िनिवदा आमंत्रण सूचना Notice Inviting Tender
भारतीय �रज़व� ब�क
िनग�म xxxxx / ISSUE DEPARTMENT
कोलकाता �ेत्रीय काया�लय / Kolkata Regional Office
िनिवदा आमंत्रण सूचना Notice Inviting Tender
श्रेडेड कर� xx नोट िब्रके ट और अनुपयोगी व�ुओं का िनपटान
1. श्रेडेड कर�xx नोट िब्रके ट और अनुपयोगी व�ुओं के िनपटान के िलए पात्र बोलीदाताओं से भारतीय
�रज़व� ब�क, कोलकाता (इसके बाद "ब�क" के Vप म� संदिभ�त) �ारा दो भागों म� ई-िनिवदाएं आमंित्रत की जाती ह�।
2. ई-िनिवदा और िनिवदा सूचना का िववरण एमएसटीसी के वेबसाइट xxxxx://xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxx/xxxxxxxxx/xxx पर तथा ब�क के वेबसाइट xxxxx://xxx.xxx.xxx.xx म� “िनिवदाएं ” खंड के अंतग�त उपल� है।
3. के वल उ5ीं संिवदाकारों की ई-िनिवदाएं 4ीकार की जाएं गी जो ई-िनिवदा फाम� जमा करते समय
िल�खत Vप म� िन�िल�खत जानकारी और संबंिधत द�ावेज िनरपवाद Vप से प्र�ुत कर� गे तािक ई-िनिवदा प्रिक्रया म� भाग लेने के िलए उनकी पात्रता के बारे म� ब�क xxxx� हो सके ।
i) समान काय� करने का �ूनतम पाँच वष� का अनुभव दशा�ने वाला द�ावेजी सा�।
ii) िपछले तीन वष� के दौरान अनुमािनत �य का कम से कम 30% �ूनतम औसत वािष�क कारोबार िदखाने वाले द�ावेजी सा� जो िव�ृत िनिवदा सूचना के अनुसार अथवा लेखापरीि�त िवKीय िववरणों �ारा िविधवत समिथ�त हो।
iii) िनिवदाकता� िव�ृत िनिवदा सूचना म� यथा िनिद� � िनिवदाकता� के ब�क �ारा िविधवत प्रमािणत शोध�मता प्रमाणपत्र प्र�ुत कर� गे।
iv) िनिवदाकता� के पास कत��ों का िनव�हन करने के िलए यथा लागू �ायी खाता सं%ा (पैन) और जीएसटीएन सं%ा होनी चािहए। िनिवदाकता� पैन काड� और जीएसटीएन दशा�ने वाले द�ावेजी सा� प्र�ुत कर� गे।
v) यिद िनिवदाकता� को ठे का प्रदान िकया जाता है तो िनिवदाकता� के पास ठे का-काय� के
िन�ादन के िलए कोलकाता के महानगरीय �ेत्र म� एक काया�लय / �ानीय प्रितिनिध होना होगा और उसका प्रमाण प्र�ुत करना होगा।
vi) िनिवदाकता� को िकसी भी अनुसूिचत वािण��क ब�क म� खाता रखना होगा। ब�क का नाम और खाते की प्रकृ ित से संबंिधत िववरण भारतीय �रज़व� ब�क को प्र�ुत की जानी चािहए।
िनिवदाकता� को िनर� चेक की एक प्रित जमा करनी होगी।
vii) ठे का श्रम (िविनयमन और उTादन) अिधिनयम, 1970 की धारा 12 (1) और ठेका श्रम (िविनयमन और उTादन) क� द्रीय िनयम, 1971 के तहत सहायक श्रम आयु4, भारत सरकार
�ारा जारी वैध लाइस�स की प्रित, यिद लागू हो।
4. सभी इ�ु क बोलीदाताओं को एमएसटीसी के साथ पंजीकृ त करना होगा और 11 अग� 2023 को अपरा5 2.00 बजे या उससे पहले, सभी समिथ�त द�ावेजों के साथ उपरो4 संदिभ�त ई-िनिवदा
पोट�ल के मा�म से सभी प्रकार से पूण� अपनी बोिलयां जमा करनी होगी। भाग I को इले�� ॉिनक
Vप से 11 अग� 2023 को अपरा5 3:30 बजे खोला जाएगा। के वल उ5ीं बोलीदाताओं की भाग
II मू� बोली इले�� ॉिनक Vप से खोली जाएगी, िजनका भाग I (तकनीकी वािण��क बोली) ब�क
�ारा तकनीकी-Dावसाियक Vप से 4ीकाय� पाया जाता है। ऐसे बोलीदाता(ओ) को उनके �ारा
पुि� िकए गए वैध ई-मेल के मा�म से भाग II मू� बोली खोलने की तारीख की सूचना दी जाएगी।
5. काय� की अनुमािनत लागत ₹70,00,000/- (सKर लाख �पये मात्र) (लगभग) प्रित वष� है, हालांिक, वा�िवक रािश िभ� हो सकती है।
6. िनधा��रत फाम� म� भरा 5आ िनिवदा द�ावेज़ को एमएसटीसी की वेबसाइट पर अपलोड िकया जाएगा। ई-िनिवदा के भाग- I म� प्र�ािवत काय� के िलए ब�क की मानक तकनीकी और वािण��क शत� और िनिवदाकता� का आवरण-पत्र शािमल होंगे। भारतीय �रज़व� ब�क के प� म�, कोलकाता म� देय एनईएफटी के Vप म� ₹1,40,000/- (एक लाख चालीस हजार �पये मात्र) की बयाना जमा रािश (ईएमडी) 11 अग� 2023 को 1.00 बजे अपरा5 से पहले िनग�म xxxxx, भारतीय �रज़व� ब�क का काया�लय, कोलकाता को जमा करनी होगी। एनईएफटी �ारा भुगतान िकया गया बयाना जमा (ईएमडी) का प्रमाण एमएसटीसी पोट�ल म� िनिवदा (भाग-I) के साथ जमा करनी होगी।
7. यो�ता मानदं ड को पूरा करने वाले ही इस िनिवदा म� भाग लेने के पात्र होगे। चयिनत बोलीदाता
एक वष� की अविध अथा�त 1 िसतंबर 2023 से 31 अग� 2024 तक, कर�xx िब्रके ट एवं अनुपयोगी व�ुओं के िनपटान के िलए पया�� सं%ा म� वय� और स�म श्रिमकों को उपल� कराएंगे, िजसे ठे का के िनयमों और शतfi के संतोषजनक िन�ादन करने पर िनयमों और शतfi म� िकसी भी बदलाव के साथ/बदलाव के िबना दो वष� की अविध के िलए (एक बार म� एक वष�) और बढ़ाया जा सकता है।
8. ऊपर बताई गई िकसी भी तारीख को अवकाश घोिषत होने की ��ित म�, यहां उ�W�खत संबंिधत उ�े 4 के िलए अगला काय� िदवस प्रभावी हो जाएगा। द�ावेज़ को वेबसाइट xxx.xxx.xxx.xx और
xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxx से डाउनलोड िकया जा सकता है। इस िनिवदा के संबंध म� कोई भी संशोधन/शु�5पत्र/4�ीकरण के वल भारतीय �रज़व� ब�क की वेबसाइट/ई-पोट�ल पर ही अपलोड
िकया जाएगा। उपरो4 िनिवदा से संबंिधत कोई भी संशोधन/शु�5पत्र/4�ीकरण के िलए
िनिवदाकता� को िनयिमत Vप से भारतीय �रज़व� ब�क की वेबसाइट/ई-पोट�ल की जांच करनी चािहए।
9. यिद कोई िनिवदाकता� िकसी भी समय ई-िनिवदा प्रिक्रया म� भाग लेने के िलए आव4क पात्रता नही प्रा� कर पाता है और/या उसके ग्राहकों और/या उसके ब�करों से प्रा� उसकी काय�-प्रदश�न �रपोट� असंतोषजनक पाई जाती है, तो ब�क के पास ई-िनिवदा के भाग-I के खुलने के बाद भी उनके प्र�ाव को अ4ीकार करने का अिधकार xxxx�त है। ब�क ऐसा करने के िलए कोई कारण बताने के िलए बा� नहीं है।
10. प्रwेक िनिवदा द�ावेज पर िनिवदा जमा करने वाले D�4 या D�4यों �ारा इस बात के संके त4Vप ह�ा�र िकया जाना चािहए िक वे इसम� उ�W�खत ठे का की सामा� शतfi, िविनद� शों और िवशेष शतfi आिद से प�रिचत ह�। िबना ह�ा�र वाले िकसी भी द�ावेज़ का कोई भी िनिवदा अ4ीकार कर िदया जाएगा।
11. ब�क उ�तम ई-िनिवदा को 4ीकार करने के िलए बा� नहीं है और िकसी भी ई-िनिवदा को पूण� या आंिशक Vप से 4ीकार करने का अिधकार सुरि�त रखता है। ब�क िबना कोई कारण बताए सभी ई-िनिवदाओं को अ4ीकार करने का अिधकार भी सुरि�त रखता है।
