uFNCTt uNnuu«<˙Y
u¸NucNL´zt ,F.t<`nt ucLFnt £˛NbF u¸NucNL´zt ucLFnt – Cהz auo
uFNCTt uNnuu«<˙Y
tt nFCs s¸ C•Oר`‘XG u`Ss, n○○u S,x a(e)(Lt)
u¸NucNL´zt ,F.t<`nt
ucLFnt £˛NbF u¸NucNL´zt ucLFnt – Cהz auo uFNCTt uu` uNnuu «<˙Y oe]ou]nonaut N:YNT
– : uu¸£<uN6£F : –
u<£n6 | Nc«T | uFu u˙tn |
e. | L˙:YFG¸˙ L˙:YFuG, 9C˛`Xì, SFuì‘ uG` OnHìGt nJ«Tì. | C |
n. | L˙:YFGF untSFntuì uG` Sר‘uFntuìGt LuFuì uG` OnHì | z |
C. | L˙:YFרF˙ SFרSFH uG` nG6‘u u|nS|uFרF˙ uG¸LnJFGt SFu‘u³tnT (T`רF˙ C`un`u G` HJFLCFntuì רFs`Gt u`G,ìGt LFLTGì LרFJ`X YJì H~nt e`) | z |
a. | L˙:YFרF˙ SFuì‘ SnJF רFs`GF nGuT Sn`,F tìn6ì | « |
u. | L˙:YFGF SFuì‘ SnJF רFs` L˙:YF dFnF t’Fu`,F nGuרì, nJnGuרì, L¸uGFuì, nGuרì L˙«|Cì uG` n`S’‘ | « |
z. | L˙:YF uFL`GF C:TFJ`HìGF u|SFnG¸ unS | « |
e. | L˙:YFGt GtnT L’JF u˙«`GF uYFJ T`רGF uF« TntS` JCtJs u˙«`GF HFC`n HGTF LFY`GF unFרX‘ uYFJ u|nTnGntcJ רFs`Gt SìC cuJ:YF Cìu Tì T`Gt nJ«Tì. | e○ |
C. | L˙:YFGt nJnJt LnרnTuì uG` T`רGF uF« TntS` uYJF T`Gt L,FCGF 9C˛`XYt L` Yt Jt¸ LnuìGF LG`,F u`SרìGt L`9Sì HFC`n HGTF רFs` u¸<,t e` S` S`ר uG` uFJt L`9SìGt SFu‘JFCt Gì˙t HFC`n HGTF רFs` 9u,³t e` S` S`ר, T` u˙«`G¸˙ unS. | e○ |
ה. | L˙:YFGF untSFntuì uG` Sר‘uFntuìGt nGC`‘nXSF | e○ |
eo. | Cn`S untSFnt uG` Sר‘uFntG` רLT¸ רFnLS רC`GTF6¸˙ uG` nGuרì ר¸HLGF JLTnGt u³tnTGt רFnCTt. | e○ |
ee. | L˙:YFGt u`H•LtGt TרFר uìHGFuìGt nJ«Tì, L}nuT uu‘ uG` Sn`,t u}SJ6tuìGF uC`JF, CXF‘JT¸ OFLJ`,¸ LH`s. | ee |
en. | OFLJ`,t LCFuSt uG` LCFuSt SFu‘S|רìGF ,FuFYt‘uìGt nJ«T LnCT uFJF SFu‘S|רìGF uר,Gt u³tnT. | ee |
eC. | L˙:YF uFL`Yt SìCu6 unJFG«tuì uYJF untSFnt un uYJF e¸seFs / nFCT ר`LJGFn uר,Gt u³tnT. | ee |
ea. | L˙:YF uFL` 9u,³t uYJF T`רGt uFL` nC`Tt JtHF6¸˙ רF³uררF˙ ~uF˙TnnT (C,`Ss=ìnGSL OF`ר‘)רFnCTtGt nJ«Tì. | ee |
eu. | L˙:YFרF˙ HFC`n 9uuì«רF˙ nFu`,t u¸:TSF,u uYJF JF˙uG u˙’Gt ee LJ,Tì רFs`Gt Lרu LnCT GF«nnSìG` רFnCTt ר`LJJF רFs`Gt u|FuT L«J’ìGt nJ«Tì. | en |
ez. | L˙:YFu` nGu¸ST Sn`,F HFC`n רFnCTt untSFntuìGF GFר, CìÛFuì uG` u•u nJ«Tì. | ea |
ee. | JuTì JuT nGuT SnJFרF˙ uFJ` T` u|רF6`Gt uFJt u•u רFnCTt. | eu |
u¸NucNL´zt ,F.t<`nt
ucLFnt £˛NbF u¸NucNL´zt ucLFnt – Cהz auo
nFCs s¸ C•Oר‘`XG u`Ss, n○○u S,x a(e)(Lt) u•Ju`Gt רFnCTtG¸ ר`•u¸u,
L˙:YFG¸˙ L˙:YFuG, 9Û`Xì, SFuì‘ uG` OnHìGt nJ«Tì.
