भारतीय लघु उhोग िवकास बᱹक
भारतीय लघु उhोग िवकास बᱹक
Small Industries Development Bank of India
“ मानव संसाधन परामश[दाताओं के पैनल मɅ शाfमल होने के fलए अनुरोध”
Request for Empanelment
of Human Resources Consultant s
भारतीय लघु उhोग िवकास बᱹक 3वावलंबन भवन, सी-11, जी &लाक,
बां✐ा कु ला´ का᭥᭡लेस, बां✐ा (प.ू ), मु᭥बई – 400051
Swavalamban Bhawan , C-11, ‘G’ Block,
Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra (E), Mumbai - 400 051
This Request for Empanlement (RfE) document, its appendices, and annexes are the property of SIDBI. Use of contents of this document, its appendices, and annexes is, provided to you for the sole purpose of responding to this RfE. It may not be otherwise copied, distributed or recorded on any medium, electronic or otherwise, without SIDBI’s express written permission.
(िनिवदा सं: / T001229069/2021/HRV dated March 06,2021) (RfE No T001229069/2021/HRV dated March 06,2021)
Table of Contents
Sl No | Particulars | Page No |
1 | Term of Rf E Response | 4 |
2 | Background on SIDBI | 7 |
3 | Terms of Reference | 8 |
4 | Process of Selection | 11 |
5 | Submission of Proposal s | 16 |
6 | Evaluation of Proposal s | 19 |
7 | General Terms and Conditions | 21 |
8 | Annexure(s) | |
Annexure – I : Proposal Format | 26 | |
Annexure – II : Undertaking regarding agreement of all terms of RfE | 27 | |
Annexure – III : Format for Relevant Engagements | 29 | |
Annexure –IV : Format for Reference Letter from Client | 30 | |
Annexure – V : Declaration: No Ownership or Control of SIDBI Directors/ Employees(or relatives) | 31 | |
Annexure – VI : Not penalized or Found Guilty in any Court of Law | 32 | |
Annexure VII - Technical Prop osal format | 33 | |
Annexure VIII - Scoring pattern and Weightages | 35 |
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Important Information / मह:वपूण´सूचना
(RfE No: T001229069 /202 1/HRV dated March 06 , 2021 )
1. | Name of the Company | Small Industries Development Bank of India (hereinafter refe rred to as "SIDBI" or "the Bank") |
2 | Address for Communication Website address of SIDBI | The Deputy General Manager Small Industries Development Bank of Indi a, Human Resources Vertical , |
0xx Xxxxx, Xxxxxxxxxxx Xxxxxx | ||
Xxxx Xx. X -00, X Xxxxx, Xxxxxx Xxxxx Xxxxxxx, Xxxxxx (X), Xxxxxx - 000 000 |
Activity | Date, Time & Place | |
3 | Date of Issuance of RfE | March 0 6,2021 |
4 | Last date for written request for any clarifications | March 12, 202 1 at 11.00 a.m. |
5 | Pre-Proposal Meeting | March 19 , 202 1 at 4.30 x.x. xx SIDBI, Swavalamban Bhawan , Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra East, Mumbai – 400051 |
6 | Last Date for submission of proposal s | March 27, 20 21 at 03.30 x.x. XXXXX, Swavalamban Bhawan , Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra Eas t, Mumbai – 400051 |
7 | Opening of Proposal s | March 30 , 202 1 at 03.45 p.m. XXXXX, Swavalamban Bhawan , Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra East, Mumbai – 400051 |
8 | Discussion / Presentation of eligible respondents with the selection committee | Will be informed to t he eligible respondents in due course . |
9 | Independent External Monitor (IEM) appointed by the CVC | Sh. Xxxxxxxxx Xxx Xxxxxxxxx, IRS(Retd.) Address : 00, Xxx Xxxxxx, Xxxxxxxxx, X.X. District, Hyderabad – 500089 Email id : Mobile No. : 97889 19555 |
1. SIDBI reserves the right to change dates without assigning any reasons thereof. Intimation of the same shall be notified on the Bank's website
2. This proposal document is not transferable.
3. If a holiday is declared on the dates mentioned above, the proposals shall be received
/ opened on the next working day at the same time specified above and at the same venue unless communicated otherwise.
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1. Term of Rf E
1.1. This Request for Empanelment (RfE) document has been prepared xxx xxx to inform potential respondents and to solicit proposals for empanelment of one or more Human Resources Consultants (for each Category below ) for
i. Assessments
ii. HR and Management Practices Audit and
iii. Strategic HR Planning & HR Advisory Services , as and when required
on turnkey basis , either in full or for specific assignment (s) .
The RfE document is not a recommendation, offer or invitation to enter into contract, agreement or any other arrangement in respect of the services. Th e provision of the services is subject to observance of selection process and appropriate documentation being agreed between the Bank and any successful Respondent as identified by the Bank after
completion of the selection process as detailed in Section 6 of this document.
1.2. SIDBI will release the EOI/TOR/ Request for Proposal (R fP) to the empanelled respondents only for specific scope of work as and when required as outlined in the RfE document.
1.3. While this document has been prepared in good faith, neither the Bank nor any of its employees make any representation or warranty or shall have any responsibility whatsoever in respect of this document. Any liability is accordingly and expressly disclaimed.
1.4. This document is meant to provide information only and upo n the express understanding that the recipients / respondents will use it only for the purpose set out herein.
1.5. The consultancy firm / respondents shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of the proposal including but not limited to additional information required by the Bank, attendance of meeting etc and SIDBI will in no case be held responsible or liable for these costs, regardless of the conduct or outcome of the tendering process.
1.6. The consultancy firm / respondents must apply its own care and conduct its own investigation and analysis regarding any information contained in the R fE document and the meaning and impact to that informati on.