�ान : कोलकाता
िदनांक – 11 जुलाई 2023
�ेत्रीय िनदे शक
िनग�म xxxxx, भारतीय �रज़व� ब�क, पि�म बंगाल एवं अंडमान और
िनकोबार �ीप समूह, चौथी मंिजल 15, xx.एस. रोड, कोलकाता
Disposal of Shredded Currency Note Briquettes and Unserviceable Items
E-Tender No- RBI/Kolkata/Issue/9/23-24/ET/252
(Techno-Commercial Bid)
Name of Bidder
Date of Pre-Bid meeting: Venue: Issue Department, 4th Floor, Reserve Bank of India, Kolkata at 3:30 PM on August 01, 2023
Due Date and time of Submission of e-Tender: 2:00 PM on August 11, 2023
Reserve Bank of India, Issue Department, Kolkata has prepared this document to give background information on the Contract to the interested parties. While Reserve Bank of India has taken due care in the preparation of the information contained herein and believe it to be in order, neither Reserve Bank of India nor any of its authorities or agencies nor any of their respective officers, employees, agents or advisors give any warranty or make any representations, express or implied as to the completeness or accuracy of the information contained in this document or any information which may be provided in association with it.
The information is not intended to be exhaustive. Interested parties are required to make their own inquiries and respondents will be required to confirm in writing that they have done so and they do not rely only on the information provided by Reserve Bank of India in submitting the e-tender. The information is provided on the basis that it is non – binding on Reserve Bank of India or any of its authorities or agencies or any of their respective officers, employees, agents or advisors.
Reserve Bank of India reserves the right not to proceed with the Contract or to change the configuration of the Contract, to alter the timetable reflected in this document or to change the process or procedure to be applied. It also reserves the right to decline to discuss the matter further with any party expressing interest. No reimbursement of cost of any type will be paid to persons or entities expressing interest.
Sr No. | PART – I (Techno-Commercial Bid) | PAGE NO |
1. | Schedule of Tender | 4-5 |
2. | E-tendering procedure and Important Instructions | 6-9 |
3. | Section I - Format of Tender | 10-11 |
4. | Section II - General Terms and Conditions | 12-15 |
5. | Section III – Tender Form Part-I (Technical Bid) | 16-18 |
6. | Section IV - Scope of Work | 19 |
7. | Section V - Commercial Conditions | 20-22 |
8. | Section VI - Special Conditions of contract | 23-26 |
9. | Schedule A - Checklist for documents to be uploaded | 27 |
10. | Xxxxx X - Format of Power of Attorney | 28 |
12. | Xxxxx XX – Format of Solvency Certificate | 29 |
13. | Xxxxx XXX - Draft Articles of Agreement | 30-34 |
PART – II (Price Bid) | 35-37 |
S. No. | Item | Schedule |
1. | Name of Work | Disposal of Shredded Currency Note Briquettes and Unserviceable Items |
2. | e-Tender No. | RBI/Kolkata/Issue/9/23-24/ET/252 |
3. | Mode of Tender | e-Tendering, Open tender Part I - Technical Bid Part II - Price Bid. Through xxxx://xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxx/xxxxxxxx e/rbi |
4. | i) Estimated Cost of Work ii) Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) iii) Transaction Fee | Rs. 70 Lakhs (Approximately) for 12 months Rs. 1,40,000/- (Rupees One Lakh Forty Thousand only) to be paid through NEFT to Reserve Bank of India, Kolkata. As applicable by MSTC |
5. | Date of advertisement | July 11, 2023 |
6. | Date of uploading tender document on RBI website | July 11, 2023 |
7. | e-Tender view date at MSTC website | July 11, 2023 (11:00 hrs.) |
8. | Schedule of off-line pre-bid Meeting (optional) | 15:30 hrs on August 01, 2023 at Issue Department, Reserve Bank of India, 0xx Xxxxx, 00, X X Xxxx, Xxxxxxx – 000000 |
9. | Date of Starting of e-Tender (submission of Technical Bid and Price Bid) | July 11, 2023 (11:00 hrs.) |
10. | Last date of submission of Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) through NEFT | August 11, 2023 (13:00 Hrs.) Account Number: 186003001 Account Name: RBI, Kolkata IFSC: RBIS0KLPA01 (‘0’ in the code represent ZERO) |
11. | Last date of submission of e- Tender | August 11, 2023 (14:00 hrs.) |
12. | Date & time of opening of Part-I (i.e. Technical Bid) | August 11, 2023 (15:30 hrs.) |
13. | Date & time of opening of Part-II (i.e. Price Bid) | Will be intimated to all the eligible tenderers through their registered e-mail ID |
The bidder(s) is/are expected to examine all instructions, Forms, Terms and Conditions in the Tender document. Failure to furnish all information required by the Tender document or submission of a tender not substantially responsive to the Tender document in every respect will be at the bidder’s risk and may result in rejection of his bid.
The bidder shall not make or cause to be made any alteration, erasure or obliteration to the text of the Tender document.