L˙:YFu˙¸ L˙:YFuu :
uFHGF C•Oìר‘`XG uG` s`SGì,ìHtGF u¸«רF˙ «|˙YF,u uG` רFnCTt S`•C=ì uG` nFG S`•C=ìu` u¸nGJnL‘stרF˙
£CuGt u}nרSF nGuFJt nCuF e`. u¸nGJnL‘st ,FCL|`ntu` nXeF6 uG` L˙XìtGG` J`« uFuJFG¸˙ SFu‘ Sn` e`. GJLFnt S˛neF u¸nGJnL‘st ,FCL|`nt LF“ u|Yר G.ר.S˛neF רCFnJtF,uGt :YFuGF e«zuרF˙ YC cuFnYt H Sì,`H
,FCL|`nt TntS`Gt u}nרSF, e«enרF˙ «¸HnFT u`«|tS<un u¸nGJnL‘stGt :YFuGF YTF S`duL ,FCL|`nt TntS`,e«zzרF˙ Cìst‘S<un uG` Oìn`:s=t Sì,`HGt :YFuGF YTF L`•s=, ,FCL|`ntGt u¸nרSFרF˙ T`רH ר`, n○○a רF˙ «¸HnFT S˛neF u¸nGJnL‘stG¸˙ nJuFHG YTF GJLFnt S˛neF S`duLG` GJLFnt S˛neF u¸nGJnL‘st TntS`Gì CnHHì רL`, e`, cuFnYt uF ,FCL|`nt u¸nGJnL‘st ,FCL|`nt TntS`Gt u¸nרSF uHJt nCt e` T`רH u:ut u`«|tnLhG`L ר`G`Hר`•s C•:stsu¸s n○○eרF˙, n○eeרF S˛neF רCFnJtF,u JLC, S˛neF רCFnJtF,u u~u uG` u:ut XSt,ר LFuìs`SGì,ìHt Cn•:stsu¸s, L¸nTGt Sì,`Hì X~ Yu`, H`רF˙ u¸nGJnL‘st ,FCL|`nt unT רCcJGt u¸nרSF u¸nt uF’TF Cn`S Sì,`HGF unuFLS|ר uG` L˙XìtG רFs`Gt Ltt H רFnCTt/ntLìL‘ H~nnuFT ר¸HL u¸nt uF’JFרF˙ u«|`Ln nC` e`. uFר JT‘רFGרF˙ u¸nGJnL‘st ,FCL|`nt u¸nGJnL‘stGt ○z L˙tFn6tu Sì,`H, ○e uì,ts`SGtS Sì,`H, en ntLu‘ :s`XGì uG` u S`JtS`Gt X“eFn6S SFu‘ uG` L˙XìtG SFu‘רF˙ H~nt Ltt רFnCTtuì u¸nt uF’JFG¸ SFר Snt nCt e`. uF u¸nGJnL‘st ,FCL|`nt KOHA ,FCL|`nt ר`G`Hר`•s LìOsJ`n dFnF uìsìר`s`’ SnJFרF˙ uFJ`, e`, uF ,FCL|`ntרF˙ u}L H Lר˛³t רFnCTtL˙«|C tnFJ` e`
u¸NucNL´zt «<˙YF,uuF 9C˛`Xì uu` ³u`uì utu` u¸Hte`.
e.u¸nGJnL‘stGF nXeF6, L˙XìtG uG` nJ:Tn6 SFu‘ LFY` L˙SLFu`,F J“nFnGSì, L˙XìtSì, u³uFuS«6 uG` nJtFYt‘«6ìG` 9uuì«t רFnCTt 9u,³t SnFJJt.
n. u¸nGJnL‘stGF nXeF6, L˙XìtG uG` nJ:Tn6GF SFu‘רF˙ 9uuì«t uF9uu¸:TSì , L˙Cu‘ u¸:TSì, LFרnuSì, C–ntLìLt‘L nJ«`n` רFnCTt L˙LFtG u¸nF uF’t u¸nGJnL‘stGF ³u`uì uG` 9Û`XìGt LFY` u¸nSGt u}nרSF uHJJt.
C. 9uuìSTFuìGì LF“n³tSnJSFL YFu T` רFs` cunST«T u|ucGì SnJF.
a. u¸nGJnL‘st ,FCL|`ntרF˙ 9u,³t רFnCTt L˙LFtGGt u|nS|uF, HFLJ6t uG` 9uuìSTF«6Gt רF˙«6t Yu` 9u,³t SnFJJt.
u. 9uuìSTF«6רF˙ JF˙uGJ˛nu Jt` T`JF u|ucG SnJF.
z. uLnSFnS nXeF6 רFs` J“nFnGSì, L˙XìtSì uG` u³cFFuS«6ìG` GJtGuר nFG u|CFG SnJ¸˙.
e. «|˙YF,u eF`n` uFJTt GJGtTר s`SGì,ìHtG` uuGFJJt uG` «|˙YF,uרF˙ :YFnuT SnJt.
z. רFnCTt S`•C=ìGt :YFuGF SnJt uG` JFuSG` L,FC L¸uGì uFuJF.
«.nJnJt רFnCTt :nìTì un H~nt u|nS|uF Snt 9uuìSTFG` 9u,³t SnFJJt.
u¸NucNL´zt «<˙YF,uuF £Fuì´ uu` OnHì utu` u¸Ht e`.
(e) nXeF6 uG` L˙XìtGרF˙ רCC~u YJ¸˙.
(n) J“nFnGSì, L˙XìtSì uG` u³cFFuS«6 dFnF רF˙«6t Yu` רFnCTt T}T‘ H u}nt uF’Jt.
(C) 9uuìSTFG` GJtGTר C,`Ss=ìGtS ntLì‘LtYt רFnCTt:nìTì 9u,³t SnFJJF.
(a) «|˙YF,uרF˙ 9u,³t רFnCTt :nìTìGF S`s,ì«, C•’`eFt˙«, ntu|ì«|FOt L`JF, ’ìSu¸ר`•s n’,tJnt L`JF nJ«`n` u¸nt uF’Jt.
(u) רFnCTt L˙«|CGF` nJSFL SnJì.
(z) רFnCTt :nìTìG¸˙ J«t‘Sn6 SnJ¸.
(e) «|˙YF,xXx Xx¸רF˙ Jt¸ 9uuì« YFu T` רFs` ,FCL|`nt uìntu`s``XG, £uuìSTF nXeF6, u¸:TS u|CX‘GG H`Jt u|J˛nuuì SnJt.
(z) «|˙YF,uG` «|˙YF,u uG` רFnCTt nJnFGGF (Professional) «|˙YF,u L˙uF,G LìOsJ`n dFnF uF˙ntStSn6 SnJ¸ uG` «|˙YF,uG` utuG LGFJJ¸.
u¸NucNL´zt «<˙YF,uuF L¿F u˙0L :
«¸HnFT S˛neF u¸nGJnL‘stuìGF nJt`uS–n○○uGF untnGuרGt S,ר–eeGt Hì«JFCuì u•Ju` u¸nGJnL‘st ,`J,` u¸nGJnL‘stGt nJtFunneFC, L˙uF,G ר˙’L, «|˙YF,u LnרnT T`רH u•u nJnJt nXeF6 L˙XìtG uG` nJ:Tn6 eF`n` nuFu`, unneFCì dFnF רFGGtu S¸,unTetGF u³ueFu6F C`9L uFnCnX‘u JnCJs SnJFרF˙ uFJTì Cìu e` H`G` uFntGnnCG` u¸nGJnL‘st ,FCL|`nt, GJLFnt S˛neF u¸nGJnL‘st, GJLFnt dFnF u¸nGJnL‘st ,FCL|`nt, Sì,`H ,FCL|`nt uG` T`Gt L˙,uG uìHGFuìGt SFר«tnt SnJFרF˙ uFJ` e`.
