भारतीय ररज़र्व बैंक/ Reserve Bank of India
भारतीय ररज़र्व बैंक/ Reserve Bank of India
संपदा वर्भाग/ Estate Department
चेन्नै /Chennai
विवर्दा दस्तार्ेज़ Tender Document
भाग - I Part - I
बैंक के मुख्य कायावलय पररसर और चेन्नै स्थित वर्वभन्न आर्ासीय कॉलविय ं में पीड़क वियंत्रण करिे के वलए व्यापक र्ावषवक संवर्दा
Comprehensive Annual Contract for providing Pest control services in Bank’s Main
Office Premises and various Residential Colonies, located at Chennai.
विवर्दाकार का िाम Name of Xxxxxxxx
पता Address
निनिदा जमा करिे की अंनिम नदिांक: 13.03.2023 को अपराह्न 15.00 बजे िक या उससे पहले
Due Date of Submission : On or before 15.00 hrs on 13.03.2023
थिाि/Venue : संपदा वर्भाग, भारतीय ररजर्व बैंक, चेन्नै
Estate Department, RBI, Chennai
xxxxxxx की अिुसूची
भारिीय ररज़िव बैंक, चेन्नै,“बैंक के मुख्य कायावलय पररसर और चेन्नै स्थित वर्वभन्न आर्ासीय कॉलविय ं में पीड़क वियंत्रण करिे के वलए व्यापक र्ावषवक संवर्दा” संबंधी कायव हेिु ई-निनिदाएं आमंनिि करिा है। निनिदा प्रनिया एमएसटीसी नलनमटेड की ई-निनिदा पोटवल (xxxx:// से ही नकया जाएगा। सभी इच्छिि कं पनियो/ं ऐजंनसयो/ं फामों को निनिदा प्रनिया में शानमल होिे के नलए एमएसटीसी नलनमटेड में उपयवुक्त सूनिि िेबसाइट के माध्यम से पंजीकृ ि करिा होगा।
ई-विवर्दा की अिुसूची विम्नािुसार हैैः
ई-विवर्दा सं. | आरबीआई/चेन्नै/संपदा/ 401/22-23/ईटी/620 |
विवर्दा का प्रकार | ई-टेडर ( के माध्यम से ऑिलाइि भाग-। - तकिीकी-र्ावणस्िक ब ली और भाग-।। - मूल्य ब ली) |
अिुमावित लागत | रु. 24.89 लाख |
डाउिल ड करिे के वलए पावटवय ं क उपलब्ध एिआईटी (विवर्दा आमंवत्रत करिे र्ाला ि वटस) की तारीख | 01 फ़रर्री 2023 क अपराह्न 16 :00 बजे से |
विवर्दा पूर्व बैठक | 01 माचव 2020 क अपराह्न 12:00 बजे क ऑफलाइि थिाि :भारतीय ररज़र्व बैंक, दू सरी मंवजल, संपदा वर्भाग, राजाजी सालै, फ टव ग्लेवसस, चेन्नै- 600001 |
बयािा जमा रावि (ईएमडी) | रु.49,793/- |
बैंक xxxx xx / सुरक्षा जमा (एसडी) | 13 मािव 2023 क अपराह्न 15:00 बजे |
ईएमडी प्रस्तुत करिे की अंवतम तारीख | |
तकिीकी-र्ावणस्िक ब ली और ब ली की कीमत ऑिलाइि प्रस्तुत करिे के वलए ई- विवर्दा िुरू करिे की तारीख | 03 मािव 2023 क अपराह्न 16:00 बजे |
तकिीकी-र्ावणस्िक ब ली और ब ली की कीमत ऑिलाइि प्रस्तुत करिे के वलए ई- विवर्दा बंद करिे की तारीख | 13 मािव 2023 क अपराह्न 15:00 बजे |
भाग-। ख लिे की तारीख (तकिीकी- र्ावणस्िक ब ली) | 13 मािव 2023 क अपराह्न 16:00 बजे |
भाग-।। ख लिे की तारीख (मूल्य ब ली) | सफल ब लीकतावओं के विवर्दा के भाग- II (मूल्य ब ली) क बाद के तारीख में ख ला जाएगा वजसे सफल ब लीकताव क सूवचत वकया जाएगा। |
लेिदेि िुल्क | एमएसटीसी प टवल में सूवचत वकए अिुसार लेि-देि िुल्क का भुगताि एमएसटीसी वलवमटेड के पक्ष में एमएसटीसी पेंमेंट गेटर्े/एिईएफटी/आरटीजीएस |
न्यूििम निनिदा स्वीकारिे के नलए बैंक बाध्यकारी िहीं है और नकसी भी निनिदा को पूरी या आंनशक रूप में स्वीकारिे का अनधकार रखिे हैं। बैंक के पास नबिा कोई कारण नदए सभी निनिदाओं को अस्वीकार करिे का अनधकार सुरनिि हैं।
Notice Inviting Tender:
Reserve Bank of India, Chennai invites e-Tenders for the work - ‘Comprehensive Annual Contract for providing Pest control services in Bank’s Main Office Premises and various Residential Colonies, located at Chennai. The tendering process will be done only through the e-Tendering portal of MSTC Ltd (xxxx:// All interested bidders shall, register themselves with MSTC Ltd, through the above-mentioned website to participate in the tendering process.
The Schedule of e-Tender is as follows:
E-Tender No. | RBI/Chennai/Estate/401/22-23/ET/620 |
Mode of tender | E-tender (Online Part I - Techno-Commercial Bid and Part II - Price Bid through |
Estimated Cost | Rs. 24.89 Lakhs |
Date from which the tenders would be, available to parties for downloading. | 16:00 Hrs of February 01, 2023. |
Pre-Bid Meeting | Offline at 12:00 Hrs on March 01, 2023 (Venue: Reserve Bank of India, 2nd Floor, Estate Department, Rajaji Salai, Fort Glacis, Chennai 600001) |
Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) | Rs. 49,793/- |
Performance Bank Guarantee / Security Deposit (SD) | 5% of the contract value (to be submitted by the successful bidder) |
Last Date of submission of EMD | 15:00 Hrs of March 13, 2023 |
Date of starting online submission of Techno-Commercial Bid and Price Bid | 16:00 Hrs on March 03, 2023 |
Date of closing of online submission of Techno-Commercial Bid & Price Bid | 15:00 Hrs on March 13, 2023 |
Date of opening of Part-I (Techno- Commercial Bid) | 16:00 Hrs on March 13, 2023 |
Date of opening of Part-II (Price Bid) | Part II (Price Bid) of the tender, of the qualified bidders, shall be opened, on a subsequent date which shall be communicated to the qualified bidders. |
Transaction fee | Payment of transaction fee as, mentioned in the MSTC portal, through MSTC payment gateway/NEFT/RTGS in favour of MSTC Limited. |
The Bank is not bound to accept the lowest tender and reserves the right to accept either in full or in part any tender. The Bank also reserves the right to reject all the tenders without assigning any reason thereof.
बैंक के मुख्य कायावलय पररसर और चेन्नै स्थित वर्वभन्न आर्ासीय कॉलविय ं में पीड़क वियंत्रण करिे के वलए व्यापक र्ावषवक संवर्दा
Comprehensive Annual Contract for providing Pest control services in Bank’s Main Office Premises and various Residential Colonies, located at Chennai.
निषयिस्तु INDEX
िम संख्या/ Sr. No | निषय/ Subject | पृष्ठ संख्या/ Page No. |
1 | ई-प्र क्यूरमेंट के वलए महत्वपूणव अिुदेि / IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS FOR E – PROCUREMENT | 5 |
2 | विवर्दा फामव /Form of tender | 12 |
3 | करार की ितें/Articles of Agreement | 14 |
4 | संवर्दाकार क सामान्य अिुदेि General Instructions to Contractors | 21 |
5 | इससे पूर्व संदवभवत ितें/ Conditions hereinbefore referred to | 30 |
6 | कायव का प्रकार Scope of Work | 34 |
7 | सुरक्षा क ड़Safety Code | 36 |
8 | अपल ड वकए जािे र्ाले दस्तार्ेज़ ं की जांचसूची CHECKLIST OF DOCUMENTS TO BE UPLOADED | 37 |
9 | भाग – II वर्त्तीय ब ली PART – II Financial Bid | 47 |
10 | अिुबंध – एैः मूल सूचिा Annexure – A : BASIC INFORMATION | 39 |
11 | अिुबंध – बीैः य ग्यता मािदंड के अिुसार वपछले 5 र्षों में विष्पावदत कायों का ब्यौरा Annexure – B : Details of the work executed during the last 5 years as per the eligibility criteria | 41 |
12 | अिुबंध – सीैः – ग्राहक प्रमाणपत्र Annexure – C : CLIENT’s CERTIFICATE | 42 |
13 | अिुबंध डीैः बयािा रावि जमा / ब ली की प्रवतभूवत के वलए बैंक xxxx xx का प्र फामाव Annexure- D : Proforma of Bank Guarantee for Earnest Money Deposit | 43 |
14 | अिुबंध "ई" : विष्पादि बैंक xxxx xx के वलए प्र फामाव / Annexure “E” : Proforma for Performance Bank Guarantee | 45 |
अिुबंध 1-: ई-प्रोक्यूरमेंट के नलए महत्वपूणव अिुदेश
बोलीकिावओं से अिुरोध नकया जािा है नक ऑिलाइि निनिदा प्रस्तुि करिे से पहले इस निनिदा की शिं को पढ़ लें। ई-निनिदा की प्रनिया:
क. पंजीकरणः एमएसटीसी ई -प्रोक्यूरमेंट पोटवल में िेंडर का पंजीकरण नकए जािे की प्रनिया शानमल है जो नक निशुल्क है। पंजीकरण के बाद ही,िेंडर अपिी बोली इलेक्ट्र ॉनिकली प्रस्तुि कर सकिे हैं। िकिीकी बोली और साथ ही िानणच्छिक बोली के प्रस्तुनिकरण के नलए इलक्ट्र ोनिक बोली लगािा इंटरिेट पर ही नकया जाएगा।
िेंडर के पास श्रेणी III साइनिंग टाइप नडनजटल प्रमाणपि होिा िानहए। बोली लगािे के नलए िेंडरों को अपिी
िरफ से इंटरिेट सुनिधा युक्त कं प्यूटर की व्यिस्था करिी होगी। ऐसी व्यिस्था उपलब्ध करािे के नलए एमएसटीसी उत्तरदाई िहीं है।(नबिा नडनजटल हस्तािर के बोनलयां ररकाडव िहीं की जाएगी।)
निशेष िोटः िकिीकी बोली और िानणच्छिक बोली को rbi में ही प्रस्तुि करें ।
(1िेंडरों को निम्न पर अपिा पंजीकरण करािा आिश्यक है।→ e-Procurement
→PSU/Govtdepts→ Select RBI Logo>Register as Vendor -- Filling up details and creating own user id and password→ Submit.
(2पंजीकरण फामव भरिे समय नदए गए ई-मेल आईडी पर िेंडर को पंजीकरण संबंधी पुनि की सूििा दे िे हुए नसस्टम जनिि मेल प्राप्त होगा। नकसी भी िरह के स्पिीकरण के नलए िेंडर आरबीआई/एमएसटीसी से संपकव कर सकिे
हैं),ई-निनिदा के निधावररि समय से पहले(
1. xxxx xx. िंद्रशेखर ( प्रबंधक,संपदा निभाग)
044-2539 9027 (
2. xxxx xxxxx xxxx (सहायक प्रबंधक,संपदा निभाग) 044-2539 9240 (
संपकव व्यच्छक ् त (एमएसटीसी नलनमटेड)
1. xxxx xxxxxx 91763 97264 (xxxxxxxxxx@xxxxxxxxx.xx.xx)
2. xxxx xx xxxxxxx – 9841002253 (xxxxxxxxxx@xxxxxxxxx.xx.xx)
3. एमएसटीसी हेल्प लाइि - 9499054101/2/3/4 (xxxxxxxx@xxxxxxxxx.xx.xx)
एमएसटीसी हेल्पलाइि-
Google hangout ID- (for text chat) -
ख (नसस्टम आिश्यकिाएं )
1. निंडोज़ 7 या उससे ऊपर का ओपरे नटंग नसस्टम 2.आईई 7-और उससे ऊपर का इंटरिेट ब्राउजर 3.साइनिंग टाइप का नडनजटल हस्तािर
4. नसस्टम में ििीििम अद्यिि नकया गया JRE 8 (x86 Offline) सॉफ्टिेयर नजसे डाउिलोड करके नसस्टम में इं स्टॉल नकया जाए।
साइिर बॉक्स में DSC के प्रकटीकरण के नलए “Protected Mode” को नडसेबल करिे के नलए निम्ननलच्छखि सेनटंग्स करें -
• Tools => Internet Options =>Security => Disable protected Mode If enabled- i.e., Remove the tick from the tick box mentioning “Enable Protected Mode”.
अन्य सेंनटग्सः Other Settings:
• Tools => Internet Options => General => Click on Settings under “browsing history/ Delete Browsing History” => Temporary Internet Files => Activate “Every time I Visit the Webpage”.
सभी active X controls और ‘use pop up blocker’ को नडसेबल करिे के नलए Tools→Internet Options→ custom level (Please run IE settings from the page once)
िकिीकी-िानणच्छिक बोली और मूल्य बोली पर ऑिलाइि
ही प्रस्तुि करिी होगी। निनिदाएं निनिनदवि िारीख और समय पर इलक्ट्र ोनिकली ही खोली जाएं गी।
निनिदा में सभी प्रनिनियांनबिा संनदग्धाथव के ऑिलाइि िकिीकी एिं िाणीच्छिक फोमेट में की जािी िानहए।
लेि-देि शुल्क संबंनधि निशेष िोट
िेंडर लॉनगि में “My Menu” नलंक के िहि नदए गए “Transaction Fee Payment”द्वारा िेंडर लेि-देि शुल्क का भुगिाि करें गे। िेंडरको ईिेंट डर ापडाउि बॉक्स से निनिदा का ियि करिा होगा। िेंडर को या िो
एिईएफटी अथिा िेट बैनकं ग के माध्यम से भुगिाि करिे की सुनिधा उपलब्ध होगी।एिईएफटी का ियि करिे पर िेंडर द्वारा फामव भरे जािे पर एक िालाि जनिि होगा। िेंडर िालाि में नप्रंट नकए गए ब्यौरे के अिुसार उसमें नबिा पररििवि नकए लेि-देि शुल्क का भुगिाि कर करें गे। ऑिलाइि पेंमेट िुििे पर निनिदाकिाव को अपिे डेनबट/िे नडट काडव/िेट बैनकं ग से भुगिाि करिे के प्रािधाि उपलब्ध होगें।एमएसटीएस के पदिानमि
बैंक खािे में एकबार भुगिाि जमा हो जािे के बाद ,लेिदेि शुल्क स्व प्रानधकृ ि हो जाएं गे और िेंडरको नसस्टम जनिि मेल की प्राच्छप्त होगी। लेि-देि शुल ् क अप्रनिदेय है। िेंडरलेि-देि शुल्क का भुगिाि नकए नबिा ऑिलाइि निनिदा एक्सेस िहीं कर पाएगा।
ध्याि दें
बोलीकिावओं को सूनिि नकया जािा है नक िे कायव के समापि समय से पयावप्त पहले अनिम रूप से लेि-दे ि फीस प्रेनषि करें िानक उन्हें बोली जमा करिे के नलए पयावप्त समय नमल सके ।
निनिदा प्रदाि नकए जािे िक निनिदा की पूरी प्रनिया के दौराि अपलोड की गई निनिदाओं/ शुच्छिपिों के बारे में जािकारी के िल ईमेल द्वारा भेजी जाएगी। इसनलए िेंडरों को यह सुनिनिि करिा आिश्यक है नक एमएसटीसी
के साथ अपिा पंजीकरण करािे समय उिके द्वारा दी गई ईमेल आईडी िैध और अद्यिि है। िेंडरोस अऩुरोध है नक िे अपिे डीएससी) नडनजटल हस्तािर प्रमाणपि (की िैधिा सुनिनिि करें ।
एिआईटी में उच्छिच्छखि नियि निनथ और समय के बाद ई-निनिदा को एक्सेस िहीं नकया जा सकिा। ई-निनिदा में बोली लगािा:
े यह भी
1. बयािा जमा रानश ₹ 49,793 , 13 मािव 2023 को 15:00 बजे िक या उससे पहले भारिीय ररज़िव बैंक के खािे में प्रेनषि की जाएगी। एिईएफटी / आरटीजीएस लेिदेि के नलए खािा नििरण निम्नािुसार हैं
2. लाभािी का िाम :आर बी आई चेन्नै आईएफएससी :RBIS0CNPA01 खाता संख्या186003001 :
लेिदेि संख्या (स्कै ि की गई प्रनि) के साथ प्रेषण का साक्ष्य संलग्न/ अपलोड नकया जाए।
बोलीकिावओं को लेि-देि संख्या (स्कै ि प्रनि) का साक्ष्य पर भी भेजिे के नलए सूनिि नकया जािा है।
इिु क बोलीकिाव नियि िारीख से पहले बैंक द्वारा निधावररि प्रारूप) अिुलग्नक डी) में भारिीय ररज़िव बैंक के पि में आहररि अिुसूनिि बैंक द्वारा जारी नडमांड डर ाफ्ट या बैंक xxxx xx के रूप में भी ईएमडी जमा कर सकिे हैं और ऊपर निधावररि समय। नजि बोलीदािाओं िे आिश्यक ईएमडी जमा िहीं की है, उिकी निनिदाओं पर बैंक द्वारा नििार िहीं नकया जाएगा।
बोलीदािाओं द्वारा जमा की गई ईएमडी पर कोई ब्याज देय िहीं होगा। असफल बोलीदािाओं की ईएमडी निनिदा आमंनिि करिे िाले प्रानधकारी द्वारा यथासमय िापस/िापस कर दी जाएगी। सफल बोलीदािा द्वारा भुगिाि की गई ईएमडी संनिदा के करार के सफल निष्पादि और सफल नििे िा द्वारा िीिे नदए गए अिुसार
स्वीकृ ि संनिदा मूल्य के %5 के नलए कायवनिष् पादि बैंक प्रनिभूनि xxxx xx प्रस्तुि करिे के बाद नबिा नकसी
ब्याज के जारी की जाएगी।
1 इस प्रनिया में िकिीकी और िानणच्छिक बोली जमा करिे के नलए इलेक्ट्र ॉनिक बोली-xxxxxxx xxxxx है।
2 िेंडर नजन्होिे लेिदेि शुल्क जमा नकया है के िल िे ही एमएसटीसी की िेबसाइट→ e-procurement →PSU/Govt. depts. → Login under RBI→ My menu→ Auction Floor Manager→ live event →Selection of the live event.
