Tender for Comprehensive Annual Maintenance Contract for Maintenance of Standalone AC units at Bank’s Main Office Building, Chennai.
भारतीय ररज़र्व बैंक/ Reserve Bank of India
संपदा वर्भाग/ Estate Department
चेन्नै /Chennai
बैंक के मुख्य कायावलय भर्न, चेन्नई में स्टैं डअलोन एसी इकाइयों के रखरखार् के वलए व्यापक र्ावषवक रखरखार् अनुबंध के वलए वनवर्दा।
Tender for Comprehensive Annual Maintenance Contract for Maintenance of Standalone AC units at Bank’s Main Office Building, Chennai.
वनवर्दा दस्तार्ेज़ Tender Document
भाग1 / PART- I
आरबीआई / चेन्नै / संपदा / 455/22-23 / ईटी /714 RBI / Chennai / Estate /455/ 22-23 / ET /714
Last date for submission: 14:00 Hrs on March 23, 2023
Reserve Bank of India, Estate Department, Chennai has prepared this document to give a background information on the work to the interested parties. While Reserve Bank of India has taken due care in the preparation of the information contained herein and believe it to be in order, neither Reserve Bank of India nor any of its authorities or any of their respective officers, employees give any warranty or make any representations, express or implied as to the completeness or accuracy of the information contained in this document or any information which may be provided in association with it.
The information is not intended to be exhaustive. Interested parties are required to make their own inquiries and respondents will be required to confirm in writing that they have done so, and they do not rely only on the information provided by RBI in submitting the Tender. The information is provided on the basis that it is non–binding on Reserve Bank of India or any of its authorities or agencies or any of their respective officers, employees, agents or advisors.
Reserve Bank of India reserves the right not to proceed with the work or to change the configuration of the work, to alter the timetable reflected in this document or to change the process or procedure to be applied. It also reserves the right to decline to discuss the matter further with any party expressing interest.
No reimbursement of cost of any type will be paid to persons or entities expressing interest. Any amendments / corrigendum to the tender, if any, issued in future will only be notified on the RBI Website and MSTC Website and will not be published in the newspaper.
वर्षयर्स्तु INDEX
Annexure I : Important Instructions for E – Procurement 6
निनिदा फार्म /Form of Tender 13
करार की शर्तें / Articles of Agreement 17
संनिदाकारोकोसार्ान्य अिुदशे / General Instructions to Contractors 25
The Conditions hereinafter referred to 36
आनथमक स्थथनर्तयां / Commercial Conditions 42
Annexure – A : Basic Information 45
Annexure – B : Details of the work executed
during the last 5 years as per the eligibility criteria 47
Annexure – C : Client’s Certificate 48
Annexure “D” : Proforma for Bank Guarantee In Lieu Of EMD 49
Annexure “E” : Proforma for Performance Bank Guarantee 51
वनवर्दा आमंवित करते हुए नोवटस
ई-निनिदा सं. | आरबीआई/चेन्नै/संपदा/ 455/22-23/ईटी/714 |
कायम का िार् | बैंक के मुख्य कायावलय भर्न, चेन्नई में स्टैं डअलोन एसी इकाइयों के रखरखार् के वलए व्यापक र्ावषवक रखरखार् अनुबंध के वलए वनवर्दा। |
निनिदा का प्रकार | ई-प्रोक्यूरर्ेंट प्रणाली (xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxx/xxxxxxxxx/xxx के र्ाध्यर् से ऑिलाइि भाग-I र्तकिीकी-िानणस्िक बोली और भाग-II- कीर्र्त बोली) अिुबंध 1 र्ें ई-निनिदा के नलए नदशा-निदेश नदए गए है। |
अिुर्ानिर्त लागर्त | ₹8.85 लाख जीएसटी सनहर्त |
डाउिलोड करिे के नलए पानटमयों को उपलब्ध एिआईटी की र्तारीख | फ़रर्री 20, 2023 को 4:00 बजे |
निनिदा पूिम बैठक | माचव 09, 2023 को पूिामह्न 12:00 बजे को ऑफलाइि (थथल: भारर्तीय ररज़िम बैंक, दू सरी र्ंनजल, संपदा निभाग, xxxxxx xxxx, फोटम गलेनसस, चेनिै-600001) |
बयािा जर्ा रानश (ईएर्डी) | रु. 17,708/- |
ईएर्डी प्रस्र्तुर्त करिे की अंनर्तर् र्तारीख | माचव 23, 2023 को 2:00 बजे |
सुरक्षा जर्ा (एसडी) | सफल निनिदाकार के नलए, ईएर्डी को प्रनर्तभूनर्त जर्ारानश के रूप र्ें रखा जाएगा। प्रनर्तभूनर्त जर्ारानश को एएर्सी संनिदा के सफलर्तापूिमक हो जािे के बाद नबिा नकसी ब्याज के लौटा नदया जाएगा। |
र्तकिीकी-िानणस्िक बोली और कीर्र्त बोली ऑिलाइि प्रस्तुर्त करिे के नलए ई-निनिदा शुरू करिे की र्तारीख | माचव 13, 2023 को 4:00 बजे |
र्तकिीकी-िानणस्िक बोली और बोली की कीर्र्त ऑिलाइि प्रस्तुर्त करिे के नलए ई-निनिदा बंद करिे की र्तारीख | माचव 23, 2023 को 2:00 बजे |
भाग-। खोलिे की र्तारीख (र्तकिीकी-िानणस्िक बोली) | माचव 23, 2023 को 3:30 बजे |
भाग-।। खोलिे की र्तारीख (कीर्र्त बोली) | सफल बोलीकर्तामओं की निनिदा के भाग- II (कीर्र्त बोली) को बाद की र्तारीख र्ें खोला जाएगा नजसे सफल बोलीकर्ताम को सूनचर्त नकया जाएगा। |
लेिदेि शुल्क | एर्एसटीसी पोटमल र्ें सूनचर्त नकए अिुसार लेि-देि शुल्क का भुगर्ताि एर्एसटीसी नलनर्टेड के पक्ष र्ें एर्एसटीसी पेंर्ेंट गेटिे/एिईएफटी/आरटीजीएस के र्ाध्यर् से नकया जािा है। |
बैंक न्यूिर्तर् निनिदा स्वीकारिे के नलए बाध्यकारी िहीं है और नकसी भी निनिदा को पूणमर्त: या अंशर्त: स्वीकारिे का अनधकार रखर्ते हैं। बैंक नबिा कोई कारण नदए सभी निनिदाओं को अस्वीकार करिे का अनधकार सुरनक्षर्त रखर्ता है।
क्षेत्रीय निदेशक भारर्तीय ररज़िम बैंक
Notice Inviting Tender:
E-tender No. | RBI / Chennai / Estate /455/ 22-23 / ET /714 |
Name of work | Comprehensive Annual Maintenance Contract for Maintenance of Standalone AC units at Bank’s Main Office Building, Chennai |
Mode of Tender | e-Procurement System (Online Part I - Techno- Commercial Bid and Part II - Price Bid through xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxx/xxxxxxxxx/xxx) - Guidelines for e-tender has been provided as Annexure - I. |
Estimated Cost | ₹8.85 Lakhs inclusive of GST |
Date of NIT available to parties to download | 16:00 Hrs of February 20, 2023. |
Pre-Bid Meeting | Offline at 12:00 Hrs on March 09, 2023 (Venue: Reserve Bank of India, Estate Department, 2nd Floor, Rajaji Salai, Fort Glacis, Chennai 600001). |
Earnest Money Deposit(EMD) | ₹ 17,708/- |
Last Date of submission of EMD | 14:00 Hrs on March 23, 2023 |
Security Deposit (SD) | For successful tenderer, the EMD shall be retained as security deposit. The security deposit will be returned after successful completion of the AMC Contract without any interest. |
Date of starting of e-Tender for submission of on line Techno-Commercial Bid and price Bid at | 16:00 Hrs on March 13, 2023 |
Date of closing of online e-tender for submission of Techno-Commercial Bid & Price Bid. | 14:00 Hrs on March 23, 2023 |
Date of opening of Part-I (techno-commercial bid) | 15:30 Hrs on March 23, 2023 |
Date of opening of Part-II (price bid) | Part II (Price Bid) of the tender of the qualified bidders shall be opened on a subsequent date, which shall be intimated to the qualified bidders. |
Transaction Fee | Payment of Transaction Fee as mentioned in the MSTC portal through MSTC payment gateway / NEFT / RTGS in favour of MSTC Limited. |
The Bank is not bound to accept the lowest tender and reserves the right to accept either in full or in part any tender. The Bank also reserves the right to reject all the tenders without assigning any reason thereof.
Regional Director Reserve Bank of India
1. अनुबंध I : ई-प्रोक्यूरमेंट के वलए महत्वपूर्व अनुदेश/
Annexure I: Important Instructions for E – Procurement
बोलीकर्तामओं से अिुरोध नकया जार्ता है नक ऑिलाइि निनिदा प्रस्तुर्त करिे से पहले इस निनिदा की शर्तों को पढ़ लें।
ई-निनिदा की प्रनिया :
A) पंजीकरण :एर्एसटीसी ई -प्रोक्यूरर्ेंट पोटमल र्ें िेंडर का पंजीकरण नकए जािे की xxxxxxx xxxxxx है जो नक निशुल्क है। पंजीकरण के बाद ही,िेंडर अपिी बोली इलेक्ट्र ॉनिकली प्रस्तुर्त कर सकर्ते हैं। र्तकिीकी बोली और साथ ही िानणस्िक बोली के प्रस्तुनर्तकरण के नलए इलक्ट्र ोनिक बोली लगािा इंटरिेट पर ही नकया जाएगा।
िेंडर के पास श्रेणी III साइनिंग टाइप नडनजटल प्रर्ाणपत्र होिा चानहए। बोली लगािे के नलए िेंडरों को अपिी र्तरफ से इंटरिेट सुनिधा युक्त कं प्यूटर की व्यिथथा करिी होगी। ऐसी व्यिथथा उपलब्ध करािे के नलए एर्एसटीसी उत्तरदाई िहीं है।) नबिा नडनजटल हस्ताक्षर के बोनलयां ररकाडम िहीं की जाएं गी।(
निशेष िोटः र्तकिीकी बोली और िानणस्िक बोली को xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxx/xxxxxxxxx/xxx र्ें ही प्रस्तुर्त करें ।
(1िेंडरों को निम्न पर अपिा पंजीकरण करािा आिश्यक है। xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxx→ e- Procurement →PSU/Govtdepts→ Select RBI Logo>Register as Vendor -- Filling up details and creating own user id and password→ Submit.
(2पंजीकरण फार्म भरर्ते सर्य नदए गए ई-र्ेल आईडी पर िेंडर को पंजीकरण संबंधी पुनि की सूचिा दे र्ते हुए नसस्टर् जनिर्त र्ेल प्राप्त होगा। नकसी भी र्तरह के स्पिीकरण के नलए िेंडर आरबीआई/एर्एसटीसी से संपकम कर सकर्ते हैं,(ई-निनिदा के निधामररर्त सर्य से पहले(
संपकम व्यस्क्त) आरबीआई – कायम सर्य के दौराि ही
1. xxxx xx. चंद्रशेखर ( प्रबंधक,संपदा निभाग)
044-2539 9027 (xxxxxxxxxxxxx@xxx.xxx.xx)
2. श्री नक्षनर्तज दहाट (सहायक प्रबंधक,संपदा निभाग) 044-2539 9240 (xxxxxxx@xxx.xxx.xx)
संपकम व्यस्क्त) एर्एसटीसी नलनर्टेड -कायम सर्य के दौराि
1. xxxx xxxxxxxx 91763 97264 (xxxxxxxxxx@xxxxxxxxx.xx.xx)
2. xxxx xx xxxxxxxx – 9841002253 (xxxxxxxxxx@xxxxxxxxx.xx.xx)
3. एर्एसटीसी हेल्प लाइि - 9499054101/2/3/4 (xxxxxxxx@xxxxxxxxx.xx.xx) Google hangout ID- (for text chat) - xxxxxxxxx@xxxxx.xxx
B) नसस्टर् आिश्यकर्ताएं :
i) निंडोज़ 7 या उससे ऊपर का ओपरे नटंग नसस्टर्
ii) आईई 7-और उससे ऊपर का इंटरिेट ब्राउजर
iii) साइनिंग टाइप का नडनजटल हस्ताक्षर
iv) नसस्टर् र्ें ििीिर्तर् अद्यर्ति नकया गया JRE ) 8x86 Offline) सॉफ्टिेयर नजसे डाउिलोड करके नसस्टर् र्ें इं स्टॉल नकया जाए।
साइिर बॉक्स र्ें DSC के प्रकटीकरण के नलए“ Protected Mode” को नडस्बेल करिे के नलए निम्ननलस्खर्त सेनटंग्स करें -
• Tools => Internet Options => Security => Disable protected Mode If enabled- i.e, Remove the tick from the tick box mentioning “Enable Protected Mode”.
अन्य सेंनटग्सः
• Tools => Internet Options => General => Click on Settings under “browsing history / Delete Browsing History” => Temporary Internet Files => Activate “Every time I Visit the Webpage”.
