Definizione di Type of

Type of. Contract Full-time Contract Duration Permanent
Type of. Contract Full-time Contract Duration Fixed Term Line Managers Job Title Community Education Manager Supervisory/Managerial Responsibilities None Accountability • The post be responsible for the smooth running of the general administration and quality assurance of the project. • The post holder will report to the Ceredigion Employability Support Manager. • Locally the post holder will assist in the development and implementation of the project and be accountable to the Employability Support Project Manager. Ensuring the full quality, performance and compliance of paperwork and of the delivery team. Contractual Terms Associated with the Post Duties and Responsibilities
Type of. Contract Full-time Contract Duration Fixed Term Line Managers Job Title Coordinator Employment and Training Supervisory/Managerial Responsibilities To supervise new staff, support workers, apprentices, and volunteers on a regular basis.

Examples of Type of in a sentence

  • Session ID: string (optional) Output parameters Session ID: string Method name reboot Description Reboot system, parameter defines which mode/system will be booted Input parameters Type of system that should be booted after shutdown: int 0: Productive mode 1: Recovery mode Output parameters Output: string Method name systemCommand Description Performs a generic command on the device.

  • Output parameters Array of strings Methods for parameter access are defined here: Type String readonly: Type of imager configuration, see Change Type Method FrameRate Double *has limits Target frame rate in frames per second for free run mode.

  • Type of selection: based on qualifications and oral exam Oral exam: Maximum number of publications, that will be evaluated: 10.

  • Hours of Work 12 hours per week Type of Contract Part time Length of Contract Permanent Immediate Line Managers job title Site Cleaning Supervisor Supervisory/Managerial responsibilities – if applicable None Duties and responsibilities List the general duties and tasks of the post to include: • Ordering & issuing of cleaning materials.

  • Seat is curved No Locking mechanism No Type of locking 3-Position Locking Number of arm movement 2 (Up and Down) Pedestal Base Glass Fiber Nylon Twin wheel castor material Nylon Number of twin wheel castor 5 Nos.

  • Place of work: Bolzano - Bozen The gross annual remuneration: 24.420,00 € Minimum curricular requirements necessary in order to carry out the research with details of the scientific and professional profile required for the research activity: Preferential title: PhD or equivalent foreign study title in the following or a neighboring field: Food Sciences or Biotechnology or Biology Type of selection: based on qualifications and oral exam Oral exam: Maximum number of publications, that will be evaluated: 10.

  • Type of the underlying and details, where information on the underlying can be obtained The asset underlying the Securities is the Short x5 MIBF index (the "Underlying").

  • Please email all information or if there is any inquiry to me at: xxxxxxxxx@xxxxxxxxxx.xx.xx If ‘Other Type of Facility’ than listed, please specify Not Applicable Thandamanzi (“LOVE WATER”), is situated on a beautiful historic farm on the outskirts of the town Sabie, right on the Sabie River bank and within walking distance from the Sabie town centre – Three Kruger Park Xxxxx are accessible within an hour from Sabie (Numbi Gate = 45 km, Phabeni Gate = 56 km and the Kruger Park Gate = 85km).

  • CN16A0590803-01 Tipo di cavo | Type of cable Cavi elettrici unipolari a bassa emissione di fumi , privi di alogeni , flessibili , con isolamento e guaina reticolati.

  • Hours of Work 37 Hours, 08.00am – 4.00pm – Mon-Thu 08.00am – 3.30pm - Fri Type of Contract Temporary – Maternity Cover Length of Contract Term Time Only Immediate Line Managers job title Head Teacher Supervisory/Managerial responsibilities – if applicable None Duties and responsibilities Key Responsibilities: To provide confidential secretarial, administration and clerical duties relating to all aspects of the Reception and Head Teacher’s work.

