EU Action Plan for Design-Driven Innovation project Design for Europe; DSI4EU H2020 project; FP7-project: TEPSIE (290771); H2020 ICT2015 project Making Sense ( 688620)); it is a first in the domain of air quality.
(3) It implements radicallynew approaches such as (i) the air qualitydata monetization framework and the development of business models that promote the constructive collaboration of citizens and entrepreneurs; (ii) interskills and inter-generational approaches byproviding shared resources and activelycreating links between citizens, industries, students and policy makers; even inter-species approaches through the deployment of connected hives and (iii) lean data performance tools for measuring and improving air policies performances.
The proposed solution is the result of years of analysis, research, benchmarks, prototyping and testing. Astrategic watch database has been created, and trends reports and newsletters have been produced. These resources will be made fully available when the project is launched.
Innovativeness of the proposed solution
C.1.4 Potential obstacles and resistance
Research and exchanges with stakeholders helped us identifyand anticipate responses to potential difficulties, the most challenging of which are the cultural shift in governments, the stakeholders lack of acceptance, and the mobilization of new skills.
DIAMS embodies a cultural shift within the air sector: from centric approaches to stakeholders-driven approaches, from strict plans to experimentation. The political system does not easily allow for change, and resistance is expected to arise. To overcome these difficulties (1) We dedicate a substantial work to the co-elaboration of effective organisational and governance frameworks; (2) ensure the smooth implementation of the program through a “project based” approach and the publication of interim results; (3) implement a thorough communication plan. Public resistance can arise from distrust of the governments and concerns about the loss of control over their personal data - a concerned shared byprivate companies who resist sharing valuable information. Byallowing stakeholders to be a part of the design process, theybecome part of the project and more than just the recipient of it. Moreover, the program includes extensive work on private data management and the design of business models.
Skills new to the Metropole will be necessary, such as digital and designing skills. DIAMS enable civil servants to learn those skills and practice them on live projects, together with external partners that will share their experience.
Potential obstacles and resistance
C.1.5 Integrated Approach
Integrated approach
Promoting the elaboration of integrated air qualitypolicies is the main objective of DIAMS, and has been its design foundation.
Improved monitoring (sensor platform) and conceptual analysis tools; stakeholders-driven bold and efficient air qualityplans (insight analysis, innovation platform, air as a service) will result in environmental performance.
DIAMS aims at tapping into the citizens and private organizations creativity and skills; to do so, a reward and data monetization framework is set up. Business models workshops involving stakeholders will help to understand the complexinteractions between emissions, control strategies, air quality, and business impacts and promote the deployment of advanced technologies. This will result in economic value creation. Byfacilitating data exchanges between the various departments and agencies involved in air qualitypolicies; enabling the quick assessments of planning scenarios; promoting experimentation, DIAMS will contribute to increase the performance of environmental policies. This will result in a better spending of public money.
strategic “city nodes”. Through these approaches and targeted actions, XXXXX creates social and cultural value. The educational benefit of DIAMS is reinforced bythe unique partnership with the MATRICE program.
ic objectives and investment priorities
Links with ERDF thematic objectives and investment priorities are as follows:
DIAMS promotes entrepreneurship and value creation through the deployment of open innovation procedures, portal and dedicated apps, the design of business models, and a stakeholder- driven policyapproach, hence contributing to objectives TO1/IP.b, TO3/IP. a, TO3/ IP.b, TO3/ IP.d.
The continuous deployment of the DIAMS platform and of its digital bricks (API, apps, etc.) contribute to the intelligent adoption of ICT technologies, hence supporting TO2/ IP. b and TO2/ IP. c. DIAMS overall objective is to improve the Metropole Air Quality, hence contributing to the objective TO6/ IP.f. However, DIAMS coordinates with other keypublic policyobjectives including
The DIAMS program creates opportunities for all citizens to develop their skills, access resources, meet peers and create value through their contributions. The DIAMS network is built from
C.1.6 Link to ERDFthemat
Link to ERDFThematic Objectives and Investment Priorities
transportation, energyand climate goals, indirectlycontributing to Thematic Objectives TO4/b-e-f, TO7/c.
Special effort is put in the monitoring and evaluation of environmental performance policies, hence contribution to objective TO6/g.
The social and inclusive aspects of DIAMS (network of Citizens brigades, access to organizational and technical resources, participative democracy) contribute to objectives TO9/ c-d. The creation of a multi-stakeholder operational structure will contribute to objective TO8/a.
C.2 Project context and local partnership
C.2.1 Link with other local/regional/national strategies and policies (incl. smart specialisation strategies)
Link with other local/regional/national strategies and policies
The DIAMS structural tools and the actions resulting from the engagement program will be included in the local, regional and national environmental and health policies: PCAET (Plan Climat Air Energie Territorial), PRSE (Plan Régional Santé Environnement), PPA(Plan de Protection de l’Atmosphère), SRCAE (Schéma Régional Climat Air Energie). The project has alreadybeen included has one of the flagship measures of the Government Road Map for Air Pollution prepared for the EC.
Owing to its integrated nature, DIAMS will also be deployed in local mobility, housing and urban planning policies: PADD (Projet d’Aménagement et de Développement Durable), PDU (Plan de Déplacement Urbain), SCOT , PLH , PLUi.
Wider Stakeholders have been actively involved in the design of DIAMS, and the project has been included in specific initiatives, such as the Smart Port Program, supported bythe Metropole, the Grand Port Maritime de Marseille and the Chambre de Commerce et d’Industrie, and the Smart Region Program.
Bypromoting the intelligent use of ICT and AI, the development of new skills, more efficient public services and social inclusion, DIAMS contributes to the main objectives of regional and national strategies outlined in the Government Quinquennium Roadmap, the SRADDET (Schéma Régional d'Aménagement, de Développement Durable et d'Égalité des Territoires) and the SRDEII (Schéma Régional de Développement Économique, d’Innovation et d’Internationalisation).
C.2.2 Synergies with other projects and initiatives
Synergies with other projects and initiatives
In line with its integrated approach, DIAMs builds upon a number of existing projects, and stronglyintends to develop and intensifythis “leverage” effect byputting dedicated efforts in the creation and animation of a network of cities and organizations involved in related issues (see Communication WP).
The DIAMS strategyhas been based for a large part on the findings of the EU GOUV’AIRNANCE project.
The Metropole and its institutional partners Air PACAand ALab in the AIR will leverage existing engagement programs such as “Les Ambassadeurs de la Mobilité”, “L’Air et Moi”, “Cap sur l’Air”, etc. It will also make use of other local engagement and acceleration programs such as thecamp Youth Camp and local fablabs events.
DIAMS performance system will make use of the digital social innovation evaluation scale of the DSI4EU H2020 project and the evaluation approaches of the FP7-project: TEPSIE (290771). Discussions have alreadybeen initiated with the H2020 ICT2015 project Making Sense partners to adapt and expand their toolkits. We will also be deploying and adapting the FP7-project DCENT tools to promote participative democracyprocesses, as well as the personal data management tools of the H2020 DECODE project to respond to people’s and companies’ concerns about a loss of control over their personal information.
C.2.3 Involvement of wider stakeholders in project design
Involvement of wider stakeholders in project design
In order to understand who was going to benefit from DIAMS and who could support or prevent its success, the preparation phase included a target and stakeholders mapping activity. It is important to outline that two of the partners, Air PACAand ALab in the AIR are non-profit structures with a multi-stakeholder participative governance. We involved a large arrayof stakeholders:
-DIAMS peer-partners - local governments or agencies for whom the platform could be an integrated asset of their data/ service process: PACARegion, DREAL, AMP Cities, ADEME, ARS, Grand Port Maritime de Marseille...
DIAMS peer -producers - organizations and citizens/entrepreneurs whose services and technologies become bricks of the platform (incubation process), incl. thecamp, a major local innovation accelerator, Fab&Co (national association of corporate innovation labs), fablabs, NESTA, AMU University, startups, Autodesk, RENAULT...
DIAMS peer-consumers - organizations and citizens who use the platform services and contribute with data: citizens associations, Schools, private citizens, industries (including RTM, Pôle Pétrochimique de Berre, Eauxde Marseille).
We also involved in the process our local MP, Xxxxxx XXXXXXXX.
To design DIAMS, we embraced a design thinking process, involving
- about 30 thorough interviews;
- numerous exchanges with Air PACAmembers and users of the Lab in the AIR fablab
- 4 creative workshops (thecamp, Fab&Co, GPMM, Eauxde Marseille, PACARegion);
- prototypes of services and tools. We prototyped connected hives through dedicated programs (SEM/ Xxxx xxx Xxxx xx xx Xxx/xxxxxxx/ Xxxxx xx xx Xxxxxxx), wearables, pulse app, transaction schemes.
- target and stakeholder mapping using DSI4 tools;
- an extensive testing and improving phase during which the DIAMS concept was presented to stakeholders. We held about 10 dedicated meetings, and the project was included in the agenda of the Air PACAGeneral Assembly. Feedback was taken into account in an iterative way.
C.2.4 Involvement of wider stakeholders in project implementation
Involvement of wider stakeholders in project implementation
Stakeholders involvement is a keystrategyof the implementation plan, and supported bya set of dedicated processes:
(1) Anumber of partners: Air PACA, a Lab in the AIR, MATRICE have built extensive ecosystems. They, as the other partners, will mobilize their networks.
(2) The implementation plan makes use of innovative experimental processes to ensure that the resulting program will be fully “citizen-driven”. Every Work Package includes design workshops, the implementation of participative tools, feedback tracking and monitoring. Moreover, DIAMS development is driven byan engagement program relying on the creation of a networks of contributors - either citizens or organizations.
(3) Stakeholders engagement is mapped and analyzed using SNAtools (WP4 and WP5)
(4) The implementation plan includes actions that involve specific stakeholders: (1) the contributors network is built from territorial strategic nodes (WP5); dedicated stakeholders (schools, Grand Port Maritime de Marseille, EUROMED, Pôle Industriel de Fos) agreed to join the program as first contributors. (2) thecamp has been quite involved in the design of DIAMS; theywill contribute to the constitution of the operating system (WP4).
- WP3 includes design events to promote stakeholders engagement and the promotion of their contributions through the co-building of promotional materials.
- WP4 includes workshops and the creation of a multi-stakeholders structure.
- WP5 is dedicated to the deployment of the DIAMS engagement program and stronglyrelies on stakeholders contributions. Specific stakeholders have agreed to be the first contributors. Stakeholders engagement will be mapped.
- WP6 includes design sprints in which stakeholders will be involved. All developments will use agile methods.
- WP7 is necessarilybuilt with stakeholders, as it is concerned with the elaboration of pertinent business and transactions models. It includes workshops, consultations and testing phases.
C.3 Project objectives, results and outputs
C.3.1 Overall objectives and expected results (changes in the local situation)
PROJECT main objective(s)
The projects aims to demonstrate that byshaping citizen-driven air policies, based on the deployment of an air-as-a-service open-source platform, adequate business models and experimental engagement programs, efficient action plans can be implemented, that improve air qualitywhile creating economic and social value.
The specific objectives of DIAMS are as follows:
(1) Perception: Improve air quality information and produce high quality, detailed and adaptive air qualitydata; promote technical compatibility. This is achieved bythe deployment of a sensor and actuator platform, AI analysis tools, the diffusion of co-designed sensor kits (incl. wearables) and the creation of a network of data-contributors.
