Annual Service Contract for providing Security Guards at Bank’s Residential Properties at Nagpur
भारतीय �रजव� ब�क
िश�ाचार एवं सुर�ा स्थापना
ई- िनिवदा
बैक के नागपुर �स्थत आवासीय प�रसरों मे सुर�ा गाड� प्रदान करने के िलए वािष�क रखरखाव संिवदा
E- Tender for
Annual Service Contract for providing Security Guards at Bank’s Residential Properties at Nagpur
भारतीय �रजव� ब�क, नागपुर पूव�-यो�ता मानदं डों को पूरा करने वाली पात्र फमfi/ठे केदारों से नागपुर म� ब�क की आवासीय संपिKयों म� वािष�क सेवा अनुबंध के तहत सुर�ा गाडfi की सेवाएं प्रदान करने के िलए दो भागों (भाग 1 - तकनीकी-वािण��क बोली और भाग 2 - मू� बोली) म� ई-िनिवदा आमंित्रत करता है। संिवदा की प्रार��क अविध 31 माच� 2024 तक होगी िजसे संतोषजनक प्रदश�न होने की �स्थित मे अिधकतम दो वषfi के िलये, एक बार मे अिधकतम एक वष� के िलए या ब�क �ारा िनधा��रत अ� अविध के िलये िव�ा�रत
िकया जा सकता है।
Reserve Bank of India, Nagpur invites e-tender in two parts (Part I – Techno- commercial Bid & Part II – Price Bid) for Providing Services of Security Guards, Under Annual Service Contract at Residential Properties of Bank at Nagpur from eligible firms/contractors fulfilling the pre-qualification criteria. The contract will be initially valid up to March 31, 2024 and will be extendable for a maximum of two more years, one year at a time, subject to satisfactory performance, or other periods or parameters as the Bank may decide.
काय� की अनुमािनत लागत Estimated cost of the work | बयाना रािश जमा Earnest Money Deposit |
₹ 1,30,00,000/- (inclusive of GST 18%) | ₹ 2,60,000/- (2% of estimated cost) |
ई-िनिवदा जमा करने की अंितम ितिथ 01 माच�, 2023 को 12:00 बजे तक है। अिधक जानकारी के िलए कृ पया वेबसाइट xxxxx:// पर "िनिवदा" अनुभाग पर जाएं और िनिवदा अपलोड करने के
िलए कृ पया एमएसटीसी वेबसाइट xxxxx:// पर जाएं और पंजीकरण कर� । कृ पया यह भी नोट कर� िक आगे के प�रिश�/ शु�5पत्र को के वल भारतीय �रजव� ब�क की वेबसाइट पर प्रकािशत िकया जाएगा।
The last date for submission of e-tender is March 01, 2023 up to 12:00 hrs. For further details please visit “Tender’’ section at website xxxxx:// and for uploading the tender please visit and register on MSTC website at xxxxx:// Please also note that further Addendum/ Corrigendum will only be published on RBI website.
स्थान/ Place: नागपुर/ Nagpur
िदनांक/ Date: 21 जनवरी 2023 / January 21, 2023
�ेत्रीय िनदेशक / Regional Director
भारतीय �रजव� ब�क / Reserve Bank of India
नागपुर / Nagpur
सामाग्री का सारांश / Summary of Contents
खंड Section | िववरण / Description | पृ� सं. Page No. |
अ4ीकरण Disclaimer | 5 | |
A | ई- िनिवदा आमंत्रण सूचना Notice Inviting Tender | 6-9 |
B | प्र�ाव का पत्र Letter of Offer | 10-13 |
C | �ा�ा खंड Interpretation Clause | 14-15 |
D | ई- िनिवदा के संबंध म� मह�पूण� िनद�श Important Instructions for E-procurement | 16-22 |
E | ई-िनिवदा म� भाग लेने के िलए पात्रता मानदं ड Eligibility Criteria for participating in the e-Tender | 23-33 |
F | बोली मू�ांकन मानदं ड Bid Evaluation Criteria | 34-38 |
G | करार की शत� Articles of Agreement | 39-47 |
H | िनिवदाकता�ओं के िलए सामा� िनद�श और अनुबंध की िवशेष शत� General Instructions to contractors and Special Conditions | 48-56 |
I | काम का दायरा और मात्राओं की अनुसूची Scope of Work and Schedule of Quantities | 57-59 |
J | अनुबंध के िनयम और शत� Terms and conditions of Contract | 60-68 |
Annex-I | िपछले 5 वषfi के दौरान िकए गए समान यो�ता वाले कायfi का िववरण Details of Similar Qualifying Works Executed During the Last 5 Years | 69 |
Annex-II | मूलभूत जानकारी Basic Information | 70-71 |
Annex-III | िन�ादन सुर�ा जमा के िलए ब�क गारंटी का प्रपत्र Proforma of Bank Guarantee for Performance Security Deposit | 72-73 |
खंड Section | िववरण / Description | पृ� सं. Page No. |
Annex-IV | बयाना रािश जमा / बोली सुर�ा के िलए ब�क गारंटी का प्रपत्र Proforma of Bank Guarantee for Earnest Money Deposit/ Bid Security | 74-75 |
Annex-V | ठे केदार / फम� के प्रदश�न के बारे म� ग्राहक का प्रमाण पत्र Client’s Certificate Regarding Performance of Contractor/Firm | 76-77 |
Annex-VI | ब�करों का िववरण Details of Bankers | 78 |
Annex-VII | ब�कर सिट�िफके ट (सॉ��xx) का फॉम� Form of Bankers' Certificate (Solvency) | 79 |
Annex- VIII | बायो- डाटा फॉम� Bio- Data Form | 80 |
Annex- IX | MSTC पोट�ल पर भाग -1 के साथ अपलोड िकए जाने वाले द�ावेजों की चेकिल� Checklist for Documents to be uploaded on MSTC Portal along with Part 1 | 81-82 |
भाग - II मू� बोली Part – II Price Bid | 83-84 |
भारतीय �रजव� ब�क, िश�ाचार एवं सुर�ा स्थापना, नागपुर ने इ�ुक पािट�यों को ‘काय�ʼ की जानकारी देने के िलए यह
िनिवदा द�ावेज तैयार िकया है। जबिक भारतीय �रजव� ब�क ने इसम� िनिहत जानकारी को तैयार करने म� उिचत सावधानी बरती है और इसे सही मानता है, न तो भारतीय �रजव� ब�क और न ही इसके िकसी भी प्रािधकरण/ एज�xx/
उनके संबंिधत अिधका�रयो,
एज�टों या सलाहकारों ने इस द�ावेज़ म� िनिहत जानकारी की पूण�ता या
सटीकता या इसके साथ प्रदान की जाने वाली िकसी भी जानकारी के बारे म� कोई वारंटी या इस बारे म� कोई प्रितिनिध�, D4 या िनिहत, प्रदान की है।
Reserve Bank of India, Protocol & Security Establishment, Nagpur, has prepared this document
to give background information on the Project to the interested parties. While Reserve Bank of India has taken due care in the preparation of the information contained herein and believe it to be in order, neither Reserve Bank of India nor any of its authorities or agencies nor any of their respective officers, employees, agents or advisors give any warranty or make any representations, express or implied as to the completeness or accuracy of the information contained in this document or any information which may be provided in association with it.
जानकारी संपूण� नही ं मानी जाये। इ�ुक पािट�याँ अपनी 4यं की पूछताछ करने के िलये 4तंत्र ह� और उ5� िल�खत Vप म� पुि� करने की आव4कता होगी िक उ5ोंने ऐसा िकया है, और वे केवल भारतीय �रजव� ब�क �ारा िनिवदा द�ावेज म� प्रदान की गई जानकारी पर भरोसा नही ं करते ह�। यह जानकारी इस आधार पर प्रदान की जाती है िक यह भारतीय �रजव� ब�क या उसके िकसी प्रािधकरण या एज�िसयों या उनके िकसी संबंिधत अिधकारी, कम�चा�रयो,ं एज�टों या सलाहकारों पर गैर-बा�कारी है।
The information is not intended to be exhaustive. Interested parties are required to make their
own inquiries and respondents will be required to confirm in writing that they have done so, and they do not rely only on the information provided by RBI in submitting the Tender. The information is provided on the basis that it is non – binding on Reserve Bank of India or any of its authorities or agencies or any of their respective officers, employees, agents or advisors.
इस ‘काय�ʼ को आगे नही ं बढ़ाने या 'काय�' के तरीके को बदलने, इस द�ावेज म� िदखाई गई समय-सा�रणी म� प�रवत�न करने या लागू होने वाली प्रिक्रया या प्रिक्रया को बदलने का अिधकार भारतीय �रज़व� ब�क सुरि�त रखता है। यह �िच D4 करने वाले िकसी भी प� के साथ इस मामले पर आगे चचा� करने से इनकार करने का अिधकार भी सुरि�त रखता है। �िच D4 करने वाले D�4यों या संस्थाओं को िकसी भी प्रकार की लागत की कोई प्रितपूित� नही ं की जाएगी।
Reserve Bank of India reserves the right not to proceed with the Project or to change the
configuration of the Project, to alter the time table reflected in this document or to change the process or procedure to be applied. It also reserves the right to decline to discuss the matter further with any party expressing interest. No reimbursement of cost of any type will be paid to persons or entities expressing interest.
भारतीय �रजव� ब�क
िश�ाचार एवं सुर�ा स्थापना
ई- िनिवदा आमंत्रण सूचना / NOTICE INVITING TENDER (NIT) (केवल ई-खरीद के मा4म से / Only through e-procurement)
नागपुर म� भारतीय �रजव� ब�क के िविभ� आवासीय संपिKयों म� सुर�ा गाड� उपल� करवाने के िलए वािष�क सेवा अनुबंध हेतु पूव�-यो�ता मानदं डों को पूरा करने वाली पात्र फम�/ ठे केदारों से दो भागों (भाग I - तकनीकी-वािण��क बोली और भाग II - मू� बोली) म� ई-िनिवदा आमंित्रत िकया जाता है। संिवदा की प्रार��क अविध 31 माच� 2024 तक होगी िजसे संतोषजनक प्रदश�न होने की �स्थित मे अिधकतम दो वषfi के िलये, एक बार मे अिधकतम एक वष� के िलए या ब�क �ारा िनधा��रत अ� अविध / मापदं डों के िलये िव�ा�रत िकया जा सकता है।
Reserve Bank of India, Nagpur invites e-tender in two parts (Part I – Techno- commercial Bid &
Part II – Price Bid) for Annual Service Contract for providing Security Guards at Bank’s Residential Properties from eligible firms/contractors fulfilling the pre-qualification criteria. The contract will be initially valid up to March 31, 2024 and will be extendable for a maximum of two more years, one year at a time, subject to satisfactory performance, or other periods/ parameters as the Bank may decide.
िनिवदा की अनुसूची / SCHEDULE OF TENDER (SOT)
क्रमसं S. N. | मद� Item | िववरण Details |
1 | ई-िनिवदा सं / E-Tender no. | RBI/Nagpur/Others/16/22-23/ET/579 |
2 | िनिवदा का तरीका / Mode of Tender | एमएसटीसी वेबसाइट पर केवल ई-प्रो�ोरम�ट िस�म (ऑनलाइन भाग I - तकनीकी-वािण��क बोली और भाग II – मू�बोली) के मा�म से |
At MSTC website through e-Procurement System (Online Part I - Techno-Commercial Bid and Part II - Price Bid) only Link/ िलंक- | ||
3 | काय� का नाम / Name of Work: | नागपुर म� ब�क के िविभ� आवासीय संपिKयों म� सुर�ा गाड� उपल� करवाने के िलए वािष�क सेवा अनुबंध Annual Service Contract for providing Security Guards at Bank’s Residential Properties |
4 | अनुमािनत लागत / Estimated Cost | लगभग ₹ 1,30,00,000/- (एक करोड़ तीस लाख �पये मात्र) प्रितवष� सभी करों सिहत Approximately ₹ 1,30,00,000/- (Rupees One Crore Thirty Lakh Only) per annum inclusive of all applicable taxes |
5 | i) बयाना रािश जमा / Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) | ₹ 2,60,000/- (दो लाख साठ हज़ार �पये मात्र) ₹ 2,60,000/- (Rupees Two Lakh Sixty Thousand Only) By (1) एनईएफटी के मा�म से आरबीआई खाता सं%ा. 8714295, आईएफएससी कोड: RBIS0NGPA01 (5वा और 10वा अंक शू� है), NEFT, RBI A/c No.8714295, IFSC Code: RBIS0NGPA01 (5th & 10th digit is zero), अथवा / or (2) भारतीय �रजव� ब�क, नागपुर के प� म� िडमांड ड� ा4, DD in favour of Reserve Bank of India, payable at Nagpur, अथवा / or (3) ब�क के मानक प्रोफामा� (अनुबंध- B) म� अनुसूिचत ब�क �ारा जारी एक अप�रवत�नीय ब�क गारंटी An irrevocable Bank Guarantee issued by a scheduled bank in the Bank’s standard proforma (Annexure-B) |
ii) Tender Fees / िनिवदा शु� | शू� / Nil | |
6 | लेनदेन शु� / Transaction Fee | एमएसटीसी िलिमटेड के प� म� या मेसस� एमएसटीसी िल. के सूचना के अनुसार एमएसटीसी पेम�ट गेटवे /एनईएफटी/आरटीजीएस के मा�म से संिवदा के कुल अनुमािनत लागत के 0.05% + जीएसटी @18% |
0.05% of total estimate cost of estimated cost plus GST @18% to be paid through MSTC Payment gateway/NEFT/RTGS in favour of MSTC Limited or as advised by M/s MSTC Ltd | ||
7 | िन�ादन गारंटी / Performance Guarantee | उद्धृत रािश का 5% 05% of the quoted amount (सफल बोलीदाता �ारा प्र�ुत िकया जाना है / to be submitted by the successful bidder) |
8 | पािट�यों के िलए डाउनलोड करने के िलए एनआईटी उपल� होने की ितिथ Date of Notice Inviting Tender (NIT) available to parties to download | 21 जनवरी 2023 को 1200 बजे से January 21, 2023, 1200 Hrs. onwards |
9 | प्री-िबड बैठक (ऑनलाइन) Pre-Bid Meeting (On-line) | 17 फरवरी 2023 को 1330 बजे (िस�ो वेबए� के मा�म से), February 17, 2023 at 13.30 Hrs. (Through CISCO WebEx), प्री-िबड बैठक म� भाग लेने के इ�ुक प� वेबए� िलंक के िलए या पर ईमेल के मा�म से अनुरोध कर सकते ह�। वेबए� िलंक िदनांक 10 फरवरी 2023 को अथवा उसके बाद प्रदान िकया जाएगा। Parties interested to participate in pre-bid meeting may request for the WebEx link via email to or WebEx link will be provided on or after February 10, 2023 |
10 | ऑनलाइन तकनीकी-वािण��क बोली जमा करने के िलए ई- िनिवदा शुV होने की ितिथ Date of starting of e-Tender for submission of online Techno-Commercial Bid | 20 फरवरी 2023 को 1200 बजे से February 20, 2023 at 1200 Hrs. |
11 | xxxxx xxxx (EMD) जमा करने की अंितम ितिथ Last date of submission of EMD. | 01 माच�, 2023 को 1100 बजे तक March 01, 2023 up to 1100 Hrs. |
12 | तकनीकी-वािण��क बोली जमा करने के िलए ऑनलाइन ई- िनिवदा बंद होने की ितिथ Date of closing of online e-tender for submission of Techno-Commercial Bid | 01 माच�, 2023 को 1200 बजे March 01, 2023 at 1200 Hrs. |
13 | भाग I : (तकनीकी वािण��क बोली) खोलने की तारीख व समय Date & time of opening of Part-I: Techno-Commercial Bid | 01 माच�, 2023 को 1600 बजे March 01, 2023 at 1600 Hrs. |
भाग II : (िवKीय बोली) खोलने की तारीख व समय Date & time of opening of Part-II: Price Bid | भाग-II अथा�त िवKीय बोली खोलने की ितिथ की सूचना भाग-I म� सभी पात्र बोलीदाताओं को ई-मेल �ारा अलग से दी जाएगी। Date of opening of Part - II i.e., price bid shall be informed separately to all the eligible bidders in Part-I by e-Mail | |
14 | िनिवदा की वैधता Validity of the tender | िनिवदा के भाग- I के खुलने की ितिथ से तीन माह तक Three months from the date of opening of the PART- I of the Tender |
नोट: िनिवदाकता� कृ पया �ान द� िक िनिवदा म� कोई भी संशोधन/शु�5पत्र, यिद भिव� म� जारी िकया जाता है, केवल आरबीआई की वेबसाइट पर अिधसूिचत िकया जाएगा और समाचार पत्र म� प्रकािशत नही ं िकया जाएगा।
Note: Tenderers may please note that any amendments / corrigendum to the Tender, if issued in future, will only be notified on the website of RBI and will not be published in the newspaper.
�ेत्रीय िनदेशक / Regional Director
भारतीय �रजव� ब�क / Reserve Bank of India
नागपुर / Nagpur
Ms. Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxx
Regional Director, Reserve Bank of India Nagpur-440001.
Having examined the specifications and schedule of quantities relating to the works specified in the memorandum hereinafter set out and having examined the site of the works specified in the said memorandum and having acquired the requisite information relating thereto as affecting the tender, I/We hereby offer to execute the works specified in the said memorandum within the time specified in the said memorandum at the rates mentioned in the attached price bid and in accordance in all respects with the specifications and instructions in writing referred to in the Articles of Agreement, General Conditions of the Tender, Schedule of Quantities and Terms & Conditions of Contract with such services and materials as are provided for, by and in all other respects in accordance with such conditions so far as they may be applicable.
(a) | Description of work | Annual Service Contract for Providing Security Guards for Residential Properties of the Bank |
(b) | Estimated cost | Approximately ₹ 130 Lakhs (Rupees One Crore Thirty Lakhs Only) |
(c) | Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) | Rs. 2,60,000/- (Rupees Two lakh Sixty thousand Only) (bears no interest) |
(d) | Validity of Contract | Initially up to March 31, 2024 (to be renewed for a maximum period of two years based on satisfactory performance). |
(e) | Performance Guarantee | 5% of the contract value (to be provided in the form of Bank Guarantee by the successful Agency) |
2. We undertake to deposit a sum of 2,60,000/- (Rupees Two lakh Sixty thousand Only) as Earnest Money with the Reserve Bank of India at the time of submitting the e-Tender documents which amount is not to bear any interest. Should we fail to execute the contract when called upon to do so, we do hereby agree that this sum shall be forfeited by the Reserve Bank of India. We also agree to keep the Bank Guarantee towards performance guarantee valid during the entire period of tender.
3. We also agree that our tender will remain valid for acceptance by the Bank for 90 days from the date of opening of Part I of the tender and this period of validity can be extended for such period as may be mutually agreed between the Bank and us in writing.
4. Should this tender be accepted, I/We hereby agree to abide by and fulfill all the terms and conditions of the Tender so far as they may be applicable and in default thereof, to forfeit and pay to Reserve Bank of India such sums of money as are stipulated in the conditions contained in the tender together with the written acceptance of the Contract.
5. I/We understand that Reserve Bank of India reserve the right to accept or reject any or all of the tender either in whole or in part without assigning any reason thereof.
6. The Tender is submitted in two parts. Part I contains all commercial terms & conditions, technical particulars, EMD and Part II contains only the price bid in the Bank’s proforma.
7. Should this tender be accepted, I/We hereby agree to abide by and fulfill the terms and provisions of the said Conditions of Contract annexed hereto so far as they may be applicable or in default thereof to forfeit and pay to the Reserve Bank of India the amount mentioned in the said conditions.
8. Our bankers are (full address):
i) | |
ii) |
9. The names of partners of our firm are:
i) | |
ii) |
Name of the partner of the firm authorized to sign |
OR |
Name of person having power of Attorney to sign the Contract (certified true copy of the Power of Attorney should be attached) |
Yours faithfully,
Signature of Contractor
Signatures and addresses of witnesses:
Signature | Address | |
(i) | ||
(ii) |
भारतीय �रजव� ब�क
िश�ाचार एवं सुर�ा स्थापना
(केवल ई-खरीद के मा4म से / Only through e-procurement)
भाग- I / PART- I
नागपुर म� ब�क के िविभ� आवासीय संपिUयों म� सुर�ा गाड� उपल� करवाने के िलए वािष�क सेवा अनुबंध
Annual Service Contract for providing Security Guards at Bank’s Residential Properties
िनिवदाकता� का नाम/ Name of Xxxxxxxx:
पता / Address ल�डलाइन / Landline मोबाइल नं. / Mobile no. ईमेल आईडी / Email id
वेबसाइट एड� ेस, यिद हो / Website address if any -------------------------------------------------------
जमा करने के िलए अंितम ितथी और समय Last date & time for Submission | 01 माच�, 2023 को 1200 बजे तक March 01, 2023 till 1200 Hrs. |
बोली पूव� बैठक Pre-Bid meeting | 17 फरवरी 2023 को 1330 बजे February 17, 2023 at 1330 hrs. |
बोली की वैधता Validity of the tender | िनिवदा के भाग- I के खुलने की ितिथ से तीन माह तक Three months from the date of opening of the PART- I of the Tender |
िनिवदा फॉम� का शु� Cost of Application form/ Tender | शू� Nil |
The Conditions Hereinafter Referred To Interpretation Clause
In construing these Conditions, the Specifications, Schedule of Quantities and Contract Agreement, the following words shall have the meanings herein assigned to them except where the subject or context otherwise required.
