Data protection mintaszakaszok

Data protection. The Privacy Policy on the processing of the User's personal data when using the Service is available on the following page: xxxxx://xxx.xxxxxxx.xx/xx/xxxxx
Data protection. VIII.1 The detailed provisions on the processing of the Client’s personal data and the Privacy Policy are included in Annex 1.
Data protection. 52. The personal data provided by the Customer shall be managed by Simple as assigned, exclusively for the performance of the SimplePay Service and Simple shall transfer these data solely to the third person determined in the privacy policy accepted by the Customer for the purpose of data processing or management in order to perform further Transactions.
Data protection. 12.1. By accepting these Travel Insurance Conditions you assume the obligation that during and for the purposes of assessment of the service claim when necessary you will
Data protection. We abide by our privacy policy which can be found at any time under : xxxxx://
Data protection. (1) The competent authorities of the Parties shall exchange data in compliance with their national legislation and in compliance with the requirements determined by the providing authority, as well as the following conditions applicable both in cases of digital and non- digital data processing:
Data protection. 1. The Parties shall cooperate with each other in the framework of the European Parliament and of the Council on the protection of individuals with regard to the protection of individuals with regard to the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46 / EC. No. 2016/679 (General Data Protection Regulation / GDPR)
Data protection. All participants of the translation process shall comply with the effective domestic and EU data protection laws, as amended from time to time, in particular Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council (General Data Protection Regulation). In compliance with the data protection agreement made between them, the parties shall ensure a procedure for the processing of personal data, which enables them to retrieve and delete them from their own storage, as necessary. This applies, in particular, to the management of translation memories, and the personal data contained in them, including information stored in meta data. Each party shall restrict personal data processing to the volume any type indispensably required for the completion of the work.
Data protection. 7.1. The basis of Act CXII of 2011 on Informational Self-Determination and Freedom of Information the Auditor shall be considered as a controller of personal data. The Auditor undertakes to keep the personal data received in confidence, and to use the same only to the extent necessary for the assignment. The Auditor shall process personal data made available to it by the Organization on the basis of the legitimate interest of the Organization. The Organization warrants the lawfulness of the disclosure of the personal data of the data subjects. The Auditor shall not disclose or provide access to personal data without the prior consent of the Organization.
Data protection. 1. Study Subjects’ Personal Data: The Institution shall process the personal data of the study subjects in compliance with the Protocol, the statement of informed consent and the applicable data protection laws. 2. Personal Data of Study Personnel: 2.1. CRO an/or Sponsor may request the Institution‘s personnel and participants taking part in the performance of the Study to give their consent to the processing of their