कार्य का नाम/ Name of work- | :- | बेलगावी हवाई अड्डे, बेलगावी में महत्वपर्ू य सीएनएस सवु वधाओं के वलए अपरोहर्,सर्य सरु क्षा और अवथगिं प्रर्ाली की एसआईटीसी। |
अनमु ावनत लागत/ Estimated Cost | :- | रुपर्े 48,49,846/- (रुपर्े अड़तालीस लाख उनंचास हर्ार आठ सौ विर्ालीस मात्र) र्ीएसटी तथा कोई अन्र् कर सवहत। Rs. 48,49,846/- (Rupees Forty-Eight Lakhs Forty-Nine Thousand Eight Hundred and Forty-Six Only) inclusive GST and any other charges |
कार्य पर्ू य करने की समर्ाववध/ Work completion Time Period | :- | 60 विन (संिर्य खंड IV, 4.3) 60 Days (ref clause section IV, 4.3) |
GeM बोली संख्र्ा/ GeM bid No | :- | GEM/2024/B/5563791 |
र्ागीिारी हते ू अनमु ावनत समर्/ Time allowed for participation | :- | 21 विन/ 21 Days |
तकनीकी बोली में स्पष्टीकरर् हते ु अनमु ावनत समर्/ Time allowed for clarification in technical bid | :- | 03 विन/ 03 days |
बोली वैधता अववध/Bid Validity Period | :- | 180 विन /180 Days |
ववषर्/Subject | :- | अवतररक्त वनर्म एवं शतें/Additional terms and conditions |
Section-I: Introduction About Project 4
Section-II: Instruction To Bidders And Eligibility Criteria 9
Section-III: General terms and Conditions Of The Contract 19
Section-IV: Special Terms And Conditions 28
Annexure -I: Checklist for Technical Bid 34
Annexure -II: Proforma for Earnest Money Exemption Declaration 40
Annexure -III: Un-Conditional Acceptance Of Terms And Conditions 42
Annexure -IV: - Undertaking Regarding Debarment / Blacklisting 44
Annexure -V: Power Of Attorney Format For Authorized Person(S) 46
Annexure -VI: Proforma for Tender Acceptance Letter 48
Annexure -VII: Proforma For Land Border Share Compliance Certificate 50
Annexure-VIII: Proforma For Self-Certification For Local Content 52
Annexure-IX: - Proforma For Submitting Undertaking For GST 56
Annexure -X: Proforma For Offered Make/Model Of The Products/Supplies 58
Annexure-XI: - Proforma Of Performance Bank Guarantee 60
Annexure -XII: Proforma For Transmission Of Bank Guarantee Cover Message <To Be Submitted By Contractor To BG Issuing Bank> 63
Annexure-XIII: - Proforma for Extension of Time / Performance Notice 65
Annexure-XIV: - Proforma for Intimation of Force Majeure 68
Annexure-XV: - Proforma for Provisional Completion Certificate 70
Annexure-XVI: - Proforma for Completion Certificate 72
Deduction/Collection of Tax 74
Annexure -XVIII: Proforma for Installation cum Site Acceptance Test Report 76
Annexure -XIX: Performa For Agreement by L-1 Bidder 78
Annexure -XX: Proforma for Undertaking by L1 Bidder/ Agency regarding GST 83
Annexure-XXI: Technical Specification Compliance 85
Schedule -A: Schedule Of Anticipated Quantities (BOQ) 99
Schedule -B: Tentative List Of Items To Be Installed As Per The Location (Indicative Only) 102
Schedule -C: Format For Price Breakup 105
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Section-I: Introduction About Project
1. DGM (CNS), Airports Authority of India, Belagavi Airport, Belagavi on behalf of Chairman, AAI invites GeM bid from OEM or Authorized System Integrator/ Channel Partners/ Suppliers of the OEM for the work “SITC of Lightning, Surge protection and Earthing system for critical CNS facilities at Belagavi Airport, Belagavi” as per the details given below-
2. The details of work: -
X.Xx. | Name of the work | Estimated cost including GST | EMD (Earnest Money Deposit) |
1 | ₹ 48,49,846/- (Rupees Forty-Eight Lakhs Forty-Nine Thousand Eight Hundred and Forty-Six Only) inclusive GST and any other charges | ₹ 96,997/- (Rupees Ninety-Six Thousand Nine Hundred and Ninety-Seven Only) |
3. Earnest Money Deposit (EMD)-
The EMD of the Value of ₹ 96,997/- (Rupees Ninety-Six Thousand Nine Hundred and Ninety-Seven Only) shall be deposited as per the GeM bid documents. No other instrument shall be accepted for EMD. The GeM timelines related to EMD shall be strictly adhered to by the bidders.
Original copy of the EMD document should reach to the following address-
O/o CNS In-Charge, New ATS Complex,
Belagavi Airport, Sambra, Belagavi, Karnataka-591124
EMD original copy should reach well within the time, any delay shall not entertain in any case viz any postal delay or courier delay.
EMD should be submitted as per GeM bid Document in following form-
i. EMD paid through BG should follow the process as mentioned in para 6.8, 6.9 & 6.10 of Section-III and accordingly upload documents in GeM bid. The GeM EMD format shall be preferred. The EMD paid through BG should be valid for 45 Days after expiry of the bid validity period as per GeM bid.
ii. Bidders can also submit the EMD with Payment online through RTGS / internet banking in Beneficiary
Name of Beneficiary | :- | Airports Authority of India |
Account No. | :- | 40533447477 |
IFSC Code | :- | SBIN0005789 |
Bank Name | :- | STATE BANK OF INDIA |
Branch address | :- | GST ROAD, MEENAMBAKKAM, CHENNAI-600016 |
On transfer of fund thru’ NEFT/RTGS, intimation with payment details shall be forwarded to the following email ids’ Or, |
iii. Any other instrument as per the GeM document.
Bidders seeking exemption against EMD should submit valid MSME registration documents along with scanned copy of duly signed & stamped Earnest Money declaration on their company letterhead as per Xxxxxxxx-XX.
If bidder fails to submit EMD/valid exemption certificate along with Annexure-II, there bid shall be summarily rejected without any further technical evaluation of the bidder’s documents.
4. Firms that are eligible for EMD exemption:
EMD exemption shall be given to the firm as per the GeM General Terms and Conditions GeM 4.0 (Version 1.18) dated 6th September 2024 or amended time to time. The bidder should submit the EMD exemption eligible documents along with scanned copy of duly signed & stamped Earnest Money declaration on their company letterhead as per Annexure- II.
5. Brief description of the project-
The project entails the supply, installation, testing, and commissioning of Lightning, Surge protection and Earthing system as a turnkey project for critical CNS facilities at Belagavi Airport, Belagavi. The project is implemented for efficient protection of the CNS/ATM facilities from the transient surges and lightning.
6. Worksite:
Worksite for the project shall be Belagavi Airport, Airports Authority of India, Belagavi, Karnataka - 591124.
The Supply & Services shall be made at the Worksite without any delivery & other charges on AAI & the Contractor shall be liable to render the Services required at the worksite without any additional financial obligation to AAI.
7. The contractor has to provide services as per the scope of work mentioned in STC (Special terms and conditions)- Section-IV. These scope of work is in addition to GeM terms and conditions. In case of conflict, the additional terms and conditions issued by buyer will prevail.
8. Purchase preference to micro and small enterprises (MSE’s):
8.1. Purchase preference will be given to MSEs as defined in Public Procurement Policy for Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) Order, 2012 dated 23.03.2012 issued by Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises and its subsequent Orders/ Notifications issued by concerned Ministry.
8.2. If the bidder wants to avail the Purchase preference, the bidder must be the manufacturer of the offered product in case of bid for supply of goods. Traders are excluded from the purview of Public Procurement Policy for Micro and Small Enterprises. In respect of bid for Services, the bidder must be the Service provider of the offered Service.
8.3. The Work shall be Non-divisible in nature & Purchase Price Preference shall be given to MSE Supplier over Non- MSE Supplier as prescribed:
8.3.1. If L-1 is not an MSE and MSE Supplier (s) has/have quoted price within L-1+ 15% of margin of purchase preference/price band defined in relevant policy, such Seller shall be given opportunity to match L-1 price and contract shall be awarded to such MSE Supplier subject to matching the L-1 Price.
8.3.2. In case such lowest eligible MSE Supplier fails to match the L1 price, the MSE Supplier with the next higher bid within the margin of purchase preference shall be invited to match the L1 price and so on and contract shall be awarded accordingly.
8.3.3. In case none of the MSE Supplier within the margin of purchase preference matches the L1 price, the contract may be awarded to the L1 bidder.
8.3.4. In case of any conflict, purchase preference to “MSE Supplier” shall be given priority over Class-I local Supplier.
8.4. Documentary evidences to be provided:
The benefit as above to MSEs shall be available only for goods/services produced and provided by MSEs for which they are registered. MSEs seeking exemption and benefits shall upload a self-attested copy of valid registration certificate for MSE like NSIC, UDYAM registration etc., failing which their bid shall be passed over as ineligible for the benefits applicable to MSEs.
9. Public procurement (PREFERENCE TO MAKE IN INDIA):
9.1. As per GoI Order No P-45021/2/2017-PP (BE-II) Dated 04.06.2020, Dated 16.09.2020 & subsequent notification issued by GoI, only ‘Class-I local supplier' is eligible for the Bid. The bid reserved for “Class-I local supplier”.
9.2. This Work shall be Non-divisible in nature.
10. Local Content Certificate:
10.1. The Bidder must submit the Certificate of Local Content as per Annexure-VIII on a Non-Judicial Stamp Paper Costing Rupees 100/- (One Hundred Only) from a Statutory Auditor or Cost Auditor of the Company (in case of Companies) or from a practicing Cost Accountant or practicing Chartered Accountant (in respect of Suppliers other than Companies) giving percentage of the Local Content. All the Pages of the Document must be signed by the certifying authority.
10.2. Self-certification must be supported by Local Content % declaration along with the address of the Factory location
where the value addition is being made by the OEM / bidder on OEM’s / bidder’s letterhead for line Items in scope.
10.3. False declaration will be breach of Code of Integrity under Rule 175(1)(i)(h) of the General Financial Rules for which a bidder or its successors can be debarred up to two years as per Rule 151 (iii) of the General Financial Rules along with such others actions as may be permissible under law. The Supplier / OEM who has been debarred by any procuring entity for violation for aforesaid clause, shall not be eligible for preference for the duration of the debarment.
10.4. Bidders offering imported products cannot claim services such as transportation, insurance, installation, commissioning, training and after sales service support like AMC/CMC etc as local value addition.
10.5. Percentage of Local Content shall be calculated on the Supply/ SITC items of the BoQ as per the formula provided below-
Local Content Percentage = ((Sale price of “X1” - Value of imported content in “X1”) + (Sale price of “X2” - Value of
imported content in “X2”) + … + (Sale price of “XN” - Value of imported content in “XN”)) * 100/ (Sale price of “X1”
+ Sale price of “X2” + … + Sale price of “XN”)
10.6. As per the GoI Order No P-45021/2/2017-PP (BE-II) Dated 04.06.2020, Dated 16.09.2020 & subsequent notification issued by GoI, “Sale Price” means price excluding net domestic indirect taxes and “Value of imported content” means price of imported content inclusive of all custom duties.
11. Concurrent application of Public procurement policy for Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) Order, 2012 and Public procurement (preference to Make in India) order, 2017, the guidelines issued vide GOI order no.-F.1/4/2021/PPD dated 18.05.2023 will be applicable.
12. Prior registration of bidders from border sharing countries:
Any bidder from a country which shares a land border with India will be eligible to bid in this tender only if the bidder is registered with the Competent Authority as per GoI Order No. X.Xx. 6/18/2019-PPD Dated 23.07.2020 & subsequent notification issued by GoI. The bidder must submit a signed & Stamped copy of Compliance Acceptance Letter on their company letterhead as per Annexure-VII.
13. The bidder shall ensure all the statuary compliance as mentioned above.
14. The latest GeM terms and conditions issued by the GeM portal will be the part of the bid. In Case of any discrepancy in Terms & Conditions between GeM GTC & this additional terms and conditions issue by AAI, the additional terms & conditions issued by AAI will prevails over GeM GTC.
15. A prospective bidder requiring any clarification related to this bid document may request AAI, through GeM Portal and accordingly the response for the same shall be provided. Any changes in the GeM bid conditions will be edited in the “edit terms” of the Bid or published at GeM portal.
16. The bidders are required to submit soft copies of their bids electronically on the GeM Portal. The instructions given below are meant to assist the bidders in registering on the GeM Portal, prepare their bids in accordance with the requirements and submitting their bids online on the GeM Portal. More information useful for submitting online bids on the GeM Portal may be obtained at xxxxx://
17. Any queries relating to the process of online bid submission or queries relating to GeM Portal in general may be directed to the 24x7 GeM Portal Helpdesk. For any Technical queries related to Operation of GeM Portal, contact at:
Tel: The 24X 7 Toll Free Help Desk Number 0000-000-0000; 0000-000-0000, E-mail: xxxxxxxx-xxx@xxx.xx.
18. In addition to above, the clarification related to the GeM bid and additional terms and conditions shall be communicated to the details-
CNS In-Charge, AAI, Belagavi Airport, Belagavi, Karnataka-591124 Xxxxx-xxxxxxxxx@xxx.xxxx
The clarifications requested through channels other than the GeM portal will only be responded to if they are received well before 48 hours of the Bid End date. Additionally, AAI is not obligated to reply to such mails. The necessary and appropriate changes if required will be communicated only through the GeM portal through Corrigendum.
19. All Clarifications issued shall become integral part of the GeM bid.
20. AAI reserves the right to accept or reject any or all applications without assigning any reasons. AAI also reserves the right to call off tender process at any stage without assigning any reason.
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Section-II: Instruction To Bidders And Eligibility Criteria
1. Definitions:
1.1. “AAI / The Buyer” means the Airports Authority of India.
1.2. "Bidder" (including the term 'tenderer', 'consultant' or ‘vendor’ or ‘service provider’ in this contexts) means any person or firm or company, including any member of a consortium or joint venture (that is an association of several persons, or firms or companies), every artificial juridical person not falling in any of the descriptions of bidders stated hereinbefore, including any agency branch or office controlled by such person, participating in a procurement process.
1.3. "Bidder from a country which shares a land border with India" means: -
1.3.1. An entity incorporated, established or registered in such a country; or
1.3.2. A subsidiary of an entity incorporated, established or registered in such a country; or
1.3.3. An entity substantially controlled through entities incorporated, established or registered in such a country; or,
1.3.4. An entity whose beneficial owner is situated in such a country; or
1.3.5. An Indian (or other) agent of such an entity; or
1.3.6. A natural person who is a citizen of such a country; or
1.3.7. A consortium or joint venture where any member of the consortium or joint venture falls under any of the above
The beneficial owner for the purpose of (1.3) above will be as under:
1) In case of a company or Limited Liability Partnership, the beneficial owner is the natural person(s), who, whether acting alone or together, or through one or more juridical person, has a controlling ownership interest or who exercises control through other means.
a. "Controlling ownership interest" means ownership of or entitlement to more than twenty-five per cent. of shares or capital or profits of the company;
b. "Control" shall include the right to appoint majority of the directors or to control the management or policy decisions including by virtue of their shareholding or management rights or shareholders agreements or voting agreements;
2) In case of a partnership firm, the beneficial owner is the natural person(s) who, whether acting alone or together, or through one or more juridical person, has ownership of entitlement to more than fifteen percent of capital or profits of the partnership;
3) In case of an unincorporated association or body of individuals, the beneficial owner is the natural person(s), who, whether acting alone or together, or through one or more juridical person, has ownership of or entitlement to more than fifteen percent of the property or capital or profits of such association or body of individuals;
4) Where no natural person is identified under (1) or (2) or (3) above, the beneficial owner is the relevant natural person who holds the position of senior managing official;
5) In case of a trust, the identification of beneficial owner(s) shall include identification of the author of the trust, the trustee, the beneficiaries with fifteen percent or more interest in the trust and any other natural person exercising ultimate effective control over the trust through a chain of control or ownership.
1.4. An Agent is a person employed to do any act for another, or to represent another in dealings with third person.
1.5. “Project Manager - AAI” means the AAI executive responsible for signing all documents from AAI side and shall
coordinate all the activities of the project with the bidder / contractor.
1.6. "The Supplier / Contractor" means the individual or firm taking up the work as defined under the GeM bid.
1.7. "The Works Order" means the order placed for the supply, installation, testing & commissioning of systems / works by the Buyer on the Contractor signed by the Buyer including all attachments and appendices thereto and all documents incorporated by reference therein.
1.8. "The Purchase Order / Supply Order" means the order placed for the supply of items by the Buyer on the Supplier signed by the Buyer including all attachments and appendices thereto and all documents incorporated by reference therein.
1.9. “The Contract” means the agreement signed between the Buyer and the Contractor as per the terms and
conditions contained in the Works Order / Purchase Order.
1.10. "The Contract Price" means the price payable to the Contractor under the Works Order / Purchase Order for the full and proper performance of its contractual obligations.
1.11. “Non-responsive Bid” means a bid, which is not submitted as per the instructions to the bidders or Earnest Money Deposit declaration has not been attached, or the required data has not been provided with the Bid or intentional errors have been committed in the Bid.
1.12. “GeM Portal” means, a Government e Marketplace (or e-Marketplace) (GeM) Portal specified throughout this document is the online platform for public procurement in India.
1.13. “EMD” refers to the Earnest Money Deposit to be submitted by the bidder.
1.14. “BOQ” refers to Xxxx of Quantity.
1.15. “OEM” refers to the Original Equipment Manufacturer.
1.16. “SAT” refers to Site Acceptance Test.
1.17. “GoI” refers to Government of India.
1.18. “Local Content” means the amount of value added in India which shall, unless otherwise prescribed by the Nodal Ministry, be the total value of the item procured (excluding net domestic indirect taxes) minus the value of imported content in the item (including all customs duties) as a proportion of the total value, in percent.