(a) | “Bank” | Shall mean The Reserve Bank of India and shall include its assigns and successors. |
(b) | “Contractor” (in the case of a partnership) | “Contractor” shall mean Firm trading in the name and style of providing security services/ man guarding services having a place of business at Nagpur, Maharashtra and shall include the partners for the time being of the said firm and the legal representatives of a deceased partner. |
(in the case of individual) | “Contractor” shall mean Shri trading in the name and style of providing security services/ man guarding services and shall include his heirs, successors and legal representatives. | |
(in the case of Company) | “Contractor” shall mean Company, a company incorporated under Companies Act, 2013 or under any previous company law and having its full-fledged service setup at Nagpur, Maharashtra and shall include its successors and assigns. | |
(c) | “Site” | Shall mean the site of the Contract Works including common peripheral area thereon and any other land (inclusively) as aforesaid allotted by the Bank for the Contractor’s use. |
(d) | “This Contract” | Shall mean the Articles of Agreement, the Special Conditions, the Conditions, the Appendix, the Schedule of Quantities and Specifications, etc. attached hereto and duly signed. |
(e) | “Tender” | E-Tender being followed by |
(f) | “Bank’s Officer/Caretaker” | The term “Bank’s Officer/Caretaker” shall mean the person appointed and paid by the Bank to inspect the works. The Contractor shall afford the Bank’s Officer/Caretaker every facility and assistance for inspecting the works. Neither the Bank’s Officer/Caretaker nor any representative of the Bank shall have power to set out works or to revoke, alter, enlarge or relax any requirements of the Contract, or to sanction any day work, additions, alterations, deviations, or omissions, or any extra work whatever, except in so far as such authority may be specifically conferred by a written order of the Bank’s Officer with the prior concurrence in writing of the Bank. The Bank’s Officer/Caretaker or any representative of the Bank shall have power to give notice to the Contractor or his representative of non-approval of any work or materials and such work shall be suspended or the use of such materials shall be discontinued. |
(g) | “Notice in writing” | written notice shall mean a notice in written, typed or printed characters sent (unless delivered personally or otherwise proved to have been received) by registered post to the last known private or business address to have been received when in the ordinary course of post it would have been delivered. |
(h) | “Act of Insolvency” | Shall mean any Act of Insolvency as defined by the Presidency Towns Insolvency Act or the Provincial Insolvency Act or any Act amending such original. |
(i) | “The works” | Shall mean the Annual Service Contract for providing Security Guards at Residential Properties of the Bank for the Bank at Nagpur as provided herein. |
ई-िनिवदा के संबंध म� मह�पूण� िनद�श / Important Instructions Regarding E-tender
बोली प्र�ुत करने वाले लोगों से अनुरोध है िक वे अपनी ऑनलाइन िनिवदा प्र�ुत करने से पहले इस िनिवदा के
िनयम और शतfi को पढ़ ल�।
Bidders are requested to read the important instruction on e-tendering process as given below and the Terms & Conditions of this tender given in subsequent pages before submitting your online tender.
1 | ई-िनिवदा की प्रिक्रया / Process of E-tender: A) पंजीकरण / Registration: इस प्रिक्रया म� एमएसटीसी ई-प्रॉ�ुम�ट पोट�ल म� व�डर का पंजीकरण शािमल है जो िन:शु� है। पंजीकरण के बाद ही व�डर अपनी बोली इले4� ािनक Vप से प्र�ुत कर सकता है/ सकते ह�। तकनीकी बोली और वािण��क बोली की प्र�ुित के िलए बोली इंटरनेट पर लगाई जाएगी। व�डर के पास 4ास III साइिनंग टाइप िडिजटल सिट�िफके ट होना चािहए। व�डरों को इंटरनेट से जुड़े पीसी से बोली लगाने के िलए 4यं Dवस्था करनी होगी। एमएसटीसी ऐसी Dवस्था करने के िलए िज�ेदार नही ं है। (इले4� ािनक िसVेचर के िबना बोली को �रकाड� नही ं िकया जाएगा।) The process involves vendor’s registration with MSTC e-procurement portal which is free of cost. Only after registration, the vendor(s) can submit his/their bids electronically. Electronic Bidding for submission of Technical Bid as well as Commercial Bid will be done over the internet. The Vendor should possess Class III signing type digital certificate. Vendors are to make their own arrangement for bidding from a personal computer/laptop connected with Internet. MSTC is not responsible for making such arrangement. (Bids will not be recorded without Digital Signature). xxxxx नोट: तकनीकी और वािण��क बोली पर ऑनलाइन प्र�ुत की जानी है। Special Note: The Technical Bid and The Commercial Bid Has to Be Submitted On-Line At i) िवक्रे ताओं के िलए 4यं को→ e-Procurement →PSU/Govt depts→ Select RBI Logo->Register as Vendor – -- Filling up details and creating own user id and password→ Submit म� ऑनलाइन पंजीकरण करना आव4क है। Vendors are required to register themselves online following the below given process→ e-Procurement →PSU/Govtdepts→ Select RBI Logo>Register as Vendor -- Filling up details and creating own user id and password→ Submit. ii). व�डरों को उनके ई-मेल पर उनके पंजीकरण की पुि� करने वाला एक िस�म जेनरेटेड मेल िमलेगा जो रिज��ेशन फाम� भरते समय िदया जाएगा। िकसी 4�ीकरण के िलए भारतीय �रज़व� ब�क/ एमएसटीसी से (ई-िनिवदा के िलए िनधा��रत समय से पहले) संपक� कर�। |
Vendors will receive a system generated mail confirming their registration in their email which has been provided during filling the registration form. In case of any clarification, please contact RBI or MSTC, (before the scheduled time of the e- tender). संपक� D�4 (भारतीय �रज़व� ब�क) / Contact person (RBI): i) xxxx xxxx xxx�, सहायक प्रबंधक Xx. Xxxxxxx Xxxxx (AM) Ph- 0000- 0000000, 09907780274 ii) xxxx xxxxxx xx xxx, (सहायक प्रबंधक, सुर�ा) Shri Xxxxxxx Xxxxx (AM, Security) Ph- 0000- 0000000, 08220326858 संपक� D�4 (एमएसटीसी िल.) / Contact person (MSTC Ltd): | ||||
i) | सुश्री िलस्बेथ डायस, व�र� प्रबंधक Ms. Xxxxxxx Xxxx, Xx. Manager | xxxxxxxxxx@xxxxxxxxx.xx.xx Ph- 07122550075, 09820158988 | ||
ii) | xxxx xxxxx xxxx, उप प्रबंधक Xx. Xxxxxx Xxxx, Dy. Manager | Ph- 000-00000000 Extn: 31, 09987758430 | ||
iii) | xxxxxx xxxxx�दु xxx, उप प्रबंधक Ms. Divyendu Paul, Dy. Manager | xxxxx@xxxxxxxxx.xx.xx Ph- 000-00000000 09831992269 | ||
iv) | xxxxxx Xxxxx xxxxx, उप प्रबंधक Ms. Xxxxxx Xxxxxx, Dy. Manager | xxxxxxx@xxxxxxxxx.xx.xx Ph- 000 00000000 Extn: 13, 9458704037 | ||
v) | श्री तƠय सरकार, उप प्रबंधक Xx. Xxxxxx Xxxxxx, Dy. Manager | xxxxxxx@xxxxxxxxx.xx.xx Ph-022 22886268, 08349894664 | ||
एमएसटीसी सहायता क�द्र MSTC Help Desk | पंजीकरण/ Registration | सुश्री प्रणाली/ Ms Xxxxxxx 022-35134240 | ||
ई-प्रो�ोरम�ट / e- procurement | 022-22886268/ 22822789 | |||
प्रधान काया�लय/ Head Office | 07969066600 | |||
ईमेल/ email | xxxxxxxxxxx@xxxxxxxxx.xx, xxxxxxxxxx@xxxxxxxxx.xx (कृ पया ईमेल भेजते समय िवषय के Vप म� "हे�डे�" का उWेख कर� / Kindly mention “Helpdesk” in email Subject) | |||
नोट- सभी तकनीकी मुहों के िलए सभी काय� िदवसों पर सुबह 10 बजे से शाम 5 बजे तक संपक� िकया जा सकता है| Note- For all technical issues, you may contact the above from 10 am to 5 pm on all working days. |
B) िस�म आव4कता / System Requirement: i) िवंडोज 7 या उससे ऊपर ऑपरे िटंग िस�म Windows 7 or above Operating System ii) आईई -7 और ऊपर इंटरनेट ब्राउज़र IE-7 and above Internet browser. iii) ह�ा�र प्रकार िडिजटल ह�ा�र Signing type digital signature iv) िस�म म� डाउनलोड और स्थािपत करने के िलए नवीनतम अBतन JRE 8 (x86 ऑफ़लाइन) सॉ4वेयर Latest updated JRE 8 (x86 Offline) software to be downloaded and installed in the system. | |
2 | DSC के िलए "सुरि�त मोड" को अ�म करने के िलए ह�ा�रकता� बॉ� म� िन�िल�खत सेिटं� लागू की जा सकती ह�। To disable “Protected Mode” for DSC to appear in The signer box following settings may be applied. उपकरण = > इंटरनेट िवक� = >सुर�ा = > यिद स�म िकया गया है तो संरि�त मोड को अ�म कर�- यानी, "संरि�त मोड स�म कर�" का उWेख करते 5ए िटक बॉ� से िटक हटा द�। अ� सेिटं�: Tools => Internet Options =>Security => Disable protected Mode If enabled- i.e., Remove the tick from the tick box mentioning “Enable Protected Mode”. Other Settings: उपकरण => इंटरनेट िवक� => सामा� => "ब्राउिज़ंग इितहास/ ब्राउिज़ंग इितहास हटाएँ" = > अस्थायी इंटरनेट फ़ाइल� = > "हर बार जब म� वेबपेज पर जाता 5ं" के तहत सेिटं� पर �4क कर�। Tools => Internet Options => General => Click on Settings under “browsing history/ Delete Browsing History” => Temporary Internet Files => Activate “Every time I Visit the Webpage”. सभी active X िनयंत्रणों को स�म करने और उपकरण→इंटरनेट िवक�→ क�म �र के तहत 'पॉप अप �ॉकर का उपयोग कर�' को अ�म करने के िलए (कृ पया पृ� से एक बार आईई सेिटं� चलाएँ) To enable ALL active X controls and disable ‘use pop up blocker’ under Tools→Internet Options→ custom level (Please run IE settings from the page once) |
3 | तकनीकी-वािण��क बोली और मू� बोली पर ऑनलाइन जमा करना होगा। िनिवदा म� िदए गए अनुसार िनिद� � ितिथ और समय पर िनिवदाएं इले4� ॉिनक Vप से खोली जाएं गी। |
The Techno-commercial Bid and the Price Bid shall have to be submitted online at Tenders will be opened electronically on specified date and time as given in the Tender. | |
4 | िनिवदा म� सभी प्रिवि�यों को िबना िकसी अ4�ता के ऑनलाइन तकनीकी और वािण��क प्राVपों म� दज� िकया जाना चािहए। All entries in the tender should be entered in online Technical & Commercial Formats without any ambiguity. |
5 | लेन-देन शु� के प्रित िवशेष नोट / Special Note towards Transaction fee: लेनदेन शु� ई-िनिवदा प्रिक्रया म� भाग लेने के िलए अपने पोट�ल का उपयोग करने के िलए एमएसटीसी �ारा लगाया जाने वाला पोट�ल उपयोग शु� है। Transaction fees is the portal usage charges levied by the MSTC for using their portal for participating in the e- tendering process. िवक्रेता लॉिगन म� "मेरा मेनू" के तहत "लेनदेन शु� भुगतान" िलंक का उपयोग करके लेनदेन शु� का भुगतान कर�गे। िवक्रे ताओं को इव�ट ड� ॉपडाउन बॉ� से िवशेष िनिवदा का चयन करना होगा। िवक्रेता के पास एनईएफटी या ऑनलाइन भुगतान के मा�म से भुगतान करने की सुिवधा होगी। एनईएफटी का चयन करने पर, िवक्रेता एक फॉम� भरकर चालान उ�� करे गा। िवक्रेता चालान पर मुिद्रत िववरण के अनुसार लेनदेन शु� रािश को िबना िकसी बदलाव के भेज देगा। ऑनलाइन भुगतान का चयन करने पर, िवक्रेता को अपने क्रेिडट / डेिबट काड� / नेट ब�िकंग का उपयोग करके भुगतान करने का प्रावधान होगा। एक बार जब भुगतान एमएसटीसी के नािमत ब�क खाते म� जमा हो जाता है, तो लेनदेन शु� 4तः अिधकृ त होगा और िवक्रेता को िस�म जिनत मेल प्रा� होगा। The vendors shall pay the transaction fee using “Transaction Fee Payment” Link under “My Menu” in the vendor login. The vendors have to select the particular tender from the event dropdown box. The vendor shall have the facility of making the payment either through NEFT or Online Payment. On selecting NEFT, the vendor shall generate a challan by filling up a form. The vendor shall remit the transaction fee amount as per the details printed on the challan without making change in the same. On selecting Online Payment, the vendor shall have the provision of making payment using its Credit/ Debit Card/ Net Banking. Once the payment gets credited to MSTC’s designated bank account, the transaction fee shall be auto authorized and the vendor shall be receiving a system generated mail. लेन-देन शु� गैर-वापसी यो� है। लेन-देन शु� के भुगतान के िबना एक िवक्रेता के पास ऑनलाइन ई-िनिवदा तक प5ंच नही ं होगी। Transaction fee is non-refundable. A vendor will not have the access to online e-tender without making the payment towards transaction fee. |
नोट: बोलीदाताओं को सलाह दी जाती है िक वे घटना के समापन समय से पहले लेनदेन शु� को अ�ी तरह से जमा कर� तािक बोली जमा करने के िलए खुद को पया�� समय िमल सके। NOTE: Bidders are advised to remit the transaction fee well in advance before the closing time of the event so as to give themselves sufficient time to submit the bid. | |
6 | अपलोड की गई िनिवदाओ/ं शु�5पत्रों के बारे म� सूचना िनिवदा को अंितम Vप िदए जाने तक प्रिक्रया के दौरान ही ईमेल �ारा भेजी जाएगी। इसिलए िवक्रेताओं को यह सुिनि�त करने की आव4कता है िक एमएसटीसी के साथ िवक्रेता के पंजीकरण के समय प्रदान िकया गया उनका कॉप�xx ट ईमेल आईडी वैध और अपडेट िकया गया है। िवक्रे ताओं से यह भी अनुरोध िकया जाता है िक वे अपने डीएससी (िडिजटल ह�ा�र प्रमाण पत्र) की वैधता सुिनि�त कर�। Information about tenders /corrigendum uploaded shall be sent by email only during the process till finalization of tender. Hence the vendors are required to ensure that their corporate email I.D. provided is valid and updated at the time of registration of vendor with MSTC. Vendors are also requested to ensure validity of their DSC (Digital Signature Certificate). |
7 | एनआईटी म� उ�W�खत िनयत ितिथ और समय के बाद ई-िनिवदा तक नही ं प5ंचा जा सकता है। E-tender cannot be accessed after the due date and time mentioned in NIT |
8 | ई-िनिवदा म� बोली / Bidding in e-tender : a) िवक्रे ताओं को ई-िनिवदा म� ऑनलाइन बोली लगाने के िलए पात्र होने के िलए आव4क ईएमडी, िनिवदा शु� और लेनदेन शु� (यिद कोई हो) जमा करने की आव4कता है। िनिवदा xx� और xxxxxx xx� गैर-वापसी यो� ह�। ईएमडी पर कोई �ाज नही ं िदया जाएगा। असफल िवक्रेता (ओं) का ईएमडी िनिवदा आमंित्रत करने वाले प्रािधकरण �ारा वापस कर िदया जाएगा। Vendor(s) need to submit necessary EMD, Tender fees and Transaction fees (If ANY) to be eligible to bid online in the e-tender. Tender fees and Transaction fees are non- refundable. No interest will be paid on EMD. EMD of the unsuccessful vendor(s) will be refunded by the tender inviting authority. b) इस प्रिक्रया म� तकनीकी और वािण��क बोली प्र�ुत करने के िलए इले4� ॉिनक बोली शािमल है। The process involves Electronic Bidding for submission of Technical and Commercial Bid. c) िजन िवक्रे ताओं ने लेनदेन शु� जमा िकया है, वे केवल ई-प्रो�ोरम�ट →पीएसयू/सरकारी िवभागों के → एमएसटीसी वेबसाइट म� इंटरनेट के मा�म से अपनी तकनीकी बोली और वािण��क बोली जमा कर सकते ह�→ आरबीआई→मई मेनू→ नीलामी 4ोर मैनेजर→ लाइव इव�ट →सिचव इव�ट के →चयन के तहत लॉिगन कर�। The vendor(s) who have submitted transaction fee can only submit their Technical Bid and Commercial Bid through internet in MSTC website → e- procurement →PSU/Govtdepts→ Login under RBI→My menu→ Auction Floor Manager→ live event →Selection of the live event |
d) िवक्रेता को जावा ए��के शन चलाने की अनुमित देनी चािहए। यह अ�ास बोली तल खोलने के तुरंत बाद िकया जाना है। िफर उ5� सामा� शतfi / वािण��क िविनद� शों को भरना होगा और उसी को सहेजना होगा। उसके बाद टे�4कल िबड पर �4क कर�। यिद यह आवेदन नही ं चलता है, तो िवक्रेता अपनी तकनीकी बोली को सहेजने / जमा करने म� स�म नही ं होगा। The vendor should allow running JAVA application. This exercise has to be done immediately after opening of Bid floor. Then they have to fill up Common terms/Commercial specification and save the same. After that click on the Technical bid. If this application does not run, the vendor will not be able to save/submit his Technical bid. e) तकनीकी बोली भरने के बाद, िवक्रेता को अपनी तकनीकी बोली �रकॉड� करने के िलए 'सहेज�' पर �4क करना चािहए। एक बार ऐसा करने के बाद, वािण��क बोली िलंक सिक्रय हो जाता है। इसे भरना होगा और िवक्रेता को अपनी वािण��क बोली �रकॉड� करने के िलए "सहेज�" पर �4क करना चािहए। एक बार तकनीकी बोली और वािण��क बोली दोनों सहेजे जाने के बाद, िवक्रेता अपनी बोली पंजीकृत करने के िलए "अंितम सबिमशन" बटन पर �4क कर सकता है। After filling the Technical Bid, vendor should click ‘save’ for recording their Technical bid. Once the same is done, the Commercial Bid link becomes active. The same has to filled and vendor should click on “save” to record their Commercial bid. Once both Technical bid & Commercial bid have been saved, the vendor can click on the “Final submission” button to register their bid f) िवक्रे ताओं को द�ावेज अपलोड करने के िलए डॉक बटन का उपयोग करने का िनद�श िदया जाता है। एकािधक द�ावेज़ अपलोड िकए जा सकते ह�। Vendors are instructed to use Attach Doc button to upload documents. Multiple documents can be uploaded. g) सभी मामलों म�, िवक्रेता को अपनी बोली जमा करते समय िडिजटल ह�ा�र के साथ अपनी आईडी और पासवड� का उपयोग करना चािहए। In all cases, vendor should use their own ID and Password along with Digital Signature at the time of submission of their bid. h) पूरी ई-ट�डर प्रिक्रया के दौरान, िवक्रेता एक-दूसरे के िलए और हर िकसी के िलए पूरी तरह से गुमनाम रह�गे। During the entire e-tender process, the vendors will remain completely anonymous to one another and also to everybody else. i) ई-ट�डर 4ोर पूव�-घोिषत ितिथ और समय से और ऊपर उ�W�खत अविध के िलए खुला रहेगा। The e-tender floor shall remain open from the pre-announced date & time and for as much duration as mentioned above. j) ई-िनिवदा प्रिक्रया के दौरान प्र�ुत सभी इले4� ॉिनक बोिलयां िवक्रेता पर कानूनी Vप से बा�कारी होंगी। एक बोली को उस िवक्रेता �ारा पेश की गई वैध बोली के Vप म� माना जाएगा और खरीदार �ारा इसे 4ीकार करने से आपूित� के िन�ादन के िलए खरीदार और िवक्रेता के बीच एक बा�कारी अनुबंध होगा। |
All electronic bids submitted during the e-tender process shall be legally binding on the vendor. A bid will be considered as the valid bid offered by that vendor and acceptance of the same by the Buyer will form a binding contract between the Buyer and the Vendor for execution of supply. k) यह अिनवाय� है िक सभी बोिलयां िडिजटल ह�ा�र प्रमाण पत्र के साथ प्र�ुत की जाएं अ�था िस�म �ारा इसे 4ीकार नही ं िकया जाएगा। It is mandatory that all the bids are submitted with Digital Signature Certificate otherwise the same will not be accepted by the system. l) खरीदार िबना कोई कारण बताए िनिवदा को रह करने/ अ4ीकार करने / 4ीकार करने / वापस लेने / िव�ा�रत करने का अिधकार सुरि�त रखता है। Buyer reserves the right to cancel / reject / accept / withdraw / extend the tender in full or part as the case may be without assigning any reason thereof. m) िनिवदा द�ावेज के िनयमों और शतfi म� कोई िवचलन 4ीकाय� नही ं है। िकसी भी िवक्रेता �ारा ई- िनिवदा मंिजल म� बोली प्र�ुत करना िनिवदा के िलए िनयमों और शतfi की 4ीकृ ित की पुि� करता है। No deviation in the terms and conditions of the tender document is acceptable. Submission of bid in the e-tender floor by any vendor confirms his acceptance of terms & conditions for the tender. | |
9 | इस िनिवदा से उ�� कोई भी आदेश उसम� उ�W�खत िनयमों और शतfi �ारा शािसत िकया जाएगा। Any order resulting from this tender shall be governed by the terms and conditions mentioned therein. |
10 | तकनीकी और वािण��क िनयमों और शतfi म� कोई िवचलन की अनुमित नही ं है। No deviation in the technical and commercial terms & conditions are allowed. |
11 | िनिवदा आमंित्रत करने वाले प्रािधकारी को इस ई-िनिवदा को रह करने या िबना कोई कारण बताए बोली प्रा� करने की िनयत ितिथ बढ़ाने का अिधकार है। The tender inviting authority has the right to cancel this e-tender or extend the due date of receipt of bid(s) without assigning any reason thereof. |
12 | िवक्रे ताओं से अनुरोध है िक वे िवक्रेता गाइड पढ़� और बोली लगाने से पहले िस�म से प�रिचत होने के िलए पृ� म� वीिडयो देख�। Vendors are requested to read the VENDOR GUIDE and see the video in the page to familiarize themselves with the system before bidding. |
ई-िनिवदा म� भाग लेने के िलए पात्रता मानदंड / Eligibility Criteria for participating in the e-Tender
1. भारतीय �रज़व� ब�क, नागपुर ने सभी करों सिहत लगभग 130 लाख �पये की अनुमािनत लागत पर ब�क की आवासीय संपिKयों के िलए सुर�ा गाड� प्रदान करने के िलए वािष�क सेवा अनुबंध के िलए दो भागों म� ई-
िनिवदा आमंित्रत की है।
Reserve Bank of India, Nagpur invites e-Tender in two parts for Annual Service Contract for providing Security Guards for Residential Properties of the Bank at an estimated cost of approximately Rs. 130 Lakhs inclusive of all taxes.