1.7. This document constitutes no form of commitment on the part
of the Bank. Each consultancy fi rm / respondent acknowledges and accepts that the Bank may, in its sole and absolute discretion, apply whatever criteria it deems appropriate in the
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selection of organisations, not limited to those selection criteria set out in this R fE document. The issua nce of R fE docu ment is merely an invitation to offer and must not be construed as any agreement or contract or arrangement nor would it be construed as material for any investigation or review to be
carried out by the consultancy firm / respondents . The consultancy firm / respondents unconditionally acknowledge by submitting its response to this R fE document that they have not relied on any idea, information, statement, representation
or warrant given in this R fE document
1.8. SIDBI reserves the right to reject any or all the proposal s without assigning any reasons thereof without thereby incurring any liability to the consultants / respondents or any obligation to inform the affected consultants / respondents on the grounds for the Bank’ s action or without assig ning any reason s, whatsoever. The decision of SIDBI shall be final, conclusive and binding on all the Respondents /parties directly or indirectly connected with the proposed process and the same shall not be questioned / challenged
1.9. The Bank may be notified of any omission / discrepancy in the RfE before the closure of proposal . If required, the Bank may thereafter modify the RfE. The modified RfE would be hosted on the Bank’ s website .
1.10. SIDBI also reserves the sole right for carrying out any amendments/ modifi cation s / changes including any addendum to this RfE. Such amendments / modifications / changes including any addendum to this RfE shall be notified on the Bank’s website xxx.xxxxx.xx and these will be binding on the respondents .
1.11. SIDBI reserv es the sole right to cancel the RfE at any stage without assigning any reason .
1.12. Before submitting the proposal, the consultancy firm / respondents are requested to carefully examine the Proposal Documents, Terms & Conditions of RfE, Specifications and if the re is or ap pears to be any ambiguity there in, they should immediately refer the matter to SIDBI, for clarification.
1.13. Any proposal s received by SIDBI after the deadline for submission of proposa l prescribed by XXXXX will be summarily rejected and returned un opened to the consultancy firm / Respondents . SIDBI shall not be responsible for any delay or non -receipt/ non -delivery of the documents.
1.14. From the time the proposals are opened to the time of appointment, respondents should not contact the Bank or any of it s employees or representatives on any matter related to the proposal with a view to influence the examination,
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evaluation, ranking and appointment. Such an effort shall result in rejection of the proposal s.
1.15. All submissions, including any accompanying docum ents, will become the property of the Bank. The respondent shall be deemed to have licensed, and granted all rights to the Bank to reproduce the whole or any portion of their submission for th e purpose of evaluation, to disclose the contents of the submiss ion to other respondents and to disclose and/or use the contents of the submission as the basis for any resulting RfE process, notwithstanding any copyright or other intellectual property right of the recipient / respondent in the submission or accompanyin g documents.
1.16. Communication on the RfE: Recipients are required to direct all communications for any clarification rel ated to this RfE, to the RfE Coordinator mentioned below:
Human resources Vertical , xxx_xxx@xxxxx.xx
Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxx , DGM, 022 -67531331
Xxxxxxxx Xxxxx , AGM, 022 -67221503
All queries relating to the RfE, technical or otherwise, must be by email only and will be entertained by the Bank only in respect of the queries received upto the date an d time specified in the section ‘ Important Information for RfE’ . The Bank will respon d to all the queries in the pre proposal meeting.
Bank may, in its absolute discretion seek, but being under no obligation to seek, additional information or material from any respondents after the closure of RfE and all such information and material provi ded will be taken to form part of that respondents response.
1.17. RfE Validity period: RfE responses will remain valid and open for evaluation according to their terms for a p eriod of at least
90 days from the RfE opening date. In exceptional circumstances, the Bank may solicit the Respondent ’s consent to an extension period of validity without any modification in proposals .
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2. Background on SIDB I
Small Industries Development Bank of India (SIDBI), set up on April 2, 1990 under an Act of Indian Parliament, acts as the Principal Financial Institution for the Promotion, Financing and Development of the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise (MSME) secto r and for Co -ordination of the functions of the institutions engaged in similar activities.
Since its formation, SIDBI has been impacting the lives of citizens across various strata of society through its integrated, innovative and inclusive approach. Be i t traditional domestic industry, small, bottom -of-the - pyramid entrepreneurs, medium enterprises to high -end knowledge - based industries and export promotions, SIDBI has directly or indirectly touched the lives of more than 360 lakh people in the MSE sector,
through various credit and developmental measures.
The initiative is dedicated to meet both, credit and non -credit needs of MSEs, enabling them to be globally competitive businesses. The SIDBI
2.0 is designed to bring about sustainable development of MSE sector in India, based on the Triple Ps front, namely – Profit (economic), People (Social) & Planet (Environment).
The Bank provides its services through a network of offices located all over India. Detailed information on the functions of the Bank is pr ovided on the website xxx.xxxxx.xx .
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3. Terms of Reference
3.1. Introduction
Human Resources management is an essential function which holds the key to unlocking the promising future and the growth opportun ities that are available for the Indian Banking industry. SIDBI has a well established Human Resource Vertical whi ch has different cells looking after HR planning and administration, Talent Management, Talent acquisition , Employee performance management , HR Technology, Learning and development, Employee engagement, etc.
The Bank has identified the following broad obj ectives for HR, as it continues to realign its HR policies with contemporary industry best practices .
HR Objectives
• To initiate & institutiona lize globally competitive HR practices in the Bank in the pursuit to become a Bank of international standards and to become an employer of preferred choice;
• To put in place relevant HRD strategies and use modern methodologies to undertake organizational re positioning identify and nurture talent, bring about mark ed changes in the mindset of employees at all levels so as to enhance HR Quality;
• To create a performance -driven culture and an exciting workplace for the employees
• To create a pool of managers and prepare a succession plan ;
• To inculcate a strong and effec tive service culture across levels in the organization in order to generate strong stakeholder affiliation;
• To create a learning atmosphere for employees’ intellectual growth and creativity; and to r e-skill the workforce to operate in digitally enabled modern core banking environment.
With a view to facilitate appointment of consultants for specific tasks in SIDBI and its associates/subsidiaries , which may be taken up simultaneously or in phases, the Bank has decided to broaden its panel of consu lting firms offering services in the following broad categories :
3.1.1. Assessments ( including Competency based assessments, skill - based assessments, behavioral assessments, psychometric assessments, 360 degree, Asses sment Centre -Virtual and
/or Physical including IDP etc.)
