Request for information. 4.10.1 Recipients are required to direct all communications for any clarification related to this RfP, to the nominated officials and must communicate the same in writing by the time mentioned in ‘Critical Information’ section before. No query / clarification would be entertained over phone.
4.10.2 All queries relating to the RfP, technical or otherwise, must be in writing only and may be sent via email. The Bank will try to reply, without any obligation in respect thereof, every reasonable query raised by the Recipients in the manner specified.
4.10.3 However, the Bank will not answer any communication reaching the bank later than the time stipulated for the purpose.
4.10.4 The Bank may in its absolute discretion seek, but under no obligation to seek, additional information or material from any Respondents after the RfP closes and all such information and material provided must be taken to form part of that Respondent’s response.