2. िनिवदाकता�ओं के िलए पात्रता मानदंड / Eligibility Criteria for the tenderers:
के वल ऐसे कं पनी / फम� / एज�xx िनिवदा म� भाग लेने हेतु पात्र होगे:
Only Company/Firm/Agency who fulfill the following per-qualification criteria are eligible to apply:
A. िजनके पास महारा�� रा� म� वैध सुर�ा अिभकरण (िविनयमन) अिधिनयम, 2005 (2005 का 29) (PSARA) के तहत जारी वैध लाइस�स हो और इस तरह के कायfi (अथा�त सुर�ा गाड्�स की सेवा प्रदान करने के काय�) को करने का �ूनतम 5 वषfi का अनुभव (काय� अनुभव का औिचय दशा�ने वाले काय� आदेश 01 जनवरी 2018 से पहले का होना चािहए) हो और िपछले पांच वषfi (काय� िन�ादन का औिचय दशा�ने वाले काय� आदेश और काय� समा�� प्रमाणपत्र 01 जनवरी 2018 से बाद के होने चािहए) के दौरान
िन�नुसार समान काय� िकया हो-
having valid license issued under Private Security Agencies Regulation Act, 2005 (PSARA) valid for the State of Maharashtra and experience in field of providing services of security guards for at least five years (Work orders submitted in support of work experience must be issued before January 2018) and have executed similar work during previous five years (Work orders and work completion certificates submitted in support of work executed must be issued on or after January 2018) as follows:-
• कम से कम तीन काय� पूरे िकए हो िजनम� प्रwेक की लागत ₹ 52 लाख प्रितवष� से कम न हो
At least 3 works of value not less than ₹52 lakh per annum
अथवा / Or,
• कम से कम दो काय� पूरे िकए हों िजनम� प्रwेक की ₹ 65.00 लाख प्रितवष� से कम न हो
At least 2 works of value not less than ₹65 lakh per annum
अथवा / Or,
• कम से कम एक काय� पूरा िकया हो िजसकी लागत ₹104 लाख प्रितवष� से कम न हो।
At least one work of value costing not less than ₹ 104 lakh per annum.
B. िपछले 3 वषfi (अथा�त 2019-20, 2020-21 तथा 2021-22) के दौरान कम से कम ₹ 130 लाख का कुल कारोबार हो। (टन�ओवर के प्रमाण4Vप िकसी सनदी लेखाकार �ारा िविधवत प्रमािणत उसके
कारोबार के अंितम लेखों अथवा टन�-ओवर प्रमाणपत्र के साथ आयकर �4यर� स प्रमाणपत्रो/ मूल्यांकन आदेशों की प्रितयाँ जमी की जाएं)।
Annual turnover for the last 3 years (Income Tax Year) i.e. 2019-20, 2020-21 & 2021-22
(Audited balance sheet duly certified by a Charted Accountant or turn over certificate from
a CA along with copies of ITRs shall be submitted) should not be less than ₹ 130 lakh.
C. ₹ 130 लाख की अनुमािनत लागत वाले कायfi के िलए अनुबंध करने के िलए िवलायक/िवKीय Vप से मजबूत हो।
Must be solvent/ financially sound for carrying out the contract for works estimated to
cost ₹ 130 Lakhs.
D. सुर�ा गाड्�स को ट� ेिनंग दे ने के िलए 4यं की स्थापना/ प्रणाली हो।
Should have his own Establishment/Set up/ Mechanism to provide training of guards.
E. नागपुर शहर मे 4यं का संपूण� सिव�स सेट अप मौजूद हो।
Must have a self-owned full-fledged service setup at Nagpur.
F. नागपुर म� यह Dवसाय करने के िलए सभी आव4क कानूनी/सांिविधक अनुमोदन प्रा� हो।ं
Should have all the necessary Legal/Statutory approvals to do this business in Nagpur.
इन मानदं डों को पूरा करने वाले सभी ठे xxxxx xxxxxx के खंड-I म� दशा�ए अनुसार वेब पोट�ल म� प्रवेश करते 5ए एमएसटीसी की सद4ता के िलए आवेदन कर सकते ह� और िनिवदा द�ावेज अपलोड करते समय उपयु�4 मानदं डों के संदभ� मे द�ावेजी प्रमाण प्र�ुत कर सकते ह�।
All contractors fulfilling these criteria may apply for membership of MSTC entering web-
portal as indicated in Section I of the tender and submit the documentary proof in the captioned criteria at the time of uploading of tender document.
3. केवल उन ठे केदारों को पात्र माना जाएगा जो िनिवदा प्रिक्रया म� भागीदारी के िलए अपनी पात्रता के प्रित ब�क को xxxx� करने के िलए ई-िनिवदा के िलए आवेदन करते समय अिनवाय� Vप से िल�खत म� िन�िल�खत जानकारी प्रासंिगक द�ावेजों के साथ उपल� कराएंगे।
The intended contractors should invariably furnish, the following information in writing
and submit relevant documents to satisfy the Bank about their eligibility for participating in the tendering process along with the tender form.
क्रं. S. No. | जानकारी Information | जमा िकए जाने वाले द�ावेज Documents to be submitted |
(a) | फम� का संघटन Composition of the firm | अनुलVक- II मे दशा�ए प्राVप मे ठे के दारों के फम� के संघटन का संपूण� िव�ृत िववरण (�ा ठे केदार एक D�4 है, अथवा एक साझीदार फम� है अथवा एक कं पनी है आिद) और साथ ही साझीदार(रो)ं का(के) नाम एवं पता(ते) सिहत संस्था के अंतिन�यम/पावर ऑफ अटानT /कोई भी अ� संबंिधत द�ावेज़ अपलोड कराई जाए। Full particulars in format prescribed under Xxxxxxxx- XX (whether contractor is an individual, or a partnership firm, or a company etc.,) of the composition of the firm of contractors in details should be submitted along |
with name(s) and address (es), of the partners copy of the Articles of Association/ Power of Attorney/ Attorney/ another relevant document. िकसी कं पनी के मामले म�, पंजीकरण का प्रमाण पत्र, कंपनी के एसोिसएशन के yापन और लेख और अ� प्रासंिगक द�ावेज और सभी िनदे शकों और िज�ेदार अिधका�रयों के िववरण प्र�ुत करना आव4क है। साझेदारी फम� के मामले म�, साझेदारी िवलेख, पावर ऑफ अटॉनT, यिद कोई हो और फम� का गठन करने वाले सभी भागीदारों का िववरण; और िकसी एज�xx या 4ािम� के मामले म�, नाम (ओं) और पते (ओं) आिद के साथ इसम� शािमल D�4 / D�4यों का िववरण प्र�ुत करना आव4क है। In case of a company, the certificate of registration, Memorandum and Articles of Association of the company and other relevant documents and particulars of all the directors and responsible officials are required to be submitted. In case of a partnership firm, the partnership deed, power of attorney, if any and particulars of all the partners constituting the firm; and in case of an Agency or Proprietorship, the particulars of the individual/individuals involved therein along with the name(s) and address (es)’ etc are required to be submitted. महारा�� म� वैध PSARA लाइस�स की प्रित, संबंिधत प्रािधकारी �ारा जारी स्थापना के पंजीकरण प्रमाण पत्र की प्रित, ईपीएफ पंजीकरण प्रमाण पत्र और ईएसआई पंजीकरण प्रमाण पत्र की प्रितयां और लागू कर पंजीकरण, अथा�त् पैन, िटन, जीएसटी आिद प्र�ुत िकए जाने चािहए। Copy of PSARA License valid in Maharashtra, Registration Certificate of the Establishment issued by the relevant authority, Copies of E.P.F. Registration Certificate and E.S.I Registration Certificate and applicable tax registrations, viz., PAN, TAN, GST, etc. should be submitted. |
(b) | काय� अनुभव और िनिद� � अविध के दौरान िनिद� � मू� के इसी प्रकार के समान काय� का पूरा िकया जाना Work experience and completion of similar work of specified value during the specified period. | आवेदक को इसी प्रकार के काय� करने के �ूनतम 05 वषfi के अनुभव के समथ�न म� द�ावेजी सा� प्र�ुत करना होगा (आवेदक ने 01 जनवरी, 2018 से पूव� कम से कम एक इसी प्रकार का काय� पूरा िकया हो)। The Applicant should submit documentary evidence in support of minimum experience of 05 years of carrying out similar work (The applicant should have completed at least one similar work before January 01, 2018). िपछले 05 वषfi के दौरान यो�ता कायfi (2.A(i), 2.A (ii) या 2.A (iii) के तहत दशा�ए गए मू� और इस काय� के समान प्रकृित के) को सफलतापूव�क पूरा करने के िलए द�ावेजी सा�। Documentary evidence for having successfully completed qualifying works (of value as indicated under 2.A (i), 2.A (ii) or 2.A (iii) above and of similar nature) during last 05 years. िव�ृत काय� आदेश की प्रितयां िजसम� काय� िमलने की तारीख, िदए गए काय� की लागत, काय� पूरा करने के िलए िदया गया समय आिद दशा�या गया हो और काय� पूरा करने की वा�िवक तारीख दशा�ने वाले पूण�ता प्रमाणपत्र एवं िन�ािदत िकए गए समान प्रकृित के कायfi की वा�िवक लागत काय� अनुभव के प्रमाण के Vप म� अपलोड कराई जाएं। Copies of the detailed work orders for the qualifying works indicating date of award, value of awarded work, time given for completing the work, etc. and the corresponding completion certificates indicating actual date of completion and actual value of executed similar works should be enclosed in proof of the work completion experience. यिद भारतीय �रज़व� ब�क के िकसी भी क�द्र म� कोई भी काय� करने का कोई अनुभव हो तो उससे संबंिधत द�ावेज़ी सा� भी िदए जाएं। The details along with documentary evidence of previous experience, if any, of carrying out Works for the Reserve Bank of India at any center, should also be given. ब�क साइट िविज़ट के िलए अपने प्रितिनिध को नािमत करके बोलीदाता �ारा िकए गए काय� अनुभव दावों को सwािपत करने का अिधकार सुरि�त रखता है। |
Bank reserves the right to verify work experience claims made by bidder by nominating its representative for site visit. | ||
(c) | पूरा िकए गए काय� का िववरण Details of the completed work | अनुलVक -I मे दशा�ए प्राVप मे ग्राहक-वार काय�(यfi) के नाम, काय� को पूरा िकए जाने का(के) वष� और पूरा िकए गए काय�(यfi) का मूल्य- िजस पर ठेका िदया गया और वास्तिवक लागत, पूरा िकए गए काय�(यfi) म� लगा समय - िजस पर ठेका िदया गया और वास्तिवक समय, अिधका�रयो/ं प्रािधका�रयो/ं िवभागों का(के) नाम और उनका संपक� िववरण प्र�ुत कर�/ अपलोड कर� िजनके अधीन काय� िकया गया/िकए गए। The client-wise names of work(s), year(s) of works |
(d) | ग्राहक प्रमाणपत्र Client Certificates | िनिवदाकता�ओं को सूिचत िकया जाता है िक वे ऐसे प्रwेक ग्राहकों से संलV प्रोफामा� (अनुलVक-V) म� ग्राहक प्रमाणपत्र संलV/ अपलोड कर� िजनके िलए उ5ोंने िनिवदाओं के आमंत्रण म� विण�त अह�क मानदंड के अनुसार पात्र काय� िकया हो। Tenderers are informed that they have to submit Client certificates in format as prescribed under Annexure V) for each of the Prequalification work/s उपयु�4 पैरा 2 (b) के अनुसार �ूनतम मू�ों के कायfi को पूरा करने के पात्रता मानदं डों को पूरा करने के िलए यो� कायfi के समथ�न मे प्र�ुत काय� आदेश और काय� पूण�ता प्रमाण पत्र आव4क Vप से ग्राहक प्रमाण पत्र के साथ समिथ�त होना चािहए। Work orders and work completion certificates submitted towards qualifying works to fulfil the eligibility criteria of having completed minimum values of work as per para 2(b) above have to be necessarily supported with Client certificates. ग्राहक प्रमाण पत्र के वल तभी 4ीकार िकया जाएगा जब सरकारी/ अध� सरकारी संगठन अथवा साव�जिनक �ेत्र के |
उपक्रम के काय�पालक अिभयंता अथवा उनके समक� के अिधकारी का ह�ा�र हो और िनिवदाकार �ारा िकए गए काय� का भुगतान प्रा� करने का पया�� प्रमाण हो। Client certificate will be accepted only when it is Signed by an official of the rank of Officer of the rank of Executive Engineer or equivalent in case of Govt./Semi-Govt., organisations or a PSU and is supported by adequate proof of payments received by the contractor for the work done by them. xxxx संस्थाओं �ारा जारी िकया गया क्लाइंट प्रमाणपत्र म� स्रोत पर कर कटौती का प्रमाणपत्र (टीडीएस) भी शािमल होना चािहए। Client's report issued by private organization shall be accompanied by TDS Certificates. सभी कॉलम को ठीक से प्रितह�ा��रत म� भरा जाना चािहए। ग्राहक प्रमाण पत्र अिधकृ त D�4 के ह�ा�र के साथ ग्राहक के लेटर हेड पर होना चािहए। All columns should be filled in properly countersigned. Client certificate should be on letter head of the Client with signature of Authorized person. xxxx� � फॉम�ट म� िनिद� � प्रमाणपत्रों के बगैर प्रा� आवेदनो/िनिवदाओं को अ4ीकार कर िदया जाएगा और ब�क के पास अिधकार है िक प्र�ुत िकए गए प्रमाणपत्रों को 4तंत्र Vप से सwािपत कर� । ब�क िनिवदाकता� के ग्राहकों से उनके पूव� प्रदश�न पर जानकारी लेने का भी अिधकार सुरि�त रखता है। Applications/tenders received without certificates specified in the specified format will be rejected and Bank reserves the right to verify the submitted certificates independently. The Bank also reserves the right obtain reports on the past performance of the tenderer from his clients. | ||
(e) | ग्राहकों एवं उनके वत�मान संपक� काय�पालकों के नाम व पते Name(s) and address (es) of the clients and their present contact executives | उनके ग्राहकों के नाम एवं पते और साथ ही संपक� काय�पालकों (अथा�त वह D�4 िजनसे आव4कता पड़ने पर ब�क �ारा संपक� िकया जा सके) का संपूण� �ौरा अथा�त नाम, डाक-पता, ई-मेल आईडी, फोन नंबर (ल�डलाइन एवं मोबाइल), फै � नंबर प्र�ुत िकया जाए। Written information about the names and addresses of their clients along with full details, like names, postal addresses, e- mail IDs, telephone (landline and mobile) nos., fax nos. etc., of the contact executives (i.e. the persons who can be contacted at |
the office of their clients by the Bank in case it is so needed) should be furnished. | ||
(f) | ठे केदार की ऋण पात्रता और xxxx� � अविध के दौरान उनका कुल कारोबार Credit worthiness of the contractor and their turnover during the specified period. | ठे केदार की ऋण पात्रता एवं िवगत तीन वषfi के टन�ओवर के प्रमाण4Vप िकसी सनदी लेखाकार �ारा िविधवत प्रमािणत उसके कारोबार के xxx के तीन वषfi के अंितम लेखों के साथ आयकर �4यर� स प्रमाणपत्रो/ं आयकर मूल्यांकन आदेशो/ं आयकर �रटन� की प्रितयाँ अपलोड कराई जाएं। Copies of the Income Tax Clearance Certificates/ Income Tax Assessment Orders/ Income Tax Returns along with the latest final accounts of the business of the contractor duly certified by a Chartered Accountant should be enclosed in proof of their creditworthiness and turnover for last three years. |
(g) | ब�कर(रो)ं एवं उनके वत�मान संपक� काय�पालकों के नाम व पते Name(s) and address (es) of the bankers and their present contact executives | अनुलVक -VI मे दशा�ए प्राVप मे उनके ब�करों के नाम एवं पते और साथ ही संपक� काय�पालकों (अथा�त वह D�4 िजनसे आव4कता पड़ने पर ब�क �ारा संपक� िकया जा सके) का संपूण� �ौरा अथा�त नाम, डाक का पता, ई-मेल आईडी, फोन नंबर (ल�डलाइन एवं मोबाइल), फै � नंबर आिद िल�खत Vप म� प्र�ुत िकया जाए। Written Information about the names and addresses |
(h) | ब�क खातों का िववरण Details of the bank accounts | उनके ब�क खातों का िववरण अथा�त खाता सं%ा, खाते का प्रकार, खाता कब खोला गया आिद िदया जाए। Full particulars of their bank accounts, like account no., type, when opened etc., should be given. |
(i) | Banker (Solvency) certificate ब�कर (सॉ��xx) प्रमाणपत्र | अनुलVक -VII मे दशा�ए प्राVप मे आवेदक के ब�कर �ारा िवशेष Vप से इस काम के उहे4 से जारी ₹ 1.30,00,000/- की �ूनतम रािश के िलए सॉ��xx प्रमाण पत्र प्र�ुत िकया जाए। Should submit solvency certificate in format prescribed under Annexure-VII issued by applicant’s Banker specifically for the purpose of this work, for a |
minimum amount of ₹ 1,30,00,000/- ब�क िनिवदाकता� के ब�करों से उनके पूव� प्रदश�न/ सॉ��xx पर जानकारी लेने का भी अिधकार सुरि�त रखता है। The Bank reserves the right to obtain reports on the past performance/ solvency of the tenderer from his bankers. | ||
(j) | प्रिश�ण सुिवधा और सिव�स सेट-अप Training Facility and Service setup | सुर�ा गाडfi के प्रिश�ण के िलए 4यं की प्रिश�ण सुिवधा/ स्थापना/ प्रणाली और नागपुर मे 4यं के संपूण� सिव�स सेट अप/ बैक ऑिफस/ प्रशासिनक काया�लय (जहां से अनुबंध अविध के दौरान िविनिद� � काय� के िलए जनश�4 और पय�वे�ण के संदभ� म� आव4क सहायता प्रदान की जाएगी) होने के समथ�न म� कोई वैध द�ावेज अपलोड कराया जाए। Valid document in support of having self-owned Establishment/ Set up/ Mechanism to provide training of guards and full-fledged service setup/ back office/ administrative office in Nagpur (wherefrom required support in terms of manpower and supervision are provided during the contract period for the specified job). |
(k) | कानूनी / सांिविधक अनुमित Legal/ statutory Approvals | िनिवदाकता�ओं को सभी प्रासंिगक वैध द�ावेजों के साथ यह घोषणा करते 5ए एक शपथपत्र दे ना होगा िक उ5ोंने नागपुर म� यह Dवसाय करने के िलए सभी आव4क कानूनी / वैधािनक अनुमोदन प्रा� कर िलए ह�। Tenderers should furnish an undertaking declaring that they have obtained all the required legal/ statutory approvals for carrying out this business at Nagpur along with all relevant valid documents. |
(l) | कानूनी अदालत म� दोषिस�5/ िकसी संगठन �ारा काली सूची म� डालना/ लंिबत िसिवल मामले Xxxxxxxxxx xx x court of law/ Blacklisting by any organisation/ Pending Civil Suits | िनिवदाकता� को यह घोषणा करते 5ए एक शपथपत्र प्र�ुत करना होगा िक उ5� िकसी भी आधार पर िकसी भी संगठन �ारा कानून की अदालत म� दोषी नही ं ठहराया गया है या िनलंिबत / �ैकिल� नही ं िकया गया है। िनिवदाकार िन�ािदत कायfi म� से िकसी म� कोई िसिवल मुकदमा लंिबत होने पर िववरण प्रदान करे गा। The tenderer shall have to submit an Undertaking declaring that they have not been convicted in a Court of Law or suspended / blacklisted by any organization on any grounds. The tenderer shall provide details if any civil suit is pending in any of the works executed. |
त�ों को िछपाने और बाद म� पता लगने की �स्थित म� अनुबंध रह िकया जा सकता है/बोली की अ4ीकृ ित की जा सकती है। Concealment of facts and subsequent detections may lead to annulment of the contract / rejection of the bid forthwith. |
4. िवलय, अिधग्रहण, टेक-ओवर आिद जैसे असाधारण मामलों म�, इ�ुक िनिवदाकता� िकसी भी छूट / िवचलन की मांग के िलए सभी प्रासंिगक द�ावेज प्र�ुत कर सकता है िजस पर वह ब�क से िवचार करने का अनुरोध कर सकता है। ब�क ऐसे अनुरोधों को 4ीकार करने के िलए बा� नही ं है और ऐसी छूटों / िवचलनों को अनुमित देने या अ4ीकार करने का अपना अिधकार सुरि�त रखता है। इस संबंध म� ब�क का िनण�य अंितम होगा।
In the exceptional cases such as merger, acquisition, takeover etc., the intending
tenderer may submit all the relevant documents for seeking any exemption/ deviation that it requests the Bank to consider. The Bank is not bound to accept such requests and reserves its right to allow or reject such exemptions/ deviations. The Bank’s decision in this regard shall be final.
