Assignment and subletting नमूना खंड

Assignment and subletting. The whole of work included in the contract shall be executed by the agency and it shall not directly entrust and engage or indirectly transfer assign or sublet the contract or any part or share thereof or interest therein. 12.
Assignment and subletting. The whole of the works included in the Contract shall be executed by the Contractor and the contractor shall not directly or indirectly transfer, assign or under-let the Contract or any part share thereof or any interest therein without the prior written consent of the Employer and such undertaking shall not relieve the Contractor from the full and entire responsibility of the Contract or from active superintendence of the works during their progress. 13) No alteration, omission or variation shall vitiate this contract but in case the Bank's Engineer thinks proper at any time during the progress of the works to make any alterations in, or addition to, or omissions from the works or any alteration in the kind of quality of the materials to be used therein and shall give notice thereof in writing under his hand to the Contractor, the Contractor shall alter, add to, or omit from, as the case may be, in accordance with such notice, but the contractor shall not do any work extra to or make any alterations or additions to or omissions from the works or any deviation from any of the provisions of the Contract. Stipulations, specifications or Contract Drawings without the previous consent in writing of the Employer and the value of such extra alterations, additions or omission shall, in all cases, be determined by the Employer in accordance with the provisions of Clause 17 hereof, and the same shall be added to, or deducted from the Contract Amount, as the case may be accordingly. 14)