E-Tendering Procedure
1. | System Requirements: - i. Windows 7 or above Operating System ii. IE-9 or above Internet browser. iii. Signing type digital signature iv. JRE 8 update 161 and above software to be downloaded and installed in the system (File Name- Windows X86 Offline) v. To enable ALL active X controls and disable ‘use pop up blocker’ under Tools →Internet Options→ custom level vi. Bidders are advised to refer to the “Vendor Guide” and a “Video Guide” before proceeding with the tendering process. |
2. | Registration: - i. The process involves vendor’s registration with MSTC e-procurement portal which is free of cost. Only after registration, the vendor(s) can submit his/their bids electronically. ii. Vendors are required to register themselves online with xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxx → e-Procurement →PSU / Govt. Depts. →Click on RBI →Register as Vendor Filling up details and creating own user id and password→ Submit. iii. Vendors will receive a system generated mail confirming their registration in their e- mail which has been provided during filling the registration form. |
3. | Transaction Fees: - i) The vendors shall pay the transaction fee using “Transaction Fee Payment” Link under “My Menu” in the vendor login. ii) The vendors have to select the particular tender from the event dropdown box. iii) The vendor shall have the facility of making the payment either through NEFT or Online Payment. iv) On selecting NEFT, the vendor shall generate a challan by filling up a form. The vendor shall remit the transaction fee amount as per the details printed on the challan without making change in the same. v) On selecting Online Payment, the vendor shall have the provision & for making payment using its Credit/ Debit Card/ Net Banking. vi) Once the payment gets credited to MSTC’s designated bank account, the transaction fee shall be auto authorized, and the vendor shall be receiving a system generated mail & the transaction fee is non-refundable. A vendor will not have the access to online e-tender without making the payment towards transaction fee. |
NOTE – Bidder(s) are advised to remit the transaction fee well in advance before the closing time of the event so as to give themselves sufficient time to submit the bid. | |
4. | Bidding in e-tender: i) Bidder(s) need to deposit/submit necessary EMD and Transaction fee separately for the e-tender. A tender which is not accompanied by such EMD will not be considered. No interest shall be paid on EMD. EMD of the unsuccessful bidder(s) will be refunded by RBI, Kolkata immediately after award of work. ii) Only those bidder(s) who have submitted the above fees can submit their Techno Commercial Bids and Price Bid through internet in MSTC website xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxx → e-procurement →PSU /Govt. Depts. →RBI Vendor Login →My menu→ Auction Floor Manager→ live event →Selection of the live event→ Techno Commercial Bid. iii) The bidder should allow to run java application by accepting the risk and clicking on run. This exercise has to be done twice immediately after clicking on the Techno- Commercial bid. If this application is not run, then the bidder will not be able to save/submit his bid. iv) After filling the Techno-Commercial Bid, bidder should click ‘save’ for recording their Techno-Commercial bid. Once the same is done, the Price Bid link becomes active and the same has to filled up and then bidder should click on “save” to record their price bid. Then once both the Techno-Commercial bid & price bid has been saved, the bidder can click on the “Submit” button to register their bid. NOTE: - The Techno-Commercial Bid & Price bid cannot be revised once the “Final Submission” button has been clicked by the bidder. |
5. | Opening of Bids (A) Part I Techno-Commercial bid will be opened electronically on specified date and time as given in the Notice Inviting Tender (NIT). Bidder(s) can witness electronic opening of bid. (B) Part II Price bid will be opened electronically of only those bidder(s) whose Part I Techno Commercial Bid is found to be Techno-Commercially acceptable by RBI. Such bidder(s) will be intimated date of opening of Part II Price bid, through valid e-mail confirmed by them. Note: As there would generally be no negotiations hence tenderers are advised to submit their most competitive prices while submitting the price bid. However, in case the highest rate appears to be reasonable taking into account the prevailing market conditions, the order may be awarded to the highest bidder and if the rate is still considered low, action as per prevailing instruction/guideline shall be taken. |
6. | In case of any clarification, please contact MSTC, before the scheduled time of e- Tender. Contact person (MSTC Ltd.) MSTC Help desk number: 00000000000 Contact Details (MSTC) for further enquiries/assistance: i) Xxxx X Xxxxxxxxx, Manager, ERO, Mobile No. 0000000000, email-id: xxxxxxxxxx@xxxxxxxxx.xx.xx ii) Xxxx Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx Xxxxx, Mobile No. 0000000000, email-id: xxxxxxx@xxxxxxxxx.xx.xx Contact Persons: RBI, Issue Department, Kolkata Regional Office i) Xxxx Xxxxx Handique- xxxxxxxxxxxxx@xxx.xxx.xx, AGM, Mobile: 0000000000 ii) Xxxx Xxxxx Xxxxxx - xxxxxxxx@xxx.xxx.xx Assistant Manager, Mobile: 0000000000 |
Important Instructions on e-tendering
1) Bidder/s whose contract with Reserve Bank of India were terminated prematurely due to non-adherence to agreement terms and condition are not eligible to bid for this tender.
2) Bidders are requested to read the terms & conditions of this tender before participating in the tendering process.
3) The price bid and the commercial bid has to be submitted on-line at xxxxx://xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxx/xxxxxxxxx/xxxxx
4) The Vendor should possess Class III signing type digital certificate. Vendors are to make their own arrangement for bidding from a P.C. connected with Internet. MSTC/RBI is not responsible for making such arrangement.
5) Transaction fee is non-refundable. A vendor will not have the access to online e-tender without making the payment towards transaction fee.
6) Bidders are requested to read the vendor guide and see the video in the page xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxx/xxxxxxxxx to familiarize them with the system before bidding.
7) All notices and correspondence to the bidder(s) shall be sent by e-mail only during the process till finalization of tender by RBI. Hence the bidders are required to ensure that their corporate e-mail I.D. provided is valid and updated at the stage of registration of vendor with MSTC (i.e. Service Provider). Bidders are also requested to ensure validity of their DSC (Digital Signature Certificate).
8) No separate intimation in respect of corrigendum to this NIT (if any) will be sent to tenderer
(s) who have downloaded the documents from web site. Please see Website xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxx/xxxxxxxxx/xxx of MSTC Ltd.
9) E-tender cannot be accessed after the due date and time mentioned in NIT.
10) In all cases, bidder should use their own ID and Password along with Digital Signature at the time of submission of their bid.
11) It is mandatory that all the bids are submitted with digital signature certificate otherwise the same will not be accepted by the system.
12) The e-tender floor shall remain open from the pre-announced date & time and for as much duration as mentioned above.
13) All entries in the tender should be entered in online Technical & Commercial Formats without any ambiguity.
14) Vendors are instructed to use attach documents link in bidding floor to upload documents in document library. Multiple documents can be uploaded. Maximum size of single document for upload is 5 MB. For further assistance please follow instructions of vendor guide.
15) The bidders must upload all the documents required as per terms of the NIT. Any other document uploaded which is not required as per the terms of the NIT shall not be considered.
16) RBI reserves the right to cancel or reject or accept or withdraw or extend the tender in full or part as the case may be without assigning any reason thereof.
17) No deviation of the terms and conditions of the tender document is acceptable. Submission of bid in the e-tender floor by any bidder confirms his acceptance of terms & conditions for the tender.
18) After submitting online bid, the bidder cannot access the tender, once it has been submitted.
19) The online tender should be submitted strictly as per the terms and conditions and procedures laid down in the website xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxx/xxxxxxxxx/xxx of MSTC Ltd.
20) The bid will be evaluated based on the filled-in technical & commercial formats.
21) The documents uploaded by xxxxxx(s) will be scrutinized. In case any of the information furnished by the bidder is found to be false during scrutiny, EMD of defaulting bidder(s) will be forfeited. Punitive action including suspension and banning of business can also be taken against defaulting bidders.
Regional Director for West Bengal and Andaman & Nicobar Islands
Reserve Bank of India Issue Department, 0xx Xxxxx 00, X X Xxxx
E-Tender for Disposal of Shredded Currency Note Briquettes and Unserviceable Items
I/We have carefully examined the scope of work and services specified in the memorandum hereinafter set out, having acquired the requisite information relating thereto as affecting the tender. I/We hereby offer to execute the works and services in the Memorandum for the time specified in accordance with the scope of work, specifications and instructions in writing referred to in General Instructions to the tenderers and Special conditions and with such other materials as are provided for, and in all other respects, in accordance with such conditions so far as they may be applicable.
A | Description | Disposal of Shredded Currency Note Briquettes and Unserviceable Items for the tender period on "As Is Where Is Basis" and "No Complaint Basis". |
B | Earnest Money Deposit | Rs. 1,40,000/- (Rupees One Lakh Forty Thousand only) to be paid through NEFT to Reserve Bank of India, Kolkata by all bidders. |
C | Security Deposit | Rs.3,50,000/- (Rupees Three Lakh Fifty thousand only) to be paid through NEFT to Reserve Bank of India, Kolkata by highest bidder. |
2. I/We also agree that our tender will remain valid for acceptance by the Bank for 90 days from the date of opening of the tender and this period of validity can be
extended for such period as may be mutually agreed upon between the Bank and me/us
in writing. I/We also agree to keep the earnest money valid during the entire period of validity of tender.
3. If this tender be accepted, I/we hereby agree to abide by and fulfil all the terms and conditions of the tender and in default thereof, to forfeit and pay to you or your successor, or assignees or nominees in Office such sums of money as are stipulated in the conditions contained in the tender together with the written acceptance of the tender.