1.19. 'Class-I local supplier' means a supplier or Contractor, whose goods, services or works offered for procurement, meets the minimum local content as prescribed for ‘Class-I local supplier’. As per GoI Order No P-45021/2/2017- PP (BE-II) Dated 16.09.2020, the local content requirement to categorize a supplier as ‘Class-I local supplier is minimum 50%.
1.20. 'Class-Il local supplier' means a supplier or Contractor, whose goods, services or works offered for procurement, meets the minimum local content as prescribed for ‘Class-II local supplier’ but less than that prescribed for ‘Class-I local supplier’. As per GoI Order No P45021/2/2017-PP (BE-II) Dated 16.09.2020, the local content
requirement to categorize a supplier as ‘Class-II local supplier is minimum 20%.
1.21. ‘Non – Local supplier means a supplier or Contractor, whose goods, services or works offered for procurement, has local content less than that prescribed for Class-II local supplier. As per GoI Order No P-45021/2/2017-PP
(BE-II) Dated 16.09.2020, the local content requirement to categorize a supplier as ‘Class-II local supplier is minimum 20%.
1.22. ‘L1’ means the lowest tender or lowest bid or the lowest quotation received in a tender, bidding process or other procurement solicitation as adjudged in the evaluation process as per the tender or other procurement solicitation.
1.23. ‘Margin of purchase preference’ means the maximum extent to which the price quoted by a “Class-I local
supplier”/ “MSE Supplier” may be above the L1 for the purpose of purchase preference.
1.24. ‘Nodal Ministry’ means the Ministry or Department identified pursuant to GoI Order No P45021/2/2017-PP (BE- II) Dated 16.09.2020 in respect of a particular item of goods or services or works.
1.25. ‘Procuring entity’ means a Ministry or Department or attached or subordinate office of, or autonomous body
controlled by, the Government of India and includes Government companies as defined in the companies Act.
1.26. ‘Works’ means all works as per Rule 130 of GFR-2017, and will also include “xxxxxxx xxxxx”.
2. Instructions for Bid Submission:
The bidders are required to submit soft copies of their bids electronically on the GeM Portal only. For any technical issue related to submission of bid on the GeM portal, bidder shall contact GeM helpline numbers for necessary assistance.
3. Submission of Bid
3.1. Bidder shall consider any corrigendum/s (if any) published on the GeM portal while bid submission.
3.2. The bidder should read all the eligibility criteria carefully and submit the relevant documents only. Avoid submitting un-necessary document not related to the bid eligibility criteria.
4. Assistance to Bidders:
Any queries relating to this GeM bid and the terms and conditions contained therein should be addressed to the buyer on GeM portal only or as per the para 18 of the section-I. The related clarification will be published at GeM portal and will be the part of this bid. Any issues related to seller portal should be addressed to GeM customer care only.
5. Conflict of interest among bidders/agents:
A bidder shall not have conflict of interest with other bidders. Such conflict of interest can lead to anti-competitive practices to the detriment of Procuring Entity’s Interests. The Bidder found to have a conflict of interest shall be disqualified. A Bidder may be considered to have a conflict of interest with one or more parties in this bidding process if;
5.1. They have controlling partners (s) in common; or
5.2. They receive or have received any direct or indirect subsidy/financial stake from any of them; or,
5.3. They have the same legal representative/agent for purposes of this bid; or,
5.4. They have relationship with each other, directly or through common third parties, that puts them in a position to have access to information about or influence on the bid of another bidder; or,
5.5. Bidder participates in more than one bid in this bidding process. Participation by a bidder in more than one Bid will result in the disqualification of all bids in which the parties are involved. However, this does not limit the inclusion of the components/subassembly/assemblies from one bidding manufacturer in more than one bid.
5.6. Bidder or any or its affiliates participated as a consultant in the preparation of the design or technical specifications of the contract that is the subject of the Bid;
5.7. In case of a holding company having more than one independently manufacturing units, or more than one unit having common business ownership/management, only one unit should quote. Similar restrictions would apply to closely related sister companies. Bidder must proactively declare such sister/common business /management units in same/similar line of business.
6. Eligibility Criteria:
The GeM bid for the work “SITC of Lightning, Surge protection and Earthing system for critical CNS facilities at Belagavi Airport, Belagavi” will be Two bid process.
a. Technical bid or eligibility criteria.
b. Financial Bid.
Bidders shall upload scanned copy of following documents in readable form at GeM Portal corresponding to each criterion mentioned below.
1) Technical Bid-
a. Earnest money deposit:
Earnest Money Deposit as mentioned in “Section–I: Introduction about project”. Tenders not accompanied by the requisite EMD or Exemption document along with EMD declaration (Xxxxxxxx-XX) shall be rejected straightaway. No further technical evaluation shall be carried out for the bidder.
b. Check List: Duly filled up Checklist for technical bid as per Annexure-I.
c. Unconditional Acceptance Letter: Unconditional Acceptance of all tender condition as per AAI Format as per Annexure-III must be submitted on their company letterhead. No further technical evaluation shall be carried out for the bidder.
d. Undertaking regarding Debarment / Blacklisting:
Bidder is required to submit an undertaking in this regard on their company letterhead as per AAI format as per Annexure-IV.
If the claim of the bidder is found to be wrong or the bidder is blacklisted by any of these agencies during the bid evaluation process his bid is liable to be rejected at that stage.
e. Power of Attorney: Power of Attorney on a Non-Judicial Stamp Paper Costing Rupees 100/- (One Hundred Only) as per Annexure-V authorizing the designated executive to sign all documents on behalf of the company or firm, if the bid is not signed by the Director of the Company or Partner / Proprietor of the Firm must be submitted.
f. Tender Acceptance: The bidder must submit a signed & Stamped copy of Tender Acceptance Letter on their company letterhead as per AAI format as per Annexure–VI.
g. Land Border share Compliance Certificate: The bidder must submit a signed & Stamped copy of Compliance Acceptance Letter on their company letterhead as per Annexure-VII.
h. Local Content Certificate:
The Bidder must submit self-certification for Local Content as per Annexure-VIII on a Non-Judicial Stamp Paper Costing Rupees 100/- (One Hundred Only). All the Pages of the Document must be signed by the designated executive.
Self-certification must be supported by Local Content % declaration along with the address of the Factory
location where the value addition is being made by the OEM on OEM’s letterhead for line Items in scope.
False declaration will be breach of Code of Integrity under Rule 175(1)(i)(h) of the General Financial Rules for which a bidder or its successors can be debarred upto two years as per Rule 151 (iii) of the General Financial Rules along with such others actions as may be permissible under law. The Supplier who has been debarred by any procuring entity for violation for aforesaid clause, shall not be eligible for preference for the duration of the debarment.
i. The Bidder must have valid GST & PAN in India or any regulatory requirement in that region. Attested Copy of the Document GST and PAN Card must be uploaded.
j. The Bidder must be an individual Company registered in India under the Companies Act, 1956, or partnership registered under the Indian Partnership Act 1932 or Limited liability/ partnership firm registered under the Limited Liability Partnership Act 2008. Memorandum of Association or Partnership Deed or Proprietorship Deed as the case may be, attested Copy of the same must be uploaded.
k. Work Experience Value Criteria:
Bidder should have successfully completed similar work or better (higher) requirements, with Work order values Inclusive GST/Other Taxes as below: -
i. One Work Order of annualized value equal to 80% or more of the estimated Cost Including GST, i.e. ₹ 38,79,877/- (Rupees Thirty-Eight Lakhs Seventy-Nine Thousand Eight Hundred and Seventy-Seven only) or more; OR;
ii. Two Separate Works Orders, each for an annualized value equal to 50% or more of the estimated cost Including GST, i.e. ₹ 24,24,923/- (Rupees Twenty-Four Lakhs Twenty-Four Thousand Nine Hundred and Twenty-Three only) or more; OR;
iii. Three Separate Work Order, each for an annualized value equal to 40% or more of the estimated cost Including GST, i.e. ₹ 19,39,938/- (Rupees Nineteen Lakhs Thirty-Nine Thousand Nine Hundred and Thirty-Eight only) or more.
iv. The above criteria are Including Taxes/GST/other charges & should be completed in last 7 years, for Government Departments or Public Undertakings or Private Sector.
v. Similar Work shall mean “SITC of lightning, surge protection and earthing system or similar nature of work”.
vi. Proof of Satisfactory Service: Bidder shall submit Work Order along with Work Completion Certificate in respect of the experience of works claimed by bidder against execution of works listed above.
vii. In case of experience of Private Sectors, Bidder has to submit TDS Certificate issued by the Customer in support of payment received and execution of work.
viii. Notarized translation Shall be submitted if language of any of the above documents is any language other than English or Hindi.
l. Average Annualized Financial Turnover: Vendor should have annualized average financial turnover of at least 30% of the estimated cost i.e. ₹ 14,54,954/- (Rupees Fourteen Lakhs Fifty-Four Thousand Nine
Hundred and Fifty-Four only) or more during last 3 years ending 31st March of previous financial year (i.e. FY 2021-22, FY 2022-23, FY 2023-24). The relevant document of the said financial year shall be considered for evaluation for turnover criteria.
As a proof of financial turn over, copy of UDIN generated abridged Balance Sheet duly certified by Chartered Accountant along with profit or loss account of the Bidder for the last three year should be submitted. The documents submitted by bidder without UDIN Number shall not be considered & their Bid are liable for rejection.
In case of System Integrator or Authorized Representative (AR) of OEM, Credentials (financial turnover & experience as mentioned above) of System Integrator or the authorized representative only will be considered for evaluating eligibility criteria.
m. The bidder must be an Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) / Authorized System Integrator / Channel Partners / Business Partner/ Authorized Reseller of OEM.
The Bidder must submit Tender Specific OEM Certificate / Authorization letter / Manufacturers Authorization Certificate from OEM for the following items-
i. Single Phase Integrated Type I plus II SPD.
ii. 32A Series Filter with bypass switch
iii. 64A Three Phase series Filter
iv. Single phase Type II SPD
v. N-type RF surge protector (N-type Male to N-type Female) for VHF range
vi. UHF connector RF surge protector (UHF Male to UHF Female) for VHF range
vii. SMA connector RF surge protector (SMA Female to SMA Male) for VHF range
viii. RJ45 surge protector for LAN protection
ix. RS232 Data line surge protector (DB9/DB25)
x. Krone LSA-PLUS Telephone line surge protectors
If the bidder fails to submit the OEM Certificate or, Authorization Letter, or Manufacturer's Authorization Certificate from the OEM, their bid is likely to be rejected.
In case of OEM, proof of being Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) (letter from the authorized signatory) shall be submitted along with the confirmation of extending the required warranty for the product.
An OEM is identified as the company that holds title to the Intellectual Property Rights of the supplied components/items/technology or brand.
n. The bidder must submit all type of test reports related to purity of the Copper as per the technical specification in respect to lightning arrestor rod and Copper plates/strip/cables/EEBBs/MEEBs/SEEBs. If bidder fails to submit the desired test report their bid is likely to be rejected.
o. The bidder must submit all type of certification as per the technical specification for the surge protection devices. If bidder fails to submit the desired test report their bid is likely to be rejected.
p. The bidder must be ISO 9001 certified, which will specify the requirements for a quality management system where an organization needs to demonstrate its ability to ensure that their products and services consistently meet customer’s requirements, and that quality is consistently improved.
q. The bidder should submit the GST undertaking as per Annexure-IX and list of make/Model offered in the project as per the Annexure-X.
r. Technical Specification Compliance: Bidder Shall furnish, as part of his bid, documents establishing the conformity of his bid to the Bid document of all items & Services, which he proposes to supply under the contract. Documentary evidence of the items & Services in conformity to the Bid documents shall be in the
form of Tender Specific Authorization & Compliance Statement for the Product that shall be supplied. The Technical Specification Compliance Statement shall be uploaded along with the documents for Technical Bid as per Annexure–XXI.
s. One Bidder cannot represent two manufacturers for the same product in this tender.
t. The Contractor shall provide documents as specified in this section. Lack of submission of any of the specified qualification documents or submission of any of the specified documents in a manner which is in non- conformance with the relevant clause of this tender document may result in rejection of the Tender.
u. The above eligibility criteria are in addition to eligibility criteria selected at GeM portal in the GeM bid document. In case of similar eligibility criteria, the additional added criterion will prevail and considered for technical bid eligibility. The bidder must ensure to submit the above said documents in order to qualify the technical Bid.
v. GeM bid END date will be taken as reference for assessing the eligibility criteria.
2) Financial Bid: -
a. The financial bid is based on total value evaluation.
b. The financial bid should be submitted as per instructions of the GeM portal. The price bid submitted in financial bid will only be accepted.
c. Bidder shall not quote financial price to any other place or documents other than financial bid. If the bidder quotes prices in any place other than financial bid their bid shall be rejected straightaway.
d. Price breakup-
i. The bidder should submit a consolidated the price breakup for the items of the project as given in the
Schedule-C along with GST.
ii. The price breakup should be given in the attached .xls format at GeM portal, the bidder shall upload price breakup in the allowed format as per GeM in financial bid only.
7. Contacting the Buyer:
7.1. Canvassing in any form in connection with the tenders is strictly prohibited and the tenders submitted by the contractors who resort to canvassing are liable for rejection. Such rejected tenders will not be returned.
7.2. No bidder shall try to influence directly or through external source, the Buyer on any matter relating to its bid, from the time of publication of GeM bid till the time the contract is awarded.
7.3. Any effort by a bidder to influence the Buyer in the bid evaluation, bid comparison or contract award decisions shall result in the rejection of the bid, and such actions will be considered as bad performance for future Projects.
8. Right to Accept or Reject the Tenders:
8.1. The right to accept the tender in full or in part/parts will rest with AAI. However, AAI does not bind itself to accept the lowest tender and reserves to itself the authority to reject any or all the tenders received without assigning any reason whatsoever.
8.2. Tenders not accompanied with prescribed information or are incomplete in any respect, and/or not meeting prescribed conditions, shall be considered non-responsive and are liable to be rejected.
8.3. The Buyer reserves the right to accept or reject any bid or a part of the bid or to annul the bidding process and reject all bids, at any time prior to award of contract without assigning any reason whatsoever and without thereby incurring any liability to the affected bidder or bidders on the grounds for the Buyer’s action.
8.4. AAI also reserves the right at its sole discretion not to award any order under the tender called. AAI shall not pay any costs incurred in the preparation and submission of any tender.
8.5. If the bidder gives wrong information in his Tender, AAI reserves the right to reject such tender at any stage or to cancel the contract, if awarded, and the bidder's EMD shall be forfeited or suspend the bidder as per EMD Declaration submitted by the bidder (Annexure-II), whichever is applicable.
8.6. Should a bidder have a relation or relations employed in AAI in the capacity of an officer, the authority inviting tender, shall be informed. In the event of failure to inform and in a situation where it is established that the relation or relations employed in AAI has / have tried to influence the tender proceedings then AAI at its sole discretion may reject the tender or cancel the contract or forfeit the EMD submitted or suspend the bidder as per EMD Declaration submitted by the bidder (Annexure-II), whichever is applicable.
8.7. Any correspondence after the opening of the technical bid, from the bidder, regarding the bid unless specifically sought by AAI shall not be considered. Such post bid offers / clarifications may be liable for action as per clause above of this section.
9. Award of Contract:
The Contract for the said work will be generated at Gem portal and AAI shall be the sole judge in the matter of award of contract and decision of AAI shall be final and binding.
10. Signing of Contract Agreement:
10.1. The issue of GeM contract shall constitute the award of contract on the bidder. The L-1 bidder has to sign the agreement as per Annexure-XIX and submission of Undertaking by L1 Bidder/ Agency regarding GST as per Annexure-XX shall be completed within 30 days of the acceptance letter.
10.2. The cost of the stamp papers will be borne by the contractor.
10.3. Failure to sign the agreement within the stipulated time will incur a penalty as per the penalty clause. The penalty will be deducted from the xxxx xx xxxxxxxxxx.
10.4. An extension for the signing of the agreement beyond the timeline will only be granted with the approval of the competent authority for justified reasons. The bidder should intimate the office well before the expiry of above said period for any extension for the signing of the agreement.
11. Annulment of Award:
Failure of the successful bidder to comply with the requirement of Signing the Contract as mentioned above in this section shall constitute sufficient ground for the annulment of the award and suspension of the Bidder as specified in the EMD Declaration submitted by the Bidder (Annexure-II) or the bidder's EMD shall be forfeited, whichever is applicable. In this event the Buyer may award the work to any other bidder at his discretion or call for new bids.
12. Quality Assurance Requirements:
The contractor shall use Quality Assurance procedure compliant with Quality Assurance in system design, development, manufacturing, and installation and servicing- ISO 9001 Quality Management and Assurance Standards Part 3 – ISO 9001 Application and Development, Supply and Maintenance of Hardware/software.
The contractor shall submit copies of Valid Certificates to ensure that all works/products comply with standards specified in the QR’s.
13. Contract Monitoring:
13.1. The buyer shall hold periodic inspection after the award of the contract to monitor the progress of the work.
13.2. A meeting/Site survey shall be conducted after award of the contract. The buyer and contractor on mutually decide the meeting/Site survey to efficient and smooth completion of the work.
13.3. The proceedings of meeting shall be recorded and action as required towards successfully completion of the project shall be initiated promptly by both AAI & the Contractor. Project review meeting shall be with reference to contract performance analysis.
13.4. Depending upon the Complexity of the item ordered, contractor may be asked to submit a progress report periodically in coordination with the project manager/In-Charge.
14. Outright Bid Rejection Criteria:
Non-Compliance to the following criteria by the bidder shall lead to the Outright rejection of their offer submitted on the GeM Portal:
14.1 If bidder has not uploaded Unconditional Acceptance of all tender condition as per AAI Format as per Annexure- III.
14.2 If scanned copy of proof of EMD or EMD Exemption document along with Earnest Money Declaration as per
Annexure-II has not been uploaded on the GeM Portal (applicable only for Bidder claiming EMD exemption).
