Application Klausul Contoh

Application. 4D.3.1 Admission to Ordinary Membership shall be made by way of application in the prescribed form. 4D.3.2 The admission of Ordinary Members shall be decided by the General Committee, whose discretion is absolute. 4D.3.3 The Club shall, as soon as the application has been considered and decided by the General Committee, inform the candidate of such decision. In the event that the application is approved the Club shall request him to pay the amount due in respect of the Membership Fee. 4D.3.4 Upon payment of the Membership Fee in full, the applicant’s name shall be entered in the register of Ordinary Members, whereupon he shall be an Ordinary Member and be entitled to the full privileges of such Membership. If the applicant fails to pay his Membership Fee or any installments thereof as shall be permitted by the General Committee under sub-Rule 4D.4.2 within such times as shall be determined by the General Committee, all payments made on application shall be forfeited and the application shall be deemed to be rejected and all privileges (if any) enjoyed by him shall immediately cease.
Application. 4F.3.1 Admission to Weekday Golfing Membership shall be made by way of application in the prescribed form. 4F.3.2 The admission of Weekday Golfing Members shall be decided by the General Committee, whose discretion is absolute. 4F.3.3 The Club shall, as soon as the application has been considered and decided by the General Committee, inform the candidate of such decision. In the event that the application is approved the Club shall request him to pay the amount due in respect of the Membership Fee. 4F.3.4 Upon payment of the Membership Fee in full, the applicant’s name shall be entered in the register of Weekday Golfing Members, whereupon he shall be a Weekday Golfing Member and be entitled to the full privileges of such Membership. If the applicant fails to pay his Membership Fee or any installments thereof as shall be permitted by the General Committee under sub-Rule 4F.4.2 within such times as shall be determined by the General Committee, all payments made on application shall be forfeited and the application shall be deemed to be rejected and all privileges (if any) enjoyed by him shall immediately cease.
Application. 4G.2.1 Any incorporated company with a registered office and carrying on business in Malaysia and such other bodies (whether incorporated or unincorporated and not being individuals) as shall be determined by the General Committee from time to time as being eligible to become a Registered Corporation, may, if they wish to become a Registered Corporation, apply on the prescribed form. Such application shall be considered by the General Committee who may approve or reject the same without giving any reason for such decision. 4G.2.2 The Club shall, as soon as the application has been considered and decided by the General Committee, notify the applicant of such decision. In the event that the application is approved, the Club shall request the applicant to pay the amount due in respect of the Corporate Fee. 4G.2.3 Subject to Rule 4G.3.1, upon payment of the Corporate Fee in full, the applicant’s name shall be entered into the Registrar of Registered Corporations and the applicant shall be deemed to be a Registered Corporation for the purposes hereunder, and the name of the Nominee shall be entered in the Register of Nominees, whereupon the Registered Corporation shall be deemed to have exercised its Corporate Right, and the Nominee shall be deemed to have been admitted as a Corporate Member. 4G.2.4 If the applicant fails to pay the Corporate Fee, within thirty (30) days from the date of notification by the Club or in the case of any installments thereof as shall be permitted by the General Committee pursuant to sub-Rule 4G.3.2 within such times as shall have been determined by the General Committee, all payments made on application shall be forfeited and the application shall be deemed to be rejected and all privileges (if any) enjoyed by the Nominee shall immediately cease.

Related to Application

  • PAYMENT 8.1 Immediately after the fall of the hammer, the successful bidder (“Purchaser”) shall sign the Memorandum at the foot of these conditions. For online bidders please refer to the Terms & Conditions on for the manner of payment of the same.

  • GENERAL The Purchaser is treated as buying with full knowledge of the related Documents whether or not such inspection occurs and shall raise no objection or requisition regarding the contents thereof. The Purchaser shall admit the identity of the property purchased by him with that described in the Related Documents without requiring any further proof. The Assignee shall not be required to explain or remedy any discrepancy or omission discovered in the Related Documents. No representation warranty or undertaking whatsoever is made or should be implied as to the authenticity of the Related Documents, and no objection or requisition shall be raised as to loss of the original(s), or the failure to stamp documents or insufficient duty paid thereon, or failure to register any instruments.

  • INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY 9.1. Any information, contents, materials, documents, details, graphics, files, data, text, images, digital pictures, or any visual being displayed in the ESZAM AUCTIONEER SDN BHD website shall not be used or published either by electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the permission from ESZAM AUCTIONEER SDN BHD website.