4. I/we understand that Reserve Bank of India reserve the right to accept or reject any or all the tender either in full or in part without assigning any reason thereof.
5. The Tender is submitted electronically within time stipulated.
Dated this day of 2023
For and on behalf of M/s
(Signature with seal)
(Certified true copy of the Power of Attorney of the above signatory should be enclosed in case of company/firm).
(1) Signature with
Name, address and date
(2) Signature with Name, address and date
Section II
General Terms and Conditions
(A) Documents Comprising Tender/ Bid
Part I: (Techno-Commercial Bid)
i) Form of Tender/Bid
ii) Documentary evidence of payment of Earnest Money Deposit (EMD)
iii) Duly completed Checklist (As per Schedule A)
iv) Power of Attorney (as per proforma annexed hereto) in favour of person signing Xxx
v) Solvency Certificate from Banker
vi) Duly Filled-in and signed tender document consisting of Section I to Section VI
vii) Dully filled-in Schedule A.
Part II: (Price Bid): Duly filled-in and submitted in mstcecommerce website
(B) Clarifications and Pre-bid meeting
i) If the bidders have any doubt as to the meaning of any portion of the general conditions, or the special conditions or the scope of the work or any other matter concerning the tender, she/he shall in good time, before the scheduled date of Pre- bid meeting, put forth the particulars thereof and submit them to the RBI, in writing, addressed to the Tender Inviting Authority, in order that such doubts may be clarified authoritatively during Pre-bid meeting and shall be conveyed to all the bidders in due course. Once a tender is submitted, the matter will be decided according to tender conditions in the absence of such authentic pre-clarification.
ii) In order to explain the scope of work, other details and to clarify any issues/ queries raised by the bidders, a Pre-bid meeting shall be arranged on the date, time and venue specified in the Schedule of Tender (SOT). The bidders are advised to peruse the tender and visit the site and submit any matter requiring clarification to the RBI latest by 5:00 PM on the previous working day. In case the bidder wishes to include any condition while tendering for the work, he will have to submit the same before the pre-bid meeting to enable the RBI to examine/ consider the same. All the bidders are advised to attend the Pre-bid meeting in their own interest. Any tender received with any deviation/ Condition is liable for rejection.
(C) Amendment to Tender document
i) At any time prior to the deadline for the submission of tender/ Bids, RBI may, for any reason, whether at its own initiative or in response to a clarification or query raised by a prospective Bidder, modify any part of the tender document by an amendment.
ii) The amendments would be made available on the website of RBI and MSTCwebsite.
iii) The Bidders, are strongly advised to regularly visit the website xxx.xxx.xxx.xx to ensure that they are aware of the amendments, if any. The addendum (s)/ corrigendum, if any, issued will form part of the contract document.
iv) In order to afford prospective Bidders reasonable time for preparing their Bids after taking into account such amendments, the RBI may, at its sole discretion, extend the deadline for submission of Bids.
(D) Preparation of bid and Cost of bidding
The bidder must obtain for himself on his own responsibility and at his own expenses all the information which may be necessary for the purpose of making a tender and for entering into a contract and may inspect the site of the work and acquaintherself/himself with all local conditions, nature of the work and all matters pertaining thereto.
(E) Earnest Money Deposit (EMD)
i) The bidders are required to submit documentary evidence of Earnest Money Deposit (EMD)/ Bid Security for an amount as specified in SOT along with the tender (Part –I).
ii) EMD is to be submitted through NEFT only.
iii) A tender, which is not accompanied by EMD, will not be considered. The Earnest Money will be refunded to the bidder without any interest, if her/his tender is not accepted.
iv) Under no circumstances, EMD will be accepted in the form of fixed deposit receipt of bank or Insurance Guarantee or cheque or DD.
i) On receipt of an intimation from the Bank of the acceptance of his / their tender, the successful tenderer shall submit a Security Deposit of Rs. 3,50,000/- (Rupees Three Lakh Fifty thousand only) by NEFT in our A/c No. 186003001, bearing the name – RBI Kolkata (IFSC RBIS0KLPA01) (5th and 10th digits are zero) within a week of such intimation. Upon depositing Security Deposit, the Bank shall return the EMD to the successful tenderer without interest. The tenderer shall be required to sign an agreement containing the various terms and conditions of the Contract.
ii) The security deposit will be refunded on completion of the contract period without any interest thereon; however, the Bank reserves the right to appropriate part or full amount of the deposit to recover any outstanding dues / repatriations from the contractor.
(G) Signing of Bid, Power of Attorney
i) Each of the tender documents should be signed by the person or persons submitting the tender in token of his/their acquainted himself/themselves with the General Conditions of Contract, Specifications and other terms and conditions etc. as laid down.
ii) Bidders shall submit, along with Part-I of the tender, a power of attorney, on a stamp
paper of appropriate value and duly notarized, in favour of the person signing the Bid documents authorizing him to sign the Bid documents, make corrections/ modifications thereto and interacting with Reserve Bank of India and act as the contact person. The proforma of the power of attorney shall be as annexed hereto.
(H) Modification / substitution / Withdrawal of Bids
i) No modification or substitution of the submitted Bid shall be allowed after the due date and time of submission of the tender.
ii) A Bidder may withdraw its submitted Bid, provided that written notice of the withdrawal is received by RBI before the last date for submission of Bids. In case a Xxxxxx wants to resubmit his Bid, he shall submit within the due date a fresh Bid following all the applicable conditions.
iii) Only a single copy of the withdrawal notice shall be prepared, and each page of the notice shall be signed and stamped by the authorized signatory. The notice shall be duly marked “WITHDRAWAL”
Reserve Bank of India may, in exceptional circumstances, and at its sole discretion, extend the Bid due date.
i) The uploaded tender Part I, EMD, technical details, etc., called Part I of the tender, will be opened on the time and date, as specified in SOT, at office, by the tender inviting authority or her/his authorized representative in the presence of authorized representatives of the bidders who choose to be present.
ii) The price bid, containing the duly filled-in Tender-Part II, of those bidders, who are found qualified after scrutiny of Part I of the tender documents, only will be opened in presence of the authorized representatives of the qualified bidders on a subsequent date which will be intimated to all the qualified bidders.
(K) Acceptance of Tender and Award of Work
i) On receipt of intimation from the Bank of the acceptance of her/his/their tender, the successful bidder shall be bound to implement the contract and within fourteen days thereof, the successful bidder shall sign an agreement in accordance with the draft articles of agreement.
ii) The cost of necessary stamp paper for execution of the agreement shall be borne by the successful tenderer.
(L) Bank’s right to accept or reject any or all the bids
Notwithstanding anything mentioned above, RBI reserves the right to accept or reject any Bid at any time prior to award of Contract without thereby incurring any liability to the
affected Bidder or Bidders. RBI shall not assign any reason for rejection of any or all Bids.
(M) Penalty for non-performance or / and delayed performance of work during the contract period
The Contractor shall be required to collect the accumulated bags of briquettes on “as is where is basis” from the Bank premises, failing which the Bank will have the right to remove them from Bank’s premises at the cost of the contractor. The expenses incurred in such removal of these bags from the Bank’s premises/briquetting area will be recovered from the contractor. The contractor will be required to pay the same immediately. If the contractor fails to pay the same, the Bank shall reserve the right to adjust such expenses from the security deposit with the Bank. In addition, the Bank will have the right to impose penalty of Rs.500/- per day, for not performing the work by the contractor as per the demand of the Bank. The contractor will be required to pay the amount immediately. However, before initiating penal action, the contractor will be given opportunity of due hearing by the competent authority (Regional Director) of the Bank. The decision of the Regional Director shall be final and binding.
