Notification by electronic means mintaszakaszok

Notification by electronic means. The User and the Service Provider shall notify each other about the information related to the performance of the Framework Agreement by electronic means - at the e-mail address of the Service Provider's Customer Service or at the e-mail address provided by the User. Notifications sent via e-mail to or from the above e- mail addresses shall be deemed as delivered one day after sending, in the absence of confirmation. The notifications and confirmations sent via e-mail under the Framework Agreement shall be sent to the User or the Service Provider without a formal or company signature and without any substitute identification, which the Parties acknowledge and consider accepted unless proven otherwise. With respect to e-mails created in accordance with the rules set forth in the Framework Agreement, the Parties shall not be entitled to claim before any court or other authority that they do not comply with the requirements of written documents made on behalf of the Service Provider or the User, unless it can be proven that they were used with fraudulent or other unlawful intent. In the event of a dispute regarding the identity of the sender of the e-mail or the content of the e-mail, the sender shall bear the burden of proving that the e-mail was not sent by the person indicated as the sender or with the content received. The Parties declare that they consider the applicable e- mail correspondence system to be secure and suitable and undertake to inform the other Party immediately in case of any threat to the security of the system.
Notification by electronic means. The User and the Service Provider shall notify each other about the information related to the performance of the Framework Agreement by electronic means - at the e-mail address of the Service Provider's Customer Service or at the e-mail address provided by the User. A fenti e-mail címekre és e-mail címekről e-mailben küldött értesítés visszaigazolás hiányában a küldéstől számított egy nap elteltével kézbesítettnek tekintendő. Notifications sent via e-mail to or from the above e- mail addresses shall be deemed as delivered one day after sending, in the absence of confirmation. Az e-mail-ben küldött, a Keretszerződés szerinti értesítések, visszaigazolások hivatalos, illetve cégszerű aláírás és ezt helyettesítő azonosítás nélkül jutnak el a Felhasználóhoz, illetve a Szolgáltatóhoz, amelyet a Felek tudomásul vesznek, és ellenkező bizonyításig elfogadottnak tekintenek. The notifications and confirmations sent via e-mail under the Framework Agreement shall be sent to the User or the Service Provider without a formal or company signature and without any substitute identification, which the Parties acknowledge and consider accepted unless proven otherwise. A Keretszerződésben rögzített szabályoknak megfelelően létrehozott e-mailek tekintetében Felek sem bíróságok, sem más hatóságok előtt nem hivatkozhatnak arra, hogy azok nem felelnek meg a Szolgáltató vagy a Felhasználó nevében tett írásos dokumentumok követelményeinek, kivéve, ha alkalmazására bizonyíthatóan, csalárd vagy egyéb jogellenes szándékkal került sor. With respect to e-mails created in accordance with the rules set forth in the Framework Agreement, the Parties shall not be entitled to claim before any court or other authority that they do not comply with the requirements of written documents made on behalf of the Service Provider or the User, unless it can be proven that they were used with fraudulent or other unlawful intent. Abban az esetben, ha a küldő fél e-mailjével kapcsolatban vita merül fel a küldő személyét illetően, vagy a levél tartalmával kapcsolatban, a küldő felet terheli annak bizonyítása, hogy a levelet nem a feladóként megjelölt személy, vagy nem a megérkezett tartalommal küldte el. In the event of a dispute regarding the identity of the sender of the e-mail or the content of the e-mail, the sender shall bear the burden of proving that the e-mail was not sent by the person indicated as the sender or with the content received. Felek kijelentik, hogy az alkalmazandó e-mail levelezési re...