15. Optional Site Visit-
15.1. The Bidders may visit and examine the installation site and its surroundings and obtain for itself on its own responsibility, all information that may be necessary for preparing the Bid. The costs of visiting the site shall be borne by the Bidder.
15.2. The Bidder representative shall be allowed entry upon consignee premises for such visits, only upon the express conditions that the Bidder will release and indemnify the Buyer and Consignee against all liabilities arising out of such visit including death or injury, loss or damage to property, and any other loss, damage, costs, and expenses incurred as a result of such visit.
15.3. The Bidder shall not be entitled to hold any claim against Buyer for non-compliance due to lack of any kind of pre-requisite information as it is the sole responsibility of the Bidder to obtain all the necessary information with regard to site, surrounding, working conditions, weather etc. on its own before submission of the bid.
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Section-III: General terms and Conditions Of The Contract
1. Purpose:
This document sets out the terms & conditions to be met in connection with the provision of “SITC of Lightning, Surge protection and Earthing system for critical CNS facilities at Belagavi Airport, Belagavi” to AAI for the work as per the details given in this GeM bid.
1.1. This document includes details like anticipated quantity, delivery, installation, commissioning and SAT.
1.2. GeM general terms and conditions (GTC) will be the part of this Bid and to be followed accordingly.
1.3. In addition to above, the following instruction and terms & conditions will be part of this GeM bid.
1.4. In case of conflict, the additional instruction and terms & conditions issued vide this bid will prevail.
2. Compliance:
2.1. Subcontracting of the work to other vendor in any form/ manner is strictly prohibited. At any point of time if it is observed that contract is subcontracted the contract shall be liable to be terminated and performance bank guarantee may be forfeited.
2.2. The unconditional acceptance of all the terms & conditions of GeM Bid to be submitted as per the Annexure-III. If bidder fails to submit the unconditional acceptance statement in the said format their tender will be rejected.
2.3. The submission of the tender will imply acceptance of all the tender condition by the bidder laid in tender document including all the Annexure(s) & schedules to the tender document.
2.4. The compliance to the terms & conditions should be supported by authenticated documentation wherever required.
3. Standard Conditions:
Standard conditions of the bidder to the offer, other than the conditions specified here, will not be acceptable.
4. Refund of EMD:
4.1. EMD of all unsuccessful bidder who get rejected in Technical bid shall be refunded without interest or any other expenses, within 1 month of rejection of their bids.
4.2. EMD of all eligible bidders whose financials bids are opened (except the confirmed lowest bidder) shall be refunded without interest or any other expense, within 1 month after acceptance of the GeM contract by the successful bidder.
4.3. EMD of the successful bidder will be refunded after the signing of the Contract and submission of the performance bank guarantee in the prescribed Performa as per Annexure-XI and subsequently verification of the Bank guarantee through SFMS. AAI shall refund the same amount in INR as received from bidders towards EMD with no interest or any other expenses, whatsoever, in any manner to the bidder or its authorized representative.
4.4. If due any reason AAI cancels this bid, then EMD of all bidders without any interest shall be returned to the bidder or its authorized representative/ signatory/partner.
4.5. The EMD amount shall be forfeited in the following events-
4.5.1. Bidder’s EMD shall be forfeited if the Bidder withdraws or amends its bid or breach of the conditions or the
tender of impairs or derogates from the tender in any respect within the period of validity of the tender.
4.5.2. If the successful bidder fails to enter into a contract with AAI within 30 calendar days (or an extended period as approved by the Accepting Authority in AAI) after the receipt of the purchase order/work order/GeM contract.
4.5.3. If the successful bidder fails to submit the contract performance Bank Guarantee as stipulated in clause 6 of this section with AAI within 30 calendar days (or an extended period as approved by the Accepting Authority in AAI) after acceptance of the purchase order/work order/GeM contract.
4.5.4. If the bidder knowingly and willfully supplied incorrect information in the tender.
4.5.5. In the event of not accepting the conditions of the contract even after agreeing to do so and submitting the letter of un-conditional acceptance of terms and conditions of the tender.
4.5.6. If bidder fails to accept the GeM contract beyond the specified time of GeM portal for acceptance of the contract.
4.5.7. Should a bidder have a relation or relations employed in AAI in the capacity of an officer, the authority inviting tender, the same shall be informed. In the event of failure to inform and in a situation where it is established that the relation or relations employed in AAI has / have tried to influence the tender proceedings then AAI at its sole discretion may reject the tender or cancel the contract and forfeit the Earnest Money.
5. Liquidated Damages:
5.1. In case of delay in completion of the contract or each milestone of contract for supplies, Installation, Testing and SAT attributed to contractor, liquidated damages (L.D.) shall be levied @0.5 % of the total value of the uncompleted portion of work per week (part of week to be treated as one week) subject to a maximum of 10% of total contract value.
5.2. AAI, if satisfied that the works can be completed by the bidder within a reasonable time beyond the stipulated time of completion, may allow further extension of time at its discretion with or without the levy of Liquidity Damage. In the event of extension granted with levy of L.D., AAI shall be entitled without prejudice to any other right or remedy available in that behalf, to recover from the xxxxxx xxxx an agreed compensation amount calculated @0.5 % of the total value of the uncompleted portion of work per week or part thereof subject to a maximum of 10% of total contract value.
5.3. LD should never be waived, except under exceptional conditions, and only after obtaining approval from Competent Authority with due process.
The successful bidder shall submit an unqualified Contract performance guarantee (in lieu of Contract Performance security) of the value equivalent to 5% (Five percent) of the value of the GeM contract issued against the contract to AAI in the form of an irrevocable and unconditional bank guarantee on Nationalized / scheduled bank as per Annexure-
XI. The guarantee shall be submitted within 30 calendar days of the issue of GeM contract, and it should remain valid for a period of 90 days beyond the date of completion of all contractual obligations of the supplier.
6.1. In case the Contractor fails to submit the PBG within stipulated period, interest @12% p.a. on Performance Guarantee amount would be levied (non-refundable) for delayed period of submission & shall be deducted from the first bill payable to the Contractor. However, the extended period for PBG submission should be approved by the Accepting Authority in AAI. Also, the Stipulated Performance Bank Guarantee Value (5% of the work Order Price to AAI) shall be withheld from Bills payable until the Performance Bank Guarantee is submitted.
6.2. The PBG should be valid for a period of total 63 Months from the date of SAT.
6.3. In case, successful bidder fails to submit performance guarantee within 60 days of the issue of the letter of acceptance of his bid, AAI reserve the right to Cancel the order.
6.4. The performance guarantee amount shall be payable to AAI without any condition whatsoever and the guarantee shall be irrevocable.
6.5. The Performance guarantee will be forfeited & credited to the account of AAI in the event of a breach of contract by the contractor.
6.6. The performance guarantee shall be deemed to govern the following guarantees from the successful bidder, in addition to other provisions of the guarantee:
6.6.1. Defect liability period is to cover the defects which remain pending after the completion of the Warranty period. It includes unserviceability occurring immediately prior to the end of the Warranty period, unserviceability which remains unattended at the end of the Warranty period, repairs of unserviceable parts or subsystems which became unserviceable prior to completion of Warranty period etc.
6.6.2. The performance guarantee is intended to secure the performance of the system. However, it is not to be construed as limiting the damages stipulated in any other clause.
6.7. The performance guarantee will be returned to the successful bidder at the end of the period of liability without interest.
6.8. The validity period of PBG shall be extended by the bidder as and when desired by AAI.
6.9. AAI has arranged for the verification of Bank Guarantees received from Vendors/Customers/Concessionaires through the Structured Financial Messaging System (SFMS) of ICICI Bank. The prospective successful bidder shall submit the Bank Guarantee (PBGIBG-SD/FBG) in accordance with the following banking details.
IFSC CODE | ICIC0000007 | |
:- | IFN 767COV (BG AMENDMENT) | |
*UNIQUE IDENTIFIER CODE | :- | AAIRHQ SR (Please note space between AAIRHQ and SR) mentioned in field 7037 of the BG advising message code |
* Please note that the issuing bank while issuing/amending the BG, should ensure that the above information is correctly captured in the message i.e. IFN 760COV / IFN 767COV.
6.10. While submitting the documents to BG issuing bank, the vendor/customer/concessionaire will also submit letter to the issuing bank as per the format mentioned in the Annexure-XII.
6.11. The vendor/customer/concessionaire while submitting the Original BG documents to the respective department should ensure that copy of the SFMS BG confirmation message sent by the BG issuing bank to ICICI bank should also be submitted.
7. Testing and Inspection:
The testing and inspection of the equipment / components procured shall be carried out in stages as follows:
7.1. Factory Inspection / Acceptance Testing: Waived
7.2. Manufacturer’s Quality Self-Certification / Type Test:
The Contractor must submit Self-Certification/ Type Test Certificate from the OEM for the supplied items. The said Certification must conform to the specification & quality of the supplied items.
7.3. Post Delivery Inspection / Pre-installation Testing:
In the event of delivery of Items / replacement of any faulty component under the contract, AAI inspector shall conduct testing / inspection of the items supplied for genuine OEM parts or items. The inspector shall also check the goods delivered against the models ordered. The inspector shall reject the items, which are not delivered as per the contract or any subsequent modifications to the contract, in terms of make & model.
7.4. Post Installation Site Acceptance Testing / Inspection:
This testing / inspection shall be performed after the completion of installation of the supplies/parts. The inspector shall sign the installation report after successful completion of the same. Defects / shortcomings brought out in this testing shall have to be attended as per the contract within the permitted time schedule.
The post-installation site acceptance testing/ inspection shall prove that the procured systems meet all system requirements as per specifications specified in the tender document. The vendor shall provide all necessary test equipment, tools and instruments for the acceptance testing. Installation shall be termed as completed after successful completion of SAT/post-installation acceptance testing and resolution of all defects.
7.5. If any Item or any part thereof, before it is taken over under above testing/inspection clauses, is found defective or fails to fulfil the requirements of the contract, the buyer shall give the Contractor notice setting forth details of such defects or failure. The Contractor shall make the defective material good, or alter the same to make it comply with the requirements of the contract. The replacements by the Contractor shall be made free of all charges at site. Any delay in the process of rectification shall be treated as per ‘Compensation of Delay / Recovery’ Clause.
7.6. The testing & inspection as per above clauses in any way does not relieve the Contractor from any Warranty or other obligations under this contract.
8. Extension of Time:
8.1. The completion period as per work Order/GeM contract shall be adhered to strictly. Any Extension of time
/delivery amounts to amendment of the contract then Liquidated Damage shall be levied. However, Extension shall be granted only after the successful bidder seeks an extension in writing, however, there should not be any downward trend in the price of the Items of the Purchase Order. In case of any downward Trend, the benefit shall be transferred to AAI.
8.2. However, in case of extraordinary situations like non-readiness of Site, delay on buyer side which may delay the completion of the service as per SLA, then LD shall not be levied. The contractor shall apply for extension of time in writing as per format contained in Annexure-XIII.
8.3. On receipt of the written request, Authority shall issue provisional Extension of Time up to the expected date of completion. This provisional extension of time will be granted without prejudice to the right of AAI to recover the liquidated damages in accordance of provision of relevant clause of agreement. On actual completion date of the work, grant of Final EOT (Extension of time) shall be processed on application by the contractor on prescribed EOT application form given in Annexure-XIII.
8.4. The Extension of Time with or without LD charges is subject to the scrutiny of the reason provided & subject to the approval of the Competent Authority.
9. Compensation of Delay / Recovery/Penalty:
9.1. Time is the essence of the Contract.
9.2. The amount of compensation for delay and waiver of compensation for delay in case of justified reasons shall be decided at the discretion of Accepting Authority and the same shall be final and binding on the contractor. Time taken by AAI and local statutory authorities for approval of drawings, design, estimate etc, force majeure reasons and any other reasons beyond control of the contractor shall be considered as justified reasons. The amount of compensation may be adjusted or set off against any sum payable to the contractor under this or any other contract with AAI.
9.3. The bidder as per operation, installation, maintenance manuals and performance guarantee tests supplied by the successful bidder, will do the loading, installation & commissioning of systems. The successful bidder will be fully responsible for the guaranteed performance of the supplied systems and warranty obligations. In case of any problem after commissioning and during guarantee period, the successful bidder shall act as per the ‘Guarantee / Warranty’ Clause of Section-IV.
9.4. A fine of an agreed amount calculated @0.5 % per week or part thereof (on Pro rata basis) for the incomplete Portion of work/ delivery/ Installation as per Contract/ WO cost, executed/ Completed beyond stipulated time period under the contract, subject to a maximum value equal to 10% of the value of the delayed Goods/Works, shall be recovered. The Liquated Damage (LD) shall be calculated on the base cost without GST and taxes.
9.5. A penalty of an agreed amount calculated @2% per week or part thereof (Pro rata basis) of the total Purchase Cost excluding GST of the faulty equipment, subject to a maximum value equal to 10% (Ten percent) of the Purchase Cost of the faulty equipment excluding GST, shall be imposed in case of delay in rectification of the problem as per the ‘Guarantee / Warranty’ clause of Section-IV.
10. Force Majeure Conditions:
10.1. AAI may grant an extension of time limit set for the completion of the work / repair in case the timely completion of the work is delayed by force majeure beyond the contractor’s control, subject to what is stated in the following sub paragraphs and to the procedures detailed there-in being followed. Force Majeure is defined as an event of effect that cannot reasonably be anticipated such as acts of God (like earthquakes, flood, storms etc), acts of states, the direct and indirect consequences of wars (declared or un-declared), hostilities, national emergencies, civil commotion and strikes (only those which exceed a duration of ten continuous days) at successful Bidder’s factory. The successful bidder’s right to an extension of the time limit for completion of the work in above-mentioned cases is subject to the following procedures.
10.1.1. That within 3 days after the occurrence of a case of force Majeure but before the expiry of the stipulated date of completion, the bidder informs AAI in writing about the occurrence of Force Majeure Condition (as per Annexure-XIV of the tender document) and that the Bidder considers himself entitled to an extension of the time limit. The contractor shall submit the application for extension of time as attached in Annexure–XIV.
10.1.2. That the contractor produces evidence of the date of occurrence and the duration of the force majeure in an adequate manner by means of documents drawn up by responsible authorities.
10.1.3. That the contractor proves that the said conditions have actually been interfered with the carrying out of the contract.
10.1.4. That the contractor proves that the delay occurred is not due to his own action or lack of action.
10.2. Apart from the extension of the time limit, force majeure does not entitle the successful bidder to any relaxation or to any compensation of damage or loss suffered.
11. Deviation, Substitute and Extra Items
11.1. All quantities mentioned in Schedule A: Schedule of Anticipated Quantities are Estimated Quantities only. Actual Quantities may vary during Execution of the Work as per existing Site Requirement and Condition.
11.2. AAI reserves the right to change the quantity of the Contract Items to be supplied but within the overall deviation limit of maximum 30% or as allowed by the GeM.
11.3. AAI also reserves the right to purchase Substitute items as per site requirements up to the overall limit of 30% of the contract value at the Market Rate of the Substitute Item or the Agreement Rate of the Contract Item, whichever is less.
11.4. AAI also reserves the right to purchase Extra Items, which are completely new, as per site requirements up to the overall limit of 30% of the contract value at the Market Rate of the Extra Item.
11.5. The overall Deviation, Extra item or the substitute items taken together shall not exceed 30% of the contract value unless until it is mutually agreed by both the parties and a specific order is placed on the vendor in this regard.
11.6. Substitute and extra items shall only be considered to complete the project. The substitute items shall only be considered if the items are of superior quality than the offered items.
11.7. Separate work order shall be issued for extra items and payments shall be processed offline.
12. Patents, Successful bidder's Liability & Compliance of Regulations:
Successful bidder shall protect and fully indemnify the AAI from any claims for infringement of patents, copyright, trademark, license violation or the like.
12.1. Successful bidder shall also protect and fully indemnify the AAI from any claims from successful bidder's workmen/employees, their heirs, dependents, representatives etc. or from any person(s) or bodies/ companies etc. for any act of commission or omission while executing the order.
12.2. Successful bidder shall be responsible for compliance with all requirements under the laws and shall protect and indemnify completely the AAI from any claims/penalties arising out of any infringements and indemnify completely the AAI from any claims/penalties arising out of any infringements.
13. Settlement of Disputes:
13.1. If a dispute of any kind whatsoever arises between AAI and the Contractor in connection with, or arising out of the Contract or the execution of the works, whether during the execution of the Works or after their completion and whether before or after repudiation or after termination of the contract, including any disagreement by either party with any action, inaction, opinion, instruction, determination, certificate or valuation of the Project Leader or his nominee, the matter in dispute shall, in first place be referred to the Dispute Resolution Committee (DRC) appointed by the Executive Director / Member (Planning) / Chairman, Airports Authority of India. It is also a term of contract that fees and other expense if payable to DRC shall be paid equally by both the parties i.e. AAI and Contractor. The disputes will firstly be settled by the DRC, failing which any party may invoke arbitration clause. The Contractor shall be entitled for invoking the arbitration clause only after exhausting the remedy available under the Dispute Resolution Mechanism.
13.2. If the parties fail to reach a resolution even after referring to the higher level, either party should be able to start arbitration proceedings under the Indian Sellers as per the Indian Arbitration & Conciliation Act, 1996 & Changes and amendments to the Act in 2015 after following the due procedure.
13.3. Unless the Contract has already been repudiated or terminated or frustrated, the Contractor shall in every case, continue to proceed with the works with all due diligence and the Contractor and AAI shall give effect forthwith to every decision of the Project Leader or his nominee unless and until the same shall be revised, as hereinafter provided, by the DRC or in an Arbitral Award.
13.4. It is also a term of contract that If the contractor does not make any demand for Dispute Resolution Committee in respect of any claim in writing within 90 (Ninety) days of receiving the intimation from the AAI that the bill is
ready for payment, the claim of contractor(s) will be deemed to have been waved and absolutely barred and the AAI shall be discharged and released of all liabilities under the contract in respect of these claims.