I/We hereby declare that I/we have read and understood the above instructions. Place:
Signature of bidder (with seal)
Section III
Tender Form - PART- I: Technical Bid
1. Particulars of the Tenderer
1. | Name of individual/ Company/Firm/ Institution/ Proprietor | |
2. | Address | |
3. | Telephone/ Mobile number | |
4. | ||
5. | PAN / TAN Number (furnish self-attested photocopy) | |
6. | GSTIN (furnish self-attested photocopy) | |
7. | Brief description of business | |
8. | Tax return for the last three years: (furnish self-attested photocopy) |
2. Bank Account Details
1. | Name of the Bank | |
2. | Bank Branch Address | |
3. | Type of bank Account | |
4. | Account Number | |
5. | IFSC code | |
6. | Details of litigation/civil suits, if any, against the firm |
3. Whether the tenderer has his/her own transport arrangement:
Yes / No
If yes, the number of vehicles owned with brief details:
4. Experience in providing similar type of services:
List of works executed by the Firm during last Five years costing Rs. 28 lakhs and above (Works completed on or before March 31, 2023)
Sr No | Details | Client (1) | Client (2) | Client (3) |
1. | Name & Address of Client | |||
2. | Contact No. and E-mail ID of Client | |||
3. | Brief details of the work | |||
4. | Contract Amount (Rs.) | |||
5. | Contract Period |
6. | Whether work was left incomplete or contract was terminated from either side? Give full details. | |||
7. | Any other relevant information including reason, if any, for delay in completion | |||
8. | Certificate from Client (Yes/No) |
5. Details of Earnest Money deposited (EMD)
NEFT Amount | Remittance Details | Date |
I agree to the terms and conditions as stipulated in the tender document by RBI, Kolkata.
I / we declare that the particulars/ information given by me/us is true and abide by the Bank's decision in this regard.
Signature of Applicant
Name ( )
(With rubber stamp/seal of the firm/ company)
Section IV Scope of Work
1. Purchase of shredded currency briquettes from the Main Office Building of RBI, Kolkata at least twice in a week or more frequent intervals as advised by the Bank.
2. Purchase of unserviceable items from the Bank’s premises at least twice in a week or earlier as advised by the Bank.
3. The bag containing briquettes will be weighed in front of the tenderer’s representative during delivery of the same. No claim regarding discrepancy in weight shall be entertained after the briquettes leave the Bank’s premises.
4. The Contractor shall submit an affidavit to the effect that the disposal of briquettes will be according to the provisions of the prevailing Acts / Rules / Regulations of Central Government and/or any State Government and ensure that the environment is not polluted from its disposal.
I/We hereby declare that I/we have read and understood the above instructions. Place:
Signature of bidder (with Seal)
Section V Commercial Conditions
1.1. Pre-Qualification Criteria: The prequalification criteria for participation in e-tendering is as under:
a. The contractors should be a sole proprietorship concern, Partnership firm registered with Registrar of Firms or a Company registered with the Registrar of Companies.
b. Past Experience: Should have experience of at least five years handling similar works.
c. Minimum value of each completed work (qualifying): Experience of having successfully completed similar works should be as given under:
i) At least three similar completed works each costing not less than Rs. 28 lakh, or
ii) At least two similar completed works each costing not less than Rs. 35 Lakh, or
iii) At least one similar completed work costing not less than Rs. 56 lakh.
d. Should have an annual turnover of amount equal to
i) Rs.21 lakh or more during the last three financial years i.e. 2020-21, 2021-22, & 2022-23 (Audited balance sheet duly certified by a Charted Accountant shall be submitted)
ii) SOLVENCY Certificate issued by the applicant’s banker (Prescribed format attached)
1.2. The agency should be capable of lifting the briquettes at the Bank’s Office with no additional cost and even at short-notice whenever necessary.
1.3. It is preferred that the contractor have Goods and Services Tax Identification Number (GSTIN).
1.4. The application shall be liable for rejection if the information furnished are found incomplete and or false.
1.5. The Tenders shall be valid for acceptance by the Bank for a period of 90 days from the date of opening of tender Part-I and shall be extended by such period as may be mutually agreed to.
2.1. The quotation is for purchase of shredded currency briquettes and purchase of unserviceable items from the Bank. Tenderers should indicate the price per kg. of shredded currency briquettes that they offer to the Bank as consideration. The price should be exclusive of all applicable taxes. As regards unserviceable items as given in the table, the contractor should indicate the price in terms of unit of the items
indicated in the table that they offer to the Bank as consideration.
X.Xx. | Items | Unit |
1 | Unserviceable Wooden Boxes | Per Box |
2 | Unserviceable Wooden Planks | Per Kg |
3 | Steel Strapping Bits | Per Kg |
4 | Unserviceable Wooden Scrap | Per Kg |
5 | Coin Gunny Bags 14’’ x 18’’ | Per Piece |
6 | Aluminum metal Boxes | Per Kg |
7 | Shredded plastic strapping bits/plastic covers | Per Kg |
8 | Used Hydraulic Oil | Per Litre |
9 | Torn Paper Scrap | Per Kg |
2.2. Tenderers shall quote price exclusive of all taxes.
2.3. Tenderers shall quote the bid only in Indian Rupees.
3.1. Tenders will be evaluated on the basis of quoted rates as per the scope of works set out in this tender.
3.2. Part – I, i.e. technical bids will be opened first and evaluated to determine responsiveness to the specifications and whether modifications are necessary. Any clarification / rectification in case of deviations, in the technical bids at this stage, will be called for in writing. The failure to submit the same within the specified time limit may result in rejection of the bid. The evaluation of the bids/proposals will take into account the following factors:
a) Completeness of proposal
b) Experience with similar projects
c) Contractor’s presence at Kolkata and nature of support (direct/indirect) available.
d) Strength and quality of staff
3.3. After the technical evaluation has been completed, the price bids of only technically qualified vendors will then be opened for purpose of evaluation.
3.4. The award of contract will be made to the bidder whose bid has been determined to be the "Highest" in total receipt on Disposal of Shredded Currency Note Briquettes.
3.5. Contractor will adhere to the provisions of Contract Labour Act and similar laws, regulations as per the law of the land and will be fully responsible during the course of the contract for due fulfilment of the requirements of the above stated laws/ Act. Contractor shall maintain all registers as required by the Regional Labour
Commissioner and should furnish the same to the Bank or its representative as and when required.
3.6. The contractor shall abide by/fulfil all requirements laid down under the Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act, 1970 and the rules framed thereunder.
3.7. The contractor shall be liable to pay the amount of GST and hence, possess GST registration certificate.
5.1. The amount shall be paid to the Bank at fortnightly intervals for briquettes produced by SBS machine (as per machine reports/ Manual Invoice Raised) during the previous fortnight. As regards unserviceable items, the amount payable by the tenderer will be reckoned on the basis of weight or quantum collected from RBI premises and the sale consideration has to be paid before lifting of such items from RBI premises.
5.2. The amount payable in respect of currency briquettes shall be communicated to the contractor at fortnightly intervals and the contractor has to pay the sale consideration within four days from the date of the communication.
5.3. TCS and GST at the applicable rate will be collected separately.
5.4. Payment shall be made, in INR (Indian Rupee) for lifting the shredded currency note briquettes and unserviceable items.
I/We hereby declare that I/we have read and understood the above conditions. Place:
Signature of bidder (with seal)
Section VI
Special Conditions of Contract
1. Special conditions of Contract shall be read in conjunction with the General Conditions of Contract, specifications of work, drawings and any other documents forming part of this contract, wherever the context so requires.
2. Tenderer shall submit a Security Deposit of Rs. 3,50,000/- (Rupees Three Lakh Fifty thousand only) by NEFT in our Account Number: 186003001, Account Name: RBI, Kolkata, IFSC: RBIS0KLPA01 (‘0’ in the code represent ZERO) within a week of such intimation. Upon depositing Security Deposit, the Bank shall return the EMD to the successful tenderer without interest. The tenderer shall be required to sign an agreement containing various terms and conditions.