के माध्यम से अपिी िकिीकी बोली और िानणच्छिक बोली जमा कर सकिे हैं।
3 िेंडरों के पास रनिंग जािा एच्छिके शि होिा िानहए। बोली फ्लोर के शुरू होिे के िुरं ि बाद ही यह कायव नकया जािा है। उसके बाद उन्हें सामान्य शिे / िानणच्छिक निनिदेशि भर कर उन्हें सेि करिा होगा। इसके बादिे िकिीकी बोली पर च्छिक करें । यनद यह जािा एिीके शि काम िहीं कर रहा है िो िेंडर अपिी िकिीकी बोली को सेि / प्रस्तुि िहीं कर पाएं गे।
4 िकिीकी बोली भरिे के बाद, िेंडरों को उसकी ररकॉनडंग के नलए 'सेि' पर च्छिक करिा होगा। एक बार िानणच्छिक बोली नलंक एच्छक्ट्ि हो जािी है और नििरण भर नदया जािा है िो िेंडरों को िानणच्छिक बोली को ररकाडव करिे के नलए" सेि "पर च्छिक करिा होगा। िकिीकी बोली और िानणच्छिक बोली दोिों को सेि करिे के बाद , िेंडरों को बोनलयां पंजीकृ ि करिे के नलए" फाइिल सबनमशि "बटि पर च्छिक करिा होगा।
5 िेंडरों को दस्तािेजों को अपलोड करिे के नलए Attach Doc button का उपयोग करिे का निदेश नदया जािा है। एक से अनधक दस्तािेज अपलोड नकए जा सकिे हैं।
6 सभी मामलों में, िेंडरों को अपिी बोनलयां जमा करिे के समय नडनजटल हस्तािर के साथ अपिे आईडी और पासिडव का उपयोग करिे के बारे में सूनिि नकया जािा है।
7 संपूणव ई-निनिदा प्रनिया के दौराि, निनिदाकिाव पूरी िरह से एक दू सरे से और हर नकसी के नलए भी अज्ञाि रहेंगे।
8 ई-निनिदा फ्लोर पूिव घोनषि नदिांक और समय से और ऊपर िनणवि अिनध के नलए खुला रहेगा।
9 ई-निनिदा प्रनिया के दौराि जमा की गई सभी इलेक्ट्र ॉनिक बोनलयां िेंडर पर कािूिी रूप से बाध्यकारी
होगी। नकसी भी बोली को उि िेंडर द्वारा दी गई िैध बोली के रूप में मािा जाएगा और खरीदार द्वारा
इसकी स्वीकृ नि खरीदार और िेंडर के बीि आपूनिव के निष्पादि के नलए बाध्यकारी संनिदा िैयार करे गी।
10 सभी बोनलयां नडनजटल हस्तािर प्रमाण पि के साथ जमा की जािी अनििायव हैं अन्यथा नसस्टम द्वारा इसे स्वीकार िहीं नकया जाएगा।
11 खरीदार के पास नबिा कोई कारण बिाए निनिदा को रद्द या अस्वीकार करिे या स्वीकार करिे या िापस लेिे या निनिदा को पूणव रूप से या उसके भाग में निस्तार करिे का अनधकार सुरनिि है।
निनिदा दस्तािेज के नियम और शिों में नकसी प्रकार का नििलि स्वीकायव िहीं है। नकसी भी िेंडर द्वारा ई-निनिदा फ्लोर में बोली जमा करिा निनिदा के नलए नियमों और शिों की स्वीकृ नि की पुनि करिा है। इस निनिदा के पररणामस्वरूप कोई भी आदेश उसमें उच्छिच्छखि नियमों और शिों द्वारा शानसि होगा। निनिदा आमंनिि करिे
िाले प्रानधकारी को नबिा कोई कारण बिाए इस ई-निनिदा को रद्द करिे या बोली (यो) की प्राच्छप्त की निधावररि
निनथ में निस्तार करिे का अनधकार है।
िेंडरों से अिुरोध नकया जािा है नक बोली लगािे से पहले अपिे आपको नसस्टम से पररनिि करिािे के नलए
िेंडर गाइड को पढ़ लें और पृष्ठ में िीनडयो देखें।
िेंडरों से अिुरोध है नक िे कायव संनिदा की दरें जीएसटी के नबिा कोट करें । कोट की गई दरों में कोई पररििवि स्वीकार िहीं नकया जाएगा।
Bidders are requested to read the terms & conditions of this tender before submitting their online tender.
Process of E-tender:
A) Registration: The process involves vendor’s registration with MSTC e-procurement portal which is free of cost. Only after registration, the vendor(s) can submit his/their bids electronically. Electronic Bidding for submission of Technical Bid as well as Commercial Bid will be done over the internet. The Vendor should possess Class III signing type digital certificate. Vendors are to make their own arrangement for bidding from a PC connected with Internet. MSTC is not responsible for making such arrangement. (Bids will not be recorded without Digital Signature).
1).Vendors are required to register themselves online with→ e-Procurement →PSU/Govtdepts→ Select RBI Logo>Register as Vendor -- Filling up details and creating own user id and password→ Submit.
2). Vendors will receive a system generated mail confirming their registration in their email which has been provided during filling the registration form. In case of any clarification, vendors may contact RBI/MSTC, (before the scheduled time of the e- tender).
Contact person (RBI):
1. Shri. P. Xxxxxxxxxxxx (Manager, Estate Department) 000-0000 0000/ (
2. Smt. Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx Xxxxx (AM, Estate Department) 000-0000 0000/ (
Contact person (MSTC Ltd):
1. Shri. Shanmugam - 9176397264
Email id: xxxxxxxxxx@xxxxxxxxx.xx.xx
2. Shri. X Xxxxxxxxx– 9841002253 Email id: xxxxxxxxxx@xxxxxxxxx.xx.xx
3. MSTC Help Line:9499054101/2/3/4.
Email id : xxxxxxxx@xxxxxxxxx.xx.xx
Google hangout ID- (for text chat)-
B) System Requirements:
i) Windows 7 or above Operating System
ii) IE-7 and above Internet browser.
iii) Signing type digital signature
iv) Latest updated JRE 8 (x86 Offline) software to be downloaded and installed in the system.
To disable “Protected Mode” for DSC to appear in the signer box following settings may be applied.
• Tools => Internet Options =>Security => Disable protected Mode If enabled- i.e, Remove the tick from the tick box mentioning “Enable Protected Mode”.
Other Settings:
• Tools => Internet Options => General => Click on Settings under “browsing history/ Delete Browsing History” => Temporary Internet Files => Activate “Every time I Visit the Webpage”.
To enable ALL active X controls and disable ‘use pop up blocker’ under Tools→Internet Options→ custom level (Please run IE settings from the page once)
The Techno-commercial Bid and the Price Bid must be submitted online at .Tenders will be opened electronically on specified date and time as given in the Tender.
All entries in the tender should be entered in online Technical & Commercial Formats without any ambiguity.
Special Note towards Transaction fee:
The vendors shall pay the transaction fee using “Transaction Fee Payment” Link under “My Menu” in the vendor login. The vendors must select the particular tender from the event dropdown box. The vendor shall have the facility of making the payment either through NEFT or Online Payment. On selecting NEFT, the vendor shall generate a challan by filling up a form. The vendor shall remit the transaction fee amount as per the details printed on the challan without making change in the same. On selecting Online Payment, the vendor shall have the provision of making payment using its Credit/ Debit Card/ Net Banking. Once the payment gets credited to MSTC’s designated bank account, the transaction fee shall be auto authorized and the vendor shall be receiving a system generated mail. Transaction fee is non-refundable. A vendor will not have the access to online e-tender without making the payment towards transaction fee.
Bidders are advised to remit the transaction fee well in advance before the closing time of the event so as to give themselves sufficient time to submit the bid.
Information about tenders /corrigendum uploaded shall be sent by email only during the process till finalization of tender. Hence the vendors are required to ensure that their Email ID provided is valid and updated at the time of registration of vendor with MSTC. Vendors
are also requested to ensure validity of their DSC (Digital Signature Certificate). E-tender cannot be accessed after the due date and time mentioned in NIT.
Bidding in e-tender:
a) Earnest Money Deposit for a sum of ₹49,793/- shall be remitted by all intending tenderers to Bank Account of Reserve Bank of India on or before 15:00 Hrs on March 13, 2023. The account details for NEFT transactions are as follows.
Account No: 186003001
Proof of remittance with transaction number (Scanned copy) shall be attached/ uploaded and also you are advised to send the proof of remittance with transaction number (scanned copy) to
Intending bidders may also remit the EMD in the form of a Demand Draft or a Bank Guarantee, issued by a scheduled bank drawn in favour of the Reserve Bank of India, in the format prescribed by the Bank (Annexure D) before the due date and time prescribed above. Tenders of those bidders who have not submitted the required EMD will not be considered by the Bank.
No interest will be paid on the EMD remitted by the bidders. EMD of the unsuccessful bibbers will be refunded / returned by the tender inviting authority in due course. The EMD paid by the successful bidder shall be released without any interest after successful execution of the contract agreement and on submission of Performance Bank Security Guarantee for 5% of the accepted Contract Value as provided herein below, by the successful vendor.
b) The process involves Electronic Bidding for submission of Technical and Commercial Bid.
c) The vendor(s) who have submitted transaction fee can only submit their Technical Bid and Commercial Bid through internet in MSTC website → e-procurement →PSU/Govtdepts→ Login under RBI→My menu→ Auction Floor Manager→ live event →Selection of the live event.
d) The vendor should have running JAVA application. This exercise must be done immediately after opening of Bid floor. Then they must fill up Common terms/Commercial specification and save the same. After that, they should click on the Technical bid. If this JAVA application does not run, then the vendor will not be able to save/submit his Technical bid.
e) After filling the Technical Bid, vendors must click ‘save’ for recording the same. Once the Commercial Bid link becomes active and the details are filled up, vendors must click on “save” to record the Commercial bid. After both the Technical bid & Commercial bid have been saved, vendor must click on the “Final submission” button to register the bids
f) Vendors are instructed to use Attach Doc button to upload documents. Multiple documents can be uploaded.
g) In all cases, vendors are advised to use their own ID and Password along with Digital Signature at the time of submission of their bids.
h) During the entire e-tender process, the vendors will remain completely anonymous to one another and also to everybody else.
i) The e-tender floor shall remain open from the pre-announced date & time and for as much duration as mentioned above.
j) All electronic bids submitted during the e-tender process shall be legally binding on the vendor. Any bid will be considered as the valid bid offered by that vendor and acceptance of the same by the Buyer will form a binding contract between Buyer and the Vendor for execution of supply.
k) It is mandatory that all the bids are submitted with digital signature certificate otherwise the same will not be accepted by the system.
l) Buyer reserves the right to cancel or reject or accept or withdraw or extend the tender in full or part, as the case may be, without assigning any reason thereof.
No deviation of the terms and conditions of the tender document is acceptable. Submission of bid in the e-tender floor by any vendor confirms his acceptance of terms & conditions for the tender. Any order resulting from this tender shall be governed by the terms and conditions mentioned therein. The tender inviting authority has the right to cancel this e-tender or extend the due date of receipt of bid(s) without assigning any reasons thereof.
Vendors are requested to read the vendor guide and see the video in the page to familiarize them with the system before bidding.
Bidders are requested to quote rates, for the variable component, without GST on works contract. Those bidders, who are, GST registered vendors, shall quote the GST, @ 18% of the total amount of the fixed component and variable component, in the row / column / cell(s), provided for the same. This GST will be automatically added to the total amount and the final amount shown will be, the net bid value, including the GST. No change in quoted rates will be accepted after opening of the tender.
विवर्दा फामव
क्षेत्रीय विदेिक संपदा वर्भाग
भारतीय ररज़र्व बैंक चेन्नै
इसमें इसके पिाि ज्ञापि में निनिनदवि कायों से संबंनधि निनिदेशिो,
थिािैः वदिांकैः
नडजाइिों और मािाओं की अिुसूिी की जांि
कर और उक्त ज्ञापि में निनिनदवि कायव-स्थल दे खकर एिं जांिकर िथा निनिदा को प्रभानिि करिेिाली ित्संबंधी अपेनिि जािकारी प्राप्त कर ,मैं / हम एिद्द् िारा उक्त ज्ञापि में निनिनदवि समय के भीिर ,संलग्न की गई मािाओं की अिुसूिी में उच्छिच्छखि दरों पर निनिदा में नदए गए करार के अंिनिवयमों ,संनिदादारों के नलए निशेष अिुदे शों , संनिदादारों को सामान्य अिुदेश िथा निशेष शिों ,शिों मािाओं की अिुसूिी एिं संनिदा की शिों में नलच्छखि रूप में नदए गए निनिदेशिों ,डाटा शीट और मािाओं की अिुसूिी और इसके नलये उपलब्ध करायी गयी सामनियों के साथ िथा अन्य सभी मामलों में ऐसी शिों के अिुसार जहॉं िक िे लागू हों ,उक्त ज्ञापि में निनिनदव ि कायव को निष्पानदि करिे का प्रस्ताि रखिा हूँ /रखिे हैं ।
क. | कायव का वर्र्रण | बैंक के मुख्य कायावलय पररसर और चेन्नै स्थित वर्वभन्न आर्ासीय कॉलविय ं में पीड़क वियंत्रण करिे के वलए व्यापक र्ावषवक संवर्दा |
ख. | भुगताि की ितें | संनिदाकार को सामान्य अिुदेश के खंड 39 के अिुसार |
ग. | एएमसी अर्वध | 01 अप्रैल 2023 से 31 मािव 2024 |
घ. | अिुमावित लागत | रु 24.89 लाख/-(जीएसटी सवहत) |
ङ. | बयािा जमा रावि | रु 49,793/- सफल ब लीकताव से |
च. | बैंक गारं टी / सुरक्षा जमा | अिुबंध मूल्य का 5% (सफल ब लीदाता द्वारा प्रस्तुत वकया जािा है)। |
निनिदा स्वीकार होिे पर मैं/हम यहां संलग्न संनिदा को उक्त शिों के निबंधिों एिं प्रािधािों को पूरा करिे और उसका पालि करिे के नलए या उसमें िूक करिे पर संनिदा की नलच्छखि में स्वीकृ नि सनहि उक्त शिों में िनणवि बयािा जमा रानश जब्त नकये जािे और आपके उत्तरानधकाररयों ,समुिेदे नशयों या िानमिों को अदा करिे के नलए सहमि हूँ/हैं ।
Shri. S.M.N. Swamy
Regional Director for Tamil Nadu & Puducherry Reserve Bank of India
Estate Department
Fort Glacis, Rajaji Salai Chennai - 600 001.
Dear Sir,
Having examined the specifications and Schedule of Quantities, relating to the works, specified in the memorandum hereinafter set out and having visited and examined the site of the works specified in the said memorandum and having acquired the requisite information relating thereto as affecting the tender, I/We hereby offer to execute the works specified in the said memorandum, within the time specified, at the rates mentioned in the attached Schedule of Quantities, specifications, and in accordance, in all respects, with the specifications, designs, drawings and instructions in writing referred to in Articles of Agreement, Special Conditions, Schedule of Quantities and Conditions of Tender/Contract and with such materials as are provided for, by and in all other respects in accordance with such conditions so far as they may be applicable.
a) | Name of work | Comprehensive Annual Contract for providing Pest control services in Bank’s Main Office Premises and various Residential Colonies, located at Chennai. |
b) | Terms of payment | As per clause 39 of the General instructions to contractors. |
c) | Time allowed for completion of work | 12 months (from April 01, 2023 to March 31, 2024). |
d) | Total estimated cost | ₹.24.89 Lakh, including GST. |
e) | Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) | ₹. 49,793/- |
f) | Performance Bank Guarantee /Security Deposit | 5% of the contract value (to be submitted by successful bidder) from a scheduled bank. |
Should this tender be accepted, I/we hereby agree, to abide by and fulfil the terms and provisions, of the said conditions of the contract, annexed hereto, so far, as they may be applicable or in default thereof, to forfeit and pay to the Reserve Bank of India, the amount mentioned in the said conditions.