More Definitions of Type of

Type of. Contract Full-time Contract Duration Fixed Term Line Managers Job Title Health Interventions Coordinator Supervisory/Managerial Responsibilities Accountability Contractual Terms Associated with the Post Safeguarding adults at risk is a key priority for us. We aim to support adults at risk to ensure they are as safe as they can possibly be. We acknowledge that adults at risk have a right to protection and will take action to safeguard their welfare. Each member of staff and volunteer is expected to share this commitment, and we will require an Enhanced Check by the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS), formerly CRB. Overview of the Through Age and Wellbeing Integrated Services Model The Through Age and Wellbeing Integrated Services Model is a new way of meeting people’s needs by ensuring that the right people are in place to make the right decisions at the right time. The Through Age and Wellbeing Integrated Services Model will: • be the first point of contact for residents and key partners; • design and deliver early prevention and intervention packages bespoke to individuals’ needs; • decide upon the most appropriate services to deliver care and support in a time-related manner; • monitor and evaluate the impact of support.
Type of. Contract Full-time Contract Duration Permanent Line Managers Job Title Traffic, Safety and Development Manager Supervisory/Managerial Responsibilities Full and ongoing managerial and supervisory responsibility of a Highways Development Control team comprising of up to 2 team members and shared responsibility of directing 3 site supervision staff. The teams will be multi-functional teams that have a flexible approach to deliver the Strategy and Objectives of the service. Full and ongoing responsibility for supervision and management of staff operating flexibly to deliver resource on a skills and needs basis involved in the delivery of a range of applicable services namely; • Highway Authority Development Control • Evidence & statements for Planning Appeals and Public Inquiries/Hearings • Expert witness representations • Planning pre-application advice and guidance • Local Highway Authority planning consultation responses • Site Supervision of Highways adoption sites Accountability The Council's Policies and Procedures will give guidance but the post holder will be required to work under their own initiative to ensure the effective management of the services whilst balancing competing priorities and keeping up-to-date with operational requirements. The post-holder will be responsible for safe-keeping of laptop, mobile phone, camera, measuring and other equipment required to undertake the duties of the post. Shared responsibility for the safe- keeping, security and proper use of equipment held by the Services for general site work. The post-holder will be required to undertake regular site visits and work within the live highway and will be exposed to inclement weather conditions, noise and moving traffic. The post-holder will be issued with PPE and must follow appropriate corporate/ departmental health and safety and lone-working policies and procedures and comply with the law at all times. Relevant and appropriate training will be provided. The post holder is required to work as part of the Highways Development Service within Highways & Environmental Services. However, on a regular basis the post-holder will be required to act on their own initiative in a purposeful manner and within predefined legislation and procedures. The post-holder will have regular daily direct contact with members of the public, local members and external consultants The post holder will have direct contact with both internal and external bodies as well as members of the public. The...
Type of. Contract Full-time Contract Duration Fixed Term Line Managers Job Title Agri Food Centre Manager Supervisory/Managerial Responsibilities Line management responsibility for the business development team, centre co-ordination and training functions (5) Accountability Have considerable autonomy managing the development and delivery of Business Operations activity. Monitor and report progress against project outputs and targets, identifying risks / issues to senior management. To work closely with the FCW wider team, F&D sector senior representatives and FCW stakeholders to inform business development service provision whilst dealing with sensitive and confidential issues. To be accountable for the safe keeping and security of the Food Centre Wales work related equipment in the business administrative facility Contractual Terms Associated with the Post Fixed until 30th June 2025 Duties and Responsibilities Project Management • Promote the Helix program, including projects, services and assistance offered • Develop a two-tier Account Management program targeting new and existing F&D businesses.