5. इ�ुक िनिवदाकारों को िनिवदा की तकनीकी-वािण��क बोली (भाग-I) के साथ ऊपर विण�त िववरण के
िबन्दुओं की संतुि� लायक सभी संबंिधत द�ावेजों तथा बयाना जमारािश (एनईएफटी रसीद/ ब�क xxxx xx/
िडमांड ड� ा4) की �ैन प्रित को एमएसटीसी पोट�ल पर तकनीकी-वािण��क बोली (भाग-I) के साथ अपलोड करना होगा।
Intending tenderers need to upload relevant documents supporting their eligibility criteria
and scanned copy of Earnest Money Deposit (NEFT statement/ Bank Guarantee/ Demand draft) along with Techno-commercial bid (Part-I) of the tender.
6. ₹ 2,60,000/- (दो लाख साठ हज़ार �पये मात्र) की बयाना जमा रािश (ईएमडी) िन� मा�मों से जमा िकया जाएगा
Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) of ₹ 2,60,000/- (Rupees Two Lakhs Sixty Thousand only) shall be deposited through
a) 01 माच�, 2023 को 1100 बजे से पहले एनईएफटी के मा�म से आरबीआई खाता सं%ा. 8714295, आईएफएससी कोड: RBIS0NGPA01 (5वा और 10वा अंक शू� है),
NEFT in favour of Reserve Bank of India, Nagpur in the A/c 8714295 &
IFSC – RBIS0NGPA01 before 1100 Hrs on March 01, 2023,
b) ब�क के मानक प्रोफामा� (अनुबंध- IV) म� अनुसूिचत ब�क �ारा जारी एक अप�रवत�नीय ब�क गारंटी| बयाना जमा रािश के िलए प्र�ुत ब�क गारंटी (अनुसूिचत वािण��क ब�क से जारी) िनिवदा की वैधता अविध के उपरांत अित�र4 45 िदनों तक की अविध के
िलए मा� होनी चािहए। ऐसे मामले म�, ब�क गारंटी 01 माच�, 2023 को 1100 बजे से पहले ब�क को भौितक Vप से प्र�ुत की जानी चािहए,
in the form of an irrevocable Bank Guarantee issued by a scheduled
bank in the Bank’s standard proforma (Annexure-IV). The Bank
Guarantee (from Scheduled Commercial Bank) submitted towards Earnest Money deposit has to be valid for the validity period of the tender plus additional 45 days. In such case, the Bank Guarantee should be submitted to the Bank physically before 1100 Hrs on March 01, 2023,
c) भारतीय �रजव� ब�क, नागपुर के प� म� िडमांड ड�ा4 ऐसे मामले म�, ब�क गारंटी 01 माच�, 2023 को 1100 बजे से पहले ब�क को भौितक Vप से प्र�ुत की जानी चािहए। in form of Demand Draft. In such case, the Bank Guarantee should be
submitted to the Bank physically before 1100 Hrs on March 01, 2023.
िकसी भी प�र�स्थित म� बयाना जमा रािश ब�क के िफ� िडपॉिजट, चेक या कैश के Vप म� 4ीकार नही ं िकया जाएगा। िनिवदा म� यथा िनधा��रत अन�� मनी िडपॉिजट के साथ न की गई िनिवदाओं को गैर-प्रामािणक िनिवदा माना जाएगा और 4ीकृ ित के िलए उन पर िवचार नहीं िकया जाएगा। Under no circumstances, EMD will be accepted in the form of fixed deposits of the bank, cheque or cash. The tenders not accompanied by the Earnest Money Deposit
as prescribed in the tender, shall be treated as Non Bonafide tender and shall not
be considered for acceptance.
7. इ�ुक िनिवदाकार �ारा ब�क को उपयु�4 अपे�ाओं के संबंध म� xxxx� करने म� असफल होने पर िनिवदा के भाग-I को खोलने के बाद भी उनकी सहभािगता अ4ीकार करने का अिधकार ब�क के पास सुरि�त है। ऐसी �स्थित मे अ4ीकार िकए गए िनिवदा का भाग-II नही ं खोला जाएगा।
In the event of intending tenderers failure to satisfy the Bank with regard to the above
requirements, Bank reserves the right to reject his offer even after opening of Part-I of the tender and Part-II of the rejected tender will not be opened.
8. यिद िकसी िनिवदाकता� के पास िकसी भी समय िनिवदा प्रिक्रया म� भाग लेने के िलए अपेि�त पात्रता नही ं पाई जाती है और/या उसके ग्राहकों से प्रा� िन�ादन �रपोट� और/या उसके ब�करों की �रपोट� असंतोषजनक पाई जाती है, तो ब�क िनिवदा के भाग-I को खोलने के बाद भी उसके प्र�ाव को अ4ीकार करने का अिधकार xxxx�त रखता है। ऐसी �स्थित मे अ4ीकार िकए गए िनिवदा का भाग-II नही ं खोला जाएगा और स�ंिधत िनिवदाकता� �ारा जमा की गई बयाना जमा रािश उ5े वापस कर दी जाएगी। ब�क ऐसा करने के
िलए कोई कारण बताने के िलए बा� नही ं है।
If any tenderer is not found to possess the required eligibility for participating in the tendering process at any point of time and/or his performance reports received from his clients and/or his bankers’ report are found unsatisfactory, the Bank reserves the right to reject his offer even after opening of Part-I of the tender. In such case, Part-II of the rejected tender will not be opened and EMD deposited by the concerned tenderer shall be returned. The Bank is not bound to assign any reason for doing so.
म�/हम इसके �ारा यह घोषणा करते ह� िक म�ने/हमने पात्रता मानदं ड की अनुसूची को पढ़ा और समझा है और उपरो4 सभी शतfi को भी पढ़ा और समझा है और यह मेरे /हमारे िलए बा�कारी रहेगा।
I/We hereby declare that I/we have read and understood the schedule of Eligibility Criteria
and also have read and understood all the above conditions and the same shall remain binding upon me/us.
xxxx के साथ िनिवदाकता� के ह�ा�र
Signature of tenderer with seal
पता / Address:
िदनांक/ Date:
बोली मू�ांकन मानदंड / Bid Evaluation Criteria
1. तकनीकी वािण��क बोली (भाग-I) का मू�ांकन / Techno- Commercial Bid (Part- I)
a. तकनीकी बोिलयों का मू�ांकन एमएसटीसी पर बोलीदाता �ारा प्र�ुत उपल� द�ावेजों के आधार पर िकया जाएगा।
The technical bids shall be evaluated based on the available documents submitted
by the bidder on MSTC.
b. ब�क बोलीदाताओं की पात्रता को पूरा करने के िलए ऐसे 4�ीकरण/सूचना/द�ावेज मांग सकता है जो उसके िलए अपेि�त हो।
Bank may seek such clarification/information/document as may be required for it
to satisfy the eligibility of the bidders.
c. िनधा��रत समय के भीतर इस तरह के 4�ीकरण/सूचना/द�ावेज प्रदान करने म� बोलीदाता की ओर से िवफलता, ऐसे बोलीदाता की बोली को रह कर सकती है।
Failure on the part of the bidder to provide such clarification/information/document
within the stipulated time, may entail cancellation of the bid of such bidder.
d. बोलीदाता �ारा प्र�ुत कोई भी 4�ीकरण जो ब�क �ारा अनुरोध के जवाब म� नहीं है, पर िवचार नहीं िकया जाएगा।
Any clarification submitted by a bidder that is not in response to a request by the
Bank shall not be considered.
e. 4�ीकरण और प्रितिक्रया के िलए ग्राहक का अनुरोध पो� या ईमेल के मा�म से िल�खत म� होगा। The Client’s request for clarification and the response shall be in writing through post or email.
10.2 मू� बोली (भाग-II) मू�ांकन / Price) Bid (Part- II) Evaluation
a. के वल उन बोलीदाताओं के मू� बोली का मू�ांकन िकया जाएगा जो िनिवदा द�ावेज के "िनिवदा
म� भाग लेने के िलए पात्रता मानदं ड" म� उ�W�खत पात्रता मानदं डों को पूरा करते ह� और िज5ोनं इस संबंध म� एमएसटीसी पर द�ावेजी प्रमाण प्र�ुत िकया है।
The evaluation of the price bid will be considered of only those bidders who meet
the eligibility criteria as mentioned in “Eligibility Criteria for participating in the tender” of tender document and provide documentary proof on MSTC in respect of the same.
b. बोिलयों और बोलीदाताओं की यो�ता की परी�ा, मू�ांकन और तुलना म� सहायता के िलए, ब�क अपने िववेक पर, िकसी भी बोलीदाता से अपनी बोली के 4�ीकरण के िलए पूछ सकता है।
To assist in the examination, evaluation, and comparison of the bids, and
qualification of the bidders, the Bank may, at its discretion, ask any bidder for a clarification of its bid.
c. वांिछत 4�ीकरण िव�ृत मू� िव�ेषण के साथ िदया जाना चािहए िजसम� सभी औजारो,
सांिविधक आव4कताओं (कॉU�ै4र ऑल �र� पॉिलसी, कामगार
मुआवजा अिधिनयम, बोनस अिधिनयम (यिद लागू हो) और अ� प्रशासिनक प्रभारों आिद के अनुपालन की लागत शािमल हो और उपयु�4 व�ुओं और सेवाओं के आपूित�कता�ओं / प्रदाताओं से प्रा� कोटेशन के साथ समिथ�त िकया जाना चािहए।
The clarification so called, should be given with detailed price analysis containing
the cost of all the tools, equipment, machines, liveries, compliance of statutory requirements (Contractor All Risk Insurance, workmen compensation Act, Bonus Act (if applicable) etc.) and other administrative charges etc. required to complete the work) and should be supported with quotations received from the suppliers/ providers of the above-mentioned goods and services.
d. इस प्रकार प्र�ुत िकए गए 4�ीकरण की संवी�ा करने पर, यिद िनिवदाकता� �ारा उद् धृत दर� काय� करने यो�/Dवहाय� नही ं पाई जाती ह�, तो ब�क ऐसी िनिवदा को सरसरी तौर पर अ4ीकार करने का अपना अिधकार सुरि�त रखता है।
On scrutiny of the clarification so submitted, if the rates quoted by the tenderer
are found not workable/ feasible, the Bank reserves its right to summarily reject such tender.
e. िनधा��रत समय के भीतर इस तरह के 4�ीकरण प्रदान करने म� बोलीदाता की ओर से िवफलता, ऐसे बोलीदाता की बोली को रह कर सकती है।
Failure on the part of the bidder to provide such clarification within the stipulated
time, may entail cancellation of the bid of such bidder.
f. बोलीदाता �ारा प्र�ुत कोई भी 4�ीकरण जो ग्राहक �ारा अनुरोध के जवाब म� नही ं है, पर िवचार नही ं िकया जाएगा।
Any clarification submitted by a bidder that is not in response to a request by the
Client shall not be considered.
g. 4�ीकरण और प्रितिक्रया के िलए ग्राहक का अनुरोध पो� या ईमेल के मा�म से िल�खत म� होगा। The Client’s request for clarification and the response shall be in writing through post or email.
h. िनिवदा द�ावेज के भाग-II म� उ�W�खत िनधा��रत दरों के प्रितशत के Vप म� उद् धृत दरों के आधार पर मू� बोिलयों का मू�ांकन िकया जाएगा।
Price Bids shall be evaluated based on the rates quoted as percentage of the
Fixed Rates mentioned in Part- II of the tender document.
i. िनिवदा म� ब�क �ारा पहले से उ�W�खत िनधा��रत दरों पर कोई िवचलन 4ीकार नहीं िकया जाएगा।
िनधा��रत �ूनतम मजदू xx दरों से कम दरों वाली िनिवदाओं को सरसरी तौर पर अ4ीकार कर िदया जाएगा और �ूनतम बोलीदाता का िनधा�रण करने के उहे 4 से मू�ांकन नहीं िकया जाएगा।
No deviation will be allowed on the fixed rates already mentioned by the Bank in
the tender. Tenders having quoted rates below the prescribed minimum wages rates shall be summarily rejected and will not be evaluated for the purpose of
ascertaining L1 tenderer.
j. िनिवदा के भाग-II खुलने के बाद दर या शतfi म� िकसी भी बदलाव के िलए िकसी भी अनुरोध पर
िवचार नहीं िकया जाएगा।
No request for any change in rate or conditions after the opening of the part II tender will be entertained.
k. यिद दो या दो से अिधक िनिवदाकता� �ूनतम बोली लगाते ह�, तो सफल बोलीदाता के चयन के उहे 4 से, �ूनतम बोली लगाने वाले िनिवदाकता�ओं का मू�ांकन िन�िल�खत मानदं डों के आधार पर िकया जाएगा:
In case two or more tenderers become the lowest, for the purpose of selection of
successful bidder, the tenderers becoming lowest bidders will be evaluated on the basis of following criteria:
मानदंड 1- िपछला अनुभव (सुर�ा र�कों की सेवाएं प्रदान करने के �ेत्र म�) Criteria 1- Past Experience (in field of providing services of security guards) (मू�ांकन िनिवदा के भाग -1 के साथ बोलीदाता �ारा प्र�ुत पंजीकरण प्रमाण पत्र और सुर�ा र�कों की सेवाएं प्रदान करने से संबंिधत सबसे पुराने काय� आदे श / करार के आधार पर िकया जाएगा। Evaluation will be done based on certificate of Registration and the oldest work order / agreement pertaining to providing services of security guards submitted by the bidder along with Part-I of the tender) | |
5-10 वष�/ years | 10 अंक/ Marks |
10-15 वष� / years | 15 अंक / Marks |
15-20 वष� / years | 20 अंक / Marks |
> 20 वष� / years | 25 अंक / Marks |
मानदंड 2- िपछले तीन िवUीय वषfi का औसत कारोबार Criteria 2- Average Turnover of Previous Three Financial Years (मू�ांकन िनिवदा के भाग -1 के साथ बोलीदाता �ारा प्र�ुत िपछले 3 िवKीय वष� के चाट�ड� अकाउं ट�ट �ारा िविधवत प्रमािणत टन�ओवर प्रमाण पत्र, आईटीआर, लाभ और हािन और शेष िववरण के आधार पर िकया जाएगा। Evaluation will be done based on Turnover certificates, ITRs, Profit & Loss and Balance statement for the last 3 financial year duly certified by a Chartered Accountant submitted by the bidder along with Part- I of the tender) | |
1.36 करोड़ / Crore - 2 करोड़ / Crore | 10 अंक/ Marks |
2 करोड़ / Crore - 5 करोड़ / Crore | 15 अंक/ Marks |
5 करोड़ / Crore - 10 करोड़ / Crore | 20 अंक/ Marks |
> 10 करोड़ / Crore | 25 अंक/ Marks |
मानदंड 3- रोल पर जनश�4 की मात्रा Criteria 3- Amount of Manpower on Rolls (बोलीदाताओं को ब�क �ारा मांगे जाने पर अपने दावे के समथ�न म� नवीनतम ईपीएफ/ ईएसआईसी �ेटम�ट के साथ यह जानकारी प्रदान करने की आव4कता होगी। Bidders will be required to provide this information along with latest EPF/ ESIC statement in support of their claim whenever asked for) | |
30- 50 | 10 अंक/ Marks |
50- 75 | 15 अंक/ Marks |
75- 100 | 20 अंक/ Marks |
> 100 | 25 अंक/ Marks |
मानदंड 4- वत�मान म� िकए जा रहे समान कायfi की सं%ा Criteria 4- Number of Similar works in hand (बोलीदाताओं को ब�क �ारा मांगे जाने पर वक� ऑड�र/एग्रीम�ट, टीडीएस सिट�िफके ट और ब�क �ेटम�ट (िजसम� दावा िकए गए काम के बदले भुगतान की प्रा�� िदखाई हो) के साथ यह जानकारी दे नी होगी। Bidders will be required to provide this information along with work order/ agreement, TDS certificates and Bank statement showing receipt of payment against the claimed work, whenever asked for) | |
1-3 | 10 अंक/ Marks |
3-5 | 15 अंक/ Marks |
5-10 | 20 अंक/ Marks |
> 10 | 25 अंक/ Marks |
उपयु�4 मानदं डों के आधार पर �ूनतम बोली लगाने वाले िनिवदाकता�ओं के मू�ांकन पर, उ�तम अंकों प्रा� करने वाले बोलीदाता को िनिवदा प्रिक्रया म� सफल घोिषत िकया जाएगा। हालांिक, इस संबंध म� ब�क का िनण�य अंितम होगा और यह म�स्थता के िलए खुला नहीं होगा। Upon evaluation of the lowest bidders based on the above criteria, the bidder with
the highest marks will be declared successful in the tender process. However,
Bank’s decision in this regard will be final and it shall not be open to arbitration.
x. xxxxxx �रजव� ब�क 4यं को �ूनतम अथवा िकसी भी भी िनिवदा को 4ीकार करने के िलए बा� नही ं करता है, और िबना कोई कारण बताए िकसी भी िनिवदा को पूण� या आंिशक Vप से 4ीकार करने या अ4ीकार करने का अिधकार सुरि�त रखता है।
The Reserve Bank of India does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender
and reserves to itself, the right to accept or reject any or all the tenders, either in whole or in part, without assigning any reasons for doing so.
m. मू�ों के साथ िनिवदा प्रारं भ म� भाग-I (तकनीकी बोली) के खुलने की तारीख से 3 महीने की अविध के िलए वैध रहेगी, िजसे िनिवदाकता� �ारा िल�खत म� आपसी समझौते �ारा आगे बढ़ाया जा सकता है और िनिवदाकता� इस अविध के दौरान िनिवदा को रह या वापस नहीं लेगा या उद् धृत दरों म� प�रवत�न नही ं करे गा।
The Tender along with the prices shall remain valid initially for a period of 3 months
from the date of opening of Part – I (Technical Bid), which period may be further extended by mutual agreement in writing by the Tenderer and the Tenderer shall not cancel or withdraw the tender during this period or change the quoted rates.
n. यिद िनिवदाकता� वैधता अविध के दौरान बोली वापस xx लेता है, तो िनिवदाकता� �ारा प्र�ुत बयाना जमा रािश को ब�क �ारा ज� कर िलया जाएगा।
In case the Tenderer withdraws the bid during the validity period, the EMD
furnished by the Tenderer shall be forfeited by the Bank.
म�/हम इसके �ारा यह घोषणा करते ह� िक म�ने/हमने बोली मू�ांकन मानदं ड को पढ़ा और समझा है और उपरो4 सभी शतfi को भी पढ़ा और समझा है और यह मेरे /हमारे िलए बा�कारी रहेगा।
I/We hereby declare that I/we have read and understood the Bid Evaluation Criteria and
also have read and understood all the above conditions and the same shall remain binding upon me/us.
मुहर के साथ िनिवदाकता� के ह�ा�र
Signature of tenderer with seal
पता / Address:
िदनांक/ Date:
करार की शत� / Articles of Agreement
(Bank reserves the right to further modify/revise/change the content of the agreement)
यह करार नागपुर म� वष� दो हजार तेईस के ……….महीने के िदन एक भाग के Vप म� भारतीय �रज़व�
ब�क, क�द्रीय काया�लय फोट�, मु�ई म� तथा एक काया�लय नागपुर म� है, जो सुश्री xxxxxx xxxxxxx, �ेत्रीय
िनदे शक, भारतीय �रज़व� ब�क, नागपुर- 440001 �ारा प्रितिनिध� है (िजसे इसके बाद “ब�क” कहा गया है) तथा दूसरे भाग के Vप म� (प्रोपराइटर/ पाट�निश�प फम�/ क�नी का नाम),
जो िक क�नी अिधिनयम के प्रावधानों के तहत िनगिमत है और िजसके पंजीकृत काया�लय का पता
............................................... है, िजसका प्रितिनिधिन� ............................................... (इसके बाद “ठे केदार”
कहा गया है) के �ारा िकया जा रहा है, जो अपने िनदे शक मंडल �ारा यह करार संपािदत करने के िलए प्रािधकृ त है के बीच िन�ािदत िकया गया है।
This AGREEMENT is made at Nagpur on this day of , Two Thousand Twenty
Three between Reserve Bank of India, a statutory body established under the RBI Act, 1934, having its Central Office at Fort, Mumbai, and one of its Offices at Nagpur, represented by its authorized officer Ms. Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxx, Xxgional Director, Reserve Bank of India, Nagpur-440001. (hereinafter called “the Bank”) on the one part and
(proprietorship/partnership firm/ Company), incorporated under the provisions of the Companies Act (in case of a Company) and having its registered office
at (hereinafter called “the Contractor”) represented by
Shri who is authorized to enter this agreement by its
Board of Directors on the other part.
जबिक ब�क “नागपुर म� ब�क के िविभ� काया�लय और आवासीय संपिKयों म� सुर�ा गाड्�स की सेवाएं उपल� करवाने के वािष�क रखरखाव अनुबंध के िलए एक ठे केदार िनयोिजत करने के िलए इ�ुक है और संबंिधत काय� की आव44ाओं और िविनद� शों का िनधा�रण ब�क के प्रबंधक के �ारा या उसके िनद�शों के अधीन कर
िलया गया है।
AND WHEREAS the Bank has intention of engaging a contractor for Annual Maintenance Contract for Providing Services of Security Guards at Residential Properties of Reserve Bank of India, Nagpur has caused requirements and specifications describing the works to be done to be prepared by or under the direction of Bank’s Manager.
तथा जबिक ब�क ने पात्र ठे केदारों से “नागपुर म� ब�क के िविभ� आवासीय संपिKयों म� सुर�ा गाड्�स की सेवाएं उपल� करवाने के िलए वािष�क रखरखाव अनुबंध” के काय�, जैसा िक िनिवदा के साथ संलV काय� का दायरा और अ� द�ावेज मे दशा�या गया था, के िलये िनिवदा आमंित्रत िकये थे।
AND WHEREAS the Bank had called for tenders from eligible contractors Annual Service
Contract for providing Security Guards at Bank’s Residential Properties has been indicated in the scope of work and other documents attached to the tender.