सभी active X controls और‘ use pop up blocker’ को नडसेबल करिे के नलए Tools→Internet Options→ custom level (Please run IE settings from the page xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxx once)
र्तकिीकी-िानणस्िक बोली और र्ूल्य बोली xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxx/xxxxxxxxx/xxx पर ऑिलाइि
ही प्रस्तुर्त करिी होगी। निनिदाएं निनिनदमि र्तारीख और सर्य पर इलक्ट्र ोनिकली ही खोली जाएं गी।
निनिदा र्ें सभी प्रनिनियां नबिा संनदग्धाथम के ऑिलाइि र्तकिीकी एिं िाणीस्िक फोर्ेट र्ें की जािी चानहए। लेि-देि शुल्क संबंनधर्त निशेष िोट :
िेंडर लॉनगि र्ें“ My Menu” नलंक के र्तहर्त नदए गए“ Transaction Fee Payment” द्वारा िेंडर लेि-दे ि शुल्क का भुगर्ताि करें गे। िेंडर को ईिेंट डर ापडाउि बॉक्स से निनिदा का चयि करिा होगा। िेंडर को या र्तो एिईएफटी अथिा िेट बैनकं ग के र्ाध्यर् से भुगर्ताि करिे की सुनिधा उपलब्ध होगी।एिईएफटी का चयि करिे पर िेंडर द्वारा फार्म भरे जािे पर एक चालाि जनिर्त होगा। िेंडर चालाि र्ें नप्रंट नकए गए ब्यौरे के अिुसार उसर्ें नबिा पररिर्तमि नकए लेि-दे ि शुल्क का भुगर्ताि कर करें गे। ऑिलाइि पेंर्ेट चुििे पर निनिदाकर्ताम को अपिे डे नबट/िे नडट काडम/िेट बैनकं ग से भुगर्ताि करिे के प्रािधाि उपलब्ध होगें।एर्एसटीएस के पदिानर्र्त बैंक खार्ते र्ें एकबार भुगर्ताि जर्ा हो जािे के बाद, लेिदेि शुल्क स्व प्रानधकृ र्त हो जाएं गे और िेंडर को नसस्टर् जनिर्त र्ेल की प्रास्प्त होगी। लेि-देि शुल्क अप्रनर्तदे य है। िेंडर लेि-दे ि शुल्क का भुगर्ताि नकए नबिा ऑिलाइि निनिदा एक्सेस िहीं कर पाएगा।
ध्यान दें:
बोलीकर्तामओं को सूनचर्त नकया जार्ता है नक िे कायम के सर्ापि सर्य से पयामप्त पहले अनिर् रूप से लेि-देि फीस प्रेनषर्त करें र्तानक उन्हें बोली जर्ा करिे के नलए पयामप्त सर्य नर्ल सके ।
निनिदा प्रदाि नकए जािे र्तक निनिदा की पूरी प्रनिया के दौराि अपलोड की गई निनिदाओं/ शुस्िपत्रों के बारे र्ें जािकारी के िल ईर्ेल द्वारा भेजी जाएगी। इसनलए िेंडरों को यह सुनिनिर्त करिा आिश्यक है नक एर्एसटीसी के साथ अपिा पंजीकरण करार्ते सर्य उिके द्वारा दी गई ईर्ेल आईडी िैध और अद्यर्ति है। िेंडरों से यह भी अऩुरोध है नक िे अपिे डीएससी) नडनजटल हस्ताक्षर प्रर्ाणपत्र (की िैधर्ता सुनिनिर्त करें ।
एिआईटी र्ें उस्िस्खर्त नियर्त नर्तनथ और सर्य के बाद ई-निनिदा को एक्सेस िहीं नकया जा सकर्ता।
ई-वनवर्दा में बोली लगाना:
क. बयािा जर्ारानश सभी आनशयर्त निनिदाकर्तामओं द्वारा भारर्तीय ररज़िम बैंक के खार्ते र्ें 14:00 Hrs को माचव 23, 2023 बजे र्तक या उससे पूिम ₹17,708/- की रानश बयािा जर्ारानश के रूप र्ें प्रेनषर्त की जाएगी। एिईएफटी/आरटीजीएस लेिदेि के नलए खार्ता नििरण निम्नािुसार हैं-
लाभार्थी का नाम: RBI CHENNAI आईएफएससी:RBIS0CNPA01 (पांचर्ां और दसर्ां अंक शून्य है) खाता संख्या: 186003001
लेिदेि संख्या (स्कै ि की गई प्रनर्त) के साथ प्रेषण का साक्ष्य संलग्न/ अपलोड नकया जाए। बोलीकर्तामओं को लेि- दे ि संख्या (स्कै ि प्रनर्त) का साक्ष्य xxxxxxxxxxxxx@xxx.xxx.xx पर भी भेजिे के नलए सूनचर्त नकया जार्ता है।
इच्छु क बोलीकर्ताम नियर्त र्तारीख से पहले बैंक द्वारा निधामररर्त प्रारूप) अिुलग्नक डी) र्ें भारर्तीय ररज़िम बैंक के पक्ष र्ें आहररर्त अिुसूनचर्त बैंक द्वारा जारी नडर्ांड डर ाफ्ट या बैंक xxxx xx के रूप र्ें भी ईएर्डी जर्ा कर सकर्ते
हैं और ऊपर निधामररर्त सर्य। नजि बोलीदार्ताओं िे आिश्यक ईएर्डी जर्ा िहीं की है, उिकी निनिदाओं पर बैंक द्वारा निचार िहीं नकया जाएगा।
बोलीदार्ताओं द्वारा जर्ा की गई ईएर्डी पर कोई ब्याज दे य िहीं होगा। असफल बोलीदार्ताओं की ईएर्डी निनिदा आर्ंनत्रर्त करिे िाले प्रानधकारी द्वारा यथासर्य िापस/िापस कर दी जाएगी।
ख. इस xxxxxxx xxxx र्तकिीकी और िानणस्िक बोली जर्ा करिे के नलए इलेक्ट्र ॉनिक बोली-xxxxxxx xxxxxx है।
ग. िेंडर नजन्होिे लिे -दिे शुल्क जर्ा नकया है के िल िे ही एर्एसटीसी की िबसाइटे
xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxx → e-procurement →PSU/Govtdepts→ Login under RBI→ My menu→ Auction Floor Manager→ live event →Selection of the live event.
घ. िेंडरों के पास रनिंग जािा एस्िके शि होिा चानहए। बोली फ्लोर के शुरू होिे के र्तुरं र्त बाद ही यह कायम नकया जािा है। उसके बाद उन्हें सार्ान्य शर्ते / िानणस्िक निनिदेशि भर कर उन्हें सेि करिा होगा। इसके बाद िे र्तकिीकी बोली पर स्िक करें । यनद यह जािा एिीके शि कार् िही ं कर रहा है र्तो िेंडर अपिी र्तकिीकी बोली को सेि / प्रस्तुर्त िही ं कर पाएं गे।
ङ. र्तकिीकी बोली भरिे के बाद, िेंडरों को उसकी ररकॉनडिंग के नलए 'सेि' पर स्िक करिा होगा। एक बार
िानणस्िक बोली नलंक एस्क्ट्ि हो जार्ती है और नििरण भर नदया जार्ता है र्तो िेंडरों को िानणस्िक बोली को ररकाडम करिे के नलए" सेि "पर स्िक करिा होगा। र्तकिीकी बोली और िानणस्िक बोली दोिों को सेि करिे के बाद , िेंडरों को बोनलयां पंजीकृ र्त करिे के नलए" फाइिल सबनर्शि "बटि पर स्िक करिा होगा।
च. निनिदा के भाग I (र्तकिीकी-िानणस्िक बोली (के दस्तािेज़ो को जहां नििरण भरे और हस्ताक्षररर्त नकए जार्ते हैं, अपलोडेड निनिदा दस्तािेज़ें, नििरण भरे , हस्ताक्षररर्त और अपलोड नकए गए, से डाउिलोड नकए जा सकर्ते हैं।िेंडरों को दस्तािेजों को अपलोड करिे के नलए Attach Doc button का उपयोग करिे का निदेश नदया जार्ता है। एक से अनधक दस्तािेज अपलोड नकए जा सकर्ते हैं।
छ. सभी र्ार्लों र्ें, िेंडरों को अपिी बोनलयां जर्ा करिे के सर्य नडनजटल हस्ताक्षर के साथ अपिे आईडी और पासिडम का उपयोग करिे के बारे र्ें सूनचर्त नकया जार्ता है।
ज. संपूणम ई-निनिदा प्रनिया के दौराि, निनिदाकर्ताम पूरी र्तरह से एक दू सरे से और हर नकसी के नलए भी अज्ञार्त रहेंगे।
झ. ई-निनिदा फ्लोर पूिम घोनषर्त नदिांक और सर्य से और ऊपर िनणमर्त अिनध के नलए खुला रहेगा।
ञ. ई-निनिदा प्रनिया के दौराि जर्ा की गई सभी इलेक्ट्र ॉनिक बोनलयां िेंडर पर कािूिी रूप से बाध्यकारी होगी।
नकसी भी बोली को उि िेंडर द्वारा दी गई िैध बोली के रूप र्ें र्ािा जाएगा और खरीदार द्वारा इसकी स्वीकृ नर्त खरीदार और िेंडर के बीच आपूनर्तम के निष्पादि के नलए बाध्यकारी संनिदा र्तैयार करे गी।
ट. सभी बोनलयां नडनजटल हस्ताक्षर प्रर्ाण पत्र के साथ जर्ा की जािी अनििायम हैं अन्यथा नसस्टर् द्वारा इन्हें स्वीकार
िही ं नकया जाएगा।
ठ. खरीदार के पास नबिा कोई कारण बर्ताए निनिदा को रद्द या अस्वीकार करिे या स्वीकार करिे या िापस लेिे या निनिदा को xxxx रूप से या उसके भाग र्ें निस्तार करिे का अनधकार सुरनक्षर्त है।
निनिदा के भाग 1के खोले जािे के बाद निनिदा दस्तािेज के नियर् और शर्तों र्ें नकसी प्रकार का निचलि स्वीकायम िहीं है। नकसी भी िेंडर द्वारा ई-निनिदा फ्लोर र्ें बोली जर्ा करिा निनिदा के नलए नियर्ों और शर्तों की स्वीकृ नर्त की पुनि करर्ता है। इस निनिदा के पररणार्स्वरूप कोई भी आदेश उसर्ें उस्िस्खर्त नियर्ों और शर्तों द्वारा शानसर्त होगा। निनिदा आर्ंनत्रर्त करिे िाले प्रानधकारी को नबिा कोई कारण बर्ताए इस ई-निनिदा को रद्द करिे या बोली) यों (की प्रास्प्त की निधामररर्त नर्तनथ र्ें निस्तार करिे का अनधकार है।
िेंडरों से अिुरोध है नक बोली लगािे से पहले अपिे आपको नसस्टर् से पररनचर्त करिािे के नलए िेंडर गाइड को पढ़ लें और पृष्ठ xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxx/xxxxxxxxx र्ें िीनडयो दे खें।
निनिदाकारों से अिुरोध है नक िे कायम संनिदा की दरें जीएसटी के नबिा कोट करें । कोट की गई दरों र्ें कोई पररिर्तमि स्वीकार िहीं नकया जाएगा।
Bidders are requested to read the terms & conditions of this tender before submitting their online tender.
Bidders are requested to read the terms & conditions of this tender before submitting their online tender.
Process of e-tender:
A) Registration: The process involves vendor’s registration with MSTC e-procurement portal which is free of cost. Only after registration, the vendor(s) can submit his / their bids electronically. Electronic Bidding for submission of Techno-Commercial Bid as well as Price Bid will be done over the internet. The vendor should possess Class III signing type Digital Certificate. Vendors must make their own arrangement for bidding from a PC connected with internet. MSTC is not responsible for making such arrangement. (Bids will not be recorded without Digital Signature).
Special Note: The Techno-Commercial Bid and Price Bid must be submitted on-line through xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxx/xxxxxxxxx/xxx
1) Vendors are required to register themselves online with xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxx => e- Procurement => PSU/Govt depts. => Select RBI Logo => Register as Vendor => Filling up details and creating own user id and password => Submit.
2) Vendors will receive a system generated mail confirming their registration in their e-mail which has been provided during filling the registration form. In case of any clarification, vendors may contact RBI / MSTC before the scheduled time of the e- tender.
Contact Persons (RBI - During Office Hours only):
1. Shri. P. Xxxxxxxxxxxx (Manager, Estate Department) 000-0000 0000/ (xxxxxxxxxxxxx@xxx.xxx.xx)
2. Shri. Xxxxxxx Xxxxx (AM, Estate Department) 000- 0000 0000 / (xxxxxxx@xxx.xxx.xx)
Contact Persons (MSTC Ltd – During Office Hours only):
1. Shri. Shanmugam - 9176397264
Email id: xxxxxxxxxx@xxxxxxxxx.xx.xx
2. Shri. X Xxxxxxxxx– 9841002253 Email id: xxxxxxxxxx@xxxxxxxxx.xx.xx
3. MSTC Help Line:9499054101/2/3/4.
Email id : xxxxxxxx@xxxxxxxxx.xx.xx
Google hangout ID- (for text chat) - xxxxxxxxx@xxxxx.xxx
B) System Requirements:
i) Windows 7 or above Operating System.
ii) IE-7 and above Internet browser.
iii) Signing type Digital Signature.
iv) Latest updated JRE 8 (x86 offline) software to be downloaded and installed in the system.
To disable “Protected Mode” for DSC to appear in the signer box following settings may be
• Tools => Internet Options => Security => Disable protected Mode If enabled- i.e, Remove the tick from the tick box mentioning “Enable Protected Mode”.
Other Settings:
• Tools => Internet Options => General => Click on Settings under “browsing history / Delete Browsing History” => Temporary Internet Files => Activate “Every time I Visit the Webpage”.
To enable ALL active X controls and disable ‘use pop up blocker’ under Tools => Internet Options
=> custom level (Please run IE settings from the page xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxx once)
The ‘Techno-Commercial Bid’ and the ‘Price Bid’ shall have to be submitted online at xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxx/xxxxxxxxx/xxx. Tenders will be opened electronically on specified date and time as given in the tender.
All entries in the tender should be entered in online Technical & Commercial Formats without any ambiguity.
Special Note towards Transaction fee:
The vendors shall pay the transaction fee using “Transaction Fee Payment” link under “ My Menu” in the vendor login. The vendors must select the particular tender from the event dropdown box. The vendor shall have the facility of making the payment either through NEFT or online payment. On selecting NEFT, the vendor shall generate a challan by filling up a form. The vendor shall remit the transaction fee amount as per the details printed on the challan without making change in the same. On selecting online payment, the vendor shall have the provision of making payment using its Credit / Debit Card / Net Banking. Once the payment gets credited to MSTC’s designated bank account, the transaction fee shall be auto authorized and the vendor shall be receiving a system generated mail. Transaction fee is non-refundable. A vendor will not have the access to online e-tender without making the payment towards transaction fee.
Bidders are advised to remit the transaction fee well in advance before the closing time of the event so as to give themselves sufficient time to submit the bid.
Information about tenders / corrigendum uploaded shall be sent by email only during the process till finalization of tender. Hence the vendors are required to ensure that their e-mail ID provided is valid and updated at the time of registration of vendor with MSTC. Vendors are also requested to ensure validity of their DSC (Digital Signature Certificate).
E-tender cannot be accessed after the due date and time mentioned in NIT.
Bidding in e-tender:
a) Earnest Money Deposit of ₹17,708/- shall be remitted by all intending tenderer to Bank Account of Reserve Bank of India on or before 14:00 Hrs on March 23, 2023. The account details for NEFT transactions are as follows.
Beneficiary Name: RBI CHENNAI
IFSC: RBIS0CNPA01 (5th and 10th digit is Zero) Account No: 186003001
Proof of remittance with transaction number (Scanned copy) shall be attached/ uploaded and also you are advised to send the proof of remittance with transaction number (scanned
copy) to xxxxxxxxxxxxx@xxx.xxx.xx.
Intending bidders may also remit the EMD in the form of a Demand Draft or a Bank Guarantee, issued by a scheduled bank drawn in favour of the Reserve Bank of India, in the format prescribed by the Bank (Annexure D) before the due date and time prescribed above. Tenders of those bidders who have not submitted the required EMD will not be considered by the Bank.
Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) are exempted from submission of EMD amount subject to submission of Udyam Registration certificate (Udyog Aadhar Memorandum).
