अग्ननशमन कार्यों के लिए वालषिक रखरखाव अनुबंध के लिए लनलवदा
निनिदा जारी करिे की निनि | Date of Commencement of issue of tender | 01/10/2020 |
बयािा रानि | Earnest Money Deposit | Rs. 20000.00 |
प्री टेंडर मीनटिंग | Pre tender Meeting | 1100 hours on 13/10/2020 |
निनिदा की प्रानि के निए xxxxxx xxxx और समय | Last date and time for receipt of Bids | 1400 hours on 22/10/2020 |
xxxxxx xxxxx की निनि और समय | Date and time of opening of tender bids. | 1500 hours 22/10/2020 for technical bid 1100 hours 29/10/2020 for price bid |
निनिदा जमा करिे का पटा | Address for submission of Bid | 3rd Floor, NABARD, Xxx Xxxxx, Tonk Road, Jaipur-302015 |
1 | P a g e
National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development
राष्ट्रीय कृ षि और ग्रामीण षिकास बक
राजस्थान क्षेत्रीय कायाालय
३,नेह्ररू प्लेस,जयपुर-302015- . टेली: x00 000 0000000 • फ़ै क्स: x00 000 0000000• ईमेल
Rajasthan Regional Office
Part I Technical Bid
September 2020
अग्ननशमन कार्यों के लिए वालषिक रखरखाव अनुबंध के लिए लनलवदा (स्टाफ क्वाटिर्ि एवं कार्याििर्य
प् ांगण) – 09 नवम्बर 2020 र्े 30लर्तंबर 2023
राष्ट्रीय कृ नि और ग्रामीण निकास बैंक, राजस्िाि क्षत्रे ीय कायाािय, अग्निशमि कायों (स्टाफ क्िाटासा एि
य प्रािंगण म)ें
के निए पात्र निनिदाकिााओ िं से दो भागों में मह
रबिंद निनिदाएिं आमनिं त्रि करिा है निनिदा म
उनलिनखि नियमों और ििों के अिस जा सकिी हैं |
ार | निनिदाएिं हमारी िब
साइट से मफ्
ि में डाउििोड की
निनिदा जारी करिे की निनि | Date of Commencement of issue of tender | 01/10/2020 |
बयािा रानि | Earnest Money Deposit | Rs. 20000.00 |
प्री टेंडर मीनटिंग | Pre tender Meeting | 1100 hours on 13/10/2020 |
निनिदा की प्रानि के निए अनिं िम निनि और समय | Last date and time for receipt of Bids | 1400 hours on 22/10/2020 |
xxxxxx xxxxx की निनि और समय | Date and time of opening of tender bids. | 1500 hours 22/10/2020 for technical bid 1100 hours 29/10/2020 for price bid |
xxxxxx के पास निनिदा में उनलिनखि िारीखों को बदििे का अनिकार सरु नक्षि है, जो नक उपरोक्त िबसाइट पर,
िनु िपत्र (corrigendum) के रूप में प्रदनिि नकए जाएिंग।
कृ पया ध्याि दें नक िािंनिि सभी जािकारी, निनिदाकिाा द्वारा निनदष्ट स्िरूपों में प्रदाि करिे की आिश्यकिा ह।
निनिदाकिाा, निनिदा की िैयारी और प्रस्िि करिे से सिंबिंनिि सभी िागिों को िहि करेगा | निनिदा का पररणाम जो
भी हो, नकसी भी नस्िनि में िाबाडा नकसी भी िरह के िागिों के निए नजम्मदार या उत्तरदायी िहीं होगा |
इस टेंडर डॉक्यमू ट
में बिाए अिस
ार टेंडर ऑफर के साि अिेस्ट मिी जमा करिी होगी । ईएमडी के नबिा प्राि
प्रस्िािों को अस्िीकार कर नदया जाएगा ।
निनिदा प्रस्िाि प्रस्िि
xxxx के निए निनिदि
(Specifications), नियम और ििें (Terms and Conditions),
काया का दायरा (Scope of Work) और प्रोफामाा आनद निनिदा दस्िािज ह।ैं
और उसके पररनिष्ट / नििरण में िनणाि
निनिदा प्रस्िाि को उि निनिदाकारों या उिके प्रनिनिनियों की उपनस्िनि में खोिा जाएगा जो उपयाक्त निनिदा खोििे के निए उपनस्िि होिा चाहिे ह।ैं
निनिदा पर
xxxx xxxx र्ह महाप्बंधक र्ंिग्नक –
1. Letter from the tenderer
2. Check list for the tenderer
3. Annexure I: General Instruction to the tenderer
4. Annexure II: Instructions for filling the price bid
5. Xxxxxxxx XXX: Basic information
6. Annexure IV: Bank Details
7. Annexure V: General terms and conditions
8. Annexure VI: Scope of work
9. Annexure VII: Format for agreement
10. Annexure VIII: Format for Indemnity Bond
11. Annexure A: Price bid
Letter from the tenderer
Place:- Jaipur Date:-
The Chief General Manager
National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development Rajasthan Regional Office
0, Xxxxx Xxxxx Tonk Road Jaipur – 302 015
Dear Sir
I/We have read and understood the Notice Inviting tender and contents in the tender document such as Eligibility criteria of applicants, Instructions to the applicants, Services to be rendered, Terms and Conditions of the contract, instructions etc. I/We do hereby declare that the information furnished by me/us in the in the tender documents are correct to the best of my/our knowledge and belief.