14. Adjudication through Arbitration:
14.1. Except where the decision has become final, binding and conclusive in terms of Settlement of Disputes as mentioned above in this section, disputes or differences shall be referred for adjudication through arbitration by a sole arbitrator appointed by the Member (Ops) / Chairman, AAI. If the arbitrator so appointed is unable or unwilling to act or resigns his appointment or vacates his office due to any reason whatsoever, another sole arbitrator shall be appointed in the manner aforesaid. Such person shall be entitled to proceed with the reference from the stage at which it was left by his predecessor.
14.2. It is also a term of contract that If the contractor does not make any demand for appointment of Arbitrator in respect of any claim in writing within 120 (One hundred Twenty) days of receiving the decision / award from Dispute Resolution Committee, the claim of contractor(s) will be deemed to have been waved and absolutely barred and the AAI shall be discharged and released of all liabilities under the contract in respect of these claims.
14.3. It is term of this contract that the party invoking arbitration shall give a list of disputes with amounts claimed in respect of each such disputes along with the notice for appointment of arbitrator and giving reference to the rejection of their claims by the Dispute Resolution Committee.
14.4. It is also a term of this contract that no person, other than a person appointed by above mentioned appointing authority, should act as arbitrator and if for any reason that is not possible, the matter shall not be referred to arbitration at all.
14.5. The arbitration shall be conducted in accordance with the provisions of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 (26 of 1996) or any statutory modification or re-enactment thereof and the rules made thereunder and for the time being in force shall apply to the arbitration proceeding under this clause.
14.6. It is also a term of this contract that the arbitrator shall adjudicate on only such disputes as are referred to him by the appointing authority and give separate award against each dispute and claim referred to him and, in all cases, where the total amount of the claims by any party exceeds Rs.1,00,000/-, the arbitrator shall give reasons for the award.
14.7. It is also a term of the contract that if any fees are payable to the arbitrator, these shall be paid equally by both the parties.
14.8. It is also a term of the contract that the arbitrator shall be deemed to have entered on the reference on the date he issues notice to both the parties calling them to submit their statement of claims and counter statement of claims. The venue of the arbitration shall be such place as may be fixed by the arbitrator in his sole discretion. The fees, if any, of the arbitrator shall, if required to be paid before the award is made and published, be paid half and half by each of the parties. The cost of the reference and of the award (including the fees, if any, of the arbitrator) shall be in the discretion of the arbitrator who may direct to any by whom and in what manner, such costs or any part thereof shall be paid and fix or settle the amount of costs to be so paid.
15. Laws Governing the Contract:
15.1. Indian laws shall govern this contract.
16. Termination for Default and Risk Purchase:
16.1. A contract may be terminated in the following cases:
16.1.1. Default: If the seller fails to deliver any or all the items / services / Completion of works as stipulated in the work order/GeM contract within the specified time limit.
16.1.2. Failure to perform any obligation: If the seller fails to perform any obligation under the contract.
16.2. If the contract is terminated, the purchaser may take recourse in:
16.2.1. Forfeiture of the performance security.
16.2.2. Purchaser may resort to buying the item from an alternate source (Risk Purchase) and recover the cost from the seller.
16.2.3. The supplier, however, shall continue to fulfil the contract to the extent not terminated.
16.3. The purchaser may terminate the contract by giving a written notice to the seller if the seller becomes insolvent.
16.4. The purchaser may terminate the contract if an unforeseen situation arises, compelling the purchaser to cancel the contract.
17. Termination for Insolvency:
17.1. AAI may at any time terminate the Contract by giving written notice to the supplier, without compensation to the Contractor, if the Contractor becomes bankrupt or otherwise insolvent as declared by the competent court provided that such termination will not prejudice or affect any right or action or remedy which has accrued or will accrue thereafter to AAI.
18. Set Off:
18.1. Any sum of money due and payable to the contractor (including security deposit refundable to him) under this contract may be appropriated by the Buyer to set off the same against any claim of the Buyer for payment of a sum of money arising out of this contract made by the Contractor with Xxxxx.
19. Limitation of Liability:
19.1. Notwithstanding any other term, there shall be no limitation of liability in case of any damages for bodily injury (including death) and damage to real property and tangible personal property due to gross negligence and willful misconduct of the other party.
19.2. In all other cases not covered by Para 19.1 above the total liability of either party under the terms of the contract shall not exceed the total contract value and in no event shall either party be liable to the other for any indirect, incidental, consequential, special or exemplary damages, nor for any damages as to lost profit, data, goodwill or business, nor for any reliance or cover damages even it was advised about the possibility of the same.
20. Corrupt Practices:
The contractor shall not offer or give or agree to give to any person in the employment of AAI (the Purchaser) or working under the orders of the Purchaser any gift or consideration of any kind as an inducement or reward for doing or forbearing to do or having done or for borne to do any act in relation to the obtaining or execution of the contract or any other contract with the purchaser or for showing or forbearing to show favor or disfavor to any person in relation to the contract or any other contract with the purchaser. Any breach of the aforesaid condition by the Contractor, or any one employed by him or acting on his behalf whether with or without the knowledge of the Contractor, or by any one employed by him or acting on his behalf shall entitle the Purchaser to cancel the Contract and all or any other Contracts with the Contractor and to recover from the Contractor the amount of any loss arising from such cancellation in accordance with the provisions of this contract.
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SECTION-IV: Special Terms And Conditions
1. Standards:
1.1. All designs, codes, developing platforms, developing techniques and workmanship shall be in accordance with the highest accepted Indian/ International standards as applicable for this type of work.
1.2. Bidder must Offer the latest Model of products from the OEM meeting the Technical Specification.
1.3. The requirements given in this document are firm and no deviation of any kind is acceptable.
2. Scope of work:
2.1. The vendor/supplier/system integrator shall be responsible for complete Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of the Lightning, Surge Protection and Earthing System of the facility and its ancillary facilities, if any at Belagavi Airport as per AAI requirement.
2.2. The vendor/supplier/system integrator shall design and provide a comprehensive Lightning, Surge Protection and Earthing System which shall meet the following International or equivalent National Standards: -
IS/IEC 62305: 2015 | Protection against Lightning (Part 1 to 4) |
IEC – 61643-11 IEC – 61643-12 IS – 16463 – 11 IS – 16463 - 12 | Low Voltage Surge Protective Devices |
IS -3043 Second Edition 2018 | Code of practice for earthing |
IS -5216 | Safety procedures & practice in electrical work |
ISO/IEC: 30129:2015 | Information Technology: Telecommunication Bonding networks for building and other structure |
IS 732 | Code of Practice in electrical wiring installation |
2.3. The Surge Protection System provided shall be a comprehensive system i.e. it should include: -
2.3.1. Power Supply Surge Protection System at the Input/output of the UPS along with the applicable series filter.
2.3.2. Surge Protection system should be provided to all incoming and outgoing cables connected to system such as Data lines [Telephone, OFC, RC cables etc.] and RF Cables etc. Standard bonding of cable shields/trays to ground must be ensured.
2.3.3. Air Terminals/Lightning Rods should be positioned at Building, Antenna, Mast etc. against the lightning as per the AAI site requirement.
2.4. Earthing system shall meet the following requirements: -
2.4.1. Provide a common reference ground plane for electronic equipment which will minimize electronic system noise and electromagnetic interference (EMI).
2.4.2. The grounding system design shall be based on single grounding network with multiple earths and the avoidance of group loops.
2.4.3. The electronic ground conductor shall be PVC insulated stranded copper wire shall run from each equipment area or grouping of related electronic equipment and be terminated at the grounding test terminal box. Electronic ground conductors shall not be interconnected except at the common point.
2.4.4. Care shall be taken to assure that ground loops are not created inadvertently.
2.4.5. Grounding test terminal bus bar shall be installed at each earth pit inspection chamber suitable for testing.
2.4.6. Earthing system should follow IS:3043 standard and earth pits should be as per the Industry standard.
2.4.7. Augmentation of Existing earth pits with installation of new earth chambers and bus bar connection should be as per AAI requirement.
2.4.8. The brazing points mentioned in the BOQ is the minimum quantity but bidder should ensure brazing of all the joints/connection/lugs etc.
2.5. Lightning protection system shall meet the following requirements: -
2.5.1. Lightning protection system composed of lightning rods, conductors and grounding system shall be provided. Separate grounding system shall be provided for lightning protection apart from the grounding systems aforementioned.
2.5.2. RCC base of adequate strength should be constructed so that it can withstand the installation of FRP poles and lightening conductor in the extreme weather condition.
2.5.3. Suitable clamping should be used to mount the lightening conductor on the FRP poles.
2.5.4. Down conductor of the lightning protection system should be fixed on the wall/ceiling etc. as per the industry standard.
2.6. Contractors responsibility:
2.6.1. The contractor shall accept the GeM contract as per GeM timeline or within 07(seven) Days of issue of GeM contract/Work order.
2.6.2. After acceptance of the GeM contract, the contractor or their representative is required to immediately visit the site and provide a comprehensive plan for executing the work. This plan should be formulated with careful consideration of the AAI requirements, items listed in the BOQ and already available existing material of AAI for optimizing resources effectively.
2.6.3. The contractor is responsible for conducting a survey of the site and submitting a detailed report outlining any deviations, substitutions, or additional items required to complete the work in accordance with AAI requirements and considering the site conditions. Any deviations, substitutions, or additional items shall be addressed according to the guidelines specified in Section-III.
2.6.4. The contractor is required to appoint a project coordinator and assign a staff member for effective coordination and execution of work at the Airport. The designated staff member should possess significant experience in project execution to ensure efficient and timely completion of the project.
2.6.5. The technical specifications mentioned in Annexure-XXI are the minimum requirements. The contractor must use the standard materials and if necessary any extra items such as lugs/nut bolts/cable tie etc. to completion the work.
2.6.6. The Contractor shall guarantee that the Equipment to be supplied under these specifications shall work for its intended use. The contractor shall also guarantee that in case the equipment supplied under the Contract fails to provide its intended use, the Equipment shall be replaced by the contractor without any financial liability on the part of the AAI.
2.6.7. The contractor is responsible for installation of all the supplied items as per the Industry standard to complete the work.
2.6.8. The contractor is responsible for providing all manpower, materials, and machinery necessary for the execution of the work. Additionally, the contractor must adhere to all security/safety guidelines of the Airport in order to complete the work.
2.6.9. The complete layout of the Lightning, Surge Protection and Earthing System of CNS facility shall be submitted by the vendor/supplier/system integrator before commissioning.
2.6.10. The bidder is responsible to utilize the existing earthing Materials and lightning Rod wherever applicable\ as per AAI requirement.
2.6.11. Until and unless permission from the Authority is obtained in writing, the original specifications/ system characteristics shall not be changed.
2.6.12. The contractor is responsible to get the Airport Entry Pass (AEP) from Bureau of Civil Aviation Security (BCAS)/ Airport Security office for the staff deputed to execute this contract. The necessary police verification etc. as required for entry passes/AEP will be the responsibility of the Contractor. All expenditure towards arranging AEP/passes shall be borne by the Contractor.
2.6.13. The contractor shall abide by security regulation framed by AAI/ BCAS or police authorities. Any manpower of the Contractor, whose presence is found undesirable in AAI premises, shall not be allowed to work. The Contractor shall be fully responsible for the satisfactorily working of his staffs.
2.6.14. The contractor shall provide all the required equipment and services, whether explicitly mentioned in these specifications or not, to fulfill the intent of the specifications and to ensure the completeness of the project at no extra cost to the AAI.
2.6.15. The work herein specified shall be performed by competent workmen in a thorough professional manner.
2.6.16. If at any stage the contractor fails to provide satisfactory service, AAI shall terminate the contract by giving one month's notice and security deposit shall be forfeited. Any damage to the system/equipment and its accessories shall be rectified by AAI on the contractor's risk and cost.
2.6.17. Safety Measures: AAI shall not be responsible for any incident/ accident happened with manpower’s while executing the job during contract. Bidder has to take the precautionary measures for their manpower engaged for the work.
2.6.18. The Project Manager - AAI shall monitor the performance of system and subsystem and if found unsatisfactory then Contractor will have to rectify/replace/comply the faults/equipment within 15 days of the receipt of that communication.
2.7. Site Acceptance Test (SAT)
2.7.1. Written Consent shall be communicated for all supplies.
2.7.2. On completion of installation, the systems and subsystems shall be thoroughly inspected jointly by the AAI and the contractor for their correctness and completeness at the site of installation for the start of the acceptance tests.
2.7.3. It shall be the responsibility of the xxxxxx xxxx to prepare & submit the system test procedure in coordination with AAI for conducting the post supply/installation site acceptance testing. The procedure submitted by the xxxxxx xxxx shall be drafted in line with the standard practices followed in the industry and shall be in accordance with the test procedures & practices specified by the OEM.
2.7.4. The AAI will test the individual earth pit resistance and it should be below 5 Ohms. If the performance of earth pit is not as per the requirement, bidder should rectify the issue or construct new earth pit at his own cost.
2.7.5. Laying of all the cables and copper strips shall be inspected and if not found as per AAI requirement bidder should rectify the issue at his own cost.
2.7.6. The work at each site shall be accepted after issue of successful completion/acceptance certificate of works under the scope of the tender.
3. Time Schedule:
3.1. The bid validity period will be 180 Days and if required, may be extended time to time to complete the work.
3.2. Date of Acceptance of the GeM Contract/Work order shall be considered as start of contract.
3.3. The project must be completed within 2 months i.e. 60 Days of the acceptance of the GeM contract.
3.4. The contractor is required to strictly adhere to this timeline. Any delays in project completion solely rest with the contractor, and penalties will be enforced in accordance with the penalty/recovery clause for any such delays.
4. Terms of Payment:
4.1. No mobilization advance shall be paid for any activity.
4.2. The payment shall only be released after successful completion of work.
4.3. The payment will be released within 30 days of successful completion of work.
4.4. Documents required for release of payment:
4.4.1. Three copies of Invoice(s) or GeM Invoice according to the items mentioned in BoQ or further order in this regard.
4.4.2. Delivery Challan + 2 Copies.
4.4.3. Certificate of Manufacturer’s Quality Self-Certification / Type Test, as applicable.
4.4.4. Site acceptance Certificate of goods receipt at site in physically good, packed condition.
4.4.5. Installation report, as applicable.
4.4.6. Installation/ Measurement/ Fixation report as applicable. (For service items only)
4.4.7. Commissioning Certificate (as applicable).
4.4.8. Self-Declaration u/s 206AB/206CCA of 'The Income Tax Act, 1961 regarding Deduction/Collection of Tax as per Annexure-XVII.
4.4.9. GST declaration as per the Annexure-XX against the Tax invoice and copy/ screen shot of the invoice as appearing in the GSTR-1.
4.5. Payments shall be released after deducting any Compensation for Delay / Recovery for which the Contractor might have rendered themselves liable as per provision of contract and applicable income tax and applicable deductions as per laws & GeM contract.
4.6. GST (Goods and Service Tax) shall be paid to the bidder for any taxable supply / services against a valid tax invoice. The bidder is required to provide the tax type and tax percentage.
5. Exclusion of Items from contract or Termination of Part/Full Contract:
5.1. AAI at its sole discretion may not award the Contract for all the items included in the bid and may exclude some of the items as well or cancel the bid.
5.2. AAI may also at its sole discretion terminate the contract for some of the items with notice of three months. The contract value of such items shall not be paid.
5.3. The Contract in full can be terminated either by AAI or by contractor with notice of three months
6. Deviation in Quantity:
AAI reserves the right to increase/ decrease the schedule of quantities, equivalent up to 30% or as per GeM of the overall quantity/ value whoever is applicable, during the contract period without any change in unit price and other terms and condition of the contract.
7. Guarantee / Warranty:
7.1. All the Supplied Items including workmanship shall be guaranteed against all defects/ bugs and for a satisfactory performance as per all the listed features, for a period of 5 years from the date of commissioning of the entire project.
7.2. The Contractor shall guarantee that the Items, articles sold/ supplied against the Contract to AAI shall be brand new & no refurbished items shall be supplied. The Installation/Services offered shall be as per the Industry Standard & as per the Terms & Condition of the GeM bid.
7.3. The Contractor shall attend at his own expense and get the defects/ bugs removed in the systems as detected by AAI during the period of Guarantee/ Warranty.
7.4. Warranty shall be comprehensive in nature, i.e. shall include both parts and labour, and shall be carried out onsite.
7.5. A fine of an agreed amount as per the Clause “Compensation of Delay / Recovery” shall be applicable for any
violation any of the conditions of this bid.
7.6. In case, the Breakdown Complaint is not resolved within 5 weeks from the date of intimation of the Complaint, AAI may take required corrective measure to resolve the breakdown at the risk and cost of the Contractor.
8. Substitution & Wrong Supplies:
8.1. Unauthorized / Pirated substitution or materials delivered in error of wrong description or quality or supplied in excess quantity or old versions shall be returned to the successful bidder at his own cost and risk.
8.2. In case the items/articles are not as per the specifications and required quality, the same are liable to be rejected by AAI. Decision of AAI will be final on this account. The rejected items must be removed by the successful
tenderer from AAI’s premises within 1 week from the date of information of their rejection. The expenses incurred on this account shall be borne by the successful tenderer.
9. Change of Model:
9.1. No change of model after the placement of order shall be entertained unless the alternate model offered are latest & are with equivalent or higher in specifications and approval of the competent authority has been obtained in writing for such a change of model. Delivery of the alternate product without an approval shall not be accepted and AAI shall not be responsible for any delay in delivery schedule on this account.
10. The Xxxxxx xxxx shall take all the responsibility to complete the work. All Necessary Technical Completeness shall be ensured by the bidder at the time of quoting for completion of Works.
11. The vendor should deploy well trained personnel at the site. AAI shall not be responsible for any incident or accident happening at the site due to the negligence of the personnel deployed by the bidder. The bidder shall absolve AAI against all such claims.
