REGISTRATION PROCESS. पोटवि के ई-प्रोक्योरमेंट मॉड्यूि पर नामांकन करने के लिए xxxxx:// पर बोिीदाता नामांकन लिंकल्लक्लक करके । ई-लवज़ाडव पोटवि पर नामांकन लन: शुल्क है। Bidders to enroll on the e-Procurement module of the portal xxxxx:// by clicking on the link “Bidder Enrollment”. Enrolment on the e-wizard Portal is free of charge.
REGISTRATION PROCESS. Bidders to enroll on the e-Procurement module of the portal xxxxx:// by clicking on the link “Bidder Enrollment”. Enrolment on the e-wizard Portal is free of charge.
REGISTRATION PROCESS. पोटवि के ई-प्रोक्योरमेंट मॉड्यूि पर नामांकन करने के लिए xxxxx:// पर बोिीदाता नामांकन लिंकल्लक्लक करके । ई-लवज़ाडव पोटवि पर नामांकन लन: शुल्क है।
REGISTRATION PROCESS. 1. Bidders to enroll on the e-Procurement module of the portal xxxxx:// by clicking on the link “Bidder Enrollment”. Enrolment on the e-wizard Portal is free of charge.
2. The bidders to choose a unique username and assign a password for their accounts. Bidders are advised to register their valid email address and mobile numbers as part of the registration process. These would be used for any communication from the e-Wizard Portal.
3. Bidders to register upon enrolment their valid Digital Signature Certificate (Class II or Class III Certificates with signing key usage) issued by any Certifying Authority recognized by CCA India with their profile.
4. Only one valid DSC should be registered by a bidder. Please note that the bidders are responsible to ensure that they do not lend their DSCs to others which may lead to misuse. Foreign bidders are advised to refer “DSC details for Foreign Bidders” for Digital Signature requirements on the portal.
5. Bidder then logs in to the site through the secured log-in by entering their user ID / password and the password of the DSC / e-Token. 1. Various built in options are available in the e-Wizard Portal which is further synchronizing with CPP Portal to facilitate bidders to search active tenders by several parameters. These parameters include Tender ID, organization, location, date, value, etc. 2. There is also an option of advanced search for tenders, wherein the bidders may combine a number of search parameters such as organization name, form of contract, location, date, other keywords etc. to search for a tender published on the Online Portal. 3. Once the bidders have selected the tenders they are interested in, they may download the required documents / tender schedules. These tenders can be moved to the respective ‘My Tenders’ folder. This would enable the Online Portal to intimate the bidders through SMS / e- mail in case there is any corrigendum issued to the tender document. 4. The bidder should make a note of the unique Tender ID assigned to each tender, in case they want to obtain any clarification / help from the Helpdesk. 1. Bidder should take into account any corrigendum published on the tender document before submitting their bids. 2. Please go through the tender advertisement and the tender document carefully to understand the documents required to be submitted as part of the bid. 3. Please note the number of covers in which the bid documents have to be submitted, the number of documen...