Name of the partner/ owner of the firm authorized to sign:
Name or person having Power of Attorney to sign the contract
Seal and sign of the tenderer
Check List
Technical bid will be evaluated on these parameters
Sr. No. | Description of Enclosure | Please √ or write | ||
1 | Type of Firm and Registration detail | |||
Necessary registration for carrying out Fire Fighting Services (please submit necessary certificates) | ||||
2 | Registration (please submit requisite documents) | GST | ||
ESI | ||||
PF | ||||
2 | Audit Report (please submit audit reports for these three years) | 2017-18 | ||
2018-19 | ||||
2019-20 | ||||
3 | Turnover : should be more than Rs. 2.96 lakh ( please submit CA certificates) | 2017-18 | ||
2018-19 | ||||
2019-20 | ||||
4 | Experience in same field during the last 7 years i.e. from October 2013- September 2020. (Please submit experience certificate/ completion certificate) | 3 works of Rs.3.94 lakh or | ||
2 works of Rs.4.93 lakh or | ||||
1 work of Rs. 7.89 lakh | ||||
5 | Earnest Money through NEFT: please submit requisite documents | |||
6 | If MSME mentioned please submit requisite documents | |||
9 | Bank a/c details | |||
PAN | ||||
10 | copy of cancelled cheque | |||
11 | Past Experience in the field | Years | ||
Organisation |
Annexure I
General Instructions to the Tenderer
1. The Tenders may be submitted after visiting the site and conducting survey of the existing conditions so as to familiarize themselves with the nature of works to be carried out and get all clarifications as necessary from NABARD before quoting their rates.
2. The envelopes containing the Tender document complete in all respects, duly signed by the tenderer in each page and sealed as necessary, should be dropped in the Tender Box kept in the third floor before 1400 hours on 22/10/2020. No
other mode of tender will be accepted.
Envelope: 1 should contain:
1. Technical bid
2. NEFT Receipt for EMD
3. Experience certificates
4. Bank details
5. Balance sheet for the years 2017-18, 2018-19 and 2019-20
6. Any other documents
Envelope 2 should contain only the price bid. No other documents should be kept in the envelope no.2
Both the envelopes should be kept in a bigger envelope and the name of the tenderer, name of the work should be mentioned in that envelope.
3. Opening of Bid
Envelope 1 and Envelope 2 will be opened on separate dates as mentioned earlier. Price bid (envelope 2) of bidders will be opened only if found eligible in technical bid.
4. Selection of Bidder
Bidder has to qualify in Technical Bid (submitted in Envelope 1). Envelope 2 i.e. price bid of bidder will be opened only if found eligible in Technical Bid.
Selection will be based on Grand Total quoted at the price bid by the bidder.
If any bidder quoted less than the prescribed minimum wages or ESI/EPF rates, the rate will be equated to the minimum prescribed level to calculate the comparative statement for price bid analysis. The total amount thus calculated by NABARD will be final and binding to all bidders.
5. The bidder should have experience of similar works during the last 7 years
The annual turnover of the bidder during each of the last 3 years should be at least 30% of the estimated cost of tender.
The firm should have done at least:
i) three similar works valuing not less than 40% of the estimated cost; or
ii) two similar works valuing not less than 50% of the estimated cost; or
iii) One similar work valuing not less than 80% of the estimated cost.
6. The estimated cost of the work is Rs. 9.86 lakh p.a.
7. The EMD of Rs. 20000.00 is required to be deposited through NEFT to the following account:
Name of Account: National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development Bank : NABARD
Branch Name: Head Office, Mumbai Account No (VAN) : NABADMN16 IFSC Code: NBRD0000002
After depositing the EMD amount, the tenderer is advised to send an email to with the details of the transaction.
8. The EMD of the Contractor selected for award of the Annual Maintenance Contract will retained by NABARD as Retention Money Deposit (RMD) till expiry of the Contract and will not carry any interest. The successful bidder has to deposit an amount @5% of the yearly tender amount as RMD, in such case the EMD amount already deposited will be adjusted.
9. NABARD reserves the right to divide and distribute the work to more than one Contractor at its sole discretion. The tenderers are advised to ensure strict observance of commercial aspect of this Tender and also the following points:
(a) The Contract period will be for a period of 09/11/2020 to 30/09/2023 subject to annual review and renewal on satisfactory performance each year.
(b) The contract period may be extended further depending upon the discretion of the Bank.