करार की िते ं /Articles of Agreement
यह करार एक ओर मैससव ---------------------------- (नजसे इसके बाद संनिदाकार कहा गया है) और
दू सरी ओर भारिीय ररज़िव बैंक,िेन्नै नजसका कें द्रीय कायावलय मुंबई 400001 में है और नजसका गठि भारिीय ररज़िव बैंक अनधनियम,1934 के अंिगवि नकया गया है (नजसे इसके बाद "बैंक” कहा गया है) के बीि के नदि,
िष को नकया गया l
Articles of agreement made on this the ______________ day of between
M/s.________________________having its Registered Office at
_______________________Chennai – 600, (hereinafter called the contractor) of the One Part and
The Reserve Bank of India, Chennai, having its Central Office at Mumbai, constituted under the provisions of the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934 (hereinafter called the "The Bank") of the other part,
जबनक बैंक बैंक के मुख्य कायावलय पररसर और चेन्नै स्थित वर्वभन्न आर्ासीय कॉलविय ं में पीड़क वियंत्रण करिे के वलए व्यापक र्ावषवक संवर्दा का कायव करिे के नलए इिु क है।
Whereas the Bank is desirous of taking up the work of ‘Comprehensive Annual Contract for providing Pest control services in Bank’s Main Office Premises and various Residential Colonies, located at Chennai’.
और जबनक संनिदाकार मूल एएमसी के अिुसार सहमि नियि शिों और कायव की व्याच्छप्त में निस्तार से नदए गए अिुरूप और बाद में आपसी सहमनि के अिुसार कायव में कु छ जोड़िे/घटािे के कारण कायव मे होिे िाली
िृच्छि/कमी, प्रकट और निनहि रूपों में मूल रूप से दोिों द्वारा सहमि नकए गए अिुसार और प्राकृ निक रूप से एएमसी की प्रकृ नि से उत्पन्न होिे िाली शिों (नजि सभी को इसके बाद सामूनहक रूप से िथाकनथि “शिें” कहा गया है) के अिुसार काम को जो कनथि कायव की व्याच्छप्त में िनणवि है उसे एएमसी में निधावररि दर पर गणिा पर या ऐसी अन्य देय रानश पर (इसके बाद इसे “िथाकनथि संनिदा रानश” कहा गया है) कायव करिे के नलए सहमि है।
AND WHEREAS the contractor has agreed to execute upon and subject to the conditions set forth herein and to the conditions set forth in the Special Conditions and in Conditions of Contract and as amplified /curtailed by subsequent additions/deletions mutually agreed upon, originally agreed both expressly and impliedly and also naturally flowing out of the nature of AMC (all of which are collectively hereinafter referred to as the said "CONDITIONS"), the works described, in the said Scope of Work, at the rates/ amount quoted, in the Price Bid and, shall become payable, thereunder (hereunder referred as the said Contract Amount).
एिद् द्वारा अब निम्िािुसार सहमनि हुई है-:
1. संनिदाकार उक्ि शिों/ एएमसी प्रदाि करिे संबंधी पि में उच्छिच्छखि समय और नियि िरीके से उपयवुक्ि एएमसी संनिदा रानश के भुगिाि करिे के मद्दे िज़र, उक्ि शिों के अधीि निनिदा शिों के अंिगवि कायव की व्याच्छप्त में िनणवि नकए अिुसार कायव को निष्पानदि और पूरा करे गा।
In consideration of the said AMC contract amount to be paid in the manner set forth in the said conditions/AMC Award Letter, the CONTRACTOR shall upon and subject to the said conditions execute and complete the work described in the said scope of work under the tender conditions.
2. बैंक, संनिदाकार को उपयुवक्ि संनिदा रानश उक्ि शिों में निनिनदव ष्ट समय और िरीके से अदा करे गा।
The Bank shall pay the contractor the said contract amount at the time and in the manner specified in the said conditions.
3. आयकर निभाग द्वारा समय-समय पर जारी और ििवमाि में लागू नदशानिदे शों के अिुरूप बैंक स्रोि पर कर (टीडीएस) और अन्य नकसी कािूि के अंिगवि लागू कटौिी करे गा। संबंनधि कािूि में नदए गए अिुसार कटौिी िही नकए जािे के नलए उपयुक्त प्रमाणपि निधावररि समय सीमा के अंदर बैंक द्वारा ऐसी कटौिी नकए जािे से पूिव प्रस्तुि करिे की नजम्मेदारी संनिदाकार की होगी।
The Bank shall deduct Tax deducted at Source (TDS) at the appropriate rate as per extant
guidelines of the Income Tax department provided from time to time and such other deduction under any other statute and the onus of producing appropriate certificate for non-deduction as provided in the relevant statute by way of intimation within the time limit and before such tax and other such deduction is being made by the bank shall be on the contractor.
4. महाप्रबंधक/उपमहाप्रबंधक/सहायक महाप्रबंधक, संपदा निभाग, िेन्नै बैंक की ओर से प्रानधकृ ि प्रानधकारी हैं। The General Manager/Deputy General Manager/Assistant General Manager, Estate Department, Chennai is the Authority authorized on behalf of the Bank.
5. एएमसी प्रदाि करिे संबंधी पि, करार और यहां उच्छिच्छखि दस्तािेज इस संनिदा के आधारभूि घटक होगे।
The AMC award letter, agreement and document mentioned herein shall form the basis of this contract.
6. यह संनिदा रु (माि ----------------------------------------- रुपये)-/ की दर पर है।
This contract is at the rate of Rs.__________ (Rupees ____________________
________________________________ Only).
7. संनिदाकार द्वारा नियुक्त व्यच्छक्तयों के कायों/ गलनियों के कारण या संनिदाकार के कायों/ गलनियों के कारण बैंक को हुए नकसी िुकसाि/ हानि की भरपाई संनिदाकार द्वारा की जाएगी।
The CONTRACTOR shall make good for any damages/loss caused to the Bank due to the
actions/omissions of persons employed by him or because of his actions/omissions during the execution of this contract.
8. यह संनिदा 01 अप्रैल 2023 से 31 माचव 2024 िक 12 माह के नलए िैध है और इस संनिदा की नकसी शिों के उिघंि या यनद बैंक संनिदाकार की सेिा से संिुि िहीं है िो एक महीिे का अनिम िोनटस दे कर बैंक के पास इस संनिदा को समाप्त करिे का अनधकार है और ऐसी च्छस्थनि में संनिदाकार नकसी प्रकार की िनिपूनिव/ भरपाई के नलए हकदार िहीं होगा और रु 49,793/- की प्रनिभूनि जमा रानश लौटाई िहीं जाएगी।
This contract is valid for a period of 12 months from April 01, 2023 to March 31, 2024 and
the Bank is entitled to terminate the contract by giving one month notice, in case of violation of any of the Terms of this Contract or in case it is not satisfied with the service of Contractor in which case, the Contractor is not entitled for any Compensation/damages and security deposit amount of Rs. 49,793/- shall not be refunded.
9. संनिदा को समाप्त नकए जािे या इसका समय पूरा हो जािे पर संनिदाकार बैंक के मुख्य कायावलय पररसर और आिासीय कॉलोनियों में च्छस्थि आरओ संयंि कि/ शेड को खाली करे गा और बैंक से संबंनधि सभी सामाि/ सामिी/ संपनत्त बैंक को िापस करे गा।
On termination of the Contract or on expiry of the Contract, the Contractor shall vacate the
R.O. Plant Room / shed in the Banks Main Office Premises and Residential Colonies of the Bank and shall hand over or return all the articles / materials / property belongs to the Bank.
10. इस संनिदा के अंिगवि बैंक द्वारा सभी भुगिाि के िल िेन्नै में नकए जाएं गे।
All payment by the Bank under this contract will be made only at Chennai.
11. इस करार के िहि या इससे जुड़े नकसी भी कारण से उत्पन्न नििाद िेन्नै में उत्पन्न नििाद समझा जाएगा और उसके निपटाि का िेिानधकार िेन्नै में ही च्छस्थि न्यायालयों का निधावररि िेिानधकार होगा।
All disputes out of or in any way connected with this contract shall be deemed to have arisen
at Chennai and only courts in Chennai shall have jurisdiction to determine the same.
12. यह सूनिि नकया जािा है नक संनिदाकार इस करार के संबंध में अपिे संनिदात्मक दानयत्वों को पूरा करिे के दौराि संनिदाकार को नमलिे िाली कोई भी जािकारी, सामिी िथा बैंक के बुनियादी ढांिा/ नसस्टम/ उपस्करों आनद के संबंध में नमलिे िाली जािकारी का प्रत्यि या परोि रूप से प्रकटीकरण नकसी अन्य पिकार को िहीं करे गा िथा हमेशा इसे अनिगोपिीय बिाए रखेगा। लागू कािूि का अिुपालि करिे या संनिदा के अधीि अपिे दानयत्वों को पूरा करिे के नलए आिश्यक होिे की च्छस्थनि को छोड़कर संनिदाकार इस संनिदा के ब्यौरों को निजी दायरे में और गोपिीय रखेगा। नियोक्ता की पूिव नलच्छखि अिुमनि के नबिा संनिदाकार नकसी व्यापाररक या िकिीकी पेपर में या अन्यि कायव के नििरण को ि िो प्रकानशि करे गा, ि ही प्रकाशि की अिुमनि देगा और ि ही इसका प्रकटीकरण करे गा। नकसी गोपिीय जािकारी के प्रकटीकरण के पररणामस्वरूप बैंक को हुई हानि के नलए संनिदाकार बैंक को िनिपूनिव करे गा। उपयवुक्त शिों का पालि ि करिा संनिदाकार द्वारा संनिदा भंग मािा जाएगा और बैंक हुई िनि का दािा करिे िथा कािूिी उपाय करिे का हकदार होगा। इस करार के अधीि गोपिीय जािकारी का प्रकटीकरण ि नकए जािे के दानयत्व को सुनिनिि करिे के नलए संनिदाकार अपिे कमविाररयों के संबंध में सभी उनिि कारव िाई करे गा। प्रकटीकरण ि करिे और गोपिीयिा के संबंध में संनिदाकार का दानयत्व इस करार के समाप्त होिे या नकसी भी कारण से समाप्त नकए जािे के बाद भी बिा रहेगा।
It is advised that the contractor shall not disclose directly or indirectly any information,
materials and details of the Bank’s infrastructure/ systems/equipment etc., which may come to the possession or knowledge of the contractor while discharging his contractual obligations in connection with this agreement, to any third party and shall always hold the same in strict confidence. The Contractor shall treat the details of the contract as private and confidential, except to the extent necessary to carry out the obligations under it or to comply with applicable laws. The Contractor shall not publish, permit to be published, or disclose any particulars of the works in any trade or technical paper or elsewhere without the previous written consent of the employer. The Contractor shall indemnify the Employer for any loss suffered by the employer as a result of disclosure of any confidential information. Failure to observe the above, shall be treated, as breach of contract on the part of the contractor and the employer shall be entitled to claim damages and pursue legal remedies. The contractor shall take all appropriate actions with respect to its employees to ensure that the obligations of non-disclosure of confidential information under this agreement are fully satisfied. The contractor’s obligations with respect to non-disclosure and confidentiality will survive the expiry or termination of this agreement for whatever reason.
13. उक्ि शिें इस करार के साथ पढ़ी जाएं गी और इस करार का भाग मािी जाएं गी एिं इससे संबंनधि दोिों पानटवयां उक्ि शिों का पालि करें गी िथा अपिे-अपिे भाग को उक्ि शिों के अिुसार पूरा करें गी।
The said conditions shall be read and construed, as forming part of this agreement and the
parties hereto shall respectively abide by and submit themselves to the said conditions and perform the agreement of their part respectively in the said conditions contained.
14. संनिदाकार िे इस संनिदा के निनभन्न भागों को पढ़ और पूरी िरह से समझ नलया है, इसके साक्ष्य के रूप में संनिदाकार
िे अपिी मुहर (यनद कोई हो िो) लगाई है और बैंक िे भी अपिे प्रानधकृ ि अनधकारी के माध्यम से दोिों की उपच्छस्थनि
में हस्तािर नकए हैं और उपयुवक्त नलखे गए नदि, माह और िषव के नदि दो प्रनियों में दोिों पिों द्वारा हस्तािर नकए गए हैं।
That the several parts of this contract have been read by the contractor and fully understood
by the contractor, in witness whereof the contractor has caused its seal (if any) to be affixed hereunto and the Bank has set its hands to these presents through its duly authorized official and the said two duplicates has caused these presents hereof to be executed on its behalf on the day, month and year first here above written.
15. मानसक नबल/एकमुश्त शुल्क का भुगिाि एिईएफटी/आरटीजीएस के माध्यम से 45 वदि ं के भीिर निनिदा में उच्छिच्छखि आिश्यक दस्तािेजों के साथ सही िालाि जमा करिे पर नकया जाएगा, बैंक से भुगिाि की प्रिीिा नकए नबिा ठे के दार द्वारा कमविाररयों को मजदू री का भुगिाि नकया जािा िानहए। उक्त दस्तािेजों के
नबिा प्रस्तुि नकए गए नबलों को भुगिाि के नलए संसानधि िहीं नकया जाएगा।
Payment of monthly bills /lump sum charges will be paid through NEFT/RTGS within 45 days on submission of correct invoice along with requisite documents as mentioned in the tender, Wages must be paid to the employees by the contractor without waiting for the payment from the Bank. The bills submitted without the said documents shall not be processed for payment.
16. संनिदाकार संनिदा में उच्छिच्छखि अिुसार कायव की प्रगनि की अपेनिि दर और कायव की गुणित्ता के अिुरूप कारीगरी को सुनिनिि करिे के नलए भारिीय ररज़िव बैंक की संिुनि के अिुरूप पयावप्त संख्या में मजदू रों की नियुच्छक्त करे गा। संनिदाकार कायव के संबंध में ऐसे नकसी भी व्यच्छक्त को काम पर िहीं लगाएगा जो 21िषव से कम की आयु का हो। The Contractor shall employ its labour in sufficient numbers to maintain the required rate of progress and of quality to ensure workmanship of the degree specified in the Contract and to the satisfaction of the Bank. The Contractor shall not employ in connection with the works any person who has not completed twenty-one years of age.
17. संनिदाकार द्वारा काम पर लगाए गए सभी श्रनमक या कमविारी संनिदाकार के कमविारी मािे जाएं गे और ऐसे श्रनमको/ं कमविाररयों के संबंध में भारिीय ररज़िव बैंक पर नकसी भी प्रकार की प्रकृ नि की नजम्मेदारी िहीं होगी।
All the workers or employees deployed by the contractor shall be considered as the employees
of contractor and RESERVE BANK OF INDIA shall not have any liability what so ever in nature regarding such workers/employees.
18. संनिदाकार उसके द्वारा काम पर लगाए गए श्रनमकों को सीधे ही मजदू री का भुगिाि करे गा जो नक न्यूििम मजदू री अनधनियम के अिुसार उनिि मजदू री से कम िहीं होगी। उनिि मजदू री का अथव है िह मजदू री नजसमें साप्तानहक
अिकाश के नदि के नलए मजदू री और समय अथिा कायव के भाग के नलए अन्य भत्ते शानमल होगे। यह मज़दू री ऐसे
ही रोजगार के नलए आसपास प्रिनलि बाजार दर के आधार पर होगी लेनकि यह भारि सरकार के न्यूििम मजदू री अनधनियम के अंिगवि निधावररि मजदू री से कम िहीं होगी।
The Contractor shall pay to the labour employed by him directly the wages not less than the
fair wages as per Minimum Wages Act of Government of India. Fair wage means wages, which shall include wages for weekly day of rest and other allowances whether for time or piece work, after taking into consideration prevailing market rates for similar employment in the neighbourhood but shall not be less than the minimum rates of wages fixed under the payment of Minimum Wages Act Government of India.
19. संनिदाकार मजदू री संदाय अनधनियम, 1936, न्यूििम मजदू री अनधनियम, 1948, नियोक्ता दानयत्व अनधनियम, 1938 ,कमवकार प्रनिकर अनधनियम, 1923, औद्योनगक नििाद अनधनियम, 1947, प्रसूनि प्रसुनिधा अनधनियम, 1970, ठे का श्रम (निनियमि और उत्सादि) अनधनियम, 1970, कायवस् थल पर मनहलाओं का यौि उि् पीड़ि
)नििारण, निषेध एिं निदाि (अनधनियम, 2013 या उसमें नकए गए नकसी प्रकार के संशोधि या इससे संबंनधि अन्य कािूि और समय-समय पर बिाए गए नियमों का पालि करे गा।
The contractor shall comply with the provisions of the payment of Wages Act, 1936, Minimum
Wages Act, 1948, Employers Liability Act, 1938.Workmen’s Compensation Act, 1923, Industrial Disputes Act, 1947, Maternity Benefit Act, 1970, The Contract Labour(Regulation & Abolition) Act, 1970 , Sexual Harassment of women at work place (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal)
Act, 2013, or any modification thereof or any other law relating thereto and rules made there under from time to time.
20. संनिदाकार निम्न के संबंध में भारिीय ररज़िव बैंक िनिपूनिव प्रदाि करे गा और उसे िनिपूनिव रनिि रखेगा
i. कायव के निष्पादि से/ दौराि होिे िाली िीसरी पाटी के िुकसाि/ व्यच्छक्त या संपनत्त को हुए िुकसाि से उत्पन्न दािा।
ii. कायव के निष्पादि के दौराि संनिदाकार द्वारा काम पर लगाए गए कामगार के कारण हुए िुकसाि/ िनि से उत्पन्न दािा।
iii. लागू पीएफ/ श्रम कािूिो, ईएसआई, निनियमों आनद का अिुपालि ि नकए जािे के कारण उत्पन्न कोई दािा।
The Contractor shall indemnify and keep indemnified the Reserve Bank of India against:
i. Any claim arising out of third party loss/ damage to life or property caused by/during execution of the work.
ii. Any claim arising out of loss/ damage to the workmen engaged by the contractor during execution of the work.
iii. Any claim due to non-compliance of applicable Minimum Wages/Labour laws, PF, ESI, regulations etc.