3. The security deposit will be refunded on completion of the contract period without any interest thereon; however, the Bank reserves the right to appropriate part or full amount of the deposit to recover any outstanding dues / reparations from the contractor.
4. The security deposit made with the Reserve Bank shall not carry any interest and will be refunded on the successful completion of the period of contract. However, the Bank reserves the right to appropriate part or full amount of the deposit to recover any outstanding dues/reparations from the contractor.
5. The tenderer has to submit his quote in Part II of the tender in respect of both shredded currency briquettes and unserviceable items failing which the tender is liable to be rejected.
6. The amount shall be paid to the Bank at fortnightly intervals for briquettes produced by SBS machine (as per machine reports) during the previous fortnight. As regards unserviceable items, the amount payable by the tenderer will be reckoned on the basis of weight or quantum collected from RBI premises and the sale consideration has to be paid before lifting of such items from RBI premises.
7. The amount payable in respect of currency briquettes shall be communicated to the contractor at fortnightly intervals and the contractor has to pay the sale consideration within four days from the date of the communication.
8. The Tenderer/firm should employ his/your own people to collect the entire output of briquettes from Shredding & Briquetting System and transport the same outside Bank’s premises at frequent intervals. The transportation will be undertaken after packing the briquettes in suitable bags. Cost of transportation shall be borne by the contractor.
9. The contractor shall not assign the contract to any other party. He shall not sublet any portion of the contract except with the written consent of the Bank.
10. It will be the contractor’s responsibility to meet all contractual/legal/welfare etc. requirements for the staff in its employment, casual or otherwise, and Bank’s name should not be used for such measures.
11. It is expressly stated that any worker/employee/partner/associate etc. of the contractor coming and working within the Bank for the purposes of this contract or otherwise, shall not claim to be staff of Reserve Bank of India nor misuse the security pass/identification issued to him/her for any unauthorized purpose within or outside RBI premises during/after the contract period. The contractor shall educate his personnel/workers about this aspect and shall indemnify the Bank, in case any loss is caused to the Bank, because of violation of this clause.
12. The contractor will be responsible for verification and identification of its workers/staff/vehicles that may be utilized for the purpose of this contract and obtain necessary security passes etc. from the Bank, before entering /moving inside Bank’s premises. This will include necessary verification/certification from police/transport authorities etc. as required by the Bank during continuance of this contract. It will be his responsibility to maintain all such verification/certification in valid and current status. A copy of the police verification of its workers utilized for the purpose of this contract should be furnished to the Bank.
13. No compensation will be payable by RBI for the collection of briquettes to the firm’s employees.
14. The employees/representatives of the firm collecting briquettes should be present during the operation of Currency Verification and Processing Systems (CVPS), SBS. They should be present to collect briquettes from SBSs till the shredding/briquetting work is completed irrespective of the time/duration.
15. The disposal of shredded currency note briquettes, wooden boxes and other unserviceable items should be integrated and coordinated in such a way so as to ensure the smooth functioning of the system and that there is no unnecessary accumulation of these articles at RBI premises.
16. The Contractor shall be required to collect the accumulated bags of briquettes on “as is where is basis” from the Bank premises, failing which the Bank will have the right to remove them from Bank’s premises at the cost of the contractor. The expenses incurred for removal of these bags from the Bank’s premises/briquetting area will be recovered from the contractor. The contractor will be required to pay the same immediately. If the contractor fails to pay the same, the Bank shall reserve the right to adjust such expenses from the security deposit with the Bank. In addition, the Bank will have the right to impose penalty of Rs.500/- per day, for not performing the work by the contractor as per the demand of the Bank. The contractor will be required to pay the amount immediately.
However, before initiating penal action, the contractor will be given opportunity of due hearing by the Competent Authority (Regional Director) of the Bank. The decision of the Regional Director shall be final and binding.
17. The bags containing briquettes should be lifted and removed from the Bank’s premises in such a way that there should not be accumulation of 150 bags of shredded currency note briquettes (compressed soiled notes)/ shreds in the briquetting collection area/ shred at any point of time. For accumulation beyond 150 bags, the Bank, if it is so desires, can charge Rs.500/- per day till they are lifted and taken outside Bank’s premises. The Bank shall appropriate the amount so calculated from the amount of Security Deposit, if needed.
18. The firm will not store, temporarily or otherwise, the bags containing briquettes collected from the briquetting room in the premises of the Bank.
19. The bag containing briquettes will be weighed in front of the tenderer’s representative during delivery of the same. No claim regarding discrepancy in weight shall be entertained after the briquettes leave the Bank’s premises.
20. The Contractor shall submit an affidavit to the effect that the disposal of briquettes will be according to the provisions of the prevailing Acts / Rules / Regulations of Central Government and/or any State Government and ensure that the environment is not polluted from its disposal.
21. The contractor shall make good and reimburse to RBI any damage or loss sustained by reason of any inefficiency, incompetence, negligence or defect or delay in carrying the items or by reason of any act of dishonesty or fraudulent conduct on his part or the staff engaged by him. The assessment of such loss by the Bank shall be final and after due notice to the contractor, it shall become payable /adjustable from security deposit kept with the Bank or by invoking the bank guarantee submitted, once it is approved by General Manager, Issue Department, RBI, Kolkata.
22. In the event of dispute as to whether any liability has arisen hereunder, the decision of the Regional Director, Reserve Bank of India, Kolkata, shall be final and binding.
23. The firm’s representative will keep the briquetting room in a neat and tidy condition and the briquettes will be stored and transported without un-tidying the premises.
24. The Bank will make no payment of any kind, towards any expenditure incurred by the contractor at any point of time, during the contract period.
25. The employees/representatives of the firm who are entrusted with the job of collecting briquettes will immediately inform the electrician/technician attending to the shredding machine and/or officials of Issue Department about any breakdown/fault or any other
problem developed by the briquetting machine.
26. The materials required for taking out the briquettes like jute bags, rope, trollies etc., will be supplied by the contractor to their representatives undertaking the job. Reserve Bank of
India will not supply any material for this purpose.
27. The successful tenderer shall have to lift/collect the note briquettes and unserviceable items twice in a week or earlier as advised by the Bank, on working days (Monday to Friday) between 9:30 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. or any other day as may be decided by the Bank, failing which the Bank shall have the right to forfeit the security deposit.
28. With regard to the assessment of loss, the decision of the Bank will be binding on the firm.
29. The Contract period shall be for an initial period of 12 months i.e., from 01.09.2023 to 31.08.2024, which can be extended by the Bank on existing terms and conditions, at its option, with the consent of the contractor, for a further period of two years, not exceeding one year each at a time, subject to satisfactory performance of the Contractor. The decision of the Bank in this regard will be final.
30. In case the new contract for the month beginning September 01, 2024, is not finalized due to any reason, the contractor may be required by the General Manager, Issue Department to work on the same terms and conditions for a further period of up to three months from the date of expiry of the Agreement.
31. The Bank can terminate the contract after giving a notice of three months to the contractor. If the firm likes to terminate the contract, it should give the Bank a notice of three months. It is binding on the firm to continue to collect the briquettes during the three months’ notice period irrespective of the source of the notice for termination. However, if the Contractor elects to terminate the contract before the completion of notice period of three months, he shall be liable to risk and cost for the loss the Bank may suffer towards the rate difference for engaging another person for lifting the briquettes for the remaining period. The Bank shall have right to hold and appropriate the Security Deposit towards such rate difference and also to recover any shortfall after adjusting the Security Deposit from the contractor.
32. All disputes arising out of or in any way connected with this agreement shall be deemed to have arisen in Kolkata and only Courts in Kolkata shall have jurisdiction to determine the same.
33. The tenderer should sign on all pages of the terms and conditions and enclose along with the Part I of the tender agreeing to the terms and conditions indicated therein.
