PRICE AND SECURITY Clausole campione

PRICE AND SECURITY. 3.1 The price of the contract, for its duration, is established at € ,00. 3.2 At the time of signing this contract the tourist must pay an amount equal to % of the entire price. 3.3 The remaining % will be paid at least a month before the delivery of the boat. 3.4 Non-payment of even one instalment on the prescribed date entails ipso jure of the contract and all deposits will be retained by the Tour Operator as a penalty for early termination of the contract. 3.5 Clients must also pay, upon delivery of the vessel, a security deposit that will be refunded within 15 days from the end of prescritta, comporta la risoluzione ipso iure del contratto e quanto versato rimarrà acquisito al Tour Operator a titolo di penale per la risoluzione anticipata del contratto.