Curing. The factory should have well designed curing area to ensure adequate (minimum 14 days) curing of paver blocks.
Curing. 2.6.1 After the final set, the concrete shall be kept continuously wet if required by ponding for a period of not less then 7 days from the date of placement.
Curing. Green work shall be protected from rain suitably. Masonry work shall be kept moist on all the faces for a period of seven days. The top of masonry work shall be kept well wetted at the close of the day.
Curing. Immediately after compaction, concrete shall be protected from weather including rain running water shocks vibration traffic rapid temperature changes frost and drying out process. It shall be covered with wet sacking hassian or other similar absorbent material approved soon after the initial set and shall be kept continuously wet for a period of not less than 14 days from the date of placement. Masonary work over foundation concrete may be started after 48 hours of its laying but curing of concrete shall be continued for a minimum period of 14 days.