Signing of Contract Agreement नमूना खंड

Signing of Contract Agreement. The General instructions to the tenderers’ and hereinbefore referred to Conditions of Contract and Technical Specifications enclosed with the tender documents, the subsequent correspondence exchanged between the Bank and the tenderer and the work order placed shall be the basis of the final contract to be entered into with the successful tenderer. 26. The Tenderer shall go through the terms and conditions given in the general conditions of contract herewith and his offer shall be strictly in line with the terms specified therein. No deviation from the terms and conditions specified shall be acceptable. Each page of the tender documents should be signed for his/their having acquainted himself/themselves in the general conditions of contract, technical specifications, etc. 27. The tender submitted on behalf of a firm shall be signed by all the partners of the firm or a partner who has the necessary authority on behalf of the firm to enter into the proposed contract. Otherwise, the tender may be rejected. 28. On receipt of intimation from the Bank of the acceptance of his/their tender, the successful tenderer shall be bound to implement the Contract and within fourteen days thereof the successful tenderer shall sign an agreement in accordance with the draft agreement. Notwithstanding the signing of the agreement the written acceptance by the Reserve Bank of India of a tender in itself will constitute a binding agreement between the Reserve Bank of India and the person so tendering, whether such contract is or is not subsequently executed. 29. The contractor shall not assign the contract. He shall not sublet any portion of the contract except with the written consent of the Bank. In case of breach of these conditions, the Bank may serve a notice in writing on the Contractor rescinding the contract whereupon the security deposit shall stand forfeited to the Bank, without prejudice to his other remedies against the Contractor. 30. Right to Accept Part Tender: The Bank reserves the right to accept the tender either in whole or in part at the same prices quoted by the Tenderer. 31. Other Issues: The Contractor shall carry out all the work strictly in accordance with the detailed specifications and instructions of the Bank’s officials. If in the opinion of the Bank’s officials, nominal changes have to be made to suit the site condition and with the prior approval in writing of the Bank, the Contractor shall carry out the same without any extra charge. 32.