(c) However, the Bank reserves the right to terminate the services of the agency by giving one month notice if the services are found to be unsatisfactory.
10. Validity of offer should be 90 days from the last date for receipt of quotation.
11. Tenders containing tenderer’s own conditions are liable to be rejected.
12. Basic information is as indicated in the Annexure II
13. Scope of work is as indicated in Xxxxxxxx XXX
14. General Terms & Conditions are indicated in Annexure IV.
15. Format of Form of Agreement & indemnity Bond as indicated in Annexure V
16. Instructions for filling the Price bid as indicated in Annexure VI
17. The rates may be quoted in the Price BID.
18. The address of the premises where the AMC is to be carried out are
SI No | Details | Address |
0 | Xxxxxx xxxxxxxx | Xxxxx Xxxxx, Xxx Xxxxx, Xxxx Xxxx, Jaipur 302015 |
2 | Staff Qtr. | Balaji Mor, Malviya Nagar, Jaipur 302017 |
Signature of the authorized signatory of the contractor / Tenderer
Annexure II - Instructions for filling the Price bid
1. Quoted rates should be workable and reasonable and should include:
a. Payment to all the contract workers engaged by contractor as per minimum wages as notified by Labour Commissioner from time to time. The minimum wages must cover Central Government wage as indicated by Central Labor Commission. TDS will be deducted as per guidelines.
b. ESI & PF benefits (Employer's contribution towards ESI & PF). EPF/ ESI has to be paid to worker considering the base full amount of applicable minimum wages prescribed by the Labour Commissioner from time to time.
c. Cost of equipment/machinery, if required
d. Allowance for maintenance of two sets of uniform.
e. Charges, if any, towards safe disposal of waste from NABARD xxxxxxxx xx xxxx municipal dump
f. Incidental expenses and all overheads and profits
2. The contractor may required to furnish Rate Analysis, along with the price- bid, for the rates quoted by him/her in this tender, if required.
3. The contractor is advised to visit the premises before quoting the rates and get all clarifications.
Rates shall have to be quoted in both words and figures
Signature of the authorized signatory of the contractor / Tenderer
Xxxxxxxx XXX
Basic information
A. General Information | ||
1. | Name of the applicant organization/ vendor/ supplier/ service providers | |
2. | Address for communication and contact details | |
3. | Telephone number (landline) Telephone number (mobile) | |
4. | E mail ID | |
5. | Type of the organization (whether sole proprietorship. partnership, private limited or limited company or cooperative society, etc.) | |
6. | Name of the proprietor/partners or directors in the organization | |
7. | Details of Registration — (whether partnership firm, company. society, etc.) Registering Authority, Date, Registration No., etc., mentioning the business/activity of the firm (A copy to be enclosed) | |
8. | Whether empaneled with Government/Semi Government/ Municipal Authorities or any PSU and if so, give the details of the same and nature of contract (copy to be enclosed) | |
9. | Number of years of experience in the field/ trade . A list of important assignments may be indicated for | Years (as on |
the same along with supporting documents (copy of proof of completion/work order) Minimum 7 years of experience as on 30/09/2020 | 30/09/2020) | |
10. | Have you in the past carried out any works for NABARD? If yes, give details | |
11. | Address of Jaipur Office through which the proposed work will be handled. The name, designation and contact details of the officer in charge. | |
B. Financial Information | ||
1. | Permanent Account Number (PAN) of the proprietor/ partnership firm/ private limited company/ limited company/ cooperative society (Copy of PAN to be attached) | |
2. | GST No. (enclose copies of relevant documents) | |
3. | Balance sheet and profit & loss statement for the previous three years, duly certified by a practicing Chartered Accountant in support of Annual Turnover OR Banker’s Solvency Certificate in proof of having adequate financial standing. | |
4. | Annual turnover during the last three years | 2017-18 (Rs ) 2018-19 (Rs ) 2019-20 (Rs. ) |
5. | Indicate if involved in any litigation at present in similar type of contracts | |
6. | Any civil suit arisen in the contracts of works executed, if any, please give brief details | |
7. | Number of supplementary sheets attached |
Signature of the Applicant
Annexure IV
D etails of the Bank’s Account
1. | Name of the Vendor / Firm / Contractor | |
2. | Name of the Account Holder | |
3. | Registered Address of the Vendor / Firm | |
4. | Name of the Bank’s branch and Address | |
5. | Bank’s Code and Branch’s Code | |
6. | IFSC Code of the Bank’s Branch | |
7. | Type of Account(Current/Saving/Cash credit) | |
8. | Account Number | |
9. | PAN Number | |
10. | Other details, if any |
Note: A copy of cancelled cheque in respect of the above account which is operated by the vendor must be enclosed
Place: Date:
(Signature and Full Name of the authorized person with seal on behalf of Firm/Agency/Contractor)
Annexure V
General Terms and Conditions
1. Bank will have no liability whatsoever concerning the persons deployed by the tenderer for the purpose. The successful tenderer shall keep the bank indemnified against all losses of damages or liability arising out of or imposed in the course of employment of persons(s) by him.