34. On receipt of intimation from the Bank of the acceptance of his /their tender, the successful tenderer shall be bound to implement the contract. The written acceptance by the Reserve Bank of India of a tender will constitute a binding contract between the Reserve Bank of India and the person so tendering, whether such formal agreement is/is not subsequently executed.
I/We hereby declare that I/we have read and understood the above conditions.
Signature of bidder (with seal)
Schedule A
Check List of Documents to be uploaded
Sr. No. | Description | Bidder’s Confirmation |
1. | Duly signed Tender Part-I (Section I to VI) and Part-II (Price Bid) | |
2. | Duly filled Schedule A | |
3. | Documentary evidence of EMD paid | |
6. | Self-attested photocopy of PAN (mandatory) and GST registration (mandatory) | |
8. | Bank statement/self-attested photocopy of front page of pass book/cancelled cheque leaf | |
9. | ||
10. | ||
11. | Audited Financial Statements of last 3 years | |
12. | Client Certificates |
Signature of bidder (with seal)
(On Non-Judicial Stamp Paper of appropriate value)
Regional Director for West Bengal and Andaman & Nicobar Islands
Reserve Bank of India Issue Department, 0xx Xxxxx 00, X X Xxxx
NAME OF WORK: Purchase of Shredded Currency Note Briquettes produced by ‘Shredding and Briquetting Systems’ and unserviceable items from the Bank’s premises RBI Kolkata
We………………………………..………………………….(Name of the Bidder and address of their registered office) do hereby constitute, appoint and authorize Mr. / Ms.
………………………… ……………………………………..…… ………(Name and residential address of Power of Attorney holder) who is presently employed with us and holding the position of ........................................................................................................ as our attorney,
to do in our name and on our behalf, all such acts, deeds and things necessary inconnection with or incidental to our bid for the captioned Work, including signing and submission of all documents and providing information / responses to the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), representing us in all matters before RBI, and generally dealing with RBI in all matters in connection with our proposal for the said Work.
We hereby agree to ratify all acts, deeds and things lawfully done by our said attorney pursuant to this Power of Attorney and that all acts, deeds and things done by our aforesaid attorney shall and shall always be deemed to have been done by us.
Signature of Mr./ Ms is attested below:
Signature/(s) of the Bidder Name/(s)
Stamp/Seal of the Bidder
Note: Power of Attorney should be properly stamped and notarized
Power of Attorney furnished by Contractor shall be irrevocable.
This is to certify that to the best of our knowledge and information M/s / Shri --------
having their address at
, a customer of our bank are/is respectable and can be treated as good for any engagement up to a limit of Rs 70,00,000/- (Rupees Seventy Lakh Only).
This certificate is issued without any guarantee or responsibility on the Bank or any of the officers.
For the Bank with name & seal
a) Bankers certificate should be on letter head of the bank, sealed in cover addressed to:
The Regional Director, Reserve Bank of India, Issue Department, 0xx Xxxxx, 00, X X Xxxx, Xxxxxxx- 000000
b) In case of partnership firm, certificate should include names of all partners as recorded with the bank.
Annex - III
Draft Articles of Agreement
The Reserve Bank of India, a statutory corporation constituted by the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934 and having its Central office at Central Office Building, Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxxx Marg, Mumbai 400 001 and having its office at 00, X X Xxxx, Xxxxxxx on the one part (hereafter referred as "the RBI" which term or expression unless contrary or repugnant to the subject or context hereof be deemed to mean and include its successors and permitted assigns) of the FIRST PART
----------, having its registered office at -----------hereinafter called "the Contractor" which expression shall include its successors and assigns) of the SECOND PART
"RBI" and "the Contractor" are each sometimes referred to herein as a "Party" and sometimes collectively referred to herein as the "Parties"
WHEREAS the Contractor has agreed to provide, and RBI has agreed to accept from the Contractor their services for disposal of shredded currency note briquettes/ unserviceable items and cleaning of briquette collection area on the following terms and conditions. In consideration of premises, it is agreed between the parties as follows:
1. This agreement is effective from -------- and shall be valid up to --.
2. The Contractor will intimate RBI about the schedule and details of the truck assigned by him for lifting the briquettes. On receipt of the intimation, RBI will send an invoice for the briquettes sold.
The Contractor will make payment by National Electronic Funds Transfer (NEFT) to the Account of RBI [Account Number: 186003001; Account Name: RBI, Kolkata
IFSC: RBIS0KLPA01 (‘0’ in the code represent ZERO)] on fortnightly basis within 15 days from the invoice date.
3. The Contractor shall use the briquettes in compliance with extant environmental laws and regulations and shall not sell/hand over the briquettes to any other party without the prior permission of RBI.
4. The Contractor has agreed to deposit an amount of Rs. 3,50,000/- (Rupees Three lakh Fifty thousand only) as security deposit with RBI. The amount will be forfeited in the event of violation of any of the terms and conditions of this contract or withdrawing from the services under the contract.
5. The security deposit made with RBI shall not carry any interest and will be refunded on the
successful completion of the period of contract. However, RBI reserves the right to appropriate part or full amount of the deposit to recover any outstanding dues/reparations from the Contractor.
6. As regards unserviceable items, the amount payable by the Contractor will be reckoned on
the basis of weight or quantum collected from RBI premises and the sale consideration has to be paid before lifting of such items from premises of RBI.
7. The Contractor shall employ their own people to collect the entire output of briquettes from SBS and transport the same outside RBI's premises at frequent intervals. The transportation will be undertaken after packing the briquettes in suitable bags. Cost of transport will be borne by the Contractor.
8. The Contractor shall maintain the area where briquettes are collected/stored in a clean and hygienic manner.
9. The Contractor shall not assign the contract to any other party. He shall not subcontract any portion of the contract except with the written consent of RBI.
10. It will be the Contractor’s responsibility to meet all contractual/legal/welfare etc. requirements for the staff in its employment, casual or otherwise, and RBI's name should not be used for such measures. Contractor has to invariably cover the staff in its employment, casual or otherwise, under insurance cover as per prevailing Statutory Acts/Regulations and to furnish the documentary evidence for the same.
11. It is expressly stated that any worker/employee/partner/associate etc. of the Contractor coming and working within RBI for the purposes of this contract or otherwise shall not claim to be employee of RBI nor misuse the security pass/ identification issued to him/her for any unauthorized purpose within or outside RBI premises during/after the contract period. The Contractor shall educate his personnel/workers about this aspect and shall indemnify RBI, in case any loss is caused to RBI, because of violation of this clause.
12. The Contractor will be responsible for verification and identification of its workers/staff/vehicles that may be utilized for the purpose of this contract and obtain necessary security passes etc. from RBI, before entering/ moving inside its premises. This will include necessary verification/certification from police/transport authorities etc. as required by RBI during continuance of this contract. It will be responsibility of the Contractor to maintain all such verification/certification in valid and current status. A copy of the police verification of its workers utilized for the purpose of this contract should be furnished to RBI. The contact shall come into force only upon meeting this clause.
13. RBI will not pay any compensation for the collection of briquettes to the employees of the Contractor.
14. The employees / representatives of the Contractor collecting briquettes should be present during the operation of CVPS, SBSs.
They should be present on all days, including Saturdays and Sundays, if need be, to collect briquettes from SBSs till the shredding/briquetting work is completed irrespective of the time/duration.
16. The disposal of shredded currency note briquettes, wooden boxes and other unserviceable items should be integrated and coordinated in such a way so as to ensure the smooth functioning of the system and that there is no unnecessary accumulation of these articles at RBI premises.
17. The bags containing briquettes should be lifted and removed from the premises of RBI in such a way that there are not more than 150 bags in the briquetting room at any point of time. For accumulation beyond 150 bags, RBI, if it is so desires, can charge Rs.2/- per bag per day till they are lifted and taken outside its premises.
