Procedure for Joint Inspection नमूना खंड

Procedure for Joint Inspection. (i) If Goods, pre-inspected by TPI Agency, gets rejected at consignee end after receipt by consignee, the material rejection advice/rejection memo will be sent by consignee through online system to all concerned (ii) Before rejected goods are returned to the supplier, the consignee after or at the time of issue of rejection advice, at his discretion, shall call for a Joint Inspection between consignee, Vendor and TPI Agency. Such Joint Inspection shall be conducted at a place as mentioned in the notice for Joint Inspection. (iii) The joint inspection is to be carried out by the consignee with the representatives of the inspecting agency (iv) In case where either the firm or the representative of inspecting authority do not turn up for Joint Inspection, Joint Inspection shall be done with whosoever of the two is available. In case neither firm nor inspection agency attend, consignees’ decision to accept or reject such goods shall be final and binding. (v) A Joint Inspection report shall be signed by the Party(ies) attending the Joint Inspection. Failure to attend Joint Inspection shall not be an excuse to dispute the findings of Joint Inspection. (vi) Irrespective of the outcome of Joint Inspection, the TPI Agency will not be entitled for any fee or charges, whatsoever, for attending such Joint Inspection. In case of rejection of Goods on Joint Inspection, the TPI Agency shall not be entitled for inspection charges for the quantity of Goods rejected. The inspection charges, if and to the extent already paid, shall be recovered from the TPI Agency. Authority : Railway Board Letter No 2022/RS(G)/779/8. Dated :04/01/2023