No interest will be paid on the EMD remitted by the bidders. EMD of the unsuccessful bidders will be refunded / returned by the tender inviting authority in due course.
b) The process involves Electronic Bidding for submission of ‘Techno-Commercial Bid’ and ‘Price Bid’.
c) The vendor(s) who have submitted transaction fee can only submit their Bids through internet in MSTC website xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxx => e-procurement => PSU / Govt. depts => Login under RBI => My menu => Auction Floor Manager => live event => Selection of the live event.
d) The vendor should have running JAVA application. This exercise has to be done immediately after opening of Bid floor. Then they have to fill up Common terms / Commercial specifications and save the same. After that, they should click on the ‘Techno-Commercial Bid’. If this JAVA application does not run, then the vendor will not be able to save / submit his ‘Techno-Commercial Bid’.
e) After filling the ‘Techno Commercial Bid’, vendors must click ‘save’ for recording the same. Once the ‘Price Bid’ link becomes active and the details are filled up, vendors have to click on “save” to record the ‘Price Bid’. After both the ‘Techno-Commercial Bid’ & ‘Price Bid’ have been saved, vendor must click on the “Final submission” button to register the bids.
f) Pages of Part I (Techno-Commercial Bids) of the tender where details shall be filled in and signed, shall be downloaded from the uploaded tender documents, details filled in, signed and uploaded. Vendors are instructed to use ‘Attach Doc’ button to upload documents. Multiple documents can be uploaded.
g) In all cases, vendors are advised to use their own ID and Password along with Digital Signature at the time of submission of their bids.
h) During the entire e-tender process, the vendors will remain completely anonymous to one another and also to everybody else.
i) The e-tender floor shall remain open from the pre-announced date & time and for as much duration as mentioned above.
j) All electronic bids submitted during the e-tender process shall be legally binding on the vendor. Any bid will be considered as the valid bid offered by that vendor and acceptance of the same by the ‘Buyer’ will form a binding contract between ‘Buyer’ and the ‘Vendor’ for execution of the work.
k) It is mandatory that all the bids are submitted with Digital Signature Certificate otherwise the same will not be accepted by the system.
l) ‘Buyer’ reserves the right to cancel or reject or accept or withdraw or extend the tender in full or part, without assigning any reason thereof.
No deviation from the terms and conditions of the tender document is acceptable after opening of Part I of the tender. Submission of bid in the e-tender floor by any vendor confirms his acceptance of terms & conditions for the tender. Any order resulting from this tender shall be governed by the terms and conditions mentioned therein. The tender inviting authorit y has the right to cancel this e-tender or extend the due date of receipt of bid(s) without assigning any reasons thereof.
Vendors are requested to read the vendor guide and see the video in the page xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxx/xxxxxxxxx to familiarize them with the system before bidding.
2. वनवर्दा फामव /Form of Tender
थथाि/Place _________
नदिांक /Date __________
क्षेत्रीय निदे शक/The Regional Director
भारर्तीय ररज़िम बैंक/Reserve Bank of India,
संपदा निभाग/Estate Department
फोटम ग्लेनसस16-/Fort Glacis-16
xxxxxx xxxx ,पी.बी.संख्या40 /Rajaji Salai, X.X.Xx 40,
चेन्नै 600001 /Chennai-600 001
र्होदय Dear Xxx,
इसर्ें इसके पिार्त ज्ञापि र्ें निनिनदम ि कायों से संबंनधर्त निनिदेशिो,
नडजाइिों और र्ात्राओं की अिुसूची की
जांच कर और उक्त ज्ञापि र्ें निनिनदमि कायम-थथल दे खकर एिं जांचकर र्तथा निनिदा को प्रभानिर्त करिेिाली र्तत्संबंधी अपेनक्षर्त जािकारी प्राप्त कर ,र्ैं / हर् एर्तद्द् िारा उक्त ज्ञापि र्ें निनिनदमि सर्य के भीर्तर ,संलग्न की गई र्ात्राओं की अिुसूची र्ें उस्िस्खर्त दरों पर निनिदा र्ें नदए गए करार के अंर्तनिमयर्ों ,संनिदादारों के नलए निशेष अिुदे शों ,संनिदादारों को सार्ान्य अिुदेश र्तथा xxxxx xxxxxx ,शर्तों र्ात्राओं की अिुसूची एिं संनिदा की शर्तों र्ें नलस्खर्त रूप र्ें नदए गए निनिदेशिों ,डाटा शीट और र्ात्राओं की अिुसूची और इसके नलये उपलब्ध करायी गयी सार्नियों के साथ र्तथा अन्य सभी र्ार्लों र्ें ऐसी शर्तों के अिुसार जहॉं र्तक िे लागू हों ,उक्त ज्ञापि र्ें निनिनदमि कायम को निष्पानदर्त करिे का प्रस्ताि रखर्ता हूँ /रखर्ते हैं ।
We have carefully examined the specifications, designs and schedule of quantities relating to the works specified in the memorandum hereinafter set out and have visited and examined the installation site of the works specified in the said memorandum and having acquired the requisite information relating thereto as affecting the tender. We hereby offer to execute the works specified in the said memorandum within the time specified in the said memorandum at the rates mentioned in the attached Schedule of Quantities and in accordance in all respects with specifications, designs and instructions in writing referre d to in articles of agreement, general instructions to the tenderers and special conditions, conditions hereinbefore referred to, specifications, data sheet and schedule of quantities and with such materials as are provided for, by and in all other respects, in accordance with such conditions so far as they may be applicable.
1. | कायम का नििरण / Description of work | बैंक के मुख्य कायावलय भर्न, चेन्नई में स्टैं डअलोन एसी इकाइयों के रखरखार् के वलए व्यापक र्ावषवक रखरखार् अनुबंध के वलए वनवर्दा। Tender for Comprehensive Annual Maintenance Contract for Maintenance of Standalone AC units at Bank’s Main Office Building, Chennai. |
2. | एएर्सी अिनध / AMC Period | 01 अप्रैल 2023 से 31 माचव 2024 तक April 01,2023 to March 31,2024 |
3. | अिुर्ानिर्त लागर्त / Estimated cost | ₹8.85 लाख जीएसटी सनहर्त ₹8.85 Lakhs inclusive of GST |
4. | बयािा xxxx xxxx / Earnest Money by the successful tenderer | रु. 17,708/- प्रत्येक बोलीकर्ताम से Rs. 17,708/- from each bidder |
5. | सुरक्षा जर्ा /Security Deposit | सफल वनवर्दाकार के वलए, ईएमडी को प्रवतभूवत जमारावश के रूप में रखा जाएगा। प्रवतभूवत जमारावश को एएमसी संवर्दा के सफलतापूर्वक हो जाने के बाद वबना वकसी ब्याज के लौटा वदया जाएगा। For successful bidder, the EMD shall be retained as security deposit. The security deposit will be returned after successful completion of the AMC Contract without any interest. |
1. हर् इससे भी सहर्र्त है नक निनिदा खोलिे की नदिांक से हर्ारी निनिदा 90 नदिों र्तक बैंक के नलए स्वीकार करिे के नलए िैध रहेगी और िैधर्ता की यह अिनध बैंक और हर्ारे बीच नलस्खर्त आपसी सहर्नर्त के बाद बढाई जा सकर्ती है।
We also agree that our tender will remain valid for acceptance by the Bank for 90 days from the date of opening of Part I of the tender and this period of validity can be extended for such period as may be mutually agreed between the Bank and us in writing. We also agree to keep the earnest money valid during the entire period of validity of tender.
2. निनिदा स्वीकार होिे पर र्ैं/हर् यहां संलग्न संनिदा को उक्त शर्तों के निबंधिों एिं प्रािधािों को पूरा करिे और उसका पालि करिे के नलए या उसर्ें चूक करिे पर संनिदा की नलस्खर्त र्ें स्वीकृ नर्त सनहर्त उक्त शर्तों र्ें िनणमर्त बयािा जर्ा रानश जब्त नकये जािे और आपके उत्तरानधकाररयों ,सर्ुिेदे नशयों या
िानर्र्तों को अदा करिे के नलए सहर्र्त हूँ/हैं ।
Should this Tender be accepted, I/we hereby agree to abide by and fulfil all the terms and Conditions of the Tender and in default thereof, to forfeit and pay to you or your successors, or assignees or nominees such sums of money as are stipulated in the conditions contained in the tender together with the written acceptance of the contract.
3. आगे हर् एर्तर्तद्वारा / र्ैं ,के िल िैध िायरर्ैि लाइसेंस रखिे िाले इलेस्क्ट्र नशयिों को कार् पर लगािे
और संनिदाकारों के नलए सार्ान्य अिुदे x xxxx उिेख नकए गए अिुसार भारर्त सरकारश्रर् और ,
रोजगार र्ंत्रालय द्वारा निधामररर्त न्यूिर्तर् xxxxx xx के अिुसार भुगर्ताि और साथ ही पीएफ,
ईएसआई लाभ का भुगर्ताि करिे के नलए सहर्र्त हैं।
Further I/We hereby agree to engage only the Electricians having valid wireman license and make payment to Electricians only as per minimum wages stipulated by Government of India, Ministry of Labour & Employment together with PF, ESI benefits as mentioned in General Instructions to contractors.
4. र्ैं /हर् यह बार्त सर्झर्ते हैं नक आपके पास नबिा कोई कारण बर्ताए सभी या नकसी निनिदा को स्वीकार करिे या अस्वीकार करिे का अनधकार सुरनक्षर्त है। यनद हर् सूनचर्त नकए गए अिुसार संनिदा को निष्पानदर्त करिे र्ें असफल रहर्ते हैं र्तो हर् इस बार्त से सहर्र्त है नक भारर्तीय ररज़िम बैंक द्वारा इस रानश को जब्त कर नलया जाएगा।
I/We understand that you reserve the right to accept or reject any or all the tender either in full or in part without assigning any reason therefor. Should we fail to execute the contract when called upon to do so, we do hereby agree that EMD shall be forfeited by us to the Reserve Bank of India.
5. हर्ारे बैंकर निमिािुसार हैं : (पूरा पर्ता) / Our Bankers are: (Full Address)
(i) | |
(ii) |
6. हर्ारी फर्म के भागीदारों के िार् निम्नािुसार है / Names of Partners of our firm are:
(i) | |
(ii) |
फर्म के भागीदारों के िार् जो हस्ताक्षर करिे के नलए प्रानधकृ र्त है / Name of the Partner of the firm Authorized to sign | |
अथिा / or | |
निनिदा पर हथर्ताक्षर करिे के नलए र्ुखर्तारिार्ा (पािर ऑफ अटॉिी) रखिे िाले व्यस्क्त का िार् (र्ुख्तारिार्ा की प्रर्ानणर्त प्रनर्तनलनप संलग्न की जािी चानहए) / Name of the person having Power of Attorney to sign the Contract (Certified copy of the Power of Attorney should be attached). |
भिदीय / Yours faithfully,
संनिदाकार के हस्ताक्षर / Signature of Contractor
सानक्षयों के हस्ताक्षर और पर्ते / Signature and Addresses of Witnesses:
िर् सं / Xx.Xx | हस्ताक्षर / Signature | पर्ता / Address |
(i) | ||
(ii) |
3. करार की शतें / Articles of Agreement
यह करार ..........................एक ओर र्ैससम ---------------------------- नजिका पंजीकृ र्त कायामलय...............................चेन्नै-600 , (नजसे इसके बाद संनिदाकार कहा गया है)
Articles of Agreement made on this the day of between M/s. having its Registered Office at
Chennai – 600 , (hereinafter called the contractor) of the One Part And
दू सरी ओर भारर्तीय ररज़िम बैंक,चेन्नै नजसका कें द्रीय कायामलय र्ुंबई र्ें है और नजसका गठि भारर्तीय ररज़िम बैंक अनधनियर् 1934,के अंर्तगमर्त नकया गया है) नजसे इसके बाद" बैंक ”कहा गया है (के बीच के--------------------नदि ,
xx को नकया गया l
The Reserve Bank of India, Chennai, having its Central Office at Mumbai, constituted under the provisions of the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934 (hereinafter called the "The Bank") of the other part,
जबनक बैंक नियनर्र्त संचालि, ब्रेक-डाउि/नििारक/नियनर्र्त रखरखाि सेिा के नलए बैंक के मुख्य कायावलय भर्न, चेन्नई में स्टैं डअलोन एसी इकाइयों के रखरखार् के वलए व्यापक र्ावषवक रखरखार् अनुबंध के प्रािधाि के नलए इच्छु क है।
Whereas The Bank is desirous of provision of regular operation, Break-down/Preventive/regular maintenance service for Comprehensive Annual Maintenance Contract for Maintenance of Standalone AC units at Bank’s Main Office Building, Chennai.
और जबनक संनिदाकार र्ूल एएर्सी के अिुसार सहर्र्त नियर्त शर्तों और कायम की व्यास्प्त र्ें निस्तार से नदए गए अिुरूप और बाद र्ें आपसी सहर्नर्त के अिुसार कायम र्ें कु छ जोड़िे/घटािे के कारण कायम र्े होिे िाली िृस्ि/कर्ी, प्रकट और निनहर्त रूपों र्ें र्ूल रूप से दोिों द्वारा सहर्र्त नकए गए अिुसार और प्राकृ नर्तक रूप से एएर्सी की प्रकृ नर्त से उत्पन्न होिे िाली शर्तों (नजि सभी को इसके बाद सार्ूनहक रूप से र्तथाकनथर्त “शर्तें” कहा गया है) के अिुसार कार् को जो कनथर्त कायम की व्यास्प्त र्ें िनणमर्त है उसे एएर्सी र्ें निधामररर्त दर पर गणिा पर या ऐसी अन्य देय रानश पर (इसके बाद इसे “र्तथाकनथर्त संनिदा रानश” कहा गया है) कायम करिे के नलए सहर्र्त है।
And whereas the contractor has agreed to execute upon and subject to the conditions set forth
in the Conditions set forth herein and to the Conditions set forth in the Special Conditions and in Conditions of Contract and as amplified /curtailed by subsequent additions/deletions mutually agreed upon, originally agreed both expressly and impliedly and also naturally flowing out of the nature of AMC (all of which are collectively hereinafter referred to as the said "conditions") the works described in the said scope of work at the AMC rate as shall become payable thereunder (hereunder referred to as the said AMC contract amount).
xxxx द्वारा अब वनमनानुसार सहमवत हुई है-:
Now it is hereby agreed as follows:
1. संनिदाकार र्तथाकनथर्त शर्तों पत्र संबंधी करिे प्रदाि एएर्सी/र्ें उस्िस्खर्त सर्य और नियर्त र्तरीके से र्तथाकनथर्त
एएर्सी xxxxxx xxxx के भुगर्ताि करिे के र्द्दे िज़र अधीि के शर्तों र्तथाकनथर्त ,निनिदा शर्तों के अर्तगर्तमं कायम
की व्यास्प्त र्ें िनणमर्त नकए गए अिुसार कायम को निष्पानदर्त और पूरा करे गा।
In consideration of the said AMC contract amount to be paid in the manner set forth in the said conditions/AMC Award Letter, the contractor shall upon and subject to the said conditions
execute and complete the work described in the said scope of work under the tender conditions.