• Providing customised set of competencies
• Competency Assessment , Psychometric Tests
• Leadership Development Plans for Succession Planning
• Designing suitable assessments for various roles and purpose
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• Administration of assessments (both on line and offline as applicable) & Preparation of reports
3.1.2. HR and Management Practices Audits
• Status of Strategic Initiatives
• Recruitment Process (sourcing, interviewing, hiring, record keeping and orientation)
• Retention and Succession Plans
• Training
• Communication
• Policies and Procedures
• Performance Management
• Administrative Staff Levels and Functions
• Regulatory Compliance
• Processes and Efficiencies
3.1. 3. Strategic HR Planning and HR Advisory Services
• HR Strategy & P xxxxxxx
• Manpower planning for each functional unit
• Talent management and retention .
• Outsourcing strategy for non -core activities to enhance Bank’s operating efficiency.
• Strengthening of Performance Management System
• Design and implementatio n of Performance linked Incentive system
• Business Process Restructuring of HR processes for internal alignment and to enhance efficiency in routine HR tasks.
• Identification, procurement and implementation of technology tools for HR process automation and efficiency improvement.
• Plan for staff engagement at all levels.
• Empowering employees at various levels through role redesign
/ role enrichment.
• Learning and Development
• Designing Job Descriptions and Role Criticality Matrices
• Organisation Development and Cultural Alignment
• Developing manuals for the new processes designed and developing a comprehensive implementation plan including innovative met hods to ensure enduring change and institutionalization of new ideas and processes.
The Bank intends to empane l firms who have an established track record of providing services in either one or all of the above categories . The fields identified above are only for the purpose of illustration. As and when specific tasks for consultancy services are identified, the empanelled consultant firms shall be asked to submit their offers for the same.
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The Bank seeks proposals from reputed competent Consultants to enable SIDBI to empanel such consultants , based upon review and evaluation of proposals offered in response to thi s RfE, for providing assistance for specific consultancy assignments , as and when assigned, as per requirements. The Bank, at its discretio n, can approach the empanelled consultant s as and when the requirement arises for specific work. The techno -commercia l quotes will be invited at material time from the consultants empanelled.
The Scope of Work for Consultants is defined below:
3.2. Process for Empanelment of Respondents
This enquiry is in the nature of Request for Empanelment (R fE) intended to result in t he selection of a panel of Consultants in one or more Categories . The responses received pursuant to this RfE will be evaluated as per the criteria specified in this document and the qualified Consultants will be placed on the panel of Consultants in each Category . Adequate number of empanelled Consultants will be invited, as and when projects arise in SIDBI and/or its associates/subsidiaries as the case may be , to submit their Proposals based on detailed EOI/Terms of Reference (TOR) / RFP on a project -to-project basis. The Consultants, to work with the Bank on a specific project, will be selected after an evaluation of the techno -commercial proposals received pursuant to such an EOI/TOR/RFP for specific assignments .
The nature, quantum and Scope of work f or specific projects will evolve depending upon the requirements of the Bank or its associates/subsidiaries . Under t hese circumstances, the panel to be selected in pursuance of this RfE would be utilized for a period of 3 years from the date of formation o f the Panel.
3.3. Scope of Work for Consultant (s)
The empaneled consultant , whenever assigned a particular work may be required to study the existing process es in the Bank, do a comparative study with that followed in the industry and suggest the best practices to improve the process es The consultant may also be required to implement the plan , if so desired by the Bank, and produce clearly demonstrative results. In case of assessments, may carry out plan, design and execute assessments as per requirement of the project.
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4. Process of Selection
• This invitation to respond to the RfE is open only to reputed and well established registered companies/ firm s and Academic and Research Institutes and Societies who have their registered offices in India.
• Responde nt has to satisfy the criteria to apply for empanelment as given in Annexure I . Respondents satisfying the following criteria are eligible to submit the Proposal for RfE .
• A list of the qualifying requirements and the supportive documents that need to be su bmitted are given Xxxxxxxx XX (a) . Along with these documents, the respondents must also submit "Undertaking" as per Xxxxxxxx XX (b) .
4.1. Disqualification :
The Bank may at its sole discretion and at any time during the evaluation of Proposal, disqualify any Respondent, if the Respondent has:
a) Submitted the Proposal documents after the response deadline;
b) Made misleading or false representations in the forms, statements and attachments submitted in proof of the eligibility requirements;
c) Exhibited a record of p oor performance such as abandoning works, not properly completing the contractual obligations, inordinately delaying completion or financial failures, etc. in any project in the preceding 3 years;
d) Submitted a proposal that is not accompanied by required docume ntation or is non -responsive;
e) Failed to provide clarifications related thereto, when sought;
f) Submitted more than one Proposal;
g) Declared ineligible by the Government of India/State/UT Government for corrupt and fraudulent practices or blacklisted;
h) Submi tted a proposal with price adjustment/variation provision.
4.2. Request for Empanelment
The Respondent is expected to examine all the instructions, guidelines, terms and conditions and formats in the RfE. Failure to furnish all the necessary information as re quired by the RfE on submission of a proposal not substantially responsive to all the aspects of the RfE shall be at Respondent’s own risk and may be liable for rejection.
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5. Submission of Proposals
5.1. The response to the RfE:
The response to the RfE should be s ubmitted in sealed envelopes giving full particulars in the manner specified in the points below. A respondent can apply for empanelment for one or more categories of panel in single proposal. The envelope should reach on or before the timeline mentioned i n the Important Information for RfE given at beginning of this RfE at page no 3 .
5.2. RfE response documents:
• The Respondents should submit 2 printed copies of the proposal and a non -rewritable CD / pen drive as a single file in PDF format containing the Propo xxx along with all annex es and forms/letters .
• All pages of the proposal must be sequentially numbered and shall
be initialed by the Authorized Representative of the Respondent .
• The proposal should not contain any pricing information whatsoever on the se rvices offered .