Related to Type of

  • Interest Period End Final Date" is as defined in Condition 32(a) and Condition 32(b)(i);

  • Supporto durevole è ogni strumento che permetta al Fornitore e al Cliente finale di conservare le informazioni che gli sono personalmente indirizzate in modo da potervi accedere in futuro per un periodo di tempo adeguato alle finalità cui esse sono destinate e che permetta la riproduzione identica delle informazioni memorizzate; rientrano tra detti supporti, a titolo di esempio, documenti su carta, CD-ROM, DVD, schede di memoria o dischi rigidi del computer, messaggi di posta elettronica;

  • Valuta di denominazione Valuta o moneta in cui sono espresse le prestazioni contrattuali.

  • Codice CPV principale 45233141-9

  • Optional L’installazione stabilmente fissata al veicolo fornita dalla casa costruttrice con supplemento al prezzo base di listino.

  • Classe di rischio Medio - Alto Orizzonte temporale consigliato: Lungo Termine *Per maggiori informazioni si rinvia ai Prospetti degli OICR consegnati al momento della sottoscrizione del Contratto e disponibili sia sul sito internet della Società di Gestione che sul sito internet della Società ** Per giorno lavorativo non si intende il sabato, la domenica, i giorni di festa nazionale e i giorni di chiusura della Compa- gnia (pubblicati sul sito della Compagnia stessa) o di chiusura del mercato di riferimento del fondo. Nel caso in cui la valuta degli OICR esterni sia diversa dall’Euro, la Società converte la valuta di denominazione utilizzando i tassi di cambio rilevati dalla Banca Centrale Europea relativi al “giorno di valorizzazione della quota”.

  • Denominazione I Titoli (se del caso) saranno emessi al valore nominale di volta in

  • CAD Codice dell’Amministrazione Digitale di cui al D.lgs. n. 82/2005;

  • DIP Documento informativo precontrattuale dei contratti di assicurazione danni

  • Classe C membrane adatte per condizioni di sollecitazioni meccaniche particolarmente gravose, concentrate o no (per esempio, fondazioni, impalcati di ponti, gallerie, ecc.). Classe D membrane adatte anche in condizioni di intensa esposizione agli agenti atmosferici e/o alla luce. Classe E membrane adatte per impieghi in presenza di materiali inquinanti e/o aggressivi (per esempio, discariche, vasche di raccolta e/o decantazione, ecc.).

  • DIP Vita Documento informativo precontrattuale per i prodotti assicurativi vita diversi dai prodotti d’investimento assicurativi.

  • Italian Exhibition Group si riserva il diritto di esclusiva per qualsiasi riproduzione a mezzo fotografia, video, disegno e altro sia del complesso fieristico sia dei singoli stand. All’interno dei padiglioni possono operare solo i fotografi/videomaker autorizzati da Italian Exhibition Group. Tali fotografi/videomaker provvederanno a raccogliere e trattare immagini fotografiche video e/o interviste relative anche a prodotti, macchinari, materiali esposti e/o materiale autoriale di cui sia proprietario e/o produttore e/o licenziatario il partecipante, per esclusive finalità divulgative o di comunicazione aziendale, pubblicitarie e promozionali, in particolare, a titolo meramente esemplificativo e non esaustivo, mediante diffusione su quotidiani, periodici, televisioni, manifesti, opuscoli informativi e/o illustrativi, newsletter, sito internet – quale ad esempio il sito xxx.xxxxxxx.xx ed i siti ad esso collegati - profili social network (facebook, twitter, whatsapp, youtube, vimeo, e simili) su e-book (digital publishing), pubblicazioni cartacee (catalogo di mostra, Trendbook, ect…) in genere (elenco esemplificativo e non esaustivo). Con la sottoscrizione del presente Regolamento, il partecipante esprime specifico consenso a dette riprese ed al loro utilizzo come sopra indicato, senza pretendere alcun indennizzo economico. Nel caso in cui il partecipante non intenda autorizzare le riprese foto/video di cui sopra dovrà comunicarlo al fotografo/videomaker, prima dell’effettuazione delle stesse.