2. बैंक ,संनिदाकार को कनथर्त xxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxxxxxx शर्तों र्ें निनिनदमष्ट सर्य और र्तरीके से अदा करे गा।
The Bank shall pay the contractor the said contract amount at the time and in the manner specified in the said conditions.
3. आयकर निभाग द्वारा सर्य-सर्य पर जारी और िर्तमर्ाि र्ें लागू नदशानिदेशों के अिुरूप बैंक स्रोर्त पर कर
(टीडीएस) और अन्य नकसी कािूि के अंर्तगमर्त लागू कटौर्ती करे गा। संबंनधर्त कािूि र्ें नदए गए अिुसार कटौर्ती
िही ं नकए जािे के नलए उपयुमक्त प्रर्ाणपत्र निधामररर्त सर्य सीर्ा के अंदर बैंक द्वारा ऐसी कटौर्ती नकए जािे से पूिम प्रस्तुर्त करिे की नजम्मेदारी संनिदाकार की होगी।
The Bank shall deduct Tax deducted at Source (TDS) at the appropriate rate as per extant
guidelines of the Income Tax department provided from time to time and such other deduction under any other statute and the onus of producing appropriate certificate for non- deduction as provided in the relevant statute by way of intimation within the time limit and before such tax and other such deduction is being made by the bank shall be on the contractor.
4. र्हाप्रबंधक /उप र्हाप्रबंधक/ सहायक र्हाप्रबंधक, संपदा निभाग, चेन्नै बैंक की ओर से प्रानधकृ र्त प्रानधकारी है। The General Manager/Deputy General Manager/Assistant General Manager, Estate Department, Chennai is the Authority authorized on behalf of The Bank.
5. एएर्सी प्रदाि करिे संबंधी पत्र, करार और यहाूँ उस्िस्खर्त दस्तािेज़ इस संनिदा के आधारभूर्त घटक होगे।
The AMC award letter, agreement and document mentioned herein shall form the basis of this contract.
6. यह संनिदा रु ................../- (रुपये र्ात्र) की दर पर है।
This contract is at the rate of Rs. (Rupees
7. संनिदाकार द्वारा नियुक्त व्यस्क्तयों के कायों/गलनर्तयों के कारण या संनिदाकार के कायों / गलनर्तयों के कारण बैंक को हुए नकसी िकसाि /हानि की भरपाई संनिदाकार द्वारा की जाएगी।
The contractor shall make good for any damages/loss caused to the Bank due to the
actions/omissions of persons employed by him or because of his actions/omissions during the execution of this contract.
8. संनिदा की अिनध के दौराि संनिदाकार के िल िैध िायरर्ैि लाइसेंस रखिे िाले इलेस्क्ट्र नशयिों को कार् पर लगाएगा। संनिदाकार टीएिईबी/सांनिनधक प्रानधकारी द्वारा उिके इलेक्ट्र नशयिों को जारी िैध लाइसेंस की प्रनर्त उपलब्ध करिाएगा।
The contractor shall engage only electricians having wireman license during the contract. The
contractor shall also submit the valid license copy of their electricians issued by TNEB/ Statutory authority.
9. यह संनिदा 01अप्रैल 2023 से 31 र्ाचम 2024 र्तक 12 र्ाह के नलए िैध है और इस संनिदा की नकसी शर्तों के उिघंि या यनद बैंक संनिदाकार की सेिा से संर्तुि िही ं है र्तो एक र्हीिे का अनिर् िोनटस देकर बैंक के पास इस संनिदा को सर्ाप्त करिे का अनधकार है और ऐसी स्थथनर्त र्ें संनिदाकार नकसी प्रकार की क्षनर्तपूनर्तम/भरपाई के नलए हकदार िही ं होगा।
This contract is valid for a period of 12 months from April 01, 2023 to March 31, 2024 and the
Bank is entitled to terminate the contract by giving one-month notice, in case of violation of
any of the terms of this contract or in case it is not satisfied with the service of the contractor, in which case, the contractor is not entitled for any compensation/damages.
10. संनिदा को सर्ाप्त नकए जािे या इसका सर्य पूरा हो जािे पर संनिदाकार बैंक पररसर को खाली करे गा और बैंक से संबंनधर्त सभी सार्ाि /सार्िी/संपनत्त बैंक को िापस करे गा।
On termination of the contract or on expiry of the contract, the contractor shall vacate the
premises of the Bank and shall hand over or return all the articles/ material/ property pertaining to the Bank.
11. इस संनिदा के अंर्तगमर्त बैंक द्वारा सभी भुगर्ताि के िल चेन्नै र्ें नकए जाएं गे।
All payment by the Bank under this contract will be made only at Chennai.
12. इस करार के र्तहर्त या इससे जुड़े नकसी भी कारण से उत्पन्न नििाद चेन्नै र्ें उत्पन्न नििाद सर्झा जाएगा और उसके निपटाि का क्षेत्रानधकार चेन्नै र्ें ही स्थथर्त न्यायालयों का निधामररर्त क्षेत्रानधकार होगा।
All disputes out of or in any way connected with this agreement shall have been deemed to
have arisen at Chennai and only courts in Chennai shall have the jurisdiction to determine the same.
13. यह सूनचर्त नकया जार्ता है नक संनिदाकार इस करार के संबंध र्ें अपिे संनिदात्मक दानयत्ों को पूरा करिे के दौराि संनिदाकार को नर्लिे िाली कोई भी जािकारी, सार्िी र्तथा बैंक के बुनियादी ढांचा /नसस्टर् / उपस्करों आनद के संबंध र्ें नर्लिे िाली जािकारी का प्रत्यक्ष या अप्रत्यक्ष रूप से प्रकटीकरण नकसी अन्य पक्षकार को िही ं करे गा र्तथा हर्ेशा इसे अनर्तगोपिीय बिाए रखेगा। लागू कािूि का अिुपालि करिे या संनिदा के अधीि अपिे दानयत्ों को पूरा करिे के नलए आिश्यक होिे की स्थथनर्त को छोड़कर संनिदाकार इस संनिदा के ब्यौरों को निजी दायरें र्ें और गोपिीय रखेगा। नियोक्ता की पूिम नलस्खर्त अिुर्नर्त के नबिा संनिदाकार नकसी व्यापाररक या र्तकिीकी पेपर र्ें या अन्यत्र कायम के नििरण को ि र्तो प्रकानशर्त करे गा, ि ही प्रकाशि की अिुर्नर्त देगा और ि ही इसका प्रकटीकरण करे गा। नकसी गोपिीय जािकारी के प्रकटीकरण के पररणार्स्वरूप बैंक को हुई हानि के नलए संनिदाकार बैंक को क्षनर्तपूनर्तम करे गा। उपयुमक्त शर्तों का पालि ि करिा संनिदाकार द्वारा संनिदा भंग र्ािा जाएगा और बैंक हुई क्षनर्त का दािा करिे र्तथा कािूिी उपाय करिे का हकदार होगा। इस करार के अधीि गोपिीय जािकारी का प्रकटीकरण ि नकए जािे के दानयत् को सुनिनिर्त करिे के नलए संनिदाकार अपिे कर्मचाररयों के संबंध र्ें सभी उनचर्त कारम िाई करे गा। प्रकटीकरण ि करिे और गोपिीयर्ता के संबंध र्ें संनिदाकार का दानयत् इस करार के सर्ाप्त होिे या नकसी भी कारण से सर्ाप्त नकए जािे र्तक बिा रहेगा।
It is advised that the contractor shall not disclose directly or indirectly any information,
materials and details of the Bank’s infrastructure/ systems/equipments etc., which may come to the possession or knowledge of the contractor during the course of discharging its contractual obligations in connection with this agreement, to any third party and shall at all times hold the same in strictest confidence. The Contractor shall treat the details of the contract as private and confidential, except to the extent necessary to carry out the obligations under it or to comply with applicable laws. The contractor shall not publish, permit to be published, or disclose any particulars of the works in any trade or technical paper or elsewhere without the previous written consent of the employer. The contractor shall indemnify the employer for any loss suffered by the employer as a result of disclosure of any confidential information. Failure to observe the above shall be treated as breach of contract on the part of the contractor and the employer shall be entitled to claim damages and pursue legal remedies. The contractor shall take all appropriate actions with respect to its employees to ensure that the obligations of non-disclosure of confidential information under this agreement are fully satisfied. The contractor’s obligations with respect to non- disclosure and confidentiality will survive the expiry or termination of this agreement for whatever reason.
14. कनथर्त शर्तें इस करार के साथ पढ़ी जाएं गी और इस करार का भाग र्ािी जाएं गी और इससे संबंनधर्त दोिों पानटमयां कनथर्त शर्तों का पालि करें गी और अपिे-अपिे भाग को कनथर्त शर्तो के अिुसार पूरा करें गी।
The said conditions shall be read and construed, as forming part of this agreement and the
parties hereto shall respectively abide by and submit themselves to the said conditions and perform the agreement of their part respectively in the said conditions contained.
15. नक इस संनिदा के निनभन्न भागों को संनिदाकार िे पढ़ और पूरी र्तरह से सर्झ नलया है, इसके साक्ष्य के रूप र्ें संनिदाकार िे अपिी र्ुहर (यनद कोई हो र्तो) लगाई है और बैंक िे भी अपिे प्रानधकृ र्त अनधकारी के र्ाध्यर् से दोिों की उपस्थथनर्त र्ें हस्ताक्षर नकए हैं और उपयुमक्त नलखे गए नदि, र्ाह और िषम के नदि दो प्रनर्तयों र्ें दोिो पक्षों द्वारा हस्ताक्षर नकए गए हैं।
That the several parts of this contract have been read by the contractor and fully understood
by the contractor, in witness whereof the contractor has caused its seal (if any) to be affixed hereunto and the Bank has set its hands to these presents through its duly authorized official and the said two duplicates has caused these presents hereof to be executed on its behalf the day, month and year first here above written.
16. र्ानसक नबल/एकर्ुश्त शुल्क का भुगर्ताि एिईएफटी/आरटीजीएस के र्ाध्यर् से 45 नदिों के भीर्तर निनिदा र्ें उस्िस्खर्त आिश्यक दस्तािेजों के साथ सही चालाि जर्ा करिे पर नकया जाएगा, बैंक से भुगर्ताि की प्रर्तीक्षा नकए नबिा ठे के दार द्वारा कर्मचाररयों को र्जदू xx का भुगर्ताि नकया जािा चानहए। उक्त दस्तािेजों के नबिा प्रस्तुर्त नकए गए नबलों को भुगर्ताि के नलए संसानधर्त िही ं नकया जाएगा।
Payment of monthly bills /lump sum charges will be paid through NEFT/RTGS within 45
days on submission of correct invoice along with requisite documents as mentioned in the tender. Wages must be paid to the employees by the contractor on time without waiting for the payment from the Bank. The bills submitted without the said documents shall not be processed for payment.
17. संनिदाकार संनिदा र्ें उस्िस्खर्त नकए गए अिुसार कायम की प्रगनर्त की आिश्यक दर और कायम की गुणित्ता के अिुरूप कारीगरी को सुनिनिर्त करिे के नलए भारर्तीय ररज़िम बैंक की संर्तुनि के अिुरूप पयामप्त संख्या र्ें र्जदू रो की नियुस्क्त करे गा। संनिदाकार कायम के संबंध र्ें ऐसे नकसी भी व्यस्क्त को कार् पर िहीं लगाएगा जो 21 िषम से कर् की आयु का हो।
The contractor shall employ its labour in sufficient numbers to maintain the required rate of
progress and of quality to ensure workmanship of the degree specified in the contract and to the satisfaction of the Bank. The contractor shall not employ in connection with the work, any person who has not completed twenty-one years of age.
18. संनिदाकार द्वारा कार् पर लगाए गए सभी श्रनर्क या कर्मचारी संनिदाकार के कर्मचारी र्ािे जाएं गे और ऐसे
श्रनर्को/ कर्मचाररयों के सबधंं र्ें भारर्तीय ररज़िम बकैं पर नकसी भी प्रकार की प्रकृ नर्त की नजम्मदारीे िही ं होगी।
All the workers or employees deployed by the contractor shall be considered as the employees of contractor and Reserve Bank of India shall not have any liability what so ever in nature in regard to such workers/employees.
19. संनिदाकार उसके द्वारा कार् पर लगाए गए श्रनर्कों को सीधे ही र्जदू xx का भुगर्ताि करे गा जो नक न्यूिर्तर् र्जदू xx अनधनियर् के रूप र्ें उनचर्त र्जदू xx से कर् िही ं होगी। उनचर्त र्जदू xx का अथम है िह र्जदू xx नजसर्ें
साप्तानहक अिकाश के नदि के नलए xxxxx xx और सर्य अथिा कायम के भाग के नलए अन्य भत्ते शानर्ल होगे।
यह भत्ते आसपास नदए जा रहे ऐसे ही रोजगार के नलए प्रचनलर्त बाजार दर के आधार पर नदए जाएं गे लेनकि ये
भत्ते भारर्त सरकार के न्यूिर्तर् र्जदू xx अनधनियर् के अंर्तगमर्त निधामररर्त र्जदू xx से कर् िहीं होगे।
The Contractor shall pay to the labourer employed by him directly wages not less than fair wages as per Minimum Wages Act of Government of India. Fair Wage means wages, which
shall include wages for weekly day of rest and other allowances whether for time or piece work, after taking into consideration prevailing market rates for similar employment in the neighbourhood but shall not be less than the minimum rates of wages fixed under the payment of Minimum Wages Act of Government of India.
20. संनिदाकार उसके द्वारा या उसके उप-संनिदाकार द्वारा कार् पर लगाए गए श्रनर्कों के संबंध र्ें बोलीदार्ता श्रर् निनियर्ि र्ें उिस्खर्त सभी र्ार्लों के संबंध र्ें अिुपालि करे गा।
The Contractor shall in respect of labour employed by him or his sub-contractor comply
with or cause to be complied with the Contract Labour Regulation Act in regard to all matters provided therein.
21. संनिदाकार र्जदू xx अनधनियर्, 1936, न्यूिर्तर् र्जदू xx अनधनियर्, 1948, नियोक्ता दानयत् अनधनियर्1938
,कर्मकार प्रनर्तकर अनधनियर्1923 , औद्योनगक नििाद अनधनियर्, 1947र्ार्तृत् लाभ अनधनियर् 1970,
कायमथथल पर र्नहलाओं का यौि उत्पीड़ि (रोकथार्, निषेध और नििारण अनधनियर्, 2013 या उसर्ें नकए गए नकसी प्रकार के संशोधि या इससे संबंनधर्त अन्य कािूि और सर्य सर्य पर बिाए गए नियर्ों का पालि करे गा।
The contractor shall comply with the provisions of the payment of Wages Act, 1936,
Minimum Wages Act, 1948, Employers Liability Act, 1938.Workmen’s Compensation Act, 1923, Industrial Disputes Act, 1947, Maternity Benefit Act, 1970, Sexual Harassment of women at work place (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013, or any modification Thereof or any other law relating thereto and rules made there under from time to time.