• The Respondent shall seal the Proposal in one outer and two inner envelopes, as detailed below:
The outer envelope shall be addressed to
The Deputy General Manager
Small Industries Development Bank of India, HR Vertical , 6th Floor
Swavalamban Bhawan
Xxxx Xx. X-00, X Xxxxx, Xxxxxx Xxxxx Xxxxxxx, Xxxxxx (X), Xxxxxx - 000 000
• Marked clearly: Proposal for – “Empanelment of Human Resource Consultants -202 1- Category(ies) ”
• Respondents may apply to be empanelled for any one or all of categories mentioned in Point 1.1.
• The envelope shall contain the Proposal with 2 hard copies duly
marked “ Original” and “ Copy”
• An inner envelope shall contain the non -rewritable CD / pen drive with the soft copy of the proposal in the pdf format
• The e -mail address and phone/fax numbers of the Respondent should also be indicated on the sealed envelope and.
• The proposal should be prepared in English in MSWord / Excel/ PDF format. All correspondence will be in English. All forms may
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please be filled in Arial 12 Font in double spacing format. The Proposal shall be typed in indelible ink and shall be signed by the Respondent or a person or persons duly authorized by the respondent to bind the respondent to the process . The person or persons signing the Prop osals shall initial all pages of the Proposal s. Any interlineations, erasures or overwriting shall be valid only if they are initialed by the person signing the Proposal s. The Bank reserves the right to reject the Proposal s not conforming to the above.
• The Respondent shall submit the Proposal proper ly in a file ensuring that the papers are not loose. All the pages of the proposals including documentary proofs should be numbered as "Page # ".
• It should be noted that in case of any discrepancy in information submitted by the Respondent in hard -copy and soft -copy, the hard -copy will be given precedence.
• Only one submission of the RfE response by each respondent will be permitted. In case of multiple submissions by the respondent , the first submission made wil l be given precedence.
• Submission by Fax transmission or emails is not allowed and will be considered invalid.
5.3. Rules for responding to this Rf E
i. The Respondents should use the formats prescribed by the Bank in submission of the RfE Response
ii. All responses received after the due date/ time as per schedule mentioned in the ‘ Important Information for R fE’ given in the beginning of the R fE would be considered late and would be liable to be rejected.
iii. Documents not required as part of the RfE should not be provid ed.
iv. Unsigned responses would be treated as incomplete and are liable to be rejected. The proposal s once submitted cannot be withdrawn/ modified after the last da te for submission of the proposal s unless specifically permitted by the Bank.
v. The Bank reserves the right to not to allow/ permit changes in the technical requirements and not to evaluate the offer in case of non -submission of the technical details in the required format or partial submission of technical details.
vi. Respondents at no point in time can excuse themselves from any claims by the Bank whatsoever for their deviations in confirming to the terms and conditions and other schedules as
mentioned in the RfE circulated by the Bank. Respondents shall
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be fully responsible for deviations to the terms & conditions etc. as proposed in the RfE.
vii. If related parties (as defined below) submit more than one Proposal per category, then both/all Proposal s submitted by related parties are liable to be rejected at any stage at the Bank’s discretion:
a. Proposal s subm itted by the holding company and its subsi diary
b. Proposal s submitted by one or more companies having common director/s
c. Proposal s submitted by one or more Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) firms having common partners
d. Proposal s submitted by one or mo re companies in the same group of promoters/ management
e. Any other proposal in the sole discretion of the Bank is in the nature of multiple proposal s.
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6. Evaluation of Proposals
6.1. Opening of Proposals
The proposal s received within the prescribed date and time will be opened as per schedule mentioned in the ‘ Important Information for RfE’ given in the beginning of the RfE. During the opening of the proposal s, the Respondents can depute an authorized representative (only one) to attend the proposal opening process. No separate information will be given in this regard to the respondents for deputing their representatives. The representative has to submit an authority
letter dul y signed by the Consultancy firm, authorizing him to represent and attend t he Proposal opening on behalf of Consultancy firm. The authorised representative , having photo identification, shall sign a register of attendance. However, proposal s would be opene d even in the absence of any or all representatives of the respondents .
6.2. Evaluation Committee
The Bank may form an Evaluation Committee to evaluate the proposals submitted by the Respondents for a detailed scrutiny . The evaluation committee shall evaluate the responses to the R fE and all supporting documents / documentary evide nce. During evaluation of the proposals, the Bank may at its discretion ask the Respondents for clarificatio n of their proposals. Inability to submit requisite supporting documents / documentary evidence would lead to rejection of the proposal .
The decis ion of the Evaluation Committee in the evaluation of responses to the RfE shall be final.
6.3. Preliminary Scrutiny
Preliminary scrutiny of the Proposals for eligibility will be done to determine whether the Proposals are complete, whether the documents have been properly signed, whether any computational errors have been made, and whether the Proposals are generally in order. Proposals not conforming to such preliminary requirements will be prima facie rejected.
6.4. Conformance to eligibility criteria:
Proposal s conforming to preliminary scrutiny requirements will be checked by a Committee for conformance with the eligibility criteria stated in the Chapter 4. Non -conforming proposals will be rejected . Subject to the result of reference checks being satisfactory, it is the intent of SIDBI to empanel the Respondent(s).
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6.5. Technical Evaluation :
Technical Proposals would be opened only for those Respondents, who are qualified during the Pre -qualification of proposals. If a Technical Proposal is determined as not subs tantially responsive, the Bank will reject it. Technical Proposals conforming to eligibility criteria will be taken up for detailed technical evaluation. The Respondents may be required to make pre sentation before the Evaluation Committee. The parameters a nd weightages to be used for technical evaluation will be based upon:
i. Relevant experience in consultancy categories (including domain experience) specified in Section II Clause 3.1 (75%)
ii. Proposed Methodology for associating with the Bank and execu ting projects (25%) .
Cut offs for each category is 75 marks. However if the number of shortlisted respondents works out to be 2 or less in any category, the cut offs can be relaxed till 70 marks.
Category based Details (Submit separate form for each xxxx xxxx, if applying for more than one category)
The following types of information are sought from the Respondents for each category:
1. Respondents’ understanding of the work involved in HR Consul tancy projects in the Public Sector
2. Relevant experience of the Respondents in providing HR Consultancy to the Public Sector
3. Domain/Subject specific experience in projects in a large organization
4. Proposed approach and methodology of Respondents for assignments pertaining to 360 -degree feedback / assessm ent and HR Audit, Strategic HR Planning & Advisory services
5. Profiles of key people involved
6.6. Technically Qualified Respondents
All the respondents who secure a Technical score of 70% or more will be declared as technically qualified (category wise) fo r empanelment with the Bank.
