Other Important Conditions नमूना खंड

Other Important Conditions a) The bidder has to upload the relevant & readable files only as indicated in the tender documents. In case of any irrelevant or non-readable files, the bid may be rejected. b) IIM Raipur reserves the right to accept or reject any or all the tenders in part or in full or may cancel the tender, without assigning any reason thereof. c) IIM Raipur reserves the right to relax / amend / withdraw any of the terms and conditions contained in the Tender Document without assigning any reason thereof. Any inquiry after submission of the quotation will not be entertained. d) IIM Raipur reserves the right to modify/change/delete/add any further terms and conditions prior to issue of purchase order. e) IIM Raipur reserves the right to place repeat order upto 100% of the quantities within a period of 12 months from the date of successful completion of purchase order at the same rates and terms & conditions of work order/purchase order. f) In case the bidders/successful bidder(s) are found in breach of any condition(s) at any stage of the tender, Earnest Money/Performance Security shall be forfeited. g) Conditional tenders will not be considered in any case. h) In case of doubt in material, the expenditure on testing of equipment will be borne by the tenderer. i) IIM Raipur shall not be responsible for any postal delay, non-receipt or non-delivery of the EMD & Tender Fee. j) IIM Raipur may issue corrigendum to tender documents before due date of Submission of bid. The bidder is required to read the tender documents in conjunction with the corrigendum, if any, issued by IIM Raipur. The bidder is not supposed to modify the tender document.