तथा जबिक, तथाकिथत शतfi को एतद �ारा दोनो प�ों �ारा अथवा उनकी ओर से ह�ा��रत िकया गया है। AND WHEREAS the said conditions have been signed by or on behalf of the parties hereto.
तथा जबिक ठे केदार इसम� उ�W�खत “िनयम और शतfi”, “िनिवदाकता�ओं को सामा� िनद�श और अनुबंध की िवशेष शत�”, “काय� का दायरा” और बािक सभी शतfi (इसके बाद समग्र Vप से “उ�W�खत शत�” कहा गया है) को पालन करने और इसके अधीन रहने पर सहमत है तथा उ4 मात्राओं की सूची म� उ�W�खत कायfi
के िलए िनधा��रत दरों पर भुगतान के िलए देय (अब इसे “ अनुबंध रािश” कहा जाएगा) रािश पर उ4 कायfi का िन�ादन करने के िलए सहमत है।
AND WHEREAS the Contractor has agreed to execute upon and subject to the
Conditions set forth herein, and to the General Instructions to Tenderers’ and Special Conditions of the Contract, Terms and Conditions of Contract, Scope of Work and Schedule of Quantities set forth in the tender document, (all of which are collectively hereinafter referred to as “the said Conditions”) the works shown upon in the said Schedule of Quantities at the respective rate therein set forth amounting to the sum as therein arrived at or such other sum as shall become payable there under (hereinafter referred to as “the said Contract Amount”).
A.अब िन�ानुसार सहमित बनी है:-
1. यह करार से प्रभावी होगा और 31 माच�, 2024 तक लागू रहेगा और दोनों प�ों की आपसी सहमित के अनुसार ठे केदार �ारा प्रदान की गई संतोषजनक सेवाओं के अनुसार वािष�क Vप से दो और वषfi तक बढ़ाया जा सकता है, के, जब तक िक इसे इसके अधीन शतfi के अनुसार समा� नही ं
िकया जाता है। अनुबंध का नवीनीकरण अनुबंध की अविध समा� होने के बाद, वािष�क आधार पर, समान िनयमों और शतfi पर िकया जा सकता है। िनिवदा द�ावेज मे िनिहत सभी िनयम और शत� और इस संदभ� मे जारी िकये गये कोई 4�ीकरण (शु�5पत्र) इस करार के भाग माने जाय�गे और सभी प�ों पर लागू होंगे। साथ ही, वािष�क नवीनीकरण के दौरान �ूनतम मजदू xx अिधिनयम, 1948 के प्रावधानों के तहत जब भी मु% आयु4 (क�द्र सरकार) �ारा अिधसूचना जारी की जायेगी, वॉच एं ड वाड� (हिथयार के िबना) के िलये िनयु4 श्रिमकों के अनुसार मू� मे वृ�5/ बढ़ोतरी की जायेगी।
This agreement will come into effect from and will remain in force
up to March 31, 2024 and annually extendable up to two more years, subject to mutual consent of both parties, satisfactory services rendered by the Contractor, unless it is terminated as per the terms hereinafter contained. The renewal of the contract can be done after the expiry of the contract period, on an annual basis, on the same terms and conditions. The terms and conditions contained in the tender document and any clarifications (corrigenda) issued shall be treated as part and parcel of this agreement and shall be binding on the parties. Also, during annual renewal escalation/increase should be given for Deployment of employees for Watch and Wards (without arms) whenever the notification issued by Chief Commissioner (Central Government) under the provision of Minimum Wages Act 1948.
2. ₹ ( �पये मात्र) का प्रभार श्रमश�4 और सुर�ा गाडfi के प्रिश�ण और वदT आिद के िलये प्रयु4 सामािग्रयों के सिहत होगा और इसका भुगतान मािसक आधार पर िबल/ चालान जमा करने पर िकया जायेगा। रखरखाव सेवाएं संतोषजनक Vप से प्रदान िकए जाने की पुि� पर ब�क के अिधका�रयों �ारा िविधवत प्रमािणत िकए जाने के बाद इस प्रभार का भुगतान िकया जाएगा, िजस पर वैधािनक कटौितयाँ लागू होगी।
The charges of Rs. (Rupees only)
will be inclusive of manpower, training needs and uniform articles to the guard employed and shall be payable on monthly basis subject to submission of bill/invoice. The payment thereon will be made after the same is duly certified by the Bank’s officials to the effect that the services have been provided satisfactorily, subject to statutory deductions.
3. ब�क ठे के दार को उ4 अनुबंध रािश अथवा अ� ऐसी दे य रािश का भुगतान उ�W�खत शतfi म� दशा�ए सं%ा और तरीके के आधार पर करे गा।
The Bank shall pay the Contractor the said Contract Amount or such other sum as
shall become payable, at the times and in the manner specified in the said Conditions.
4. यह प्रभार अप�रवत�नीय ह� और श्रिमकों की �स्थित, िविनमय मे बदलाव या ऐसी िकसी अ� प�र�स्थितयों मे प�xxxx�त नही होगी।
The charges are firm and not subject to labour conditions, exchange variations or
any other condition whatsoever.
5. उपयु�4 प्रभार मे जीएसटी, बीमा प्रभार और अ� कर, शु� या अ� xxxx समािहत ह�, भले ही वह वत�मान मे लागू हों अथवा भिव� मे क�द्र सरकार, रा� सरकार अथवा िकसी स्थानीय प्रािधकरण �ारा वसूले जाएँ।
The above charges also include GST, Insurance Charges and any other tax and duty
or other levy, whether existing or levied in future by the Central Government or the State Government or any local authority.
6. ठे केदार िनयिमत आधार पर काय� के दायरे और अनुबंध के िनयम एवं शतfi के अनुसार सेवाएं प्रदान करने के िलये िज�ेदार रहेगा।
The contractor shall be responsible for providing services on regular basis as per the
scope of work and terms and conditions of the contract.
7. उ�W�खत शतfi मे “ब�क के प्रबंधक/ प्रबंधक/ प्रभारी प्रबंधक” का ता�य� ऐसे अिधकारी अथवा ब�क के
िकसी अ� उKरािधकारी से होगा िजसे ब�क �ारा इस प्रयोजन के िलए नािमत िकया जायेगा और वह
“ब�क के प्रबंधक/ प्रबंधक/ प्रभारी प्रबंधक” के Vप म� काय� करे गा।
The term “Bank’s Manager/Manager/Manager-in-Charge” in the said Conditions shall mean the officer entrusted or any other successor of the Bank nominated by the Bank for that purpose will function as “Bank’s Manager/Manager/Manager-in-Charge”.
8. भारतीय �रज़व� ब�क कायfi के पय�वे�ण के िलए प्रशासन और Dवस्था ब�क के कम�चा�रयों के मा�म से करे गा, िजसम� िबलों का प्रमाणीकरण, भुगतान, अनुबंध के िविभ� िनयमों और शतfi का िक्रया�यन, कायfi का िन�ादन, काय� की गुणवKा, सामािग्रयों की गुणवKा, और अनुबंध की प्रगित और समा�� शािमल होंगे।
The Reserve Bank of India will administer and arrange for supervision of works
through the Bank’s staff including certification of bills, making payments and implementation of various terms, conditions and stipulations of the contract, execution of the work, quality of work.
9. उ�W�खत शतfi को इस करार की संरचना के भाग के Vप म� पढ़ा और माना जाएगा, और अब दोनों प� इनका पालन और उ�W�खत शतfi के को पूरा करने के िलए प्र�ुत रह�गे और उसम� िनिहत शतfi के अपने
िह4े का पालन कर�गे।
The said conditions shall be read and construed as forming part of this agreement, and the parties hereto shall respectively abide by, submit themselves to the said Conditions and perform the agreements on their part respectively in the said Conditions contained.
10. इसम� विण�त सभी आयोजनाय�, करार और द�ावेज इस अनुबंध की संरचना का आधार बन�गे।
The plans, agreement and documents mentioned herein shall form the basis of this Contract.
11. इस करार के अंतग�त ब�क �ारा िकए जाने वाले सभी भुगतान केवल नागपुर म� ही िकए जाय�गे।
All payments by the Bank under this Contract will be made only at Nagpur.
12. इस करार से उ�� होने वाले और िकसी भी प्रकार से इससे स�ंिधत सभी िववादों को नागपुर मे उ�� होना माना जायेगा और इसका िनधा�रण िसफ� नागपुर के �ायालयों के अिधकार �ेत्र म� होगा।
All disputes arising out of or in any way connected with this agreement shall be
deemed to have arisen at Nagpur and only Courts in Nagpur shall have jurisdiction to determine the same.
13. यह िक इस अनुबंध के िविभ� भागों को ठे केदार �ारा पढ़ा गया है और पूरी तरह से समझ िलया गया है। ब�क के प्रबंधक से जब तक िल�खत िनद�श नही ं िदए जाते, तब तक ठे केदार िनिवदाओं म� उ�W�खत मात्राओं से अिधक मात्रा के िलए भुगतान का हकदार नही ं होगा।
That the several parts of this Contract have been read by the Contractor and fully
understood by the Contractor. The Contractor shall not be entitled for the payment for the quantities beyond the tendered quantities unless ordered for by specific written instructions from the Bank’s Manager.
14. अप्रकटीकरण खंड – इस करार के संबंध म� दािय�ों के िनवा�हन के क्रम म� ठे केदार प्रw� या अप्रw� Vप से कोई सूचना, सामग्री और ब�क की आधारभूत संरचना/ िस�म/ उपकरणों आिद जानकारी िकसी तीसरे प� के साथ साझा नही ंकरे गा और वह इस गोपनीयता का हमेशा कड़ाई से पालन करे गा। संिवदा के दािय�ों का िनवा�ह करने के िलए या लागू कानूनों के पालन के िलए आव4क बातों को छोड़कर ठे केदार संिवदा के �ोरों को िनजी और गोपनीय मानेगा। ठे केदार ब�क के पूव� िल�खत अनुमित के िबना
िकसी भी औBोिगक या तकनीकी पेपर म� प्रकािशत, प्रकािशत करने के िलए अनुमित या काय� के िकसी
�ोरे की जानकारी साझा नही ं करे गा। ठे केदार ब�क को िकसी भी गोपनीय जानकारी के साझा होने से 5ई हािन की �ितपूित� करे गा। ऐसा नही ं कर पाने को ठे केदार की ओर से अनुबंध का उWंघन माना जाएगा और ब�क �ितपूित� का दावा करने और कानूनों उपाय लेने का हकदार होगा। ठे केदार अपने कम�चा�रयों के संबंध म� सभी उिचत उपाय करे गा तािक यह सुिनि�त िकया जा सके िक करार के अंतग�त गोपनीय जानकारी के नॉन-िडस्4ोज़र के संबंध म� दािय�ों का पूण�त: संतोषजनक Vप से पालन हो रहा है। xxx िडस्4ोज़र और गोपनीयता के संबंध म� ठे केदार के दािय� िकसी भी कारण से इस करार की समा�� के बाद भी लागू रह�गे ।
Non-Disclosure Clause: The Contractor shall not disclose directly or indirectly any
information, materials and details of the Bank's infrastructure/systems/equipment’s etc., which may come to the possession or knowledge of the Contractor during the course of discharging its contractual obligations in connection with this agreement, to any third party and shall at all times hold the same in strictest confidence. The Contractor shall treat the details of the contract as private and confidential, except to the extent necessary to carry out the obligations under it or to comply with applicable laws. The Contractor shall not publish, permit to be published, or disclose any particulars of the works in any trade or technical paper or elsewhere without the previous written consent of the Bank. The Contractor shall indemnify the Bank for any loss suffered by the Bank as a result of disclosure of any confidential information. Failure to observe the above shall be treated as breach of contract on the part of the Contractor and the Bank shall be entitled to claim damages and pursue legal remedies. The Contractor shall take all appropriate actions with respect to its employees to ensure that the obligations of non-disclosure of confidential information under this agreement are fully satisfied. The Contractor's obligations with respect to
non-disclosure and confidentiality will survive the expiry or termination of this agreement for whatever reason.”
15. मुझे ------------------------------------------- अवाड� िकया गया है। म� वचन देता 5ं िक
के काय� के िलए मेरे �ारा िनयोिजत सभी �ाफ को सौंपे गए उ4 काय� को पूरा करने के संबंध म� उस दर से मजदू xx का भुगतान कVं ग़ा जो �ूनतम मजदूरी अिधिनयम 1948 म� िनधा��रत दर से कम नही ं होगा और सीएलआरए अिधिनयम 1970 के तहत िनधा��रत आव4क सुिवधाओं को प्रदान करने संबंधी अनुपालन सुिनि�त कVं गा। साथ ही, यिद उ4 दर पर मजदू xx या आव4क सुिवधाएं उपल� कराने म� िवफल होने पर सांिविधक प्रािधका�रयों �ारा मु% िनयो4ा के िव�5 कार� वाई पहल की जाती है तो उन सभी कार� वाइयों के िलए म� मु% िनयो4ा की प्रितपूित� कVंगा।
I that the
awarded to me. I undertake to actually pay wages to all Security Guards of all description to be engaged by me for completion of work awarded to me
at the rate which is not less than the one prescribed under the Minimum Wages ACT 1948 and to ensure compliance of essential amenities as provided under the CLRA Act 1970 and also keep the Principle Employer indemnified against all the actions that may be initiated against the Principle Employer by the Statutory Authorities for his failure to pay such wages and provide the essential amenities.
16. मिहलाओं का काय�स्थल पर ल�िगक उ�ीड़न (िनवारण, प्रितषेध और प्रिततोष) अिधिनयम, 2013 के अंतग�त अनुपालन
Compliance under Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention,
Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013.
क) “मिहलाओं का काय�स्थल पर ल�िगक उ�ीड़न (िनवारण, प्रितषेध और प्रिततोष) अिधिनयम, 2013” के पूण� अनुपालन के िलए ठे केदार / एज�xx ही िज�ेदार होंगे। ब�क प�रसर म� उनके कम�चा�रयों के िव�5 ल�िगक उ�ीड़न की िशकायत आने की �स्थित म�, ऐसे मामलों को ठे केदार / एज�xx �ारा गिठत आंत�रक िशकायत सिमित म� दज� िकया जाएगा और ठे केदार / एज�xx यह सुिनि�त कर�गे िक इन िशकायतों के संबंध म� उ4 अिधिनयम के अंतग�त उपयु4 कार� वाई की जाती है।
The Contractor / Contractor shall be solely responsible for full compliance with the
provisions of “the Sexual Harassment of women at workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013”. In case of any complaint of sexual harassment against its employees within the premises of the bank, the complaint will be filed before the Internal Complaints Committee constituted by the Contractor / Contractor and the Contractor / Contractor shall ensure appropriate action under the said Act in respect of the complaints.
ख) ठे केदार की िकसी कम�चारी �ारा ब�क के िकसी कम�चारी के िव�5 ल�िगक उ�ीड़न की िशकायत की जाती है तो उसका िनपटान ब�क �ारा गिठत �ेत्रीय िशकायत सिमित �ारा िकया जाएगा।
Any complaint of sexual harassment from any aggrieved employee of the
Contractor against any employee of the Bank shall be taken cognizance of by the Regional Complaints Committee constituted by the Bank.
ग) यिद ठे केदार के िकसी कम�चारी �ारा ब�क की िकसी कम�चारी के िव�5 ल�िगक उ�ीड़न िस5 हो जाता है तो पीिड़त कम�चारी को िदए जाने वाले मौिद्रक मुआवजे का भुगतान ठे केदार �ारा िकया जाएगा।
The Contractor shall be responsible for any monetary compensation that may need
to be paid in case the incident involves the employees of the Contractor, for instance any monetary relief to Bank’s employee, if sexual violence by the employee of the Contractor is proved.
घ) यह ठे केदार का दािय� होगा िक वह काय�स्थल पर ल�िगक उ�ीड़न की रोकथाम और संब��त मामलों से अपने कम�चा�रयों को िशि�त कर�।
The Contractor shall be responsible for educating its employees about prevention
of sexual harassment at workplace and related issues.
ङ) ठे केदार �ारा ब�क प�रसर म� िनयोिजत िकए गए सभी कम�चा�रयों की पूण� और अBतन सूची ठे केदार �ारा उपल� कराई जाएगी।
The Contractor shall provide a complete and updated list of its employees who are
deployed within the Bank’s premises.
ब�क और ठे केदार िन� सा�ी की उप�स्थित म� प्र�ुत द�ावेज पर दो अनुिलिपयों म� उपयु�4 उ�W�खत | यिद ठे केदार साझेदार या D�4 है |
िदन और वष� पर ह�ा��रत ब�क िन� सा�ी की उप�स्थित म� प्र�ुत द�ावेज पर अपने अिधकृ त अिधकारी के मा�म से और ठे केदार इन द�ावेज़ों पर अपनी सामा� मुहर लगाकर उपयु�4 उ�W�खत िदन और वष� पर ह�ा��रत | यिद ठे xxxxx xx पनी है |
ह�ा�र खंड
xx� के हाथों भारतीय �रज़व� ब�क �ारा ह�ा��रत और सुपुद� श्री ………………………………………………
(नाम और पदनाम)
……………………………. की उप�स्थित म�
�ारा ह�ा��रत और सुपुद� ……………………………… 1)…………………………… पता ……………………………… 2) ……………………………… पता ……………………………… ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- ------------------ तारीख को आयोिजत ब�ठक म� िनदे शक मंडल �ारा पा�रत संक� के अनुVप एतद�ारा कॉमन मुहर लगाया गया की उप�स्थित म� 1 ( ) 2 ( ) की उप�स्थित म� िजन िनदे शकों �ारा ह�ा��रत | यिद प� साझीदारी फम� या D�4 है, सभी �ारा या सभी साझेदारों के प� म� ह�ा�र िकए जाने ह�। यिद ठे केदार अपने कॉमन मुहर के नीचे ह�ा�र करता है, ह�ा�र खंड उनके समझौता yापन के मुहर खंड से मेल करना चािहए। ठे xxxxx xxxx ऑफ अटनT के �ारा ह�ा�र कर रहा है चाहे वह कं पनी हो या D�4 |
(1) ………………………………
(2) ……………………………
xx� के हाथों ठे केदार �ारा ह�ा��रत और सुपुद�
xxxx ………………………………
एवं िविधवत संगिठत ऑटनT
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Bank and the Contractor have set their respective hands to these presents and two duplicates hereof the day and year first hereinabove written. | If the contractor is a partnership or an individual. |
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Bank has set its hands to these presents through its duly authorized official and the Contractor has caused its common seal to be affixed hereunto and the said duplicate/ has caused these presents and the said two duplicate here of to be executed on its behalf, the day and year first hereinabove written. | If the contractor is a company. |
SIGNED AND DELIVERED by the Reserve Bank of India by the hand of | |
Shri | |
(Name and designation) | |
In the presence of | |
(1) | |
Address | |
(2) | |
Address |
Witness | |
SIGNED AND DELIVERED by | If the party is partnership firm or an individual should be signed by all or on behalf of all the partners. |
In the presence of | |
(1) | |
Address | |
(2) | |
Address | |
Witness | |
Was hereunto affixed pursuant to the resolutions passed by its Board of Directors at the meeting held on in the presence of | |
(1) | |
(2) | |
Directors who have signed these presents in token thereof in the presence of | If the Contractor signs under its common seal, the signature clause should tally with the sealing clause in the Articles of Association. |
(1) | |
(2) | |
SIGNED AND DELIVERED BY the Contractor by the hand of Shri and duly constituted attorney. | If the Contractor is signing by hand of power of Attorney, whether a company or individual. |
िनिवदाकता�ओ के िलए सामा� िनद�श और अनुबंध की िवशेष शत�
General Instructions to Tenderers and Special Conditions of the Contract
Tender in prescribed form shall be submitted through e-Tendering at MSTC portal in two parts i.e., Part-I and Part-II.
1. Part - I of the tender, titled “Annual Service Contract for providing Security Guards at Bank’s Residential Properties” shall be submitted containing the following:
(i) Power of Attorney/ authorization with the seal of the company/ firm in the name of the person signing the tender documents.
(ii) The Bank discourages the stipulation of any additional conditions by the tenderer. However, in case the tenderer wishes to include any condition/ clarification/ covering letter, while tendering for the work, he will have to submit the same in along with the following and submitted under Part - I:
(a) List of deviations, if any, in commercial terms and conditions.
(b) List of deviation, if any, in technical specification.
(c) Any other technical information the tenderer wishes to furnish.
(iii) The Tender Document issued by the Bank – duly stamped and signed.
2. Only those proprietorship firms/partnership firms/companies with requisite years of experience in providing Security Guards services are eligible to participate in e- Tendering.
3. If there are any conditions commercial or technical, the same shall be examined by the Bank and discussed with the tenderers. It is not incumbent on the Bank to accept any additional condition given by the tenderer. The tenderers shall withdraw all the conditions which are not acceptable to the Bank by submitting a Written confirmation to the effect that all the conditions (not acceptable to the Bank) have been withdrawn by them.
4. Reserve Bank of India does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender and reserves to itself the right to accept or reject any or all the tenders either in whole or in part, without assigning any reasons for doing so.
5. The tenderer must obtain for himself on his own responsibility and at his own expense all the information which may be necessary for the purpose of tendering and for entering into a contract and must inspect the site of the work and acquaint himself with all local conditions, means of access to the work, nature and scope of work and the matters pertaining thereto.
6. The tenderers are advised to submit the tender based strictly on the General Conditions of the Contract and scope of works as specified contained in the tender documents, and not to stipulate any deviations. If acceptance of the terms and conditions given in the tender documents has any price implications, the same should
be considered and included in the quoted price. Tender containing deviations from the terms and conditions is liable to be rejected. The Bank’s decision in such cases shall be final and shall not be open to arbitration.