6.7. Notification of Outcome
Bank will notify the Respondents who ha ve been Empanelled either in writing or by email as soon as practicable . Bank is not obliged to pr ovide any reasons for any such acceptance or rejection. The decis ion of SIDBI shall be final, conclusive and binding on all the Respondents /parties directly or indirectly connected with the RfE process and the same shall not be questioned / challenged.
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7. General Terms and Conditions
7.1. Adherence to terms and cond itions
Respondents who wish to submit their responses to this RfE should note that they should a bid e (in true intent and spirit) by all the terms and conditions contained in the RfE. If the responses contain any extraneous conditions put in by the respond ents, such responses may be disqualified and may not be considered for the selection process.
7.2. Tenure
The Consultant will be empanelled for a period of 36 months from the date of empanelment . However, this would be subject to satisfactory performance durin g periodic reviews which would be solely adjudged by XXXXX. In case the performance of the consultan t is deemed unsatisfactory, the empanelment will be terminated as per the provision of the "termination of empanelment " clause mentioned in this RfE.
SIDBI, at its discretion, may extend the empanelment of Consult ant s for a further period of not exceeding 12 months on the same terms and conditions.
7.3. Statutory authority obligations, notices, fees & charges
The Consultant shall comply with and give all notices required by any Act, any instrument, rule or order made under any Act, or any regulation
or byelaw of any relevant authority which has any jurisdiction with regard to the assignment.
The empanelled Con sultant (s) would comply with all Applicable Laws as they relate to its performance under this RfE. This RfE shall be governed, interpreted by and construed in accordance with the laws of India.
7.4. Legal Jurisdiction
All legal disputes between the parties shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the Courts si tuated at Mumbai only.
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7.5. Single Point of Contact
The Respondent selected for empanelment should have a local office in India and has to provide details of single point of contact viz. Name, designation, address, e -mail address, telephone/ mobile no. etc.
7.6. Authorised Signatory
The selected Consultant (s) shall indicate the authorized signatories who can discuss and correspond with the Bank, with regard to the obligations under the process . The selected Consultant (s) shall submit at the time of submitting the proposal , a certified copy of the resolution o f their Board, authenticated by Company Secretary/ Director, authorizing an official or officials of the company or a Power of Attorney copy to discuss, sign agreements/ contracts with the Bank. The Consult ant (s) shall furnish proof of signature identific ation for above purposes as required by the Bank.
o At any time, SIDBI may, for any reason, modify the RfE Document by an amendment .
o The amendment will be intimated to all Respondents who c onfirm their intention to participate by email
o In order to accord prospective Respondents reasonable time to take the amendment into account, SIDBI may, at its discretion, extend the last date for the receipt of Proposal s
o The Respondents are allowed to r esubmit their proposal , if required, after such amendments
o If SIDBI deems it appropriate to revise any part of this RfE or to issue additional data to clarify an interpretation of provisions, it
may issue supplements to this RfE
o SIDBI may terminate the RfE process at any time with out assigning any reason
o SIDBI reserves the right to accept or reject any proposal, and to annul the short listing process and reject all responses at any time without thereby incurring any liability to the affected Respondent or Respondents or any obliga tion to inform the affected Respondent or Respondents of the grounds for SIDBI action
7.8. Erasures & Alterations
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All details must be completely filled up. All the corrections or alterations, if any, should be authenticated. There sh ould be no hand - written material .
7.9. Substitution of Programme Team Members
Given the large -scale HR interventions, which may need to be undertaken by SIDBI every year, the Empanelled Consultant (s) are expected to deploy appropriate quality and number o f resources for providing solutions in SIDBI. The strength and quality of team will be specifically evaluated during the techn o-commercial evaluation for each assignment .
SIDBI reserves the right to insist the Empanelled Consultant (s) to replace any team member with another (with the qualifications and expertise as required by SIDBI) during the course of assignment. The respondent will have to undertake t hat no such substitution would delay the project timelines.
7.10. Confidentiality
This document contains inf ormation confidential and proprietary to SIDBI. Additionally, the empanelled consultant s shall be exposed by virtue of the contracted activities to the internal business information of SIDBI. Disclosures of receipt of this RfE or any part of the aforementi oned information to parties not directly involved in providing the services requested cou ld result in the disqualification of the consultant s, premature termination of the empanelment , and / or legal action against the consultant s for breach of trust.
Emp anelled Consultant (s) shall have to sign a legal non -disclosure agreement with SIDBI before starting any project.
The Consultant (s) (and its employees) shall not, unless SIDBI gives permission in writing, disclose any part or whole of this RfE document , of the proposal and/or contract, or any specification, plan, drawing,
pattern, sample or information furnished by XXXXX (including the users), in connection therewith to any person other than a person employed by the respondent in the performance of the proposal and/or contract. Disclosure to any such employed person shall be made in confidence and shall extend only as far as may be necessary for purposes of such performance. The employees or the third party engaged by the respondent shall maintai n strict confidentiality.
The Consultant(s) , its employees and agents shall not, without prior written consent from SIDBI, make any use of any document or information given by SIDBI or its Authorized personnel, except for
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purposes of performing the contra ct award . In case of breach, SIDBI shall take such legal action as it may be advised. The Consultants has to maintain confidentiality even after completion/ termination of the
empanelment .
7.11. Publicity
Any publicity by the Consultant (s) in which the name of the Bank is to be used should be done only with the explicit prior written permission
of the Bank.
7.12. Adherence to Standards
The respondent should adhere to laws of the land and rules, regulations and guidelines issued by the various regulatory, statutory and Govern ment authorities. It should also ensure that it has complied with all required legal compliances and it also has the necessary pe rmission and licenses to do the job as consultant.