21. संनिदाकार कायव शुरू होिे से पहले सभी आिश्यक बीमा किर िामिः कामगार प्रनिकर पॉनलसी और िीसरी पाटी/ सािवजनिक देयिा प्रनि व्यच्छक्त रुपये 2 लाख के नलए आरबीआई का िाम पहले रखिे हुए अपिी लागि पर लेगा। The contractor shall take necessary insurance covers namely Workmen Compensation Policy and third party/public liability for 2 Lakh per person in the Joint Name of RBI and the contractor, with Reserve Bank of India as the first name, at their cost, before commencement of the work.
22. संनिदाकार ठे का श्रम (निनियमि और उत्सादि) अनधनियम, 1970 के सभी प्रािधािों का अिुपालि करे गा। अंनिम नबल जारी करिे से पूिव संनिदाकार इस आशय का प्रमाणपि प्रस्तुि करे गा नक उसिे कायव पूरा करिे के नलए काम पर लगाए गए सभी प्रकार के मजदू रों के नलए पूरी बकाया रानश का भुगिाि नकया है और यह भुगिाि न्यूििम मजदू री अनधनियम, 1949 के िहि निधावररि मजदू री से कम िहीं है और उसिे ठे का मजदू री करिे के नलए आिश्यक सुनिधाएं उपलब्ध करािे के संबंध में सीएलआरए अनधनियम के प्रािधािों का पालि नकया है।
The Contractor shall comply with the provisions of Contract Labour (Regulation& Abolition) Act,
1970. Before release of final bill, the contractor shall submit a certificate to the effect that he has actually paid the entire dues to the labourers of all descriptions engaged by him, for completion of this work at the rate, which is not less than the one prescribed under the Minimum Wages Act, 1949 and has complied with the provisions of CLRA Act with regard to providing the essential amenities to the Contract Labour.
23. संनिदाकार/ एजेंसी कायवस् थल पर मनहलाओं का यौि उि् पीड़ि) नििारण, निषेध एिं निदाि (अनधनियम, 2013 ("अनधनियम") के प्रािधािों का पूणव अऩुपालि करिे के नलए पूरी िरह नजम्मेदार होगी। बैंक के पररसर के भीिर अपिे कमविारी के च्छखलाफ यौि उत्पीड़ि की नकसी भी नशकायि के मामले में नशकायि संनिदाकार/ एजेंसी द्वारा गनठि नशकायि सनमनि के समि दायर की जाएगी और संनिदाकार/ एजेंसी उक्त नशकायि के संबंध में उक्ि अनधनियम के अंिगवि समुनिि कारव िाई सुनिनिि करे गी।
The Contractor / Agency shall be solely responsible for full compliance with the provisions of
"the Sexual Harassment of women at work place (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013", In case of any complaint of sexual harassment against its employee within the Residential colony of the Bank, the complaint will be filed before the Internal Complaints Committee constituted by the Contractor / Agency and the Contractor/Agency shall ensure appropriate action under the said Act in respect to the complaint.
24. संनिदाकार के नकसी पीनड़ि कमविारी द्वारा बैंक के नकसी कमविारी के निरुि की गई यौि उत्पीड़ि की नकसी भी नशकायि का संज्ञाि बैंक द्वारा गनठि िेिीय नशकायि सनमनि द्वारा नलया जाएगा।
Any complaint of sexual harassment from any aggrieved employee of the contractor against
any employee of the Bank shall be taken cognizance of by the Regional Complaints Committee constituted by the Bank.
यनद घटिा में संनिदाकार का कोई कमविारी शानमल होिा है िो उस च्छस्थनि में प्रदाि की जािे िाली नकसी भी मौनद्रक
िनिपूनिव के नलए संनिदाकार उत्तरदायी होगा, उदाहरण के नलए बैंक के नकसी कमविारी को दी जािे िाली मौनद्रक राहि यनद संनिदाकार के कमविारी द्वारा यौि नहंसा नसि हो जािी है।
The contractor shall be responsible for any monetary compensation that may need to be paid
in case the incident involves the employees of the contractor, for instance any monetary relief to Bank's employee, if sexual violence by the Employee of the contractor is proved.
कायवस्थल पर यौि उत्पीड़ि की रोकथाम और अन्य संबंनधि मुद्दों पर अपिे कमविाररयों को नशनिि करिे की नजम्मेदारी संनिदाकार की होगी।
The contractor shall be responsible for educating its employees about prevention of sexual
Harassment at work place and related issues.
25. संनिदाकार बैंक बैंक के पररसर /आिासीय कॉलोनियों में काम पर लगाए गए अपिे कमविाररयों की पूरी और अद्यिि सूिी उपलब्ध करिाएगा।
The contractor shall provide a complete and updated list of its employees who are deployed within the Bank's premises/residential colonies.
26. जोच्छखम खंड: मौजूदा व्यिस्था की नकसी भी निफलिा के मामले में अिुबंध के िहि काम करिे के नलए ठे के दार के पास हमेशा अनिररक्त व्यिस्था होगी। यनद सेिाएं असंिोषजिक पाई जािी हैं िो बैंक नकसी भी समय एक महीिे का नलच्छखि िोनटस देकर अिुबंध को समाप्त करिे का अनधकार सुरनिि रखिा है और ठे के दार की लागि, जोच्छखम और नजम्मेदाररयों पर नकसी अन्य ियनिि निनिदाकिाव को अिुबंध दे िे का भी अनधकार रखिा है। इस पर नकए गए अनिररक्त व्यय को भारिीय ररजिव बैंक, िेन्नई द्वारा ठे के दार की सुरिा जमा रानश या लंनबि नबल से या एक अलग
िसूली दािा करके िसूल नकया जाएगा।
Risk Clause: The Contractor shall always have standby arrangements for carrying out the work under the Contract in case of any failure of the existing arrangement. The Bank reserve the right for termination of the contract at any time by giving one month written notice, if the services are found unsatisfactory and also has the right to award the contract to any other selected tenderer at the cost, risk and responsibilities of Contractor and excess expenditure incurred on account of this will be recovered by the RBI, Chennai from the Contractor’s Security Deposit or pending bill or by raising a separate recovery claim.
27. नििाद समाधाि: यह परस्पर सहमनि है नक इस समझौिे से उत्पन्न होिे िाले या इसके संबंध में सभी मिभेद और नििाद आपसी ििाव और बाििीि से सुलझाए जाएं गे यनद इस िरह के नििादों और मिभेदों को बाििीि और बाििीि से सुलझाया और हल िहीं नकया जा सकिा है िो िही होगा बैंक द्वारा नियुक्त एकमाि मध्यस्थ को संदनभवि नकया जािा है नजसका निणवय अंनिम होगा और दोिों पिों पर बाध्यकारी होगा और कोई भी कािूिी नििाद के िल िेन्नई
िेिानधकार के अधीि होगा।
Dispute Settlement: It is mutually agreed that all differences and disputes arising out of or in connection with this Agreement shall be settled by mutual discussions and negotiations if such disputes and differences cannot be settled and resolved by discussions and negotiations then the same shall be referred to the Sole Arbitrator appointed by the Bank whose decision shall be final and binding on both the parties and any legal dispute will be subject to Chennai Jurisdiction only.
28. संनिदा का ििीकरण: बैंक अपिे स्िनििेक पर संनिदाकार के कायवनिष्पादि को संिोषजिक पाए जािे पर इस एएमसी का ििीकरण िषव 2024-25 और 2025-26 के नलए करिे पर नििार करे गा, नजस पर पूिोक्ि निबंधि ि
शिें लागू होगी िथा मौजूदा न्यूििम मज़दू री के आधार पर दरों में बढ़ोिरी/ कमी होगी। इस संबंध में बैंक का निणवय
अंनिम ि बाध्यकारी होगा। इसके अलािा, सेिा प्रभारों में अनधकिम अिुमेय िृच्छि सीपीआई और डब््यूपीआई सूिकांकों के आधार पर होगी, नजस पर निणवय बैंक द्वारा नलया जाएगा।
Renewal of contract: At the sole discretion of the Bank, the AMC shall be considered for
further renewal for the years, 2024-25 and 2025-26, on same terms and conditions, with the maximum permissible increase in the rates which will be based on CPI and WPI indices, as decided by the Bank, provided the Bank finds the services of the Contractor satisfactory. The decision of the Bank in this regard shall be final and binding.
29. नकसी भी नििाद के मामले में, अंिेजी में समझौिे के खंड अंनिम रूप में नििार नकया जाएगा और ध्याि में रखा । In case of any dispute, agreement clauses in English will be considered as final and taken into consideration.
हस्तािर खंडः
निम्न द्वारा हस्तािररि और सुपुदव
संनिदाकार हस्तािर मुहर पिा | आरबीआई के प्रानधकृ ि हस्तािरी पदिाम और पिा |
सािी हस्तािर िाम और पिा | सािी हस्तािर िाम और पिा |
Contractor Signature seal Address | Authorized Signatory of RBI Designation & Address |
Witness Signature Name and Address | Witness Signature Name and Address |
General Instructions to Contractors
E-tenders, comprising, Part I (Techno-Commercial Bid) and Part II (Price-Bid), should be uploaded, in MSTC website under RBI Portal for the work of ‘Comprehensive Annual Contract for providing Pest control services in Bank’s Main Office Premises and various Residential Colonies, located at Chennai’ not later than 15:00 Hrs on March 13, 2023.
The tender documents, will be available for viewing / downloading, for the intending bidders from 16:00 Hrs of February 01 ,2023. The tenders of those bidders, who do not comply with the following pre-qualification criteria and have not submitted requisite EMD, will not be considered for opening.
i. The intending bidder should be a registered member of Indian Pest Control Association (IPCA). Copy of Certificate of registration’’ shall be uploaded, along with Part I of the tender.
ii. The intending bidder shall have licence, issued by the Department of Agriculture, Government of Tamilnadu, for ‘Commercial Pest Control Work’, Copy of the ‘Licence’ shall be uploaded, along with Part I of the tender.
iii. The intending bidder shall have an exclusive SHE (Safety, Health and Environment) Department / set-up, with professionally qualified staff, for taking care of the safety of their employees and the safety of the customer. Details of the staff, with their designation and qualification shall be uploaded, along with Part I of the tender.
iv. The intending bidder, should have a minimum of, 5 years’ experience in executing, similar works* of Comprehensive Annual Service / Maintenance Contracts, for providing pest control services, in large premises (having carpet area not less than 1 Lakh Sqm) of Public Sector Bank’s / Financial Institutions / reputed Commercial Establishments. Similar works* should have been completed on or before December 31, 2022. Copies of work orders & completion certificates, for works, done before the stipulated date, shall be uploaded along with Part I of the tender.
v. The intending bidder should have executed, similar works* of Comprehensive Annual Service / Maintenance Contracts, for providing pest control services, in large premises (having carpet area not less than 1 Lakh Sqm) of Public Sector Bank’s / Financial Institutions / reputed Commercial Establishments, during a period of 5 years prior to December 31, 2022. Copies of work orders & completion certificates, for works, done before the stipulated date, shall be uploaded along with Part I of the tender. The value of such executed works, shall be as under:
(a) Minimum three works each costing not less than Rs.9.96 Lakh.
(b) Minimum two works each costing not less than Rs.12.45 Lakh.
(c) Minimum one work costing not less than Rs.19.92 Lakh.
vi. Minimum, yearly turnover during the last 3 years, shall not be less than Rs.24.89 Lakh. Copies of audited financial statements, for the last 3 years shall be uploaded along with Part I of the tender.
vii. Should have full-fledged local office & service setup at Chennai, for rendering regular services. Full address and details of the local office & service set up along with copies of documents, in support of this shall be uploaded, along with Part I of the tender.
viii. Should submit a ‘Solvency Certificate’ issued by the intending bidder’s Banker, specifically for the purpose of this tender for an amount, of Rs. 24.89 Lakh.
*Similar Works means - Comprehensive Annual Service / Maintenance Contracts, for providing pest control services, in large premises (having carpet area not less than 1 Lakh Sqm) of Public Sector Bank’s / Financial Institutions / reputed Commercial Establishments.
(a) | Composition of the firm. | Full particulars (whether contractor is an individual, or a partnership firm, or a company etc), of the composition of the firm of contractors, in detail document. |
(b) | Work experience & completion of similar works of specified value during the specified period. | Copies of detailed work orders, for the qualifying works, indicating, date of award, value of awarded work, time given for completing the work, etc. and corresponding completion certificates indicating, actual date of completion and actual value of executed, similar works, should be enclosed, proof of the work experience. The details, along with documentary evidence of previous experience, if any, for executing, works for the Reserve Bank of India at any Centre, should also be submitted. |
(c) | Turnover. | ‘Audited Financial Statements’ for last three financial years i.e. 2019-20, 2020-21 and 2021-22 along with a certificate of Chartered Accountant indicating the turnover for these financial years. |
(d) | Credit worthiness of the contractor and their turnover during the specified period. | Copies of Income Tax Clearance Certificates / Income Tax Assessment Orders, along with the latest final accounts of the business of the contractor, duly certified by a Chartered Accountant, should be enclosed as proof of their creditworthiness and turnover for last three years. |
(e) | Name(s) and address(es) of the Bankers and their present contact executives. | Written information, about the names and addresses of their bankers, along with full details, like names, postal addresses, e-mail IDs, telephone (landline and mobile) numbers., fax numbers, etc. of the contact executives (i.e. the persons who can be contacted at the office of their bankers by the Bank, in case it is so needed) should be furnished. |
(f) | Details of bank accounts | Full details of their bank accounts, like account number, type, date of opening etc, should be given. |
2. Part I (Techno-Commercial Bid), of the tender will be opened at 16:00 Hrs on March 13, 2023. After scrutiny of Part-I (Techno-Commercial Bid), Part II (Price-Bid), of the eligible bidders, will be opened on a subsequent date, which would be communicated, to the eligible bidders. Tenders shall remain valid for acceptance by the Bank for a period of three months from the date of opening of Part I of the tender, which period may be extended, by mutual agreement and the bidder shall not cancel or withdraw the tender during this period.
3. Digital Signatures may be used to submit the tender, in token of her/ his / their, acceptance of the terms, conditions, specifications etc and that they have inspected the premises and acquainted themselves of the site conditions, scope of work etc, as laid down.
4. If any of the documents are missing, the tender may be considered invalid by the Bank, at its discretion. No advice / communication with respect to any change in rate(s), terms & conditions, etc shall be entertained by the Bank, after opening of the tender.
5. Earnest Money Deposit for a sum of ₹49,793/-, shall be remitted to Bank Account of Reserve Bank of India, on or before 15:00 Hrs, on March 13, 2023. The account details for NEFT transactions are as follows:
Account No.: 186003001
Proof for having remitted the EMD, with transaction number (scanned copy), shall be attached/ uploaded, along with Part I (Techno-Commercial Bid) of the tender. The bidders are also advised to send the proof of remittance with Transaction number (scanned copy) to While making remittance of the said amount, ‘EMD- ESTATE DEPARTMENT’ shall be mentioned in the remarks column.
Intending bidders may also remit the EMD in the form of a Demand Draft or a Bank Guarantee, issued by a scheduled bank drawn in favour of the Reserve Bank of India, in the format prescribed by the Bank (Annexure D) before the due date and time prescribed above. Tenders of those bidders who have not submitted the required EMD wil l not be considered by the Bank.
No interest will be paid on the EMD remitted by the bidders. EMD of the unsuccessful bidders will be refunded / returned by the tender inviting authority in due course.
6. The successful bidder shall furnish an amount of 5% of the contract value in the form of online transfer (NEFT/RTGS) to RBI A/c or Performance Bank Guarantee from any scheduled Bank in the form prescribed by the Bank ( Annexure - E) towards security deposit for the due fulfilment of the contract. The Performance Bank Guarantee towards security deposit shall be valid for the entire contract period. It may be noted that no interest shall be paid on Security Deposit. If the contractor fails to fulfil the contractual obligations, the Security Deposit will be forfeited by the Bank.
The EMD paid by the successful bidder shall be released without any interest after successful execution of the contract agreement and submission of Performance Bank Security Guarantee or online transfer (NEFT/RTGS) to RBI A/c for 5% of the accepted Contract Value as provided above, by the successful vendor.
The EMD shall not be accepted in any form other than the one mentioned in the tender notice. The EMD / Performance Security Bank Guarantee submitted by the successful bidder shall be forfeited in case the successful bidder fails to commence the work awarded to her / him / them within the prescribed time limit.
7. The Reserve Bank of India does not bind itself to accept, the lowest or any tender and serve to itself the right to accept or reject any or all the tenders, either in whole or in part, without assigning any reasons for doing so. The Earnest Money Deposit will be refunded to the unsuccessful bidders but without any interest. Under no circumstance Earnest Money Deposit will be accepted in the form of fixed deposit or any form other than that specified under clause 5 above.
8. The contractor shall not assign the contract. She / he / they, shall not sublet any portion of the contract, except with the written consent of the Bank. In case of breach of these conditions, the Bank may serve, a notice in writing on the contractor, rescinding the contract, whereupon the Security Deposit, shall stand forfeited to the Bank.
9. For all intents and purpose, the contractor shall be the ‘Employer’ within the meaning of different ‘Manpower Legislations’ in respect of the manpower employed and deployed in Bank’s premises. The workmen / employees, deployed by the contractor in the Bank’s premises, shall not have claims of ‘Master and Servant’ relationship nor have any ‘Principal and Agent’ relationship with or against the Competent Authority.
10. On receipt of intimation, from the Bank, of the acceptance of her/ his / their tender, the successful bidder, shall be bound to execute a ‘Formal Contract / Agreement’ within fourteen days thereof the successful bidder, shall sign an agreement in accordance with the ‘Draft Articles of Agreement’ provided herein this tender documents and the Schedule of Conditions, but the written acceptance, by the Reserve Bank of India, of a tender, will constitute a binding contract between the Reserve Bank of India and the person so bidding, whether such a formal agreement is or is not subsequently executed.