7. The rates quoted in the tender shall be for the complete item including Manpower, materials, for all the properties. The rate shall also include Insurance Charges, GST + any other taxes, duties, levies on work’s contract by Central Govt. or State Govt. or any other authorities. The rates shall be firm and shall not be subject to exchange variations, labour conditions, fluctuations in railway freights or any conditions whatsoever, except for changes if any in the statutory minimum wages announced by the Government of India under the Minimum Wages Act and for changes in employer contribution rates of EPF/ ESIC as and if applicable for security guards employed under this contract.
8. The payment shall be made on monthly basis (by credit to bank account through NEFT) after satisfactory completion of the work duly acknowledged by the concerned official and certified by the Caretaker/ Bank’s Officer.
9. Part - II of the tender will contain no conditions but only the Price Bid in the Schedule of Quantities titled “Annual Service Contract for providing Security Guards at Residential Properties of the Bank” and shall be opened online after due fulfilment of condition as per Part-I tender. Change of terms and conditions and technical deviations, if any, found in Part II of the tender will not be taken into account and will be treated as null and void.
10. Information gathering & Site Inspection: The tenderers may obtain at their own responsibility and expenses all the information which may be necessary and also inspect the site of work for the purpose of making tender and for entering into a contract.
11. Rates: The Bank reserves the right to adjust arithmetical or other errors in the tender in accordance with the following general rules. In the event of discrepancy between words and figures quoted, the description in words shall prevail. Similarly, in the event of an error in the amount column arising as a result of wrong product extension, the unit or item rates shall be regarded as firm and extension amended accordingly.
a) The prices (minimum wages, EPF/ESIC contribution, fixed amount by the Bank etc.) indicated in Part-II of the tender are in Indian Rupees only. The rates are to be quoted strictly as percentage of the Fixed amount indicated in the Price Bid. Quotations received in any other format will be summarily rejected. No request for any change in rate or conditions after the opening of the part II tender will be entertained.
b) The rates shall also be firm and be valid for the entire duration of the contract and
/ or extension thereof and shall not be subject to exchange variations, labour conditions, fluctuations in freights charges or any conditions whatsoever.
c) The rates quoted in the tender shall include all charges. Tenderers must include in their rates Goods and Service Tax and any other prevailing taxes, royalties and
duty levied by the Central Government or any State Government or local authority, if applicable. No separate claim in respect of Goods and Service Tax and any other tax, duty or levy whether existing or future shall be entertained by the Bank.
d) The Bank reserves the right to adjust arithmetical or other errors in the tender. In the event of an error in the amount column arising as a result of wrong product extension, the unit or item rates shall be regarded as firm and extension amended accordingly.
12. Job Work on Lump sum Basis: The Contractor shall note that unless otherwise stated, the tender is strictly on Job Work on Lump sum Basis and his attention is drawn to the fact that rates for each and every Job should be correct, workable and self- supporting. The quantities in the Part–II of tender approximately indicates the total extent of work but may vary to any extent and may even be omitted thus altering the aggregate value of the contract. Claim in such case shall be entertained on pro rata basis.
13. Tender Format: The tenderer shall use only the forms issued by the Bank to fill in the rates. Any addition/alteration in the text of the tender form made by the tenderer shall not be valid and shall be treated as null and void.
14. Opening of Tender: Unless otherwise pre-opened or postponed with advance intimation to the tenderers, tender will be opened in two stages on the date and time indicated on e-Tendering portal.
a) Part-I (Techno-commercial bid) of the tender will be opened online through MSTC portal at the first stage on March 01, 2023 at 1600 hrs (If this day falls to be a holiday, tenders will be opened on the next working day of the Bank or any other day as notified by the Bank). While the Part-II (Price bid) will be opened at the second stage after completion of the evaluation of Part-I of the tender.
b) The tenders not accompanied by the Earnest Money Deposit as prescribed in the tender, shall be treated as Non Bonafide tender and shall not be considered for acceptance.
c) It is not incumbent on the Bank to accept any additional condition given by the tenderers; the tenderers shall withdraw all his conditions which are not acceptable to the Bank.
d) While all the tenderers who uploaded tenders within the due date and time will be permitted to participate online in the opening of Part-I (Techno-Commercial) of the tender on the due date and time indicated on e-Tendering portal, opening of the Part-II (Price) of the tender can be attended to only by such of those tenderers whose Part-I (Techno-Commercial) of the tenders are found to be technical suitable/ acceptable to the Bank and to whom intimation thereof is given by the Bank by Email or through e-Tendering portal.
e) Part-II (Price) of the technically disqualified tenderers will not be opened. The
technically unqualified tenderers will neither be given any intimation about the due date and time of opening of Part-II (Price) of the tender nor will they be permitted to participate in the online opening of the same.
f) The Bank reserves the right to reject offer even after opening Part – I and Part – II of the tenders.
15. Last Date: No tender shall be accepted after 1200 hrs. on March 01, 2023 under any circumstances whatsoever.
16. Disqualification - Missing & Unsigned documents: The tender form and all its annexures must be filled in English or in Hindi. If any of the documents is missing or unsigned, the tender may be considered invalid by the Bank at its discretion.
17. Right to Accept or Reject: The Reserve Bank of India does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender and reserves to itself the right to accept or reject any or all the tenders either in whole or in part without assigning any reasons for doing so. The tenderer whose tender is not accepted shall not be entitled to claim any costs, charges, damages and expenses of and incidental to or incurred by him through or in connection with his submission of tenders, even though the Bank may and has a right to modify/ withdraw the tender.
18. Validity of Tender: The Tender along with the prices shall remain valid initially for a period of 3 months from the date of opening of Part-I, which period may be further extended by mutual agreement in writing by the Tenderer. The Tenderer shall not cancel or withdraw the tender during this period or change the quoted rates.
19. Broad Scope of Work: The scope of work shall be as detailed in “Scope of Work and Schedule of Quantities” of the tender document.
20. Lowest Tender Not Necessarily to Be Accepted: The Bank is not bound to accept the lowest or any tender or to assign any reason for non-acceptance of any tender. The tenderer whose tender is not accepted shall not be entitled to claim any costs, charges, damages and expenses of and incidental to or incurred by him through or in connection with his submission of tenders, even though the Bank may elect to modify/withdraw the tender.
21. Earnest Money and Performance Guarantee during contract period
a) Tenderers shall pay as Earnest Money a sum of Rs.2,60,000/- (Rs Two lakh Sixty thousand Only) by NEFT in favour of the Reserve Bank of India, Nagpur. Under no circumstances EMD will be accepted in the form of fixed deposits of the bank or cheque. On award of contract, the successful tenderer shall furnish an amount equal to 5% (five percent) of the contract value in the form of a Performance Guarantee from any scheduled Bank in the form prescribed by the Bank (which will be submitted along with letter of acceptance) towards security deposit for the due fulfilment of the
contract. The earnest money deposit submitted by successful tenderer shall be returned within one month of award of work post submission of the Performance Bank Guarantee. The Performance Guarantee towards security deposit shall be valid for the entire contract period.
b) All compensation or other sums of money payable by the Contractor to the Bank under the terms of this Contract may be deducted from the security deposit, if the amount so permits unless the contractor deposits such amounts in cash within ten days of issue of demand notice by the Bank.
22. Terms of Payment:
a) Payment for the works to be executed under this contract shall be made on a monthly basis on receipt of bill from the contractor. The amount payable will be net of any recoveries for deficiency in services, imposed as per the provisions of this contract. The bill should be submitted as per GST format. Copy of following documents for a particular month duly certified by the firm to be submitted along with bill for payment:
i. Certified copy of attendance register.
ii. Report of work done signed by the assistant caretaker / caretaker / assistant manager / security officer
iii. Bank statement showing payment of minimum wages (payment to labour / workmen shall be paid directly to their bank account).
iv. Declaration for compliance of Contract labour Act & Minimum wages Act.
v. Documentary evidence indicating the payment made towards PF/ESI, if applicable.
vi. Any other logbooks/ document as directed by Protocol & Security Dept.
b) It may be noted that the contractor will first make the payment of wages to the labourers/ workers and then submit the Bill for reimbursement of the same along with the proof of remittance of wages to the workers. No advance payment will be made to the contractor under any circumstances.
c) No variation in the above terms of payment will be acceptable to the Reserve Bank of India.
23. Taxes: The prices quoted shall be deemed to have included all taxes (except GST), custom duty, excise duty, local levies, works contract tax, Value Added Tax (VAT), service tax etc. imposed by Central/State Government/ Local Bodies. If the Tenderer fails to include such taxes and duties in the tender, no claim thereof will be entertained by the Bank afterwards. As per Section 194C of Income Tax Act, income tax will be deducted at source and a certificate for the same will be issued to the contractor. Further, in terms of section 51 of the CGST and MGST Act, 2017, two percent GST will be deducted at source.
24. Insurance
a) The successful tenderer, at his own expense, arrange to obtain and maintain till the end of the contract period an “all risk policy" for the contract value in the joint names of the Bank and the Contractor (the name of the former being placed first in the policy) against all risks as per the standard all risk policy for Contractors and workmen compensation policy any physical injury and/or death etc. of the persons engaged by them for this work and deposit such policy or policies with the Bank before commencing the works. The contractor shall indemnify the Bank for any loss or damage that occurs to persons or building or third party while executing the work.
b) The contractor shall be responsible for all injury to persons, animals or things and for all structural and decorative damage to property which may arise from the operation or neglect of himself or of any nominated sub-contractor’s employees, whether such injury or damage arise from carelessness, accident or any other case whatsoever in any way connected with the carrying out of the contract. This clause shall be held to include, inter-alia, any damage to buildings, whether immediately adjacent or otherwise and any damage to roads, streets, footpaths, bridges or ways as well as all damage caused to the buildings and works forming the subject of this contract, by frost or other inclemency of weather. The contractor shall indemnify the Bank and hold him harmless in respect of all and any expenses arising from any such injury or damage to persons or property as aforesaid and also in respect of any claim made in respect of injury or damage under any Acts of Government of India or otherwise and also in respect of any award of compensation or damages consequent upon such claims.
Note: These policies shall be valid till the completion of the work. If the contractor does not provide these policies, the Bank reserves the right to take the above insurance policies themselves and recover the cost thereof from the bill of the contractor.
25. Signing of Contract Agreement
The General instructions to the tenderers’ and hereinbefore referred to Conditions of Contract and Technical Specifications enclosed with the tender documents, the subsequent correspondence exchanged between the Bank and the tenderer and the work order placed shall be the basis of the final contract to be entered into with the successful tenderer.
26. The Tenderer shall go through the terms and conditions given in the general conditions of contract herewith and his offer shall be strictly in line with the terms specified therein. No deviation from the terms and conditions specified shall be acceptable. Each page of the tender documents should be signed for his/their having acquainted himself/themselves in the general conditions of contract, technical specifications, etc.
27. The tender submitted on behalf of a firm shall be signed by all the partners of the firm or a partner who has the necessary authority on behalf of the firm to enter into the proposed contract. Otherwise, the tender may be rejected.
28. On receipt of intimation from the Bank of the acceptance of his/their tender, the successful tenderer shall be bound to implement the Contract and within fourteen days thereof the successful tenderer shall sign an agreement in accordance with the draft agreement. Notwithstanding the signing of the agreement the written acceptance by the Reserve Bank of India of a tender in itself will constitute a binding agreement between the Reserve Bank of India and the person so tendering, whether such contract is or is not subsequently executed.
29. The contractor shall not assign the contract. He shall not sublet any portion of the contract except with the written consent of the Bank. In case of breach of these conditions, the Bank may serve a notice in writing on the Contractor rescinding the contract whereupon the security deposit shall stand forfeited to the Bank, without prejudice to his other remedies against the Contractor.
30. Right to Accept Part Tender: The Bank reserves the right to accept the tender either in whole or in part at the same prices quoted by the Tenderer.
31. Other Issues: The Contractor shall carry out all the work strictly in accordance with the detailed specifications and instructions of the Bank’s officials. If in the opinion of the Bank’s officials, nominal changes have to be made to suit the site condition and with the prior approval in writing of the Bank, the Contractor shall carry out the same without any extra charge.
32. Settlement of Disputes by Arbitration:
a) All disputes and differences of any kind whatever arising out of or in connection with the contract or the carrying out of the works (whether during the progress of the works or after its completion and whether before or after the termination or abandonment or breach of the contract) shall be referred to and settled by the Bank who shall state its decision in writing. Such decision may be in the form of a final certificate or otherwise. The decision of the Bank with respect to any of the excepted matters shall be final and without appeal. But if the Contractor is dissatisfied on any matter, he may within 28 days after receiving notice of such decision, give a written notice to the other party requiring that the matters in dispute be referred for arbitration. Such written notice shall specify the matters, which are in dispute or difference of which such written notice has been given. If both the parties agree, a single arbitrator shall be appointed for the purpose. In case no agreement could be reached on the appointment of single arbitrator, both the parties shall nominate one person each as an arbitrator on their behalf. The two arbitrators nominated by the parties shall nominate one more person to act as third arbitrator or umpire.
b) The arbitrator or arbitrators, as the case may be, shall have power to open up, review and revise any certificate, opinion, decision, requisition or notice, save in regard to the excepted matters, referred to in the preceding clause, and to determine all matters to dispute which shall be submitted to arbitration and of which notice shall have been given as aforesaid.
c) The arbitrator or arbitrators, as the case may be, shall make his or their award within one year (or such further extended time as may be decided by him or them as the case may be with the consent of the parties) from the date of entering on the reference. In case during the arbitration proceedings the parties mutually settle or compromise their dispute or difference, on the parties filing their joint memorandum of the settlement or compromise, the arbitrator or the arbitrators as the case may be, shall make an award in terms of such settlement or compromise.
d) Upon any such reference, the decision on the cost incidental to the reference and award respectively shall be at the discretion of the arbitrator or arbitrators as the case may be, who may determine the amount thereof or direct the same to be taxed as between the party and shall direct by whom and to whom and in what manner the same shall be borne and paid
e) This submission shall be deemed to be a submission to arbitration within the meaning of the Indian Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 or any statutory modification thereof. The award of the arbitrator or arbitrators, as the case may be, shall be final and binding on the parties. It is agreed that the Contractor shall not delay the carrying out of the works by reason of any such matter, question or dispute being referred to arbitration, but shall proceed with the works with all due diligence and shall until the decision of the arbitrator or arbitrators is given, abide by the decision of the Bank. No award of the arbitrator or arbitrators, as the case may be, shall relieve the Contractor of his obligations to adhere strictly to the Bank's instructions with regard to the actual carrying out of the works. The Bank and the Contractor hereby also agree that arbitration under this clause shall be a condition precedent to any right of action under the contract.
33. Compliance of the requirements of the Minimum Wages Act / Rules and Contract Labour (R & A) Act / Rules and other Laws/Rules/Notification as applicable
a) The contractor shall be responsible to get himself registered under the Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act, 1970 / the Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Central Rules, 1971 and other relevant laws, whenever it is required. The Contractor shall follow all the relevant provisions of the Contract Labour (R & A) Act, 1970 and Contract Labour (R & A) Central Rules, 1971 and ensure to maintain all the records as prescribed there under and by the Office of the Labour Commissioner (Central).
b) The Contractor shall be responsible to make payment to their workmen strictly in accordance with the provisions of the Minimum Wages Act, 1948 and Minimum Wages (Central) Rules 1950 and the Notifications issued there under by the Government of India from time to time. The contractor shall maintain the relevant records with regard to minimum wages as required under the Minimum Wages Act
/ Rules / Notifications issued by the Government of India from time to time.
c) The Contractor shall maintain all the documents, Registers and records as required under the Contract Labour (R & A) Act, 1970 / the Contract Labour (R &
A) Central Rules, 1971, Minimum Wages Act, 1948 and Minimum Wages (Central) Rules 1950 and the relevant labour and general laws/Rules and Notifications and make the same available for inspection by the Bank or its officials and the Official of Labour Commissioner (Central) or any other statutory authority conferred with such powers under the respective Laws/Rules.
d) The Contractor shall be responsible to ascertain any changes made applicable in the rates of minimum wages by the Government of India vide their Notification issued from time to time and shall implement the said changes and make payment of wages to their workmen accordingly with immediate effect and maintain all the records updated in this regard and keep the Bank posted with the said development producing the necessary documentary proof without delay.
e) The Contractor shall be responsible for due observation and implementation of the entire statutory conditions and requirements of labour laws as applicable to his workmen such as Industrial Disputes Act, Payment of P.F., ESI Act, Workmen’s compensations Act, etc. and all Government Liabilities.
f) The Contractor shall be responsible for compliance of all the legal requirements as per the prevailing labour laws and other Laws / Rules / Regulations as the case may be and the Bank shall not, in any manner be responsible for any act, omission or commission on part of the Contractor and no claim in this respect will lie against the Bank or his representatives.
g) The proof of remittance of statutory contribution of PF (Bank and Employee) and ESI to the appropriate agency, for those workers deployed by the Contractor to execute the contract work in the Bank, must be provided by the selected Contractor/Agency to the Bank every month along with the claim bill, failing which the claim bill shall not be settled.
34. Police Verification of all Workmen / Supervisors / Officials for entering in to the Bank’s Residential Properties:
The successful tenderer shall submit the necessary Police Verification Certificate of each deployed workman / supervisors / officials from Local Police Authorities about his/her identity records. Any change of deployment also needs to be submitted for the above provision without any lapses.
I/We hereby declare that I/we have read and understood the above conditions and the same shall remain binding upon me/us in case the work is entrusted to me/us.
Signature of tenderer with seal Address:
काम का दायरा और मात्राओं की अनुसूची / Scope of Work and Schedule of Quantities
Scope of Work will include following Areas and Manpower requirement:
A. Details of Areas
S. No. | Residential Properties/ Colonies | Manpower Requirement |
1 | Telenkhedi Road Staff Quarters (Priyadarshini - TRSQ) | Guards: 02 Guards per shift. No. of shifts : 03 Total no. of Guards = 06 |
0 | Xxxxxxxx Xxxx Staff Quarters (Gulmohar - ARSQ) | Guards: 02 Guards per shift. No. of shifts : 03 Total no. of Guards = 06 |
3 | Atrey Layout Staff Quarters (Surabhi - ALSQ) | Guards: 003 Guards per shift. No. of shifts : 03 Total no. of Guards = 09 |
4 | Byramaji Town Officers’ Quarters (Milan - BTOQ) | Guards: 02 Guards per shift. No. of shifts : 03 Total no. of Guards = 06 |
5 | Madhuban Apartments | Guards: 01 Guards per shift. No. of shifts : 03 Total no. of Guards = 03 |
Total Number of Guards | 30 |
a) Contractor to ensue minimum 30 Security Guards are made available in a day. In caseany shortage in manpower on any given day, the Bank reserves its right to impose a penalty equal at double the rate of daily wages of total absentees.
b) Security Guards can be a Ex-servicemen or trained civilian guards or a combination of both.
c) Eligibility criteria to be a private security guard.—
A private security agency shall not employ or engage any person as a private security guard unless he—
i. is a citizen of India or a citizen of such other country as the Central Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, specify;
ii. has completed eighteen years of age but has not attained the age of sixty years;
iii. satisfies the agency about his character and antecedents in such manner as may be prescribed;
iv. has completed the prescribed security training successfully;
v. fulfils such physical standards as may be prescribed; and
vi. satisfies such other conditions as may be prescribed.
(2) No person who has been convicted by a competent court or who has been dismissed or removed on grounds of misconduct or moral turpitude while serving in any of the armed forces of the Union, State Police Organizations, Central or State Governments or in any private security agency shall be employed or engaged as a private security guard or a supervisor.
(3) Every private security agency may, while employing a person as a private security guard, give preference to a person who has served as a member in one or more of the following, namely:—
(i) Army;
(ii) Navy;
(iii) Air Force;
(iv) any other armed forces of the Union;
(v) Police, including armed constabularies of States; and
(vi) Home Guards.
d) The Contractor shall ensure that the persons are punctual and disciplined and remain vigilant in performance of their duty. Persons so engaged by the Contractor shall be from persons/ individuals of high integrity and good conduct and shall be conversant in Hindi and Marathi languages.
B. Scope of Work
1. Access Control: Keep watch on person entering/ exiting from the premises. Maintain proper details of visitors by making entries in the register kept at the entrance for the purpose. Prevent trespassing, prevent unauthorized persons and vehicles, antisocial elements, stray dogs/ cattle and protect staff and families I the colonies and property of the Bank.
2. Patrolling along the perimeter throughout the day and night.
3. Fire Fighting as and when required using the fire extinguishers provided at the colonies during the emergencies made available in colony premises.
4. Light Operation: Switching on lights in staircase and the compound at 1800 hrs and switch off the same the same at 0600 hrs on daily basis.
5. Water Pump Operation in the premises to ensure regular water supply to all buildings.
6. Key Management: Handing/ Taking over of keys of VOFs, Community Hall, terrace and Gym to bonafied staff.
7. Maintaining the visitor register, complaint register, etc. as prescribed by the Bank.
8. Keeping a record of e-commerce/courier delivery persons.
9. Any other duty/responsibility assigned by the Bank from time to time will have to be executed.
10. Guard on duty shall not leave the premises until his reliever reports for duty.
11. Communication: The agency will provide and keep one functional mobile phone with incoming and outgoing call facility in each colony premises for official communication of in duty guard.
C. In case any person is found giving poor workmanship, misbehavior, disobeying instruction of the Bank etc., the agency will replace such person(s) from the work as directed by the Bank.
D. The interesting tenderers are advised to inspect the site with the prior permission from the Bank and ascertain the work to be executed before quoting their rates.
I/We hereby declare that I/we have read and understood the schedule of quantities of the tender and also have read and understood all the above conditions and the same shall remain binding upon me/us in case the work is entrusted to me/us.
