PREZZO E CAUZIONE Clausole campione

PREZZO E CAUZIONE. 3.1. Il prezzo del contratto, per tutta la sua durata, è stabilito in € ,00. 3.2. Alla sottoscrizione del presente contratto il Turista deve versare un importo pari al % dell’intero prezzo concordato. 3.3. Il rimanente % sarà corrisposto entro un mese prima della partenza. 3.4. Il mancato pagamento di anche una sola rata nella data - THAT the SOC. Holidays SRL has, among other objectives, the organization and sale of touristic products and accessories, with particular reference to products and services related to nautical tourism, including transportation of clients and also the organization of cruises by means of third parties. - THAT Mr/Ms has expressed his desire to enjoy an holiday aboard a pleasure unit, paying the relative price. - THAT this request can be satisfied through the sale of a nautical tour package offered by a specialized tour operator such as Holidays SRL that deals exclusively in the vessels of shipping companies. All this said and forming the foundation and integral part of the contract, it is agreed between the parties and stipulated the following: 1. THE SUBJECT OF THE CONTRACT 1.1. The TOUR OPERATOR, in its capacity as organizer of tour packages, offers Mr a tour package consisting of the use of a boat (BOAT TYPE, NUM. _ CABS, NUM _ WC, MAX PEOPLE ON BOARD _), with boarding and disembarking from . 1.2. At the time of signing, the client accepts the use of any boat in the fleet offered by the Tour Operator that corresponds to the characteristics indicated in paragraph 1.1 1.3. The tour package includes – aside from the use of the boat and its equipment- the first and last night of mooring as well as the use of port facilities (shower and electricity, wc, water etc.), assistance during the cruise, an initial briefing, mooring reservations if needed.