Description of Personnel नमूना खंड

Description of Personnel a. The titles agreed job descriptions, qualification and estimated periods of engagement in the carrying out of the Services of each of the Consulting Agency’s Key Personnel are described in Appendix XV. b. Any adjustments shall only be made with the SIDBI approval. c. If additional work is required beyond the scope of the Services specified or change in the Scope of Service, the estimated periods of engagement of Key Personnel set forth may be increased by agreement in writing between the SIDBI and the Consulting Agency, provided that any payment for such increase or a change in scope of service shall be mutually agreed between the Parties based on the pricing agreed for the scope of Services under this Contract. d. Subject experts and Project Leader should be available for interaction with the SIDBI, as and when required by the SIDB. SIDBI will give adequate notice for requesting for such an interaction. Consulting Agency will not field any substitute at the aforesaid interaction meetings unless prior approval has been accorded by the SIDBI. Other experts indicated are in addition and not in lieu of the key experts.