Signature of tenderer with seal
Address: Date:
अनुबंध के िनयम और शत� / Terms & Conditions of Contract
1. Agreement: On receipt of intimation from the Bank the acceptance of his/ their tender, the successful tenderer shall be bound to sign the formal Contract agreement within fourteen days, in accordance with the draft agreement and the Schedule of Conditions, but written acceptance by the Reserve Bank of India of a tender will constitute a binding contract between the Reserve Bank of India and the Person so tendering, whether such formal agreement is or is not subsequently executed within the stipulated period of Fourteen days. Unless the contract agreement is signed, no payment shall be entertained by the Bank. The agreement shall be executed in duplicate. One copy will remain in the custody of Bank and the second set of copy will remain in the custody of contractor. The agreement shall be made on necessary stamp paper (having worth equal to applicable stamp duty in the state of Maharashtra) and the cost of necessary stamp duty on both the documents shall be borne solely by the contractor.
2. Duration of Contract & Review: The contract will initially be valid till March 31, 2024 and can be extended for a maximum of two more years, one year at a time, subject to satisfactory performance, or other periods or parameters as the Bank may decide. continued if the treatment and workmanship is found satisfactory. Quarterly review will be taken on the performance of the contractor. If within the first three months the work is found unsatisfactory, the contract can be terminated by giving 07 days’ notice.
3. Subletting Contract: The Contractor shall make all arrangements for carrying out the work as per the schedule of quantities, the Bank will not provide any kind of assistance in the form of men/ material. The Contractor shall not assign or not sublet any portion of the contract except with the written consent of the Bank and no undertaking shall relive the Contractor from the full and entire responsibility of the contract or from activity superintendence of the works during their process. In case of breach of these conditions, the Bank may serve a notice in writing on the Contractor rescinding the contract whereupon the security deposit shall stand forfeited to the Bank, without prejudice to his other remedies against the Contractor.
4. Nature of Work: Work/job to be undertaken by the contractor through employment of security Guards /workers/employees is not of permanent nature.
5. All Security Guards should report to the Bank’s Caretaker at respective residential properties. The working hours shall be for 08 hrs (including 30 minutes lunch break) with shift timings as mentioned below –
a. I Shift - 0600 hrs to 1400 hrs
b. II Shift – 1400 hrs to 2200 hrs
c. III Shift – 2200 hrs to 0600 hrs
06 working days in a week. However, Bank reserves the right to bring some variation in working hours for some workers, if required. Also, in case of an emergency the workers
will have to continue to work till such time the emergency is over as per the directions issued by authorized person of the Bank.
6. Maintenance of attendance records: That the Contractor shall be required to maintain permanent attendance register/roll at main gates of each colony which will be open for inspection and checking by the authorized officers of Reserve Bank of India, Nagpur. The register will be put up to Bank’s caretakers on a daily basis. In case of absenteeism of staff or deployment of a smaller number of guards than the agreed upon, Bank reserves its right to impose penalty at double the rate of daily wages of total absentees. No guard will be allowed to perform more than 8 hours of duty in a day (24 hrs). No double duties are permitted. In case of breech Bank will have the right to deduct payment on pro rata basis and no representation will be entertained in this matter.
7. Weekly Holiday must be given to all security guards (which should be strictly adhered to) with an alternative arrangement as per Statutory Requirement without affecting services. Similarly leave must be given to the guards/ workers as per labour laws. No extra payment will be considered other than rates quoted by the firm.
8. Payment of Wages: Contractor shall maintain a record of payment to the workers in accordance with the labour laws in the form of wage slip & will submit the same on monthly basis. The contactor shall also submit the copy of bank A/c statement of his staff reflecting credit of monthly salary, proof of ESIC payment for each security guard which shall be submitted along with the bill. Bank reserves the right to depute officer/ staff to verify minimum wages.
9. In case any deficiency in services non-wearing of prescribed uniform, less manpower, double shifts by guards etc., is observed or brought to notice of the office a proportionate amount, as deemed suitable by the Bank may be deducted as penalty for deficiency in services from the monthly bill and in any case, it will not be refunded to the contractor, in future. The decision of the Bank with respect to imposition and enforcement of penalty shall be final and binding and that payment of penalty would in no way tantamount to regularization of any irregularity or whatsoever. The above penalties would be subject to cap of 20% of total AMC contract value.
10. Uniform & Identity Cards - Vendor will have to provide;
a. proper uniform with full pants and full/ half shirt with a logo of the firm (contractor) and a badge mentioning “Security Guards”, headgear, belt, safety shoes, whistle, torch and baton with company name written/ embossed to all Security Guards deployed at residential premises.
b. During monsoon and winter necessary uniform articles like raincoat and winter wear shall be made available to guards by the Contractor.
c. The contractor shall also issue company identity cards to his employees/security guards. In addition to this contract staff will also have to carry the Bank’s contract worker visitor pass which shall be countersigned by the Bank’s Security Manager.
d. All uniform articles will be made available at no additional cost and should be included in the administrative expenses of the vendor.
e. The contractor must bear the cost of the uniform. The same will not be reimbursed by the Bank. Also, it should not be charged to the staff employed.
11. Surprise Checks: That the Security Officer, Reserve Bank of India, Nagpur or any other persons authorized by him shall be at liberty to carry out surprise check on the persons as deployed by the Contractor in order to ensure that persons deployed by him are doing their duties properly. In addition to this agency should also make necessary arrangements for regularly conducting surprise checks at odd hours (0000 hrs to 0400 hrs) to check the alertness of the guards deployed at residential premises which should be at least once in a month in all the colonies. A separate register shall be maintained in each colony for recording the visit.
12. Earnest Money Deposit: of the successful tenderer/bidder shall be transferred to security deposit. The EMD/ security deposit shall be released without any interest to the contractor on termination of AMC.
13. Retention Money/Security Deposit: The Contractor has to provide retention money in the form of irrevocable Bank Guarantee issued by a scheduled Bank in the prescribed proforma as given in Annexure III of the tender document.
14. Deductions from EMD/Security Deposit: All compensation or other sums of money payable by the contractor to the Bank under the terms of this Contract may be deducted from his earnest money and the security deposit if the amount so permits, and Contractor shall, unless such deposit as become otherwise payable, within ten days after such deduction make good the amount so deducted.
15. Performance (Bank) Guarantee: In addition to the EMD and retention money described above, the successful tenderer, within a period of 14 days from the date of award of work by the Bank, shall submit a Performance (Bank) Guarantee (to be arranged by the contractor at his own cost) obtained from any of the nationalized/ scheduled bank, in the format approved by the Bank for an amount equivalent to 5% of the contract value. This is to ensure adherence to complete the work and execution with best quality workmanship.
The above-noted Performance Guarantee shall be valid up to the satisfactory completion of the work in all respects and shall have to be renewed by the contractor up to extended completion time, if any. In case, the contractor fails to comply with any of the above conditions, the Bank will be at liberty to invoke the Guarantee based on the certificate issued by the Bank’s Security Manager. The Guarantee shall be released after issue of completion certificate.
16. Clarification: In all cases of omissions and/ or doubts or discrepancies in any item or specification a reference shall be made to the Bank whose elucidation, elaboration or decision shall be considered as authentic. The Contractor shall be held responsible for any errors that may occur in the work through lack of such reference and precaution.
17. Antecedent and Police Verification of Contract Staff: The contractor shall ensure that the security guards employed have not been convicted by a court of law/ do not have criminal record or criminal proceeding against them. Full biodata (in format as prescribed under Annexure-VIII), including passport size photograph, of each security guard employed for the job shall be submitted to the Bank. Police verification of the security guards will be provided by the contractor to the Bank before engaging them to the Bank.
Contractor shall also ensure timely renewal of police verification of each security guard employed for the job throughout the contract period. Also, in the event of change in any security guard, the same has to be intimated to the Bank in advance along with all the antecedents and Police Verification related documents of the new labour to be employed.
18. Conduct of Contract Workers: The contractor will take responsibility for the conduct and good behavior of his employees/ security guards and if any complaint is received against any of the employee/ security guards, the contractor shall arrange for his immediate removal and replacement from the Bank’s premises. Further, the contractor shall ensure adherence to all the government laid guidelines and legal procedures while removing any contract labourer from service.
19. Training: The contractor should make necessary arrangements for conducting periodic training and refresher trainings for the guards deployed on various security related issues and on topics like roles and responsibilities of first respondent in case of any emergency/ medical emergency/ first aid/ disaster, etc.
20. Sexual Harassment of Women: The contractor /Agency shall be solely responsible for full compliance with the provisions of “the Sexual Harassment of women at work place (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013”. In case of any complaint of sexual harassment against its employees within the premises of the Bank, the complaint will be filed before the Internal Complaints Committee constituted by the Contractor / Agency and the Contractor / Agency shall ensure appropriate action under the said Act in respect of the complaints. Any complaint of sexual harassment from any aggrieved employee of the contractor against any employee of the Bank shall be taken cognizance of by the Regional Complaints Committee constituted by the Bank. The Contractor shall be responsible for any monetary compensation that may need to be paid in case the incident involves the employees of the contractor, for instance any monetary relief to Bank’s employee, if sexual violence by the employee of the contractor is proved. The contractor shall be responsible for educating their employees about prevention of sexual harassment at work place and related issues.
21. Supervision & Quality of work: The contractor shall ensure that the security guards employed by him do their work faithfully. Supervisor appointed by the contractor shall conduct surprise visits on a regular basis inside the premises to ensure that the staff are working properly.
22. Extra Work: No claim for any extra work shall be allowed unless it has been executed with the concurrence of the Bank. Any such extra work as authorized shall be made in accordance with the following provisions.
a. The net rates or prices in the original tender shall determine the valuation of the extra work where such extra work is of similar character and executed under similar conditions as the work priced therein.
b. Rates for all items, wherever possible, should be derived out of the rates given in the Price Bid (Part-II of Tender).
23. Reporting & Coordination: Contractor shall, at least once in the month and/ or as and when called, in person visit the Protocol & Security Establishment at the respective offices for better coordination and / or performance review.
24. Bank’s Property: Should any treasure, fossils, minerals or works of art of antediluvian interest be found during or while carrying out the works, the contractor shall give immediate notice of any such discovery and shall make over such finds to the Bank.
Contractor shall hand over the same to RBI and that contractor shall not claim any right title interest for the same.
25. Unsatisfactory Service: In case services rendered by the contractor are found to be unsatisfactory, a written notice shall be issued and the amount, on proportionate basis will deducted from of bill.
26. Payment to Contractor:
Payment of AMC bills shall be made on a monthly basis through NEFT on receipt of bill from the firm. The payment shall be made on actuals/ pro-rata basis subject to satisfactory service. The amount payable will be net of any recoveries for deficiency in services, imposed as per the provisions of this contract. The bill should be submitted as per GST format. Copy of following documents for a particular month duly certified by the firm to be submitted along with bill for payment:
i. Certified copy of attendance register.
ii. Report of work done signed by the assistant caretaker / caretaker / assistant manager / security officer
iii. Bank statement showing payment of minimum wages (payment to labour / workmen shall be paid directly to their bank account).
iv. Declaration for compliance of Contract labour Act & Minimum wages Act.
v. Documentary evidence indicating the payment made towards PF/ESI, if applicable.
vi. Any other logbooks/ document as directed by Protocol & Security Dept.
It may be noted that the contractor will first make the payment of wages to the labourers/ workers and then submit the Bill for reimbursement of the same along with the proof of remittance of wages to the workers. No advance payment will be made to the contractor under any circumstances.
27. Rates: The rates shall remain firm during currency of the contract and the contractor shall not seek for any kind of increase in the agreed charges during the contract period.
28. Escalation Clause: The Statutory Charges will be proportionately varied as and when, the Minimum Wages/GST/any other statutory charges, taxes etc. are revised by the Labor Commissioner/Statutory authority, such revised rates will be binding on both the parties.
29. Payment by Contractor to Contract Workers:
a. Xxxxxxxx is advised to ensure payment of wage to all employee including contract workers only through bank account.
b. Being a Principle Employer the Bank shall be at liberty to call upon the tenderer to submit the evidence in respect of complying with this condition at Bank’s discretion.
c. Photo copy of Xxxx slips duly signed by Contractor and counter signed by each security guard to be submitted to Bank.
d. The contractor will have to comply with the provisions of the Minimum Wages Act and other statutory obligations (i.e. the Employees Provident Fund, Employee State Insurance Corporation etc.) and submit proof of payment in respect of the same to the Bank. (This should include bank account details regarding payment of Employees Provident Fund, ESIC premium and wages).
e. Security Guards if deployed on National Holidays shall be compensated appropriately by contractor and the charges/expenditure for the same are to be borne by the contractor. No extra payment in this regard shall be made by the Bank. The charges/expenditure for the same may be accounted for during submission of price bid.
30. Certificate of Compliance of payment as per Minimum Wages Act & provision of amenities as per CLRA Act: Before release of its payment a contractor has to submit a certificate that he has actually paid all the dues of all the labourers of all descriptions engage by him for completion of the warded job/ work at the rate which is not less than the one prescribe under the Minimum Wages Act 1948 and he has complied with the provisions of CLRA Act with regard to providing the essential amenities to the contract labour. The veracity of such certificate may be verified by the Assistant Manager/ Manager nominated by the Principle Employer as his/ her representative and duly authorised to verify actual disbursement of wages by the contractor.
31. GST Liability: All the statutory deductions will be deducted at source excluding GST. Tenderer should have GST registration number and must quote their rates including GST levied by the Central Government and State Government at the prevailing rate while quoting their rates for various items and no claim in this regard shall be considered by the Bank at any stage. It is mandatory for contractor to disclose the breakup of his portion of tax liability while submitting the claims for payment i.e. taxable value and applicable taxes in prescribed bill format/schedule issued by GST council for composite or supply of goods and services as applicable in the cases. The Bank is not responsible for payment of GST for the service rendered by the contractor. It is the responsibility of the contractor to pay GST to the tax authority.
32. Liability of damages to Bank’s property: Any damage to the Bank’s property caused by the contractor will have to be made good by the contractor at his cost failing which the same will be deducted from the amount payable to the contractor.
33. Liquidated damages will be levied in following manner: In case of the requisite number of services for the duration of time as mandated on daily basis are not made available, Bank shall recover Damages on Pro-rata basis in respect of deficiency in number of services provided/ work executed and/or deficiency in duration of service (in hours), subject to a maximum of 20% of contract value.
34. Right to Terminate Contract: The Bank reserves the right to cancel the contract at any time before the due date if the services rendered are not found to be satisfactory by giving
one month’s notice. The decision of the Bank in this regard shall be final and binding on the contractor and no correspondence /compensation claim shall be entertained by the Bank in this regard.
35. Indemnity and Liability of damages: The firm awarded the contract will be fully liable for any damages suffered to the premises or to any person or any occupant or resident directly or indirectly by any services activity provided by the firm.
36. Indemnity and Liability towards contract staff: The contractor will be solely responsible for the risk involved during discharge of duties by his workers. The Bank accepts no liability towards guards/ labour deployed by the contractor.
37. Undertaking for Statutory Compliance & Indemnity against non-compliance by the Contractor: An undertaking should be given on a Non Judicial Stamp paper of applicable value before award of work to the effect that if the particular job /work is awarded to him, he under takes to actually pay wages to all the laborers of all descriptions to be engage by him for completion of that particular job/ work, at the rate which is not less than the one prescribed under the Minimum Wages Act 1948 and to ensure compliance of essential amenities as provided under the CLRA Act 1970 and also keep the Principle Employer Indemnified against all the action that may be initiated against the Principle Employer by the Statutory Authorities for his failure to pay such wages and provide the essential amenities.
38. Cooperation with other agencies: The successful tenderer must co-operate with contractor/(s) engaged by the Bank for other work so that the work shall proceed smoothly without any delay and to the satisfaction of the Bank.
39. Labour License/ Contract Labour License: Necessary contract license for deploying contract labour (as per prevailing CLRA 1970) shall be obtained from the central labour authorities.
40. Statutory Compliance of Labour Laws including provisions of Industrial Disputes Act, Provident Fund, ESI Act, Workmen’s Compensation Act and other statutory liabilities: The Contractor shall be responsible for due observation and implementation of the entire statutory conditions and requirements of labour laws as applicable to his workmen such as Industrial Disputes Act, Payment of P.F., ESI Act, Workmen’s compensations Act, etc. and all Government Liabilities.
41. Safety Measures: All safety measures as per the safety code shall be strictly adhered.
वािण��क शतfi की चेकिल� / Check List of Commercial Conditions
क्रं Sr. No. | िववरण Description | ब�क की शत� Bank's terms | �ा िनिवदाकता� को 4ीकाय� है (हाँ अथवा नही)ं Whether acceptable tothe tenderer (YES or NO) |
1. | बोली की वैधता Bid Validity | िनिवदा के भाग- I खोलने से तीन माह की अविध तक 3 months from the date of opening of Part- I of the tender | |
2. | बयाना जमा रािश Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) | एनईएफटी/ िडमांड ड� ा4/ ब�क xxxx xx के Vप म� ₹2,60,000/- (दो लाख साठ हजार �पये मात्र) ₹2,60,000/- (Rupees Two Lakhs Sixty Thousand Only) in form of NEFT/ Demand Draft/ Bank Guarantee. | |
3. | प्रितधारण धन (प्रितभूित जमा) Retention Money (Security Deposit) | पूरी अनुबंध अविध के िलए अनुबंध लागत का 5% ब�क गारंटी के Vप म� (केवल सफल बोलीदाता के िलए) 5% of the contract cost for the entire contract duration, in form of Bank Guarantee (only for the successful bidder) | |
4. | िन�ादन गारंटी Performance Guarantee | ईएमडी और िस�ो�रटी िडपॉिजट के अलावा पूरी अनुबंध अविध के िलए अनुबंध लागत का 5% ब�क गारंटी के Vप म� (केवल सफल बोलीदाता के िलए) 5% of the contract cost for entire contract duration, in addition to EMD and Security Deposit, in form of Bank Guarantee (only for the successful bidder) | |
5. | दर� Prices | मजदू xx का संशोधन भारत सरकार �ारा संशोिधत मूल �ूनतम मजदू xx दर के अनुसार हर छह महीने म� िकया जाएगा। अनुबंध के पूरे काय�काल के दौरान उद्धृत लाभ / सेवा शु� म� कोई बदलाव की अनुमित नही ं दी जाएगी The revision of the wages shall be done every six months in accordance with the revision in minimum wage rates if any, by Government of India. No change in quoted profit/ service charge will be allowed during the entire tenure of the contract |
6 | दंड Penalty | खंड J – “अनुबंध के िनयम और शत�” के 4ॉज़ 6 और 9 के अनुसार In terms of clauses 6 and 9 of Section J- “Terms and conditions of Contract” | |
7 | ठे के की समा��/ िनधा�रण Termination/ Determination of contract | खंड J – “अनुबंध के िनयम और शत�” के 4ॉज़ 2 और 34 के अनुसार In terms of clauses 2 and 34 of Section J- “Terms and conditions of Contract” | |
8 | भुगतान की शत� Terms ofpayment | िनधा��रत द�ावेजों को जमा करने पर मािसक आधार पर भुगतान िकया जाएगा। Payment shall be made on Monthly basis on submission of prescribed documents. | |
9 | बीमा Insurance | खंड J – “अनुबंध के िनयम और शत�” के 4ॉज़ 24 के अनुसार In terms of clause 24 of Section J- “Terms and conditions of Contract” |
I/We hereby declare that I/we have read and understood all the above conditions and the same shall remain binding upon me/us in case the work is entrusted to me/us..
Signature of tenderer with seal Address:
ASC for Providing Security Guards at Bank’s Residential Properties
(Previous Experience)
Details of Similar Qualifying Works Executed by the Firm/Agency during the last 5 Years
Sl No. | Name of the Work & Location | Nature & Specification of works | Name, address & telephone No. of the owner. (Govt./Semi Govt./Pvt. Body) | Name, Full Address & Telephone No. of the officer under whom the work was carried out | Contract Amount | Completion period | Whether the work was left incomplete or the contract was terminated from either side | Any other relevant information including reason, if any, for delay in completion of work | |
Scheduled date of completion | Actual date of completion | ||||||||
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
Note: Attach sheet if required. The details of previous experience and work for Reserve Bank of India in any of the centers may be separately provided in the above format
Signature of Applicant (with seal)
(to be submitted along with supporting documents)
S. No. | Particulars of the Company/ Firm | ||
1 | Name and full address of the firm | ||
2 | Registered Office with full address, Telephone No., Fax Nos., E-mail address, website URL | ||
3 | Type of Company whether, Proprietorship, partnership etc. | ||
4 | Name and address of the Proprietor/Partners/Directors of the company | ||
5 | Registration (Firm, company etc.)/Registration Authority, Date, Number etc. | ||
6 | Income Tax Registration number (PAN) | ||
7 | Goods and Services Tax Identification Number (GSTIN) | ||
8 | Provident Fund Registration Number | ||
9 | ESIC Registration Number | ||
10 | Whether tenderer holding a License under Section12 (1) of Contract Labour(R&A) Act 1970 read with section 21 of Contract Labour Act 1971. If so, furnish the details of license no. etc. and enclose a copy | ||
11 | Date of ISO -9001 Certificate & Its validity period if applicable. | ||
12 | Name and addresses and designation of the person who will represent the agency while dealing with the Bank (attach letter of authority) | ||
13 | Experience in undertaking similar services to other organizations | years | |
14 | Total value of the services provided to theother organization for the last 3 years. | 2019-20 | ₹ |
2020-21 | ₹ | ||
2021-22 | ₹ | ||
15 | Whether financially sound to undertake services (Furnish audited balance sheet forlast 3 years) | 2019-20 | ₹ |
2020-21 | ₹ | ||
2021-22 | ₹ | ||
16 | Indicate if involved in any litigation | ||
17 | Any civil suits pending in any of the orders executed, give details |
Signature with seal of the Bidder
Proforma for Bank Guarantee for Security Deposit
(To be submitted on Non- judicial stamp paper of appropriate value purchased in the name of the issuing bank)
No. Date
The General Manager Office-In-charge Reserve Bank of India
Civil Lines, Xx. Xxxxxxxxxxx Xxx Road Nagpur- 440001.