The Consultant(s) will be responsible for the authenticity and genuineness of the work undertaken and will be liable for breach of contract if discrepancies/ violations are observed. SIDBI reserv es the right to ascertain information from the other institutions to which the respondents have rendered their services for execution of similar projects. Such feedbacks from high ranking officials would also form part
of respondent selection and any strong adverse comment/action about product or service would make the respondent ineligible for further assessment/processing.
7.13. Professionalism
The empanelled Consultant (s) should provide professional, objective and impartial advice at all times and hold XXXXX’s intere sts paramount and should observe the highest standard of ethics while executing the assignment. It should strictly avoid confli cts with other assignments/jobs or their own corporate interests and act without any consideration for future work.
7.14. Expenses
It may be noted that SIDBI shall not pay any amount/expenses / charges
/ fees / travelling expenses / boarding expenses / lodging expenses / conveyance expenses / out of pocket expenses etc. other than the fees
as per the final price of the succes sful Consultant mentioned in the commercial proposal stage of any intervention. The commercial proposal s will be invited at the Request for Proposal ( RfP) stage.
7.15. Dispute Resolution
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XXXXX and the empanelled Consultant shall make every effort to resolve ami cably, by direct informal negotiation, any disagreement or dispute arising between them under or in connection with the empanelment . If aft er 30 days from the commencement of such informal negotiations, SIDBI and the Consultant have been unable to resolve amicably a n empanelment dispute; either party may require that the dispute be referred for resolution by formal arbitration.
All questio ns, disputes or differences arising under and out of, or in connection with the empanelment , shall be referred to sole Arbitrator appointed by XXXXX and the award of the arbitrator shall be final and binding on the parties. The arbitration and r econciliati on act 1996 and revisions, if any, thereof, shall apply to the arbitration proceedings and the venue of the arbitration shall be at Mumbai . The expenses incurred by each party with the preparation, presentation, etc. of its proceeding
as also th e fees and expense paid to the appointed arbitrator by such party or on its behalf shall be borne by each party itself.
7.16. Assignment
Neither the empanelment nor any rights granted under the empanelment shall be sold, leased, assigned, or otherwise transferr ed, in whol e or in part, by the empanelled consultant , and any such attempted sale, lease, assignment or otherwise transfer shall be void and of no effect without the prior written consent of SIDBI.
If an empanelled consultant undergoes a merger, amalgamation, takeo ver, consolidation, reconstruction, change of ownership, etc. the service level agreement executed with the consultant after award of purchase order shall be considered to be assigned to the new entity and such an ac t shall not affect the rights of SIDBI u nder the executed service level agreement.
* * * * * * * * *
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8. Annexure(s)
Annexure – I : Proposal Format
(To be submitted on Respondents company letter head)
A. Name
B. Contact
a. Address
b. Telephone Number
c. Fax
d. Mobile
e. Email
f. Website
D. Locations and Addresses of office
a. Indian
b. Overseas
E. Turnover (wherever it is applicable)
a. Financial Turnover - 201 7-18, 201 8-19, 201 9-20
b. HR Consultancy related Turnover - 2017 -18, 201 8-19 , 2019 -20
c. Net worth of the Company as on 31st March 2020
d. Net profits re ported for 2017 -18, 201 8-19 , 2019 -20
F. Number of Professionals in the Organization
a. Management
b. HR Consulting
c. Others
G. Details of Authorized Person
H. Legal Status
I. HR Consultancy Projects Experience (use tabular form)
a. Name of Organization
b. Address
c. Contac t Person
d. Project name and scope
e. Duration of Assignment -Start date /End date
f. Order value of the project
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Annexure – II : Supporting documents and Undertaking regarding agreement of all terms of R fE
Xxxxxxxx XX (a)
Sr No | Details | Supporting Document s to be submitted | |
A. | For Firms/Companies | ||
1 | The Respondent should have been in existence in India since January 01, 201 7 or earlier with the ability to service the client across India and should have an office in Mumbai Metropolitan Region. The Responden t should be a Government Organisation/ Public Sector Unit/ Public Limited Company / Private Limited Company / Lim ited Liability Partnership Firm / Partnership Firm / MNC. It should be registered or incorporated in India . It should not be an Indi vidual / Proprietary Firm / HUF etc. ^ | Certificate of Incorporation / Constitutional Documents | |
2 | The Respondent must have experience in providing consulting services to Indian Scheduled Commercial Banks / Financial Institutions / NBFCs / Corporates/ Pvt Se ctor Banks/ Small Finance Banks involving at least 1,000 employees spread across India during the last 3 years | Relevant details of the engagement for past 3 years with client certificates. Project Completion Letter / Acceptance Report to be submitted (Xxxxxxxx XXX ) | |
3 | The respondents should have an experience in handling at least 1 HR Consultancy Project involving assessment of around 25 Senior/Middle level Managers in a Public Sector Undertaking/Financial Institutions/ Scheduled Commercial Bank/Corpora tes /Pvt Sector B anks/ Small Finance Banks in India in the last 3 years . | Relevant details of engagement(s) undertaken in the last 3 years ( Xxxxxxxx XXX ) | |
4 | The Respondent should have in -house capability to take up the assignment on its own (not through an y associates ). The respondent should have a minimum of 50 full time HR professionals on its payroll in India. Joint and collative proposal s will not be accepted | Undertaking Letter (Xxxxxxxx XX) | |
5 | The Respondent should have positive profit in the last tw o of the three consecutive financial year s. The | Certified copies of audited Balance sheet and Profit & Loss account OR Certificate from auditor | |
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profitability at Profit Before Tax levels would be considered for evaluation | certifying the average positive Pr ofit Before Tax | |
for the last three | ||
consecutive years. In case | ||
of Audited results of FY | ||
2020 are not available; | ||
the Respondents may | ||
submit the copy of | ||
provisional results | ||
certified by the Xxxxxxx xx / | ||
Tax Auditor of the firm | ||
along with audited results | ||
of pre ceding 3 years. | ||
Empanelment, if done, will | ||
be subject to submission | ||
of the audited statements | ||
without any material | ||
variation between audited | ||
and provisional | ||
statements. | ||
6 | The Respondent must have earned a fee | Suitable certification by |
