Confidentiality नमूना खंड

Confidentiality. Confidentiality obligation shall be as per Non-Disclosure Agreement to this RFP. NaBFID reserves its right to recall all NaBFID’s materials including Confidential Information, if stored in Service Provider system or environment, at any time during the term of the Contract or immediately upon expiry or termination of Contract. Service Provider shall ensure complete removal of such material or data from its custody.
Confidentiality. Information provide under this RfP and subsequent service agreement is confidential and neither party shall at any time either during the association or at any time thereafter divulge either directly or indirectly to any person(s), firm or company, business entity, or other organization whatsoever, any confidential information that the other party may acquire during the course of such association or otherwise concerning the other party’s business, property, contracts, trade secrets, clients or affairs.
Confidentiality. This document contains information confide ntial and proprietary to SIDBI. Additionally, the empanelled consultants shall be exposed by virtue of the contracted activities to the internal business information of SIDBI. Disclosures of receipt of this RfE or any part of the aforementioned information to parties not directly involved in providing the services requested could result in the disqualification of the consultants, premature termination of the empanelment, and / or legal action against the consultants for breach of trust. Empanelled Consultan t (s) shall have to sign a legal non -disclosure agreement with SIDBI before starting any project. The Consultant (s ) ( and its employees) shall not, unless SIDBI gives permission in writing, disclose any part or whole of this RfE document, of the proposal a nd/or contract, or any specification, plan, drawing, pattern, sample or information furnished by SIDBI (including the users), in connection therewith to any person other than a person employed by the respondent in the performance of the proposal and/or con tract. Disclosure to any such employed person shall be made in confidence and shall extend only as far as may be necessary for purposes of such performance. The employees or the third party engaged by the respondent shall maintain strict confidentiality. T001222800/2021/BYO/HRV Issued on: January 08, 2021 Page: 10 of 31 The Consultant(s), its employees and agents shall not, without prior written consent from SIDBI, make any use of any document or information given by SIDBI or its Authorized personnel, except for purposes of performing the contract award. In case of breach, SIDBI shall take such legal action as it may be advised. The Consultants has to maintain confidentiality even after completion/ termination of the empanelment.
Confidentiality. 11.22.1. This document contains information confidential and proprietary to Bank. Additionally, the vendors will be exposed by virtue of the contracted activities of internal business information of Bank, affiliates, and/or business partners. Disclosures of receipt of this RFP or any part of the aforementioned information to parties not directly involved in providing the services requested could result in the disqualification of the vendors, premature termination of the contract, or legal action against the vendors for breach of trust. 11.22.2. The bidder shall submit a non-disclosure agreement as per Annexure -XI on non-judicial stamp paper of appropriate value. 11.22.3. In case the selected vendor acts is extending similar services to multiple customers, vendor shall take care to build strong safeguards so that there is no co-mingling of information, documents, records and assets related to services within the ambit of this RfP and subsequent purchase order.
Confidentiality. 10.1 THE COMPANY acknowledges that all material and information which has or will come into its possession or knowledge in connection with this Agreement or the performance hereof, whether consisting of confidential and proprietary data or not, whose disclosure to or use by third parties may be damaging or cause loss to bank will at all times be held by it in strictest confidence and it shall not make use thereof other than for the performance of this Agreement and to release it only to employees requiring such information, and not to release or disclose it to any other party. THE COMPANY agrees to take appropriate action with respect to its employees to ensure that the obligations of non-use and nondisclosure of confidential information under this Agreement are fully satisfied.
Confidentiality. पार्टी इस प्रकार सहमत हैं और स्वीकार करते हैं कि वर्तमान समझौते के हर पहलू में वाणिज्यिक शर्तों, तकनीकी मानकों इत्यादि शामिल हैं लेकिन सीमित नहीं हैं, प्रत्येक पार्टी के लिए अमूल्य हैं और गोपनीय जानकारी के रूप में दोनों मानते है। Parties hereby agree and acknowledge that every aspect of the present Agreement including but not limited to the commercial terms, technical parameters, etc. are invaluable to each party and are to be collectively regarded as part of confidential information.
Confidentiality. The Consulting Agency their Sub-consultants and the Personnel of either of them shall not, disclose any proprietary or confidential information relating to the Project, the Services, this Contract or the SIDBI business or operations without the prior written consent of the SIDBI. Parties agree that Consulting Agency shall submit the Deliverables and all documents / presentations in a mutually acceptable format for the project. SIDBI agrees that no separate mention of Consulting Agency in connection therewith is made by the SIDBI in any redistributed Deliverables to any third party, except Government of India or any public announcement without the prior written consent of the Consulting Agency.
Confidentiality. This document is meant for the specific use by the Company / person/s interested to participate in the current tendering process. This document in its entirety is subject to Copyright Laws. Bank of Xxxxxx expects the bidders or any person acting on behalf of the bidders to strictly adhere to the instructions given in the document and maintain confidentiality of information. The bidders will be held responsible for any misuse of the information contained in the document and liable to be prosecuted by the Bank. In the event of such a circumstance is brought to the notice of the Bank. By downloading the document, the interested party is subject to confidentiality clauses.
Confidentiality. 19.30.1 The RFP document is confidential and is not to be disclosed, reproduced, transmitted, or made available by the Recipient to any other person. Bank may update or revise the RFP document or any part of it. The Recipient acknowledges that any such revised or amended document is received subject to the same confidentiality undertaking. The Recipient will not disclose or discuss the contents of the RFP document with any officer, employee, consultant, director, agent, or other person associated or affiliated in any way with Bank or any of its customers or suppliers without the prior written consent of Bank. 19.30.2 This tender document contains information proprietary to the Bank. Each recipient is entrusted to maintain its confidentiality. It should be disclosed only to those employees involved in preparing the requested responses. The information contained in the tender document may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the express permission of the Bank. Disclosure of any such sensitive information to parties not involved in the supply of contracted services will be treated as breach of trust and could invite legal action. This will also mean termination of the contract and disqualification of the said Bidder.
Confidentiality a) Each party shall keep secret and treat in strictest confidence all confidential information it has received about the other party or its customers and will not use the confidential information otherwise than for the purpose of performing its obligations under this Agreement in accordance .with its terms and so far as may be required for the proper exercise of the Parties' respective rights under this Agreement. b) The term `confidential information' shall include all written or oral` information (including information received from third parties that the `Disclosing Party' is obligated to treat as confidential) that is (i) clearly identified in writing at the time of disclosure as confidential and in case of oral or visual disclosure, or (ii) that a xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxx at the time of disclosure reasonably would assume, under the circumstances, to be confidential. Confidential information shall also include, without limitation, software programs, technical data, methodologies, know-how, processes, designs, new products, developmental work, marketing requirements, marketing plans, customer names, prospective customer names, customer information and business information of the `Disclosing Party'.