  • PROSEDUR PENGALIHAN INVESTASI Pengalihan investasi dilakukan dengan mengisi secara lengkap, menandatangani dan menyampaikan Formulir Pengalihan Investasi kepada Manajer Investasi atau melalui Agen Penjual Efek Reksa Dana yang ditunjuk oleh Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx (jika ada). Untuk mempermudah proses pengalihan investasi, Manajer Investasi dapat memproses pengalihan investasi secara elektronik melalui fasilitas yang tersedia pada situs Manajer Investasi atau situs Agen Penjual Efek Reksa Dana yang mempunyai kerja sama dengan Manajer Investasi. Proses pengalihan secara elektronik tunduk pada syarat dan ketentuan yang tercantum dalam situs tersebut, selain syarat dan ketentuan dalam Prospektus. Dokumen pendukung untuk transaksi pengalihan investasi, apabila disyaratkan, dapat dikirimkan oleh Pemegang Unit Penyertaan melalui faksimili atau fasilitas elektronik lainnya sepanjang memenuhi ketentuan peraturan yang berlaku terkait informasi dan transaksi elektronik. Manajer Investasi wajib memastikan kesiapan sistem elektronik yang disediakan oleh Manajer Investasi atau Agen Penjual Efek Reksa Dana yang ditunjuk oleh Manajer Investasi (jika ada) untuk pengalihan investasi dan memastikan bahwa sistem elektronik tersebut telah sesuai dengan peraturan ketentuan hukum di bidang informasi dan transaksi elektronik yang berlaku, yang antara lain memberikan informasi dan bukti transaksi yang sah, dokumen elektronik yang dapat dicetak apabila diminta oleh Pemegang Unit Penyertaan dan/atau OJK, dan melindungi kepentingan Pemegang Unit Penyertaan yang beritikad baik serta memastikan Pemegang Unit Penyertaan telah melakukan pendaftaran pada sistem elektronik yang disediakan oleh Manajer Investasi atau Agen Penjual Efek Reksa Dana yang ditunjuk oleh Manajer Investasi (jika ada). Manajer Investasi bertanggung jawab atas penyelenggaraan Formulir Pengalihan Investasi dengan sistem elektronik. Pengalihan investasi tersebut harus dilakukan sesuai dengan syarat dan ketentuan yang tercantum dalam Kontrak, Prospektus dan dalam Formulir Pengalihan Investasi. Pengalihan investasi oleh Pemegang Unit Penyertaan yang dilakukan menyimpang dari ketentuan- ketentuan dan persyaratan-persyaratan dalam Reksa Dana yang bersangkutan akan ditolak dan tidak diproses.

  • PUBLIC AUCTION ON TUESDAY, THE 31ST DAY OF JANUARY, 2023 TIME: 11.00 A.M. The prospective bidders may submit bids for the property online via (Please register at least one (1) working day before auction day for registration & verification purposes)

  • Transparansi Informasi Manajer Investasi mempunyai kewajiban mengumumkan NAB setiap hari di surat kabar dengan sirkulasi nasional serta menerbitkan laporan keuangan tahunan melalui pembaharuan prospektus.

  • Penata Tk I NIP. 196705221998032002 PIHAK KESATU Pengatur Tk. I NIP. 198302142008012016

  • PENDAPAT DARI SEGI HUKUM Lihat halaman selanjutnya

  • AFTER AUCTION 6.1 Any successful E-bidders shall and undertake to sign the contract of sale and pay the additional 10% for the difference of the purchase price within two (2) working days to ESZAM AUCTIONEER SDN BHD bank account or prepare a bank draft. In the event that the successful E-bidder fail to pay additional deposit, the Bank will forfeit the deposit and the sale will be deemed cancelled/terminated and the property may be put up for subsequent auction without further notice to the said E-bidders.

  • CONSENT It shall be the responsibility of the Purchaser to apply for consent from the Developer/Landowner and other relevant authorities, if any in respect of the sale and all fees, charges and expenses including administrative fees and/or legal fees in connection with or incidental to the application and/or endorsement of the assignment and/or the transfer of the property by the Developer/Proprietor shall be borne by the Purchaser. The Purchaser undertakes to keep the Assignee and/or their solicitors informed of progress of such applications.