However, Europmoto Rent is not liable for any damage to persons or property of any kind. (such as a ruined holiday) in the event of a malfunction of the vehicle. The Lessor shall not be responsible for the Customer, to the driver or the members of the respective families for any damage of any kind suffered by them, including economic injury, or for personal injury, except to the extent of the latter, the application of art. 33 paragraph 2 lett. a) and b) and 36 paragraph 2, letter a) of D. Lgs 205/2006, both for damage resulting from faults or malfunctions of the vehicle or road accidents. In any case, the Lessor cannot be held responsible for any type of damage caused as a result of thefts, riots, fires, earthquakes, wars or other circumstances beyond one’s control. Article 11 (Insurance coverage)