Dear Xxxxx,
In consideration of your agreeing to accept the security deposit of (Rs only) furnishable to you by M/s (hereinafter referred to as “the Contractor”) in terms of their contract with you for “Annual Service Contract for providing Security Guards at Residential Properties of the Bank” as per their Tender dated and your Special Conditions of Contract and other tender documents relating thereto subject to the conditions and alterations mutually agreed upon the set forth or referred to in your Contract dated in the form of guarantee from us in the manner hereinafter contained, we (Name of the Bank) do hereby covenant and agree with you as follows :
1. We undertake to indemnify you and keep you indemnified from time to time to the extent
of Rs (Rupees only)
against any loss or damage caused to or suffered by or that may be caused to or suffered by you by reason of any breach or breaches on the part of the Contractor of any of the terms and conditions contained in the said Contract and in the event of the Contractor making any default or default in carrying out any of the work under the said Contract or otherwise in the observance and performance of any of the terms and conditions relating thereto in accordance with the true intent and meaning thereof, we shall forthwith on demand pay to you such sum or sums not exceeding in total the said sum of Rs (Rupees only) as may be claimed by you as your losses and/or damages, costs, charges or expenses by reason of such default on the part of the Contractor.
2. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, your decision as to whether the Contractor has made any such default or defaults and the amount or amounts to which you are entitled by reasons thereof will be binding on us and we shall not be entitled to ask you to establish your claim or claims under this Guarantee but will pay the same forthwith on your demand without any protest or demur.
3. This guarantee shall continue and hold good until it is released by you on the application by the Contractor after expiry of the relative guarantee period of the said Contract and after the contractor had discharged all his obligations under the said Contract and produced a certificate of due completion of the work under the said contract and submitted a “No Demand Certificate”, provided always that this guarantee shall in no event remain in force after the day of without prejudice to your claim or claims arisen and demanded from or
otherwise notified to us in writing before the expiry of six months from the said date which will be enforceable against us notwithstanding that the same is or are enforced after the said date.
4. Should it be necessary to extend this guarantee on account of any reason whatsoever, we undertake to extend the period of this Guarantee on your request till such time as may be required by you. Your decision in this respect shall be final and binding on us.
5. You will have the fullest liberty without effecting this guarantee from time to time to vary any of the terms and conditions of the said contract or extend the time of performance of the Contractor or to postpone for any time or from time to time any of your rights or powers against the Contractor and either to enforce or forbear to enforce any of the terms and conditions of the said Contract and we shall not be released from our liability under this guarantee by the exercise of your liberty with reference to matters aforesaid or by reason of any time being given to the Contractor or any other forbearance, act or omission on your part or any indulgence by you to the Contractor or by any variation or modification of the said contract or any other act, matter or things whatsoever, which under the law relating to sureties would but for the provisions hereof have the effect of so releasing us from our liability hereunder provided always that nothing herein contained will enlarge our liability hereunder beyond the limit of Rs (Rupees only) as aforesaid.
6. This guarantee shall not in any way be affected by your taking or varying or giving up any securities from the Contractor or any other person, firm or company on its behalf or by the winding up, dissolution, insolvency or death as the case may be, of the Contractor.
7. In order to give full effect to the guarantee herein contained you shall be entitled to act as if we were your principal debtors in respect of all your claims against the Contractor hereby guaranteed by us as aforesaid and we hereby expressly waive all our rights of surety-ship and other rights, if any, which are in any way inconsistent with any of the provisions of this guarantee.
8. Subject to the maximum limit of our liability as aforesaid, this guarantee will cover all your claim or claims against the contractor from time to time arising out of or in relation to the said contract and in respect of which your claim in writing is lodged on us before expiry of six months from the date of expiry of this guarantee.
9. Any notice by way of demand or otherwise hereunder may be sent by special courier, telex, fax or registered post to our local address as aforesaid and if sent by post, it shall be deemed to have been given when the same has been posted.
10. This guarantee and the powers and provisions herein contained are in addition to and not by way of limitation of or substitution for any other guarantee or guarantees heretofore given to you by us (whether jointly with others or alone) and now existing uncancelled and that this guarantee is not intended to and shall not revoke or limit such guarantee or guarantees.
11. This guarantee shall not be affected by any change in the constitution of the contractor or us nor shall it be affected by any change in your constitution or by any amalgamation or absorption thereof or therewith but will ensure to the benefit of and be available to and enforceable by the absorbing or amalgamated company or concern.
12. Any forbearance, act or omission on the part of the Bank in enforcing any of the conditions of the said tender or showing of any indulgence by the Bank to the Tenderer shall not
discharge the Surety in any way and the obligations of the Surety under this guarantee shall be discharged only on the intimation thereof being given to the Surety by the Bank.
13. This guarantee is irrevocable during the period of its currency and shall not be revoked without your previous consent in writing.
14. We further agree and undertake to pay you without demur the amount demanded by you in writing notwithstanding any difference or dispute or controversy that may exist or arise between you and contractor or any other person.
15. Notwithstanding anything contained herein above our liability under this guarantee is restricted to Rs (Rupees only). Unless a written claim is lodged on us for payment under this guarantee within six months from the date of expiry, including extensions if any, of this guarantee all your rights under the guarantee shall be forfeited and we shall be deemed to have been released and discharged from all liabilities thereunder, irrespective of whether or not the original guarantee is returned to us.
16. We have power to issue this guarantee in your favour under the Memorandum and Articles of Association of our Bank and the undersigned has full power to execute this Guarantee under the Power of Attorney granted to him by the Bank.
(For & on behalf of the above named Bank)
For & on behalf of (Xxxxxx’x Name & Seal)
(Banker’s Seal)
(NB: This guarantee will require stamp duty as applicable in the state, where it is executed and shall be signed by the official whose signature and authority shall be verified. The necessary stamp duty shall be paid by the tenderer).
Annexxure- IV
Proforma of Bank Guarantee for Earnest Money Deposit/ Bid Security
(To be submitted on non-judicial stamp paper of appropriate value purchased in the name of the issuing bank)
The Regional Director Reserve Bank of India
Civil Lines, Dr Raghavendra Road Nagpur- 440001.
Dear Xxxxx,
Place: Date:
Name of Work: Annual Service Contract for providing Security Guards at Bank’s Residential Properties
Ref.: NIT/ Xxxx.Xx. date
The Reserve Bank of India, having its Central Office at Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxxx Road, Mumbai (hereinafter called the „RBI‟) has invited tenders for the captioned work (hereinafter called “the said tender”) on the terms and conditions mentioned in the said tender documents.
It is one of the terms of invitation of tenders that the tenderer shall furnish a Bank Guarantee for a sum of ₹ …………. (Rupees ……………………………….. only) as Earnest Money Deposit (EMD).
M/s. (Name of the Tenderer/Bidder) , (hereinafter called as “the Tenderer/ Bidder”), who are our Clients/Constituents intend to submit their tender/ Bid for the said work and have requested us to furnish Bank Guarantee to RBI in respect of the said sum of ₹ (Rupees only) in respect of EMD.
1. We (Name of the Bank) do hereby agree with and undertake to RBI, their Successors, Assigns that in the event of the RBI coming to the conclusion that the Tenderer have not performed their obligations under the said conditions of the tender or have committed a breach thereof, which conclusion shall be binding on us as well as the said Tenderer; we shall on demand by the RBI, pay without demur to the RBI, a sum of ₹ (Rupees
only) or any lower amount that may be demanded by the RBI. Our guarantee shall be treated as equivalent to the Earnest Money Deposit for the due performance of the obligations of the
Tenderer under the said Conditions, provided, however, that our liability against such sum
shall not exceed the sum of ₹ (Rupees only).
2. We also agree to undertake to and confirm that the sum not exceeding ₹-----------------
(Rupees only) as aforesaid shall be paid by us without any demur or protest, merely on demand from the RBI on receipt of a notice in writing stating that the amount is due to them and we shall not ask for any further proof or evidence and the notice from the RBI shall be conclusive and binding on us and shall not be questioned by us in any respect or manner whatsoever. We undertake to pay the amount claimed by the RBI forthwith upon receipt of the notice as aforesaid.
3. We confirm that our obligation to the RBI under this guarantee shall be independent of the agreement or agreements or other understandings between the RBI and the Tenderer. This guarantee shall not be revoked by us without prior consent in writing of the RBI. We hereby further agree that –
a) Any forbearance or commission on the part of the RBI in enforcing the conditions of the said agreement or in compliance with any of the terms and conditions stipulated in the said tender and/or hereunder or granting of any time or showing of any indulgence by the RBI to the Tenderer or any other matters in connection therewith shall not discharge us in any way and our obligation under this guarantee. This guarantee shall be discharged only by the performance by the Tenderers of their obligations and in the event of their failure to do so, by payment by us of the sum not exceeding ₹ (Rupees only).
b) Our liability under these presents shall not exceed the sum of ₹ (Rupees only).
c) Our liability under this agreement shall not be affected by any infirmity or irregularity on the part of our said constituents/clients in tendering for the said work or their obligations there under or by dissolution or change in the constitution of our said constituents.
d) This guarantee shall remain in force upto (six months from the last date of receipt of tender) provided that if so desired by the RBI, this guarantee shall be renewed for a further period as may be indicated by them on the same terms and conditions as contained herein.
e) Our liability under these presents will terminate unless these presents are renewed as provided hereinabove on the or on the day when our said constituents comply with their obligations, as to which a certificate in writing by the RBI alone is the conclusive proof whichever date is later. Unless a claim or suit or action is filed against us within or any extended period, all the rights of the RBI against us under this guarantee shall be forfeited and we shall be released and discharged from all our obligations and liabilities hereunder
Yours faithfully,
For and on behalf of Bank.
Authorised Official (with seal)
(NB: This guarantee will require stamp duty as applicable in the state, where it is executed and shall be signed by the official whose signature and authority shall be verified).
Name & Address of The Client:
Details of Works Executed by Shri/ M/s -…………………………………….
1 | Name of work with brief particulars | |
2 | Agreement No. and date | |
3 | Agreement amount | |
4 | Date of commencement of work | |
5 | Stipulated date of completion | |
6 | Actual date of completion | |
7 | Details of compensation levied for delay (indicate amount) if any | |
8 | Gross amount of the work completed and paid** | |
9 | Name & address of the authority under whom works executed | |
10 | i) Quality of work (indicate grading) | Outstanding / Very Good / Good / Satisfactory / Poor |
ii) Amount of work paid on reduced rates, if any | ||
11 | i) Did the contractor go for arbitration? | |
ii) If yes, total amount of claim | ||
iii) Total amount awarded | ||
12 | Comments on the capabilities of the Contractor | |
a) Technical Proficiency | Outstanding / Very Good / Good / Satisfactory / Poor |
b) Financial soundness | Outstanding / Very Good / Good / Satisfactory / Poor | |
c) Mobilization of adequate T&P | Outstanding / Very Good / Good / Satisfactory / Poor | |
d) Mobilization of manpower | Outstanding / Very Good / Good / Satisfactory / Poor | |
e) General behavior | Outstanding / Very Good / Good / Satisfactory / Poor |
Signature of the client with Seal
i) All columns should be filled in properly countersigned.
ii) The Client Certificates should be submitted for each of the Prequalification work/s
iii) Signed by an official of the rank of Officer of the rank of Executive Engineer or equivalent in case of Govt./Semi-Govt., organisations or a PSU.
iv) Supported by adequate proof of payments received by the contractor for the work done by them.
v) Client's report issued by private organization shall be accompanied by TDS Certificates
vi) All columns should be filled in properly countersigned. Client certificate should be on letter head of the Client with signature of Authorized person.
Details of our Banker/s are:
Banker 1 | Banker 2 | |
Name of the Banker | ||
Name of the Branch and its complete Postal Address | ||
Name and Job –title of the Contact Person along with his/her Telephone No. (s). and Fax No(s) etc. | ||
Type of Account and Account No. | ||
Whether Credit facility/Overdraft facility enjoyed by the contractor. | ||
The period from which the contractor has been banking With the Banker | ||
Any other information which the contractor may like to furnish about its Bankers: |
Authorized Signatory (With name)
1. Composition of the firm (whether Partnership/ Private Limited/Proprietorship/ Public Limited.)
2. Name of the Proprietor/ Partners/ Directors of the firm.
3. Turnover of the firm for the last 3 financial years (year wise). i) 2021-2022,
ii) 2020-2021,
iii) 2019-2020
4. Credit facility/ Overdraft facility enjoyed by the firm.
5. Dealings
6. The period from which the firm has been banking with your bank.
7. Any other remarks.
You may also kindly forward your opinion whether the above firm is considered financially sound to be entrusted with the contract for works estimated to cost Rs 130 Lakhs.
(Signature) For the Bank
• Bankers' certificates should be on letter head of the Bank, addressed to Regional Director, Reserve Bank of India, Nagpur
• In case of partnership firm, certificate should include names of all partners asrecorded with the Bank
AMC for Providing Security Guards at Bank’s Residential Properties
Annexure- VIII
बायो- डाटा फॉम� / Bio- Data Form
(to be submitted in letter head of the contractor)
नाम / Name | 4-सwािपत पा4ोट� साइज़ फोटो लगाय� Affix Self-attested Passport size photograph | |
xxxx का नाम / Father’s Name | ||
जƠ ितथी / Date of Birth | ||
िलंग / Gender | ||
शै�िणक यो�ता / Educational Qualification | ||
वत�मान पता / Current Address | ||
स्थाई पता / Permanent Address | ||
xxxxxx xx. / Mobile No. | ||
आधार नं. / Aadhaar No. | ||
पैन नं. / PAN No. | ||
ब�क खाता िववरण / Bank Account Details | खाता सं%ा/ Account No.- आई.एफ.xx.xx. कोड/ IFSC Code- | |
पी.एफ. (xx.x.xx.) सं%ा / PF (UAN) No. | ||
ई.xx.xx.xx. (आई.पी.) नं. / ESIC (IP) No. | ||
भूतपूव� सैिनक/ Ex-Serviceman | (हाँ Yes / नही ं No) | |
शारी�रक मापदं ड / Body Parameters | ऊँ चाई/ Height- ……….., वजन/ Weight- ………… नज़र/ Eye sight- (बायाँ/Left) ……(दायाँ/ Right)…… | |
नमूना ह�ा�र अथवा अंगूठे का िनशान/ Specimen Signature or Thumb impression |
ऊपर दशा�ये गये िववरण मेरे �ारा जाँच िलये गये है और उपयु4 द�ावेजों के साथ समिथ�त ह�।
The above details are verified by me and are supported with suitable documents.
ऑिफिशयल सील के साथ ह�ा�र / Signature with official seal-
अिधकारी का नाम / Name of Official-
पदनाम / Designation-
स्थान / Place-
िदनांक / Date-
इस बायो-डाटा फॉम� के साथ आधार काड� अथवा िकसी अ� उपयु4 फोटो आईडी काड� की प्रित लगानी आव4क है
It is mandatory to submit Photocopy of Aadhaar Card or any other suitable Photo ID Card with this bio-data form.
Annexure- IX
MSTC पोट�ल पर िनिवदा के भाग -1 के साथ अपलोड िकए जाने वाले द�ावेजों की चेकिल�
Checklist for documents to be uploaded on MSTC portal along with Part-1 of Tender
Sr. No. | Particulars of the documents | Submitted (Yes/ No/ Not Applicable*) *Kindly provide valid reason for non-applicability |
1. | Tender Document issued by the Bank – duly filled, stamped and signed (including all Annexures, Minutes of pre-bid meeting and corrigendum if any) | |
2. | Power of Attorney/ authorization with the seal of the company/ firm in the name of the person signing the tender documents | |
3. | Copy of NEFT Receipt/ Bank Guarantee/ Demand Draft as evidence of remitting EMD amount of ₹ 2,60,000/- | |
4. | Copy of PSARA License | |
5. | Certificate of incorporation and Memorandum and Articles of Association / partnership deed/ other relevant certificate of registration for commencement of business | |
6. | Particulars of tenderer (in format prescribed under Xxxxxxxx- XX) along with particulars of all the directors and responsible officials/ partners/ individual/individuals involved | |
7. | Copy of PAN Card & other related Income Tax documents | |
8. | Copy of GST Registration Certificate | |
9. | Copy of MSMED Registration Certificate, if any | |
10. | Copy of EPF Registration | |
11. | Copy of ESIC Registration | |
12. | Copy of License under Section12 (1) of Contract Labour (R&A) Act 1970 read with section 21 of Contract Labour Act 1971 | |
13. | Work Orders and completion certificates in support of experience of more than 5 years in carrying out similar works | |
14. | Details of similar qualifying works completed in last 5 years along with contact details of clients (in format prescribed under Xxxxxxxx-X) | |
15. | Work Orders for all similar qualifying works completed in last 5 years | |
16. | Client’s Certificates (in format prescribed under Annexure V) from different clients in letterhead of the client and signed by authorized signatory for all similar qualifying works completed in last 5 years |
Sr. No. | Particulars of the documents | Submitted (Yes/ No/ Not Applicable*) *Kindly provide valid reason for non-applicability |
17. | Copy of TDS Certificates as a proof of payment for all client certificates issued by private organizations | |
18. | Completion certificates for all similar qualifying works completed in last 5 years | |
19. | Work Orders for previous experience, if any, of carrying out Works for the Reserve Bank of India at any center | |
20. | Copies of the Audited Final Accounts for last 3 years and a certificate issued by Chartered Accountant indicating the turnover for the last 3 years | |
21. | Copies of the Income Tax Clearance Certificates/ Income Tax Assessment Orders/ Income Tax Returns for last 3 years | |
22. | Details of Bank Accounts along with Contact details of Banker(s) (in format prescribed under Xxxxxxxx XX) | |
23. | Banker’s Certificate in letter head of the Bank and signed by authorized signatory | |
24. | Valid document in support of having self-owned Establishment/ Set up/ Mechanism to provide training of guards and full-fledged service setup/ back office/ administrative office in Nagpur | |
25. | Undertaking of having all the required legal/ statutory approvals for carrying out this business at Nagpur | |
26. | Undertaking of not having convicted in a Court of Law or suspended / blacklisted by any organization on any grounds | |
27. | Particulars of all Civil suits pending, if any | |
28. | List of deviations, if any, in commercial terms and conditions | |
29. | List of deviation, if any, in technical specifications | |
30. | Other relevant documents, if any 1. ………………………………………………… 2. ………………………………………………… 3. ………………………………………………… 4. ………………………………………………… 5. ………………………………………………… |
Signature of the tenderer with seal
Price Bid
(This is for illustrative purpose only, the Price Bid should not be submitted with Part I –Technical Bid. It should be submitted online in MSTC Portal)
Fixed Amount:
S. No. | Description | Rates | Total Amount per annum |
I | Minimum Wages (Basic + VDA for Central Govt Area A)* | ₹ 866 x 365 days | ₹ 3,16,090 |
II | EPF Contribution @ 12% of wages | @ 12% on (I) | ₹ 37,931 |
III | EDLI Contribution @ 0.5% on max ₹ 15,000 | ₹ 75 x 12 months | ₹ 900 |
IV | EPF Administrative Charges @ 0.5% of wages | @ 0.5% on (I) | ₹ 1580 |
V | ESIC Contribution @ 3.25% of wages | NA for monthly wages > ₹ 21,000/- | ₹ 0 |
VI | Total wages plus EPF and ESI per Security guard per month | (I) + (II) + (III) + (IV) + (V) | ₹ 3,56,501 |
VII | No. of Security Guards | 30 | |
VIII | Total Fixed Cost per annum | (VI) x (VII) | ₹ 1,06,95,030 |
Price Bid Format: (to be filled by bidder online)
Fixed amount by the Bank | ₹ 1,06,95,030/- (A) |
Quoted Service Charge In percentage % (including reliever/ leave reserve charges, cost of uniform and training of security guards, contractor’s profit & overhead, Workmen compensation policy, Contractors all risk policy, Bonus payment to workers (if applicable), transportation, loading and unloading, freight charges, transit insurance and other administrative charges and all taxes, duty or other levy levied by Central Government or any State Government or local authority if applicable other than Good and Service Tax (GST)) | (B) (to be quoted as percentage of fixed amount, A) |
Total Charges per Annum | (C= A + B% of A) |
GST @ 18% on Total Charges per Annum | (D= 18% of C) |
Total Contract Value per Annum | (E= C + D) |
1. The intending tenderers are required to quote their service charge/ profit (inclusive of reliever/ leave reserve charges, cost of uniform and training of security guards, contractor’s profit & overhead, Workmen compensation policy, Contractors all risk policy, Bonus payment to workers (if applicable), transportation, loading and unloading, freight charges, transit insurance and other administrative charges and all taxes, duty or other levy levied by Central Government or any State Government or local authority if applicable other than
Good and Service Tax (GST)) as percentage of the fixed amount given by the Bank. Quotations received in any other format will be summarily rejected.
For Example: -
If the Vendor wants to quote 20% as Service charge (including all costs except GST) on fixed amount, then he will quote only 20 in the respective field of price bid at MSTC website.
2. Rates quoted online are to be exclusive of GST. GST will be calculated extra on total charges to arrive at the contract cost and will be paid as applicable on actual basis. No separate claim in respect of any tax (other than applicable GST), duty or levy whether existing or future and/ or any other charges shall be entertained by the Bank.
3. The minimum wages notified for employees employed in Watch and Ward Services (without arms) as per order F. No. 1/ 16(3)/ 2022-LS-II dated September 28, 2022 has been considered for arriving at Fixed amount by the Bank.
4. The payment of wages and any future revision in this Fixed cost by the Bank (and accordingly, in contract cost) will be based on the minimum wages as notified by the Ministry of Labour and Employment for Watch and Ward Services (without arms).
5. The Rates of EPF, ESIC and EDLI Contribution and EPF Administrative charges indicated above are as per the extant government guidelines and the same is used to derive the Fixed amount. In the event of revision/ change in any of the above rates by the government, the Fixed amount and accordingly, the contract cost will be recalculated and revised accordingly.
I/We hereby declare that I/we have read and understood the schedule of quantities and contents of Part II of the tender and also have read and understood all the above conditions and the same shall remain binding upon me/us in case the work is entrusted to me/us.
Signature of tenderer with seal Address: