Article 15 Primjeri odredbi

Article 15. (1) This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of Republic of Croatia.
Article 15. Restrictions to Safeguard the Balance of Payments General Exceptions
Article 15. Student is allowed to set particular additional requests related to his/her educational needs and expectations. In this case student must address the Pan- European University Senate with the written request. Student's request is permitted by the Xxxxxx of the University. The Pan-European University is obliged to provide necessary equipment and teaching aid needed for performing of the lecturing processes, as well as computer and informational - communicational resources and required literature in accordance with legal quality standards.
Article 15. Definition of a Person Closely Related to an Enterprise PART V.
Article 15. Free disposal of funds and freedom of business Privileges and Immunities of the Members of the Secretariat Access to the Labor Market
Article 15. The Agreement is drawn up in the English language in one original version, which will remain in the possession of the Depository. Each Party will receive one verified copy of the Agreement. Done at Berlin on 3/11 2022 Predstavnici Albanije, Bosne i Hercegovine, Kosova*, Crne Xxxx, Xxxxxxx Makedonije i Srbije (u daljem tekstu: Strane i pojedinačno: Strana) VOĐENI načelima prava EU, evropskim vrednostima i dobrom praksom EU u cilju daljeg unapređenja saradnje i nastojeći da međusobno olakšaju uslove putovanja i dobre odnose tako što će pojednostaviti administrativne procedure za ulazak, tranzit, izlazak i kratkotrajni boravak fizičkih lica/imalaca ličnih karata na Zapadnom Balkanu, IZRAŽAVAJUĆI spremnost za jačanje regionalne saradnje i međusobnog razumevanja, koje doprinosi ekonomskom razvoju i povećanju ekonomskog rasta, investicija i zapošljavanja na Zapadnom Balkanu, UZIMAJUĆI U OBZIR značaj slobodnog kretanja fizičkih lica/imalaca ličnih karata za napredak i ekonomski prosperitet na snažnom i naprednom Zapadnom Balkanu pružanjem neophodnog doprinosa evropskoj perspektivi regiona, IMAJUĆI U VIDU Zaključke koje su usvojili lideri u okviru Berlinskog procesa, naglašavajući viziju prosperiteta u kojoj ljudi sa Zapadnog Balkana uživaju iste slobode kao i evropski građani, UZIMAJUĆI U OBZIR Deklaraciju lidera Zapadnog Balkana o zajedničkom regionalnom tržištu - stabilan osnov za dublju regionalnu ekonomsku integraciju i put ka jedinstvenom tržištu EU, usvojenu na Samitu lidera Zapadnog Balkana u okviru Berlinskog procesa, održanom 10. novembra 2020. godine u Sofiji, UVERENI da će regionalna saradnja doprineti izgradnji društava zasnovanih na demokratiji, vladavini prava i poštovanju ljudskih prava, UZIMAJUĆI U OBZIR značaj xxxx Xxxxxx pridaju borbi protiv organizovanog kriminala, korupciji i jačanju regionalne saradnje, UVIĐAJUĆI da su sve Strane na evropskom putu i da ova regionalna saradnja nema nameru da duplira ili zameni EU i da ovom sporazumu nisu potrebne institucije koje donose zakone, * Ovaj naziv ne dovodi u pitanje stavove o statusu i u skladu je sa Rezolucijom SBUN 1244/1999 i Mišljenjem MSP o proglašenju nezavisnosti Kosova. Sporazumeli su se o sledećem:
Article 15. In the event no solution is reached through direct negotiations, the High Council shall take cognizance of the dispute or the situation and shall recommend to the parties in dispute appropriate means of settlement such as good offices, mediation, inquiry or conciliation. The High Council may however offer its good offices, or upon agreement of the parties in dispute, constitute itself into a committee of mediation, inquiry or conciliation. When deemed necessary, the High Council shall recommend appropriate measures for the prevention of a deterioration of the dispute or the situation. The foregoing provisions of this Chapter shall not apply to, a dispute unless all the parties to the dispute agree to their application to that dispute. However, this shall not preclude the other High Contracting Parties not party to the dispute from offering all possible assistance to settle the said dispute. Parties to the dispute should be well disposed towards such offers of assistance.
Article 15. 1. The Director-General of the International Labour Office shall notify all Members of the International Labour Organisation of the registration of all ratifications, declarations and denunciations communicated to him by the Members of the Organisation.
Article 15. If a potentially affected Party wishes to be notified about a proposed activity, the affected Party and the Party of origin shall without undue delay enter into consultations in order to find a common agreement on whether the proposed activity is subject to article 4.
Article 15. Exemption from Customs and Treatment