Confidentiality and Data Protection mintaszakaszok

Confidentiality and Data Protection. The Seller shall keep strictly confidential, and not without the Buyer’s prior written consent, disclose to any third party any Confidential Information, and shall allow access to Confidential Information only to such employees who need such access to perform the Agreement. The Seller shall use the Confidential Information only for the purpose of performing the Agreement. Seller acknowledges that proprietary and confidential information will be received from Buyer or developed for Buyer under the Purchase Order, regardless of whether such information is marked or identified as confidential. Seller’s obligations under this Section will continue for a period of ten (10) years from the date of disclosure of information covered by this Section, unless a longer period is specified in writing by Buyer. The Seller undertakes to process personal data transmitted within the scope of the Buyer's orders exclusively in accordance with the provisions of the GDPR and the any additional local legislation. The Seller is obligated, if necessary, to conclude a data processing Agreement with the Buyer pursuant to Art. 28 GDPR.
Confidentiality and Data Protection. (1) The Parties undertake to keep the content of this agreement confidential, in particular with regard to conditions, and to comply with applicable data protection provisions. Notably, the Parties shall not publicly defame each other. (2) Each Party shall treat all confidential information which the other Party discloses to it in connection with the agreement as confidential without restrictions. Confidential information within the meaning of this provision shall be information, documents, or data designated as such or which are to be regarded as confidential due to their nature, in particular personal data. This shall not apply to information which is accessible to the public or which has been in the possession of the other Party prior to its disclosure. (3) The confidentiality obligation shall not apply to the disclosure of information to affiliated companies within the meaning of the Hungarian Accounting Act. Notably information within the framework of the supply chain and procurement management may be passed on to affiliated companies worldwide. (4) Furthermore, the Parties undertake to grant access to confidential information of the other Party only to those employees and subcontractors and suppliers who are entrusted with the provision of services within the scope of this agreement and with whom appropriate confidentiality and data protection agreements have been concluded. The aforementioned confidentiality obligations shall survive the termination of this agreement for a period of two years. With regard to personal data, the confidentiality obligation is unlimited in time. (5) To the extent that the AN is acting as a data processing agent for the AG, an agreement shall be concluded in order to ensure that the requirements for contract data processing (so-called “instructions”) are complied with (see the data protection annex of this agreement for a sample of the requirements stipulated within the Hungarian Data Protection Act ). (6) Without the prior consent of the AG, the AN shall not be entitled to use either the business relationship with the AG as such or its content for advertising purposes. Oldalszám 5/6 Rev.02 01/04/2016

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