22. संनिदाकार निम्न के संबंध र्ें भारर्तीय ररज़िम बैंक के पक्ष र्ें बीर्ा करिाएगा और उसे लागू रखेगा
i.कायम के निष्पादि से/ दौराि होिे िाली र्तीसरी पाटी के िुकसाि /व्यस्क्त या संपनत्त को हुए िुकसाि से उत्पन्न दािा
ii.कायम के निष्पादि के दौराि संनिदाकार द्वारा कार् पर लगाए गए कार्गार के कारण हुए िकसाि / क्षनर्त से उत्पन्न दािा
iii.लागू पीएफ/ श्रर् कािूिो, ईएसआई, निनियर्ों आनद का अिुपालि ि नकए जािे के कारण उत्पन्न कोई दािा
The Contractor shall indemnify and keep indemnified Reserve Bank of India against:
i.Any claim arising out of third party loss/ damage to life or property caused by/during execution of the work.
ii.Any claim arising out of loss/ damage to the workmen engaged by the contractor during execution of the work.
iii.Any claim due to non-compliance of applicable PF/ Labour laws, ESI, regulations etc.
23. संनिदाकार कायम शुरू होिे से पहले सभी आिश्यक बीर्ा किर िार्र्तः कार्गार प्रनर्तपूनर्तम पॉनलसी और र्तीसरी पाटी/सािमजनिक दे यर्ता प्रनर्त व्यस्क्त रुपये 2 लाख के नलए आरबीआई का िार् पहले रखर्ते हुए अपिी लागर्त पर लेगा।
The contractor shall take necessary insurance covers namely Workmen Compensation Policy
and third party/public liability for 2 Lakh per person jointly in the name of the Bank and the contractor, with Reserve Bank of India as the first name, at their cost, before commencement of the work.
24. अप्रकटीकरण खंड
संनिदाकार इस करार के संबंध र्ें अपिे संनिदात्मक दानयत्ों को पूरा करिे के दौराि संनिदाकार को नर्लिे
िाली कोई भी जािकारी, सार्िी र्तथा बैंक के बुनियादी ढांचा/नसस्टर्/उपस्करों आनद के संबंध र्ें नर्लिे िाली जािकारी का प्रत्यक्ष या अप्रत्यक्ष रूप से प्रकटीकरण नकसी अन्य पक्षकार को िहीं करे गा र्तथा हर्ेशा इसे
अनर्तगोपिीय बिाए रखेगा। लागू कािूि का अिुपालि करे या संनिदा के अधीि अपिे दानयत्ों को पूरा करिे के नलए आिश्यक होिे की स्थथनर्त को छोड़कर संनिदाकार इस संनिदा के ब्यौरों को निजी दायरे र्ें और गोपिीय रखेगा। नियोक्ता की पूिम नलस्खर्त अिुर्नर्त के नबिा संनिदाकार नकसी व्यापाररक या र्तकिीकी पेपर र्ें या अन्यत्र कायम के नििरण को ि र्तो प्रकानशर्त करे गा, ि ही प्रकाशि की अिुर्नर्त दे गा और ि ही इसका प्रकटीकरण करे गा। नकसी गोपिीय जािकारी के प्रकटीकरण के पररणार्स्वरूप बैंक को हुई हानि के नलए संनिदाकार बैंक को क्षनर्तपूनर्तम करे गा। उपयुमक्त शर्तों का पालि ि करिा संनिदाकार द्वारा संनिदा भंग र्ािा जाएगा और बैंक हुई क्षनर्त का दािा करिे र्तथा कािूिी उपाय करिे का हकदार होगा।
Non-disclosure Clause
The contractor shall not disclose directly or indirectly any information, materials and details of the Bank’s infrastructure / systems / equipments etc. which may come to the contractor’s possession or knowledge during the course of discharging his contractual obligations in connection with this agreement, to any third party and shall at all times hold the same in strictest confidence. The contractor shall treat the details of the contract as private and confidential, except to the extent necessary to carry out the obligations under it or to comply with applicable laws. The contractor shall not publish, permit to be published, or disclose any particulars of the work in any trade or technical paper or elsewhere without the previous written consent of the Bank. The contractor shall indemnify the bank for any loss suffered by the Bank as a result of disclosure of any confidential information. Failure to observe the above shall be treated as breach of contract on your part and the Bank shall be entitled to claim damages and pursue legal remedies.
25. इस करार के अधीि गोपिीय जािकारी का प्रकटीकरण ि नकए जािे के दानयत् को सुनिनिर्त करिे के नलए संनिदाकार अपिे कर्मचाररयों के संबंध र्ें सभी उनचर्त कारम िाई करे गा।
Contractor shall take all appropriate actions with respect to employees to ensure that the
obligations of non-disclosure of confidential information under this agreement are fully satisfied.
26. प्रकटीकरण ि करिे और गोपिीयर्ता के संबंध र्ें संनिदाकार का दानयत् इस करार के सर्ाप्त होिे या नकसी भी कारण से सर्ाप्त नकए जािे र्तक बिा रहेगा।
Contractors’ obligations with respect to non-disclosure and confidentiality will survive the
expiry or termination of this agreement for whatever reason.
27. संनिदाकार xxxxxx xxxxx (निनियर्ि और उत्सादि) अनधनियर् 1970 के सभी प्रािधािों का अिुपालि करे गा। अंनर्तर् नबल जारी करिे से पूिम संनिदाकार इस आशय का प्रर्ाणपत्र प्रस्तुर्त करे गा नक उसिे कायम पूरा करिे के नलए कार् पर लगाए गए सभी प्रकार के र्जदू रों के नलए पूरी बकाया रानश का भुगर्ताि नकया है और यह
भुगर्ताि न्यूिर्तर् xxxxx xx xxxxxxxx, के
र्तहर्त निधामररर्त र्जदू xx से कर् िहीं है और उसि
ठे का
xxxxx xx xxxx के
नलए आिश्यक सुनिधाए
उपलब्ध करािे के
संबंध र्ें सीएलआरए अनधनियर् के प्रािधािो
का पालि नकया है।
The Contractor shall comply with the provisions of Contract Labour (Regulation& Abolition) Act, 1970. Before release of final bill, the contractor shall submit a certificate to the effect that he has actually paid the entire dues to the labourers of all descriptions engaged by him, for completion of this work at the rate, which is not less than the one prescribed under the Minimum Wages Act, 1949 and has complied with the provisions of CLRA Act with regard to providing the essential amenities to the Contract Labour.
28. संनिदाकार कायमथथलों पर र्नहलाओं का यौि उत्पीड़ि (रोकथार्, निषेध और नििारण) अनधनियर् 2013
“अनधनियर्” के प्रािधािों का xxxx अऩुपालि करिे के नलए पूरी र्तरह नजम्मेदार होगे। बैंक के पररसर के
भीर्तर अपिे कर्मचारी के स्खलाफ यौि उत्पीड़ि की नकसी भी नशकायर्त के र्ार्ले र्ें नशकायर्त
एजेंसी/द्वारा गनठर्त नशकायर्त सनर्नर्त के सर्क्ष दायर की जाएगी संनिदाकार
नशकायर्त के संबंध र्ें अनधनियर् के अंर्तगमर्त सर्ुनचर्त कारम िाई सुनिनिर्त करे गा।
The Contractor / Agency shall be solely responsible for full compliance with the provisions of "the Sexual Harassment of women at work place (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013", In case of any complaint of sexual harassment against its employee, within the Premises of the Bank, the complaint will be filed before the Internal Complaints Committee constituted by the Contractor / Agency and the Contractor/Agency shall ensure appropriate action under the said Act in respect to the complaint.
29. संनिदाकार के नकसी पीनड़र्त कर्मचारी द्वारा बैंक के नकसी कर्मचारी के निरुि की गई यौि उत्पीड़ि की नकसी भी नशकायर्त का संज्ञाि बैंक द्वारा गनठर्त क्षेत्रीय नशकायर्त सनर्नर्त द्वारा नलया जाएगा।
Any complaint of sexual harassment from any aggrieved employee of the contractor against
any employee of the Bank shall be taken cognizance of by the Regional Complaints Committee constituted by the Bank.
30. यनद घटिा र्ें संनिदाकार का कोई कर्मचारी शानर्ल होर्ता है र्तो उस स्थथनर्त प्रदाि की जािे िाली नकसी भी र्ौनद्रक प्रनर्तपूनर्तम के नलए संनिदाकार उत्तरदानयत् होगा ,उदाहरण के नलए बैंक के नकसी कर्मचारी को दी जािे िाली र्ौनद्रक राहर्त यनद संनिदाकार के कर्मचारी द्वारा यौि नहंसा नसि हो जार्ती है।
The contractor shall be responsible for any monetary compensation that may need to be paid
in case the incident involves the employees of the contractor, like any monetary relief to Bank's employee, if sexual violence by the employee of the contractor is proved.
31. कायमथथल पर यौि उत्पीड़ि की रोकथार् और अन्य संबंनधर्त र्ुद्दों पर अपिे कर्मचाररयों को नशनक्षर्त करिे की नजम्मेदारी संनिदाकार की होगी।
The contractor shall be responsible for educating its employees about prevention of sexual
harassment at work place and related issues.
32. संनिदाकार बैंक पररसर र्ें कार् पर लगाए गए अपिे कर्मचाररयों की पूरी और अद्यर्ति सूची उपलब्ध करिाएगा।
The contractor shall provide a complete and updated list of its employees who are deployed
within the Bank's premises.
33. जोस्खर् खंड: र्ौजूदा व्यिथथा की नकसी भी निफलर्ता के र्ार्ले र्ें अिुबंध के र्तहर्त कार् करिे के नलए ठे के दार के पास xxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx व्यिथथा होगी। यनद सेिाएं असंर्तोषजिक पाई जार्ती हैं र्तो बैंक नकसी भी सर्य एक र्हीिे का नलस्खर्त िोनटस देकर अिुबंध को सर्ाप्त करिे का अनधकार सुरनक्षर्त रखर्ता है और ठे के दार की लागर्त, जोस्खर् और नजम्मेदाररयों पर नकसी अन्य चयनिर्त निनिदाकर्ताम को अिुबंध देिे का भी अनधकार रखर्ता है। इस पर नकए गए अनर्तररक्त व्यय को भारर्तीय ररजिम बैंक, चेन्नई द्वारा ठे के दार की सुरक्षा जर्ा रानश या लंनबर्त नबल से या एक अलग
िसूली दािा करके िसूल नकया जाएगा।
Risk Clause: The Contractor shall always have standby arrangements for carrying out the work under the Contract in case of any failure of the existing arrangement. The Bank reserves the right for termination of the contract at any time by giving one month written notice, if the services are found unsatisfactory and also has the right to award the contract to any other selected tenderer at the cost, risk and responsibilities of Contractor and excess expenditure incurred on account of this will be recovered by the RBI, Chennai from the Contractor’s Security Deposit or pending bill or by raising a separate recovery claim.
34. नििाद सर्ाधाि: यह परस्पर सहर्नर्त है नक इस सर्झौर्ते से उत्पन्न होिे िाले या इसके संबंध र्ें सभी र्र्तभेद और नििाद आपसी चचाम और बार्तचीर्त से सुलझाए जाएं गे यनद इस र्तरह के नििादों और र्र्तभेदों को बार्तचीर्त और बार्तचीर्त से सुलझाया और हल िही ं नकया जा सकर्ता है र्तो िही होगा बैंक द्वारा नियुक्त एकर्ात्र र्ध्यथथ को संदनभमर्त
Dispute Settlement: It is mutually agreed that all differences and disputes arising out of
or in connection with this Agreement shall be settled by mutual discussions and negotiations if such disputes and differences cannot be settled and resolved by discussions and negotiations then the same shall be referred to the Sole Arbitrator appointed by the Bank whose decision shall be final and binding on both the parties and any legal dispute will be subject to Chennai Jurisdiction only.
35. संनिदा का ििीकरण: बैंक अपिे थिनििेक पर संनिदाकार के कायमनिषपादि को संर्तोषजिक पाए जािे पर इस एएर्सी का ििीकरण िषम 2024-25 और 2025-26 के नलए करिे पर निचार करे गा, नजस पर पूिोकर्त निबंधि ि
शर्तें लागू होगी र्तथा र्ौजूदा नयिर्तर्ू र्ज़दू xx के आधार पर दरों र्ें बढ़ोर्तरी/ कर्ी होगी। इस सबधंं र्ें बकैं का निणयम
अंनर्तर् ि बाधयकारी होगा। इसके अलािा, सेिा प्रभारों र्ें अनधकर्तर् अिुर्ेय िृस्ि सीपीआई और डबलयूपीआई सूचकांकों के आधार पर होगी, नजस पर निणमय बैंक द्वारा नलया जाएगा।
Renewal of contract: At the sole discretion of the Bank, the AMC shall be considered
for further renewal for the years, 2024-25 and 2025-26, on same terms and conditions with applicable increase / decrease in rates, based on the prevailing Minimum Wages, provided the Bank, finds the services of the Contractor satisfactory. The decision of the Bank, in this regard shall be final and binding. In addition to this, the maximum permissible increase in the Service Charges will be based on CPI and WPI indices, as decided by the Bank.
हस्ताक्षर खंडः
निम्ननलस्खर्त द्वारा हस्ताक्षररर्त और सुपुदम
संनिदाकार हस्ताक्षर र्ुहर पर्ता | आरबीआई के प्रानधकृ र्त हस्ताक्षरी पदिार् और पर्ता | |
साक्षी हस्ताक्षर िार् और पर्ता | साक्षी हस्ताक्षर िार् और पर्ता |
Contractor Signature seal Address | Authorized Signatory of RBI Designation & Address |
Witness Signature Name and Address | Witness Signature Name and Address |
4. संवर्दाकारों को सामान्य अनुदेश / General Instructions to Contractors
1. E-tenders comprising duly filled in details of both Part I and Part II specifications of the tender should be uploaded in MSTC website under RBI portal for the work ‘Comprehensive Annual Maintenance Contract for Maintenance of Standalone AC units at Bank’s Main Office Building, Chennai’, not later than March 23, 2023 by 2:00 p.m..
2. The tender documents will be available for viewing/downloading for the intending bidders from 16:00 Hrs of February 20, 2023. The bidders who do not comply with the following pre- qualification criteria and have not submitted requisite EMD, will not be considered for opening of their tender Part-II.
i. The intending tenderer must have minimum 5 years of experience in carrying out the work of Annual Maintenance Contract for Operation and Maintenance of Reverse Osmosis plant. The similar work* should have been completed on or before January 31, 2023.
ii. The intending tenderer must have executed successfully similar works*, during last five years ending on January 31, 2023 as under:
(a) Three works, each costing not less than Rs.3.54 Lakh.