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ANNEXURE -I: Checklist for Technical Bid
(To be submitted in company letter head)
Name of Work | :- | Belagavi” |
GeM Bid No: - GEM/2024/B/5563791
X.Xx. | Particulars | Attachments/ Enclosures check list (To be uploaded/ enclosed) | |
1 | Bidder’s Details | Contact Person Name | |
Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx Name | |||
Company Address | |||
Contact Person Contact No. | |||
Email Address | |||
2 | Duly Filled Up Checklist-I | This checklist (Annexure-I) should be duly filled and signed | Scanned Copy of Duly Signed & Stamped Checklist–I shall be uploaded. Scanned Copy Uploaded. Yes / No |
3 | Earnest Money declaration, if applicable | Proforma at Annexure–II of Bid document | If applicable scanned copy of duly signed and stamped Earnest Money declaration shall be uploaded. Scanned Copy Uploaded. Yes / No |
4 | Unconditional Acceptance of AAI’s Tender Conditions | Proforma at Annexure–III of Bid document | Scanned Copy of Duly Signed & Stamped Unconditional Acceptance Letter on Company Letterhead shall be Uploaded. Scanned Copy Uploaded. Yes / No |
5 | Undertaking by Bidder regarding Debarment / Blacklisting | Proforma at Annexure-IV of Bid document | Scanned Copy of Duly Signed & Stamped Undertaking on Company Letterhead shall be Uploaded. Scanned Copy Uploaded. Yes / No |
6 | Power of Attorney, if applicable | Proforma at Annexure-V of Bid document | Scanned Copy of Duly Signed & Stamped Power of Attorney on a Nonjudicial Stamp Paper Costing 100 Rupees shall be Uploaded. Scanned Copy Uploaded. Yes / No |
7 | Tender Acceptance Letter | Scanned Copy of Duly Signed & Stamped Tender Acceptance Letter on Company Letterhead shall be Uploaded. |
Proforma at Annexure-VI of Bid document | Scanned Copy Uploaded. Yes / No | |||
8 | Land Border Share Compliance Certificate | Proforma at Annexure-VII of Bid document | Scanned Copy of Duly Signed & Stamped Land Border Share Compliance Certificate on Company Letterhead shall be Uploaded. Scanned Copy Uploaded. Yes / No | |
9 | Self-Certification for Local Content | Proforma at Annexure-VIII of Bid document | Scanned Copy of Duly Signed & Stamped Self-Certification for Local Content on a Non-Judicial Stamp Paper Costing Rs.100/- (Hundred Rupees) shall be Uploaded. Scanned Copy Uploaded. Yes / No | |
10 | Valid GST, PAN Registration Certificate | Enclose documentary proof in support GST & PAN | GST No | |
PAN No | ||||
Self-attested copy of GST & PAN Registration Certificate shall be uploaded. Scanned Copy uploaded. Yes / No | ||||
11 | Individual company registered in India under the Companies Act, 1956, or partnership registered under the Indian Partnership Act 1932 or Limited liability/ partnership firm registered under the Limited Liability Partnership Act 2008 | Enclose documentary proof in support of Company Registration Certificate | Valid Registration Certificate of the Agency/ Firm shall be uploaded. Scanned Copy uploaded. Yes / No | |
12 | Work Order along with Work Completion Certificate from clients for Work of similar nature. | Enclose documentary proof in support of bid | Work Order/GeM contract & Work Completion Certificates from Client for Work of Similar nature in respect of Work Experience Claimed by the Bidder shall be uploaded. Scanned Copy uploaded Yes / No | |
12.1 | Name of client / Organization Name: | 1st Work Order & BoQ along with Work Completion Certificate. | ||
Name of the Concerned Official: | ||||
Client / Official Contact Number: |
Client Official Email Address: | |||
Client Postal Address: | |||
Name of work: | |||
Awarded Work Order Value excluding GST or any taxes: | |||
Work Completion Value excluding GST or any taxes: | |||
Date of Start of Work: | |||
Date of Work Completion as per agreement/ Work order: | |||
Actual Date of completion of work: | |||
12.2 | Name of client / Organization Name: | 2nd Work Order & BoQ along with Work Completion Certificate, if applicable | |
Name of the Concerned Official: | |||
Client / Official Contact Number: | |||
Client Official Email Address: | |||
Client Postal Address: | |||
Name of work: | |||
Awarded Work Order Value excluding GST or any taxes: | |||
Work Completion Value excluding GST or any taxes: | |||
Date of Start of Work: | |||
Date of Work Completion as per agreement/ Work order: | |||
Actual Date of completion of work: | |||
Name of client / Organization Name: | |||
12.3 | Name of the Concerned Official: | 3rd Work Order & BoQ along with Work Completion Certificate, if applicable | |
Client/Official Contact Number: | |||
Client Official Email Address: | |||
Client Postal Address: | |||
Name of work: | |||
Awarded Work Order Value excluding GST or any taxes: | |||
Work Completion Value excluding GST or any taxes: | |||
Date of Start of Work: |
Date of Work Completion as per agreement/ Work order: | ||||
Actual Date of completion of work: | ||||
12.4 | Whether experience from private clients? | Enclose documentary proof in support of bid | Scanned Copy of TDS certificates issued by Customer for the Stipulated value of Work Order shall be uploaded. Scanned Copy uploaded: Yes / No / Not Applicable | |
12.5 | Notarized translation of PO/ Work Completion Certificate, if Language other than English | Notarized translation by the Client/Customer for whom work has been carried out | Scanned copy of Original Translation Uploaded. Yes / No / Not Applicable | |
13 | Annualized abridged financial turnover of last 3 years ending 31st March of previous financial year (i.e. FY 2021-22, FY 2022-23, FY 2023-24) | Enclose documentary proof in support of Bid | FY 2021-22 | |
FY 2022-23 | ||||
FY 2023-24 | ||||
UDIN generated profit & Loss statement along with Balance Sheet for the last three year certified from the CA. Scanned Copy uploaded. Yes / No | ||||
14 | Tender Specific OEM Certificate / Authorization letter/ Manufacturers Authorization Certificate from OEM | Bidder should enclose documentary evidence as per the para 6.1 (m) of Section-II-Eligibility criteria | Copy of Tender Specific OEM Certificate / Authorization letter / Manufacturers Authorization Certificate from OEM must be uploaded. Scanned Copy uploaded. Yes / No | |
15 | Test reports for conforming the purity of copper materials | Test reports should indicate min purity of copper as mentioned in the technical specification | Copy of Test reports must be uploaded for all the copper items. Scanned Copy uploaded. Yes / No | |
16 | Surge protection devices certification | Bidder should submit documentary report for the SPD certifications as desired in the Technical specification. | Copy of certification must be uploaded for SPDs. Scanned Copy uploaded. Yes / No | |
17 | ISO certificate (ISO 9001 certified) | Bidder should upload valid ISO certificate | Copy of the valid ISO certificate must be uploaded. Scanned Copy uploaded. Yes / No |
18 | Bidder should submit GST undertaking | Proforma at Annexure-IX of Bid document | Filled singed and Scanned Copy uploaded. Yes / No |
19 | Make/model declaration | Proforma at Annexure-X of Bid document | Filled singed and Scanned Copy uploaded. Yes / No |
20 | Technical Specification Compliance mentioned in Annexure-XXI | Technical Compliance Statement for items mentioned in Annexure- XXI must be submitted company Letterhead. | Technical compliance of items of Annexure- XXI must be uploaded on OEMs Letterhead. Scanned Copy uploaded. Yes / No |
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Annexure -II: Proforma for Earnest Money Exemption Declaration
(To be submitted in company letter head)
The Deputy General Manager (CNS), Airports Authority of India,
Belagavi Airport, Belagavi, Karnataka-591124
Subject: Earnest money exemption declaration.
Whereas, I/We (Name of Agency) have submitted the bid for the work “SITC of Lightning, Surge protection and Earthing system for critical CNS facilities at Belagavi Airport, Belagavi” vide GeM bid No.- GEM/2024/B/5563791. I have claimed exemption against the deposit of the earnest money.
I/We hereby Submit following declaration in lieu of Earnest Money Deposit.
i. If after the opening of tender, I/We withdraw of modify my/our bid during the period of validity of tender (including extended validity of tender) specified in the tender documents, Or
ii. If, after the award of work, I/We fail to sign the contract, or to submit performance guarantee before the deadline defined in the tender documents,
I/We shall be suspended for one year and shall not be eligible to bid for AAI tenders from date of issue of suspension order.
Seal and Signature of the contractor(s)
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Annexure -III: Un-Conditional Acceptance Of Terms And Conditions
The Deputy General Manager (CNS), Airports Authority of India,
Belagavi Airport, Belagavi, Karnataka-591124
(To be submitted in company letter head)
Subject: Un-conditional Acceptance of Terms & Conditions of GeM bid.
Name of Work | :- | Belagavi” |
GeM Bid No: - GEM/2024/B/5563791
Dear Sir/Madam,
1. The GeM bid for the works mentioned above have been issued to me/us by Airports Authority of India via GeM portal and I / we hereby certify that I have read the entire terms and conditions of the GeM bid document along with additional terms and conditions made available to me / us which shall form part of the contract agreement and I / we shall abide by the conditions / clauses contained therein.
2. I / We hereby unconditionally accept the all conditions of GeM bid and AAI’s ATC issued along with the bid in its entirety for the above works. I/We also hereby give the unconditional acceptance for carrying out all the works listed in statement of work enclosed as Section-IV (Scope of work) as a part of this contract.
3. It is clarified that after unconditionally accepting the GeM bid conditions in its entirety, it is not permissible to put any remarks / conditions (except unconditional rebates on quoted rates if any) in the tender. In case any provisions of this tender are found violated after opening of bid, I / we agree that the tender shall be rejected and AAI shall without prejudice to any other right or remedy be at liberty to forfeit the full said earnest money absolutely.
4. That, I/We declare that I/we have not paid and will not pay any bribe to any officer of AAI for awarding this contract at any stage during its execution or at the time of payment of bills, and further if any officer of AAI asks for bribe/gratification, I will immediately report it to the appropriate authority of AAI.
Yours Faithfully,
(Signature of the Bidder) with rubber stamp
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Annexure -IV: - Undertaking Regarding Debarment / Blacklist ing
The Deputy General Manager (CNS), Airports Authority of India,
Belagavi Airport, Belagavi, Karnataka-591124.
(To be submitted in company letter head)
Date: -
Subject: Undertaking regarding debarment/backlist.
Name of Work | :- | Belagavi” |
GeM Bid No: - GEM/2024/B/5563791
I/We (Name and post of authorized signatory) on behalf of
(Name of Firm) do here by solemnly affirm and declare as follows:
i. Our firm is not restrained / debarred/ blacklisted by Airports Authority of India (AAI) / Ministry of Civil Aviation (MoCA)/ Dept. of Expenditure (DoE), Ministry of Finance and the debarment/ blacklisting/ restrainment is not in force as on last date of submission of proposal.
ii. None of Proprietor / Partners / Board Members / Directors of M/s
(Name of Firm) has remained Proprietor / Partner/ Board Member/ Director in any firm which stands debarred /blacklisted/restrained by AAI/ MoCA/ DoE and the department/ blacklisting/ restrainment is not in force as on last date of submission of proposal.
iii. Our firm understands that if our firm either debarred during bid process (i.e. normally before last date of submission, or during evaluation of technical and financial bid) or debarred before the date of contract by AAI/ MoCA/ DoE (Department applicable for all Ministers/ Departments), our bid is liable to be rejected at that stage.
iv. Our firm understands that at any stage, if above statement are found to be false, our firm shall be liable for debarment from bidding in AAI, apart from any other appropriate contractual legal action including debarment/ blacklisting, termination of the contract etc. as deemed fit.
Date: - Place: -
[Signature and Name of authorized signatory of the firm]
With office seal
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Annexure -V: Power Of Attorney Format For Authorized Person(S)
(Bidder shall submit irrevocable power of attorney on a non‐judicial stamp paper of Rs.100/‐ Signed by authorized signatory as per Memorandum of Articles authorizing the persons, who are Signing this bid on behalf of the company)
BY THIS POWER OF ATTORNEY executed on (Date) we _
(Company Name ) a Company incorporated under the Provisions of companies Act, 1956 having its Registered Office at (Company Address)(hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) do hereby severally appoint, constitute and nominate
(Name of Attorney) official(s) of the Company, so long as they are in the employment of
the Company (hereinafter referred to as the “Attorneys”) to sign agreement and documents with regard to Bid No.
(GeM bid Reference No.) due on (End/Last Date of bid Submission) invited by DGM (CNS), Airports Authority of India, Belagavi Airport, Sambra, Belagavi, Karnataka-591124 for “SITC of Lightning, Surge protection and Earthing system for critical CNS facilities at Belagavi Airport, Belagavi” and to do all other acts, deeds and things the said Attorneys may consider expedient to enforce and secure fulfilment of any such agreement in the name and on behalf of the Company AND THE COMPANY hereby agrees to ratify and confirm all acts, deeds and things the said Attorneys shall lawfully do by virtue of these authorities hereby conferred.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this deed has been signed and delivered on the day, month and year first above written by Mr.
(Name of the Person authorized by Board of Directors / Director’s Name, as applicable) Authorized
Signatory, duly authorized by the Board of Directors of the Company vide its resolution passed in this regard.
By order of the Board
( )
Authorized Signatory (Signature of the Person authorized by Board of Directors or Signature of Director, as applicable) Witness:
1. (Signature of Witness 1)
2. (Signature of Witness 2)
Attorney Signature of Mr.
Attorney Signature of Mr.
(Attested by)
( ) Authorized Signatory
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Annexure -VI: Proforma for Tender Acceptance Letter
The Deputy General Manager (CNS), Airports Authority of India,
Belagavi Airport, Belagavi, Karnataka-591124.
(To be submitted in company letter head)
Date: -
Subject: Undertaking regarding debarment/backlist.
Name of Work | :- | “SITC of Lightning, Surge protection and Earthing system for critical CNS facilities at Belagavi Airport, Belagavi” |
GeM Bid No: - GEM/2024/B/5563791
i. I / We hereby certify that I / we have read the entire terms and conditions of the tender documents from Page No.
to (including all documents like annexure(s), schedule(s), etc.), which form part of the contract agreement and I / we shall abide hereby by the terms / conditions / clauses contained therein.
ii. The corrigendum(s) issued from time to time by your department/ organization too have also been taken into consideration, while submitting this acceptance letter.
iii. I / We hereby unconditionally accept the tender conditions of above-mentioned tender document(s) / corrigendum(s) in its totality / entirety.
iv. I / We do hereby declare that our Firm has not been blacklisted/ debarred by any Govt. Department/Public sector undertaking.
v. I / We certify that all information furnished by our Firm is true & correct and, in the event, that the information is found to be incorrect/untrue or found violated, then your department/ organization shall without giving any notice or reason therefore or summarily reject the bid or terminate the contract, without prejudice to any other rights or remedy including the forfeiture of the full said earnest money deposit absolutely.
Yours Faithfully,
(Signature of the Bidder, with Official Seal)
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Annexure -VII: Proforma For Land Border Share Compliance Certificate
(To be submitted in company letter head)
Date: -
The Deputy General Manager (CNS), Airports Authority of India,
Belagavi Airport, Belagavi, Karnataka-591124.
Name of Work | :- | “SITC of Lightning, Surge protection and Earthing system for critical CNS facilities at Belagavi Airport, Belagavi” |
GeM Bid No: - GEM/2024/B/5563791
Subject: Compliance Certificate
With reference to the aforementioned references, I would like to state that I have read the GoI OM. F.No.-6/18/2019-PPD Dated 23.07.2020 clause regarding restrictions on procurement from a bidder of a country which shares a land border with India.
I certify that we are not from such a country or, if from such a country, has been registered with the Competent Authority.
[Strike Out whichever is not applicable]"
I hereby certify that we fulfil all requirements in this regard and is eligible to be considered. [Where applicable, evidence of valid registration by the Competent Authority shall be attached.]"
Yours faithfully,
Signature with Company stamp
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Annexure-VIII: Proforma For Self-Certification For Local Content
(To be provided on Non-judicial Stamp Paper of Rs. 100)
Dated: -
Name of Work | :- | “SITC of Lightning, Surge protection and Earthing system for critical CNS facilities at Belagavi Airport, Belagavi” |
GeM Bid No: - GEM/2024/B/5563791
I S/o,D/o,W/o, Resident
of hereby solemnly affirm and declare as under:
1. That I will agree to abide by the terms and conditions of the Public Procurement (Preference to Make in India) Order, 2017 (hereinafter PPP-MII order) of Government of India issued vide Notification No:P-45021/2/2017 -BE-II dated 04/06/2020, its revision dated 16/09/2020 and any subsequent modifications/Amendments, if any and
2. That the information furnished hereinafter is correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and I undertake to produce relevant records before the procuring entity/AAI or any other Government authority for the purpose of assessing the local content of goods/services/works supplied by me for “SITC of Lightning, Surge protection and Earthing system for critical CNS facilities at Belagavi Airport, Belagavi”.
3. That the local content for all inputs which constitute the said goods/services/works has been verified by me and I am responsible for the correctness of the claims made therein.
4. That the goods/services/works supplied by me for “SITC of Lightning, Surge protection and Earthing system for critical CNS facilities at Belagavi Airport, Belagavi” meets the ‘Minimum Local Content ‘as defined in the PPPMII order & the overall Local Content is %.
5. That the value addition for the purpose of meeting the ‘Minimum Local Content ‘has been made at following
location: -
S. No | Item Description | Location at which value addition has been made (Full Address) | Local Content % |
1 | Conventional Lightning Arrestor | ||
2 | Frangible Fibre Reinforced Plastic (FRP) poles of 8 Mtrs | ||
3 | Frangible Fibre Reinforced Plastic (FRP) poles of 5 Mtrs | ||
4 | Frangible Fibre Reinforced Plastic (FRP) poles of 4mtrs | ||
5 | Single core multi stranded 75 Sq mm Copper wire | ||
6 | Single Phase Integrated Type I plus II SPD | ||
7 | 32A Series Filter with bypass switch | ||
8 | 64A Three Phase series Filter | ||
9 | Single phase Type II SPD | ||
10 | Enclosure for Type 1+2 SPD, Type 2 SPD and Series Filter | ||
11 | N-type RF surge protector (N-type Male to N-type Female) for VHF range | ||
12 | UHF connector RF surge protector (UHF Male to UHF Female) for VHF range |
13 | SMA connector RF surge protector (SMA Female to SMA Male) for VHF range | ||
14 | RJ45 surge protector for LAN protection | ||
15 | RS232 Data line surge protector (DB9/DB25) | ||
16 | Krone LSA-PLUS Telephone line surge protectors | ||
17 | Copper plate of size 600 mm × 600 mm × 3.15 mm | ||
18 | Copper Strip 25x3 mm | ||
19 | Copper Strip 25x2 mm | ||
20 | SALT | ||
21 | Charcoal | ||
22 | Heavy Duty 40 mm PVC Pipe of 3 Mtrs length | ||
23 | Earth inspection Chamber with cover | ||
24 | Earth pit equipotential Bus Bar of size 600X25X6 mm (min.) and 90% purity | ||
25 | Main equipotential earth Busbar (MEEB) of size 300X25X6 mm (min.) and 90% purity | ||
26 | Sub Equipotential earth busbar (SEEB) of size 350X25X6 mm (min.) and 90% purity | ||
27 | Single core multi stranded 35 Sqmm Copper cable | ||
28 | Single core multi stranded 16 Sqmm Copper cable | ||
29 | Single core multi stranded 10 Sqmm Copper cable | ||
30 | Single core multi stranded 6 Sqmm Copper cable | ||
31 | Single core multi stranded 3 Sqmm Copper cable | ||
32 | GI Pipe of 6 Inch diameter | ||
33 | GI Pipe of 3 Inch diameter | ||
34 | SS clamp type cable tie | ||
35 | SS channel type 1 feet cable tray | ||
36 | SS channel type 6 Inch cable tray |
6. I / We also understand that false declarations will be in breach of the Code of Integrity under Rule 175(1) (i)(h) of the General Financial Rules for which a bidder or its successors can be debarred for upto two years as per Rule 151
(iii) of the General Financial Rules along with such other actions as may be permissible under law.
7. I agree to maintain the following information in the Company's record for a period of 10 years and shall make this available for verification to any statutory authority.
i. Name and details of the Local Supplier (Registered Office, Manufacturing unit location, nature of legal entity)
ii. Date on which this certificate is issued
iii. Goods/services/works for which the certificate is produced
iv. Procuring entity to whom the certificate is furnished
v. Percentage of local content claimed and whether it meets the Minimum Local Content prescribed
vi. Name and contact details of the unit of the Local Supplier (s)
vii. Sale Price of the product
viii. Ex-Factory Price of the product
ix. Freight, insurance and handling
x. Total Bill of Material
xi. List and total cost value of input used to manufacture the Goods/to provide services/in construction of works
xii. List and total cost of input which are domestically sourced. Value addition certificates from suppliers, if the input is not in-house to be attached
xiii. List and cost of inputs which are imported, directly or indirectly
For and on behalf of (Name of firm/entity)
Authorized signatory (To be duly authorized by the Board of Directors)
<Inset Name, Designation & Contact No>
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Annexure-IX: - Proforma For Submitting Undertaking For GST
(To be submitted in company letter head)
The Deputy General Manager (CNS), Airports Authority of India,
Belagavi Airport, Belagavi, Karnataka-591124.
Subject: GST Undertaking Letter.
Name of Work | :- | “SITC of Lightning, Surge protection and Earthing system for critical CNS facilities at Belagavi Airport, Belagavi” |
GeM Bid No: - GEM/2024/B/5563791
I/we are registered under GST No. and undertake that in case of non- compliance of GST provisions and blockage of any input tax credit, I/we shall be responsible for the same and shall indemnify AAI for the loss, if any, suffered by AAI.
Thanking you. Yours faithfully Signature of Bidder
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Annexure -X: Proforma For Offered Make/Model Of The Products/ Supplies
(To be submitted on Company Letter Head)
Date: -
Name of Work | :- | “SITC of Lightning, Surge protection and Earthing system for critical CNS facilities at Belagavi Airport, Belagavi” |
GeM Bid No: - GEM/2024/B/5563791
S. No. | Items Title | Make | Model | Remarks |
1 | Conventional Lightning Arrestor | |||
2 | Frangible Fibre Reinforced Plastic (FRP) poles of 8 Mtrs. | |||
3 | Frangible Fibre Reinforced Plastic (FRP) poles of 5 Mtrs | |||
4 | Frangible Fibre Reinforced Plastic (FRP) poles of 4 Mtrs | |||
5 | Single core multi stranded 75 Sq mm Copper wire | |||
6 | Single Phase Integrated Type I plus II SPD | |||
7 | 32A Series Filter with bypass switch | |||
8 | 64A Three Phase series Filter | |||
9 | Single phase Type II SPD | |||
10 | Enclosure for Type 1+2 SPD, Type 2 SPD and Series Filter | |||
11 | N-type RF surge protector (N-type Male to N-type Female) for VHF range | |||
12 | UHF connector RF surge protector (UHF Male to UHF Female) for VHF range | |||
13 | SMA connector RF surge protector (SMA Female to SMA Male) for VHF range | |||
14 | RJ45 surge protector for LAN protection | |||
15 | RS232 Data line surge protector (DB9/DB25) | |||
16 | Krone LSA-PLUS Telephone line surge protectors | |||
17 | Copper plate of size 600 mm × 600 mm × 3.15 mm | |||
18 | Copper Strip 25x3 mm | |||
19 | Copper Strip 25x2 mm | |||
20 | Heavy Duty 40 mm PVC Pipe of 3 Mtrs length | |||
21 | Earth pit equipotential Bus Bar of size 600X25X6 mm (min.) and 90% purity | |||
22 | Main equipotential earth Busbar (MEEB) of size 300X25X6 mm (min.) and 90% purity | |||
23 | Sub Equipotential earth busbar (SEEB) of size 350X25X6 mm (min.) and 90% purity | |||
24 | Single core multi stranded 35 Sqmm Copper cable | |||
25 | Single core multi stranded 16 Sqmm Copper cable | |||
26 | Single core multi stranded 10 Sqmm Copper cable | |||
27 | Single core multi stranded 6 Sqmm Copper cable | |||
28 | Single core multi stranded 3 Sqmm Copper cable |
Signature of the Bidder) with rubber stamp
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Annexure-XI: - Proforma Of Performance Bank Guarantee
(To be stamped in accordance with Stamp Act)
(The non-judicial stamp paper should be in the name of issuing Bank)
Bank Guarantee No:
Airports Authority of India, Deputy General Manager (CNS), O/o Airport Director,
Belagavi Airport, Belagavi, Karnataka-591124
Subject: Performance Bank Guarantee
Name of Work | :- | “SITC of Lightning, Surge protection and Earthing system for critical CNS facilities at Belagavi Airport, Belagavi” |
GeM Bid No: - GEM/2024/B/5563791
Dear Xxx,
In consideration of the Airports Authority Of India (hereinafter referred to as the Owner", which expression shall unless repugnant to the context or meaning thereof include its successors, administrators and assigns) having awarded to M/s (hereinafter referred to as the 'Contractor', which expression shall unless repugnant to the context of meaning thereof, include its successors, administrators executors and assigns), a contract. Bearing No. dated valued at for and the contractor having (scope of contract) agreed to provide a Contract Performance of the entire Contract equivalent to
(5 per cent) of the said value of the Contract to the Owner. We at
(hereinafter referred to as the 'BANK', which expression shall, unless repugnant to the context or meaning thereof, include the successors, administrators, executors and assigns) do hereby guarantee and undertake to pay the Owner, on demand any and all money payable by the Contractor to the extent of
as aforesaid at any time up to (day/month/year) without any demur, reservation, contest, recourse or protest and/or without any reference to the Contractor. Any such demand made by the owner the Bank shall be conclusive and binding notwithstanding any difference between the owner and contractor or any dispute pending before any court, tribunal or any authority.
The Bank undertakes not to revoke this guarantee during its currency without previous consent of the owner and further agrees that the guarantee herein contained shall continue to be enforceable till the owner discharges this guarantee. The Owner shall have the fullest liberty, without affecting in any way the liability of the Bank under this guarantee, to postpone from time to time the exercise of any powers vested in then or of any right which they might have against the Contractor, And to exercise the same at any time in any manner, and either to enforce or to forebear to enforce any covenants, contained or implied, in the Contract between the Owner and the Contractor or any other course of or remedy or security available to the Owner. The Bank shall not be released of its obligations under these presents by any exercise by the Owner or by any other matters or thing whatsoever which under law would, but for this provision, have the effect of relieving the Bank. The Bank also agrees that the Owner at its option shall be entitled to enforce this Guarantee against the Bank as a principal debtor, in the first instance without proceeding against the Contractor and notwithstanding any security or other guarantee that the Owner may have in relation to the Contractors liabilities.
Apart from other guarantees this Bank Guarantee explicitly provides for the following:
a) The Hardware / Software where the major spares involved under the contract and services shall be free from all defects / bugs and upon written notice from AAI, the successful bidder shall fully remedy, free of expenses to AAI, all such defects / bug as developed under the normal use of the said hardware / software within the period of guarantee/Warranty/AMC.
b) The performance guarantee is intended to secure the performance of the entire system. However, it is not to be construed as limiting the damages stipulated in any other clause.
Notwithstanding anything mentioned herein above our liability under this guarantee is restricted to Rs.
_ and it shall remain in force up to and including and shall be extended from time to time for such period (not exceeding Two year), as may be desired by M/s on whose behalf this guarantee has been given.
Dated this --------- day of ------- 2024 at -----
Signature ------------- Signature ----------
Name (Bank's Rubber Stamp)
Official address ------------ Name -------------
Designation with Bank Stamp Attorney as per Power of Attorney No.
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(To be submitted to Bank by L-1 Bidder while submitting the documents for issuing of PBG)
The Manager, (Bank), (Branch)
Subject: Inclusion of unique identifier code of AAI while transmitting BG cover messages where beneficiary bank is ICICI Bank (IFSC code– ICIC0000007).
Dear Sir/Madam,
I/We, , request you to include unique identifier AAIRHQ SR in field 7037 of the SFMS cover messages IFN COV 760 (for BG issuance) and IFN COV 767 (for BG amendment) while transmitting the same to the beneficiary bank (ICICI Bank-IFSC code- ICIC0000007).
Note: - Unique Identifier is AAIRHQ SR i.e. Space between AAIRHQ & SR
Thanking You,
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Annexure-XIII: - Proforma for Extension of Time / Performance Notice
1. Name of the Contractor
Application for Extension of Time PART-I
2. Name of the work as given in the agreement
3. Agreement No.
4. Contract Amount
5. Date of Commencement of work as per agreement
6. Period allowed for completion of work as per agreement
7. Date of completion stipulated in agreement
8. Date of actual completion of work
9. Period for which extension is applied for.
10. Hindrances on account of which extension is applied for with dates on which hindrances occurred and the period for which these are likely to last.
Sl. No | Name of Hindrance | Date of occurrence of hindrance | Date of over of hindrance | Period of hindrance | Overlapping Period | Net extension applied for | Remarks if any |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
Total period for which extension is now applied for on account of hindrances mentioned above.
Month Days
11. Extension of time required for extra work.
12. Details of extra work and the amount involved: -
13. Total extension of time required for 10 & 11.
Submitted to the Project Leader .
Signature & Stamp
(For Official Use)
1. Date of receipt of application from M/s Contractor for the work of “SITC of Lightning, Surge protection and Earthing system for critical CNS facilities at Belagavi Airport, Belagavi” in the office of the Deputy General Manager (CNS), AAI, Belagavi Airport, Southern Region.
2. Recommendations of the project Leader as to whether the reasons given by the contractor are correct and what extension, if any, is recommended by him. If he does not recommend the extension, reasons for rejection should be given.
Dated: Signature of the Installation In-Charge
(To be filled in by the Project Leader)
1. Date of receipt in the Office: -
2. Project Leader’s remarks regarding xxxxxxxxxx mentioned by the contractor.
i. Serial No
ii. Nature of hindrance
iii. Date of occurrence of hindrance
iv. Period for which hindrance is likely to last
v. Extension of time applied for by the contractor
vi. Overlapping period, if any, giving reference to items which overlap
vii. Net period for which extension is recommended
viii. Remarks as to why the hindrance occurred and justification for extension recommended.
3. Project Leader’s Recommendations. The present progress of the work should be stated and whether the work is likely to be completed by the date up to which extension has been applied for. If extension of time is not recommended, what compensation is proposed to be levied under Clause10 of the agreement?
Signature of Project Leader
Signature of Accepting Authority
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Annexure-XIV: - Proforma for Intimation of Force Majeure
Format for Intimation of Force Majeure Occurrence
Date: -
The Deputy General Manager (CNS), Airports Authority of India,
Belagavi Airport, Belagavi, Karnataka-591124.
Name of Work | :- | “SITC of Lightning, Surge protection and Earthing system for critical CNS facilities at Belagavi Airport, Belagavi” |
GeM Bid No: - GEM/2024/B/5563791
Subject: Intimation regarding Force Majeure Case:
Pursuant to Clause No. 10 - FORCE MAJEURE of Section-III, it is for your kind information that a case of force majeure has since occurred. Details are given below:
Date of occurrence | Detail of Incident | Activity affected | Likely Delay | Requested Extension |
We are entitled to an extension in the date of completion as requested above. Please approve the extension in the time. Evidence of the date of occurrence is also enclosed.
It is certified that performance of the Contract has been interfered with. It is also certified that the incident has not occurred due to our own action and that there has not been any lack of action by us in preventing the occurrence.
We are only claiming the extension in the date of completion of the activity (ies) and not claiming the loss incurred in the course of the incident.
Yours truly,
(Project Leader)
1. Evidence of the occurrence of the Force Majeure case (…. sheets)
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Annexure-XV: - Proforma for Provisional Completion Certificate
Provisional Completion Certificate
Name of Work | :- | “SITC of Lightning, Surge protection and Earthing system for critical CNS facilities at Belagavi Airport, Belagavi” |
GeM Bid No: - GEM/2024/B/5563791
Worksite Address | |
Name & Address of issuing Officer | |
Details of work Executed | |
Work Executed by | |
Name of work (with brief particulars / Brief Scope) | |
PO No. | |
Date of commencement of work | |
Stipulated date of completion | |
Actual Date of Completion /Pre-Closed | |
Details of compensation levied for delay, if any | |
Tendered / PO Amount | |
Gross amount of completed work. | |
List of deficiencies / Defects observed. |
(Project Manager - AAI) Airports Authority of India
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Annexure-XVI: - Proforma for Completion Certificate
Completion Certificate
Name of Work | :- | “SITC of Lightning, Surge protection and Earthing system for critical CNS facilities at Belagavi Airport, Belagavi” |
GeM Bid No: - GEM/2024/B/5563791
Worksite Address | |
Name & Address of issuing Officer | |
Details of work Executed | |
Work Executed by | |
Name of work (with brief particulars / Brief Scope) | |
PO No. | |
Date of commencement of work | |
Stipulated date of completion | |
Actual Date of Completion /Pre-Closed | |
Details of compensation levied for delay, if any | |
Tendered / PO Amount | |
Gross amount of completed work. | |
Completion Comments. | All Components of Work Completed Successfully. |
(Project Manager - AAI) Airports Authority of India
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(To be submitted in company letter head)
Date: -
Subject: Self Declaration u/s 206AB/206CCA of ‘The Income Tax Act, 1961 regarding Deduction/Collection of Tax
(To be submitted by L-1 Bidder along with Invoice)
With reference to the above subject matter, we, Company Name (PAN XXXXXXXXXX) hereby confirm that; we have filed Income Tax Returns for below mentioned immediately preceding Financial Years relevant to the year of declaration i.e. FY 2021-22 (as per para 3 of Circular no. 11 of 2021 dated 21.06.2021).
Financial Year | Whether aggregate amount of TDS & TCS is more than Rs.50,000 | Due Date of Filing of ITR | Actual Date of Filing of ITR | ITR-V Acknowledgement No. |
2023-24 | ||||
2022-23 | ||||
2021-22 |
We have read and understood the provisions of Section 206AB/206CCA of the Act and related applicable rules, notifications, circulars. Further, above mentioned PAN and Income Tax returns details are correct.
‘We, Company Name, authorize our Customer/Sellers to recover the differential tax at higher rates along with applicable interest and penalties in case above mentioned information is proved to be incorrect.
While submitting this declaration, it is requested to consider us to be compliant with the requirements of the Section 206AB/206CCA of the Act and deduct/collect tax at appropriate rates.
Authorized person signature & stamp
Name: Designation:
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Annexure -XVIII: Proforma for Installation cum Site Acceptance Test Report
Installation cum Site Acceptance Test Report
Name of Work | :- | “SITC of Lightning, Surge protection and Earthing system for critical CNS facilities at Belagavi Airport, Belagavi” |
GeM Bid No: - GEM/2024/B/5563791
Name of Vender:
Date of work completion:
S. No | Description of Items | Unit | Ordered Qty | Delivered Qty | Installed Qty. | Stock, if applicable | Remarks |
Vendor Airport Authority of India,
(Authorized Signatory) (Authorized Signatory)
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Annexure -XIX: Performa For Agreement by L -1 Bidder
(To be submitted on Non-Judicial stamp paper of Rs.100/-)
(To be signed by L-1 Bidder after award of work)
Name of Work | :- | “SITC of Lightning, Surge protection and Earthing system for critical CNS facilities at Belagavi Airport, Belagavi” |
GeM Bid No: - GEM/2024/B/5563791
Agreement No. AAI/VOBM/CNS/CONTRACT/2024-25/ Dated:
1. This Agreement made on between Airports Authority of India, a statutory corporation Incorporate under Airports Authority of India act, 1994 having its head office at Xxxxx Xxxxxx Bhavan, Safdarjung Airport, New Delhi – 110003 and office at Belagavi Airport through its Deputy General Manager(CNS), Airports Authority of India, Belagavi Airport, Office of the Airport Director, Belagavi Airport, Belagavi, Karnataka-591124, hereinafter called “AAI” which expression shall include the Administrators, Successor, Executive and assign, on the one part and hereinafter called the “Contractor” expression shall include the Administrator, Successors, and Executors and permitted assigns on the other part.