(2) Balance: Enable fluid territorial and air qualitydata exchange between the main air policies stakeholders bypromoting integrated services and collaborative processes. This is achieved bythe deployment of a territorial data interface; cloud-based conceptual tools; environmental performance analysis and apps;
(3) Creation: Tap on the citizens and private sector ‘s creativity and expertise to co-develop and implement innovative solutions for air quality: promote the creation of innovative environments, involve extraordinaryskills, create economic value. This is achieved bythe deployment of open innovation tools and processes, the co-elaboration of business models, incl. a data monetization framework, and the creation of a network of contributors (“architects” and “makers”).
(4) Motion: Delivering personalized and adaptive information to all stakeholders to promote awareness, engagement and create social value. This is achieved bythe deployment of a services interface (apps open library) and the flagship DIAMS program which result in a citizen-driven annual air qualityplan.
(5) Bypursuing these objectives, we will ultimatelyimprove air quality in the City.
PROJECT main result(s) The expected results of the project are as follows:
(1) Perception: easyintegration of a significative number of sensors data, provided bya varietyof sensor companies, resulting in a more accurate information on air quality levels a and resulting exposure; increased interoperabilityas measured by H2020 CITYkeys indicators for smart city; and the protection of private data.
(2) Balance: Environmental policies and services will be citizen-driven and integrated; digital services will be integrated - managed bythe core business, and not siloed in IT; the Citywill establish a team with modern skills and support an agile development culture.
(3) Creation: an ecosystem of innovative contributors will be created, which will activelycontribute to air qualityplans, including extraordinaryprofessionals that would normallynot be contacted. This will result in the creation of tangible economic value creation.
(4) Motion: the program will result in drastically improved awareness and engagement in air related issues and actions, and the promotion of social and cultural inclusiveness.
(5) Environmental Performance: the project will contribute to the regulatoryattainment of air pollution levels and the diminution of exposure to air pollutants.
C.3.2 Outputs
expected output(s) | |||
O 4.1.1 | Strategypolicies for the development of DIAMS | 4 | |
O 4.2.1 | Operational Structure | 1 | |
WP.4 Governance | O 4.3.1 | DIAMS performance Index | 1 |
O 4.3.2 | Progress and performance operating evaluation system | 1 | |
O 4.3.3 | Indexbased evaluation reports | 2 | |
O 5.1.1 | Program Resources | 60 | |
O 5.1.2 | Core contributors teams | 350 | |
O 5.2.1 | Teams of DIAMS contributors | 1500 | |
WP.5 DIAMS Engagement Program | O 5.2.2 | Program resources | 1000 |
O 5.3.1 | DIAMS Teams contributions | 80 | |
O 5.3.2 | Daily Data collected bythe contributors | 100000 | |
O 5.3.3 | Citizen-driven annual cityair qualityplan | 2 | |
O 6.1.1 | System architecture | 1 | |
O 6.2.1 | Sensor acquisition interface | 1 | |
O 6.2.2 | Assimilation/aggregation algorithms | 2 | |
O 6.3.1 | APIs for platforms communication and data exchange | 4 | |
O 6.3.2 | Cloud based conceptual analysis tools | 6 | |
WP.6 Platform Development | O 6.4.1 | Open data portal | 1 |
O 6.4.2 | Open innovation portal and app | 2 | |
O 6.4.3 | Particpatory Democracytools | 3 | |
O 6.4.4 | Data private management tools | 1 | |
O 6.5.1 | Pulse app | 1 | |
O 6.5.2 | air qualitydigital services | 8 | |
O 7.1.1 | Value Case Analysis. | 1 | |
WP.7 Business Models | O 7.2.1 | Monetization framework | 1 |
O 7.3.1 | Licensing agreements | 4 | |
C.3.3 Measurement of results |
Work package Output Number Project output Target value of project
Measurement of results To reach our goal of creating a user-focused culture dedicated to developing a continuous cycle of service improvements, we’ll need to make a lot of changes. Measuring progress is a key project activity, and, in line with our experimental approach, will mature over time and will ultimatelybe defined and owned byall stakeholders. Adedicated task is included in WP4. However, we identified a core set of indicators that will be used to assess progress, together with target values:
(1) Perception:
Sensor data: (1) number of sensor records/ day(air quality, emissions and exposure) - target: 300 000, (2) number of sensor companies - target: 8
Data quality: (1) spatial resolution (m) - target: 10m (2) temporal resolution - target: real time (3) QA/QC - target: comprehensive framework to be implemented. Interoperability: H2020 CITYkeys interoperability indicator - target: 4
Personal Data protection: H2020 CITYkeys data privacyindicator - target: 5
(2) Balance:
STAR-Communities indicators IP -1a: Comprehensive Planning, -1b: Public Engagement, -1c: Codes & Ordinances - target: adoption of all best practices. Integration: number of Cityair policies actions integrated in other policies and programs - target: 20.
Skills: H2020 CITYkeys data Balanced project team indicator - target: 5 Agility: Number of components developed through Agile methods - Target: 15
(3) Creation:
Number of mature projects proposed for the inclusion in air qualityplans/ yr - target:30 Number of start-ups resulting from project - Target: 10
(4) Motion
Number of engaged contributors - Target: 1000
Percentage of people in the target groups that have been reached and/or are activated bythe project (%) - Target: 70%
H2020 CITYkeys interoperabilityparticipation of vulnerable groups indicator - Target: 5
(5) Environmental Performance
Exceedance of air quality limit values in urban areas (EEAIndicator) - Target: no exceedance of AQ limit values Population weighted exposure to PM2.5 - Target: -20%
C.3.4 Methodology for monitoring and measurement of outputs and results
Methodology for monitoring and measurement of ouputs and results
Amature framework for monitoring performance and impact will be designed and deployed as part as the WP4. The Core Indicators will be measured as follow:
(1) Perception:
Sensor data: Connections to the sensor platform and survey
Interoperabilityand Personal data protection: derived from project documentation.
(2) Balance
STAR-Communities indicators IP -1a: Comprehensive Planning, IP -1b: Public Engagement, IP -1c: Codes & Ordinances : project documentation and interviews Integration: number of Cityair policies actions integrated in other policies and programs : documentation and interviews
H2020 CITYkeys data Balanced project team indicator: project documentation and/or interviews Agility: Number of components developed through Agile methods : project documentation
(3) Creation:
Number of mature projects proposed for the inclusion in air qualityplans/ yr : project documentation and interviews Number of start-ups resulting from project: survey
(4) Motion
Number of engaged contributors: project documentation and interviews
Percentage of people in the target group that have been reached and/or are activated bythe project (%): survey(lean data program) H2020 CITYkeys interoperabilityparticipation of vulnerable groups indicator: survey(lean data program)
(5) Environmental Performance
Exceedance of air quality limit values in urban areas (EEAIndicator): Air PACAreporting under 2008/50/EC requirements Population weighted exposure to PM2.5 : modeling
C.3.5 Target groups
Target Groups In dealing with public health issues (air pollution exposure), we are necessarilyconcern with all the Metropole residents. Theywill obviouslybenefit from a better quality: the population exposure to PM2.5 is expected to decrease by
The project also focuses on specific target groups that will activelycontribute and benefit from the project:
- school children and students are targeted priorities - DIAMS provides access to educational resources, including experimental programs; opportunities to develop new skills or make the most of their talents through the participation in workshops, events and peer to peer programs; opportunities to meet prospective employers or mentors. We intend to reach 150 000 individuals.
- entrepreneurs (SMEs, makers, creatives) will activelycontribute to the project and benefit from it through business opportunities and ultimatelyeconomic gains. We expect to reach 500 entrepreneurs.
- communityleaders and volunteers will be involved (1500); DIAMS will offer opportunities to increase their impact and leverage their actions;
- The Grand Port Maritime de Marseille and EUROMED are identified as strategic territorial nodes (35 000 residents). DIAMS is supported bythe Smart Port Program, and joint actions will be developed.
- Industrial hubs have also been identified as strategic territorial nodes (30 companies reached); theyintend through their contribution to improve their environmental performance: they benefit from the program in the same waythe Metropole does, bygathering data, ideas and skills and byfostering constructive stakeholder exchanges.
- Digital and communication companies will be solicited to assist with the platform development. At least 3 partnerships will be established.
- Civil servants involved in the project will also hopefullybenefiting from it: theywill have to opportunityto develop new skills, experiment with new methods,, find a new existing meaning to their mission and gain accrued public recognition.
C.4 Project Project scaling up and transferability
C.4.1 Scaling up of the project
Scaling up of the project DIAMS has been designed with scaling up in mind; the keyfactors for a successful scaling up have been identified:
(1) First of all, the project needs to work, and be seen to work. We know that this will be the result of a lot of improvement and adaptation: that is why DIAMS is built around iterative and adaptive experimental processes. To ensure the project visibility, we aim, through a well designed evaluation system and performance tools to build evidence and show the benefits/savings it can achieve. Digital communication, events, and the “social network” nature of the program are also stronglyhelping to advocate the project.
(2) There needs to be a demand: enough people and organisations willing and able to payfor it or support it. In the preparation phase, we consulted with the Region and other major local cities, who shared our diagnostic and expressed a strong interest for the project. Also, DIAMS resulting air policies are integrated: this means that both the resulting actions and the structural framework will be implemented or adopted in supra-territorial policies, allowing for a natural dissemination of the project.
(3) DIAMS need to be technicallyable to grow. Both the platform and the program are based on a network structure, allowing for easygrowth in a cellular way.
(4) Scale always requires more capital. To ensure growth capability, we chose to set up a multi-stakeholders operating structure that can easilyadapt to scaling up, and to elaborate business models and financing schemes.
Since the DIAMS platform is a node of the territorial data infrastructure, it will from the start linked to wider territorial data hubs. During the implementation phase, we will work with the PACA Region to prepare for the regional deployment of the project, that should be effective in 2022. The contributor network growth is expected to mirror those of social networks: it will likely spreads over the Metropole boundaries before the end of the implementation phase.
C.4.2 Transferability of the project: evidence of demand for your project in other cities
Transferability of the project: evidence of demand for your project in other cities
The benchmark conducted during the preparation phases, as well as on-going exchanges with other urban authorities showed that our diagnostic was widelyshared, even though the digital transformation maturityvaries widelyamong European cities. Following is an analysis of the success factors for the transferabilityof the project:
(1) Social compatibility(How does the solution fits with people’s ‘frame of mind’ and challenge people’s values or the ways theyare used to do things). This can broadlyvarydepending on the digital maturityof cities: DIAMS is more likely to be transferred to digital advanced cities with existing frameworks. However, the cultural drivers and consumer trends resulting from the digital revolution and at the heart of DIAMS design are widespread.
(2) Technical compatibility: the adoption of interoperabilitystandards, open-source solutions and the drafting of clear requirements ensure that the technical compatibilityof the project is maximum.
(3) Ease of use for end users: the adoption of design thinking processes and UXsprints aims at making the solution easyto understand and use.
(4) Ease of use for professional stakeholders: byinvolving professional stakeholders at the forefront of the project, creating specific frameworks including pertinent business models, DIAMS aims to facilitate adoption byprofessional stakeholders.
(5) Triability: The solution has a high opportunityas it can be quite easilyimplemented on a limited basis at the local context, with limited resources.
(6) Visibility of results: through the implementation of a robust and multi-media communication plan, including bold dissemination activities, the results of the project are being made highly visible to external actors. The Metropole plans to launch the creation of a “Mediterranean Cities for Air”, linked to and relayed byexisting cities networks, such as URBACT of C40 cities (WP3).
C.5 References
C.5.1 References of the project
References a storytelling animation presenting DIAMS, used to communicate with stakeholders.