2. The successful tenderer shall make regular and full payment of wages, salaries, PF and any other payment due to his employee(s) and furnish necessary proof.
3. If applicable, the successful tenderer shall obtain the necessary labor license from the Licensing Authority under the Contract labor (R&A) Act and Contract Rules framed there under and produce the same to the authorized representative of bank whenever asked to do so.
4. The successful tenderer shall comply with all acts, laws under Contract Labor (R&A) Act 1970 and EPF & EIS act, payments of wages act, minimum wages act or any other statutory rules regulations with their related amendments, by-laws applicable or which might become applicable with regard to the performance of work included herein or touching this contract from time to time and take such necessary steps as may be deemed necessary in this regard. The successful tenderer shall keep the bank indemnified against all penalties, claims and liabilities of every kind for any violation of such acts, Laws or Regulations etc. by him / her, his / her agents or his / her staff.
5. If at any time during the period of the contract, it is observed by the bank or by its authorized representatives that the services rendered by the tenderer's personnel are not to the satisfaction of the bank or any terms of the contract are violated, the bank reserves the right to terminate the contract by giving one month notice.
6. It shall be entirely, the responsibility of the successful tenderer to ensure that no unlawful act is done by his person(s) while on duty.
7. In case of loss of the Bank's property due to the negligence of carelessness of the person(s) deployed by the successful tenderer he will be responsible and shall make good the same.
8. The successful tenderer shall be solely responsible for settling / resolving any dispute/ claim of his / her personnel during the contract. No liability shall accrue to the bank under the circumstances during / after expiry of the contract.
9. The contractor shall indemnify bank against any payments to be made under and for observance of the above mentioned various laws and rules. In the event of
there being any increase of workmen's compensation under any law or any additional payment or new liability under the labour laws being imposed on the contractor at any time, the additional expenditure incurred by the contractor shall be borne by the contractor and no claim will be considered and no claim will be entertained by bank on any account.
10. The contractor shall not subcontract the whole or any part of this contract to another person/ vendor.
11. All works shall be carried out in accordance with the provision of the Statutory acts and laws and bureau of Indian Standards regarding fire systems in India , electricity act, local laws and by-laws as amended up-to-date. Contractor shall be solely responsible for following and adhering to the proper fire and safety precautions while carrying out any job.
12. During the tenure of the contract, the contractor has to coordinate the work with other agencies working inside or outside. Also in case of emergency or major problems, the contractor has to provide complete support and assistance to any other agency or for jobs of electrical maintenance, lifts, LPG system, display sign boards, DG set, electrical substation, interior and exterior sanitary contracts etc.
13. The Party shall pay the ESI & EPF contributions of all employees as per the prevailing Employees Insurance and Employees Provident Funds Acts under the contract. The contract value quoted by the Party is inclusive of Employer’s share of ESI & EPF contributions and no separate charges shall be payable by us on this account. Monthly payment will be done on production of proof of payment towards ESI & EPF(counterfoils) & other documents such as registration number, photo card etc. As per requirements of Contract Labour (Regulation & Abolition) Act 1970 , the payment of wages to the employees to be made by the contractor in presence of official of NABARD who will sign the payment register.
14. The staff deployed should be available 3 days prior to commencement of the contract to ensure smooth handing over / taking over from the existing contractor.
15. The rate quoted for the said contract shall include the cost of manpower, cost of supervisor, cost of tools and equipments etc. as mentioned in the scope of work.
16.The services should be provided on Sundays and holidays also, for which no extra payment will be made and the vendor should provide qualified substitutes during the period of weekly holidays of the firemen. Detail is given in the price bid and may be quote accordingly.
17. Contractor has to comply with all relevant statutory regulations and labour laws.
18. Payment:
a) The Party should ensure payments to the workers as per latest minimum wages act and other statutory regulations on or before 7Th of every month irrespective of fact that previous monthly bill is paid or not by the NABARD.
b) The payment for deployment of manpower for up-keeping of the premise will be made on monthly basis and on submission of the bills for the same. The bill shall be certified by the Caretaker/Xxxxx. Caretaker and Protocol and Security Officer.
c) The Contractor may ensure payment of minimum wages as stipulated by Ministry of Labour, Govt. of India and all other statutory payments thereof. The proof for such payments/certificates shall be produced by the Contractor along with the monthly bills.
d) Xxxx shall be submitted by the Contractor in the first week of every month for the work carried out during the previous month.
e) The bill should be accompanied with documents/ certificates indicating payment details like wages, PF, ESI etc. duly signed by the contractor. Payment to workers to be made through bank only and necessary documents like copy of e-passbooks are to be submitted by the contractors. Attendance sheet of workers shall be enclosed with the bill. Bills without these documents will not be accepted for payment and the contract may be liable to be terminated and EMD/RMD will be forfeited.
f) Work slips will be issued for extra works and they are to be submitted on a consolidated basis as a single xxxx xx x month for settlement.