(b) Two works, each costing not less than Rs.4.43 Lakh.
(c) One work, costing not less than Rs.7.08 Lakh.
iii. Should have service setup at Chennai for rendering after sales service.
iv. Only those OEMs/authorized dealers/distributers/firms who have a minimum yearly turnover of Rs.8.85 Lakh during last 3 years shall be considered eligible for tendering for the work.
v. Should submit a ‘Solvency Certificate’ issued by the intending bidder’s Banker, specifically for the purpose of this tender for an amount, of Rs. 8.85 Lakh.
*Similar Works means - works of maintenance of electrical installations.
(a) | Composition of the firm | Full particulars (whether contractor is an individual, or a partnership firm, or a company etc.,) of the composition of the firm of contractor, in detail should be submitted along with name(s) and address(es), of the partner's copy of the Articles of Association/ Power of Attorney/other relevant document. |
(b) | Work experience & Completion of similar works of specified value during the specified period | Copies of the detailed work orders for the qualifying works indicating date of award, value of awarded work, time given for completing the work, etc. and the corresponding completion certificates indicating actual date of completion and actual value of executed similar works should be enclosed in proof of the work experience. The details along with documentary evidence of previous experience, if any, of carrying out works for the Reserve Bank of India at any Centre, should also be submitted. |
(c) | Turnover | Audited financial statements for last three financial years i.e. 2019-20, 2020-21 and 2021-22 along with a certificate of Chartered Accountant indicating the turnover for these financial years should be submitted. |
(d) | Credit worthiness of the contractor and their turnover during the specified period | Copies of the Income Tax Clearance Certificates/Income Tax Assessment Orders along with the latest final accounts of the business of the contractor duly certified by a Chartered Accountant should be enclosed in proof of their creditworthiness and turnover for last three years. |
(e) | Name(s) and address(es) of the Bankers and their present contact executives | Written Information about the names and addresses of their bankers along with full details, like names, postal addresses, e-mail IDs, telephone (landline and mobile) nos., fax nos., etc. of the contact executives (i.e. the persons who can be contacted at the office of their bankers by the Bank, in case it is so needed) should be furnished. |
(f) | Details of bank accounts | Full particulars of their bank accounts, like account no. type, when opened etc., should be submitted. |
3. Part-I of the tenders will be opened on March 23, 2023 at 3:30 p.m. in the presence of the authorized representatives of the contractors who choose to be present. Part-II of the eligible tenderers will be opened on the same day or a subsequent date which will be intimated to the tenderers in advance. Quotations which are incomplete, not fulfilling all the conditions stipulated therein and those received after the due date and time will be summarily rejected.
4. The Bank discourages stipulation of any additional conditions by the tenderers. However, in case the tenderers wish to include any condition, it shall be addressed as a special remark. The condition(s), if any, will be examined and after discussions with all the tenderers, the conditions that are acceptable to the Bank will be intimated to the tenderers.
5. Tenders shall remain open to acceptance by the Bank for a period of three months from the date of opening of the Part II of the tender, which period may be extended by mutual agreement, and the tenderer shall not cancel or withdraw the tender during this period.
6. Digital Signatures may be used to submit the tender in token of his / their acquainted himself / themselves with the General Conditions of Contract, Specifications, and Special Conditions etc., as laid down.
7. If any of the document is missing, the tender may be considered invalid by the Bank at its discretion. No advice of any change in rate or conditions after opening of the tender will be entertained.
8. The vendors shall pay the transaction fee vide the procedures listed in Annexure I -
‘Guidelines for e-procurement’.
9. Transaction fee is non-refundable. A vendor will not have the access to online e-tender without making the payment towards transaction fee.
10. Earnest Money Deposit for a sum of ₹ 17,708/- shall be remitted to the Bank Account of Reserve Bank of India on or before 14:00 Hrs of March 23, 2023. The account details for NEFT transactions are as follows.
Beneficiary Name: RBI CHENNAI
IFSC: RBIS0CNPA01 (5th and 10th digit is Zero) Account No: 186003001
Proof of remittance with transaction number (Scanned copy) shall be attached/ uploaded.The bidders are also advised to send the proof of remittance with transaction number (scanned copy) to xxxxxxxxxxxxx@xxx.xxx.xx. While making remittance of the said amount, ‘EMD- ESTATE DEPARTMENT’ must be mentioned in the remarks column.
11. EMD may also be submitted on or before 14:00 Hrs of March 23, 2023 in the form of a Bank Guarantee in the format approved by the Bank (Proforma attached as Annexure
- D) at the Estate Department, Reserve Bank of India, Chennai - 600001. A tender which is not accompanied by such EMD will not be considered.
12. Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) are exempted from submission of EMD amount subject to submission of Udyam Registration certificate (Udyog Aadhar Memorandum).
13. EMD of the unsuccessful bidders shall be refunded / returned without any interest.
14. The EMD paid by the successful tenderer shall be held by the Reserve Bank of India as security deposit for execution and fulfilment of the contract. No interest shall be paid on this deposit.
15. The EMD shall not be accepted in any form other than the one mentioned in the tender notice. The EMD submitted by the successful bidder shall be forfeited in case the successful bidder fails to commence the work awarded to her / him / them within the prescribed time limit.
16. On receipt of intimation from the Employer of the acceptance of his/their tender, the successful tenderer shall be bound to sign the formal Contract and within fourteen days thereof the successful tenderer shall sign an agreement in accordance with the draft agreement and the Schedule of Quantities. But the written acceptance by the Reserve
Bank of India will be binding on the contractor whether such formal agreement is or is not subsequently executed. The cost of necessary Stamp paper for execution of the agreement shall be borne by the successful tenderer.
17. The rates shall also be firm and shall not be subject to exchange variations, labour conditions, fluctuations in railway freights or any conditions whatsoever. Each invoice/bill shall indicate, amongst other things, the contractor’s PAN and GST Registration Number (if GST registered). The contract value will also be subject to TDS/Withholding Tax as per law.
18. The quoted service charges will be firm and not subject to labour condition, exchange variations or any other condition whatsoever. The firm / agency will be bound to pay statutory minimum wages to the workforce employed by him/them, therefore should be quoted keeping this in mind. If the tender rates are below the Minimum Wages Act the onus is on the tenderer to satisfy the statutory payments.
19. Payment will be made on quarterly basis after completion of satisfactory work duly certified by ACT/JE/AM/Mgr, P& SO, or competent authority along with the submission of service report. After submission of invoice along with service report, payment of Quarterly bills /lump sum charges will be paid through RTGS/NEFT. Wages must be paid to the employees by the contractor without waiting for the payment from the Bank. The invoice has to be submitted in the format as required by Bank.The payment will be made based on the number of AC’s serviced in the quarter (3 months) only and not subject to minimum wages paid to the employees.
20. The contractor has to obtain Police Verification report on character and antecedents of its personnel and other details relating to age, educational qualification, name and permanent address to be provided under this contract along with their passport size photographs before engaging them for duty in Bank’s Premises. Only able bodied, physically fit well trained, literate, disciplined and honest personnel shall be deployed.
21. The Contractor shall not assign the contract. He shall not sublet any portion of the contract except with the written consent of the Employer. In case of breach of these conditions, the Employer may serve a notice in writing on the Contractor rescinding the contract whereupon the security deposit shall stand forfeited to the Employer, without prejudice to his other remedies against the Contractor.
22. The Contractor shall carry out periodical maintenance work strictly in accordance with the stipulated specifications, the related frequency and as per detailed instructions of the Bank's Engineer.
23. Each tender should contain not only the rates but also the amount of each i tem of work entered in a separate column and all the amounts quoted against various items should be totaled in order to show the Aggregate value of the entire tender.
24. The contractor shall comply with the provisions of all labour legislation including the requirement of –
a) The payment of Wages Act
b) Employers liability Act, including P.F Act, Gratuity Act, etc.
c) Workmen’s Compensation Act.
d) Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act,
e) Apprentices Act
f) Any other act or enactment relating thereto and rules formed there under from time to time.
25. The tenderer must obtain for himself on his own responsibility and at his own expenses all the information which may be necessary for the purpose of making tender and for entering into a contract and must inspect the site of the work, acquaint himself with all local conditions, means of access to the various locations, nature of the work and all matters pertaining thereto.
26. The rates quoted in the tender shall include for all charges for quarterly service and to attend day to day complaints as and when lodged without any limit.
27. The contractor shall be responsible to maintain all property and equipment of the RBI entrusted to it. Any damage or loss caused by the contractor’s persons to the Bank in whatever shape would be recovered from the contractor.
28. The Bank does not recognize any employee employer relationship with any of the workers of the contractor and their services shall be automatically discontinued with the termination of the contract.
29. In the event of any provisions of the contract requiring to be modified after the agreement has been signed, the modifications shall be made in writing and signed by the Bank and the contractor or his authorized representative. Such modifications will not be effective until the same have been signed by both the parties. Any verbal or written arrangements for abandoning, modifying extending, reducing or supplementing the contract, or any of the terms thereof shall be deemed to be provisional and shall not be binding on the Bank unless and until the same are incorporated in a formal instrument and signed by the Bank and the contractor. The Bank shall not be under any obligation for providing employment to any of the workers of the contractor after expiry of the contract.
30. Scope of work & Details of services: A C Units :-
Split/Cassette/Tower/Ductable/Package/window etc.
▪ Checking of motor bushing
▪ Checking supply voltages at main plug switches and sockets
▪ Dry and wet cleaning of the units at regular intervals.
▪ Cleaning and washing of air filters, blowers, condenser fans, evaporators, condenser coils and other equipment. Water cleaning/wet servicing to be done once in a quarter or as and when required, if found very dirty/dust accumulated.
▪ Checking and oiling motor assembly
▪ All tools required for the services shall be brought by the contractor
▪ Undertake repairs & replacement of all defective parts of the AC units including PCB’s connected voltage stabilizer units or parts thereof as overhauling the units free of charge and refrigerant gas charging, if required
31. The Comprehensive AMC is inclusive of deputing technicians, helpers as and when required with necessary consumable materials, tools and spares for periodic service once in a quarter in all area as and when required (during breakdown/defective) as given in the scope of work. The rates shall include all spare parts, accessories, repairs & replacement of defective parts including compressor, condenser coil assembly fan motor, blade , evaporated coil assembly, swing motor, blower, refrigerant, bush & bearings, gaskets cleaning, washing, lubrication of the above machines, filters,
replacement of filters, necessary hardware, voltage stabilizer units transportation charges, conveyance charges to reach the different locations etc, or any other parts/materials required to well-functioning/working of the said system.
32. The quarterly charges under AMC will be paid only after obtaining satisfactory performance certificate on Quarterly report from Caretaker, Bank's Engineer, Asst. Manager/ Manager, (Electrical), A.M/Manager (P&SO), or other competent authority approved by Bank. The quoted quarterly charges shall remain valid during the current year of the AMC. Thereafter the AMC may be renewed with concurrence of both the parties by allowing for revision in prices based on C.P.I. The bill will be settled net of applicable taxes to be deducted at source. During the annual renewal of AMC, the maximum permissible increase in AMC amount will be based on Consumer Price Index and Whole Sale Price Index as decided by the Bank.
33. Successful tenderer has to follow minimum wages and contract labour act and pay to his labours as per the act. Maintain the proper records of the same as per extant law. The labour deployed for the work shall be paid minimum wages as per provision in the Govt. of India, Ministry of Labour/contract labour act. So the tenderer should workout the AMC rate accordingly. The quoted rate shall include wages for labour as per wages norms, all applicable taxes if any, PF, ESI, etc., to the labours, insurance (workman compensation policy & third party liability-i.e. Rs. 2 lakh per person per accident.
34. Please note that as per Employees State Insurance Act, 1948 Contractor is responsible for making ESI contribution of the person permanently employed, if it is applicable/ required & as per the Government of India, Ministry of Labour. For the jobs under AMC the contractor shall responsible for take all insurances at his cost to cover all kinds of risks from the time of award of work. These insurance policies shall be valid till the completion of the contract period. Contractor will take workmen compensation policy for all the staff deputed at site and will submit the policy to the Bank after award of work.
35. In addition to the above, one AC technician shall be deputed on daily basis at Main Office Premises from 9.00 AM to 6.00 PM, 6 days per week (Monday to Saturday) to attend the AC maintenance related activities.
36. The AC technician may be deputed at Bank’s Residential Quarters on as and when required basis.
37. Breakdown complaints shall be attended on the same day and rectified within 48 hours from the time of intimation of complaint through phone / e-mail.
38. In case the lowest bidder happens to be ESI/EPF registered contractor, the expense/contribution made by the employer/contractor towards AC technician in this regard shall be reimbursed by the Bank on production of actual documentary evidence.
39. Penalty: -
The Contractor shall maintain an attendance register duly certified by designated Bank’s staff and attach a copy of the same with monthly bills failing which no payments shall be released. In case, any of the personnel deployed by the contractor is absent and the contractor is unable to provide suitable substitute, a penalty amount of Rs.500/- per person per day shall be levied by the Bank in addition to the wages of the absent personnel(s) and the same shall be deducted from the contractor’s pending/subsequent bill.
40. The contractor shall also be compensated for any increase in minimum wages and increased liability towards contribution to other statutory requirements like EPF and ESI on account of such increase of wages during the contract period. However, the rates quoted by the contractor towards the service charges will remain same throughout the tenure of the contract.
41. While submitting monthly bills, the contractor should attach relevant bank statements of the labourers to ensure that the Minimum Wages have been duly paid to the labourers. The expenditure incurred by the contractor on account of increase in Minimum Wages will be taken into account by the Bank and the monthly bills will be settled accordingly.
42. The Contractor should submit the AMC agreement in bilingual format only. In case of any dispute arises, agreement clauses in English will be considered valid.
43. In case any deficiency in the services, non-use of approved materials is observed or brought to notice of the office, a proportionate/ appropriate amount form the monthly bill will be deducted as penalty for deficiency in services and in any case, it will not be refunded to the contractor, in future.
44. In the event of default being made in the payment of any money in respect of wages, EPF and ESI contribution of any person deployed by the contractor for carrying out of this contract and if a claim therefore is filed in the office of the Labour Authorities and proof thereof is furnished to the satisfaction of the Labour Authorities, the Bank may, failing payment of the said money by the contractor, make payment of such claim on behalf of the contractor to the said Labour Authorities and any sums so paid shall be recoverable by the Bank from the contractor.
45. The Contractor and his staff shall be under the general supervision and control of the Assistant Manager (Technical) /Junior Engineer or any other personnel deputed for the purpose by the Bank and shall obtain necessary instructions from him for the day-to-day work in the premises.
46. The Bank reserves the right to terminate the contract if the performance of the agency is reported unsatisfactory during the contract period by issuing one month's notice in writing and any loses on account of termination of contract will be recovered in the form of monthly charges due to the contractor. The scope of work of annual maintenance contract is specifically stipulated in Schedule of Quantities. Any lapses on performance observed during the maintenance of the AC units will be liable for proportionate reduction in quarterly charges. Therefore, the contractor shall clearly bear in mind that, the successful operation of the AC units at any point of time is the prime responsibility.