L˙:YFuF uNt£Fntuì uu` £u´uFntuìut L¿Fuì uu` OnHì
e. «˙<YuF,rtut OnHì :
e. u¸nGJnL‘stGt ,FCL|`ntG¸ L˙uF,G SnJ¸˙ T`רH רCCGtX «|˙YuF, uG` «|˙YF,uGF u•u Sר‘uFntuìG` רF«‘CX‘G uG` u|`n6F u¸nt uF’Jt.
n. u¸nGJnL‘st ,FCL|`ntGF 9uuìSTF«6ìGt Cn`S u|SFnGt JF˙uGLFר«|tuì רLt nC` T` רFs`GF u|ucGì SnJF.
C. u¸nGJnL‘st ,FCL|`ntG` utuG LGFJJFGt SFר«tnt.
n. uCCutX «<˙YuF,rtut OnHì :
e. u¸nGJnL‘stGt ,FCL|`ntG¸ L˙uF,G SnJ¸˙, S˛neF nJeFuS 9uuì«t u¸:TSì, C–L¸SL untCJF C–HG‘<L, C–’`sFL`h, C–ntLìLt‘L, LFרFnuSìGF ,JFHר unJF, רFnCTt L˙LFtGGt HFLJ6t SnJt uG` nJtFYt‘uì uG` u³uFuSìG` רF˙«6t ר¸HL uFCFG–u|CFG SnJ¸, u¸nGJnL‘st ,FCL|`ntGF un cuJCFn, u¸:TSìG¸ J«t‘Sn6, uìsìר`XG nJ«`n`Gt SFר«tnt SnJt.
n. PGS-501 (Library and Information Service) GF nJeFuG¸ nXeF6 uFuJFGt SFר«tnt.
X. XxXX uG` S˛neF SìeF u˙T«‘T Ltt H u|SFnGt L¸nJtF «|˙YF,u 9uuìSTF«6G` רLt nC` T` u˙«`Gt SFר«tnt.
a. KOHA Library Management Software, E-library uG` Digital Library u˙«`Gt SFר«tnt.
u. uF 9unF˙T untnGuר C`9L SnJFרF˙ uFJ`, LuF uG` OnHì nGuFJX`.
£u´uFntut OnHì :
uF u¸nGJnL‘st ,FCL|`ntרF˙ ר¸tucJ` X“eFn6S uG` TF˙nnS Sר‘uFntuì TYF JCtJst Sר‘uFntuì LFר`, e`. X“eFn6S Sר‘uFntuì ר¸tucJ` nXeF6, L˙XìtG, nJ:Tn6 TYF uìTFGF nJuF«רF˙ H~nt untCt TYF JCtJsGt SFר«tnt L˙uFL` e`.
TF˙nnSt Sר‘uFntuì H` T` nJuF«GF J’FGF רF«‘CX‘G C`9L nXeF6 L˙XìtG, nJ:Tn6 uG` JCtJsGt SFר«tntרF˙ רCCGtX TntS` OnHì LHFJ` e`.
u¸NucNL´zt ,F.t<`ntuì Xxx : –
e. LJFn` e–C○ S,FS Yt nFn`GF e○–○○ S,FS L¸tt
n. Cn LtHF uG` uìYF XnGJFn` LJFn` «–○○ S,FS JFuuFYt LF˙H` u–○○ S,FS JFuuF L¸tt
C. Cn nnJJFn` LJFn` «–○○ S,FS JFuuFYt LF˙H` u–○○ S,FS JFuuF L¸tt
L˙:YFuF˙ £Fu£FH uu` Nu6´u u<N£<uFuF˙ uu¸LncFut £Fu´u³tNT
(T`uF˙ C`un`uu` HcFtCFntuì uFz`ut u`u,ìut tFtTuì LuFc`X Ycì H~nt e`)
u¸nGJnL‘st «|˙YF,uGt :YFuGF GJLFnt S˛neF u¸nGJnL‘st, GJLFnt C`9L SnJFרF˙ uFJ`, e` H`Yt uF u¸nGJnL‘st «|˙YF,uGt u|«nT uG` nJSFLG` ,«Tt LFLTìG` nJuFn6F u¸nGJnL‘st tFnF tìn6ì ר¸HL SnJFרF˙ uFJ` e`.
NXeF6ut £Fu«tntuF˙ LCFu
u¸nGJnL‘st «|˙YF,u u¸nGJnL‘st dFnF uFuJFרF˙ uFJTF nXeF6G` J`« uFuJF רFs` X“eFn6S SFu‘S|רìG` 9uuì«t u¸:TSì, LFרnuSì, C–ntLìLt‘L, C–’`sFL`h, C–L¸SL, C–HG‘<L nJ«`n` u¸nF uF’JFGt SFר«tnt Sn` e`.
L˙Xìtuut £Fu«tntuF˙ LCFu
u¸nGJnL‘st dFnF L˙XìtG SFu‘G` J`« uFuJF רFs` L˙XìtGG` רFnCTt :nìTì u¸nF uF’JF T`רH L˙XìtSìGì Lרu LuFJt T`רG` 9uuì«t רFnCTt L`JFuì u¸~ uF’JFG¸ SFר u¸nGJnL‘st «|˙YF,u dFnF SnJFרF˙ uFJ` e`.
Nc:Tn6 NXeF6ut £Fu«tntuF˙ LCFu
u¸nGJnL‘st dFnF nJ:Tn6 SFu‘G` J`« uFuJF רFs` nJ:Tn6SFu‘G` 9uuì«t רFnCTt :nìTì u¸nF uF’JF T`רH nJ:Tn6 SFu‘ LFY` L˙SLFu`,F £u uìSTF«6ìGì Lרu LuFJt T`רG` 9uuì«t רFnCTt L`JFuì u¸~ uF’JFG¸ SFר u¸nGJnL‘st «|˙YF,u dFnF SnJFרF˙ uFJ` e`, T`רH «|˙YF,u dFnF u¸:TS u|CX‘G, רG`
«רT¸ u¸:TS JFTF‘,Fu, £u uìSTF nXeF6, ,FCL|`nt uìntu`s`XG nJ«`n` H`Jt nJ:Tn6 nXeF6Gt SFר«tntYt u¸nGJnL‘stGF J“nFnGSì, u³uFuS«6 uG` nJtFYt‘«6 9uuìSTFG` «|˙YF,u unuר¸u SnJFרF˙ uFJ` e`.
cCtczut £Fu«tnt
JCtJst SFר«tnt S¸,LnuJet dFnF SnJFרF˙ uFJ` e`. T`uì S¸,unTetG` JCtJst LFLTìרF˙ nG6‘uì
,`JFרF˙ LCFu Sn` e`.