11. Each bidder shall, obtain for himself on his own responsibility and at his own expenses, all the information, which may be necessary for the purpose of submitting the tender and for entering into a contract and must inspect the site of the work and acquaint themselves with all local conditions, means of access to the work, nature and scope of the work and all matters appertaining thereto. The Employer's decision in such cases shall be final and shall not be open to arbitration.
12. The rates quoted by the bidders, shall be firm and shall not be subject to exchange variations, labour conditions, fluctuations in railway / road freight charges or any conditions whatsoever. Each invoice / bill shall indicate amongst other things, the contractor’s PAN and GST Registration Number (if GST registered). The ‘Contract Value’’ will also be subject to TDS / Withholding Tax as per law.
13. Bidders shall quote rates, for the ‘Variable Component’ in Part I (Price Bid) of the tender, without GST on works contract. Those bidders, who are, GST registered vendors, shall quote the GST, @ 18% of the total amount of the “Fixed Component’ and ‘Variable Component’, in the row / column / cell(s), provided for the same. This GST will be automatically added, to the total amount and the final amount shown will be, the net bid value, including the GST. No change in quoted rates will be accepted after opening of the tender. The Contractor shall
produce to the Bank, adequate proof of remittance of GST, within a reasonable time from remittance.
14. The Employer does not accept liability for any sum, besides the ‘Contract Value’, subject to such variations as are provided for herein.
15. The successful bidder, is bound to carry out any items of work necessary, for successful execution of the works, in addition to those, specified in the tender even though such items are not included in the quantities and rates. Schedule of instructions in respect of such additional items and their quantities will be issued in writing by the Bank.
16. The contractor, must bear in mind that all the works, shall be carried out strictly in accordance with the specifications provided herein and in compliance of the requirements of the local public authorities and to the requirements of the Bank and no deviation on any account will be permitted, unless otherwise instructed by the Bank, in writing. The successful tenderer should make his own arrangement to obtain all materials required for the work.
17. Every employee so engaged by the contractor shall wear Personal Protective Equipment (PPEs), uniform, a badge bearing his / her name, and safety shoes while on duty. The said Personal Protective Equipment (PPEs), uniform, badge and safety shoes shall be provided by the contractor at his cost.
18. Termination of services of any person deployed by the contractor shall be made by a Letter of Termination of contractor. Bank will not issue any letter in this regard.
19. Water & electricity, required for the work, shall be provided free of cost, by the Bank one location. Contractor shall, make her / his / their own arrangements for conveying the same to the required points. The contractor shall, however take, necessary precautions, to avoid of water / electricity. Necessary safety measures shall be taken by the contractor to avoid any mishaps / accidents. The contractor shall be penalized by the Bank, if any laxity is noticed on the part of the contractor in this connection.
20. The contractor shall provide, copies of required documents/ records, during the period of contract or otherwise even after the expiry of the contract and whenever required by the Bank.
21. The contractor shall be responsible to maintain the premises, structures, properties and equipment of the Bank entrusted to her / him / them. Any damage or loss caused by the contractor’s workmen / employees to the premises, structures, properties and equipment of the Bank, during execution of the work, under the scope of this contract, shall be reinstated to its / their original shape / size, at the risk & cost of the contractor. to the Bank in whatever shape, otherwise the cost incurred by the Bank, towards this, would be recovered from the contractor.
22. The Bank does not recognize any employee / employer relationship with any of the workmen / staff of the contractor and their services shall be automatically discontinued with the termination of the contract.
23. In the event of any provisions of the contract requiring to be modified after the agreement has been signed, the modifications shall be made in writing and signed by the Bank and the contractor or his authorized representative. Such modifications will not be effective until the same have been signed by both the parties. Any verbal or written arrangements for abandoning, modifying, extending, reducing or supplementing the contract, or any of the terms thereof, shall be deemed to be, provisional and shall not be binding on the Bank unless and until the same are incorporated in a formal instrument and signed by the Bank and the contractor. The Bank shall not be under any obligation for providing employment to any of the worker of the contractor after expiry of the contractor.
24. If the bidder, shall have any doubt, as to the meaning of any portion of the general conditions, or the special conditions or the scope of the work or the specifications or any other matter concerning the contract, she / he / they shall, in good time, before submitting her / his / their tender, put forth the particulars thereof and submit them to the Bank, in writing in order that such doubts may be clarified authoritatively, in writing before tendering. Once a tender is submitted, the matter will be decided according to tender conditions, in the absence of such authentic pre-clarification.
25. The Contractor shall pay to the workmen / employees, employed by her / him / them directly, wages not less than fair wages stipulated by the State / Central Government, whichever is higher, as per Minimum Wages Act. Fair Wage means wages, which shall include wages for weekly day of rest and other allowances whether for time or piece work, after taking into consideration prevailing market rates for similar employment in the neighbourhood but shall not be less than the minimum rates of wages fixed, by the State / Central Government, whichever is more, under the payment of Minimum Wages Act.
26. Only able-bodied, physically fit, well trained, literate, disciplined and honest personnel shall be deployed.
27. The contractor shall make available pest control services to eliminate / alleviate / control pest
/ insects like ants, centi/millipedes, cockroaches, moths, house flies, silverfish, lizards, mosquitoes, rodents, & other general pests etc., The details of the properties as well as the frequency at which the aforesaid services must be rendered is furnished herein in the Scope of Work.
28. The intending bidders, are advised to visit the respective premises of the Bank, after obtaining prior approval from the Bank and acquaint themselves of the site conditions before submitting the Tender.
29. The bidders are advised to submit the tender, based, strictly on the General Conditions of the Contract and scope of works, as specified, in the tender documents, and not to stipulate any deviations. If acceptance of the terms and conditions, given in the tender documents, has any price implications, the same should be considered and included in the rates to be quoted in Part II (Price Bid) of the tender. Any tender containing deviation from the laid terms and conditions is liable to be rejected.
30. The contractor shall not be entitled, to any compensation for any loss, suffered by him, on account of delays, in commencing or executing the work, whatever the cause of delays may be, including delays, arising out of modifications, to the work entrusted to him or in any subcontract connected therewith or delays in awarding contracts for other trades of the project or in
commencement or completion of such works. The Employer does not accept liability for any sum besides, the ‘Contract Value’ subject to such variations as are provided for herein.
31.The rates, quoted for the ‘Variable Component’ in the Schedule of Quantities, in Part I (Price Bid), of the tender, shall include, contractor’s Over Head Charges, including charges for obtaining and submitting the insurance policies, subscriptions towards EPF, ESI for the workmen / staff etc employed by them at the Bank’s premises etc mentioned herein, supply of necessary materials, tools / implements and equipment, required to carry out the works, under the scope of the tender, charges for providing uniforms, PPEs and other accessories / equipment, to the workmen / staff employed by the contractor at Bank’s premises, under the scope of the contract, transport / carriages etc.
32. The contractor shall provide the services, in the Bank’s, specified premises, to eliminate
/ alleviate / control the General Pest / Vector (mosquitoes) / Rodent as per the method and frequency, as specified in the Scope of Work / Schedule herein. In case of failure, of the contractor, to provide the specified services, at the frequency stipulated, a penalty equal to Rs. 2,500/- (Rupees Two Thousand Five hundred per treatment), in addition to the pro-rata quoted / approved, as per the tender / work order, shall be deducted, from any payment due to the contractor.
33. The contractor shall, comply with the provisions of all labour legislation including the provisions under:
a) The Payment of Wages Act.
b) Employers Liability Act, including P.F Act, Gratuity Act, ESI etc.
c) Workmen’s Compensation Act.
d) Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act.
e) Apprentices Act.
f) Any other Act or enactment relating thereto, and rules formed there under from time to time.
34.The contractor and his workmen / staff, shall be under the general supervision and control of the Bank’s Engineers / Officials or any other personnel deputed for the purpose by the Bank and shall follow, instructions from her / him, for the day-to-day work, in the Bank’s premises.
35. The contractor should note, that smoking, consumption of alcohol, use of pan / tobacco products, illegal drugs etc, in the Bank’s premises, is strictly prohibited and ensure that the workmen / staff, deployed in the Bank’s premises abide by this provision strictly.
36. The contractor shall, vacate, all workmen / staff, deployed by them, in the Bank’s premises, immediately on the termination / expiry, of the contract and ensure, that such persons shall not create any disruptions / hindrances / problems, of any nature, in the Bank’s premises.
37. Police verification of all workmen / staff, Supervisors / Officials for deployed by the contractor at bank’s premises: The contractor, shall submit, necessary Police Verification Certificates, for each deployed workman / staff member, from the local police authorities, about his / her identity records within 60 days, of issue of written order by the Bank to commence the work Any change in deployment of workmen / staff, shall also be subjected to also needs to be submitted for the above provision, without any lapses.
38. Renewal of the contract: At the sole discretion of the Bank, the AMC shall be considered for further renewal for the years, 2024-25 and 2025-26, on same terms and conditions, with the maximum permissible increase in the rates which will be based on CPI and WPI indices, as decided by the Bank, provided the Bank finds the services of the Contractor satisfactory. The decision of the Bank in this regard shall be final and binding.
39. Terms of Payment.
i. The contractor should ensure that minimum wages, as prescribed in Central / State Government, whichever is higher, as per notifications, issued from time to time, shall be paid to the workmen / staff deployed by her / him / them, in the Bank’s premises, and the same shall be credited, directly to their respective Bank accounts. The Bank reserves, the right to verify the same, as and when, warranted and accordingly, the contractor, shall produce relevant documents to the Bank of demand. The contractor shall, ensure payment of subscriptions towards, EPF, ESI etc, for the women / staff deployed, in the Bank’s premises or any other statutory payments.
ii. Bank's reserves the right to verify, at any time, the deployment of w o r k m e n / s t a f f . Hence an attendance register, for the workmen / staff deployed shall be, maintained, for verification and copies of the same, duly certified by the officials, authorised by the
Bank, shall be submitted, to the Bank, along with the contractor’s bills.
iii. Payments against, the contractor’s bills, based on actual quantity of work executed, will be paid through RTGS / NEFT, within the period for payment, stipulated herein, from the date of submission of the bill along with all required documents, such as acknowledgement from occupants of flats / department representative, countersigned by the official authorised by the Bank, copy of relevant pages of attendance register etc. Wages shall be paid to the workmen
/ employees, by the contractor, without waiting for the payment from the Bank. In case of non-execution / non-completion of pest services in certain areas of office / residential premises / flats, the payment will be made based on actual / proportionate area / number of flats / areas in for which the treatment was, actually carried out, by verifying the acknowledgements, obtained from the representatives of various departments /authorised officials of the Bank or residents of flats.
40. Insurance.
i. The contractor shall, at her / his / their risk & cost, obtain, necessary insurance policies, namely Workmen Compensation Policy, with an insured value, corresponding to the wages / salary of the workmen / staff, engaged by her / him / them, in the Bank’s premises, in connection with this contract and Third Party / Public Liability Policy, with an insured value of not less than Rs. 2 Lakh per person, for one incidence, in case of personal accident and 5 Lakh, per incidence in case of damage to property, from an approved insurance company and the submit the same to the Bank, before commencement of the work. These policies, shall be in the joint names of the Bank and the contractor, with Bank’s name placed in the first and shall be valid for the entire period of the contract.
ii. The contractor shall, indemnify and keep indemnified the Reserve Bank of India against:
a. Any claim arising out of third party loss / damage to life or property caused during, execution of the work, under the scope of this tender.
b. Any claim arising out of accident / loss of life to the workmen, engaged by the contractor during execution of the work, under the scope of this tender.
c. Any claim due to non-compliance of applicable PF/ Labour laws, ESI, regulations etc.
Notwithstanding anything specified above, the contractor, shall be responsible to take all precautionary measures, to maintain the general cleanliness, hygiene and sanitation of the buildings and premises.
I / we, hereby declare that I / we have, read and understood the above instructions for guidance of bidders will abide by the same.
The Conditions Hereinafter Referred To
1. Interpretation Clause.
In construing these Conditions, the Specifications, Schedule of Quantities and Contract Agreement, the following words shall have the meanings herein assigned to them except where the subject or context otherwise required.
(a)"Employer" shall mean the Reserve Bank of India and shall include its assigns and successors.
(b) "Contractor" shall mean (in the case of a Partnership) and trading in the name and style of
and having a place of business at
and shall include the partners for the time being of the said firm and the legal representatives of a deceased partner.
(c) (In the case of “Contractor" shall mean Shri trading in individual) the name and style of and shall include his heirs, successors and legal representatives.
(in the case of “Contractor" shall mean a company……………………………Company) incorporated under and having its registered office at and shall include its assigns and successors.
(d) " This Contract" Shall mean the Articles of Agreement, the Special conditions, the Appendix, the Schedule of Quantities and specifications etc. attached hereto and duly signed.
(e) "Notice in writing" Or written notice shall mean a notice in written, typed or printed characters sent (unless delivered personally or otherwise proved to have been received) by registered post to the last known private or business address to have been received when in the ordinary course of post it would have been delivered.
(f) "Act of Insolvency" Shall mean any Act of Insolvency as defined by the Presidency Towns Insolvency Act or the Provincial Insolvency Act or any Act amending such original.
(g) "Net Prices" If in arriving at the contract amount, the Contractor shall have added to or deducted from the total of the items in the Tender any sum, either as a percentage or otherwise, then the net price of any item in the Tender shall be the sum arrived at by adding to or deducting from the actual figure appearing in the Tender as the price of that item a similar percentage or proportion of the sum so added or deducted by the Contractor the total amount of any Prime Cost items and provisional sums of money shall be deducted from the total amount of the Tender. The expression "net rates" or "net prices" when used with reference to the contract or accounts shall be held to mean rates or prices so arrived at.
2. Scope of Contract.
The contractor shall carry out and complete the said work in every respect in accordance with this contract and with the directions of and to the satisfaction of the Employer. The Employer may in his absolute discretion and from time to time issue further written instructions, details, directions and explanations, which are hereafter collectively referred to as "Employer's Instructions" regarding:
(a) The variation or modification of the quality or quantity of works or the addition or omission or substitution of any work.
(b) Any discrepancy in the Schedule of Quantities and / or Specifications.
(c) The removal from the site of any materials brought thereon by the contractor and the substitution of any other material therefore
(d) The dismissal from the works of any persons employed thereupon.
The contractor shall forthwith comply with and duly execute any work comprised in such Employer's instructions provided always that verbal instructions, directions and explanations given to the contractor or his representatives upon the works by the Employer shall, if involving a variation, be confirmed in writing by the contractor within seven days, and if not dissented from in writing within a further seven days by the Employer, such shall be deemed to be Employer's instructions within the scope of the contract.
3. Dismissal of Workmen.
The contractor shall on the request of the Employer, immediately dismiss from the works, any person employed thereon by him who may, in the opinion of the Employer, be incompetent or misconduct himself and such persons shall not be again employed on the works, without the permission of the Employer.
4. Termination of Contract by the Employer.
The contract can be terminated by the Bank, by giving a month’s notice to the contractor, without citing any reason for doing so.
5. Termination of Contract by Contractor.
Contract can be terminated by the contractor, if she / he / they, desire(s) so, by giving, one month’s notice, to the Bank. The notice period will start, from the day of receipt of notice by the Bank.
6. Delayed Payment.
Any bill submitted by the contractor shall be settled within the period specified herein, provided the bills are in order in all aspects, and the required documents are submitted along with it. In case of delay by the Bank, in making payments beyond, the specified period, Bank interest may be paid, for the delayed period.
7. Disputes arising out of the contract.
The decision of Bank will be final for any dispute arising of this contract. However, the contractor can appeal to the Principal if not satisfied with the decision of the department and his/her decision will be binding on the contractor.
8. Settlement of disputes by Arbitration:
All disputes and differences of any kind whatever arising out of or in connection with the contract or the carrying out of the works (whether during the progress of the works or after their completion and whether before or after the determination abandonment or breach of the contract) shall be referred to and settled by the Bank who shall state its decision in writing. Such decision may be in the form of a final certificate or otherwise. The decision of the Bank with respect to any of the excepted matters shall be final and without appeal as stated in earlier Clause. But if either the Contractor be dissatisfied on any matter the Contractor may within 28 days after receiving notice of such decision give a written notice to the other party requiring that the matters in dispute be arbitrated upon. Such written notice shall specify the matters, which are in dispute or difference of which such written notice has been given. If both the parties agree a single arbitrator would be appointed for the purpose. In case no agreement could be reached on the appointment of single arbitrator, both the parties will nominate one person each as an arbitrator on their behalf. The two arbitrators nominated by the parties shall nominate one more person to act as third arbitrator or umpire.
The arbitrator or arbitrators, as the case may be, shall have power to open up, review and revise any certificate, opinion, decision, requisition or notice, save in regard to the excepted matters, referred to in the preceding clause, and to determine all matters to dispute which shall be submitted to arbitration and of which notice shall have been given as aforesa id.
The arbitrator or arbitrators, as the case may be, shall make his or their award within one year (or such further extended time as may be decided by him or them as the case may be with the consent of the parties) from the date of entering on the reference. In case during the arbitration proceedings the parties mutually settle or compromise their dispute or difference, on the parties filing their joint memorandum of the settlement or compromise, the arbitrator or the arbitrators as the case may be, shall make an award in terms of such settlement or compromise.
Upon any such reference, the decision on the cost incidental to the reference and award respectively shall be in the discretion of the arbitrator or arbitrators as the case may be., who may determine the amount thereof or direct the same to be taxed as between the party and party, and shall direct by whom and to whom and in what manner the same shall be borne and paid.
