JOINT FILLING AND FINAL COMPACTION. As soon as practical after compaction and in any case prior to the termination of work on that day and prior to the acceptance of any traffic, sand for joint filling shall be spread over the pavement. Joint sand shall pass a 2.36mm (No. 8) sieve and shall be free of soluble salts or contaminants likely to cause efflorescence. The same shall comply with the following grading limits: 2.36mm 100 1.8mm 90-100 600mm 60-90 300 microns 30-60 150 microns 15-30 75 microns 10-20 The Contractor shall supply a sample of the jointing sand to be used in the contract prior to delivering any such material to site for incorporation into the works. Certificates of test results issued by a recognised testing laboratory confirming that the sand sample conforms to the requirements of this specification shall be submitted prior to supply of total volume required. The jointing sand shall be broomed to fill the joints. Excess sand shall then be removed from the pavement surface and the jointing sand shall be compacted with not less than one (1) pass of the plate vibrator and joints refilled with sand to full depth. This procedure shall be repeated until all joints are completely filled with sand. No traffic shall be permitted to use the pavement until all joints have been completely filled with sand and compacted. Both the sand and paver block shall be dry when sand is spread and broomed into the joints to prevent premature setting of the sand. The difference in level (lipping) between adjacent units shall not exceed 3mm with not more than 1% in any 3m X 3m area exceeding 2mm. Pavement portions which are deformed beyond above limits after final compaction, shall be taken out and relaid to the satisfaction of the Engineer in charge.