Reliability Statistics Klausul Contoh

Reliability Statistics. Cronbach's Alpha N of Items Item-Total Statistics Scale Mean if Item Deleted Scale Variance if Item Deleted Corrected Item- Total Correlation Cronbach's Alpha if Item Deleted X2.1 14.7188 12.015 .648 .856 X2.2 14.8750 11.339 .682 .847 X2.3 14.9063 10.023 .759 .828 X2.4 15.0313 10.483 .746 .831 X2.5 14.9688 11.709 .661 .852
Reliability Statistics. Cronbach's Alpha N of Items ,933 28 Item Statistics Mean Std. Deviation N aitem_1 2,60 ,720 45 aitem_2 2,33 ,564 45 aitem_3 2,36 ,609 45 aitem_4 2,40 ,618 45 aitem_5 2,44 ,624 45 aitem_6 2,44 ,624 45 aitem_7 2,60 ,688 45 aitem_8 2,56 ,659 45 aitem_9 2,56 ,624 45 aitem_10 2,47 ,625 45 aitem_11 2,51 ,727 45 aitem_12 2,47 ,588 45 aitem_13 2,42 ,621 45 aitem_14 2,49 ,661 45 aitem_15 2,42 ,690 45 aitem_16 2,40 ,580 45 aitem_17 2,33 ,640 45 aitem_18 2,33 ,522 45 aitem_19 2,49 ,626 45 aitem_20 2,51 ,589 45 aitem_21 2,56 ,693 45 aitem_22 2,53 ,661 45 aitem_23 2,44 ,725 45 aitem_24 2,33 ,564 45 aitem_25 2,44 ,725 45 aitem_26 2,31 ,514 45 aitem_27 2,27 ,495 45 aitem_28 2,24 ,570 45 Item-Total Statistics Scale Mean if Item Deleted Scale Variance if Item Deleted Corrected Item- Total Correlation Cronbach's Alpha if Item Deleted aitem_1 65,67 101,273 ,602 ,930 aitem_2 65,93 102,336 ,689 ,929 aitem_3 65,91 104,719 ,436 ,932 aitem_4 65,87 103,982 ,488 ,931 aitem_5 65,82 106,013 ,321 ,934 aitem_6 65,82 104,286 ,459 ,932 aitem_7 65,67 101,545 ,613 ,930 aitem_8 65,71 101,165 ,673 ,929 aitem_9 65,71 102,574 ,598 ,930 aitem_10 65,80 102,073 ,638 ,929 xxxxx_11 65,76 102,189 ,531 ,931 aitem_12 65,80 102,164 ,674 ,929 aitem_13 65,84 102,362 ,618 ,930 aitem_14 65,78 102,722 ,549 ,931 aitem_15 65,84 102,953 ,506 ,931 aitem_16 65,87 103,118 ,600 ,930 xxxxx_17 65,93 102,836 ,561 ,930 xxxxx_18 65,93 104,973 ,493 ,931 xxxxx_19 65,78 103,359 ,532 ,931 aitem_20 65,76 102,007 ,687 ,929 aitem_21 65,71 99,983 ,726 ,928 aitem_22 65,73 101,155 ,672 ,929 aitem_23 65,82 102,013 ,545 ,931 aitem_24 65,93 105,745 ,384 ,933 aitem_25 65,82 101,468 ,584 ,930 aitem_26 65,96 104,453 ,552 ,931 aitem_27 66,00 105,955 ,423 ,932 aitem_28 66,02 105,159 ,430 ,932 Mean Variance Std. Deviation N of Items 68,27 110,518 10,513 28 NPar Tests Notes Output Created 18-AUG-2023 17:51:28 Comments Active Dataset DataSet1 Filter <none> Input Weight <none> Split File <none> N of Rows in Working Data File 45 Definition of Missing User-defined missing values are treated as missing.
Reliability Statistics. Cronbach's Alpha N of Items Item-Total Statistics Scale Mean if Item Deleted Scale Variance if Item Deleted Corrected Item- Total Correlation Cronbach's Alpha if Item Deleted q6 16,7500 4,443 ,658 ,788 q7 16,6500 4,129 ,739 ,763 q8 16,6125 4,823 ,613 ,802 q9 16,7250 4,050 ,779 ,750 q10 16,5625 5,085 ,685 ,863 Jaminan sosial
Reliability Statistics. Cronbach's Alpha N of Items Item-Total Statistics Scale Mean if Item Deleted Scale Variance if Item Deleted Corrected Item- Total Correlation Cronbach's Alpha if Item Deleted q11 17,0125 2,494 ,434 ,536 q12 16,9250 2,323 ,545 ,474 q13 17,0375 2,619 ,477 ,566 q14 16,9375 2,490 ,477 ,515 q15 16,9375 3,173 ,585 ,702 ANOVAa Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. Regression 145,624 2 72,812 51,637 ,000b
Reliability Statistics. Cronbach's Alpha N of Iteems Correlations iteem13 iteem14 iteem15 iteem16 iteem17 iteem18 iteem19 iteem20 Standar K3 iteem13 Peearson Correelation 1 .491* .145 .145 .336 .066 .066 .378 .642** Sig. (2- taileed) .028 .541 .541 .147 .783 .783 .100 .002 N 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 iteem14 Peearson Correelation .491* 1 .250 .667** .840** .050 .050 .000 .693** Sig. (2- taileed) .028 .288 .001 .000 .833 .833 1.000 .001 N 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 iteem15 Peearson Correelation .145 .250 1 .444* .327 .369 .369 .192 .543* Sig. (2- taileed) .541 .288 .050 .160 .110 .110 .416 .013 N 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 iteem16 Peearson Correelation .145 .667** .444* 1 .793** .369 .369 .192 .705** Sig. (2- taileed) .541 .001 .050 .000 .110 .110 .416 .001 N 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 iteem17 Peearson Correelation .336 .840** .327 .793** 1 .183 .183 .081 .718** Sig. (2- taileed) .147 .000 .160 .000 .440 .440 .735 .000 N 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20
Reliability Statistics. Cronbach's Alpha N of Iteems
Reliability Statistics. Cronbach's Alpha N of Iteems Correlations iteem37 iteem38 iteem39 Peemeeliharaan Alat Keerja iteem37 Peearson Correelation 1 .688** .452* .879** **. Correelation is significant at thee 0.01 leevel (2-taileed). *. Correlation is significant at thee 0.05 leeveel (2-taileed). Sig. (2-taileed) .001 .045 .000 N 20 20 20 20
Reliability Statistics. Cronbach's Alpha N of Iteems Correlations iteem40 iteem41 iteem42 iteem43 iteem44 Standar Keerja iteem40 Peearson Correelation 1 .429 .435 .429 .759** .759** Sig. (2-taileed) .059 .055 .059 .000 .000 N 20 20 20 20 20 20
Reliability Statistics. Cronbach's Alpha N of Iteems *. Correelation is significant at thee 0.05 leeveel (2-taileed). **. Correelation is significant at thee 0.01 leeveel (2-taileed).