Award of Contract नमूना खंड
Award of Contract. The issue of Letter of Acceptance shall be construed as the intention of the KRCL to enter into contract with the successful bidder. The licensee shall within 15 days of issue of Letter of Acceptance, give his written acceptance along with performance security and sign the contract agreement with KRCL and commence the canteen services with immediate effect.
Award of Contract. 14.1 HLL reserves the right to terminate the contract if the services are found unsatisfactory with two months notice.
14.2 HLL reserves the right to disqualify the Security Agency for a suitable period who habitually failed to execute the services. HLL reserves the right to blacklist a bidder for a suitable period, in case, he fails to honour his bid without sufficient reasonable grounds.
14.3 The Security Agency shall strictly comply with the terms and conditions of contract. In case of violation of any of the terms, the contract shall be liable for cancellation immediately.
Award of Contract. 14.1 The acceptance of the tender will be intimated to the successful bidder by issuing letter of Intent.
14.2 On receipt of letter of intent, successful bidder shall send unconditional acceptance of letter of intent to Airport Director, AAI, Dibrugarh Airport, Mohanbari – 786012(Assam), within five working days of the issue of letter of intent through e-mail/ fax/courier/by authorized representative, failing which it should be construed that bidder is not interested in the offer and hence not accepted the letter of intent unconditionally.
14.3 AAI shall issue the work order to successful bidder on receipt of acceptance of letter of intent. Successful bidder shall return one copy of work order duly signed by him on each page, within five working days as a confirmation to acceptance of terms and conditions of work order.
14.4 Successful bidder has to enter into an agreement with AAI on all conditions mentioned in the tender, its corrigendum, queries and responses against which work order has been issued.
14.5 AAI shall be the sole judge in the matter of award of contract and the decision of AAI shall be final and binding.
14.6 AAI also reserves the right at its sole discretion not to award any order under the tender called.
Award of Contract. The Contract for the said work will be generated at Gem portal and AAI shall be the sole judge in the matter of award of contract and decision of AAI shall be final and binding.
Award of Contract. 9.8.1. The Bank would issue LoI/contract document to the shortlisted bidder(s) after completion of selection process and applying purchase preference.
9.8.2. The shortlisted bidder/s has to return the duplicate copy of LoI / contract document to the Bank within five (5) working days duly Accepted, Stamped and Signed by Authorized Signatory in token of acceptance. Failure to accept the LoI / contract document within three working days from the date of XxX makes the EMD liable for forfeiture at the discretion of the Bank. Further, the Bank would disqualify the bidder & OEM for a minimum period of 3 years for participating in future tender(s) issued by the Bank.
9.8.3. For the commissioning of the links, the Bank will issue LoI/PO in Bank’s format and sign SLA with the selected ISP and no other document will be signed by the Bank for the said purpose. The Bank reserves the right to place Purchase Order (PO) for lesser number of links/ bandwidth/ DDoS capacity as specified in this RFP document. Also, the Bank may issue multiple POs during the contract period.
Award of Contract. IIFCL reserves the right to accept or reject all bids and annul the bidding process and reject all bids at any time prior to award of contract, without thereby incurring any liability to the affected Bidder or Bidders or any obligation to inform the affected Bidder or Bidders of the ground for its action. If the succesfull Bidder backs out for signing the conract or provide non-acceptance of letter of intent/work order within the stipulated time, IIFCL reserves the right to forfeit the EMD of L1 bidder and shall cancel this tendering process. The Bidder will bear all cost associated with the preparation and submission of bid, including cost of presentation for the purposes of clarification of the bid. IIFCL will not be responsible or liable for these costs, regardless of the conduct or outcome of the bidding process. There will be no Tender Fee. However, Bidders may have to pay some charges/fees directly to the online portal for bidding process. Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) of Rs. 2,00,000 (Rs. Two Lac only) is required to be submitted for the tender, and should be in the form of online payment as per the details given in this RFP.The EMD shall be payable to India Infrastructure Finance Company Limited (IIFCL) without any condition(s), resource or reservations. i) The bid will be rejected by IIFCL in case EMD is not received by the due date. ii) The EMD of Bidders other than successful bidders will be returned within 30 (thirty) days from the date of signing of the contract. Bidder shall provide bank details including account number, IFSC code, in which EMD shall be returned, in any, on the letter head of the bidder along with bid documents. iii) The EMD of the successful Bidder will be returned after the submission of performance bank guarantee and signing of contract. iv) No interest shall be paid by IIFCL on the EMD. v) EMD is exempted for MSME bidders. vi) The EMD may be forfeited: a) If a Bidder withdraws the bid after bid opening during the period of validity; b) Upon non-acceptance of letter of intent/work order issued by IIFCL. c) In the case of successful Bidder, if the Bidder fails to sign the contract within the 30 (thirty) days from the date of issue of letter of intent/ work order or fails to commence the work within the stipulated time period prescribed in the contract or back out after the contract is awarded. IIFCL reserves the right to accept or reject all bids and / or annul the bidding process and / or reject all bids at any time prior to...