uF6F˙ uu` NCLFtt £Fu«tnt
GF6F˙ uG` nCLFLt SFר«tnt nCLFLt untSFnt–J–nCLFL nGuFרSet dFnF SnJFרF˙ uFJ` e`. uF SFר«tnt nFHu LnSFnetu` nGuT Sn`, LH`s GF6F˙ uG` s=`hntGF nGuרì uG¸LFn SnJFרF˙ uFJ` e`. uF nJuF« dFnF uìn’s, ut.u`O., uu‘ un nGu˙n6Gt HJFLCFnt u6 e`. H` u˙«`GF SFu‘u³tnT LnSFnetu` nGuT Sn`, SFu‘ u³tnT ר¸HL uר, Sn` e`. GF6F˙ nJuF« dFnF S`•C=ì uG` u`sF S`•C=ì dFnF LGFJ`, LH`s GF6F˙Stu L˙uF,G
«|F•sGt OFLJ6t uG` u«FnueYFG¸ L˙uF,G Sn` e`.
u¸nGJnL‘st ,FCL|`nt L˙u}6‘u6` GJLFnt S˛neF u¸nGJnL‘stGF nGuרì C`9LSFu‘nT e` TYF u¸nGJnL‘stGF TרFר nGuרìG` L˙tGSTF‘ e`.
L˙:YFuF £Fuì´ £ncF uFz`uF NuuT £n`,F tìn6ì
GJLFnt S˛neF u¸nGJnL‘st dFnF GSSt SnFu`,F tìn6ì u¸nGJnL‘st ,FCL|`nt dFnF uG¸LnJFרF˙ uFJ` e` H`Gt nJ«Xxxxx.xxx.xx un 9u,³t e`.
L˙:YFuF £Fuì´ £ncF uFz` L˙:YF dFnF L0Fu`,F Nuuuì¸ NcNuuuì¸ L¸uuFuì¸ Nuuu L˙«<Cì uu` n`£0´
L˙:YFGF SFuì‘ SnJFרF˙ רFs` T`רH Sר‘uFntuìGt GìSnt T`רH L`JFStu LFLTìGF nGuרG רFs` GJLFnt u¸nGJnL‘st dFnF ,F«¸ u’Fu`,F «¸HnT nLnJ, LnJ‘L ~<L, n○○n ר¸HL SnJFרF˙ uFJ` e`. H`Gt nJ«T xxx.xxx.xx un 9u,³t e`.
L˙:YF uFL`uF C:TFc`HìuF u<£Xxx¸˙ u+£
u¸NucNL´zt ,F.t<`nt¸ ucLFnt £˛NbF u¸NucNL´zt¸ ucLFnt utu` H6Fc`, C:TFc`Hìut LFuc6t £n` e`.
(e)u¸:TSìG¸ unn«|C6 (Accession Register)
(n) LFרFnuSìG¸ nHt:sn
(C) u¸nGJnL‘st ,FCL|`nt 9uuìSTFuìG¸ ר¸,FSFT nHt:sn
(a) Sר‘uFntuìGF L`JFStu n`S’‘.
(u)u¸nGJnL‘st ,FCL|`nt dFnF SnJFרF˙ uFJ`, SnFnì / ר`רìn`•’ר uìO u•’n:s`•’t˙« u˙«`GF n`S’‘.
(z) nFHu LnSFnGF u¸nGJnL‘stG` L˙LntT 9nFJì, u¸nGJnL‘stGF HFC`nGFרF uG` unnunìGì n`S’‘.
(e) L˙XìtG u˙«`Gì n`S’‘.
(z) H¸CF H¸CF untSFn ר˙’LìGt SFu‘JFCtGt Gì˙t.
(«) L˙:YFGF SFuì‘ רFs`GF u•u H~nt n`S’‘.
L˙:YFut utNT L0cF u˙«`uF uYcF T`uuF cCtcz u˙«`uF HFC`n HuTF LFY`uF unFuX´ uYcF u<NTNuNtcc uFz`ut £ì. juc:YF Cìu Tì T`ut Nc«Tì.
L˙:YFGt GtnT L’JF u˙«`GF TרFר nGuרì u¸nGJnL‘st dFnF GSSt SnFu`,F nGuרì u|רF6` uG¸LnJFרF˙ uFJ` e`. H`Gt nJ«Xxxxx.xxx.xx 9un 9u,³t e`.
L˙:YFut NcNct LNuNTuì uu` T`uuF uF« Tnt£` uYcF T`ut L,FCuF 9d`XYt t` Yt ct¸ LnuìuF tu`,F˙ u`£uìut t`9£ì HFC`n HuTF uFz` u¸<,t e` £` £`u uu` uFct t`9£ìut £Fu´cFCt uì˙t HFC`n HuTF uFz` 9u,*t e` £` £`u¸ T` u˙«`u¸ u+£.
u¸nGJnL‘stGF nGuFרS ר˙’L, u`S`’`רtS SF9•Lt, J«`n` untSFn ר˙’LìGt L`9SìGt SFu‘JFCtGt Gì˙t HFC`n HGTF רFs` u¸nGJnL‘stGF J`L LFCs un 9u,³t Cìu e`.
L˙:YFuF uNt£Fntuì uu` £u´uFntuìut NuC`´NX£F
L˙:YFGF untSFntuì TYF Sר‘uFntuìGt רFnCTt u¸nGJnL‘stGt J`L LFCs un 9u,³t e`.
Cn`£ uNt£Fntuu` £u´uFntu` uLT¸ uFNL£ uC`uTF6¸˙ uu` Nuuuì u¸HtuF cLTnut u³tNTut uFNCTt.
untSFnt/Sר‘uFntuìG` רLTF˙ רFnLS רC`GTF6F˙ (u«Fn tìn6) uG` JLTn u¸nGJnL‘st tFnF tìn6 ר¸HL uFuJFרF˙ uFJ` e`. H`Gt TרFר רFnCTt LFר`, (unnnXes–e)רF˙ CXF‘J`, e`.
L˙:eFFut u`HgLtut TuFu uìHuFuìuut Nc«Tì¸ L˛NuT uu´ uu` £n`,t u˛£c6tuìuF uC`cF, CXF´cT¸ OFLc`, tH`z.
רFnCTt uF (unnnXes–n)רF˙ LFר`, e`.
OFLc`,t LCFu£t uu` LCFu£t £Fu´£<uìuF ,FuFYt´uìut Nc«T LNCT uFcF £Fu´£<uìuF uu,ut u³tNT.