This submission shall be deemed to be a submission to arbitration within the meaning of the Indian Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 or any statutory modification thereof. The award of the arbitrator or arbitrators, as the case may be, shall be final and binding on the parties. It is agreed that the Contractor shall not delay the carrying out of the works by reason of any such matter, question or dispute being referred to arbitration, but shall proceed with the works with all due diligence and shall until the decision of the arbitrator or arbitrators is given, abide by the decision of the Bank. No award of the arbitrator or arbitrators, as the case may be, shall relieve the Contractor of his obligations to adhere strictly to the Bank's instructions with regard to the actual carrying out of the works. The Employer and the Contractor hereby also agree that arbitration under this clause shall be a condition precedent to any right of action under the contract.
9. Employer entitled to recover compensation paid to workmen.
If, for any reason, the Employer is obliged, by virtue of the provision the Workmen's Compensation Act 1923, or any statutory modifications or re-enactment thereof, to pay
compensation to any workmen, employed by the contractor in execution of the works, under the scope of the contract, the Employer shall be entitled to recover, from the contractor, the amount of compensation so paid, and without prejudice to the rights of the Employer under the said Act. The Employer shall be at liberty to recover such amount or any part thereof, by deducting it, from the Security D eposit or from any payment, due by the Employer to the contractor, under this contract or otherwise. The Employer, shall not be, bound to contest any claim, made against it, under the said Act, except on the written request of the contractor and upon her / his / their, giving to the Employer full security to the satisfaction of the Employer, for all costs, for which the Employer, might become liable, in consequence of contesting such claim.
10. Right of Employer to terminate Contract in the event of death of Contractor.
Without prejudice to any of the rights or remedies under this contract, if the contractor, being an individual, dies, the Employer shall have the option of terminating the contract, without incurring any liability for such termination.
11. Marginal Notes.
The headings catch lines hereto and, i n t h e a n n e x u r e s , hereto are meant only for convenience of reference and shall not in any way be considered in the interpretation of these presents and the annexures hereto.
I / We hereby declare that I / we have read and understood the above instructions for guidance of tenderers and will abide by the same.
Scope of Work
Pest Control Services.
The Pest Control Services, under the scope of this tender, shall be, to eliminate / alleviate / control pests / insects like ants, centi/millipedes, cockroaches, moths, house flies, silverfish, lizards, mosquitoes, rodents, other general / common pests etc. The frequency of treatments to be done are furnished below:
Sl.No. | Description of properties. | Frequency of treatment. |
General Pest Control Treatment. | ||
1. | Bank’s Main Office Premises - indoor areas of buildings / structures. | Monthly as well as whenever felt necessary by the Bank to combat the pests. |
2. | Do - staircases, outdoor areas, underground / open sewer / drainage / storm-water lines, manholes, gully / inspection chambers etc. | Do. |
3. | Residential Colonies (indoor areas of flats). | Quarterly as well as whenever felt necessary by the Bank to combat the pests. |
4. | Do - staircases, outdoor areas, common / amenities areas, underground / open sewer / drainage / storm-water lines, manholes, gully / inspection chambers etc. | Monthly. |
Vector (Mosquito) Control Treatment. | ||
1. | Bank’s Main Office Premises. | Weekly and as and when advised by the Bank in writing. |
2. | Residential Colonies. | Do. |
Rodent Control Treatment. | ||
1. | Bank’s Main Office Premises. | As and when required on a regular basis but not less than once in a week. |
2. | Residential Colonies. | Do. |
Note – Special treatment against termites shall be carried out if, required by the Bank and advised in writing, which will be paid separately.
Technical Specifications.
1. Categories of pests to be treated.
General Pests such as, ants, centi/millipedes, cockroaches, moths, house flies, bees, including their hives, silverfish, lizards & other general / common pests, vectors such as mosquitoes & rodents / mice,
2. Various pesticides that could be used for the work shall be:
a) Dimethyl Dichloro Vinyl Phosphate (DDVP): 3 liters per 100 Sqmtr (dilution 1:50 in water)
b) Blattanex : Do (dilution 1: 40 in water)
c) Chloropyriphos : 5 litres per 100 Sqmtr (dilution 1: 40 in water)
d) Deltamethrin : 3 litres per 100 Sqmtr (120gms of 2.5% WP in 3 litres of water)
e) Pyritrhin : As per manufacturer’s specifications.
Any of the above-mentioned chemicals, or approved equivalent, which is ecofriendly and conforming to Indian Standards, in water emulsion may be used, for General Pest Control Treatment.
3. Oil / Kerosene based solutions of Chlorpyriphose, used at concentration of 1% by weight shall be used for wood treatment.
Note: The details of materials given above are indicative and the contractor, shall use any other approved chemical, which is eco-friendly and manufactured as per Indian Standards, used as per the specifications / concentration, of the manufacturer, for the effective elimination / alleviation / control / management of pests.
Safety Code
1. The contractor shall have licence, issued by the Department of Agriculture, Government of Tamilnadu, for ‘Commercial Pest Control Work’.
2. The workmen / staff deployed, by the contractor for pest control services, (if necessary) shall wear Personal Protective Equipment (PPEs) / accessories such as face masks, hand gloves, safety shoes etc.
3. No portable single ladder shall be over 8 meters in length. The width between the side rails shall not be less than 30 cm. (clear) and the distance between two adjacent rungs shall not be more than 30 cm. When a ladder is used an extra mazdoor shall be engaged for holding the ladder.
4. First-aid appliances, including adequate supply of sterilized dressings, cotton wool shall be maintained in a readily accessible place for the use of staff deployed by the Tenderer.
5. In case of any mishap, the injured person shall be taken to a public hospital without loss of time, where the injury necessitates hospitalization.
6. Suitable and strong scaffolds should be provided for workmen for all works that cannot be safely done from the ground.
7. No floor, roof or other part of the structure shall be overloaded with debris or materials as to render it unsafe.
8. Hoisting machines and tackle used in the works, including their attachments, anchorage and supports shall be in perfect condition
9. Fire safety measures shall be adhered to as per local bye laws.
10. Whenever electric power is used for attending works, prior permission must be taken from Bank’s Electrical Engineer.
Signed copies of the following documents (with appropriate stamp of the companies) as given below along with this checklist form needs to be scanned and uploaded on MSTC website.
Sl. No. | Documents to be uploaded. | Uploaded (Yes / No) |
1 | Annexure A - Basic Information. | |
2 | PAN Card. | |
3 | Documents showing GST Registration number. | |
4 | Address proof of registered local office. | |
5 | Annexure B – Details of the work executed during the last five years to meet eligibility criteria. | |
6 | Work orders in support of the works executed during the last five years to meet eligibility criteria. | |
7 | Annexure C - Client’s certificate as per format from their clients for whom they have carried out ‘eligible works’. | |
8 | Audited Annual Financial Statements showing an average minimum turnover of Rs.24.89 Lakh during the last 3 years. | |
9 | Solvency Certificate of Rs.24.89 Lakh | |
10 | Proof of remittance of Earnest Money Deposit. |
NOTE: Format of Annexures A, B and C mentioned above have been enclosed with the tender document. Bidders are advised to fill in the of the Annexures in the format exactly as provided by the Bank. The Bank shall have the right to independently verify the above specified documents.
The Bank shall evaluate the said reports before opening of price bid of the tenderers. If any tenderer is not found to possess the required eligibility for participating in the tendering process at any point of time and/or his performance reports received from his clients and/or his bankers are found unsatisfactory, the Bank reserves the right to reject his offer even after opening of Part-I of the tender. The Bank is not bound to assign any reason for doing so.
(Bidder’s Signature) along-with seal
Commercial Conditions
Sr. No. | Description | Bank's Terms | Acceptance of Bank's terms (YES/NO) |
1 | Validity | 12 months.i.e. from April 01, 2023 to March 31, 2024. | |
2 | Terms of payment | Payment shall be made as specified under General Instructions to Contractors. | |
3 | Technical/commercial specifications | As per specifications in Part of the Tender | |
4 | Penalties | As specified in Part I of the Tender |
Part II should not contain any terms and conditions but only priced bill of quantity. Terms and conditions, if any, incorporated in Part II, will not be valid or considered.
Place: Name & Signature of the Contractor Date:
भारिीयररज़िवबैंकReserve Bank of India
संपदानिभाग Estate Department
चेन्नै Chennai
Sl. No | Description | |
1. | Name & Address of the organization/applicant | |
2. | Type of Organization‐ (Whether Proprietorship, Partnership/Pvt. Limited/Limited or Body Corporate or MSME registered firm etc.) Please enclose related documents. | |
3. | Name of the Proprietor /Partners/Directors of the organization | (a) (b) (c) (d) |
4 | Registration (firm, company etc)/ Registration Authority, dated Number etc. | |
5. | Experience in the respective field of work Please, enclose documents in support thereof. | ---------------- Years |
6. | Whether financially sound to undertake works costing up to 24.89 Lakh. If so, enclose Audited Annual Financial Statements | |
7 | Yearly turnover of the firm/contractor for the last three years Year 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 (copies of audited final accounts in support thereof to be uploaded) | |
8 | PAN number (copy of PAN card should be uploaded) |
9 | GST Registration No (Copy should be uploaded) | |
10 | Registered office address, telephone/Mobile No. and E-mail ID | |
10 a | Whether having registered local office within the jurisdiction limits of TamilNadu? If yes, mention the address of the local office (Copy of address proof for registered local office to be uploaded) | |
10 b. | Whether working with any of the Government/Semi-Government Undertaking/s as approved contractors and if so, Furnish details | |
11 | Qualification & Experience of the technical persons employed by the firm. | |
12 | Indicate if involved in any litigation | |
13 | Any civil suits pending in any of the works executed give details |
Date: Signature of the contractor/firm:
भारतीयररज़र्वबैंकReserve Bank of India
संपदावर्भाग Estate Department
चेन्नै Chennai Details of the work executed during the last 5 years as per the eligibility criteria
Sl. No. | Name of the work & location | Nature & Description of work | Name & address of the owner for whom work was carried out (Details of contact person with Phone number shall be furnished). | The name and full address of the officer under whom the work was carried out. | Value of the work in ₹ | Whether work completed in time. If not reason for the delay | Date of start and completion -Proof for satisfactory completion of the work should be attached (signed by the competent person) |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
Place and Date: Signature of the contractor/firm with name and address& Seal
[Scanned copy (in pdf format) of this Annexure duly filled, to be uploaded with tender
The Regional Director Reserve Bank of India Estate Department
2nd Floor Fort Glacis Rajaji Salai
Chennai - 600001.
Name & address of the Client:
Details of Works executed by Smt. /M/s
1 | Name of work with brief particulars | ||
2 | Agreement No. and date | ||
3 | Agreement amount | ||
4 | Date of commencement of work | ||
5 | Stipulated date of completion | ||
6 | Actual date of completion | ||
7 | Details of compensation levied for delay (indicate amount) if any | ||
8 | Gross amount of the work completed and paid | ||
9 | Name and address of the authority under whom works executed | ||
10 | Whether the contractor employed qualified Engineer/Overseer during execution of work? | ||
11 | i) Quality of work (indicate grading) | Outstanding/Very Good/ Good/Satisfactory/poor | |
ii) Amt. of work paid on reduced rates, if any. | |||
12 | i) Did the contractor go for arbitration? | ||
ii) If yes, total amount of claim | |||
iii) Total amount awarded | |||
13 | Comments on the capabilities of the contractor. | ||
a) Technical proficiency | Outstanding/Very Good/ Good/Satisfactory/poor | ||
b) Financial soundness
| Outstanding/Very Good/ Good/Satisfactory/poor | ||
c) Mobilization of adequate T&P | Outstanding/Very Good/ Good/Satisfactory/poor | ||
d) Mobilization of manpower | Outstanding/Very Good/ Good/Satisfactory/poor | ||
e) General behavior | Outstanding/Very Good/ Good/Satisfactory/poor |
Note: All columns should be filled in properly *
Reporting Officer* with Office seal *Officer of the rank of executive engineer/Superintending Engineer or equivalent.
Annexure “D”
बयािा रावि जमा / ब ली की प्रवतभूवत के वलए बैंक गारं टी का प्र फामाव / Proforma of Bank Guarantee for Earnest Money Deposit / Bid Security
(On Non-Judicial Stamp Paper of appropriate value) Place: ______________
Date: _______________
The Regional Director Estate Department Reserve Bank of India Chennai
Dear Sir / Madam,
Name of Work: …………………………………………………………………………
Ref: NIT / Advt. No. Date:………
The Reserve Bank of India, having its Central Office at Shahid Bhagat Singh Marg, Mumbai (hereinafter called the ‘RBI’) has invited tenders for the captioned work (Hereinafter called “the said tender”) on the terms and conditions mentioned in the said tender documents.
It is one of the terms of invitation of tenders that the tenderer shall furnish a Bank Guarantee for a sum of Rs. _____ (Rupees only) as Earnest Money Deposit (EMD).
M/s. (Name of the Tenderer / Bidder) , (hereinafter called as ‘the Tenderer / Bidder’), who
are our Clients / Constituents intend to submit their tender / Bid for the said work and have requested us to furnish Bank Guarantee to RBI in respect of the said sum of Rs. (Rupees
1. We (Name of the Bank) do hereby agree with and undertake to RBI, their Successors, Assigns that in the event of the RBI coming to the conclusion that the Tenderer have not performed their obligations under the said conditions of the tender or have committed a breach thereof, which conclusion shall be binding on us as well as the said Tenderer, we shall on demand by the RBI, pay without demur to the RBI, a sum of Rs. (Rupees only) or any lower amount that may be demanded by the RBI. Our guarantee shall be treated as equivalent to the Earnest Money Deposit for the due performance of the obligations of the Tenderer under the said Conditions, provided, however, that our liability against such sum shall not exceed the sum of Rs. (Rupees only).
2. We also agree to undertake to and confirm that the sum not exceeding Rs.
___ (Rupees only) as aforesaid shall be paid by us without any demur or protest, merely
on demand from the RBI on receipt of a notice in writing stating that the amount is due to them and we shall not ask for any further proof or evidence and the notice from the RBI shall be conclusive and binding on us and shall not be questioned by us in any respect or manner whatsoever. We undertake to pay the amount claimed by the RBI within a period of one week from the date of receipt of the notice as aforesaid.
3. We confirm that our obligation to the RBI under this guarantee shall be independent of the agreement or agreements or other understandings between the RBI and the Tenderer.
This guarantee shall not be revoked by us without prior consent in writing of the RBI. We hereby further agree that:
a) Any forbearance or commission on the part of the RBI in enforcing the conditions of the said agreement or in compliance with any of the terms and conditions stipulated in the said tender and/or hereunder or granting of any time or showing of any indulgence by the RBI to the Tenderer or any other matters in connection therewith shall not discharge us in any way and our obligation under this guarantee. This guarantee shall be discharged only by the performance by the Tenderers of their obligations and in the event of their failure to do so, by payment by us of the sum not exceeding Rs. _______
(Rupees only).
b) Our liability under these presents shall not exceed the sum of Rs. ______
(Rupees ____________only) .
c) Our liability under this agreement shall not be affected by any infirmity or irregularity on the part of our said constituents/clients in tendering for the said work or their obligations there under or by dissolution or change in the constitution of our said constituents.
d) This guarantee shall remain in force up to (six months from the last date
of receipt of tender) provided that if so desired by the RBI, this guarantee shall be renewed for a further period as may be indicated by them on the same terms and conditions as contained herein.
e) Our liability under these presents will terminate unless these presents are renewed as provided hereinabove on the or on the day when our said constituents
comply with their obligations, as to which a certificate in writing by the RBI alone is the conclusive proof whichever date is later. Unless a claim or suit or action is filed against us within or any extended period, all the rights of the RBI against us under this guarantee shall be forfeited and we shall be released and discharged from all our obligations and liabilities hereunder.
Yours faithfully,
For and on behalf of Bank. Authorised Official (with seal)
NB: This guarantee will require stamp duty as applicable in the state, where it is executed and shall be signed by the official whose signature and authority shall be verified).
Annexure: E
Proforma for Performance Bank Guarantee
(On Non-Judicial Stamp Paper of appropriate value purchased in the name of the Issuing Bank)
Regional Director for Tamil Nadu & Puducherry Estate Department
Reserve Bank of India Fort Glacis, Rajaji Salai Chennai – 600 001.
Dear Sir,
Name of Work: …………………………………………………………………………
WHEREAS Reserve Bank of India, having its Central Office at Shahid Bhagat Singh Road, Mumbai, through its office at Reserve Bank of India, Fort Glacis – 16, Rajaji Salai, P.B.No.40, Chennai 600 001 (hereinafter called “the RBI”) has awarded the Contract for the captioned work (hereinafter called the "Contract") to M/s_________________________________(Name of the Contractor) (hereinafter called " the said Contractor", which expression shall include its successors and assigns).
Whereas the Contractor is bound by the said Contract to submit to Reserve Bank of India, Chennai a Performance Bank Guarantee for a total amount of
₹ for the due fulfilment by the said Contractor of the terms
and conditions contained in the contract. We, (Name of the Bank), (hereinafter
called “the Bank”), at the request of M/s ………………….., the Contractor, do hereby undertake to pay to the Reserve Bank of India, an amount not exceeding ₹
___________________________as Performance Guarantee for due fulfilment of terms and conditions of the contract.
1. We (Name of the Bank) do hereby agree with and undertake to RBI, their Successors, Assigns that in the event of the RBI coming to the conclusion that the Contractor has not performed his obligations under the said conditions of the Contract or have committed a breach thereof, which conclusion shall be binding on us as well as the said Contractor; we shall on demand by the RBI, pay without demur to the RBI, a sum of ₹
___________________________or any lower amount that may be demanded by the RBI. Our guarantee shall be treated as equivalent to the Performance Guarantee Amount for the due performance of the obligations of the Contractor under the said Contract, provided, however, that our liability against such sum shall not exceed the sum of ₹
2. We also agree to undertake and confirm that the sum not exceeding ₹
___________________________as aforesaid shall be paid by us without any demur or protest, merely on demand from the RBI on receipt of a notice in writing stating that the amount is due to them and we shall not ask for any further proof or evidence and the notice from the RBI shall be conclusive and binding on us and shall not be questioned by us in any respect or manner whatsoever. The Bank shall pay to RBI any money so demanded notwithstanding any dispute/disputes raised by the Contractor in any suit or proceedings pending before any Court, Tribunal or Arbitrator/s relating thereto and the liability under this guarantee shall be absolute and unequivocal. We undertake to pay the amount claimed by the RBI within a period of one week from the date of receipt of the notice as aforesaid.
