LAYING OF INTERLOCKING PAVER BLOCK. Paver block shall be laid in pattern as specified under cl. 7 throughout the pavement. Once the laying pattern has been established, it shall continue without interruption over the entire pavement surface. Cutting of blocks, the use of infill concrete or discontinuities in laying pattern is not to be permitted in other than approved locations. Paving units shall be placed on the uncompacted sand bed to the nominated laying pattern; care shall be taken to maintain the specified bond throughout the job. The first row shall be located next to an edge restraint. Specially manufactured edge paving units are permitted or edge units may be cut using a power saw, a mechanical or hydraulic guillotine, bolster or other approved cutting machine. No haphazardly broken pavers shall be used. Paver block shall be placed with the help of spacers to achieve gaps nominally 2 to 3mm wide between adjacent paving joints. No joint shall be less than 2mm nor more than 4 mm. However it is mandatory to use 3.0mm wide spacer while laying paver tiles so as to ensure uniform 3.0mm gap between adjacent pavers. Frequent use of string lines shall be used to check alignment. In this regard, the “laying face” shall be checked at least every two metre as the face proceeds. Should the face become out of alignment, it must be corrected prior to initial compaction and before further laying job is proceeded with. In each row, all full units shall be laid first. Closure units shall be cut and fitted subsequently. Such closure units shall consist of not less than 25% of a full unit. To fill spaces between 25mm and 50mm wide, concrete having minimum 1:1:2 cement : sand : coarse aggregate mix and a strength of 40 N/Sqmm shall be used. Within such mix the nominal aggregate size shall not exceed one third the smallest dimension of the infill space. For smaller spaces dry packed mortar shall be used. Except where it is necessary to correct any minor variation occurring in the laying bond, the paver block shall not be hammered into position. Where adjustment of position is necessary care shall be taken to avoid premature compaction of the sand bedding.