,F«¸ u’T¸ GYt.
L˙:YF uFL`Yt £ì.u6 uncFu«tuì uYcF uNt£Fnt u+ uYcF e¸zeFz ] nFCFT u`LcuFn uu,ut u³tNT.
,F«¸ u’T¸ GYt.
L˙:YF uFL` 9u,*t uYcF T`uut uFL` nC`Tt ctHF6¸˙ uF³uuuF˙ ~uF˙TNnT (.,`£z=ìNu£L Oìu´) uFNCTtut Nc«Tì.
(e) GJLFnt S˛neF u¸nGJnL‘stGt J`L LFCs xxx.xxx.xx C•snG`s un 9u,³t e`.
(n) :GFTS uG` uG¸:GFTS unuFLS|רì רFs`GF u˙«|`HtרF˙ (Prospectus)
(C) Gujarat Agricultural Universities Act, 2004
(a) nJnJt unuFLS|רìGF nJnGuרì (Regulations).
(u) C–L¸SL, C–ntLì‘LtL, C–’`sFL`h nJ«`n` xxx.xxx.xx / Library Knowledge center
C•snG`s un 9u,³t e`.
(z) XxXX, Krishikosh uG` KOHA OPAC
L˙:YFuF˙ HFC`n 9uuì«uF˙ nFu`,t u¸:T£F,u uYcF cF˙uu u˙0ut Lc,Tì uFz`uF Xxx LNCT uF«Nn£ìu` uFNCTt u`LccF uFz`ut u<F%T L«c0ìut Nc«Tì.
e. «<˙Y L˙«<C : – (oe]ou]xxxx ut N:YNT u¸Htuì)
.–t¸£L L˙Cu´ u¸:T£ì
t`£ cì<u¸u (tF9g0 Yu`,F LFuNu£ì) u`u.u`LLt YtLtL
ut.u`u.0t. YtLtL
ntuìz´L Lt0t ] 0tct0t
– Cz¸Cou
– הaz
– הzCC (uF uF˙£0ì u¸:T£ìuF L˙«<CuF˙ LuFu`, e`.)
– eeCne
– CCoC
– enC
– zCnC
– zen
e.ה .–0`zF t`.h :–
e.ה.e £`t u`t:z=`£z ] c`t u`t:z=`£z (CAB Abstract) / VET Abstract) (uìu,F.uuF˙ 9u,*t) e.ה.n Lt.u`u.uF... £ìuì0tztL (CMIE Commodities, Outlook, Prowes IQ)
e.ה.C %,Fgz tFuìz`£uì,ìHt (Plant Biotechnology)
e.ה.a .Ng0uF:z`z (Indiastae)
e.ה.u Biotopica(uìu,F.uuF˙ 9u,*t) e.ה.z J-Gate Complete
n. LFuFNu£ì(ut¿u)
uFnTtu (Indian) – nC
NcC`Xt (Foreign) – ○○
CeRA Through - (Consortium for e-Resources in Agricultural)
– zeeeo
C. u¸NuNL´zt ,F.t<`ntuF˙ uFucFuF˙ uFcTt uFNCTt L`cFuì :
e. | u¸:T£ì uFCFu–u<CFu | (Books Issue / Return) |
n. | n`OngL LNc´L | (Reference Service) |
C. | n`On, LNc´L | (Referral Service) |
a. | £`z,ì« £`ttu`z £F0´ L`cF | (Catalogue Cabinet Card) |
u. | h`nìeF L`cF | (Reprography Service) |
z. | ut¿u uctìtu L`cFuì | (CAS) |
e. | uL˙C«tu¸£T uFNCTt L`cF | (SDI) |
C. | .gznu`z t`.h L`cF | (Internet base Service) |
ה. | uìu`£ L`cF | (Online Public Access Catalogue) |
eo. | .gzn ,F.t<`nt ,ìu | (Inter Library Loan) |
ee. | ,F.t<`nt N0:%,` | (Library Display) |
en. | LtLtztct £`u`nF | (CCTV Camera) |
eC. | N0:F£L ~u | (Discuss Room) |
ea. | .–,F.t<`nt ] N0Htz, ,F.t<`nt | (e-library / Digital Library ) |
eu. | 0ì£u¸u`gz 0t,tcnt LNc´L | (Document Delivery Service) |
ez. | gu˛h £,tut˙« LNc´L | (News Clipping Service) |
a. u¸:T£ì uFCFu–u<CFu (Issue / Return)
Ssn¸ – acac
צP8´ı – aeec )nxo
h`nìeFL`cF – n○u○
u. u¸NucNL´zt ,F.t<`ntuF 9uuì£TFuì (Visitors)
£<u | Nc«T | NctFYt´ut L˙tuF | u³iFFu£«6ìut L˙tuF |
e. | «<˙YF,uuF £uuì£TFuì (:z`£~u uu` nt0t˙«~u) | uz○Cu | C○u |
n. | .–,F.t<`nt £uuì£TFuì | n««e | – |
C. | nF+t «<˙YF,u £uuì£TFuì | ezu○z | – |
£¸, | ez«a○ | C○u | |
£¸, LncFLì | eenau |
£¸, LncFLì «<˙YF,uuF 9uuì« £nuFn £¸, 9uuì£TF«6 – (ezהao + #_5) = **Z$5
z.u¸NucNL´zt «<˙YF,u LNuNT utu` u¸Ht e`.