3. We confirm that our obligation to the RBI under this guarantee shall be independent of the agreement or agreements or other understandings between the RBI and the Contractor.
4. This guarantee shall not be revoked by us without prior consent in writing of the RBI. We hereby further agree that:
a) Any forbearance or commission on the part of the RBI in enforcing the conditions of the said agreement or in compliance with any of the terms and conditions stipulated in the said Contract and/or hereunder or granting of any time or showing of any indulgence by the RBI to the Contractor or any other matters in connection therewith shall not discharge us in any way and our obligation under this guarantee. This guarantee shall be discharged only by the performance by the Contractor of their obligations and in the event of their failure to do so, by payment by us of the sum not exceeding ₹ ___________________________
b) Our liability under these presents shall not exceed the sum of ₹
c) Our liability under this agreement shall not be affected by any infirmity or irregularity on the part of our said constituents/clients or their obligations thereunder or by dissolution or change in the constitution of our said constituents.
d) This guarantee shall remain in force up to Sixty (60) days beyond the contract period, i.e., upto ___________ for this contract provided that if so desired by the RBI, this guarantee shall be renewed for a further period as may be indicated by them on the same terms and conditions as contained herein.
e) Our liability under these presents will terminate unless these presents are renewed as provided hereinabove on the or on the day when our said constituents comply with their obligations, as to which a certificate in writing by the RBI alone is the conclusive proof whichever date is later. Unless a claim or suit or action is filed against us within or any extended period, all the rights of the RBI against us under this guarantee shall be forfeited and we shall be released and discharged from all our obligations and liabilities hereunder.
In witness whereof, I/We of the Bank have signed and sealed this guarantee on the _______
day of (Month) (Year) being herewith duly authorized.
For and on behalf of (Name of the Bank) Signature and Seal of authorized Bank official Name:
Stamp/ Seal of the Bank
Signed, sealed and delivered for and on behalf of the Bank by the above named in the presence of:
Witness 1
Signature …………………………
Name ……………………………
Address ………………………………………
(NB: This Performance Bank Guarantee will require stamp duty as applicable in the state, where it is executed and shall be signed by the official whose signature and authority shall be verified).
Schedule of Quantities
Comprehensive Annual Contract for providing Pest / Vector / Insect / Rodent control services in Bank's Main Office and residential colonies at various locations in Chennai. | |||||
Schedule of Quantities. | |||||
Main Office Premises. | |||||
A) General Pests / Vector (Mosquito) / Rodent control treatment. | |||||
Sl.No. | Description of the work. | Number of treatments to be done annually. | Periodicity. | Quantity. | Unit. |
1. | General Pest Control Treatment, of the indoor office / amenities spaces including Conference Halls , Auditoriums, Executive areas, VIP Lounge, Officers' Lounge & Dining Rooms, Staff Canteen, Zonal Training Centre, Co-operative Bank, Union / Association Office Rooms, Dispensary, Tamil Mandram Hall, common areas , corridors / passages, lobbies, wash rooms / rest rooms, Gyms, Utility areas, Machine Rooms, UPS Rooms, Staircases, Lift Shafts, Vaults / Currency Verification and Processing Rooms, Sorting Rooms, EB substation, Generator Room, Shredding & Briquetting Machine Room, Guard Rooms, Barracks for Police personnel, ATM Room or any other areas, on various floors of the Bank's Main Office Building and Annexe Building having an approximate total carpet area of 20,430.00 Sqm (Main Office Building - 17,920.00 Sqm & Annexe Building - 2,510.00 Sqm). | 12.00 | Monthly. | 1.00 | L.S per treatment. |
2. | Do for Governors Residential flat on the fourth floor off the Main Office Building, having an approximate carpet area of 200.00 sqm. | 12.00 | Monthly. | 1.00 | L.S per treatment. |
3. | All as above, but for Resident Security Officer's flat, on the fourth floor of Bank's Main Office Building having an approximate carpet area of 75.00 Sqm. | 12.00 | Monthly. | 1.00 | L.S per treatment. |
4. | All as above, but for Class IV flats, in Essential Staff Quarters having an approximate carpet area of each flat - 20.00 Sqm. | 4.00 | Quarterly. | 7.00 | Per Flat per treatment. |
5. | All as above, but for Class III flat, in Essential Staff Quarters, having approximate carpet area of 45.00 Sqm. | 4.00 | Quarterly. | 1.00 | Per Flat per treatment. |
6. | Recreation Club, A.C. Plant Room, Store Rooms, Organic Waste Composting machine Room, Recreation Rooms, Pump Rooms, R.O. Plant Room, Organic Waste Composting Machine Room, Rooms allotted to Electrician / Plumber / Gardener / Maintenance Staff / Sniffer Dog Staff, Dog Kennels, Public Toilets, Security Chowkies / Porta Cabins, parking areas etc within the premises around the Main Office and Annexe Building. | 12.00 | Monthly. | 1.00 | L.S. per treatment. |
7. | Drainage, sewage and storm-water systems within the entire colony premises, including, manholes, inspection / gully chambers, inlets of storm-water drains, garbage collection areas and chambers within the entire colony premises. | 12.00 | Monthly. | 1.00 | L.S. per treatment. |
B) Vector (Mosquito) control treatment*. | |||||
* Periodicity and number of treatments (quantity), indicted under this treatment is only minimum and additional number of treatments, may must be done by the AMC contractor, as and when required by the Bank and communicated to the contractor in writing. | |||||
Sl.No. | Description of the work. | Number of annual treatments to be done annually. | Periodicity. | Quantity. | Unit. |
1. | Providing and conducting, Vector (Mosquito) control treatment, by thermal fogging method, using approved make Pyrethrin or approved equivalent, as disinfectant and Ultra Low Volume (ULV) sprayers, at a time, convenient to the Bank and as instructed by the Bank's officials. The treatment shall be done for the open areas, staircases, parking areas / sheds, R.O. Plant Room / Shed, Organic Waste Composting Machine Room / Shed, Security Chowkys / Porta Cabins, open / closed wells, underground drainage / sewage / storm-water system including manholes, inspection / gully chambers etc within the entire premises as directed by the Bank's Officials. The scope of work also includes spraying, approved make, Dimethyl Dichloro Vinyl Phosphate(DDVP) or approved equivalent, with appropriate concentration / dilution, as per the specification of the chemical manufacturers, as insecticide, using micro-sprayers, inside manholes, inspection / gully chambers, inlet / outlet points etc of underground / open drainage / sewage / storm-water system, in garbage | 52.00 | Weekly. | 1.00 | L.S per treatment. |
dumping areas, Organic Waste Composting Machine Rooms, R.O. Plant Room, Pump Rooms, Security Chowkies, areas around buildings, on stagnant water / waste water etc within the entire premises as directed by the Bank's Officials. | |||||
C) Rodent Control treatment. | |||||
1. | Providing Rodent control services in the entire premises including indoor areas of all the buildings, by supplying and using, rodent control devices / method / materials, such as Rodent Traps, Glue boards, Poison Cakes, smoking of the burrows or any other methods / devices, approved by the Bank's Officials, to effectively control and eliminate the Rodent menace, in the entire premises (indoor and outdoor). Treatments must be done at appropriate intervals as per the instructions of the Bank's officials, to have effective control of Rodents, within the Premises. Required number / quantity of devices / materials as required for effective control of Rodents, as instructed by the Bank's Officials, must be supplied and required treatments to be at required intervals to effectively control and eliminate Rodent menace in the entire premises. | 12.00 | As and when required but not less than once in a week. | 1.00 | L.S per month. |
Notes: | |||||
The approximate areas, indicated under each item, are only indicative and the bidders may inspect the sites and assess themselves the actual areas, if required by them to submit the tender. | |||||
The bidders, shall furnish the details of treatment for which they have quoted including nature of treatment and type/name of insecticides / pesticides / rodenticides proposed to be used. (Attach separate sheet). | |||||
The periodicity specified is the maximum interval between two consecutive treatments. In case it is found necessary, by the Bank, the contractor shall provide additional treatment(s) to eradicate the general pest / vector (mosquito) / rodent, menace. | |||||
The bidders are, advised to inspect and get acquainted themselves about the extent, type & scope of treatments to be carried out and conditions and topography required before quoting their rates. | |||||
The tender shall be valid for a period of three Months from the date of opening of Part I. |
Staff Quarters at C.H. Road. | |||||
A) General Pests / Vector (Mosquito) / Rodent control treatment. | |||||
Sl.No. | Description of the work. | Number of treatments to be done annually. | Periodicity. | Quantity. | Unit. |
1. | General Pest Control Treatment, inside residential flats - Flats, having an approximate carpet area of each flat - 20.00 Sqm. | 4.00 | Quarterly. | 96.00 | Per Flat per treatment. |
2. | Do Caretaker's flat having an approximate carpet area 50.00 Sqm. | 4.00 | Quarterly. | 1.00 | Per Flat per treatment. |
3. | Community Hall, Dispensary, Caretaker's Office, Store Room, Watchman’s Chowki, Pump Rooms, R.O. Plant Room, Organic Waste Composting Machine Room etc & Staircases in all the occupied buildings etc having carpet area of about 500.00 Sqm. | 12.00 | Monthly. | 1.00 | L.S. per treatment. |
4. | Drainage, sewage and storm-water system, within the entire colony premises, including, manholes, inspection / gully chambers, inlets of storm-water drains, garbage collection areas and chambers within the entire colony premises. | 12.00 | Monthly. | 1.00 | L.S. per treatment. |
B) Vector (Mosquito) control treatment*. | |||||
* Periodicity and number of treatments (quantity), indicted under this treatment is only minimum and additional number of treatments, may have to be done by the AMC contractor, as and when required by the Bank and communicated to the contractor in writing. | |||||
Sl.No. | Description of the work. | Number of treatments to be done annually. | Periodicity. | Quantity. | Unit. |
1. | Providing and conducting, Vector (Mosquito) control treatment, by thermal fogging method, using approved make Pyrethrin or approved equivalent, as disinfectant and Ultra Low Volume (ULV) sprayers, at a time convenient to the Bank and as instructed by the Bank's officials. The treatment shall be done for the open areas, staircases, open stages, parking areas / sheds, Community Halls, open / closed wells, underground drainage / sewage / storm-water system including manholes, inspection / gully chambers etc within the entire premises as directed by the Bank's Officials. The scope of work also includes spraying, approved make, Dimethyl Dichloro Vinyl Phosphate(DDVP) or approved equivalent, with appropriate concentration / dilution, as per the specification of the chemical manufacturers, as insecticide, using micro-sprayers, inside manholes, inspection / gully chambers, inlet / outlet points etc of | 52.00 | Weekly. | 1.00 | L.S per treatment |
underground / open drainage / sewage / storm-water system, in garbage dumping areas, Organic Waste Composting Machine Rooms, R.O. Plant Room, Pump Rooms, Security Chowkies, areas around buildings, on stagnant water / waste water etc within the entire premises as directed by the Bank's Officials. | |||||
C) Rodent Control treatment. | |||||
1. | Providing Rodent control services in the entire premises, by supplying and using, rodent control devices / method / materials, such as Rodent Traps, Glue boards, Poison Cakes, smoking of the burrows or any other methos / devices, approved by the Bank's Officials, to effectively control and eliminate the Rodent menace, in the premises. Treatments must be done at appropriate intervals as per the instructions of the Bank's officials, to have effective control of Rodents, within the Premises. Required number / quantity of devices / materials as required for effective control of Rodents, as instructed by the Bank's Officials, must be supplied and required treatments to be at required intervals to effectively control and eliminate Rodent menace in the entire premises. | 12.00 | As and when required but not less than once in a week. | 1.00 | L.S per month. |
Notes: | |||||
The approximate areas, indicated under each item, are only indicative and the bidders may inspect the sites and assess themselves the actual areas, if required by them to submit the tender. | |||||
The bidders, shall furnish the details of treatment for which they have quoted including nature of treatment and type/name of insecticides / pesticides / rodenticides proposed to be used. (Attach separate sheet). | |||||
The periodicity specified is the maximum interval between two consecutive treatments. In case it is found necessary, by the Bank, the contractor shall provide additional treatment(s) to eradicate the general pest / vector (mosquito) / rodent, menace. | |||||
The bidders are, advised to inspect and get acquainted themselves about the extent, type & scope of treatments to be carried out and conditions and topography required before quoting their rates. | |||||
The tender shall be valid for a period of three Months from the date of opening of Part I. |
Comprehensive Annual Contract for providing Pest / Vector / Insect / Rodent control services in Bank's Main Office and residential colonies at various locations in Chennai. | |||||
Staff Quarters at Besant Nagar | |||||
A) General Pests / Vector (Mosquito) / Rodent control treatment. | |||||
Sl.No. | Description of the work. | Number of treatments to be done annually. (1) | Periodicity. (2) | Quantity. (3) | Unit. (4) |
1 | General Pest Control Treatment, inside residential flats - Class I (68 flats, each having, approximate carpet area of about 97.00 Sqm). | 4.00 | Quarterly. | 68.00 | Per Flat per treatment. |
General Pest Control Treatment, inside residential flats - Class III (186 flats, each having, approximate carpet area of about 49.00 Sqm). | 4.00 | 186.00 | |||
General Pest Control Treatment, inside residential flats - Class IV (4 flats, each having, approximate carpet area of about 32.00 Sqm). | 4.00 | 4.00 |
2 | Community Hall, Dispensary, Caretaker’s Flat, Caretaker's Office, Store Room, Watchman’s Chowki, Pump Rooms, R.O. Plant Room, organic Waste Composting Machine Room etc & Staircases in all the occupied buildings etc having carpet area of about 1500.00 Sqm. | 12.00 | Monthly. | 1.00 | L.S. per treatment. |
3 | Drainage and sewage system within the entire colony premises, including, manholes, inspection / gully chambers, inlets of storm-water drains, garbage collection areas and chambers within the entire colony premises. | 12.00 | Monthly. | 1.00 | L.S. per treatment. |
B) Vector (Mosquito) control treatment*. | |||||
* Periodicity and number of treatments (quantity), indicted under this treatment is only minimum and additional number of treatments, may have to be done by the AMC contractor, as and when required by the Bank and communicated to the contractor in writing | |||||
Sl.No. | Description of the work. | Number of annual treatments to be done annually. (1) | Periodicity. (2) | Quantity. (3) | Unit. (4) |
1 | Providing and conducting, Vector (Mosquito) control treatment, by fogginthermal fogging method, using approved make Pyrethrin or approved equivalent, as disinfectant and Ultra Low Volume (ULV) sprayers, at a time convenient to the Bank and as instructed by the Bank's officials. The treatment must be done for the entire open areas, staircases, open stages, parking areas / sheds, Community Halls, open / closed wells, underground drainage / sewage / storm-water system including manholes, inspection / gully chambers etc within the entire premises as directed by the Bank's Officials. The scope of work also includes spraying, approved make, Dimethyl | 52.00 | Weekly. | 1.00 | L.S per treatment |
Dichloro Vinyl Phosphate(DDVP) or approved equivalent, with appropriate concentration / dilution, as per the specification of the chemical manufacturers, as insecticide, using micro- sprayers, inside manholes, inspection / gully chambers, inlet / outlet points etc of underground / open drainage / sewage / storm water system, in garbage dumping areas, Organic Waste Composting Machine Rooms, R.O. Plant Room, Pump Rooms, Security Chowkies, areas around buildings, on stagnant water / waste water etc within the entire premises as directed by the Bank's Officials. | |||||
C) Rodent Control treatment. | |||||
1 | Providing Rodent control services in the entire premises, by supplying and using, rodent control devices / method / materials, such as Rodent Traps, Glue boards, Poison Cakes, smoking of the burrows or any other methods / devices, approved by the Bank's Officials, to effectively control and eliminate the Rodent menace, in the premises. Treatments have to be done at appropriate intervals as per the instructions of the Bank's officials, to have effective control of Rodents, within the Premises. , Required number / quantity of devices / materials as required for effective control of Rodents, as instructed by the Bank's Officials, have to be supplied and required treatments to be at required intervals to effectively control and eliminate Rodent menace in the entire premises. | 12.00 | As and when required but not less than once in a week. | 1.00 | L.S per month. |
Staff Quarters at P.H. Road. | |||||
A) General Pests / Vector (Mosquito) / Rodent control treatment. | |||||
Sl.No. | Description of the work. | Number of treatments to be done annually. | Periodicity. | Quantity. | Unit. |
1. | General Pest Control Treatment, inside residential flats - 'B' type Class III flats, including VOFs, THHs, Trainee Flats, Medical Flats, SRAs, Flat used as reception / accommodation for Facility Manager / Store Room, Flat used for ,Catering / Dining Gym & Office of Welfare Association & Caretaker' Office, in F, Q, R, S & T blocks, having approximate carpet area of each flat - 45.00 Sqm. | 4.00 | Quarterly. | 84.00 | Per Flat per treatment. |
2. | All as above, but for 'A' type Class III flats, in G & K blocks, having approximate carpet area of each flat - 62.00 Sqm. | 4.00 | Quarterly. | 48.00 | Per Flat per treatment. |
3. | All as above, but for Class I flats, in H & J blocks, having approximate carpet area of each flat - 73.00 Sqm. | 4.00 | Quarterly. | 32.00 | Per Flat per treatment. |
4. | All as above, but for Class I flats, in N & P blocks, having approximate carpet area of each flat - 95.00 Sqm. | 4.00 | Quarterly. | 8.00 | Per Flat per treatment. |