19. The Party shall employ the required number of workers and keep the attendance record properly so that same can be inspected by the competent authority.
00.Xxxxxx phone of the supervisor deputed may be intimated to us.
21. The Party should provide uniforms of approved color and quality to the employees deployed for the job at NABARD and also safety shoes , at your own cost.
22. The Party shall observe all the necessary safety precautions for the safety of the labour and the employees of NABARD/residents of the colony during execution of works . The Party would be responsible for the safety of persons employed by the Party as also the safety of employees of NABARD / residents of the colony.
23. The Party shall take all precautions to avoid accident and causes of accident. The Party must be careful regarding safety during working of the Party worker in the premises/colony.
24. NABARD shall not bear any responsibility in case of any accident to the Party worker in the premises/colony due to no fault of XXXXXX’x working but merely due to negligence of the Party worker or lack of safety provided to them by you.
25. Period and renewal of contract
a) The Contract period will be for a period of 09/11/2020 to 30/09/2023 subject to annual review and renewal on satisfactory performance each year.
b) The contract period may be extended further depending upon the discretion of the Bank.
c) However, the Bank reserves the right to terminate the services of the agency by giving one month notice if the services are found to be unsatisfactory.
26. The contractor shall deploy his manpower three days in advance from the date of start of the contract to acquaint himself / his staff with the complete work / fire alarm system / fire hydrant system layout and schematics at no extra cost to bank and take charge of complete system and inventory.
27. Contractors All Risk policy and work man compensation insurance policy for
1.25 times the contract value is to be taken by the agency for the workmen engaged and the same is to be submitted within 15 days of the work order.
28.The contractor shall deploy his manpower for three days after the date of expiry of the contract to enable the incoming contractor and his staff to acquaint with the complete work and schematics at no extra cost to bank. Also the contractor will hand-over the items covered in scope of work in working order and the details of inventory of bank's incoming contractor as advised by the bank.
29. Resolving Disputes
For all disputes relating to this contract, Arbitration Conciliation Act will be applicable.
30.Rates and Prices
The rates will be firm and all-inclusive (taxes, duties, etc.) inclusive of service tax for the entire period of the contract. No additional charges on account of transportation of men
and material, lunch, tea and conveyance etc. will be given. In the case of any change of statutory charges, the vendor shall bring it into the notice of NABARD immediately.
31. The bank will be deducting the mandatory deductions i.e. taxes etc. from the payments due to the contractor.
32. However, the Bank reserves the right to terminate the services of the agency by giving one month notice if the services are found to be unsatisfactory.
33. Attendance of workers as indicated in the scope shall be maintained in the premises and the same shall be verified before settlement of bills. In case of absence, proportionate value of contract pertaining to the days of absence shall be deducted from the monthly payment.
Penalty Clause
a. In case of absence of any person deployed for the purpose of this contract, if no suitable replacement is provided then deduction will be made from the payments to the successful tenderer
b. Non-attendance or non-rectification of the faults coming under the scope of work and terms and conditions of the contract will entitle the bank to get the job done from any other vendor at the risk and cost of the successful tenderer. The decision of the officer of the bank in this regard will be final and binding on the contractor.
c. In case of noncompliance of contract obligations and also in case of any damages, breakage and loss or theft to the building fittings, assets and equipments attributable to staff or labour deployed by the contractor, the contractor will be responsible for repairing / replacing the same at his cost failing which the actual cost incurred towards repair/ replacement with suitable penalty shall be imposed on the contractor by the bank.
d. In the event of any accident/ damage etc. caused due to negligence of staff deployed will be debited to the inefficiency of the contractor and he has to make good the loss.
e. All the workmen deployed under the contract should have valid Identity Card issued by the Agency and should be in proper uniform having Agency/Firm/ Company’s Name & Logo, embossed/embroidered on it.
f. In the event of contractor’s staff not attending to a specific item of work required under the contract, pro-rata amount will be deducted from contractor’s bills.
In the event of any difference or dispute in connection with the agreement over the right of obligations of the parties, the decision of Chief General Manager, NABARD, Rajasthan Regional Office , 0, Xxxxx Xxxxx , Xxxx Xxxx, Jaipur-302015 shall be final and binding upon the parties. The place of arbitration shall be Jaipur. The Indian laws shall be applicable to the arbitration.
Declaration by the Contractors
I have read and understood all the instructions/ conditions give above and I have taken into account the above instructions/ conditions while quoting the rates.
Date : Signature:
Place : Name & Address:
Seal of the Contractor:
Annexure VI
Annual Maintenance Contract for Fire Fighting System
Scope of work / Terms and Conditions
The tender is for Annual Maintenance Contract for Fire Fighting System by providing three firemen with 8 hours duty .i.e. one fire man in each shift of 8 hours for 24 hours duty in all days of the week.