u.u. | uNt£Fntu¸ uFu | £u`ntu¸ uFu ] LnuFu¸ | CìC˛ì |
e. | ’F‘.h`’.xx.xx`, | רFGGtu S¸,unTet, G.S˛.u¸.,GJLFnt | u³ueFet |
n. | ’F‘.nTר¸n uC,FJT | L˙XìtG nGuFרSet uG` ’tG xx.Xx. G.S˛.u¸., GJLFnt | Lnu |
C. | ’F‘.u`G.u`ר.uF“CF6 | nJ:Tn6 nXeF6 nGuFרSet, G.S˛.u¸., GJLFnt | Lnu |
a. | ’F‘.u<SF nL˙t | uFuFu‘et uG` ’tGet, u:ut LF«FuT–J–JGtu רCFnJtF,u, G.S˛.u¸., GJLFnt | Lnu |
u. | ’F‘.uFn.u`ר.GFuS | uFuFu‘et, G.ר.S˛neF רCFnJtF,u, G.S˛.u¸., GJLFnt | Lnu |
z. | ’F‘.ut.S`.etJF:TJ | uFuFu‘et uG` ’tGet, Sì,`H uìO Oìn`:s=t, G.S˛.u¸., GJLFnt | Lnu |
e. | ’F‘.~nunF X¸S,F | uFuFu‘et uG` ’tGet, u:ut u`«|t nLhG`X ר`G`Hר`•s, G.S˛.u¸.,GJLFnt | Lnu |
z. | ’F‘.u`L.u`ר.hF | uFuFu‘et uG` ’tGet, u:ut XSt,ר S˛neF LFuìs`SGì,ìHt C•:stsu¸s, G.S˛.u¸., L¸nT | Lnu |
«. | ’F‘. u`L.u`u. L`G«n | uFuFu‘et, S˛neF CHG`nt uG` s`SGì,ìHt Sì,`H uG` uì,ts`SGtS S˛neF CHG`n Sì,`H, | Lnu |
e○. | ’F‘.uFn.u`ר.GFuS | nGuFרSet, nJtFYt‘ S<uF6, G.S˛.u¸., GJLFnt | Lnu |
ee. | ’F‘.u`u.Jt.u’uF | S¸,LnuJet, G.S˛.u¸.,GJLFnt | Lnu |
en. | et nunF« Lt. GFuS | nCLFL nGuFרSet, G.S˛.u¸., GJLFnt | Lnu |
eC. | ’F‘. Jt.ut.9LC’tuF | u|F³uFuSet, G.ר.S˛neF רCFnJtF,u, G.S˛.u¸., GJLFnt | Lnu |
ea. | ’F‘.nCcu`X ’t. us`, | uFuFu‘ uG` ’tGet, S˛neF רCFnJtF,u,u~u, G.S˛.u¸., GJLFnt | Lnu |
eu. | ’F‘. ר`C¸, Ht. 9SSn | LC u|F³uFuSet, u:ut u`«|t nLhG`X ר`G`Hר`•s, G.S˛.u¸., GJLFnt | Lnu |
ez. | ’F‘. H`.H`. u:TF«tuF | uFuFu‘et, S˛neF רCFnJtF,u, JtC, G.S˛.u¸., GJLFnt | uFר˙nnT Lnu |
ee. | ’F‘.S`.’t.s˙’`, | רCCGtX «||˙YuF,, u¸nGJnL‘st ,FCL|`nt, G.S˛.u¸.,GJLFnt | uFר˙nnT Lnu |
ez. | ’F‘.u`u.u`ר.nJn’tuF | C/uF. «||˙YuF,, u¸nGJnL‘st ,FCL|`nt, G.S˛.u¸.,GJLFnt | Lnu LnuJ |
e«. | S¸. u¸xL¸ uFst | nJtFYt‘ u|nTnGnt, G.ר.S˛neF רCFnJtF,u, G.S˛.u¸., GJLFnt | Lnu |
n○. | S¸. unu‘TF u`ר. us`, | nJtFYt‘ u|nTnGnt, u:ut LF«FuT–J–JGtu רCFnJtF,u, G.S˛.u¸., GJLFnt | Lnu |
ne. | S¸. nXJFGt ut. C¸tFnF | nJtFYt‘ u|nTnGnt, u:ut u`«|t nLhG`X ר`G`Hר`•s, G.S˛.u¸., GJLFnt | Lnu |
e. u¸NucNL´zt «<˙YF,uuF Nuuuì (uNnNXbz–C) uF˙ LFu`, e`.
u<£n6 –xx
xxXx cuT NuuT £ncFuF˙ uFc` T` u<uF6`ut uFct ugu uFNCTt.
LnSFnet TYF GJLFnt S˛neF u¸nGJnL‘st dFnF JuTì JuT uF LFLT` nGuT SnJFרF˙ uFJGFn רFnCTt T`רH L¸uGì uYF Lרu` H6FJJFרF˙ uFJX`.
u<£n6 –xx xxXx cuT NuuT £ncFuF˙ uFc` T` u<uF6`ut uFct ugu uFNCTt.
LnSFnet TYF GJLFnt S˛neF u¸nGJnL‘st dFnF JuTì JuT uF LFLT` nGuT SnJFרF˙ uFJGFn רFnCTt T`רH L¸uGì uYF Lרu` H6FJJFרF˙ uFJX`.
:: uNnNXbz–e ::
uFu | CìC˛ì | OnHì | u«Fn tìn6 | u˛L u«Fn | unTtuì u<£Fn | uFTFuF˙ CFu, TFntu | Nuc˛¿tut TFntu |
et nCcu`G u`x.xx`, | H¸Gtun S,FS‘ | S`Xtun TntS`Gt SFר«tnt «¸HnFTt–u˙«|`Ht sFCu,u«FnLt, uG` u¸nJ6tLt,ì LGFJJF, :s`duGì nCLFL uG` ,«TF unSì nGuFJJF, h`nìeFGì nCLFL TYF Cn`S LFtGìGt ,ì«L¸SGt HFLJ6t, :s`XGnt TYF :s`XGntGt untCt uG` T` u˙«`GF nHt:snì nGuFJJF :s`du nHt:sn, ’`’:sìS L˙uFLJFGt SFר«tnt, JCtJst SFר«tnt T`רH 9unt untSFnt dFnF H` SFרGt Lì˙u6t SnJFרF˙ uFJ` T` TרFר SFר«tnt SnJt. | e««○○– – zCn ○○ | nC,z○○ | L6Tt | nn/○z/n○○e | C○/ee/n○aC |
etרTt Ht.u`L. u|LFC | ,`L Lìu | 9unt untSFnt dFnF H` SFרGt Lì˙u6t SnJFרF˙ uFJ` T` TרFר SFר«tnt SnJt. | eaz○○ – aee○○ | xx,e○○ | xXxxxXX` GìSnt | e○–○C–n○○u | Ce/○e/n○nz |
etרTt S~6FL`G st. us`, | ,FCL|`nt u`s`’•s | 9unt untSFnt dFnF H` SFרGt Lì˙u6t SnJFרF˙ uFJ` T` TרFר SFר«tnt SnJt. | eu○○○ – aez○○ | n○,C○○ | Lttt unTt | n○/○C/n○e○ | Xx/○e/n○az |
et רGìHS¸רFn u`. nF9ì’ | ,FCL|`nt u`s`’•s | 9unt untSFnt dFnF H` SFרGt Lì˙u6t SnJFרF˙ uFJ` T` TרFר SFר«tnt SnJt. | eaz○○ – aee○○ | e«,C○○ | Lttt unTt | ○e/○«/n○e○ | Xx/○u/n○ae |
:: uNnNXbz –n::
University Library, NAU, Navsari Plant / Non Plan Scheme
Statement of Grant & Expenditure 2023-24
BH | Name of Scheme | Allotted grant | Expenditure | ||||||
Pay & Allow | Recurring | Non Recurring | Total | Pay & Allow | Recurring | Non Recurring | Total | ||
327/0571 1/00 | Establishment of Library, Navsari | 16,00,000/- | - | - | 16,00,000/- | 15,94,178/- | - | - | 15,94,178/- |
327/1213 6/00 | Library Facilities at all campus, Navsari | - | 54,18,000/- | - | 54,18,000/- | - | 53,99,204/- | - | 53,99,204/- |
:: uNnNXbz –C::
1. General
1.1 Personal books, printed reading material etc. is not allowed in the Library
1.2 Files, raincoats, umbrellas, etc. should be deposited at the property counter near the library entrance
1.3 Particulars of your personal Laptops should be recorded at the Gate Counter (Property Counter)
1.4 Taking books out of the library without authorization, marking or underlining, or in any way disfiguring and mutilating books, or library property is a misdemeanor, which may lead to withdrawal of library
1.5 No reading material can be issued to a borrower not in possession of his or her membership card, if he or she is drawing books of others
1.6 Books shall be recalled and their issue suspended during the period of stocktaking
1.7 ‘No Dues Certificate’ can be secured from the library after surrendering the borrowers’ card and clearing all library dues. In case of the loss of borrowers’ card ‘No Dues Certificates’ can be issued only 14 days after the normal expiry of the membership. Provisional ‘No Dues Certificate’ cannot be issued.
