Financial Bid. Financial Bid shall comprise of Final Price Offer obtained through Reverse Auction. Following conditions and procedure shall be followed in selection of bidders for conduct of Reverse Auction:-
a. Selection of vendors for Reverse Auction for award of Contract in Works and Services tenders and bulk ordering in Stores Tenders:- Number of tenderers Qualified for Award of Contract/Bulk Order Number of Tenders to be selected for Reverse Auction Remarks Note:
(i) If the number of tenderers qualified for Bulk Order/Award of Contract in less than three, RA shall not be done and tender may be decided on the basis of Initial Price Offer(s).
(ii) In case of Stores Tender , Selection of vender for Reverse Auction for developmental ordering:
1 Offers Qualified for Development Order ,with initial price offer lower than the highest initial price offer of a vendor Qualified for Bulk Order and selected for Reverse Auction after elimination, shall be allowed to participate in RA.
2 However , for the items where it is considered essential to also consider the offers for placement of developmental order from vendors categorized as Qualified for Development Order , whose received rates are higher than the rate applicable for offers categorized as Qualified for Bulk Order (ref para
(iii) MSE Criteria (Not applicable for Works): All MSEs (Micro & Small Enterprises) found Qualified for Bulk/Development Order/Award of Contract but could not be selected for Reverse Auction as per criteria
(iv) Make in India Criteria: All bidders eligible for benefits under Public Procurement (Preference to Make in India) Order-2017, found Qualified for Bulk / Developmental Order/Award of Contract and are within the specified range of price preference, under the Make in India Policy, of lowest Initial Price offer of the vendor qualified for bulk order shall be permitted to participate in the Reverse Auction, irrespective of their inter-se ranking on the basis of Initial Price offer. Such bidders shall be over and above the number of vendors selected for Reverse Auction, as per Para a and Para a Note (ii) above. However, if all the bids qualified for bulk order as well as for developmental order (before applying elimination criteria) also qualifiy under “Make in India Order,-2017” criteria, this clause shall not apply.( As per Rly Bd’s L/No. RS(M)/2011/EPS/01 Pt. dated 18-10-2019).
b. During Reverse Auction process, bidders shall not be allowed to bid a rate higher than the lowest I...