The successful tenderer shall be looking after and providing services for the annual maintenance contract of fire fighting system at our Regional Office situated at 0, Xxxxx Xxxxx, Xxxx Xxxx, Xxxxxx. In case of an emergency, the fire personnel will have to perform duties as per the existing / proposed fire evacuation plans.
There is no requirement of providing firemen in our staff quarters, but it is required to visit by the contractors to our staff quarter regularly to oversee the arrangement of fire extinguishers provided in the colony and maintain/ upkeep them. For which no extra payment will be made.
The contractor has to co-ordinate with local authority in the case of any need. For which no extra payment will be made.
2. Equipments / systems covered under the scope of work
Complete fire fighting, fire protection, fire extinguishing and fire alarm system of the staff quarter and office premises are included in the scope of work. The contractor is advised to inspect the system before quoting the rate for tender.
The successful tenderer shall deploy one qualified fire man with 8 hours duty. The manpower for the purpose of this contract shall be deployed on our duty without break in all days of the week.
4. 1 The manpower deployed should be well conversant with fire fighting, fire alarm system, fire extinguishing system, fire hydrant system and should have previous experience for such type of job. Further, the persons deployed by the contractor should
have proper knowledge of the fire fighting system layout of water pumping, water flows, IPG pipes, fire protection system, fire alarm system, fire extinguishing system, fire hydrant system. Contractor and his staff after taking charge of the system should immoderately make themselves aware of the emergency escapes, formulate a fire evacuation plan, fire fighting plans and understand the electrical distribution and other safeties for various equipments etc. Successful contractor should be able to monitor the system, detect and locate the faults in a logical way and rectify / repair the fault without loss of time.
4.2 In case, bank feels that any or all the persons deployed at bank are not suitable for carrying out the job then the same is to be replaced immediately. In case the person deployed is on leave, a suitable replacement shall be given without any extra cost. In case no suitable replacement is provided the deduction will be made from the payment to the successful tenderer as per details given in the payment terms mentioned in this scope of work / terms and conditions. In case of frequent absenteeism / change of manpower, the successful tenderer will be warmed once and later on the contract will be liable for termination by giving one month's notice.
4.3 The persons deployed shall be well aware of the hazards of fire, IPG, gases, water at pressure and he will have to take necessary precautions while on job. He has to be safety conscious all the time and shall not take any chance to work on LIVE LINE / CIRCUIT under any circumstances. The persons deployed must have sufficient knowledge about the first-aid requirements when somebody gets bums, electrical shock. He must know all steps of shock treatment. He must be well conversant with the means to fight all type of fire and should be able to use the fire fighting extinguishers and other equipment's as and when required.
4.4 Contractor has to be extremely careful in carrying out any other work such as refilling of cylinders etc. Contractor has to coordinate and supervise the preventive / breakdown and any other work being carried out for fire-fighting system by any other agency and keep the record and follow-up for the same. In case of breakdown or malfunctioning of any of the system equipment, the matter is to be immediately conveyed to bank and corrective action / work has to be carried out as advised. The manpower deployed should follow the laid down procedure step by step for trouble free operation.
4.5 The manpower deployed should go around the system installations while-on duty, observe for any abnormality in the running / working of live as well as stand still equipment, note it and subsequently rectify the same. However in case of fire / smoke is visible from any equipment or any cable joint / termination, the person deployed shall first isolate the circuit and if required use appropriate fire extinguisher to stop / quench the fire and inform the officer-in charge of the bank.
4.6 The person deployed should follow the instructions given by the concerned officer-in-charge of bank. Contractor has to carry out any other work assigned by officer-in-charge of bank.
4.7 The firemen engaged should have adequate training and certificate from State Fire Service Training Institute or any other such institute recognized by the government. The vendor shall submit such certificate to the satisfaction of NABARD before engaging such fire man.
4.8 RECORDS: Successful tenderer shall keep daily record of installed equipments, inventory / materials and housekeeping of items, equipment's and store. Successful tenderer shall ensure that daily log report of all the works/ jobs are carried out and the performance / inspection reports by the persons deployed for the purpose of this contract in maintained at office premises of the bank. This daily log report should be checked and countersigned by the successful tenderer on a monthly basis and produced before the officer-in-charge of the bank, whenever asked to do so. A monthly report of all the works / jobs carried out (preventive and breakdown maintenance jobs carried out) during the month should accompany the monthly bills. Bills without these monthly reports will not be entertained. The stationary required for maintaining these work records (inventory and log reports) will be provided by the bank.
(a) Successful tenderer shall make available at site the following bare minimum tools and tackles all the time . NABARD will not supply any tools and plants (Note: these tools and tackles should be available at site all the time whether these are required at site or not)
i. Line tester one each for one person deployed
ii. Pliers of required size and types
iii. Hammer one no.
iv. Screw Driver set
v. Spanner-set
vi. Pipe Wrench
vii. Safety equipment's as per the requirements
viii. Rope, ladders
(b) Successful tenderer shall make available at site any tools and tackles including safety equipments required to work with electricity, fire, refrigerant, gases under pressure, places at any height, depth, above false ceiling and in ducts and electrical
safely equipments and safely belts, helmets, shoes, rain / water protection equipments etc. which may be required for the purpose of any job at no additional charge.