47. The contractor will indemnify the Bank against all claims under the workmen's compensation act in respect of the workmen employed by him at Bank's Office building and Banks Quarters in various at Chennai and at other locations and in pursuance thereof, he shall at his own expenses effect and maintain an insurance policy against all such risks. The contractor will take care of the provisions in payment of minimum wages act of State/Central Govt.
48. The contractor shall provide approved and standard quality of filter, spare parts preferably to the same manufacturer during periodic replacement as agreed during the contract.
49. Before quoting the rates tenderer should inspect the site and get acquainted with work, working conditions, restrictions, if any, etc.
50. The name of the successful contractor will be delisted/removed from the Bank’s approved/empaneled list & no work will be awarded in future, if the successful tenderer fails to comply with any of the conditions of the contract.
51. The Contractor shall not be entitled to any compensation for the death of any staff deployed by them, any loss suffered by him on account of delays in commencing or executing the work, whatever the cause of delays may be, including delays arising out of modifications to the work entrusted to him or in any sub-contract connected therewith or delays in awarding contracts for other trader of the project or in commencement or completion of such works or in procuring Government controlled or other building materials or in obtaining water and power connections for construction purpose or for any other reason whatsoever and the employer shall not be liable for any claim in respect therefor. The Employer does not accept liability for any sum besides the tender amount, subject to such variations as are provided for herein.
52. Bank will not accept any liability for any mishap / accident while working in the Banks premises. Proper insurance cover for all the Labours posted for the work shall be obtained and copy submitted to the banks for record. The contractor shall responsible for take all insurances at his cost to cover all kinds of risks from the time of award of work. These insurance policies shall be valid till the completion of the contract period.
53. A register shall be maintained by the contractor for routine / preventive maintenance work. The register shall be produced to the Bank’s engineer once in a quarter.
54. In case the Bank desires to shift the units from one location to another, such shifting shall be done under the supervision of the contractor’s representative. Shifting charges will be paid by Bank.
55. This Contract is neither a fixed Lump Sum Contract nor a Piece Work Contract but is a Contract to carry out Comprehensive Annual Maintenance Contract for Stand-alone Air Conditioning units installed at Bank’s Office Building and Annex Building, Chennai” to be paid for according to actual measured quantities at the rates contained in the Schedule of Rates and Probable quantities or as provided in the said Conditions. Quantity is tentative it may increase or decrease also.
56. The contractor should note that smoking, drinking alcohol, chewing pan/tobacco in the Bank’s premises is strictly prohibited and ensure that the workers deployed in the Bank’s premises abide this rule strictly.
57. The contractor shall remove all the workers deployed by them in the Bank’s premises immediately on termination/expiry of the contract and ensure that such persons shall not create any disruption/ hindrance/problem of any nature in the Bank’s premises.
58. The Reserve Bank of India does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender and reserves to itself to accept or reject any or all the tenders, either in whole or in part, without assigning any reason for doing so.
59. Renewal of contract: At the sole discretion of the Employer, the AMC shall be considered for further renewal for 2024-2025 and 2025-2026 on same terms and conditions with requisite increase / decrease in rates based on the applicable minimum wages, provided the Employer finds the services of the Contractor satisfactory. The decision of the Employer in this regard shall be final and binding. In addition to this, the maximum permissible increase in the Service Charges will be based on CPI and WPI indices, as decided by the Bank.
Table: 1
X.Xx | Nature of Work | Location | Work men required |
1. | Maintenance of AC units | Main Office Premises, Reserve Bank of India, Chennai | Technician 01: 09.00AM to 06.00PM (Monday to Saturday) |
60. Insurance
I. The successful Tenderer shall take “workmen compensation policy” for the workers engaged in the work for one year renewable thereafter, if the contract is renewed by the Bank.The contractor shall indemnify the Bank for any loss or damage that occurs to persons or building or any third party. Workman compensation Insurance policy for all the staff deployed shall also be taken with a minimum coverage of minimum wages or actual salary paid per employee. Copies of the same shall be submitted to the Bank.
II. The Contractor shall indemnify and keep indemnified the Reserve Bank of India against:
i) Any claim arising out of third party loss/ damage to life or property caused by/during execution of the work.
ii) Any claim arising out of loss/ damage to the workmen engaged by the contractor during execution of the work.
iii) Any claim due to non-compliance of applicable PF/ Labour laws, ESI, regulations etc.
III. The contractor shall take necessary insurance covers (Workmen Compensation Policy), third party / public liability with an Insurance Company approved by the Employer a policy of Insurance in the joint names of the Employer and the Contractor, name of the former being placed first in the policy, against such risks and deposit such policy or policies before commencement of the works. The Minimum cover under (Workmen Compensation Policy) shall be to the extent of wages paid to the workman deployed for the fulfilment of the contract. The Minimum cover under third party / public liability shall be for a minimum of Rs.2 lakh.
Note: These policies shall be valid till the completion of the work. If the contractor doesnot provide these policies, theBank reserves the right to take the above insurance policies themselves and recover the cost thereof from the bill of the contractor with additional penalty amounting to twice the premium
Notwithstanding anything specified above, the tenderer shall be responsible to take all measures to maintain the safety, look, beauty, cleanliness, hygiene and sanitation of the buildings and premises.
I/We hereby declare that I/We have read and understood the above instructions/scope of work for the guidance of the quotation/tender. I/we hereby agree to abide and fulfil the above terms & conditions/instructions.
Date: Signature of Tenderer
Place: Address
5. The Conditions hereinafter referred to
5.1 Interpretation Clause
In construing these conditions, the specifications, scope of the work, contract agreement etc, the following words shall have the meanings herein assigned to them except where the subject or context otherwise required.
(a)"Employer" shall mean the Reserve Bank of India and shall include its assigns and successors.
(b) "Contractor" shall mean ________________________________ (in the case of a Partnership) and trading in the name and style of_________________________________
and having a place of business at ___________________________and shall include the partners for the time being of the said firm and the legal representatives of a deceased partner.
(c) (In the case of “Contractor" shall mean Shri trading in
individual) the name and style of_______________________________ and shall include his heirs, successors and legal representatives.
(in the case of “Contractor" shall mean a
company……………………………Company) incorporated under
_______________________ and having its registered office at and shall include
its assigns and successors.
(d) " This Contract" Shall mean the Articles of Agreement, the Special conditions, the Appendix, the Schedule of Quantities and specifications etc. attached hereto and duly signed.
(e) "Notice in writing" Or written notice shall mean a notice in written, typed or printed characters sent (unless delivered personally or otherwise proved to have been received) by registered post to the last known private or business address to have been received when in the ordinary course of post, it would have been delivered.
(f) "Act of Insolvency" Shall mean any Act of Insolvency as defined by the Presidency Towns Insolvency Act or the Provincial Insolvency Act or any Act amending such or iginal.
(g) "Net Prices" If in arriving at the contract amount, the contractor shall have added to or deducted from the total of the items in the tender any sum, either as a percentage or otherwise, then the net price of any item in the tender shall be the sum arrived at by adding to or deducting from the actual figure appearing in the Tender as the price of that item a similar percentage or proportion of the sum so added or deducted by the Contractor the total amount of any Prime Cost items and provisional sums of money shall be deducted from the total amount of the Tender. The expression "net rates" or "net prices" when used with reference to the contract or accounts shall be held to mean rates or prices so arrived at.
(h) " The works" Shall mean “Comprehensive Annual Maintenance Contract for Maintenance of Standalone AC units at Bank’s Main Office Building in Chennai”as provided herein. Word importing persons include firms and corporations. Word importing the singular only also includes the plural and vice-versa where the context requires.
5.2 Scope of Contract.
The Contractor shall carry out and complete the said work in every respect in accordance with this Contract and with the directions of and to the satisfaction of the employer. The employer may in his absolute discretion and from time to time issue further written instructions, details, directions and explanations, which are hereafter collectively referred to as "employer's instructions" in regard to
(a) The variation or modification of the, quality or quantity of works or the addition or omission or substitution of any work.
(b) Any discrepancy in the Schedule of Quantities and/or specifications.
(c) The removal from the site of any materials brought thereon by the contractor and the substitution of any other material therefore
(d) The dismissal from the works of any persons employed thereupon.
The contractor shall forthwith comply with and duly execute any work comprised in such employer's instructions provided always that verbal instructions, directions and explanations given to the contractor or his representatives upon the works by the employer shall, if involving a variation, be confirmed in writing by the contractor within seven days, and if not dissented from in writing within a further seven days by the employer, such shall be deemed to be employer's instructions within the scope of the contract.
5.3 Dismissal of Workmen
The Contractor shall on the request of the employer, immediately dismiss from the works, any person employed there on by him who may, in the opinion of the Employer, be incompetent or misconduct himself and such persons shall not be again employed on the works, without the permission of the employer.
5.4 Termination of contract by the employer
The contract can be terminated by the Bank by giving one month notice to the contractor because of sensitivity of the work.
5.5 Termination of contract by contractor
Contract can be terminated by the Contractor, if desired by giving one-month notice to the Bank. The notice period will start from the day of receipt of notice by the Bank.
5.6 Delayed Payment
Any bill submitted by the contractor shall be settled in the normal course provided the bills are in order in all aspects.
5.7 Disputes arising out of the contract:
In case of any dispute arising out of this contract, the decision of the bank will be final and conclusive and shall be without appeal.
5.8 Employer entitled to recover compensation paid to workmen
If, for any reason, the Employer is obliged, by virtue of the provision of the Workmen's Compensation Act, 1923, or any statutory modifications or re-enactment thereof to pay compensation to a workman employed by the Contractor in execution of the works, the
Employer shall be entitled to recover from the Contractor the amount of compensation so paid, and without prejudice to rights of the Employer under the said Act. The Employer shall be at liberty to recover such amount or any part thereof by deducting it from any sum due by the Employer to the Contractor under this Contract or otherwise. The Employer shall not be bound to contest any claim made against it under the said Act, except on the written request of the Contractor and upon his giving to the Employer full security to the satisfaction of the Employer for all costs for which the Employer might become liable in consequence of contesting such claim
5.9 Right of Employer to terminate Contract in the event of death of Contractor
Without prejudice to any of the rights or remedies under this Contract, if the Contractor, being an individual, dies, the Employer shall have the option of terminating the Contract without incurring any liability for such termination.
5.10 Marginal Notes
The headings catch lines hereto and, i n t h e a n n e x u r e s , hereto are meant only for convenience of reference and shall not in any way be taken into account in the interpretation of these presents and the annexures hereto.
I/We hereby declare that I/we have read and understood the above instructions for guidance of tenderers and will abide by the same.
Date: Signature of Tenderer:
Place: Address:
सुरक्षा कोड / Safety Code
1. First-aid appliances, including adequate supply of sterilized dressings, cotton wool shall be maintained in a readily accessible place for the use of staff deployed by the Tenderer.
2. In case of any mishap, the injured person shall be taken to a public hospital without loss of time, where the injury necessitates hospitalization.
3. Workers employed shall be provided with protective footwear and rubber hand gloves as per requirement.
4. Suitable and strong scaffolds should be provided for workmen for all works that cannot be safely done from the ground.
5. No floor, roof or other part of the structure shall be overloaded with debris or materials as to render it unsafe.
6. Hoisting machines and tackle used in the works, including their attachments, anchorage and supports shall be in perfect condition.
7. Fire safety measures shall be adhered to as per local bye laws.
1. Cutting / drilling machine and other electrically operated equipment’s used at site shall be plugged into correctly rated electrical outlets.
2. Only ISI marked 3 pin plug and other appliances and equipment’s shall be used.
3. Electrical power cables/wires used shall not have any joints and shall be properly rated.
4. All electrical appliances i.e. welding, drilling, cutting machine etc. shall be safely and securely earthed to prevent leakage current while in operation.
5. Personal protective equipments such as safety shoes, gloves, welder’s mask, ear plug etc. depending upon the requirement of the work shall be provided by the contractor to the workmen to prevent occupational health hazards.
6. The safety belt shall be provided by the contractor and used by the workmen while working from height for more than 10’ from Ground level.
7. None of the fire extinguishers shall be removed/shifted from its designated location.
8. Power supply shall be switched off from the mains when equipment is not in use.
9. Wood-shavings and saw-dust generated from the work shall be collected on daily basis, removed from site and stored at the designated place in proper manner.
10. Any debris generated from the work shall be collected on daily basis, removed from site and stored at the designated place in proper manner.
11. Battery operated emergency light/torches shall be provided by the contractor to the workmen while working beyond office hours.
Signed copies of the following documents (with appropriate stamp of the companies) as given below along with this checklist form needs to be scanned and uploaded on MSTC website.
Sl. No. | Documents to be uploaded. | Uploaded (Yes / No) |
1 | Annexure A - Basic Information. | |
2 | PAN Card. | |
3 | Documents showing GST Registration number. | |
4 | Address proof of registered local office. | |
5 | Annexure B – Details of the work executed during the last five years to meet eligibility criteria. | |
6 | Work orders in support of the works executed during the last five years to meet eligibility criteria. | |
7 | Annexure C - Client’s certificate as per format from their clients for whom they have carried out ‘eligible works’. | |
8 | Audited Annual Financial Statements showing minimum turnover of Rs.8.85 Lakh during the last 3 years. | |
9 | Proof of remittance of Earnest Money Deposit. | |
10 | Solvency Certificate of Rs.8.85 Lakh |
NOTE: Format of Annexures A, B and C mentioned above have been enclosed with the tender document. Bidders are advised to fill in the Annexures in the format as provided by the Bank. The Bank shall have the right to independently verify the above specified documents.
The Bank shall evaluate the said reports before opening of price bid of the tenderers. If any tenderer is not found to possess the required eligibility for participating in the tendering process at any point of time and/or his performance reports received from his clients and/or his bankers are found unsatisfactory, the Bank reserves the right to reject his offer even after opening of Part- I of the tender. The Bank is not bound to assign any reason for doing so.
(Bidder’s Signature) Along-with seal
आवर्थवक स्थर्थवतयां / Commercial Conditions
Xx. Xx. | Description | Bank's Terms | Acceptance of Bank's terms (YES/NO) |
1 | Validity | 12 months, i.e. from April 01, 2023 to March 31, 2024 | |
2 | Terms of payment | Payment shall be made as specified under General Instructions to Contractors. | |
3 | Technical /commercial specifications | As per specifications in Part I of the Tender | |
4 | Penalties | As specified in Part I of the Tender | |
5. | Minimum no. of Staff to be deployed | As indicated in Table-I under scope of work |
Part II should not contain any terms and conditions but only priced bill of quantity. Terms and conditions, if any, incorporated in Part II, will not be valid or considered.