1.8 Smoking is prohibited in all areas of the library
1.9 Change if address and designation should be immediately reported at the circulation Desk.
2. WORKING Hours.
Working Days : 7-30 A.M. to 10-00 P.M. 2nd& 4th Saturday : 9-00 A.M. to 5-00 P.M. Sunday : 9-00 A.M. to 5-00 P.M.
Holidays : Closed
Note: Timing are subject to change from time in accordance with the orders of the University Librarian
3.1 All the students and trainees of the various teaching units and the members of the staff of the teaching and research units of the campus will be eligible for the membership of the library.
3.2 A special provision of membership will be made for the staff of the agricultural/educational/research organizations located in the vicinity of the campus. A member of staff desiring such membership shall be required to apply in a prescribed form and his application shall have to be duly recommended by the Head of the Organisaton to which the member belongs.
3.3 A member of the staff of the campus seeking membership of the library shall be required to make an application on the prescribed form. The applications will have to be duly forwarded by the respective heads of the departments/units.
3.4 A special provision of membership will be made for a person interested in Agricultural science in the respective university library in his application.
3.5 Such person, on acceptance of his/her membership, will be issued membership card/tickets as the case may be which he/she will have to produce at the counter at the time of borrowing as well as returning the books.
3.6 All student members in possession of the borrowers’ tickets will be required to return the tickets to the library at the close of each academic year. The date of return will be notified well in advance on the notice board.
3.7 A member in possession of the borrower’s card/ticket will be required to return the card/ticket and obtain clearance from the library in case of leaving the campus service on transfer or on resignation.
3.8 The Librarian in consultation with the library committee shall have the authority to disapprove and/or discontinue the membership of any person without assigning any reason.
4.1 The Number of books* that a member shall be entitled to borrow from the library shall be fixed by the university library committee and shall be liable to be changed from time to time.
4.2 The number of books that members of different categories shall be entitled to borrow at present is fixed as under.
No. of Books
4.2.1 Research & Teaching Staff
(a) For one month
(b) For two terms/semesters
Professor | 10 |
Associate Professor | 10 |
Assistant Professor 4.2.2 Ministerial, Technical and | 5 |
Non-Technical Staff | 2 |
4.2.3 Post-graduate Students/Research Scholars. | 5 |
4.2.4 Under-graduate students/Trainees. | 3 |
*The term “Books” refers to all publications housed in the library.
4.3 Each borrower shall have to return the books borrowed by him/her within the time specified below.
4.3.1 Books. – 15 days from the date of issue of students (P.G. & U.G.)/Trainees. One month from the date of issue for all other members, other than those included in rule 3.2
4.3.2 Journals/Bulletins etc. – Bound volumes/latest issues of the Journals/Bulletins etc. shall not be issued to any member out of the Library. However, single loose issue of a scientific journal/bulletin shall be issued to the Post-Graduate Teachers for overnight use only.
Note: - No Journals/bulletins etc. shall be issued to students and trainees.
4.3.3 Reference books. – such as dictionaries, encyclopedia, out of print books, theses, atlases, abstracting journals etc. will not be issued to any member out of the library premises. However, handbooks, manuals, etc. may be issued for OVERNIGHT USE only.
4.3.4 Text books shall be issued to students for a week only.
4.4 Borrowers must satisfy themselves that the book(s) they want to be issued in their name, is/are in good condition. They shall also been responsible for keeping the books in clean and good condition while in their custody. The book(s) on return shall be examine at the counter and in case of any damage noticed, the last borrower shall be held responsible. The last borrower
shall be called upon either to replace the damaged book(s) or pay the compeusation. Failure to do so will make the borrower liable to pay the cost of the books in addition to the fine that may be imposed on him/her. If the borrower, at the time of borrowing the book, points out to the Counter Assistant any damage and obtains his/her signature, he/she shall not be held responsible for the damage.
4.4.1 If in the opinion of the Librarian, the issue of certain damaged book(s) to the borrower is considered detrimental to the safety and security of the Book(s), the Librarian shall have the authority to refuse the issue of such book(s).
4.5 Any member, who has failed to return all the overdue book(s) and/or has failed to pay the fine levied on him/her, shall not be entitled to borrow any book(s) until he/she, returns the overdue book(s) and/or pays the fine levied on him/her.
4.6 Very rare material shall be allowed to be used at the specified table only under the supervision of a member of library staff.
4.7 The borrowers shall return all the borrowed material to the library before proceeding on long leave/tour etc.
4.8 The borrowers are not permitted to sub-lend the borrowed book(s) from the library.
4.9 The borrowers shall ordinarily return the book(s) on or before the due date of return. The borrowed book(s) can be renewal on the day of return, only if there has been no demand for the same book from other readers. Books returned after expiry of the due date are not likely to be renewal to the same borrower on the same day.
4.10 In case a book issued to a member is required in the library under special circumstances, it will be recalled by the Librarian and the borrower shall have to return it to the library immediately regardless of the due date of return.