5.1 Bank will provide the following in respect of this contract:
(a) Supply of main I.T panel fuses, main I.T panel indication lamps, bulbs, tubes, starters, lubrication oil, grease, battery water, cleansing agents, cotton and jute cleaning cloth, petroleum jelly, carbon tetra char bon emery paper, insulation tape washers, lugs or any consumable or spare parts not mentioned above but required for the job. However, the contractor has to keep a minimum inventory and record of supply and use of such items.
(b) Water and electricity for carrying out activities for this contract, however indiscriminate use of the same will not be allowed.
(c) Bank will provide chair and table for the use by persons deployed under this contract any place inside the building / basement as deemed suitable. The same may be changed by bank as per their convenience.
5.2 Scope of work excludes the following:
Kindly note that following is not included in the scope of work of this contract:
i. Supply of components & parts of electrical LT panels, motors and starters.
ii. Pipe welding/ pipe replacement
iii. Refilling of fire extinguishers for annual servicing or used during the demonstration of training.
The major components of heat and smoke detectors, response indicators, hooters, manual call points, cables etc if required to be replaced shall be provided by the bank.
Annexure VII
This agreement made at Jaipur this day of 2019 (in words) between the National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development a body corporate incorporated under the National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development Act, 1981 having its Regional Office at 0, Xxxxx Xxxxx, Xxxx Xxxx, Xxxxxx
– 302 015, herein after referred to as " NABARD’ (which expression shall unless repugnant to the context or meaning thereof be deemed to include its successor and assignees) of the ONE PART and ( this will undergo change when the party is partnership firm or Company) Shri...............… son of aged
presently residing at and carrying on similar work under the name and style of M/s and having their place of business at hereinafter referred to as ‘ the party’ ( which expression shall unless
repugnant to the context or meaning be deemed to include the legal heirs, legal representatives, administrators and executors ) of the OTHER PART.
WHEREAS the National Bank is desirous of outsourcing the work of ANNUAL MAINTENANCE
CONTRACT FOR Fire Fighting Work for Office Premises at NABARD at 0, Xxxxx Xxxxx, Xxxx Xxxx, Jaipur-302015 AND at NABARD Staff Quarters , Malviya Nagar Extension, Jagatpura Road, Jaipur-302017. (herein after referred to as the said premises )
AND WHEREAS the party has offered to undertake the work as per the scope of work and details indicated in the special instructions
AND WHEREAS the National Bank in consideration of the conditions and covenants to be observed by the party has agreed to permit the party to carry out the Electrical Maintenance work hereinafter set out.
premises from 09.11.2020 to 30.09.2023 . subject to annual review and renewal on satisfactory performance each year. The contract period may be extended further depending upon the discretion of the Bank.
As compensation for the work, the party shall be reimbursed an amount of ` / (` only) per month, Basic Rate plus taxes as applicable.
2. The compensation shall be payable to the party by NABARD within 02 weeks from the date of receipt of the bill for the month for which services have been rendered to the satisfaction of the Bank.
3. (a) The party shall comply with the municipal and other laws, obtain license, permission as required under the contract labour laws and cover all the employees under his charge with all statutory requirements like minimum wages ,PF, ESIC etc. The party shall indemnify and keep indemnified the Bank against any lapse on the party’s part in complying with these conditions or any other statutory requirements in connection with the fire fighting work.
(b) The quality of maintenance work shall be of good standard subject to the satisfaction of the Chief General Manager of the Bank
(c) The party shall keep, at a conspicuous place in the said premises a complaint/ suggestion register in which complaints and suggestions, if any, could be recorded by the concerned and the complaint/suggestion register shall be open to inspection by the Chief General Manager or any other officers of the Bank so deputed by him. The party shall put up the complaint register once in a week on Monday mornings and if Monday were to be a public holiday or by any other reasons the National Bank remain closed on any Monday the same shall be submitted on the next working day immediately following that day. The Chief General Manager will take such action in respect of each complaint or suggestions as the case may be and the party shall be obliged to take remedial / rectification measures as instructed by the Chief General Manager.
(d) The party shall ensure that no loss or damage is caused by an act or default on his part or his employees and agents to the Bank`s furniture, fixture and fittings and other articles.
(e) This agreement shall stand automatically terminated in the event of insolvency, death or mental disorder of the party.
(f) If the Chief General Manager so considers that the situation so warrants then he shall be entitled to terminate this agreement without giving any prior notice and also without assigning any reason in writing and the party shall not be entitled to any compensation in the event of such termination. However, in normal course the
agreement can be terminated by the party by giving three month’s notice
and by the Bank by giving one month`s notice.
(g) On the expiry or earlier termination of this agreement the party shall remove himself and his employees/servants and agents from the premises and all articles belonging to him, or to his employees or agent.