Part D - Work plan
WP Nr. | Title | Work package type | Start date | End date |
1 | Preparation | Preparation | 12/2017 | 10/2018 |
2 | Project Management | Project Management | 11/2018 | 10/2021 |
3 | Communication | Communication | 11/2018 | 10/2021 |
4 | Implementation | 11/2018 | 10/2021 | |
5 | Implementation | 12/2018 | 10/2021 | |
6 | Platform Development | Implementation | 11/2018 | 10/2021 |
7 | Business Models | Implementation | 07/2019 | 06/2021 |
8 | Closure and knowledge transfer | Closure | 11/2021 | 10/2022 |
Number | WP Title | Start Date | End Date | WP budget |
1 | Project preparation | 15/12/2017 | 31/10/2018 | 20,000.00 |
Partners' involvement
WP responsible partner Aix Marseille Provence Metropole (AMP Metropole)
Preparation and submission of the application form
Work Package Budget
Partner name Staff cost (€)
Office and administration (€)
Travel and accommodation (€)
External expertise and services (€)
Equipment (€)
Infrastructure and construction works (€)
Sub-Total (€) Revenues (€) Total (€)
Aix Marseille Provence Metropole (AMP Metropole)
0.00 0.00 0.00 20,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20,000.00
Work Plan Per Work Packages - WorkPackage 2 (Project Management Work Package)
Title Project management
Start Date 01/11/2018
End Date 31/10/2021
Budget 401,920.00
Partners Involvement
Responsible Partner PP 1 - Aix Marseille Provence Metropole (AMP Metropole)
Involved Partners PP1 - Aix Marseille Provence Metropole (AMP Metropole)
PP2 - Air PACA
PP3 - ARIATechnologies PP4 - ALab in the AIR
PP5 - Mobigreen -La Poste PP6 - Matrice
PP7 - L'Air et Moi PP8 - Groupe Tera PP9 - AVITEM
Summary The main project sponsor is AMP European Relations manager. The AMP sponsor is responsible for the project in which he/she is assisted bya full-time Project Manager (PM) and project team. The governance of the project is organized at two levels.
At strategic level, a steering committee, composed of senior staff of AMP Metropole (EU Relation, DGAEnvironnement, Communication), PMManager and financial manager (Air PACA) will meet quarterlyto make strategic decisions and provide oversight.
At operational level, work packages are organized in a functional structure. Therefore, an operational committee, composed of PM, financial manager, managers from all delivery partners and work packages, and members of AMP, will meet bi-monthlyto review performance and make operational decisions. The operational team will integrate feedback and recommendation from Air PACAthat serves as an external evaluator throughout the project. This structure allows for autonomy, coordination and accountability.
The project management team is composed of staff from a Lab in the AIR and AMP. The PMwill be supported bya sub-contracted project team comprised of a coordinator, an administrative assistant and a financial manager for dailyoperational follow-up. The Metropole EU Relations will share personnel on EU reporting and financial auditing to guarantee the qualityof reports to be shared with UIAexperts.
Activities and Deliverables
Activity number
Activity title Activity description and partners involved Start date End date
Project Coordination/ Leadership
Strategic governance will be led bythe Metropole EU relations manager (project sponsor). It will be the decision-making organ for structuring points or providing oversight.
AMP EU sponsor will chair steering committees that meet on quarterlybasis; however, anyurgent decisions can be escalated to the committee as needed. Ad hoc meeting can be called to arbitrate on issues or risks that the operational committee is unable to resolve.
The Delivery Partner Air PACAwill intervene to provide feedback on their observations and recommendations on DIAMS objectives.
The PMteam will collect information from the operational team and prepare reports for the committee. ALab in the AIR will facilitate these committees and prepare minutes.
Start date
End date
Deliverable number
Deliverable and partners involved Target value Delivery date
Title Steering committees
D 2.1.1
AMP European Relations manager will select the steering committee members and put together by-laws and keydecision making processes to run the steering committees.
Steering committee members will include project manager, financial manager and keypersonnel form each work package.
Steering committees will be prepared and facilitated bythe project manager and his team.
Target value
Delivery date
D 2.1.2
Title Meeting minutes
Description Air PACAwill animate the steering committee, take notes and provide meeting minutes.
Target value
Delivery date
D 2.1.3
Title Project Reports
Project Manager team will prepare reports for the steering committee on strategic issues,
Target value
Delivery date
Description operational performance and keymetrics.
Operational Governance and monitoring
Project manager will chair the operational committee meetings. Operational committees will meet on a bi-monthlybasis.
Each deliverypartner is responsible for producing its own regular project status report in compliance with project policies. Project management team in collaboration with operational managers will prepare progress status reports that would include operational status, issues, key performance metrics and a review of commercial mobilityoffers and their adoption.
Operational committee will control overall project activities progress, deliverables (on time and quality), budget consumption as well as monitoring project risks. Ashared dashboard will be used to ensure coordination across operational teams and managers.
Start date
End date
Deliverable number
Deliverable and partners involved Target value Delivery date
Title Operational reports
D 2.2.1
operational managers. Theywill be organized and facilitated bythe project management team. Theywill present quantitative and qualitative dashboard, overall and for each partner. Theymay include activities progress vs plan, man days consumptions vs plan, follow-up on deliverables produced.
Following everycommittee meeting, an operational report is prepared and sent to steering committee members including Air PACAfor evaluation.
Target value
Delivery date
Title Project Committee user guide
D 2.2.2
Auser guide will be prepared and shared with all partners regarding operational and administrative tasks and indicators to be produced on a regular basis.
Templates will be provided to guarantee a harmonized presentation and facilitate consolidation of data.
Target value
Delivery date
1 31/12/2018
UIAreports, financial reporting and External Audit
Dedicated and experienced staff from the Metropole EU Relations departments will ensure the qualitative and accurate UIAreports and financial reporting, consolidated for all partners, as well as the coordination of external auditing for all deliverypartners. The team will be assisted bya financial manager from Air PACA.
To facilitate the financial consolidation and analysis, the project team will prepare at the beginning of the project a user guide for project financial policies, milestones and deadlines.
Also, to guarantee regular bottom-up feedbacks, each deliverypartner has allocated management time for this task.
Start date
End date
Deliverable number
Deliverable and partners involved Target value Delivery date
Title Financial dashboards
D 2.3.1
Financial dashboards will be consolidated bythe project management team. Theymayinclude indicators such as: actual expenses vs plan broken down bypartner and work package, time and travel expenses tracking.
Theywill be presented in project committees.
Target value
Delivery date
Title UIAReports
D 2.3.2
UIAreports, including financials, will be prepared and supervised bythe experience Metropole staff from EU Relations department.
Intermediaryreports will be produced during the year according to UIAcalendar. Afinal (closing) report will be produced at the end of the project.
Target value
Delivery date
D 2.3.3
Title Financial policies and user guide
Financial policies and user guide will be produced in the earlystages of the project to clarify
Target value
Delivery date
1 31/10/2021
expectations, procedures, responsibilities, calendar deadlines and milestones. It will be shared with all deliverypartners.
and services
Work Package Budget
PP1 - Aix Marseille Provence Metropole (AMP Metropole)
Staff costs
Office and administration
Travel and accommodation
External expertise Equipment Sub-total Revenues Total
10,5 PM/ PMcost : 6000€/mths
N/A Travels foreseen on :
A2.2 - Operational Governance and monitoring
A2.3 -
Documentation (Data store - méthode open base) / theoryand technic
with a global amount of 35K€
Amount (€) 63,000 9,450.00 35,000 30,000 0 137,450.00 0 137,450.00
PP2 - Air PACA Staff costs Office and administration
Travel and accommodation
External expertise and services
Equipment Sub-total Revenues Total
8,1 PM- 7000€/PM
medium real cost
N/A 0 0 0
Amount (€) 56,700 8,505.00 0 0 0 65,205.00 0 65,205.00
Staff costs Office and administration
Travel and accommodation
External expertise and services
Equipment Sub-total Revenues Total
2 PM: 1 PM
Documentation (Data store...) + 1 PMReporting
Amount (€) 18,000 2,700.00 0 0 0 20,700.00 0 20,700.00
PP4 - ALab in the AIR
Staff costs Office and administration
Travel and accommodation
External expertise and services
Equipment Sub-total Revenues Total
operational governance and Reporting
N/A Costs of travels for governance commitees, reporting
Amount (€) 21,600 3,240.00 3,000 0 0 27,840.00 0 27,840.00
PP5 - Mobigreen -La Poste
Staff costs Office and administration
Travel and accommodation
External expertise and services
Equipment Sub-total Revenues Total
1,45PM: reporting and operational governance
cost of PM: 8000€/PM
N/A Partners meeting for 3 years from Paris to Marseille
Amount (€) 11,600 1,740.00 3,000 0 0 16,340.00 0 16,340.00
PP6 - Matrice Staff costs Office and administration
Travel and accommodation
External expertise and services
Equipment Sub-total Revenues Total
4,9PM: Reporting and participation to operational governance : participation to partners meeting cost of 1 PM(real cost median ) : 10000€/PMgross
+ charges
N/A Participation to
partners commitee and reporting from Paris to Marseille : travel, accomodation and lunches
Amount (€) 48,500 7,275.00 5,000 0 0 60,775.00 0 60,775.00
PP7 - L'Air et Moi Staff costs Office and administration
Travel and accommodation
External expertise and services
Equipment Sub-total Revenues Total
1,1 PM
staff cost 4000€/1 PM
N/A Participation to
partners commitee and reporting : travels
Amount (€) 4,400 660.00 2,000 0 0 7,060.00 0 7,060.00
PP8 - Groupe Tera Staff costs Office and administration
Travel and accommodation
External expertise and services
Equipment Sub-total Revenues Total
0.9 PM staff cost : 6000€/PM
N/A Participation to
partners meeting in operational governance
Amount (€) 5,400 810.00 1,000 0 0 7,210.00 0 7,210.00
PP9 - AVITEM Staff costs Office and administration
Travel and accommodation
External expertise and services
Equipment Sub-total Revenues Total
5 PM
cost 11 400€/PM (directors) and 6000€/PMsenior staff
Amount (€) 51,600 7,740.00 0 0 0 59,340.00 0 59,340.00
Total (€) 280,800.00 42,120.00 49,000.00 30,000.00 0.00 401,920.00 0.00 401,920.00
Project Acronym: DIAMS
Indicative budget breakdown per year
Year 2018 2019 2020 2021 Total
Amount (%) 1 % 33 % 33 % 33 % 100.00 %
Budget (€) 4,019.20 132,633.60 132,633.60 132,633.60 401,920.00
Work Plan Per Work Packages - WorkPackage 3 (Communication Work Package)
Title Communication
Start Date 01/11/2018
End Date 31/10/2021
Budget 622,538.00
Partners Involvement
Responsible Partner PP 1 - Aix Marseille Provence Metropole (AMP Metropole)
Involved Partners PP1 - Aix Marseille Provence Metropole (AMP Metropole)
PP2 - Air PACA
PP3 - ARIATechnologies PP4 - ALab in the AIR
PP5 - Mobigreen -La Poste PP6 - Matrice
PP7 - L'Air et Moi PP8 - Groupe Tera PP9 - AVITEM
Summary The AMP Metropole will lead the Communication Work Package that will run throughout the three years of the project.
Amulti-media approach is deployed, with a strong emphasis on participative events, digital communication and the mobilization of the makers movement.
- Adedicated space will be created, that will be opened for all. It will promote the visibility of the project , and foster the development of engaged communities.
- Major Events promote cohesion through the sharing of a common vision and positive experience; it is also a good wayto raise awaraness and promote the project initiative
- Workshops, Hackathons and Xxxxxxxxx contribute to a creative environement and promote ideas and prototypes generation. It also provides participants with the opportunityto learn new skills through peer-to-peer exchanges.