4.11 Book issued to the borrower for over-night use shall have to be returned to the library during the first working hour of the next-day, not more than one book at a time will be issued to a borrower for over-night use.
4.12 The borrower’s cards/tickets given to the members are non-transferrable and shall have to be renewed every academic year.
4.13 A lost borrower’s card/ticket, if found by any person, should be returned immediately to the Librarian. Failure to comply, or misuse of the found card/ticket shall lead to cancellation of membership.
4.14 Members found taking or attempting to take books out of the library without proper authorization and marking, staining, underlining, disfiguring or mutilating books or library property shall be subject to severe disciplinary action.
4.14.1The readers will be permitted to use fountain pen in the library but they should not stain the floor or the furniture while using the pen.
4.15 The teaching and research members of staff shall be entitled to avail themselves of the facility of ‘Inter-Library Loan’ for which the university library has entered into agreement with leading agricultural Institutions/Universities in India. Any member xxxxxxxx of taking advantages of this facility shall have to put his/her request through his/her Head of the Department to the Librarian in writing giving full particulars of the publication required.
4.16 Books already issued to a member can be reserved for another member on their return provided intimation is given to the Librarians. Such books shall, however, be kept on reserve only for two days after intimation to the member registering the demand, If the member fails to borrow it within that period the book shall go into normal circulation.
4.17 The members entitled to use the stack-room shall be allowed to take the books out of the shelf. They shall not, however re-shelf the books but shall leave them on the reading table. This will avoid the danger of misplacement of books.
4.18 Issue of books shall be stopped half an hour before closing of the library every-day.
5.1 Books will be available for issue to the members immediately after the annual Verification.
5.2 Sticks, umbrellas, hats, handbags, brief-cases, books and other receptacles, personal books and such other articles as are prohibited by the Counter Assistant shall have to be left in the custody of the attendant near the gate. Only pad or loose page will be allowed to taken inside stack-room and periodical room of the library.
5.3 Any person who is not a registered member of the library shall have to obtain permission from the Librarian before visiting the library or using any of the library facilities.
5.4 A student member shall have to produce his identity card whenever demanded by the library staff.
5.5 All the readers shall have to sign the register kept at the entrance on each and every visit to the library every day.
5.6 Any change in the address of the borrower shall have to be intimated to the Librarian in writing as early as possible.
5.7 The readers are strictly prohibited to smoke, spit, sleep and make noise in the library. They are enjoined to maintain complete silence and discipline in the library.
5.8 The Librarian shall have the right of refusing admission to any person in the library on the ground of bad behavior, breach of rules, infectious diseases etc.
5.9 The Librarian shall have the authority to take such steps as are deemed necessary from time to time to ensure discipline and decorum in the library.
5.10 A Complaints/suggestion Register shall be available to the readers at the counter on request. The cases of incivility, or other failures in the services should be reported immediately to the Librarian.
6. Charges, Fines and Penalties :
6.1 Members violating the library rules shall be liable to have penalties levied on them as prescribed hereunder.
6.1.1 Lost of borrower’s cards/tickets shall immediately be reported in writing to the Librarian. Duplicate borrower’s cards/tickets/tickets shall be issued to the borrowers on written application along with payment of Rs. 50.00 per barcoded member card / Rs. 25.00 per library ticket, after it has been found that no books are due on the lost card/ticket. If any book is found issued on the lost card/ticket, it shall be the responsibility of the borrower, in whose name the card/ticket was issued, to return the books or pay compensation for its non-return.
6.1.2 A borrower, if found guilty of using or of attempting to use the card/ticket of any other borrower, will be liable to pay a fine of Rs. 5/- for using each unauthorized card/ticket. The card/ticket in question shall be with held by the Librarian who will hand over the same to its real owner.
6.1.3 Loss or damage to books and periodicals etc. – In case it is noticed that a member has lost or damaged the book issued to him/her shall be called upon to replace the book or to pay the double price, plus Rs.10/- towards processing charges and binding charges uptoRs. 45/- wherever applicable.
6.1.4 In case of doubt of International loss or damage, a penalty uptoRs. 100/- shall be charged in addition to the charges mentioned under item No. 6.1.3
6.1.5 Loss or damage to Reserve, Rare or Reference books and Technical Journals.- A charge of Rs. 70/ - towards processing and binding charges over and above the current price of the publication shall be made if the damaged lost publication is easily available.
In case of publication not readily available, the member shall have to pay the cost of Complete set, for loss or damage of single issue, or the
cost decided by the University Library Committee, as the case may be.
6.1.6 If any OUT OF PIRNT book is reported to be lost by any borrower either through negligence or through malintensions, the borrower concerned shall have to pay the price decided by the University Library Committee.
6.1.7 Loss or Damage to Bound Periodicals.- In case of loss/or damage of a bound volume, the borrower shall be called upon to pay up to four times the cost of the current volume subscription and Rs. 150/ - towards processing and binding charges.
If one volume/issue of a set of journals is damaged/lost by the borrower while in his/her custody, he/she shall be required to replace the complete to set or shall be required to pay the replacement cost of the complete set in case the particular volume/issue cannot be procured separately.
6.1.8. Loss or Damage to unpriced books, theses and bulletins etc. –
If the library authorities feel satisfied that the loss or damage, to such publications permanent and research value, has been caused by the borrower either through negligence or through mal-intention, a penalty up to Rs. 500/ - shall be charged.
6.2. In case of delayed return of the library books, the borrowers shall have to pay overdue charges before the books are accepted back at the counter. The schedule of such overdue charges shall be as under :
6.2.1. General Books. – In case of delayed return of general books / textbook on overdue charge of Rs. 1-00 per book per day during the first 15 days of overdue and and after 15 days Rs.2-00 per book per day and than after one month Rs.3 per day, until the overdue book is returned at the counter, shall be charged.
6.2.2. If a member fails to return the borrowed book(s) for more than 60 days after the due date inspite of reminders, the Library authorities shall
take such actions as they deem fit.
6.2.3. The library has to carry out Annual Verification of books and all books issued to the members shall have to be returned to this library within the period prescribed in the notice of Annual Verification, irrespective of the normal due date of return. Failure to return and clear the annual account shall entail the xxxxx of an overdue charge of Rs. 1/- per book per day subject to a maximum of Rs. 10/-.
6.3.he Librarian, in consultation with the Library Committee shall have the power either to increase/decrease the penalty or to exempt a member from the penalty if he is satisfied.
6.4. The Library Rules shall be subject to suitable modifications on the recommendations of the University Library Committee.