Program Components Klausul Contoh

Program Components. Customer is licensed to use the Program Component(s) pursuant to the terms of this Agreement, but only on the Machine Component supplied by IBM or an authorized reseller or any replacement of a Machine Component provided to Customer by IBM or an authorized reseller. Customer may not transfer its license to use the Program Component(s) to another Enterprise. Each IBM Machine Component is manufactured from parts that may be new or used. In some cases, an IBM Machine Component may not be new and may have been previously installed. Regardless, IBM’s applicable warranty terms described in Part 2.3apply. When Customer acquires a Machine Component directly from IBM, IBM transfers title to a Machine Component to Customer or, if applicable, Customer’s lessor, upon payment of all the amounts due. For a feature, conversion, or another type of upgrade acquired for a Machine Component, IBM reserves transfer of title until IBM receives payment of all the amounts due and, as applicable, all removed parts, which become IBM’s property. For each Machine Component, IBM bears the risk of loss or damage up to the time it is delivered to the IBM-designated carrier for shipment to Customer or Customer’s designated location. Thereafter, Customer assumes the risk. Each Machine Component will be covered by insurance, arranged and paid for by IBM for Customer, covering the period until it is delivered to Customer or Customer’s designated location. For any loss or damage, Customer must i) report the loss or damage in writing to IBM within 10 business days of delivery and ii) follow the applicable claim procedure.

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