2. Whereas, AAI is desirous of getting the work of “SITC of Lightning, Surge protection and Earthing system for critical CNS facilities at Belagavi Airport, Belagavi” (hereinafter called “WORK”) and whereas
; has submitted vide their offer in GeM Bid No. , and the AAI accepted their aforesaid offer & awarded the work to M/s as per the terms and conditions contained in its GeM contract issued vide Contract No.- and documents referred as therein, which have been accepted by , resulting into a “CONTRACT”.
Article 1.0 Work Order:
Airports Authority of India had awarded the contract to ; for the
contained as in Annexure of the purchase order no , dated with the terms and conditions contained in its award letter no. , dated and documents referred as therein. The award has taken effect from
. The terms and expressions used in this agreement shall have the same meaning as are assigned to them
in the “CONTRACT DOCUMENT” referred to this succeeding article.
The contract shall be performed strictly as per the terms and conditions as per NIT. The following documents attached
herewith (hereinafter referred to as “CONTRACT DOCUMENT”).
1. GeM Bid Ref. No.
2. Technical Bid of received through GeM Portal and opened on .
3. Financial Bid of received through GeM Portal and opened on .
All the aforesaid contract documents contain condition as mentioned against individual and are initialed by both the parties by their authorized representatives.
All the aforesaid contract documents shall form an integral part of this agreement, in so far as the same or any part thereof confirm to the tender and what has been specially agreed to by the owner in its letter of award. Any matter inconsistent therewith, contrary or repugnant there to or any deviation taken by the contactor in its “proposal” not agreed by the owner in its letter of award shall be deemed to have been withdrawn by the contactor unless justified and mutually agreed by both the parties. For the sake of brevity, this agreement along with its aforesaid contract documents shall be referred to as the “AGREEMENT”
a) The scope of contract, consideration, terms of payment, period of completion, defects liability period, taxes wherever applicable, Insurance, liquidated damages and all other terms and condition are contained in the aforesaid contract document. The contractor shall duly perform the contract strictly and faithfully in accordance with terms of agreement.
b) The agreement constitutes full and complete understanding between the parties and the term of the presents. It shall supersede all prior correspondence to the extent inconsistency or repugnancy to the terms and conditions contained in the agreement. Any modification of the agreement shall be affected only by a written instruction signed by the authorized Representation of both the parties.
If a dispute of any kind whatsoever arises between AAI and the Contractor in connection with, or arising out of the Contract or the execution of the works, whether during the execution of the Works or after their completion and whether before or after repudiation or after termination of the contract, including any disagreement by either party with any action, inaction, opinion, instruction, determination, certificate or valuation of the Project Leader or his nominee, the matter in dispute shall, in first place be referred to the Dispute Resolution Committee (DRC) appointed by the Executive Director / Member (Planning) / Chairman, Airports Authority of India. It is also a term of contract that fees and other expense if payable to DRC shall be paid equally by both the parties i.e. AAI and Contractor. The disputes will firstly be settled by the DRC, failing which any party may invoke arbitration clause.
Unless the Contract has already been repudiated or terminated or frustrated, the Contractor shall in every case, continue to proceed with the works with all due diligence and the Contractor and AAI shall give effect forthwith to every decision of the Project Leader or his nominee unless and until the same shall be revised, as hereinafter provided, by the DRC or in an Arbitral Award.
It is also a term of contract that If the contractor does not make any demand for Dispute Resolution Committee in respect of any claim in writing within 90 (Ninety) days of receiving the intimation from the AAI that the bill is ready for payment, the claim of contractor(s) will be deemed to have been waved and absolutely barred and the AAI shall be discharged and released of all liabilities under the contract in respect of these claims.
Article 4.1 ARBITATION & LAW:
Except where the decision has become final, binding and conclusive in terms of Settlement of Disputes as mentioned above in this section, disputes or differences shall be referred for adjudication through arbitration by a sole arbitrator appointed by the Member (Ops) / Chairman, AAI. If the arbitrator so appointed is unable or unwilling to act or resigns his appointment or vacates his office due to any reason whatsoever, another sole arbitrator shall be appointed in the manner aforesaid. Such person shall be entitled to proceed with the reference from the stage at which it was left by his predecessor.
It is also a term of contract that If the contractor does not make any demand for appointment of Arbitrator in respect of any claim in writing within 120 (One hundred Twenty) days of receiving the decision / award from Dispute
Resolution Committee, the claim of contractor(s) will be deemed to have been waved and absolutely barred and the AAI shall be discharged and released of all liabilities under the contract in respect of these claims.
It is term of this contract that the party invoking arbitration shall give a list of disputes with amounts claimed in respect of each such disputes along with the notice for appointment of arbitrator and giving reference to the rejection of their claims by the Dispute Resolution Committee.
It is also a term of this contract that no person, other than a person appointed by above mentioned appointing authority, should act as arbitrator and if for any reason that is not possible, the matter shall not be referred to arbitration at all.
The arbitration shall be conducted in accordance with the provisions of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 (26 of 1996) or any statutory modification or re-enactment thereof and the rules made there under and for the time being in force shall apply to the arbitration proceeding under this clause.
It is also a term of this contract that the arbitrator shall adjudicate on only such disputes as are referred to him by the appointing authority and give separate award against each dispute and claim referred to him and, in all cases, where the total amount of the claims by any party exceeds Rs.1,00,000/-, the arbitrator shall give reasons for the award.
It is also a term of the contract that if any fees are payable to the arbitrator, these shall be paid equally by both the parties.
It is also a term of the contract that the arbitrator shall be deemed to have entered on the reference on the date he issues notice to both the parties calling them to submit their statement of claims and counter statement of claims. The venue of the arbitration shall be such place as may be fixed by the arbitrator in his sole discretion. The fees, if any, of the arbitrator shall, if required to be paid before the award is made and published, be paid half and half by each of the parties. The cost of the reference and of the award (including the fees, if any, of the arbitrator) shall be in the discretion of the arbitrator who may direct to any by whom and in what manner, such costs or any part thereof shall be paid and fix or settle the amount of costs to be so paid.
Indian laws shall govern this contract.
Article 4.2 NOTICE OF Defaults:
Notice of defaults given by either party to the other party under the agreement shall be in writing and shall deemed to have been duly and properly served up on the parties there to if delivered against acknowledgment, duly addressed to the signatories at the address mentioned herein above.
This Contract Agreement is allotted the number No.
In WITNESS thereof, the parties through their duly authorized representative have executed those presents (execution thereof has been approved by the competent authorities of both the parties) on the day, month and year first mentioned at Belagavi.
WITNESS 1. 2. | Owner’s Signature: Printed Name: Designation: |
Company Stamp: | |
1. 2. | Contractor’s Name: Printed Name: Designation: Company’s Stamp: |
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Annexure -XX: Proforma for Undertaking by L1 Bidder/ Agency re garding GST
(On Company Letter Head)
(To be submitted by L1 agency)
Date: -
The Deputy General Manager (CNS), Airports Authority of India,
Belagavi Airport, Belagavi, Karnataka-591124.
Name of Work | :- | “SITC of Lightning, Surge protection and Earthing system for critical CNS facilities at Belagavi Airport, Belagavi” |
GeM Bid No: - GEM/2024/B/5563791
Subject: Undertaking by L1 Agency / Bidder Regarding GST. Sir,
1. The agency / bidder is registered under GST and is fully compliant with GST provisions.
2. The GSTIN No for my agency/company.
3. In case of non-compliance of GST and blockage of any input credit, I/We shall be responsible to indemnify Airports Authority of India.
4. I/ We shall pass all the input credits to Airports Authority of India.
Yours faithfully,
Signature with rubber stamp
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Annexure-XXI: Technical Specification Compliance
(To be submitted on company Letter Head)
Name of Work | :- | “SITC of Lightning, Surge protection and Earthing system for critical CNS facilities at Belagavi Airport, Belagavi” |
Item No.-1- Conventional Lightning Arrestor | ||
Make & Model | ||
S. No. | Minimum technical specification | Compliance (Yes/No) |
1 | Solid copper rod (Franklin ROD) (1-Inch diameter X 2 Meters Length) with minimum 4 no. of solid Copper fins and SS accessories for mounting on FRP poles | |
2 | Purity not less than 90% |
Item No.-2,3,4- Frangible Fibre Reinforced Plastic (FRP) poles of 8 Meters, 5 Meters and 4 Meters | |||
Make & Model | |||
S. No. | Minimum technical specification | Compliance (Yes/No) | |
1 | Frangible Fibre Reinforced Plastic (FRP) poles with GI base plate for Installation of lightning arrestors of Length 8 meter, 5 Meters and 4 Meters. | ||
2 | Outer diameter | 100 mm | |
3 | Thickness | Not less than 5 mm | |
4 | Mounting for FRP | GI base plate of 200x200x10 mm base with 4 Nos of SS Anchor Bolt of 255 mm length and suitable SS nuts | |
5 | FRP poles Should be painted with U V stabilized Poly Urethane paint of Red and White colour alternatively for clear vision of the pole. |
Item No.-5- Single core multi stranded 75 Sq mm Copper wire | ||
Make & Model | ||
S. No. | Minimum technical specification | Compliance (Yes/No) |
1 | PVC insulated single Core Multi stranded 75 Sq mm Copper cable with copper core of 75 Sq mm cross section. | |
2 | Cable should have purity not less than 90% | |
3 | The cable should be fire resistant, RoHS compliant, anti-termite, anti-rodent and suitable for earthing system. | |
4 | The standard color for earthing cable shall be green or green-yellow. | |
5 | The cable should be ISI marked. | |
6 | Test report in respect of the purity of copper cable should be submitted. |
Item No.-6,7- Concrete base for erecting FRP poles of 4 Mtrs, 5 Mtrs and 8 Mtrs | ||
Make & Model | ||
S. No. | Minimum technical specification | Compliance (Yes/No) |
1 | Concrete base for 4 and 8 Meter FRP poles should be Cast in situ RCC 600x600x600 mm and should be finished as per Industry standard. | |
2 | Concrete base for 5 Meter FRP poles should be Cast in situ RCC 800x800x800 mm and should be finished as per Industry standard. |
Item No.-8- Single Phase Integrated Type I plus II SPD | |||
Make & Model | |||
S. No. | Minimum technical specification | Compliance (Yes/No) | |
1 | SPD Type | Type1+Type2 | |
2 | SPD Configuration | Single phase | |
3 | Network | 230V | |
4 | Nominal frequency fN | 50 Hz | |
5 | Mounting | 35mm DIN rail | |
6 | Mode of protection | L-N, L-PE, N-PE | |
7 | Nominal line voltage Un | 230Vac | |
8 | Max. continuous operating voltage Uc (L-N) | 255-335 Vac | |
9 | Lightning impulse current Iimp 10/350 µs (L-N) | 25 kA | |
10 | Lightning impulse current Iimp 10/350 µs (NPE) | 50 kA | |
11 | Total Lightning impulse current Iimp 10/350 µs (L+N- PE) Itotal | 50 kA | |
12 | Nominal discharge current In (8/20) μs (L-N) | 25 KA | |
13 | Nominal discharge current In (8/20) μs (NPE) | 50 KA | |
14 | Maximum discharge current Imax (8/20) μs Imax | 50KA | |
15 | Response Time | ≤ 100ns | |
16 | Voltage Protection level Up (L-N) | ˂ 1.6 KV | |
17 | Technology between L-N & N-PE | MOV/Spark gap | |
18 | Connection type | Parallel | |
19 | Operating state / fault indication | Green/Red (Mechanical Indication) | |
20 | Cross-sectional area | 35 sq mm stranded/ 25 sq mm flexible | |
21 | Accessories (Cable, lugs, screw, nuts) | Included | |
22 | Operating temperature range (Tu) | -40 to +80 °C | |
23 | Degree of protection | IP20 |
24 | Standard | IS 16463-11/EN 61643-11 / IEC 61643-11 | |
25 | Certification | KEMA KEUR/ EAC/VDE/OVE/ UL Certified or from National Certification body of IECEE or from NABL/ ILAC Accredited Lab Conforming to the Specification | |
26 | Warranty | 5 years | |
27 | Relevant Certification/Test report should be submitted. |
Item No.-9- 32A Series Filter with bypass switch | |||
Make & Model | |||
S. No. | Minimum technical specification | Compliance (Yes/No) | |
1 | Nominal Voltage | 320 Vrms, 230VAC | |
2 | Maximum continuous operating voltage | 275 Vac | |
3 | Operating Frequency | 50 Hz | |
4 | Connection Type | Series | |
5 | Current rating | 32A | |
6 | Design Corresponding to | UL1283, CSA 22.2 No.8 and IEC 60939 | |
7 | Flammability corresponding to | UL 94 V-0 or better | |
8 | Mounting | Din rail/back panel screw mount | |
9 | Accessories (Cable, lugs, screw, nuts) | Included | |
10 | Degree of Protection | IP20 | |
11 | Location category | Indoor | |
12 | Certification | UL/KEMA or from National Certification body of IECEE or from NABL/ ILAC Accredited Lab Conforming to the Specification | |
13 | Operating Temperature | −10°C to 60°C | |
14 | Warranty | 5 years | |
15 | Relevant Certification/Test report should be submitted. |
Item No.-10- 64A Three Phase series Filter | |||
Make & Model | |||
S. No. | Minimum technical specification | Compliance (Yes/No) | |
1 | Nominal Voltage | 320 Vrms, 230VAC |
2 | Maximum continuous operating voltage | 275 V | |
3 | Operating Frequency | 50 Hz | |
4 | Connection Type | Series | |
5 | Current rating | 64 A | |
6 | Design Corresponding to | UL1283, CSA 22.2 No.8 and IEC 60939 | |
7 | Flammability corresponding to | UL 94 V-0 or better | |
8 | Mounting | Din rail/back panel screw mount | |
9 | Accessories (Cable, lugs, screw, nuts) | Included | |
10 | Degree of Protection | IP20 or better | |
11 | Location category | Indoor | |
12 | Certification | UL/KEMA or from National Certification body of IECEE or from NABL/ ILAC Accredited Lab Conforming to the Specification | |
13 | Operating Temperature | − 10°C to 60°C | |
14 | Warranty | 5 years | |
15 | Relevant Certification/Test report should be submitted. |
Item No.-11- Single phase Type II SPD | |||
Make & Model | |||
S. No. | Minimum technical specification | Compliance (Yes/No) | |
1 | SPD Type | Type-2 | |
2 | SPD Configuration | Single phase | |
3 | Network | 230 V Single phase | |
4 | Nominal frequency fN | 50 Hz | |
5 | Mounting | 35mm DIN rail | |
6 | Mode of protection | L-N, L-PE, N-PE | |
7 | Nominal line voltage Un | 230 Vac | |
8 | Max. AC operating voltage Uc | 255-335 Vac | |
9 | Nominal discharge current In (8/20) μs | ≥ 20KA | |
10 | Maximum discharge current Imax (8/20) μs | ≥ 40KA | |
11 | Response Time (L-N) | ≤ 25ns | |
12 | Response Time (L-PE) | ≤ 100ns | |
13 | Response Time (N-PE) | ≤ 100ns | |
14 | Voltage Protection level Up (L-N) | ˂ 1.6 KV | |
15 | Short-circuit current rating ISCCR | 25 kA |
16 | Operating state / fault indication | Green/Red | |
17 | Cross-sectional area | 35 sq mm stranded/ 25 sq mm flexible | |
18 | Accessories (Cable, lugs, screw, nuts) | Included | |
19 | Operating temperature range (Tu) | -40 to +80 °C | |
20 | Degree of protection | IP20 | |
21 | Standard | IS 16463-11/EN 61643-11 / IEC 61643- 11 | |
22 | Certification | KEMA KEUR/ EAC/VDE/OVE/ UL Certified or from National Certification body of IECEE or from NABL/ ILAC Accredited Lab Conforming to the Specification | |
23 | Warranty | 5 years | |
24 | Relevant Certification/Test report should be submitted. |
Item No.-12- Enclosure for Type 1+2 SPD, Type 2 SPD and Series Filter | |||
Make & Model | |||
S. No. | Minimum technical specification | Compliance (Yes/No) | |
1 | Enclosure Material | IK8/IK10 rated Thermoplastic Glass fiber reinforced Polycarbonate enclosure with polycarbonate transparent cover with pad locking | |
2 | IP rating | IP66 | |
3 | Flame retardant | yes |
Item No.-13- N-type RF surge protector (N-type male to N-type female) for VHF range | |||
Item No.-14-UHF connector RF surge protector (UHF male to UHF female) for VHF range | |||
Item No.-15 SMA connector RF surge protector (SMA Female to SMA Male) for VHF range | |||