- Digital communication enables fluent exchanges of informations and ideas and contribute to the mobilization of communities. With the use of social networks and digital services everyone can playa role and regain power. Digital communication is one of the foundation bricks of the DIAMS project.
- Promotional materal, co-designed and built bycontributors, will help raise awaraness and will create a binding sense of belonging.
Anumber of communication actions are linked to implementation workpackages: stakeholders and experts workshops (WP4 and WP7), Community Engagement Events (WP5), DIAMS Program bi-annual congress (WP5), digital tools (WP5, WP6).
Communication objective The objectives are to (1) engage stakeholders and raise awaraness at local level in order to maximize the environmental, social and economic impact of the project (2) engage stakeholders at national and European levels, with a co-innovation approach in order to facilitate the transferabilityof the project. Aspecial "DIAMS for Mediterranean Cities" program will be launched by AMP.
Target groups The target groups are:
- Actual or potential DIAMS contributors (cf. WP5), as described in the stakeholders analysis
- Actual or potential DIAMS partners outside the experiment area: other national or international local governments, projects leaders, peer-producers.
Activities and Deliverables
Activity number
Activity title Activity description and partners involved Start date End date
DIAMS Living LAb
A"DIAMS living Lab" space will be created in the premises of the Lab in the AIR headquarters. It will host exhibitions, events, provide resources (documentation, materials, digital fabrication tools, computers) and dedicated staff. It will be designed so visitors can either rest and talk or work creatively together. The DIAMS space will be opened to the general public, half-a-dayeveryweek.
It will be run by ALab in the AIR
Start date
End date
Deliverable number
Deliverable and partners involved Target value Delivery date
D 3.1.1
Title DIAMS Living Lab
Description Creation of a dedicated space operated by ALab in the AIR
Target value
Delivery date
1 29/10/2021
Publications Anumber of dedicated publications will be produced and circulated. Start date End date
A3.2 02/01/2019 29/10/2021
Deliverable number
Deliverable and partners involved Target value Delivery date
D 3.2.1
Title Booklets
DIAMS program illustrated booklets (in paper and digital format) will be created by ALab in the AIR
Target value
Delivery date
4 10/05/2019
Description and AMP
D 3.2.2
Title Newsletters
ANewsletter (in paper and digital format) will be published everytwo months by ALab in the AIR
Target value
Delivery date
Description and AMP
D 3.2.3
Title Toolkits
Description DIAMS programs playbooks and handbooks will be published by ALab in the AIR (cf. WP5)
Target value
Delivery date
4 28/02/2019
Digital activity
Digital activity is a fondamental brick of the project. We will create an official webpage to showcase the project, and relaylive news from our events or our project user experiments on social media, though a SMplatform management tool (at least bi-monthyposts). Videos and photos of the "making of" the project will be regularlyposted. The posts will appear on the official webpage.
Anumber of dedicated apps and digital services will be developed during the implementation phase (WP 5 and WP6).
Contents will be produced byall partners and DIAMS contributors. ALab in the AIR will coordinate digital activities.
Start date
End date
Deliverable number
Deliverable and partners involved Target value Delivery date
D 3.3.1
Title web site
Create a DIAMS webpage: This webpage will frequentlyprovided updated information on
Target value
Delivery date
1 24/12/2018
project keylearnings and major milestone updates and news. It will be linked to the DIAMS platform
D 3.3.2
Title DIAMS app
Description ADIAMS app will be developed for the DIAMS program (cf. WP5)
Target value
Delivery date
1 30/04/2019
D 3.3.3
Title Social Networks and Community Management
Dedicated accounts will be created on major Social Networks (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram,
Target value
Delivery date
6 29/10/2021
LinkedIn, etc.) and regularlyfed bya communitymanager. It will be linked with the Community Management tools of the DIAMS platform
- Major Events include the DIAMS program launching event and bi-annual congresses, and the DIAMS
Public events for Mediterranean Cities event.
- Workshops, Hackathons and Makhatons are organized to support the DIAMS program
Start date
End date
Deliverable number
Deliverable and partners involved Target value Delivery date
D 3.4.1
Title Workshops
Workshops, Hackathons and Makhatons and communityevents are organized as part of the DIAMS
Target value
Delivery date
program (see WP5). Events will be organized with the support of local fablabs, who will contribute to host them.
Title DIAMS program events
D 3.4.2
ALaunching 24-hrs Event , "Air24", will be organized by TERA, Air PACAand ALab in the AIR on the premises of the camp. An "Air Camp" will host hackathons and mackathons for the prototyping of the program initial kits and app (cf. WP5)
Bi-annual DIAMS congresses will be organized by AMP (see WP5).
Target value
Delivery date
5 29/10/2021
D 3.4.3
Title DIAMS for Mediterranean Cities
The AMP will organize a major congress towards the end of the project to share the DIAMS
Target value
Delivery date
1 22/09/2021
Description experience with other Mediterranean Cities, and help disseminate the initiative.
Promotional material Promotional materal, co-designed and built bycontributors, will help raise awaraness and will create a binding sense of belonging.
Start date
End date
Deliverable number
Deliverable and partners involved Target value Delivery date
D 3.5.1
Title Sensor kits
Sensor kits and wearables will be co-designed bythe contributors (cf. WP5). These kits will be lent
Target value
Delivery date
Description to contributors against a deposit.
D 3.5.2
Title Connected hives
Description Connected hives kits (see bee-to-bee in WP5) will be made available at a price.
Target value
Delivery date
D 3.5.3
Title DIAMS by-products
Description Selected products (kits, art creations) co-produced by DIAMS contributors will be made available
Target value
Delivery date
Media relations
The Metropole Press Relations service will be in charge of preparing press kits (5-10) at key milestones.
Alist of web or paper journalists potentially interested by XXXXX will be constituted to ensure a follow-up. We aim at identifying 10 local, 10 national and up to 20 specialized or European journalists.
The press kits will be relayed bythe partners.
Start date
End date
Deliverable number
Deliverable and partners involved Target value Delivery date
Title Press Kits
D 3.6.1
Press kits will be preparef for:
- DIAMS launching event Air24
- For the DIAMS congresses
- For the DIAMS for Mediterranean Cities event
Target value
Delivery date
Work Package Budget
PP1 - Aix Marseille Provence Metropole (AMP Metropole)
Staff costs
Office and administration
Travel and accommodation
External expertise Equipment Sub-total Revenues Total
10 PM
staff cost : 6000€/PM
Leader on this WP, on : A3.2
Publications A3.3 - Digital Activity
A3.4 Public Events A3.5 Promotional material
A3.6 - Media Relations A3.7 - Final
N/A Travels about
and services
communication : public events, etc.
Communication expertise (publication, graphism...) and costs of events organization
Amount (€) 60,000 9,000.00 5,000 100,000 0 174,000.00 0 174,000.00
PP2 - Air PACA Staff costs Office and administration
Travel and accommodation
External expertise and services
Equipment Sub-total Revenues Total
4,5 PM
Staff cost of 2 categories : 8000€/PMand
directors and project manager
N/A public events
accomodation and travels
20K€ digital activities : external expertise : maintenance of digital communication (website, social media...)
Amount (€) 25,200 3,780.00 5,000 20,000 0 53,980.00 0 53,980.00
Staff costs Office and administration
Travel and accommodation
External expertise and services
Equipment Sub-total Revenues Total
4 PM
cost : 9000€/PM
on Final Dissemination activity
Amount (€) 36,000 5,400.00 0 0 0 41,400.00 0 41,400.00
PP4 - ALab in the AIR
Staff costs Office and administration
Travel and accommodation
External expertise and services
Equipment Sub-total Revenues Total
8,7 PM6000€/PM:
coordinator Lab
N/A public events
15000 : digital activities external expertise
Amount (€) 52,200 7,830.00 3,000 15,000 0 78,030.00 0 78,030.00
PP5 - Mobigreen -La Poste
Staff costs Office and administration
Travel and accommodation
External expertise and services
Equipment Sub-total Revenues Total
4,5 PM8000€/PM
A3.4 Public Events
: workshops + Events
N/A public events
travels, accomodation and lunches
Amount (€) 10,800 1,620.00 3,000 0 0 15,420.00 0 15,420.00
PP6 - Matrice Staff costs Office and administration
Travel and accommodation
External expertise and services
Equipment Sub-total Revenues Total
A3.3 - Digital Activity
A3.4 Public Events
: workshops + Events
8,7 PM
10 000€/PM
N/A 32K€ * 2 :
immersion students : workshops : 20
students during 3 weeks and 4 staff costs accomodation, lunches, travel, Paris Marseille
5K€ direction staff : for final dissemination activity
Amount (€) 87,000 13,050.00 69,000 0 0 169,050.00 0 169,050.00
PP7 - L'Air et Moi Staff costs Office and administration
Travel and accommodation
External expertise and services
Equipment Sub-total Revenues Total
Final dissemination activity
1,5 PM/ 4000€/PM
and start up activities : 1,5 PM 4000€/PM
Amount (€) 12,000 1,800.00 0 0 0 13,800.00 0 13,800.00
PP8 - Groupe Tera Staff costs Office and administration
Travel and accommodation
External expertise and services
Equipment Sub-total Revenues Total
A3.1 - Start up activities
A3.3 - Digital Activity
staff cost : 6000€/PM
2,82 PM
Amount (€) 16,920 2,538.00 0 0 0 19,458.00 0 19,458.00
PP9 - AVITEM Staff costs Office and administration
Travel and accommodation
External expertise and services
Equipment Sub-total Revenues Total
A3.2 Publications A3.3 - Digital Activity
A3.4 Public Events
: workshops + Events
A3.6 - Media Relations A3.7 - Final
Dissemination activity
4.5 PM 8000€/PMmedian
N/A participation to
public events
Amount (€) 36,000 5,400.00 16,000 0 0 57,400.00 0 57,400.00
Total (€) 336,120.00 50,418.00 101,000.00 135,000.00 0.00 622,538.00 0.00 622,538.00
Project Acronym: DIAMS
Indicative budget breakdown per year
Year 2018 2019 2020 2021 Total
Amount (%) 0 % 30 % 35 % 35 % 100.00 %
Budget (€) 0.00 186,761.40 217,888.30 217,888.30 622,538.00
Work Plan Per Work Packages - WorkPackage 4 (Implementation Work Package)
Title Governance
Start Date 30/11/2018
End Date 29/10/2021
Budget 323,518.00
Partners Involvement
Responsible Partner PP 1 - Aix Marseille Provence Metropole (AMP Metropole)
Involved Partners PP1 - Aix Marseille Provence Metropole (AMP Metropole)
PP2 - Air PACA
PP4 - ALab in the AIR
PP5 - Mobigreen -La Poste PP8 - Groupe Tera
Summary The transformations brought about by DIAMS constitute a complexprocess requiring the involvement of the Metropole, as well as the ICT sector and society. The process must have a specific form of governance so that it can meet its objectives and keep to the established schedule.Several mechanisms will be used for the governance of this process including (1) the elaboration of clear policies that set the programme principles, define the main standards and give guidelines for the core areas in the programme (2) the establishment of an efficient and sustainable governance structure that allow for a strong leadership, collaborative processes and the strong involvement of stakeholder and (3) a pertinent monitoring and evaluation system which will allow for the measurement of progress and impact and will be used to continuouslyimprove the programme.