of at least INR 5 crores (Rupees five | Statutory/ Tax Auditors. In | |
Crores only) from HR Consulting during | case the Respondent | |
each of the three previous financial years | provide s non -consultancy | |
i.e. FY 1 8, 19 & 20 . Fee from services | services also, the fee | |
other than HR consultancy would not be | from HR consultancy | |
included. | services only will be | |
considered; relevant | ||
certificate from Statutory/ | ||
Tax Auditors will be | ||
required. | ||
7 | The Respondent should not be owned or controlled by any Director or Employee of SIDBI (o r their Relatives) | Self -Declaration by the Respondent on Company ’s letter head (Annexure V) |
8 | The Respondent should not have been | Self - Certificatio n by the |
penalised or found guilty in any court of | Respondent on Company’s | |
law and the consultant shall not have been | letter head to be provided. | |
blacklisted / debarred by any Central | However, XXXXX would | |
Government Ministry/ Bank/ RBI/ IBA/ any | have the right to | |
regulatory authority and not involved in | independently verify the | |
any major litigation since April 2014 to till | same . (Annexure V I) | |
the date of submission of the Proposal , | ||
that may have impact or compromise the | ||
delivery of services required. | ||
B. | Academic & Research Institutes and Societies | |
1. | The Academic & Research Institutes and Societies should h ave been in existence | Certificate of Incorporation / Constitutional Documents |
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for a period of at least 10 years as on December 31,2020 | ||
2. | The Academic & Researc h Institutes and Societies should have an employee base of more than 10 professionals (in HR). | Undertaking Letter (Xxxxxxxx XX ) |
3. | The Academic & Research Institutes and Societies should have had experience and expertise in handling at least 1 (one) HR Consultancy Project involving assessment , HR strategy, HR Audit & transformation of around 25 Sen ior / Middle level Managers in a Public Sector Undertaking /Scheduled Commercial Bank in India during the last three years | Relevant details of engagement(s) undertaken in the last 3 years . Project Completion Letter / Acceptance Report to be submitted (Xxxxxxxx XXX) |
^ (a) Government -owned and semi -government enterprises may participate, only if they are legally and financially autonomous and operate under commercial law in the Country.
(b) The parent company of any subsidiary company, which is seekin g qualification on the financial strength of its parent, would have to give a
written undertaking that it would bear all financial or contractual liabili ties of the subsidiary with regards to this enquiry.
(c) The parent company of any subsidiary company, which is seeking qualification on the technical strength of its parent, would have to give
a written undertaking that its technical capabilities/ resour ces would be available to the subsidiary company as and when required by the Bank.
• All responses shall be evaluated to validate compliance of the respondents according to the eligibility criteria as mentioned above as per format and supporting documents mentioned against each clause.
Note :
a. Cut -off date for the eligibility criteria mentioned to be taken as December 31 , 20 20 unless otherwise specified.
b. Documentary evidence must be submitted for each criterion.
c. Public Se ctor Banks include Reserve Bank of India.
x. Xxxxx include only scheduled commercial Banks ( included in the Second Schedule of Reserve Bank of I ndia Act, 1934)
e. Scheduled commercial banks / Public Sector Banks exclude RRBs and Cooperative Banks.
f. Pvt Sector Ba nks
g. Small Finance Banks
x. Xxxxx refer to Banks in India only.
i. Completion Letter/ Reference Letter (Format given in Xxxxxxxx XXX) from relev ant Senior Executive of the client to be attached for each engagement reference mentioned
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Apart from the above minimum criteria, the respondent is also required to give the following information:
Sr No | Document Required |
i) | Proposal Format (Annexure I & I I) |
ii) | Ownership and nature of entity (public, partnership, subsidiary, etc.) details |
iii) | Income Tax returns for past three years. |
iv) | Board resolution (in case of company) or Power of Attorney authorizing the authorized signatory to sign on behalf of the respondent . |
v) | Proof of address of Registered office. |
vi) | GST Registrati on Certificate and PAN |
vii) | Technical Proposal as per Xxxxxxxx XXX |
✓ SIDBI reserves the right to ask for additional / alternate documents from the respondent .
✓ Non - submission o f any of the specified documents by the respondent would result in rejection of the proposal .
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Xxxxxxxx XX (b) Undertaking regarding agreement of all terms of RfE
(To be submitted on Respondents company letter head)
The General Manager
Small Industries Development Bank of India, HR Vertical ,
Swavalamban Bhawan
Xxxx Xx. X -00, X Xxxxx, Xxxxxx Xxxxx Xxxxxxx, Xxxxxx (X), Xxxxxx - 000 000
Dear Xxx,
1) Having examined the R fE including all Annex es and Appendices, the receipt of which is hereby duly acknowledged, we, the undersigned qualify under the minimum eligibility criteria and offer to provide , deliver, implement and commission ALL the items unde r the respective category applied, as mentioned i n the ‟Request for Em panelment ” and the other schedules of requirements and services for SIDBI in conformity with this RfE.
Sr No | Particulars | Details |
1. | Categories applied for empanellment | |
2. | Name of Consultancy | |
3. | Registered Address | |
4. | Website address | |
5. | Nature o f entity (partnership/ private/ public etc) | |
6. | Name of Partners / Directors | |
7. | Date of Incorporation | |
8. | Details of authorized contact person | |
Name | ||
Designation | ||
Telephone nos | ||
Mobile no | ||
Email Address | ||
Fax no |
2) We confirm that we have th e in -house capabilities to complete the assignment as mentioned under the respective category applied this RfE on our own and not through any associate.
3) We confirm that we have the technical capabilities to deliver all the requirements of the above menti oned RfE.
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4) We hereby certify that we have provided all the information requested by the Bank in the format requested for. The information provided is corre ct and true to the best of our knowledge. In case at any stage, it is found that the information give n by us is false / not correct or in a different format, SIDBI shall have the absolute right to take any action as deemed fit without any prior intimation to us.
5) We agree to a bid e by the terms of this RfE from the date fixed for receiving the same or xxxx xx extended period and it shall remain binding upon us and may be accepted at any time before the expiry of the period.
6) If our Proposal is accepted, we undertake to complete and deliver the whole of the works comprised as and when assigned in the RfE/RFP; comply with the delivery schedule as mentioned in the RfE/RFP and agree to abide by the General Terms and Conditions.
