Broad Terms and Conditions. The following conditions shall apply to the assignment:
1.1 The successful Consultant at his own expense will execute a contract with the Trust by paying the appropriate amount of stamp duty. The first page of the Contract shall be on a stamp paper of appropriate value. The stamp duty and contract will be subject to Mumbai jurisdiction only.
1.2 The Trust reserves the right to add, delete, modify or alter all or any of these terms and conditions in any manner as deemed necessary till the submission of proposals. Any such changes will be intimated to all the bidders’ through e-mail.
1.3 The successful Consultant should initiate work on the project within 7 working days from the date of the execution of the Contract.
1.4 The term of this assignment will be for a period of three months from the date of the contract and /or can be extended for further period on mutual agreement.
1.5 The Trust will not accept any plea of the Consultant at a later date for omission of critical services on the pretext that the same was not explicitly mentioned in the TCP. The Trust reserves the right to modify any clause of the TCP till the last date for submission of proposals. All modifications / clarifications / amendments would be communicated to the bidders’.
1.6 The Trust reserves the right to:
i. Not accept any proposal, or to accept or reject a particular proposal at its sole discretion without assigning any reason whatsoever.
ii. Cancel the TCP at any stage, without assigning any reason whatsoever.
iii. Waive or Change any formalities, irregularities, or inconsistencies in this proposal (format and delivery). Such a change/waiver would be duly notified to all bidders’.
iv. Extend the time for submission of the proposals and such an extension would be duly notified to all bidders.
v. Share the information/ clarifications provided in response to TCP by any Consultant, with all other Consultant(s) /others, in the same form as clarified to the Consultant raising the query.
1.7 The Trust reserves the right to ascertain information from the institutions to which the Consultants have rendered their services for execution of similar projects.
1.8 No adjustment of the contracted price shall be made on account of variation of costs of labour and materials or any other cost component affecting the total cost in fulfilling the obligations under the contract. The Contract price shall be the only payment, payable by the Trust to the Consultant for completion of the contractual obligat...