Activities, Deliverables and Outputs
Activity number
Activity title Activity description and partners involved Start date End date
Strategic & requirement documents
DIAMS development is defined bya set of documents that define the main standards
and give guidelines for the core areas in the programme. The elaboration of these documents will involve policymakers, wider stakeholders and targeted experts through a series of dedicated workhops. The AMP naturallyleads this activity, as the documents are a reflect of its engagement and strategy. It is assisted byexperts from Air PACAand a Lab in the AIR, who animates the workshops, contribute their knowledge and mobilize their networks. MATRICE adds an innovative orientation to the process bybringing top politic sciences and computer science students to the workshops . Groupe TERAcontributes to the workshop as user.
Start date
End date
Deliverable number
Deliverable and partners involved Target value Delivery date
Title Vision and strategyworkshops
D 4.1.1
Thematic workshops (digital transformation, data, technologies, skills, procurement rules) involving policymakers and stakeholders (max. of 15/ workshop)
Partners involved: AMP, ALab in the AIR (animation), MATRICE (students input, users requirements), Groupe TERA(users requirements)
Target value
Delivery date
8 31/05/2019
D 4.1.2
Title Experts workshops
Thematic workshops (digital transformation, data, technologies, skills, procurement rules)
Target value
Delivery date
6 31/05/2019
Description involving policymakers and experts (max. of 10/ workshop)
Title DIAMS Digital plan
D 4.1.3
The Digital Plan outilines the strategic orientations and principles governing the DIAMS program and sets out criteria to help the Metropole createband run good & agile environmental digital services.
Partners involved: AMP (leader), ALab in the AIR (synthesis and drafting).
Target value
Delivery date
1 29/11/2019
Title DIAMS Data policy
D 4.1.4
The Data Policyoutlines the Metropole approach to handling air quality-related data with ownership, privacy, sovereigntyand ethical use & innovation at the core.
Partners involved: AMP (leader), Air PACA(expertise and drafting), ALab in the AIR (synthesis and drafting).
Target value
Delivery date
1 29/11/2019
Title DIAMS Technology Code of Practice
D 4.1.5
The Code of Practice sets out criteria to help select appropriate open technologies and define the commitments to open source software, open standards, interoperability, securityand transparency. Partners involved: AMP (leader), Air PACA(expertise and drafting), ALab in the AIR (synthesis and drafting), Urban Wave (expertise and drafting).
Target value
Delivery date
1 29/11/2019
D 4.1.6
Title Procurement Policies
The Procurement Policies outlines the Metropole approach and standards for buying agile and
Target value
Delivery date
1 29/11/2019
innovation services from pre-evaluated suppliers. Partners involved: AMP (leader)
Output Number
Project output Target value Delivery date
O 4.1.1
Title Strategypolicies for the development of DIAMS
Strategic Policies Requirements specification documents which capture standards, data models
Target value
Delivery date
4 29/11/2019
Description technological requirements, as well as users and systems requirements .
Legal and operational structure
In order to sucessfullyrun the DIAMS, we need to relyon a team that helps build accessible and intuitive digital services in a citizen-driven way. To do so, the Metropole must rethink the wayit works and share resources and skills with other stakeholders, while maintening a strong leadership. This is whya dedicated operational structure will be created, who will (1) develop and maintain the platform, using modern practices to meet the needs of consumers and ensure a constant state of improvement
(2) consult with the Metropole staff and other stakeholders to share best practices (3) run the engagement program.
This activitywill be undertaken bythe AMP, together with a Lab in the AIR and the camp which will carry the structure.
Start date
End date
Deliverable number
Deliverable and partners involved Target value Delivery date
Title Legal, operational and financial assessment and detailed business plan
D 4.2.1
The business plan specifies the mission and activities of the structure, the operational requirements and associated costs, its revenue sources, and financial analysis. Its legal form must be aligned with its mission, and governance aspects must be thouroughlyanalyzed.
Adraft of the BP will be prepared bya Lab in the AIR, then reviewed and approved bythe AMP.
Target value
Delivery date
1 30/04/2019
D 4.2.2
Title Structure statutes
The structure statutes will be established bythe AMP, with the assistance of a lawyer (services).
Target value
Delivery date
1 31/05/2019
Description Theywill be signed bythe shareholders.
D 4.2.3
Title Structure creation
Arepresentative of steering committee will be responsible for registering legal structure, settingup
Target value
Delivery date
1 14/06/2019
black book, corporate by-laws, bank account and accounting books, acquiring operator insurance as well as anyadditional legal permits required.
Output Number
Project output Target value Delivery date
O 4.2.1
Title Operational Structure
Multi-stakeholders structure dedicated to the management of the DIAMS platform and flagship
Target value
Delivery date
1 14/06/2019
Description programs
Monitoring and evaluation
Measuring progress is a keyproject activity, and, in line with our experimental approach, will mature over time and will ultimatelybe defined and owned byall stakeholders. This activity is dedicated to the development of a DIAMS performance indexand measurment system that will be used (1) to build evidence (2) to guide the continuous improvement of the solution (3) as a decisionmaking and management tool (4) foster engagement through a clear and transparent communication.
ALab in the AIR will assist AMP in the definition of the indexand supporting measurment system. Air PACAand a Lab in the AIR (as operating structure) will be in charge of the measuring activities.
Start date
End date
Deliverable number
Deliverable and partners involved Target value Delivery date
D 4.3.1
Title Impact plan
The impact plan is a strategic document that (1) Defies the overall objective of the performance
Target value
Delivery date
1 19/04/2019
index(2) Determes the principles to guide its development (3) Specifying the audience to target. Involved partners: a lab in the AIR (analysis and draft) supporting AMP (strategyand validation)
Title Expert Workshops
D 4.3.2
Together with the core team, a wider network of experts is convened at several keystages to provide feedback and guidance on methodology, indicator and data selection, and preliminary results. acceptance of the results. (1) Subject area experts check for the validity of data and determine what the data is used tomeasure (2) Methodological experts contribute the latest knowledge and methods of indexconstruction (3) Target audience experts provide a preliminary reaction from a target audience to ensure the project is producing something relevant for its purposes. Theyare also knowledgeable on the needs of specific target audiences and can offer valuable suggestions for meeting those needs.
The workshops are organized bya Lab in the AIR.
Target value
Delivery date
6 31/10/2019
Title Stakeholders Workshops
D 4.3.3
Workshops are used to engage takeholders to provide guidance and feedback and to help the team understand how the indexfits into the larger landscape of stakeholder concerns and research in the area.
The workshops are organized bya Lab in the AIR.
Target value
Delivery date
3 31/10/2019
Title Indicator Framework
D 4.3.4
The indicator framework is the backbone of an index. It includes the major elements that define an index, such as the measurable objectives, policycategories, and indicators. The indicator framework aids in the interpretation of a set of indicators and can provide a conceptual map for determining relationships between different issues. Additionally, the indicator framework is essential for making the connection between certain observed trends in data and the actions
or policies that mayhave led to these developments.
Taking into account experts and stakeholders contribution, ALab in the AIR and Air PACAwill assist AMP in the construction of the framework.
Target value
Delivery date
1 30/08/2019
Title Data acquisition system
D 4.3.5
The data acquisition process and underlying system is designed. It takes into account: (1) Data qualitycriteria (2) Data sources and collection (3) Format and organization of data (4) Exploratory data analysis (5) Data qualitygrading. Special attention will be brought to the social impact data collection. We will relyas much as possible on the lean data approaches (ACUMEN).
Taking into account experts and stakeholders contribution, ALab in the AIR and Air PACAwill assist AMP in the construction of the Data acquisition system.
Target value
Delivery date
1 20/12/2019
Title Performance Index
D 4.3.6
Aperformance indexcombines manyindicators, as measured byselected datasets, over one or manylevels of aggregation to produce a single score or rank for each subject. The process for constructing an indexinvolves the following steps: (1) Determine Targets (2) Calculate Indicators
(3) Weight and Aggregate
Taking into account experts and stakeholders contribution, ALab in the AIR and Air PACAwill assist AMP in the construction of the Performance Index
Target value
Delivery date
1 20/12/2019
D 4.3.7
Title Operation: indexcalculation
Description The indexwill be calculated on a yearlybasis bya Lab in the AIR and Air PACA
Target value
Delivery date
2 15/10/2021
D 4.3.8
Title Evaluation meetings
a Lab in the AIR (as operating structure) will prepare a detailed analysis of the evidence gathered
Target value
Delivery date
2 29/10/2021
(including indexcalculation) and will propose improvement actions. The AMP will convene evaluation meetings involving stakeholders and will set up action roadmaps.
Output Number
Project output Target value Delivery date
O 4.3.1
Title DIAMS performance Index
Description An indexused for performance monitoring evaluation and a a policydecision tool.
Target value
Delivery date
1 20/12/2019
O 4.3.2
Title Progress and performance operating evaluation system
Description Data acquisition, indicator and indexcalculation and associated processes.
Target value
Delivery date
1 20/12/2019
O 4.3.3
Title Indexbased evaluation reports
Description Evaluation reports and resulting roadmaps.
Target value
Delivery date
2 29/10/2021
Work Package Budget
PP1 - Aix Marseille Provence Metropole (AMP Metropole)
Staff costs
Office and administration
Travel and accommodation
External expertise Equipment Sub-total Revenues Total
10 PMon A4.1 -
Strategic documents (policies)
A4.2 - Legal and operational structure
A4.3 - Monitoring and evaluation
cost : 6000€/PM
N/A external supplying
and services
monitoring and evaluation
Amount (€) 60,000 9,000.00 0 100,000 0 169,000.00 0 169,000.00
PP2 - Air PACA Staff costs Office and administration
Travel and accommodation
External expertise and services
Equipment Sub-total Revenues Total
8,5 PM
on the 3 tasks staff cost / PM:
A4.1 - Strategic documents (policies) : 4000€/PM
A4.2 - Legal and operational structure 5000€/PM
A4.3 - Monitoring and evaluation 6000€/PM
Amount (€) 56,000 8,400.00 0 0 0 64,400.00 0 64,400.00
PP4 - ALab in the AIR
Staff costs Office and administration
Travel and accommodation
External expertise and services
Equipment Sub-total Revenues Total
4,5 PMon A4.1 -
Strategic documents (policies)
A4.2 - Legal and operational structure
A4.3 - Monitoring and evaluation
cost : 8000€/PM
Amount (€) 36,000 5,400.00 0 0 0 41,400.00 0 41,400.00
PP5 - Mobigreen -La Poste
Staff costs Office and administration
Travel and accommodation
External expertise and services
Equipment Sub-total Revenues Total
0,15PM: 3 days
Amount (€) 1,000 150.00 0 0 0 1,150.00 0 1,150.00
PP8 - Groupe Tera Staff costs Office and administration
Travel and accommodation
External expertise and services
Equipment Sub-total Revenues Total
6000€/PMstaff costs
2,4 PM
Amount (€) 4,320 648.00 0 0 0 4,968.00 0 4,968.00
PP9 - AVITEM Staff costs Office and administration
Travel and accommodation
External expertise and services
Equipment Sub-total Revenues Total
A4.1 - Strategic documents (policies)
A4.3 - Monitoring and evaluation
N/A public events,
accomodation, travels...