7) We agree to a bide by this Proposal for 90 days from the date of the Proposal opening and our Offer shall remain binding on us and may be accepted by the Bank any time before expiry of the offer.
8) Unless and until a formal Agreement is prepared and executed, this RfE together with our written acceptance thereof shall constitute binding Terms and Conditions between SIDBI and us
9) We understan d that the RfE does not commit SIDBI to reimburse the Respondents for any costs incurred in submission of this proposal. All statements in RfE and any pre -proposal negotiations, understandings and agreements resulting from RfE are preliminary; consequently , SIDBI has no obligation to us until a written contract is execut ed.
10)We agree that the Bank is not bound to accept any Proposal the Bank may receive.
11)We understand that SIDBI has the right, without assigning reasons thereof, to
a. Reject, amend, and modify any condition contained in the RfE
b. Terminate this RfE
c. Negotiate with one or more Respondents
d. Not award the assignment to any of the Respondents and / or recommence the entire process.
e. Empanel one or more Respondents for any reas ons whatsoever.
f. Modify t he requirements and terms of this RfE and request revised proposals from some or all of the Respondents .
Signature of Authorised Person of respondent |
Full Name& Designation of |
Authorised Person Date: |
Seal of Respondent
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Annexure – III : Format for Relevant Engagements
Please use the format below to provide information for which your firm was legally contracted for carrying out consulting assignment.
(Use separate sheet for each client)
Name of the Client | |
Description of the assignment | |
Dura tion of the assignment (in months) as per agreement: | |
Start Date | |
End Date | |
Duration of all the consulting assignments for the client (in Months): | |
Number of professional staff Provided for the consulting Assignments for the client | |
Terms of Reference | |
Impact achieved | |
Contact Details of senior Executive of the Client (Name, Contact Number, email id) |
Completion Letter / Reference Letter (Format given in annexure IV) from relevant Senior Executive of the client to be attached for each engagement re xxxxxxx mentioned
Signature of Authorised Person of respondent
Full Name & Designation of Authorised Pers on Date:
Seal of Respondent
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Annexure –IV : Format for Reference Letter from Client
(On letterhead of the client duly stamped and signed)
(not older than 1 month)
This is to certify that the following (Name of the Consultant ) has been engaged by us for management consulting services for (Captio n of the assignment undertaken) for a period of
months/ years from (Start date) to (End Date) . The assignment was completed by (name of the consultant) on (date of completion).
Name: Design ation:
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Annexure – V : Declaration: No Ownership or Control of SIDBI Directors/ Employees(or relatives)
(On letterhead of the respondent duly stamped and signed)
This is to certify th at _ (Name of respondent ) is not a related party to SIDBI as per the provisions of Companies Act 2013, as amended from time to time.
Name: Designation: Date:
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Annexure – VI : Not penalized or Found Guilty in any Court of La w
(On letterhead of the respondent duly stamped and signed)
This is to certify that the consulting firm/company has not been penalized or found guilty in any court of Law and the firm/ company has not been blacklisted / debarred by any Central Government Ministry / Bank / RBI/ IBA / any regulatory authority since A pril 201 5 till the date of submission of the Proposal
Further, this is to certify that does not have any legal, civil, criminal, taxation and other cases pending against
that may have any impact affecting or compromising the d elivery of services required.
Name: Designation: Date:
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Annexure – VII : Technical Proposal Format
Category based Details ( Submit separate form for each category, if applying for more than one category)
The following types of information are sought from the Respondents for each category:
1. Respondents’ understanding of the work involved in HR Consultancy proj ects in the Public Sector
2. Relevant experience of the Respondents in providing HR Consultancy to the Public Sector
3. Domain/Subject specific experience in projects in a large organization
4. Proposed approach and methodology of Respondents for assign ments pertaining to 360 degree feedback / assessment and HR Audit , Strategic HR Planning & Advis ory services
5. Profiles of key people involved
Respondent is required to submit the related details in the following format
1 Understanding of the work inv olved in category:
[Provide details of your understanding of the work involved in HR Consultancy projects in the Public Sector]
2 Relevant experience in category:
[Provide details of relevant consulting experience in the Public Sector]
3 Domain specifi c experience in category:
[Provide details of category related experience 360 degree feedback / assessment and HR Audit] [This is indicative in nature. You may also provide details of experience related to other HR Areas]
4 Methodology fo r execution:
• Specify a specific methodology to address the Bank's requirements in respect of assessment , HR and Management Audit , Strategic HR Planning & Advisory services
• Please describe the methodology
5 Profiles of key people involved in categor y:
[Provide the profiles of key people/core members who will be involved in the Bank's assignments. This should consist of Key Respondents, who will carry out major tasks, Strategic Planners and Domain Experts & Subject Matter Experts having relevant expe rience]
The Pro file should contain the following details in a tabular form of key people/core members:
1. S. No.
2. Name
3. Designation
4. Date of joining the organisation
5. Educational Background
6. Certifications
7. Summary of professional/domai n experience
8. Significant Accomplishment/s
9. Specific Role to be played in Bank’s assignments.
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In the capacity of………………………
Duly authorised to sign Proposal for And on behalf of………………………..
Annexure – VIII : Scoring pattern and Weightages
Scoring and Weightages for Technical Assessment | ||
Sl. No. | Criteria | Maximum Marks |
1 | Experience Number and quality of programs (relevant to the category) for (i) Public Sector Banks (ii) Private Sector Bank (iii) Public Financi al Institutions and Insurance Companies [5 marks for each institute] | 40 |
2 | Full time manpower on Payrolls Details of top management to be submitted along the number of human resources personnel with experience of key manpower at various levels . Curricula vitae of Top Management should be included with the proposal . | 25 |
3 | Past Experience with SIDBI | 10 |
SUB-TOTAL | 75 | |
Scoring and Weightages for Presentation | ||
1 | Quality of understanding of scope of the engagement demonstrated in response to the Rfp | 15 |
2 | Proposed approach and methodology in response to the RfP, robustness of approach and quality of tools proposed. | 10 |
SUB-TOTAL | 25 | |
TOTAL | 100 |
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