  • Reference Price (Final)" meanz the Reference Price on the Valuation Date; "Register" haz the meaning azcribed to it in Condition l.4;

  • Spread Maggiorazione applicata ai parametri di riferimento o di indicizzazione Tasso Annuo Effettivo Globale (TAEG) Indica il costo totale del mutuo su base annua ed è espresso in percentuale sull'ammontare del finanziamento concesso. Comprende il tasso di interesse e altre voci di spesa, ad esempio spese di istruttoria della pratica, di riscossione della rata e dell’imposta sostitutiva ai sensi del DPR 601/73. Alcune spese non sono comprese, per esempio quelle notarili.

  • Consiglio dell'Unione europea Fascicolo interistituzionale: 2021/0376 (COD) Bruxelles, 26 novembre 2021 (OR. en) EF 364 ECOFIN 1166 CODEC 1543 IA 190 PROPOSTA

  • Categorie di emittenti Xxxx non definito a priori dal gestore in quanto non vincolante ai fini della realizzazione della politica di investimento. Specifici fattori di rischio: Rischio tasso di interesse, rischio Mercati Emergenti, rischio strumenti derivati, rischio tasso di cambio.

  • Standard Item Code 00214M CL3 ASPH BASE 25.0D PG64-22 Quantity Unit

  • Europ Assistance la compagnia di assicurazione e cioè, Europ Assistance Italia S.p.A. – Sede sociale, Direzione e Uffici: Xxx xxx Xxxxxx, 0 – 00000 Xxxxxx (XX) – Indirizzo posta elettronica certificata (PEC): XxxxxXxxxxxxxxxXxxxxxXxX@xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xx - Impresa autorizzata all'esercizio delle assicurazioni, con decreto del Ministero dell'Industria del Commercio e dell'Artigianato N. 19569 del 2 giugno 1993 (Gazzetta Ufficiale del 1° luglio 1993 N. 152) - Iscritta alla sezione I dell'Albo delle Imprese di assicurazione e riassicurazione al n. 1.00108 - Società appartenente al Gruppo Generali, iscritto all'Albo dei Gruppi assicurativi - Società soggetta alla direzione e al coordinamento di Assicurazioni Generali S.p.A.

  • Spese di giustizia le spese del processo penale che vengono poste a carico dell’imputato in caso di sua condanna.

  • Legge applicabile Le obbligazioni saranno regolate dalla legge di New York.

  • Indicatore Circolare n. 155/2013. Tempistica di attuazione: Misura attuata DIREZIONE CENTRALE AREA TEMATICA PROCESSO/ATTIVITA’

  • Interest Not applicable.

  • Sponsor/Promotore la persona, società, istituzione oppure organismo che si assume la responsabilità di avviare, gestire e/o finanziare una sperimentazione clinica;

  • Disdetta Comunicazione che il contraente deve inviare all’assicuratore, o viceversa, entro un termine di preavviso fissato dal contratto, per evitare la tacita proroga del contratto di assicurazione

  • Basket Not Applicable Business Day: As stated in Product Condition 1 Calculation Period: As stated in Product Condition 1 Cash Amount: The amount determined by the Calculation Agent in accordance with the following formula: (Final Reference Price - Current Strike Level) x Entitlement The Cash Amount shall be converted in the Settlement Currency at the prevailing Exchange Rate, if an Exchange Rate is applicable, and rounded to the nearest four decimal places in the Settlement Currency, 0.00005 being rounded upwards Certificate: Not Applicable Current Barrier Level: As stated in Product Condition 1 and rounded to the next two decimal places in the Underlying Currency, 0.005 being rounded upwards. The Current Barrier Level on the Launch Date shall be EUR 12.420 The Current Barrier Level will be published and forwarded to the relevant Exchanges/Clearing systems/Data vendors prior to 1.00 p.m. (Italian time) on the Exchange Business Day preceding the day when the Current Barrier Level becomes effective Current Premium: 8% Current Spread: 2%

  • Scheduled Trading Day Single Share Basis.