Amount (€) 24,000 3,600.00 15,000 0 0 42,600.00 0 42,600.00
Total (€) 181,320.00 27,198.00 15,000.00 100,000.00 0.00 323,518.00 0.00 323,518.00
Indicative budget breakdown per year
Year 2018 2019 2020 2021 Total
Amount (%) 5 % 30 % 35 % 30 % 100.00 %
Budget (€) 16,175.90 97,055.40 113,231.30 97,055.40 323,518.00
Indicative budget breakdown per activity
Activity Amount (%) Budget (€)
A 4.1 50 % 161,759.00
A 4.2 25 % 80,879.50
A 4.3 25 % 80,879.50
Total 100.00 % 323,518.00
Work Plan Per Work Packages - WorkPackage 5 (Implementation Work Package)
Title DIAMS Engagement Program
Start Date 02/12/2018
End Date 31/10/2021
Budget 1,371,590.00
Partners Involvement
Responsible Partner PP 4 - ALab in the AIR
Involved Partners PP1 - Aix Marseille Provence Metropole (AMP Metropole)
PP2 - Air PACA
PP4 - ALab in the AIR
PP5 - Mobigreen -La Poste PP6 - Matrice
PP7 - L'Air et Moi PP8 - Groupe Tera PP9 - AVITEM
Summary The DIAMS program consists in
(1) creating a network of contibutors, both citizens and private organizations who put their skills (observation and analysis, insights and imagination, technologyand fabrication, leadership and communication) to work for the benefit of air quality
(2) bringing human, spaces, data and technological resources to the network
(3) integrating the contributors efforts outputs in the Metropolitan air qualityplan through participative procedures and an annual projects incubation process .
The DIAMS platform provides the data and services used bythe contributors. It facilitates transactions between the different types of individuals and organizations that would otherwise have difficulty finding each other and provides technological building blocks that are used as a foundation on top of which a large number of innovators can develop complementary services or products.
Activities, Deliverables and Outputs
Activity number
Activity title Activity description and partners involved Start date End date
Launching the program
In line with the general network/platform approach of DIAMS, the contributors network will bybuilt from initial territorial strategic nodes which bynature irrigate the Metropole Territory. First of all, a program charter will be established and a first set of resource materials will be made available. Core contributors teams will be then recruited.
ALab in the AIR will lead the program, together with the AMP. Air PACA, AMP, ALab in the AIR and la Poste will mobilize their networks and existing engagement programs. L'Air et Moi, TERAand MATRICE will contribute to the set of resource materials. L'Air et Moi and La Poste will be in charge of specific territorial nodes.
Start date
End date
Deliverable number
Deliverable and partners involved Target value Delivery date
Title Program Charter
D 5.1.1
The program charter clarifies the scope, objectives, principles and participation rules of the program, including the open innovation process rules. the program charter (1) is a communication tool (2) provides a shared understanding of the program and (3) act as a contract between the organizers, keystakeholders and contributors.
ALab in the AIR will draft the program charter, that will be reviewed by AMP.
Target value
Delivery date
1 28/02/2019
Title Guidebooks
D 5.1.2
Guidebooks provide useful resources for the contributors. We plan to edit 4 initial guidebooks: "The citizen DIAMS Contributor Playbook" (practical advice on how to contribute, start and animate a contributors team) "The citizen DIAMS Contributor Hanfbook" (how to find resources and use them),"The Organizations DIAMS Contributor Playbook (guidance for larger organizations), "The Organizations DIAMS Contributor Handbool" (resources for Organizations).
AMP, ALab in the AIR, l'Air et Moi, Air PACAwill contribute to the elaboration of the Guidebooks.
Target value
Delivery date
4 19/04/2019
Title Sensor Kits
D 5.1.3
An initial set of sensor kits will be designed for the use of volonteer "gatherers-contributors". We plan to team-up with the Making Sense team to leverage their initiative, with the improvement of quality PMsensors provided bythe TERAGroup. The first set of sensors will be designed during a 24hrs makhaton involving users organized during the program launching event (WP3). MATRICE, A LAb in the AIR and TERAwill be in charge of the design. La Poste will provide additional sensors.
Target value
Delivery date
Title DIAMS contributor digital app
D 5.1.4
Adedicated digital app will be designed and developed . Aprototype version will be designed during a 24hrs hakhaton involving users organized during the program launching event (WP3). The app will provide contributors with useful resources and a communitysocial network. It will be linked with DIAMS platforms functionalities. Specific functionalities will be added over time.
ALab in the AIR, MATRICE and TERAwill be in charge of the app development.
Target value
Delivery date
1 30/04/2019
D 5.1.5
Title Links with the DIAMS platform
The DIAMS program drives the development of the platform functionalities. The platform
Target value
Delivery date
5 30/04/2019
functionalities that will be used for the program launching phase are: open data portal, open innovation portal, sensor platform (beta), communitymanagement, pulse app.
Title Contributors core team - schools
D 5.1.6
Schools are essential territorial nodes. The AMP will build upon existing environmental education programs and target 5 schools. L'Air et Moi will be in charge of deploying the program. Children can become "gatherers" (theyobserve and monitor), "architects" (theyimagine solutions), "makers" (theybuild or code), or "leaders" (theyrecruit and organize the teams). Theywill have access to the program resources and will have the opportunityto participate to workshops. Theywill be encouraged to bring in the teams their families and friends so theycan contribute to the network expansion. Theywill also be relayed bythe "Ambassadeurs de la Mobilité", an existting AMP program. Their contribution will be rewarded.
Target value
Delivery date
Title Contributors core team - Bee to Bee
D 5.1.7
Aconnected-hives program has been successfullyprototyped, aiming at (1) linking bees activities and environmental conditions through big data analysis (the bees as bio-indicators) (2) promote citizens awaraness and engagement through bee-keepers empowered communities. Young entrepreneurs have also prototyped an air-sensor bee-drone that flies from hive to hive. Connected hives are easyand cheap to build and install, and can be personnalized. Alarge number of organizations and citizens, including the Ville d'Aixen Provence, have expressed their interest.
DIAMS will integrate this initiative in its programs and create a network of bee-keepers contributors. ALab in the AIR and AMP will be leaders.
Target value
Delivery date
Title Contributors core team - La Poste
Target value Delivery date
D 5.1.8
La Poste has prototyped a mobile sensor program in Paris. The DIAMS program will leverage this initiative. Pollutrack mobile sensors will be installed on La Poste corporate vehicles which currently drive across the Metropole on a 7-daybasis. With 300+ sensors, it is estimated that approx.
300,000 PM2.5 measurements can be collected daily, depending upon the average use of La Poste fleet across the Metropole Aix Marseille. Anumber of fixed stations with identical PMsensors will also be installed at strategic locations of the area. La Poste will be managing the program.
300 30/08/2019
Title Contributors core team - Port de Marseille
D 5.1.9
DIAMS will be integrated in the SMART PORT program. The AMP, together with widerstakeholders GPMMand EUROMED will draft a specific contributor program dedicated to the Port and EUROMED areas, involving monitoring and data gathering activities, thematic workshops, employees and resident involvement actions, dedicated pulse reporting. Air PACAand ALab in the AIR will assist them.
Target value
Delivery date
Title Contributors core team - Plateforme industrielle de FOS
D 5.1.10
The Plateforme industrielle de FOS has expressed interest in the DIAMS program. The AMP, together with wider industrial stakeholders will draft a specific contributor program dedicated to area industries, involving monitoring and data gathering activities, thematic workshops, employees and resident involvement actions, dedicated pulse reporting. ALab in the AIR will assist them.
Target value
Delivery date
5 30/08/2019
Output Number
Project output Target value Delivery date
O 5.1.1
Title Program Resources
Description Charter, guidebooks, digital tools, sensor kits.
Target value
Delivery date
O 5.1.2
Title Core contributors teams
Core teams of contributors organized around strategic territorial nodes: schools, port, industrial
Target value
Delivery date
Description area, transport hubs, connected hives.
Expanding,testing and improving the program
Once the program has been launched, the AMP and its partners will provide resources and organize events to help expand the network of contributors. Theywill also be mapping the contributors teams and their production.
ALab in the AIR will lead the program, together with the AMP. L'Air et Moi, TERAand MATRICE will contribute to the set of resource materials, and to the events.
Start date
End date
Deliverable number
Deliverable and partners involved Target value Delivery date
Title Workshops and communityevents
D 5.2.1
Regular DIAMS events will be organized. The events program will be largelypromoted bythe AMP and relayed byits partners. types of events will be organized:
- DIAMS makers events: to design, build or develop objects and applications
- DIAMS architects events: to share ideas and insights, imagine actions
- DIAMS gatherers events: to organize data collection (including monitoring) and share feedback
- DIAMS organizational events: to bring the teams together in a cross-skill wayand contribute to the network cohesion.
Additional thematic events will be organized byorganizations contributors, with the help of the DIAMS team.
ALab in the AIR will be in charge of the Program (cf WP3). L'Air et Moi et La Poste will contribute.
Target value
Delivery date
D 5.2.2
Title Congresses
Bi-annual congresses will be organized bythe AMP to deploythe open innovation program leading
Target value
Delivery date
4 29/10/2021
to the elaboration of the citizen-driven air policy. ALab in the AIR and Air PACAwill assist the AMP.
Title Program resources
D 5.2.3
Additional resources (kits- including sensor kits, guidebooks, digital services and apps) will be added to the initial set.
AMP, ALab in the AIR, l'Air et Moi, Air PACA, Groupe TERAand MATRICE will contribute to the production of these resources.
Target value
Delivery date
D 5.2.4
Title Mapping
Aspecial feature will be added to the DIAMS Contributors Program app, aiming at mapping the
Target value
Delivery date
1 31/12/2019
contributors and their production. This feature will be developed by ALab in the AIR and MATRICE using an open source SNAtool.
Title Links with the DIAMS platform
D 5.2.5
The DIAMS program drives the development of the platform functionalities. The platform functionalities that will be used for the program development phase are: open data portal, open innovation portal, sensor platform and IAassimilation/aggregation algorithms, community management, pulse app and air-services apps.
Target value
Delivery date
8 30/12/2020
Output Number
Project output Target value Delivery date
O 5.2.1
Title Teams of DIAMS contributors
Description Organized and active teams of contributors.
Target value
Delivery date
O 5.2.2
Title Program resources
Description Additional guidebooks, digital tools, sensor kits, makers and creative kits
Target value
Delivery date
Co-building the Metropole air policy
The DIAMS team contribute to the elaboration of the Metropole air qualitypolicies through a guided and promoted open innovation process: during the school year, contributors gather data, share insights, propose solutions. Areward system encourages their initiatives. At the end of the school year, the best contributions are selected and rewarded. Theyare integrated in the annual air qualityaction plan of the Metropole. Entrepreneur solutions are incubated bythe operating structure.
AMP leads the process, with the assistance of Air PACAand ALab in the AIR.
Start date
End date
Deliverable number
Deliverable and partners involved Target value Delivery date
Title Award system
D 5.3.1
An award system to encourage the contributions will be designed by ALab in the AIR, the AMP and MATRICE. Contributions (either data, insights, proposals), if relevant, will be awarded XXXXX points. Points can be traded for rewards (offered bypartners or sponsors). Acryptomoneyscheme will be potentiallytested. This task is linked to WP7 activities.
Target value
Delivery date
1 30/08/2019
D 5.3.2
Title Projects selection
Contributors will propose ideas and projects on the open innovation portal. The AMP, together with
Target value
Delivery date
the DIAMS team, will select the 10 best citizens contributions and the 8 best organizations contributions to be included as actions in the City Air Quality Plan
D 5.3.3
Title Annual air qualityplan
Acitizen-driven annual qualityplan will be developed by AMP, with the assistance of Air PACAand A
Target value
Delivery date
2 30/09/2021
Lab in the AIR. This plan will explicitely take into account the contributions of the DIAMS teams (insights, data), and will integrate the selected DIAMS contributors projects.
