Site की परिभाषा

Site means the site of the Contract Works including common peripheral area thereon and any other land (inclusively) as aforesaid allotted by the Bank for the Contractor’s use.

Examples of Site in a sentence

  • The Stores supplied under the Contract shall be guaranteed for a period of 12 (twelve months) from the date of receipt and acceptance at Purchaser's Site as defined under 2.14.

  • Should however, it be necessary for the acceptance tests as to performance or Guarantees to be held over until the Stores is erected at Site such tests shall be carried out within thirty (30) days of completion of erection of the Stores.

  • Unless otherwise stated the Equipment, Machinery and Instruments shall be accepted within Seventy Five (75) days from the date of satisfactory commissioning of the Stores at Purchaser’s Site.

  • Information gathering & Site Inspection: The tenderers may obtain at their own responsibility and expenses all the information which may be necessary and also inspect the site of work for the purpose of making tender and for entering into a contract.

  • Actual Quantities may vary during Execution of the Work as per existing Site Requirement and Condition.