પોલીસ કિમĕરRી. રાજકોટ 6ારા વખતો-વખત બહાર પાડવામાં આવતા જાહરનામાનો કોƛટ્રાક્ટરે ચƨતપણે અમલ કરવાનો રહશે. અિધક મદદનીશ ઈજનેર નાયબ કાય’પાલક ઈજનેર સીટS એoSનીયર (ƨપે.) બાધકામ શાખા બાધકામ શાખા બાધકામ શાખા કોo˼ા£ટરની સહS તથા િસ2ો: -:: કામના તાિtક ƨપેશીફSક`શન ::- Item No.1: Earth work in cutting including preparing the slope and stacking or utilizing the cutting stuff in bans as directed up to RMC limit from the end of cutting with all leads and lift. The land with required for the road way shall be cleared of all trees having a girth of 30 cms and less, loose stones, vegetation, bushes, stumps and all other objectionable materials. The roots of trees and stumps shall be removed to a depth of 30 cms below the grade of formation and slope of excavation filled up with excavated materials and compacted. All the materials cleared will be the property of Rajkot Municipal Corporation. After clearing the site, the alignment of the road shall be properly set out true to lines, curves, grades and sections as shown on plan or directed by the engineer-in-charge. The contractor shall provide all labour and materials such as lime, strings, pegs, nails, bamboos, stone mortal, concrete etc. required for setting out alignment establishing bench marks and giving profiles. The contractor will be responsible for maintaining BM alignments, and other stakes and marks. The excavation shall be finished neatly smooth and evenly to correct lines, curves, grades if loose shall be scarified watered and compacted. The contractor shall on no account excavate beyond the slope or below the specified level or outside the section. It shall not be paid for and the contractor shall be required to fill up at his own cost with good and approved material by engineer in charge. All necessary traffic arrangement is to be done by contractor. No extra will be paid for this. The balance of the excavated quantity shall be removed by the contractor from the site of work to a place as directed within RMC limit and all lift. If the contractor fails to dispose the excavated stuff as specified, penalty will be imposed by Rajkot Municipal Corporation as per the Notification for C&D waste. The payment shall be made at Rs.12.00 per square meter basis for for excavation up to 20 cm depth. Beyond 20 cm depth, the payment shall be made at Rs.0-50 per square meter per every 5 cm additional depth for additional excavation upto 45 cm. Item No.2: Supply and laying of machine crushed aggregate of 25-38 mm Machine Crushed metal shall be of ...
પોલીસ કિમĕરRી. રાજકોટ 6ારા વખતો-વખત બહાર પાડવામાં આવતા જાહરનામાનો કોƛટ્રાક્ટરે ચƨતપણે અમલ કરવાનો રહશે. અિધક મદદનીશ ઈજનેર નાયબ કાય’પાલક ઈજનેર એડS. સીટS એoSનીયર બાધકામ શાખા બાધકામ શાખા બાધકામ શાખા કોo˼ા£ટરની સહS તથા િસ2ો: -:: કામના તાિtક ƨપેશીફSક`શન ::- Item No.1: Excavation of Foundation in Soft Murrum, Soil or Sand from 0.0 mtr. to 1.50 mtr depth including lifting and laying as instructed 1.0
પોલીસ કિમĕરRી