18. The Contractor will not store, temporarily or otherwise, the bags containing briquettes as collected in the premises of RBI.
19. The Contractor shall make good to RBI any damage or loss sustained by reason of any inefficiency, incompetence, negligence or defect or delay in carrying the items or by reason of any act of dishonesty or fraudulent conduct on his part or the staff engaged by him. The assessment of such loss by RBI shall be final and after due notice to the Contractor, it shall become payable / adjustable from security deposit kept with RBI.
20. In the event of dispute as to whether any liability has arisen hereunder, the decision of the Regional Director, Reserve Bank of India, Kolkata shall be final and binding on the parties.
21. The Contractor’s representatives shall keep the briquetting room in a neat and tidy condition.
22. RBI will make no payment of any kind, towards any expenditure incurred by the Contractor at any point of time, during the contract period.
23. The employee/representative of the Contractor who is entrusted with the job of collecting briquettes will immediately inform the electrician attending to the shredding machine and/or officials of Issue Department, Kolkata about any breakdown/ fault or any other problem developed by the Briquetting machine.
24. The material required for taking out the briquettes like jute bags, rope, trollies etc., will be supplied by the Contractor to their representatives undertaking the job. RBI will not supply any material for this purpose.
25. With regards to the assessment of loss, the decision of RBI will be binding on the Contractor.
26. RBI can terminate the contract after giving a notice of three months to the Contractor. If the Contractor intends to terminate the contract, he should give three months' notice to RBI in writing mentioning the reasons thereof. It is binding on the Contractor to continue to collect the briquettes during the three months' notice period irrespective of the source
27. The Contractor undertakes to pay wages to all the labourers of all descriptions to be engaged by him for completion of the work under the contract, at the rate which is not less than one prescribed under the Minimum Wages Act, 1948 and to ensure compliance of essential amenities as provided under the Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act, 1970 (the CLRA Act) and also keep the Principal Employer indemnified against all the actions that may be initiated against the Principal Employer by the Statutory Authorities for his failure to pay such wages and provide the essential amenities.
28. The Contractor shall obtain a license as contemplated under the CLRA or any other law, as applicable, failing which he alone would be responsible for actions/proceedings ensuing there to. RBI shall not be held responsible for acts, commissions or omissions of the Contractor and shall in no way be made liable to the labourers engaged by the Contractor.
29. The Contractor/ Agency shall be solely responsible for full compliance with the provisions of "the Sexual Harassment of women at work place (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013". In case of any complaint of sexual harassment against its employee within the
premises of the Bank, the complaint will be filed before the Internal Complaints Committee constituted by the Contractor and the Contractor shall ensure appropriate action under the said Act in respect to the complaint. Any complaint of sexual harassment from any aggrieved employee of the contractor against any employee of the Bank shall be taken cognizance of by the Regional Complaints Committee constituted by the Bank. The contractor shall be responsible for any monetary compensation that may need to be paid in case the incident involves the employees of the contractor, for instance any monetary relief to Bank's employee, if sexual violence by the employee of the contractor is proved. The contractor shall be responsible for educating its employees about prevention of sexual harassment at work place and related issues. The contractor shall provide a complete and updated list of its employees who are deployed within the Bank's premises.
30. All disputes arising out of or in any way connected with this agreement shall be deemed to have arisen in Kolkata and only Courts in Kolkata shall have Jurisdiction to determine the same.
31. Force Majure: Neither party shall be liable for delay in performing obligations or for failure to perform obligations if the delay or failure results from any of the following (whether happening in India or elsewhere) force majure, act of God, or any governmental act, fire, earthquake, explosion, accident, industrial dispute, civil commotion, or anything beyond the control of either party. The parties shall use all reasonable endeavors to minimize any such delay. Upon cessation of the event giving rise to the delay the parties shall, insofar as may be practicable under the circumstances, complete performance of their respective obligations hereunder. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if any of the above-mentioned events shall preclude the Contractor from meeting any or all of its obligations hereunder, for a period of more than two months from the date of occurrence of such act, it shall be open to either party to rescind this contract by giving two months' notice.
32. Non-disclosure of information: The Contractor shall not disclose directly or indirectly any information, materials and details of RBI's infrastructure/systems/equipment’s etc., which may come to the possession or knowledge of the Contractor during the course of discharging its contractual obligations in connection with this agreement, to any third party and shall at all times hold the same strictest confidence. The Contractor shall treat the details of the contract as private and confidential, except to the extent necessary to carry out the obligations under it or comply with applicable laws. The Contractor shall not publish, permit to be published, or disclose any particulars of the works in any trade or technical paper or elsewhere without the previous written consent of RBI. The Contractor shall indemnify RBI for any loss suffered by RBI as a result of disclosure of any confidential information. Failure to observe the above shall be treated as breach of contract on the part of the Contractor and RBI shall be entitled to claim damages and pursue legal remedies.
33. The Contractor shall take all appropriate actions with respect to its employees to ensure the obligations of non- disclosure of confidential information under this agreement is fully satisfied.
34. The Contractor’s obligation with respect to non-disclosure and confidentiality will survive the expiry or termination of this agreement for whatever reasons.
35. No amendment to this agreement shall be effective unless it is in writing signed by duly authorized representatives of both parties.
36. The Contractor will adhere to all the provisions of applicable statutory and regulatory requirement in force from time to time including Minimum wages Act, PF, ESI, Anti-Money
Laundering (AML)/FATF etc. and shall be solely responsible for any legal action in this regard.
37. Each party warrants and guarantees that it has full power and authority to enter into and perform this agreement, and the person signing this agreement on behalf of each has been properly authorized and empowered to enter into this agreement. Each party further acknowledge that it has read this agreement, understood it and agree to be bound by it.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be duly executed on the dates indicated below.
Signature clause:
SIGNED AND DELIVERED by the Reserve Bank of India
(Name and designation)
In the presence of Witness-
(Name and designation)
In the presence of Witness-
Disposal of Shredded Currency Note Briquettes and Unserviceable Items
(Price Bid)
Name of Bidder
Part-II (Price Bid)
(to be filled in the MSTC e-tendering Portal only)
Rates quoted for Disposal of shredded currency note briquettes and Unserviceable Items
Sr. No. | Item | Unit | Rate per Unit (Rs.) Excluding GST | |
In Figures | In Words | |||
1. | Shredded Currency Note Briquettes. Disposal of shredded currency note briquettes in large quantities on "As Is Where Is Basis". The work includes providing laborers for lifting of the briquettes, stacking of bags and providing sufficient number of good quality Gunny bags (appropriate to lift 45 kilograms of briquettes per gunny bag) and make arrangements for transportation of shredded currency note briquettes bags at own cost. | Per Kg | ||
2. | Unserviceable Wooden Boxes | Per Box | ||
3. | Unserviceable Wooden Scrap | Per Kg | ||
4. | Coin Gunny Bags 14’’ x 18’’ | Per Piece | ||
5. | Unserviceable Wooden Planks | Per Kg | ||
6. | Steel Strapping Bits | Per Kg | ||
7. | Aluminum metal boxes | Per Kg | ||
8. | Shredded plastic strapping bits/plastic covers | Per Kg | ||
9. | Used Hydraulic oil | Per Litre | ||
10. | Torn Paper Scrap | Per Kg |
Notes to Price Bid: -
1. The Payment shall be made by the Contractor for the weight of the briquettes/shreds, as and when lifted by him.
2. In addition to the payment mentioned above, the contractor shall also remit the applicable taxes such as GST, other taxes (if any) on the disposal/ lifting of briquettes of shredded currency notes and unserviceable items.
(Proforma of Price Bid placed above is for your reference only. Price Bid to be filled in the MSTC e-tendering Portal Only)
I agree to the terms and conditions as stipulated in the tender document by RBI, Kolkata. Date:
Signature of Applicant Name ( )
(With rubber stamp/seal of the firm/ company)