Output Number
Project output Target value Delivery date
O 5.3.1
Title DIAMS Teams contributions
Description Insights, proposed actions
Target value
Delivery date
O 5.3.2
Title Daily Data collected bythe contributors
Description Monitoring + emissions and exposure -related data collected bycontributors on a dailybasis
Target value
Delivery date
O 5.3.3
Title Citizen-driven annual cityair qualityplan
Acitizen-driven annual qualityplans taking into account the contributions of the DIAMS teams
Target value
Delivery date
2 29/10/2021
Description (insights, data), and integrating the selected DIAMS contributors projects.
Work Package Budget
PP1 - Aix Marseille Provence Metropole (AMP Metropole)
Staff costs
Office and administration
Travel and accommodation
External expertise Equipment Sub-total Revenues Total
and services
costs : 6000€/PM
N/A indicators and
experimentations suppliyng
Amount (€) 45,000 6,750.00 0 140,000 0 191,750.00 0 191,750.00
PP2 - Air PACA Staff costs Office and administration
Travel and accommodation
External expertise and services
Equipment Sub-total Revenues Total
10,45 PM
costs :
A5.1 - Launching the Program 4000€/PM
A5.2 - Expanding, testing and improving the program 5000€/pm
A5.3 co-building the Metropole Air Cities 6000€/pm
N/A Travels (expanding and testing...)
Amount (€) 58,100 8,715.00 2,500 0 0 69,315.00 0 69,315.00
PP4 - ALab in the AIR
Staff costs Office and administration
Travel and accommodation
External expertise and services
Equipment Sub-total Revenues Total
8000€/pm (future operating structure with people from thecamp detached resources) and 1 person from the Lab
3 tasks
21,8 PM
N/A furnitures and
materials for testing and expanding in fablab : little equipment to make working citizens and children
Amount (€) 174,400 26,160.00 0 0 30,000 230,560.00 0 230,560.00
PP5 - Mobigreen -La Poste
Staff costs Office and administration
Travel and accommodation
External expertise and services
Equipment Sub-total Revenues Total
cost : 8000€/PM
N/A Travels to Marseile services of sensors supplier
300 citizen sensors
Amount (€) 21,200 3,180.00 6,000 85,000 150,000 265,380.00 0 265,380.00
PP6 - Matrice Staff costs Office and administration
Travel and accommodation
External expertise and services
Equipment Sub-total Revenues Total
10000€/PM 5,3Pm | N/A | 20000 | |
Description | coach matrice, individual auditions (of students), immersions |
Amount (€) 53,000 7,950.00 0 0 0 60,950.00 0 60,950.00
PP7 - L'Air et Moi Staff costs Office and administration
Travel and accommodation
External expertise and services
Equipment Sub-total Revenues Total
20 PM
cost/PM: 4000€/PM
Amount (€) 80,000 12,000.00 0 0 0 92,000.00 0 92,000.00
PP8 - Groupe Tera Staff costs Office and administration
Travel and accommodation
External expertise and services
Equipment Sub-total Revenues Total
8,15PM: for production of sensors and participation to expanding and testing (1.65 PM)
cost PM: 6000€/PM
N/A external expertise
for sensors manufacturing
equipment for manufacturing sensors : handling, components, NextPM(sensor),
Amount (€) 48,900 7,335.00 0 235,000 163,500 454,735.00 0 454,735.00
PP9 - AVITEM Staff costs Office and administration
Travel and accommodation
External expertise and services
Equipment Sub-total Revenues Total
1 PM
Amount (€) 6,000 900.00 0 0 0 6,900.00 0 6,900.00
Total (€) 486,600.00 72,990.00 8,500.00 460,000.00 343,500.00 1,371,590.00 0.00 1,371,590.00
Indicative budget breakdown per year
Year 2018 2019 2020 2021 Total
Amount (%) 0 % 15 % 55 % 30 % 100.00 %
Budget (€) 0.00 205,738.50 754,374.50 411,477.00 1,371,590.00
Indicative budget breakdown per activity
Activity Amount (%) Budget (€)
A 5.1 25 % 342,897.50
A 5.2 50 % 685,795.00
A 5.3 25 % 342,897.50
Total 100.00 % 1,371,590.00
Work Plan Per Work Packages - WorkPackage 6 (Implementation Work Package)
Title Platform Development
Start Date 01/11/2018
End Date 30/10/2021
Budget 1,669,041.00
Partners Involvement
Responsible Partner PP 2 - Air PACA
Involved Partners PP1 - Aix Marseille Provence Metropole (AMP Metropole)
PP2 - Air PACA
PP3 - ARIATechnologies PP4 - ALab in the AIR
PP5 - Mobigreen -La Poste PP6 - Matrice
PP8 - Groupe Tera
Summary The DIAMS platform provides digital air qualityservices. It facilitates transactions between the different types of individuals and organizations that would otherwise have difficulty finding each other and provides technological building blocks that are used as a foundation on top of which a large number of innovators can develop complementaryservices or products. DIAMS is organized around four structural portals:
- Sensor platform: Sensor acquisition and assimilation/aggregation procedures;
- Territorial portal: APIs for platforms communication and data exchange, Lean Emission Inventory, Cloud based conceptual analysis tools.
- Innovation portal: access to open public data and regulated access to proprietarydata; open innovation platform based around blockchain technology.
- Services platform: user-centered design applications and communitymanagement tools.
The platform is developed using agile development methodologies, an approach used in the field of software development a based on iterative short-term processes that lead to the initial deliveryof a partial but operational product and various consecutive versions with increasinglyimproved performance. Through constant iterations, these methodologies seek to provide value from the verybeginning of a project, as well as undertake ongoing assessment of the product. Their goal is to introduce improvements until a final result of excellent quality is achievedt hat fully responds to all user requirements
Activities, Deliverables and Outputs
Activity number
Activity title Activity description and partners involved Start date End date
System architecture
The System architecure ensure the consistencybetween the technical solution, procedures, development models and standards. The system architecture teams is the technical leader for design, implementation and interface decisions regarding technical solutions. It is comprised of IT specialists from a Lab in the AIR, Air PACAand AMP, assisted by MATRICE.
Start date
End date
Deliverable number
Deliverable and partners involved Target value Delivery date
Title Technologyassessment
D 6.1.1
The technologyassessment aims to get a good understanding of how the METROPOLE and Air PACAcurrentlyuse and manae information technology. The assessment will include a review of the various aspects associated with the acquisition, distribution and management of IT resources, including Network Infrastructure, Network Services, Server Infrastructure and Applications, IT Security, Specialized and/or Unique Application, Social Media, Development environment and best practices, human resources.
The TAwill be conducted bythe system architect of a Lab in the AIR, and Air PACA.
Target value
Delivery date
1 31/03/2019
D 6.1.2
Title DIAMS reference architecture
Logical and physical models of the plateform; Architecture Requirements Dossier (ARD); hardware
Target value
Delivery date
1 31/05/2019
Description requirements, etc. aligned with the strategic and requirement policies (WP4).
Output Number
Project output Target value Delivery date
O 6.1.1
Title System architecture
The System architecure ensure the consistencybetween the technical solution, procedures,
Target value
Delivery date
1 31/05/2019
Description development models and standards.
Sensor platform
The sensor platform is comprised of a sensor/IoT data acquisition interface (based on Sentilo) together with a set of IA-based data analysis tools (OS) that enable assimilation and aggregation functionalities.
The Sensor platform is developped using iterative Agile Methodologies, and continuallyimproved.
Air PACA(with services), a Lab in the AIR, ARIATechnologies, MATRICE and the AMP are in charge of the platform development.
Start date
End date
Deliverable number
Deliverable and partners involved Target value Delivery date
Title Design Sprints
D 6.2.1
Design sprints are five-dayprocesses for answering critical business questions through design, prototyping, and testing ideas with customers. The outputs of the design sprints are prototype that’s been tested with ~5 target users. AProduct Roadmap expands the design sprint prototype to flesh out the remaining, prioritized features / screens / user flows. These priorities becomes entries in of the product backlog, which can then be fed into the agile devsprints.
ALab in the AIR and MATRICE are in charge of the design sprints, together with Air PACA, AMP, ARIA, and the involvement of stakeholders/ Users.
Target value
Delivery date
2 29/10/2021
Title Customer Experience Design (UX/UI)
D 6.2.2
The UXDesign is concerned with building out the information architecture, interactions, and flow of the human-centered experiences of the solution. The Visual Design defines the styles, tones, and interfaces (when applicable).
ALab in the AIR and MATRICE are in charge of the UX/UI, with the involvement of AMP.
Target value
Delivery date
2 29/10/2021
Title Code Sprints
D 6.2.3
The code sprints are intermediate sprints between the design sprints and the agile devsprints. Theyare used to determine the best technologystack, application architecture, and infrastructure to adapt.
Air PACAand MATRICE are in charge of code sprints, with the involvment of ALab in the AIR , ARIA and AMP.
Target value
Delivery date
2 29/10/2021
Title Agile Development (sprints)
D 6.2.4
The Agile cycle is comprised of (1) a discoveryphase (2) the product backlog: a prioritised list of all the estimated individual elements for completing the overall project (3) 2-4 weeks long sprints during which the development team will design, program and test each one of the development items listed in the sprint backlog. The result of each sprint should be a potentiallyshippable product increment, in which an increase in value or functionalitycan be seen when compared with the previous sprint. The sprints are repeated until the result desired bythe customer is obtained (or the budget/time allocated to the project expires).
Air PACA(with services), ARIAand MATRICE are in charge of the code sprints, with the involvement of AMP.
Target value
Delivery date
6 30/10/2021
Output Number
Project output Target value Delivery date
O 6.2.1
Title Sensor acquisition interface
Description sensor/IoT data acquisition interface (based on Sentilo)
Target value
Delivery date
1 29/10/2021
O 6.2.2
Title Assimilation/aggregation algorithms
IA-based data analysis tools (OS) that enable assimilation and aggregation functionalities.
Target value
Delivery date
2 29/10/2021
Territorial Platform
The territorial platform is comprised of APIs that allow fluent data exchanges and cloud based conceptual tools (incl. models) that enable integrated planning.
The Territorial platform is developped using iterative Agile Methodologies, and continuallyimproved. Air PACA(with services), a Lab in the AIR, ARIA(models) MATRICE and the AMP are in charge of the platform development.
Start date
End date
Deliverable number
Deliverable and partners involved Target value Delivery date
Title Design Sprints
D 6.3.1
Design sprints are five-dayprocesses for answering critical business questions through design, prototyping, and testing ideas with customers. The outputs of the design sprints are prototype that’s been tested with ~5 target users. AProduct Roadmap expands the design sprint prototype to flesh out the remaining, prioritized features / screens / user flows. These priorities becomes entries in of the product backlog, which can then be fed into the agile devsprints.
ALab in the AIR and MATRICE are in charge of the design sprints, together with Air PACA, AMP, ARIA, and the involvement of stakeholders/ Users.
Target value
Delivery date
2 29/10/2021
Title Customer Experience Design (UX/UI)
D 6.3.2
The UXDesign is concerned with building out the information architecture, interactions, and flow of the human-centered experiences of the solution. The Visual Design defines the styles, tones, and interfaces (when applicable).
ALab in the AIR and MATRICE are in charge of the UX/UI, with the involvement of AMP.
Target value
Delivery date
2 29/10/2021
Title Code Sprints
D 6.3.3
The code sprints are intermediate sprints between the design sprints and the agile devsprints. Theyare used to determine the best technologystack, application architecture, and infrastructure to adapt.
Air PACAand MATRICE are in charge of code sprints, with the involvment of ALab in the AIR , ARIA and AMP.