(h) If any dispute arises on any matter concerning this agreement, then the decision of NABARD shall be final and binding in respect of such dispute.
(i) The reference to the Chief General Manager in this agreement and the schedules hereto annexed shall mean the Chief General Manager holding, charge of General Administration Department for the Rajasthan Regional Office at 0, Xxxxx Xxxxx, Xxxx Xxxx, Xxxxxx – 302015 and shall include, in respect of any powers exercisable by him or NABARD under this agreement any officers of the Bank designated by him in that behalf from time to time.
(j) Annexure I, II , III, IV of the tender document giving terms and conditions of the contract shall form part of this agreement.
(k) This agreement shall be executed in duplicate. The Bank shall retain the original and party the duplicate. Stamp duty on original and duplicate shall be borne by the party.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the National Bank has set its hands to these presents and a duplicate hereof through its authorised official and the party has set his hands to these presents and the duplicate on the day/month and year first hereinabove written. Signed and delivered by the within named National Bank
........................................... by the hand
of its authorised official
(Name and Designation) in the presence of
(ii) Signed and Delivered by Xxxx
In the presence of
Signature of the authorized signatory of the contractor / Tenderer Annexure I, II III, IV, VI, VII
Annexure VIII
(On Rs. 100/- Stamp Paper)
KNOW all men by these presents that I, Shri of
M/s ....................................................... hereby execute
Indemnity Bond in favour of National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development ( NABARD), having their Registered Office at C-24, G Block, Bandra-KurIa Complex, Bandra (E) Mumbai-400051 and Regional Office at Xxx xxxxx xxxx road, Jaipur – 302015 and M/s........................................................................................having their
office at .................................................. on this ............. day of 2020.
WHEREAS NABARD have appointed M/ the
Contractor for their proposed work relating to “Annual Maintenance Contract for fire fightinging work for 2 premises– 2020-23".
I/We M/s ....................................................hereby do Indemnify, and same harmless NABARD against and from
1. any third party claims, civil or criminal complaints liabilities, site mishaps and other accidents or disputes and/or damages occurring or arising out of any mishaps at the site due to faulty work, negligence, faulty construction and/or for violating any law, rules and regulations in force, for the time being while executing/executed works by me/us,
2. any damages, loss or expenses due to or resulting from negligence or breach of duty on the part of me/us or any sub-contractor/s if any, servants or agents.
3. any claim by an employee of mine/ours or of sub-contractor/s, if any, under the Workmen Compensation Act and Employers Liability Act, 1939 or any other law, rules and regulations in force for the time being and any Acts replacing and/or amend the same or any of the same as may be in force at the time and under any law in respect of injuries to persons or property arising out of and in the course of the execution of the contract work and/or arising out of and in the course of employment of any workmen/employee.
4. Any act or omission of mine/ours of sub-contractor/s if any, our/their servants or agents which may involve any loss, damage liability, civil or criminal action.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF THE M/s has set his/their hands
on this of 2020.
(1) ………………………………..
(2) ………………………………..
Signature of the authorized signatory of the contractor / Tenderer
Annexure A
Price BID
Annual Maintenance Contract for 2020-23
Sr. no. | Particulars | Amount (Rs.) | Remarks |
A | Wages with VDA per fireman per day | ||
B | Fireman | Shouldn’t be less than the minimum wages as per latest notification of Chief Labour Commissioner, GoI for B area | |
C | Requirement of fire man per day | -- | 3 nos. |
D | Wages with VDA for all firemen (3 nos.) per month | Calculation: (B) X 3 X 30 | |
E | Relieving Charges for firemen for a month | ||
F | Firemen 3 nos. per month | Calculation: (B) X 3 X 4 | |
G | Employer contribution to ESI for all firemen (present ESI = 3.25%) | ||
H | ESI for Fireman: 3 nos. per month | Calculation: 0.0325 X( D+F) | |
I | Employer Contribution to EPF for all firemen @13% : | ||
J | EPF for Firemen 3 nos. per month | Calculation: 0.13 X( D+F) | |
K | Service Charges per month on D, F, H and J above | ||
L | Grand Total | D+F+H+J+K |
Total Amount in Words:
GST (as applicable from time to time) will be paid extra on the rates quoted as above.
Prices should be inclusive of all expenses incurred including pay, all taxes (other than GST), statutory charges or any other charges / tax levied by the state and Central govt.
The Service Charges, contractors profit, other overheads, machineries, uniform, visit of supervisor, visit to any government authority, visit and inspection to staff colony etc. per month should be claimed in ‘K’ and it shall not be less than 1% of total payment against labour.
Whenever there is a change of minimum wages, ESI, EPF rates, the contractors have to inform NABARD accordingly immediately.
The vendor shall provide documentary proof on experience/ certificates to the satisfaction of NABARD for skilled labour employed.
Place : Date :
Signature of the authorized signatory of the contractor / Tenderer
Name, address