Receiving of RFP Response. Receiving of RFP response will be recorded by CGTMSE in a ‘Bid Receipt Register’ kept for the purpose upon receiving the RFP response. The submission of the response should be in the format outlined in this RFP and should be submitted preferable through hand delivery. If the submission to this RFP does not include all the documents and information required or is incomplete or submission is through Fax mode, the RFP is liable to be summarily rejected. All submissions, including any accompanying documents, will become the property of the Trust. The Recipient shall be deemed to have licensed, and granted all rights to the Trust to reproduce the whole or any portion of their submission for the purpose of evaluation and to disclose and/or use the contents of the submission as the basis for any resulting RFP process, notwithstanding any copyright or other intellectual property right of the Recipient that may subsist in the submission or accompanying documents.