Authorised Signatory नमूना खंड
Authorised Signatory. The selected Consultant shall indicate the authorized signatories who can discuss and correspond with the Bank, with regard to the obligations under the contract. The selected Consultant shall submit at the time of signing the contract, a certified copy of the resolution of their Board, authenticated by Company Secretary/ Director, authorizing an official or officials of the company or a Power of Attorney copy to discuss, sign agreements/ contracts with the Bank. The Consultant shall furnish proof of signature identification for above purposes as required by the Bank.
Authorised Signatory. 3.16.1. The bidder should submit power of attorney as per the format given in Annexure -V OR a certified copy of the resolution of their board, authenticated by the company secretary, authorizing an official or officials of the bidder to sign the bid documents, to discuss, sign agreements/contracts/purchase order with the bank, raise invoice and accept payments and also to correspond.
3.16.2. The proposal/ bid documents shall be duly signed by the authorised signatory (in whose favour power of Attorney is issued).
3.16.3. The bid signed by authroised signatory would be binding on the xxxxxx xxxxxxx.
Authorised Signatory. 4.19.1. The bidder should submit power of attorney as per the format given in Annexure-VI OR a certified copy of the resolution of their board, authenticated by the Company Secretary, RFP No. 314/2022/1681/HO1/DCV Issued on January 05,2022 Page:20 of 98 authorizing an official or officials of the bidder to sing the bid documents, to discuss, sign agreements /contracts / purchase order with the Bank, raise invoice and accept payments and also to correspond.
4.19.2. The proposal / bid documents shall be duly signed by the authorized signatory (in whose favour Power of Attorney is issued)
4.19.3. The bid signed by authorized signatory would be biding on the xxxxxx xxxxxxx.