Make & Model | |||
S. No. | Minimum technical specification | Compliance (Yes/No) | |
1 | Connection Method | 50 Ω, N-Type Male to N-Type Female connector | |
50 Ω, UHF male to UHF female connector | |||
50 Ω, SMA Female to SMA Male connector | |||
2 | Frequency range | 118-136 MHZ | |
3 | VSWR | < 1.2:1 | |
4 | Return loss | ≥ 20dB | |
5 | Insertion loss | < 0.2dB | |
6 | Impedance | 50 Ω |
7 | Response time | ≤ 100 ns | |
8 | Max. discharge current Imax (8/20) μs | 20kA | |
9 | lightning impulse current (10/350 μs) | 5 kA | |
10 | Max. power | 50 Watt | |
11 | Voltage protection level | ≤ 900V | |
12 | Max load current | 2A | |
13 | Degree of protection | IP55 or better | |
14 | Housing material | Nickel/Brass/Surface plating: Cu Zn Sn | |
15 | Contacts | Brass/Bronze/Surface Au-Ag/CuZn | |
16 | Earthing connection | via bushing/ground lug | |
17 | Mounting | Feedthrough | |
18 | Operating temperature | -40 to +80 °C | |
19 | Humidity | 0-95% (R.H) | |
20 | Standard Compliance | IEC 61643-21/EN 61643-21//UL497C | |
21 | Certification | UL/EAC or from National Certification body of IECEE or from NABL/ ILAC Accredited Lab Conforming to the Specification | |
22 | Warranty | 5 years | |
23 | Relevant Certification/Test report should be submitted. |
Item No.-16- RJ45 surge protector for LAN protection | |||
Make & Model | |||
S. No. | Minimum technical specification | Compliance (Yes/No) | |
1 | SPD class | Type-2 | |
2 | Nominal voltage (UN) | 48 V | |
3 | Max. continuous operating voltage (d.c.) (Uc) | 48 V | |
4 | Max. continuous operating voltage (a.c.) (Uc) | 34 V | |
5 | Nominal current (IL) | 1 AMP | |
6 | D1 Lightning impulse current (10/350 µs) per line (Iimp) | 0.5 kA | |
7 | C2 Nominal discharge current (8/20 µs) total (In) | 10 kA | |
8 | Voltage protection level pair-pair at 1 kV/µs C3 (PoE) (UP) | ≤ 600 V | |
9 | Cut-off frequency (fG) | 250 MHz | |
10 | Operating temperature range (TU) | -40 °C to +80 °C | |
11 | For mounting on | 35 mm DIN rails acc. to EN 60715 | |
12 | Degree of protection | IP 10 |
13 | Test standards | IEC 61643-21 / EN 61643-21 / UL 497B | |
14 | Certifications | EAC/UL/CSA or from National Certification body of IECEE or from NABL/ ILAC Accredited Lab Conforming to The Specification | |
15 | Warranty | 5 years | |
16 | Relevant Certification/Test report should be submitted. |
Item No.-17- RS232 Data line surge protector (DB9/DB25) | |||
Make & Model | |||
S. No. | Minimum technical specification | Compliance (Yes/No) | |
1 | SPD Type | Type 3/ Class III | |
2 | Network | RS232 (DB9/DB15/DB25) | |
3 | Protection Mode | Common and transverse | |
4 | Insertion loss | ˂ 1 dB | |
5 | Maximum Continuous Operating Voltage, Uc | 15 V DC (DB9)/ 33.6V (DB25) or better | |
6 | Nominal discharge current (8/20 µs) | ≥ 200 A | |
7 | Voltage protection level, Up | ≤ 32 V | |
8 | Response time | ≤ 100 ns | |
9 | Capacitance | 30pf | |
10 | Degree of Protection | IP 20 | |
11 | Enclosure material | Plastic/metallised/Zinc die-cast | |
12 | Operating temperature | - 40 °C to +80 °C | |
13 | Humidity | 0 to 60 % | |
14 | Earth connection | outgoing earthing conductor | |
15 | Standard Compliance | IEC 61643-21/EN 61643-21 | |
16 | Certification | EAC/ UL/KEMA-KEUR or from National Certification body of IECEE or from NABL/ ILAC Accredited Lab Conforming to The Specification | |
17 | Warranty | 5 years | |
18 | Relevant Certification/Test report should be submitted. |
Item No.-18- Krone LSA-PLUS Telephone line surge protectors | ||
Make & Model | ||
S. No. | Minimum technical specification | Compliance (Yes/No) |
1 | Mounting | LSA PLUS disconnect strip | |
2 | Fault indication | visual, Colour change | |
3 | Maximum continuous operating voltage Uc | 180 VDC | |
4 | Total surge current (8/20) μs | 10 KA | |
5 | Total surge current (10/350) μs | 5 KA | |
6 | Capacitance | 5 pF | |
7 | Voltage protection level at 1Kv/μs | ≤800V | |
8 | Response time | ≤ 100 ns | |
9 | SPD Configuration | 10 pairs | |
10 | Insertion loss | < 1dB at 20 MHz | |
11 | Earth connection | via earth clips/mounting frame/plug | |
12 | Operating temperature | - 40 °C to +80 °C | |
13 | Standard Compliance | IEC 61643-21/EN 61643-21 | |
14 | Certification | UL/EAC or from National Certification body of IECEE or from NABL/ ILAC Accredited Lab Conforming to the Specification | |
15 | Enclosure material | ABS plastic | |
16 | Warranty | 5 years | |
17 | Relevant Certification/Test report should be submitted. |
Item No.19 to 25- Earthing system as per IS standard-3043 | ||
Make & Model | ||
S. No. | Minimum technical specification | Compliance (Yes/No) |
The earthing system should be conventional earthing using copper plates as per IS:3043 standard with provision of watering facilities. The technical specification of the component of the earthing as under- | ||
1 | Earth Pit of the Size of 1meter diameter and 3meter depth shall be excavated, after depth of 3 meter the size of excavation shall be 900X300X900mm depth for burying the copper plate i.e. (Electrode Chamber). | |
2 | A copper plate of size 600 mm × 600 mm × 3.15 mm (Plate Electrode) buried at a depth of 8 ft in vertical position with the pit filled with alternate layers of charcoal and salt up to 4 ft from bottom. The copper plate shall be of ETP grade and confirm to IS191-Part-V. | |
3 | The plate/pipe electrode, as far as practicable, shall be buried below permanent moisture level but in no case less than 2.5 meter below finished ground level. | |
4 | The copper plates shall be connected to earth strip of 25x3 mm of ETP grade (IS191-Part-V) by riveting and brazing at minimum two points and the joints shall be protected by heavy coat of bitumen. | |
5 | Earth pit shall be interconnected to each other with 25x2 mm copper strip of ETP grade (IS191-Part-V) with brazing at each of the earth pit. |
6 | Earthing strip shall be continuous for entire length. Earthing strip shall not have any cut- outs or switches or links. | |
7 | At bottom 150mm layer of salt and charcoal power shall be installed, then copper plate shall be mounted. | |
8 | Minimum of 120 Kg of Charcoal power and 120 Kg of granular Salt suitable for earthing shall be used. The earth pit should be filled with alternate use of charcoal and salt. | |
9 | PVC pipe of 40mm Diameter, length of 3m (contain hole of 12mm Diameter in Zigzag manner starting from 15cm away from bottom to 2-meter height with funnel in the top) shall be buried for watering of the earth pit. | |
10 | Schematic diagram for copper plate earthing is shown below for reference- | |
11 | Relevant Test report for the purity of the copper plate and copper strip should be submitted. |
Item No.-26- Earth inspection Chamber with cover | ||
Make & Model | ||
S. No. | Minimum technical specification | Compliance (Yes/No) |
1 | A 600X600X600 mm (inside dimension) Precast/prefabricated earthing inspection chambers should be installed at each earth pit for inspection and maintenance of the earthing. | |
2 | A Polymer cover with suitable arrangement to lift the cover shall be provided on the top of the earthing pits. The Precast/prefabricated earthing inspection chamber should be light weight and suitable for extreme weather conditions. | |
3 | The cover should be painted with black/ or of black Colour. |
4 | On backside of the cover initial date of the testing and earth pit resistance value shall be written with yellow paint on black background for reference purpose. | |
5 | Care shall be taken regarding level of the floor surrounding the earth so that the connector is not too deep in the masonry or projecting out of it. | |
6 | The chambers should have two outlet holes to interconnect the earthing pits. | |
7 | Grounding test terminal shall be installed at an appropriate location suitable for testing the earth resistance. | |
9 | Schematic diagram for copper plate earthing is shown below for reference- |
Item No.-27,28 & 29- Earth Equipotential Bus Bar | ||
Make & Model | ||
S. No. | Minimum technical specification | Compliance (Yes/No) |
1 | Earth pit equipotential Bus Bar should be of size 600X25X6 mm (min.) | |
2 | Main equipotential earth Busbar (MEEB) of size 300X25X6 mm (min.) | |
3 | Sub Equipotential earth busbar (SEEB) of size 350X25X6 mm (min.) | |
4 | Bus Bars should be of purity not less than 90%. | |
5 | The Equipotential earth bus bars (EEB) shall have pre-defined holes of suitable for termination of bonding conductors. | |
6 | The EEBs shall be insulated from the building walls. Each EEBs shall be installed on the wall with Low voltage insulator spacers of height 60mm. The insulators used for this shall have suitable insulating and fire resistance properties for this application. | |
7 | The EEBs shall be installed at the height of 200-500mm from the floor surface for ease of installation & maintenance. | |
8 | All terminations on the EEBs shall be using copper lugs with spring washers only. | |
9 | Relevant Test report for the purity of the Bus bars should be submitted. |
Item No.-30 to 34- Single core multi stranded 36Sq mm/16 Sq mm/10Sq mm/6Sq mm/3Sq mm Copper cable | ||
Make & Model | ||
S. No. | Minimum technical specification | Compliance (Yes/No) |
1 | PVC insulated single Core Multi stranded 36Sq mm/16 Sq mm/10Sq mm/6Sq mm/3Sq mm Copper cable with copper core of 36Sq mm/16 Sq mm/10Sq mm/6Sq mm/3Sq mm cross section respectively. | |
2 | Cable should have purity not less than 90%. | |
3 | The cable should be fire resistant, RoHS compliant, anti-termite, anti-rodent and suitable for earthing system. | |
4 | The standard color for earthing cable shall be green or green-yellow. | |
5 | The cable should be ISI marked. | |
6 | Relevant Test report for the purity of the copper cables should be submitted. |
Item No.-35- Xxx Xxxxxxx Points | ||
Make & Model | ||
S. No. | Minimum technical specification | Compliance (Yes/No) |
1 | Brazing should be done as per the site requirement and should be as per industry standard. | |
2 | All parts to be joined must be cleaned/degreased before brazing. | |
3 | Brazing should be done with suitable alloy to join the copper with filling the joint areas. | |
4 | All the lugs/terminations should be brazed as per AAI requirements. |
Item No.-36 & 37- GI Pipe 3 Inch/6 Inch diameter | ||
Make & Model | ||
S. No. | Minimum technical specification | Compliance (Yes/No) |
1 | Galvanized Iron (GI) Pipes should be 3Inch/ 6Inch Diameter and confirming the IS standard IS- 1239 (pt-I) 1990. |
Item No.-38- SS clamp type cable tie | ||
Make & Model | ||
S. No. | Minimum technical specification | Compliance (Yes/No) |
1 | SS cable tie of SS 304 grade should be used to tie the lightening cable to the FRP poles and wherever required. |
Item No.-39 & 40- SS channel type 6 Inch/1 feet cable tray | |
Make & Model |
S. No. | Minimum technical specification | Compliance (Yes/No) |
1 | SS channel type Perforated cable tray of width 6 Inch/1 Feet suitable for laying of signal cable and lightening cable. | |
2 | Cable tray should be stainless steel 304/316. | |
3 | The cable tray should be of thickness minimum 2mm with 50 mm or higher height. | |
4 | Cable tray should be supplied with cover, connector for extension and all accessories required for installation of cable tray on floor or wall. |
Item No.-41- laying of cable/strip/channel through wall/fall ceiling/floor etc | ||
Make & Model | ||
S. No. | Minimum technical specification | Compliance (Yes/No) |
1 | Copper cable/copper strip/channel should be laid through wall surface or/ above the false ceiling/ floor etc. as per site requirement. | |
2 | Proper clamping & fixing should be done for assuring stability & finishing, as required. | |
3 | Existing cable tray/ Raceway/ channel /trench should be used wherever required/available. |
Item No.-42-laying of copper cable/strip through digging and restoration of road, paver block, concrete etc. | ||
Make & Model | ||
S. No. | Minimum technical specification | Compliance (Yes/No) |
1 | Copper cable/strip should be laid inside the road, paver block, concrete. | |
2 | Laying through the concrete/road includes concrete/road cutting and restoration to the same using the appropriate materials to the satisfaction of AAI. | |
3 | Laying through the paver block includes removing the paver block and restoration and filling the gap if any by the appropriate materials to the satisfaction of AAI. | |
4 | Copper cable/strip should be laid at least 3 feet beneath the ground. |
Item No.-43- Supply, Installation, testing and commissioning | ||
S. No. | Requirements | Compliance (Yes/No) |
1 | All types of mounting accessories, earthing copper cables (size and length) as per requirements in addition to BOQ, copper lugs, SS/copper screws, SS/Copper nut bolts, marking, labelling, PVC conduits, Joints, Flexible conduits, Toolkit, suitable patch cord etc. shall be provided by the bidder for installation of earthing cable, RF cables, lightening arrestors, surge protectors etc. | |
2 | Cable routing, installation of EEB’s, installation of cable tray should be done as per AAI requirement. | |
3 | Mounting and connection should be done as per the industrial standard. | |
4 | The bidder should responsible to utilize the already available spares such as copper plates, copper strips, copper cables, lightening arrestor, charcoal and any other spare as per the AAI |
requirement. The bidder should also provide necessary installation accessories for installation of spares without any additional cost to AAI. | ||
5 | The bidder should repair the 12 existing earth pits with soil treatment, using a minimum of 50 kg of salt, and install earth inspection chambers and bus bars. The salt, inspection chamber and bus bars are already included in the BOQ. If necessary, excavate the soil for better soil treatment and installation. This should be done as per AAI requirements. | |
6 | Bidder should use suitable materials at their own cost to ensure the anticorrosive measure while installation and ensure the following- Earth strip should be protected against mechanical damages and corrosion. Fittings should be resistant to the corrosive agents or otherwise suitably protected. Joints and bonds should be protected with bitumen or embedded in plastic compound according to the Local conditions. | |
7 | All materials, fitting and accessories used for earthing and earthing pit should be of IS standard and ISI Make. | |
8 | The brazing points mentioned in the BOQ is minimum, bidder should braze all the termination, lug etc. as per the AAI requirement. | |
9 | The bidder should ensure SAT, documentation, Training etc. as per AAI requirement. |
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SCHEDULE -A: Schedule Of Anticipated Quantities (BOQ)
Name of Work | :- | “SITC of Lightning, Surge protection and Earthing system for critical CNS facilities at Belagavi Airport, Belagavi” |
GeM Bid No: - GEM/2024/B/5563791
S. No. | Items Title | Unit | Qty | Remarks |
1 | Conventional Lightning Arrestor | Nos. | 5 | |
2 | Frangible Fibre Reinforced Plastic (FRP) poles of 8 Mtrs | Nos. | 3 | |
3 | Frangible Fibre Reinforced Plastic (FRP) poles of 5 Mtrs | Nos. | 1 | |
4 | Frangible Fibre Reinforced Plastic (FRP) poles of 4mtrs | Nos. | 4 | |
5 | Single core multi stranded 75 Sq mm Copper wire | Mtrs | 280 | |
6 | Concrete base for erecting FRP poles of 5 Mtrs | Nos. | 1 | |
7 | Concrete base for erecting FRP poles of 4 Mtrs and 8 Mtrs | Nos. | 7 | |
8 | Single Phase Integrated Type I plus II SPD | Nos. | 4 | |
9 | 32A Series Filter with bypass switch | Nos. | 4 | |
10 | 64A Three Phase series Filter | Nos. | 3 | |
11 | Single phase Type II SPD | Nos. | 2 | |
12 | Enclosure for Type 1+2 SPD, Type 2 SPD and Series Filter | Nos. | 10 | |
13 | N-type RF surge protector (N-type Male to N-type Female) for VHF range | Nos. | 11 | |
14 | UHF connector RF surge protector (UHF Male to UHF Female) for VHF range | Nos. | 10 | |
15 | SMA connector RF surge protector (SMA Female to SMA Male) for VHF range | Nos. | 5 | |
16 | RJ45 surge protector for LAN protection | Nos. | 75 | |
17 | RS232 Data line surge protector (DB9/DB25) | Nos. | 15 | |
18 | Krone LSA-PLUS Telephone line surge protectors | Nos. | 50 | |
19 | Earth Pit | Nos. | 20 | |
20 | Copper plate of size 600 mm × 600 mm × 3.15 mm | Nos. | 14 | |
21 | Copper Strip 25x3 mm | Mtrs | 100 | |
22 | Copper Strip 25x2 mm | Mtrs | 140 | |
23 | SALT | Kg | 3000 | |
24 | Charcoal | Kg | 1920 | |
25 | Heavy Duty 40 mm PVC Pipe of 3 Mtrs length | Nos. | 20 | |
26 | Earth inspection Chamber with cover | Nos. | 32 | |
27 | Earth pit equipotential Bus Bar of size 600X25X6 mm (min.) and 90% purity | Nos. | 2 | |
28 | Main equipotential earth Busbar (MEEB) of size 300X25X6 mm (min.) and 90% purity | Nos. | 32 | |
29 | Sub Equipotential earth busbar (SEEB) of size 350X25X6 mm (min.) and 90% purity | Nos. | 10 | |
30 | Single core multi stranded 35 Sqmm Copper cable | Mtrs. | 60 | |
31 | Single core multi stranded 16 Sqmm Copper cable | Mtrs. | 400 | |
32 | Single core multi stranded 10 Sqmm Copper cable | Mtrs. | 140 | |
33 | Single core multi stranded 6 Sqmm Copper cable | Mtrs. | 100 | |
34 | Single core multi stranded 3 Sqmm Copper cable | Mtrs. | 100 | |
35 | Min Brazing Points | Nos. | 200 | |
36 | GI Pipe of 6 Inch diameter | Mtrs | 30 | |
37 | GI Pipe of 3 Inch diameter | Mtrs | 60 | |
38 | SS clamp type cable tie | Nos | 100 |