5. | All as above, but for Bungalow Type Duplex Flats, for Senior Officers, in A, B, C, & E blocks, having ground and first floor and approximate carpet area of each flat - 188.00 Sqm. | 4.00 | Quarterly. | 10.00 | Per Flat per treatment. |
6. | Community Hall, Amenities Block (ground & first floor), Recreation Rooms, Mind Gym, Dispensary, Store Rooms, Pump Rooms, R.O. Plant Room, Organic Waste Composting Machine Room, Rooms allotted to Electrician / Plumber / Gardener / Maintenance Staff, Security Chowkies / Porta Cabins & Staircases in all the occupied buildings etc having carpet area of about 1300.00 Sqm. | 12.00 | Monthly. | 1.00 | L.S. per treatment. |
7. | Drainage, sewage and storm-water systems within the entire colony premises, including, manholes, inspection / gully chambers, inlets of storm-water drains, garbage collection areas and chambers within the entire colony premises. | 12.00 | Monthly. | 1.00 | L.S. per treatment. |
B) Vector (Mosquito) control treatment*. |
*Periodicity and number of treatments (quantity), indicted under this treatment is only minimum and additional number of treatments, may have to be done by the AMC contractor, as and when required by the Bank and communicated to the contractor in writing. | |||||
Sl.No. | Description of the work. | Number of treatments to be done annually. | Periodicity. | Quantity. | Unit. |
1. | Providing and conducting, Vector (Mosquito) control treatment, by thermal fogging method, using approved make Pyrethrin or approved equivalent, as disinfectant and Ultra Low Volume (ULV) sprayers, at a time, convenient to the Bank and as instructed by the Bank's officials. The treatment shall be done for the open areas, staircases, open stages, parking areas / sheds, R.O. Plant Room / Shed, Organic Waste Composting Machine Room / Shed, Security Chowkys / Porta Cabins, Community Halls, Amenities Block, open / closed wells, underground drainage / sewage / storm-water system including manholes, inspection / gully chambers etc within the entire premises as directed by the Bank's Officials. The scope of work also includes spraying, approved make, Dimethyl Dichloro Vinyl Phosphate(DDVP) or approved equivalent, with appropriate concentration / dilution, as per the specification of the chemical manufacturers, as insecticide, using micro-sprayers, inside manholes, inspection / gully chambers, inlet / outlet points etc of underground / open drainage / sewage / storm-water system, in garbage dumping areas, Organic Waste Composting Machine Rooms, R.O. Plant Room, Pump Rooms, Security Chowkies, areas around buildings, on stagnant water / waste water etc within the entire premises as directed by the Bank's Officials. | 52.00 | Weekly. | 1.00 | L.S per treatment. |
C) Rodent Control Treatment. | |||||
1. | Providing Rodent control services in the entire premises, by supplying and using, rodent control devices / method / materials, such as Rodent Traps, Glue boards, Poison Cakes, smoking of the burrows or any other methos / devices, approved by the Bank's Officials, to effectively control and eliminate the Rodent menace, in the premises. Treatments must be done at appropriate intervals as per the instructions of the Bank's officials, to have effective control of Rodents, within the Premises. Required number / quantity of devices / materials as required for effective control of Rodents, as instructed | 12.00 | As and when required but not less than once in a week. | 1.00 | L.S per month. |
by the Bank's Officials, have to be supplied and required treatments to be at required intervals to effectively control and eliminate Rodent menace in the entire premises. | |||||
Notes: | |||||
The approximate areas, indicated under each item, are only indicative and the bidders may inspect the sites and assess themselves the actual areas, if required by them to submit the tender. | |||||
The bidders, shall furnish the details of treatment for which they have quoted including nature of treatment and type/name of insecticides / pesticides / rodenticides proposed to be used. (Attach separate sheet). | |||||
The periodicity specified is the maximum interval between two consecutive treatments. In case it is found necessary, by the Bank, the contractor shall provide additional treatment(s) to eradicate the general pest / vector (mosquito) / rodent, menace. | |||||
The bidders are, advised to inspect and get acquainted themselves about the extent, type & scope of treatments to be carried out and conditions and topography required before quoting their rates. | |||||
The tender shall be valid for a period of three Months from the date of opening of Part I. |
Officers' Quarters at Anna Nagar | |||||
A) General Pests / Vector (Mosquito) / Rodent control treatment. | |||||
Sl.No. | Description of the work. | Number of treatments to be done annually. (1) | Periodicity. (2) | Quantity. (3) | Unit. (4) |
1 | General Pest Control Treatment, inside residential flats (74 flats, having, approximate carpet area of each A Type Flats- 36 Flats about 110.00 Sqm | ||||
36.00 | |||||
Per Flat per treatment. | |||||
4.00 | Quarterly. | ||||
B Type Flats- 34 Flats about 140.00 Sqm | 34.00 | ||||
VOF - 4 Flats about 50.00 Sqm | 4.00 | ||||
2 | Community Hall, Dispensary, Caretaker’s Flat, Club house area, Caretaker's Office, Store Room, Watchman’s Chowki, Pump Rooms, organic Waste Composting Machine Room etc & Staircases in all the occupied buildings etc having carpet area of about 1300.00 Sqm. | 12.00 | Monthly. | 1.00 | L.S. per treatment. |
3 | Drainage and sewage system within the entire colony premises, including, manholes, inspection / gully chambers, inlets of storm-water drains, garbage collection areas and chambers within the entire colony premises. | 12.00 | Monthly. | 1.00 | L.S. per treatment. |
B) Vector (Mosquito) control treatment*. | |||||
* Periodicity and number of treatments (quantity), indicted under this treatment is only minimum and additional number of treatments, may have to be done by the AMC contractor, as and when required by the Bank and communicated to the contractor in writing | |||||
Sl.No. | Description of the work. | Number of annual treatments to be done annually. (1) | Periodicity. (2) | Quantity. (3) | Unit. (4) |
1 | Providing and conducting, Vector (Mosquito) control treatment, by fogginthermal fogging method, using approved make Pyrethrin or approved equivalent, | 52.00 | Weekly. | 1.00 | L.S per treatment |
as disinfectant and Ultra Low Volume (ULV) sprayers, at a time convenient to the Bank and as instructed by the Bank's officials. The treatment must be done for the entire open areas, staircases, open stages, parking areas / sheds, Community Halls, open / closed wells, underground drainage / sewage / storm-water system including manholes, inspection / gully chambers etc within the entire premises as directed by the Bank's Officials. The scope of work also includes spraying, approved make, Dimethyl Dichloro Vinyl Phosphate(DDVP) or approved equivalent, with appropriate concentration / dilution, as per the specification of the chemical manufacturers, as insecticide, using micro-sprayers, inside manholes, inspection / gully chambers, inlet / outlet points etc of underground / open drainage / sewage / storm water system, in garbage dumping areas, Organic Waste Composting Machine Rooms, R.O. Plant Room, Pump Rooms, Security Chowkies, areas around buildings, on stagnant water / waste water etc within the entire premises as directed by the Bank's Officials. | |||||
C) Rodent Control treatment. | |||||
1 | Providing Rodent control services in the entire premises, by supplying and using, rodent control devices / method / materials, such as Rodent Traps, Glue boards, Poison Cakes, smoking of the burrows or any other methods / devices, approved by the Bank's Officials, to effectively control and eliminate the Rodent menace, in the premises. Treatments have to be done at appropriate intervals as per the instructions of the Bank's officials, to have effective control of Rodents, within the Premises. , Required number / quantity of devices / materials as required | 12.00 | As and when required but not less than once in a week. | 1.00 | L.S per month. |
for effective control of Rodents, as instructed by the Bank's Officials, have to be supplied and required treatments to be at required intervals to effectively control and eliminate Rodent menace in the entire premises. |
The approximate areas, indicated under each item, are only indicative and the bidders may inspect the sites and assess themselves the actual areas, if required by them to submit the tender. |
The bidders, shall furnish the details of treatment for which they have quoted including nature of treatment and type/name of insecticides / pesticides / rodenticides proposed to be used. (Attach separate sheet). |
The periodicity specified is the maximum interval between two consecutive treatments. In case it is found necessary, by the Bank, the contractor shall provide additional treatment(s) to eradicate the general pest / vector (mosquito) / rodent, menace. |
The rate for general pest control, also includes, removal of bee hives, if any, found within the premises.
The bidders are, advised to inspect and get acquainted themselves about the extent, type & scope of treatments to be carried out and conditions and topography required before quoting their rates.
The tender shall be valid for a period of three Months from the date of opening of Part I.
Officers’ Quarters at SAF Games Village, Koyambedu | |||||
A) General Pests / Vector (Mosquito) / Rodent control treatment. | |||||
Sl.No. | Description of the work. | Number of treatments to be done annually. (1) | Periodicity. (2) | Quantity. (3) | Unit. (4) |
1 | General Pest Control Treatment, inside residential flats (72 flats, having, approximate carpet area of each B Type Flats- 16 Flats about 100.00 Sqm | 4.00 | Quarterly. | 16.00 | Per Flat per treatment. |
C Type Flats- 56 Flats about 72.00 Sqm | 56.00 | ||||
2 | Community Hall, Dispensary, Caretaker’s Flat, Caretaker's Office, Store Room, Watchman’s Chowki, Pump Rooms, organic Waste Composting Machine Room etc & Staircases, lift lobbies in all the occupied buildings etc having carpet area of about 400.00 Sqm. | 12.00 | Monthly. | 1.00 | L.S. per treatment. |
3 | Drainage and sewage system within the entire colony premises, including, manholes, inspection / gully chambers, inlets of storm-water drains, garbage collection areas and chambers within the entire colony premises. | 12.00 | Monthly. | 1.00 | L.S. per treatment. |
A | Total value for 12 Months, i.e from July 01, 2020 to June 30, 2021 | ||||
B) Vector (Mosquito) control treatment*. | |||||
* Periodicity and number of treatments (quantity), indicted under this treatment is only minimum and additional number of treatments, may have to be done by the AMC contractor, as and when required by the Bank and communicated to the contractor in writing | |||||
Sl.No. | Description of the work. | Number of treatments to be done annually. (1) | Periodicity. (2) | Quantity. (3) | Unit. (4) |
1 | Providing and conducting, Vector (Mosquito) control treatment, by fogginthermal fogging method, using approved make Pyrethrin or approved equivalent, as disinfectant and Ultra Low Volume (ULV) sprayers, at a time convenient to the Bank and as instructed by the Bank's officials. The treatment must be done for the entire open areas, staircases, open stages, parking areas / sheds, Community Halls, open / closed wells, underground drainage / sewage / storm-water system including manholes, inspection / gully chambers etc within the entire premises as directed by the Bank's Officials. The scope of work also includes spraying, approved make, Dimethyl Dichloro Vinyl Phosphate(DDVP) or approved equivalent, with appropriate concentration / dilution, as per the specification of the chemical manufacturers, as insecticide, using micro-sprayers, inside manholes, inspection / gully chambers, inlet / outlet points etc of underground / open drainage / sewage / storm water system, in garbage dumping areas, Organic Waste Composting Machine Rooms, Pump Rooms, Security Chowkies, areas around buildings, on stagnant water / waste water etc within the entire premises as directed by the Bank's Officials. | 52.00 | Weekly. | 1.00 | L.S per treatment |
B | Total value for 12 Months, i.e from July 01, 2020 to June 30, 2021 |
C) Rodent Control treatment. | |||||
1 | Providing Rodent control services in the entire premises, by supplying and using, rodent control devices / method / materials, such as Rodent Traps, Glue boards, Poison Cakes, smoking of the burrows or any other methods / devices, approved by the Bank's Officials, to effectively control and eliminate the Rodent menace, in the premises. Treatments have to be done at appropriate intervals as per the instructions of the Bank's officials, to have effective control of Rodents, within the Premises. , Required number / quantity of devices / materials as required for effective control of Rodents, as instructed by the Bank's Officials, have to be supplied and required treatments to be at required intervals to effectively control and eliminate Rodent menace in the entire premises. | 12.00 | As and when required but not less than once in a week. | 1.00 | L.S per month. |
The approximate areas, indicated under each item, are only indicative and the bidders may inspect the sites and assess themselves the actual areas, if required by them to submit the tender. |
The bidders, shall furnish the details of treatment for which they have quoted including nature of treatment and type/name of insecticides / pesticides / rodenticides proposed to be used. (Attach separate sheet). |
The periodicity specified is the maximum interval between two consecutive treatments. In case it is found necessary, by the Bank, the contractor shall provide additional treatment(s) to eradicate the general pest / vector (mosquito) / rodent, menace. |
The rate for general pest control, also includes, removal of bee hives, if any, found within the premises.
The bidders are, advised to inspect and get acquainted themselves about the extent, type & scope of treatments to be carried out and conditions and topography required before quoting their rates.
The tender shall be valid for a period of three Months from the date of opening of Part I.
Staff Quarters at K. K Nagar | |||||
A) General Pests / Vector (Mosquito) / Rodent control treatment. | |||||
Sl.No. | Description of the work. | Number of treatments to be done annually. (1) | Periodicity. (2) | Quantity. (3) | Unit. (4) |
1 | General Pest Control Treatment, inside residential flats - Class I (20 flats, each having, approximate carpet area of about 97.00 Sqm). | 4.00 | Quarterly. | 20.00 | Per Flat per treatment. |
General Pest Control Treatment, inside residential flats - Class III (71 flats, each having, approximate carpet area of about 49.00 Sqm). | 4.00 | 71.00 | |||
General Pest Control Treatment, inside residential flats - Class IV (31 flats, each having, approximate carpet area of about 32.00 Sqm). | 4.00 | 31.00 | |||
2 | Community Hall, Dispensary, Caretaker’s Flat, Caretaker's Office, Store Room, Watchman’s Chowki, Pump Rooms, organic Waste Composting Machine Room etc & Staircases in all the occupied buildings etc having carpet area of about 780.00 Sqm. | 12.00 | Monthly. | 1.00 | L.S. per treatment. |
3 | Drainage and sewage system within the entire colony premises, including, manholes, inspection / gully chambers, inlets of storm-water drains, garbage collection areas and chambers within the entire colony premises. | 12.00 | Monthly. | 1.00 | L.S. per treatment. |
B) Vector (Mosquito) control treatment*. | |||||
* Periodicity and number of treatments (quantity), indicted under this treatment is only minimum and additional number of treatments, may have to be done by the AMC contractor, as and when required by the Bank and communicated to the contractor in writing. |
Sl.No. | Description of the work. | Number of treatments to be done annually. (1) | Periodicity. (2) | Quantity. (3) | Unit. (4) |
1 | Providing and conducting, Vector (Mosquito) control treatment, by fogginthermal fogging method, using approved make Pyrethrin or approved equivalent, as disinfectant and Ultra Low Volume (ULV) sprayers, at a time convenient to the Bank and as instructed by the Bank's officials. The treatment must be done for the entire open areas, staircases, open stages, parking areas / sheds, Community Halls, open / closed wells, underground drainage / sewage / storm-water system including manholes, inspection / gully chambers etc within the entire premises as directed by the Bank's Officials. The scope of work also includes spraying, approved make, Dimethyl Dichloro Vinyl Phosphate(DDVP) or approved equivalent, with appropriate concentration / dilution, as per the specification of the chemical manufacturers, as insecticide, using micro- sprayers, inside manholes, inspection / gully chambers, inlet / outlet points etc of underground / open drainage / sewage / storm water system, in garbage dumping areas, Organic Waste Composting Machine Rooms, Pump Rooms, Security Chowkies, areas around buildings, on stagnant water / waste water etc within the entire premises as directed by the Bank's Officials. | 52.00 | Weekly. | 1.00 | L.S per treatment |
C) Rodent Control treatment. | |||||
1 | Providing Rodent control services in the entire premises, by supplying and using, rodent control devices / method / materials, such as Rodent Traps, Glue boards, Poison Cakes, smoking of the burrows or any other methods / devices, approved by the Bank's Officials, to effectively control and eliminate the Rodent menace, in the premises. Treatments have to be done at appropriate intervals as per the instructions of the Bank's officials, to have effective control of Rodents, within the Premises. , Required number / quantity of devices / materials as required for effective control of Rodents, as instructed by the Bank's Officials, have to be supplied and required treatments to be at required intervals to effectively control and eliminate Rodent menace in the entire premises. | 12.00 | As and when required but not less than once in a week. | 1.00 | L.S per month. |
The approximate areas, indicated under each item, are only indicative and the bidders may inspect the sites and assess themselves the actual areas, if required by them to submit the tender. |
The bidders, shall furnish the details of treatment for which they have quoted including nature of treatment and type/name of insecticides / pesticides / rodenticides proposed to be used. (Attach separate sheet). |
The periodicity specified is the maximum interval between two consecutive treatments. In case it is found necessary, by the Bank, the contractor shall provide additional treatment(s) to eradicate the general pest / vector (mosquito) / rodent, menace. |
The rate for general pest control, also includes, removal of bee hives, if any, found within the premises.
The bidders are, advised to inspect and get acquainted themselves about the extent, type & scope of treatments to be carried out and conditions and topography required before quoting their rates.
The tender shall be valid for a period of three Months from the date of opening of Part I.