Place: Name & Signature of the Contractor Date:
Schedule of Quantities
Tender for Comprehensive Annual Maintenance Contract for Maintenance of Standalone AC units at Bank’s Main Office Building and Residential Quarters at various places in Chennai.
Sl No. | Description of items | Qty. | Rate per unit per quarter in ₹ | Total Amount (For 4 Quarters) in ₹ |
Inverter AC Units | ||||
1 | 1 TR split Air-conditioner | 2 | ||
2 | 1.5 TR split Air-conditioner | 6 | ||
3 | 2 TR split Air-conditioner | 3 | ||
4 | 1.5 TR Cassette Air-conditioner | 1 | ||
5 | 2 TR Cassette Air-conditioner | 8 | ||
6 | 3 TR Cassette Air-conditioner | 1 | ||
Non-Inverter AC Units | ||||
7 | 1 TR split Air-conditioner | 6 | ||
8 | 1.5 TR split Air-conditioner | 44 | ||
9 | 2 TR split Air-conditioner | 13 | ||
10 | 2.5 TR split Air-conditioner | 1 | ||
11 | 1.5 TR Cassette Air-conditioner | 2 | ||
12 | 2 TR Cassette Air-conditioner | 9 | ||
13 | 3 TR Cassette Air-conditioner | 14 | ||
14 | 4 TR Tower Air-conditioner | 8 | ||
15 | 1.5 TR Window air-conditioner | 1 | ||
Total | ||||
GST@18% | ||||
Total Value for 12 months (April 01, 2023 to March 31, 2024 ) incusive of GST |
Place: Signature & Seal of the Contractor
Sl. No. | Description of Work. | Rate per month (in Rupees). | Amount for 12 months (in Rupees) from April 01, 2023 to March 31, 2024. | ||||||
A. | FIXED COMPONENT (Contractor should not quote rates for this component) - Minimum Wages for maintenance of substation and electrical installations (Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx Semi Skilled Helper) according to Minimum Wages Act of Government of India. | Rs.22,516/- | Rs.2,70,192/- | ||||||
Location | No. of Technicia n required. | Minimum Wages per day. (skilled) | No of days employe d in a month. | Total wages per month. | |||||
Main Office Premises, Reserve Bank of India, Chennai | 1 | Rs.866/- | 26 days | Rs. 22,516 | |||||
B. | Service Charges: Contractor’s Over Head Charges and Profit, Insurance charges (Workmen Compensation Policy, Third Party Liability Policy), Uniform charges, Cost of tools, Safety Shoes (Rate excluding GST). |
Place: Signature & Seal of the Contractor
भारतीय ररज़र्व बैंक Reserve Bank of India
संपदा वर्भाग Estate Department
Sl. No | Description | |
1. | Name & Address of the organisation/applicant | |
2. | Type of Organisation‐ (Whether Proprietorship, Partnership/Pvt. Limited/Limited or Body Corporate or MSME registered firm etc.) Please enclose related documents. | |
3. | Name of the Proprietor /Partners/Directors of the organization | (a) (b) (c) (d) |
4 | Registration (firm, company etc)/ Registration Authority, dated Number etc. | |
5. | Experience in the respective field of work Please, enclose documents in support thereof. | ---------------- Years |
6. | Whether financially sound to undertake works costing up to ₹8.85 Lakh. If so, enclose Audited Annual Financial Statements | |
7 | Yearly turnover of the firm/contractor for the last three years Year 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 (copies of audited final accounts in support thereof to be uploaded) | |
8 | PAN number (copy of PAN card should be uploaded) | |
9 | GST Registration No (Copy should be uploaded) |
10 | Registered office address, telephone/Mobile No. and E-mail ID | |
10 (a) | Whether having registered local office within the jurisdiction limits of TamilNadu? If yes, mention the address of the local office (Copy of address proof for registered local office to be uploaded) | |
10 (b) | Whether working with any of the Government/Semi-Government Undertaking/s as approved contractors and if so, Furnish details | |
11 | Qualification & Experience of the technical persons employed by the firm. | |
12 | Indicate if involved in any litigation | |
13 | Any civil suits pending in any of the works executed give details |
Date: Signature of the contractor/firm:
भारतीयररज़र्वबैंकReserve Bank of India
संपदावर्भाग Estate Department
चेन्नै Chennai
Details of the work executed during the last 5 years as per the eligibility criteria
Sl. No. | Name of the work & location | Nature & Description of work | Name & address of the owner for whom work was carried out (Details of contact person with Phone number shall be furnished). | The name and full address of the officer under whom the work was carried out. | Value of the work in ₹ | Whether work completed in time. If not reason for the delay | Date of start and completion -Proof for satisfactory completion of the work should be attached (signed by the competent person) |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
Place and Date: Signature of the contractor/firm with name and address& Seal
[Scanned copy (in pdf format) of this Annexure duly filled, to be uploaded with tender
Annexure - C
The Regional Director Reserve Bank of India Estate Department 2nd Floor
Fort Glacis Rajaji Salai
Chennai – 600001.
Name & address of the Client:
Details of Works executed by Xxx. /M/s
1 Name of work with brief particulars
2 Agreement No. and date
3 | Agreement amount | ||
4 | Date of commencement of work | ||
5 | Stipulated date of completion | ||
6 | Actual date of completion | ||
7 | Details of compensation levied for delay (indicate | ||
amount) if any | |||
8 | Gross amount of the work completed and paid | ||
9 | Name and address of the authority under whom | ||
works executed | |||
10 | Whether the contractor employed qualified | ||
Engineer/Overseer during execution of work? | |||
11 | i) Quality of work (indicate grading) | Outstanding/Very Good/ | |
Good/Satisfactory/poor | |||
ii) Amt. of work paid on reduced rates, if | any. | ||
12 | |||
i) Did the contractor go for arbitration? | |||
ii) If yes, total amount of claim | |||
iii) Total amount awarded | |||
13 | Comments on the capabilities of the contractor. | ||
a) Technical proficiency | Outstanding/Very Good/ | ||
Good/Satisfactory/poor | |||
b) Financial soundness | Outstanding/Very Good/ Good/Satisfactory/poor | ||
c) Mobilization of adequate T&P | Outstanding/Very Good/ | ||
Good/Satisfactory/poor |
d) Mobilization of manpower Outstanding/Very Good/ Good/Satisfactory/poor
e) General behavior Outstanding/Very Good/
Note: All columns should be filled in properly * countersigned”
Reporting Officer* with Office seal *Officer of the rank of executive
engineer/Superintending Engineer or equivalent
Annexure - D
(On Non-Judicial Stamp Paper of appropriate value)
The Regional Director Tamil Nadu & Puducherry Estate Department Reserve Bank of India Fort Glacis, Rajaji Salai Chennai – 600 001
Dear Xxx,
Name of Work : ……………………………………………………………………………….
Ref.: NIT/Xxxx.Xx. date
The Reserve Bank of India, having its Central Office at Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxxx Road, Mumbai (hereinafter called the „RBI‟) has invited tenders for the captioned work (hereinafter called “the said tender”) on the terms and conditions mentioned in the said tender documents.
It is one of the terms of invitation of tenders that the tenderer shall furnish a Bank Guarantee for a sum of ₹.________(Rupees_____________________only) as Earnest Money Deposit (EMD).
M/s. (Name of the Tenderer/Bidder) , (hereinafter called as “the Tenderer/ Bidder”),
who are our Clients/Constituents intend to submit their tender/ Bid for the said work and have requested us to furnish Bank Guarantee to RBI in respect of the said sum of
₹________(Rupees_____________________only) in respect of EMD. NOW THIS GUARANTEE WITNESSETH
1. We (Name of the Bank) do hereby agree with and undertake to RBI,
their Successors, Assigns that in the event of the RBI coming to the conclusion that the Tenderer have not performed their obligations under the said conditions of the tender or have committed a breach thereof, which conclusion shall be binding on us as well as the said Tenderer; we shall on demand by the RBI, pay without demur to the RBI, a sum of
₹________(Rupees_____________________only) or any lower amount that may be demanded by the RBI. Our guarantee shall be treated as equivalent to the Earnest Money Deposit for the due performance of the obligations of the Tenderer under the said Conditions, provided, however, that our liability against such sum shall not exceed the sum of ₹________ (Rupees only)
2. We also agree to undertake to and confirm that the sum not exceeding
₹________(Rupees_____________________only) as aforesaid shall be paid by us without any demur or protest, merely on demand from the RBI on receipt of a notice in writing stating that the amount is due to them and we shall not ask for any further proof or evidence and the notice from the RBI shall be conclusive and binding on us and shall not be questioned by us in any respect or manner whatsoever. We undertake to pay the amount claimed by the RBI within a period of one week from the date of receipt of the notice as aforesaid.
3. We confirm that our obligation to the RBI under this guarantee shall be independent of the agreement or agreements or other understandings between the RBI and the Tenderer. This guarantee shall not be revoked by us without prior consent in writing of the RBI.
We hereby further agree that –
a) Any forbearance or commission on the part of the RBI in enforcing the conditions of the said agreement or in compliance with any of the terms and conditions stipulated in the said tender and/or hereunder or granting of any time or showing of any
indulgence by the RBI to the Tenderer or any other matters in connection therewith shall not discharge us in any way and our obligation under this guarantee. This guarantee shall be discharged only by the performance by the Tenderers of their obligations and in the event of their failure to do so, by payment by us of the sum not exceeding ₹ (Rupees only)
b) Our liability under these presents shall not exceed the sum of
₹ (Rupees only)
c) Our liability under this agreement shall not be affected by any infirmity or irregularity on the part of our said constituents/clients in tendering for the said work or their obligations there under or by dissolution or change in the constitution of our said constituents.
d) This guarantee shall remain in force up to (six months from the last date of receipt of tender) provided that if so desired by the RBI, this guarantee shall be renewed for a further period as may be indicated by them on the same terms and conditions as contained herein.
e) Our liability under these presents will terminate unless these presents are renewed as provided hereinabove on the or on the day when our said constituents comply with their obligations, as to which a certificate in writing by the RBI alone is the conclusive proof whichever date is later. Unless a claim or suit or action is filed against us within or any extended period, all the rights of the RBI against us under this guarantee shall be forfeited and we shall be released and discharged from all our obligations and liabilities hereunder.
Yours faithfully,
For and on behalf of Bank. Authorised Official (with seal)
(NB: This guarantee will require stamp duty as applicable in the state, where it is executed and shall be signed by the official whose signature and authority shall be verified).
Annexure - E
(On Non-Judicial Stamp Paper of appropriate value purchased in the name of the issuing bank)
The Regional Director Tamil Nadu & Puducherry Estate Department Reserve Bank of India Fort Glacis, Rajaji Salai Chennai – 600 001
Dear Xxx,
Place : _______________
Date : ________________
Name of Work: ……………………………………………………….
Reserve Bank of India, having its Central Office at Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxxx Road, Mumbai, (hereinafter called “the RBI”) has awarded the Contract for the captioned project (hereinafter called the "Contract") to M/s (Name of the Contractor) (hereinafter called "
the said Contractor" which expression shall include its successors and assigns).
AND Whereas the Contractor is bound by the said Contract to submit to RBI a Performance Security for a total amount of ₹.________________ (Rupees___
___________________________________ only) (Amount in figures and words) for the due fulfilment by the said contractor of the terms and conditions contained in the contract. We,_______________(Name of the Bank), (hereinafter called “the Bank”), at the request of M/s __________________, the contractor, do hereby undertake to pay to the RBI an amount not exceeding ₹________________ as Performance Guarantee for due fulfilment of the terms and conditions of the contract.
1. We (Name of the Bank) do hereby agree with and undertake to RBI, their Successors, Assigns that in the event of the RBI coming to the conclusion that the Contractor has not performed his obligations under the said conditions of the contract or have committed a breach thereof, which conclusion shall be binding on us as well as the said contractor; we shall on demand by the RBI, pay without demur to the RBI, a sum of
₹.__________(Rupees_____________________only) or any lower amount that may be demanded by the RBI. Our guarantee shall be treated as equivalent to the Performance Guarantee Amount for the due performance of the obligations of the Contractor under the said Contract, provided, however, that our liability against such sum shall not exceed the sum of ₹.__________(Rupees only)
2. We also agree to undertake to and confirm that the sum not exceeding
₹.__________(Rupees_____________________only) aforesaid shall be paid by us without any demur or protest, merely on demand from the RBI on receipt of a notice in writing stating that the amount is due to them and we shall not ask for any further proof or evidence and the notice from the RBI shall be conclusive and binding on us and shall not be questioned by us in any respect or manner whatsoever. The Bank shall pay to RBI any money so demanded notwithstanding any dispute/disputes raised by the Contractor in any suit or proceedings pending before any Court, Tribunal or Arbitrator/s relating thereto and the liability under this guarantee shall be absolute and unequivocal. We undertake to pay the amount claimed by the RBI within a period of one week from the date of receipt of the notice as aforesaid.
3. We confirm that our obligation to the RBI under this guarantee shall be independent of the agreement or agreements or other understandings between the RBI and the Contractor.
4. This guarantee shall not be revoked by us without prior consent in writing of the RBI.
We hereby further agree that –
a) Any forbearance or commission on the part of the RBI in enforcing the conditions of the said agreement or in compliance with any of the terms and conditions stipulated in the said Contract and/or hereunder or granting of any time or showing of any indulgence by the RBI to the Contractor or any other matters in connection therewith shall not discharge us in any way and our obligation under this guarantee. This guarantee shall be discharged only by the performance by the Contractor of their obligations and in the event of their failure to do so, by payment by us of the sum not exceeding ₹. (Rupees only).
b) Our liability under these presents shall not exceed the sum of
₹. (Rupees only).
c) Our liability under this agreement shall not be affected by any infirmity or irregularity on the part of our said constituents/clients or their obligations thereunder or by dissolution or change in the constitution of our said constituents.
d) This guarantee shall remain in force up to (60 days beyond the work completion period / Defect liability period) provided that if so desired by the RBI, this guarantee shall be renewed for a further period as may be indicated by them on the same terms and conditions as contained herein.
e) Our liability under these presents will terminate unless these presents are renewed as provided hereinabove on the or on the day when our said constituents comply with their obligations, as to which a certificate in writing by the RBI alone is the conclusive proof whichever date is later. Unless a claim or suit or action is filed against us within or any extended period, all the rights of the RBI against us under this guarantee shall be forfeited and we shall be released and discharged from all our obligations and liabilities hereunder.
In witness whereof I/We of the Bank have signed and sealed this guarantee on the ---------
- day of (Month) (Year) being herewith duly authorized.
For and on behalf of (Name of the Bank)
Signature of authorized Bank official Name:
Stamp/ Seal of the Bank
Signed, sealed and delivered for and on behalf of the Bank by the above named in the presence of:
Witness 1
Signature …………………………
Name ……………………………
Address ………………………………………
(NB: This guarantee will require stamp duty as applicable in the state, where it is executed and shall be signed by the official whose signature and authority shall be verified).