Purchase Preference नमूना खंड

Purchase Preference. 16.4.1 Purchase Preference to Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) for Supply of Goods or Services will be given as per Public Procurement Policy for Micro & Small Enterprises (MSEs), order 2012 and Amendment order, 2018 under Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Act, 2006 of Government of India or as amended from time to time, in force at the time of opening of bids provided their bids are in compliance with the conditions of policy. 16.4.2 In case a tendered item is non-splitable or non-divisible, MSE quoting Price within the Price – band of “L1- Price (Other than MSE) + 15%” may be awarded for full/ complete value of supplies, subject to matching of the L1 Price. 16.4.3 The contractor on whom the contract may be entered into against this tender shall furnish the Purchaser, the details of the sub-contractors meeting any part of contract execution herein and who qualify as MSE’s as per the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Act, 2006 and amendments to same. 17
Purchase Preference. (a) Subject to the provisions of this Order and to any specific instructions issued by the Nodal Ministry or in pursuance of this Order, purchase preference shall be given to 'Class-I local supplier’ in procurements undertaken by procuring entities in the manner specified here under. (b) In the procurements of goods or works, which are covered by para 3(b) above and which are divisible in nature, the ‘Class-I local supplier’ shall get purchase preference over 'Class-ll local supplier’ as well as 'Non-local supplier’, as per following procedure: i. Among all qualified bids, the lowest bid will be termed as L1. If L1 is ‘Class-I local supplier’, the contract for full quantity will be awarded to L1. ii. If L1 bid is not a ‘Class-I local supplier', 50% of the order quantity shall be awarded to L1. Thereafter, the lowest bidder among the 'Class-I local supplier’ will be invited to match the L1 price for the remaining 50% quantity subject to the Class-I local supplier’s quoted price falling within the margin of purchase preference, and contract for that quantity shall be awarded to such ‘Class-I local supplier’ subject to matching the L1 price. In case such lowest eligible ‘Class-I local supplier’ fails to match the L1 price or accepts less than the offered quantity, the next higher ‘Class-I local supplier’ within the margin of purchase preference shall be invited to match the L1 price for remaining quantity and so on, and contract shall be awarded accordingly. In case some quantity is still left uncovered on Class-I local suppliers, then such balance quantity may also be ordered on the L1 bidder. (c) In the procurements of goods or works, which are covered by para 3(b) above and which are not divisible in nature, and in procurement of services where the bid is evaluated on price alone, the ‘Class-I local supplier’ shall get purchase preference over ‘Class-ll local supplier’ as well as ‘Non-local supplier’, as per following procedure: i. Among all qualified bids, the lowest bid will be termed as L1. If L1 is 'Class-I local supplier’, the contract will be awarded to L1. ii. If L1 is not ‘Class-I local supplier’, the lowest bidder among the ‘Class-I local supplier’, will be invited to match the L1 price subject to Class-I local supplier’s quoted price falling within the margin of purchase preference, and the contract shall be awarded to such ‘Class-I local supplier’ subject to matching the L1 price. iii. In case such lowest eligible ‘Class-I local supplier’ fails ...