Target value
Delivery date
2 29/10/2021
Title Agile Development (sprints)
D 6.3.4
The Agile cycle is comprised of (1) a discoveryphase (2) the product backlog: a prioritised list of all the estimated individual elements for completing the overall project (3) 2-4 weeks long sprints during which the development team will design, program and test each one of the development items listed in the sprint backlog. The result of each sprint should be a potentiallyshippable product increment, in which an increase in value or functionalitycan be seen when compared with the previous sprint. The sprints are repeated until the result desired bythe customer is obtained (or the budget/time allocated to the project expires).
Air PACA(with services), ARIAand MATRICE are in charge of the code sprints, with the involvement of AMP.
Target value
Delivery date
6 29/10/2021
Output Number
Project output Target value Delivery date
O 6.3.1
Title APIs for platforms communication and data exchange
Description APIs for platforms communication and data exchange
Target value
Delivery date
4 29/10/2021
O 6.3.2
Title Cloud based conceptual analysis tools
Conceptual tools (incl. models) that enable integrated planning
Target value
Delivery date
6 29/10/2021
Innovation Platform
The territorial platform is comprised of an open innovation portal with dedicated apps and an open data portal,as well as democracyparticipation tools built upon DCENT. DECODE is adapted to the DIAMS platform.
The Innovation platform is developped using iterative Agile Methodologies, and continuallyimproved. Air PACA(with services), a Lab in the AIR, MATRICE and the AMP are in charge of the platform development.
Start date
End date
Deliverable number
Deliverable and partners involved Target value Delivery date
Title Design Sprints
D 6.4.1
Design sprints are five-dayprocesses for answering critical business questions through design, prototyping, and testing ideas with customers. The outputs of the design sprints are prototype that’s been tested with ~5 target users. AProduct Roadmap expands the design sprint prototype to flesh out the remaining, prioritized features / screens / user flows. These priorities becomes entries in of the product backlog, which can then be fed into the agile devsprints.
ALab in the AIR and MATRICE are in charge of the design sprints, together with Air PACA, AMP, and the involvement of stakeholders/ Users.
Target value
Delivery date
4 29/10/2021
Title Customer Experience Design (UX/UI)
D 6.4.2
The UXDesign is concerned with building out the information architecture, interactions, and flow of the human-centered experiences of the solution. The Visual Design defines the styles, tones, and interfaces (when applicable).
ALab in the AIR and MATRICE are in charge of the UX/UI, with the involvement of AMP.
Target value
Delivery date
4 29/10/2021
Title Code Sprints
D 6.4.3
The code sprints are intermediate sprints between the design sprints and the agile devsprints. Theyare used to determine the best technologystack, application architecture, and infrastructure to adapt.
Air PACAand MATRICE are in charge of code sprints, with the involvment of ALab in the AIR , ARIA and AMP.
Target value
Delivery date
4 29/10/2021
Title Agile Development (sprints)
D 6.4.4
The Agile cycle is comprised of (1) a discoveryphase (2) the product backlog: a prioritised list of all the estimated individual elements for completing the overall project (3) 2-4 weeks long sprints during which the development team will design, program and test each one of the development items listed in the sprint backlog. The result of each sprint should be a potentiallyshippable product increment, in which an increase in value or functionalitycan be seen when compared with the previous sprint. The sprints are repeated until the result desired bythe customer is obtained (or the budget/time allocated to the project expires).
Air PACA(with services), ARIAand MATRICE are in charge of the code sprints, with the involvement of AMP.
Target value
Delivery date
6 29/10/2021
Output Number
Project output Target value Delivery date
O 6.4.1
Title Open data portal
Description Air Open data portal linked to other open data territorial platforms
Target value
Delivery date
1 29/10/2021
O 6.4.2
Title Open innovation portal and app
Open innovation portal for entrepreneurs engagement
Target value
Delivery date
2 29/10/2021
O 6.4.3
Title Particpatory Democracytools
Description Particpatory Democracytools built upon DCENT
Target value
Delivery date
3 29/10/2021
O 6.4.4
Title Data private management tools
Description DECODE based algorithms
Target value
Delivery date
1 29/10/2021
Project Acronym: DIAMS
Services Platform
The service platform provides users with a number of air qualitydedicated digital services. The number of services are expected to increase as peer-producers and peer-partners release new apps. Anumber of these apps are produced through the open innovation process and the DIAMS contributors. We plan as a priority to develop a pulse-app (air qualityperformance dashboard) together with interactive web mapping.
The Innovation platform is developped using iterative Agile Methodologies, and continuallyimproved. Air PACA(with services), a Lab in the AIR, ARIA, MATRICE and the AMP are in charge of the platform development.
Start date
End date
Deliverable number
Deliverable and partners involved Target value Delivery date
Title Design Sprints
D 6.5.1
Design sprints are five-dayprocesses for answering critical business questions through design, prototyping, and testing ideas with customers. The outputs of the design sprints are prototype that’s been tested with ~5 target users. AProduct Roadmap expands the design sprint prototype to flesh out the remaining, prioritized features / screens / user flows. These priorities becomes entries in of the product backlog, which can then be fed into the agile devsprints.
ALab in the AIR and MATRICE are in charge of the design sprints, together with Air PACA, AMP, and the involvement of stakeholders/ Users.
Target value
Delivery date
4 29/10/2021
Title Customer Experience Design (UX/UI)
D 6.5.2
The UXDesign is concerned with building out the information architecture, interactions, and flow of the human-centered experiences of the solution. The Visual Design defines the styles, tones, and interfaces (when applicable).
ALab in the AIR and MATRICE are in charge of the UX/UI, with the involvement of AMP.
Target value
Delivery date
4 29/10/2021
Title Code Sprints
D 6.5.3
The code sprints are intermediate sprints between the design sprints and the agile devsprints. Theyare used to determine the best technologystack, application architecture, and infrastructure to adapt.
Air PACAand MATRICE are in charge of code sprints, with the involvment of ALab in the AIR , ARIA and AMP.
Target value
Delivery date
4 29/10/2021
Title Agile Development (sprints)
D 6.5.4
The Agile cycle is comprised of (1) a discoveryphase (2) the product backlog: a prioritised list of all the estimated individual elements for completing the overall project (3) 2-4 weeks long sprints during which the development team will design, program and test each one of the development items listed in the sprint backlog. The result of each sprint should be a potentiallyshippable product increment, in which an increase in value or functionalitycan be seen when compared with the previous sprint. The sprints are repeated until the result desired bythe customer is obtained (or the budget/time allocated to the project expires).
Air PACA(with services), ARIAand MATRICE are in charge of the code sprints, with the involvement of AMP.
Target value
Delivery date
6 29/10/2021
Output Number
Project output Target value Delivery date
O 6.5.1
Title Pulse app
Description air qualityperformance dashboard together with interactive web mapping.
Target value
Delivery date
1 29/06/2019
O 6.5.2
air qualitydigital services
Target value
Delivery date
8 29/10/2021
Description Apps developed by Peer-partners and peer-producers through the open innovation process
Work Package Budget
PP1 - Aix Marseille Provence Metropole (AMP Metropole)
Staff costs
Office and administration
Travel and accommodation
External expertise Equipment Sub-total Revenues Total
5,25 PM
and services
costs : 6000€/PM
Amount (€) 31,500 4,725.00 0 0 0 36,225.00 0 36,225.00
PP2 - Air PACA Staff costs Office and administration
Travel and accommodation
External expertise and services
Equipment Sub-total Revenues Total
A6.1 - System Architecture A6.2 Sensor Plateform
A6.3 - Territorial Interface
A6.4 - Innovation Interface
A6.5 - Services Interface
N/A working with the
plateform devlopers and WPmeeting
Plateform development : external supplying
Amount (€) 178,440 26,766.00 2,500 550,000 5,000 762,706.00 0 762,706.00
Staff costs Office and administration
Travel and accommodation
External expertise and services
Equipment Sub-total Revenues Total
Cost : 9000€/PM 17,5PM
system development / services interface, innovation interface ...
N/A travel to exchange with partners about system development
calculating center supplier
furnitures for sensors
Amount (€) 157,500 23,625.00 9,000 85,000 30,000 305,125.00 0 305,125.00
PP4 - ALab in the AIR
Staff costs Office and administration
Travel and accommodation
External expertise and services
Equipment Sub-total Revenues Total
system architect in the lab + coordination of lab (operating structure with detached persons from thecamp) medium costs : 9000€/mois
34,6 PM
System development, consceptualizing, dveloping plateform
N/A partners meeting to insure development with system developers
external services about conceptualize innovation interface and services interface
Amount (€) 311,400 46,710.00 5,000 60,000 0 423,110.00 0 423,110.00
PP5 - Mobigreen -La Poste
Staff costs Office and administration
Travel and accommodation
External expertise and services
Equipment Sub-total Revenues Total
system architecture of plateform with experimentation of sensors on vehicles of La Poste
Amount (€) 16,000 2,400.00 0 0 0 18,400.00 0 18,400.00
PP6 - Matrice Staff costs Office and administration
Travel and accommodation
External expertise and services
Equipment Sub-total Revenues Total
5,5 PMon the project
N/A travels from paris to coordinate with project partners on system development
openers sessions, coaching sessions
computers, IT material
Amount (€) 49,500 7,425.00 4,000 46,000 8,000 114,925.00 0 114,925.00
PP8 - Groupe Tera Staff costs Office and administration
Travel and accommodation
External expertise and services
Equipment Sub-total Revenues Total
technician about system devlopment : link between plateform and sensors
costs 4000€/PM
N/A travels to work with other partners on the development of plateform and insure compatibilitywith sensors
Amount (€) 7,000 1,050.00 500 0 0 8,550.00 0 8,550.00
Total (€) 751,340.00 112,701.00 21,000.00 741,000.00 43,000.00 1,669,041.00 0.00 1,669,041.00
Indicative budget breakdown per year
Year 2018 2019 2020 2021 Total
Amount (%) 10 % 40 % 30 % 20 % 100.00 %
Budget (€) 166,904.10 667,616.40 500,712.30 333,808.20 1,669,041.00
Activity | Amount (%) | Indicative budget breakdown per activity | Budget (€) | |
A 6.1 | 30 % | 500,712.30 | ||
A 6.2 | 20 % | 333,808.20 | ||
A 6.3 | 10 % | 166,904.10 | ||
A 6.4 | 20 % | 333,808.20 | ||
A 6.5 | 20 % | 333,808.20 | ||
Total | 100.00 % | 1,669,041.00 |
Work Plan Per Work Packages - WorkPackage 7 (Implementation Work Package)
Title Business Models
Start Date 01/07/2019
End Date 30/06/2021
Budget 295,370.00
Partners Involvement
Responsible Partner PP 4 - ALab in the AIR
Involved Partners PP1 - Aix Marseille Provence Metropole (AMP Metropole)
PP2 - Air PACA
PP3 - ARIATechnologies PP4 - ALab in the AIR
PP5 - Mobigreen -La Poste PP6 - Matrice
PP8 - Groupe Tera
Summary To engage, stakeholders must benefit from their contributions. The maturation of smart cities, future advances in the application of IoT technologyin public services, the increased presence of data-driven businesses in the economycreate new business models. The DIAMS platform aims at supporting diverse business models for the open and commercial exploitation of air-related data. To make the business models successful, the value of data must be appreciated across all its forms: social, economic and environmental, as well as financial value. Byengaging with peer-producers and setting-up a data monetization framework, we aim to create value-based transactions that can be properlyunderstood byall partners.
Activities, Deliverables and Outputs
Activity number
Activity title Activity description and partners involved Start date End date