L E G N A R O (PD)
N. 292 del 27/09/2024
OGGETTO: Approvazione dello schema di ``Service Agreement`` tra questo Istituto e Adisseo France S.A.S. per l`esecuzione di servizi riguardanti analisi per la ricerca di Enterococcus cecorum.
Atto sottoscritto digitalmente ai sensi del D.Lgs. 82/2005 s.m.i. e norme collegate e sostituisce il documento cartaceo e la firma autografa
L E G N A R O (PD)
OGGETTO: Approvazione dello schema di ``Service Agreement`` tra questo Istituto e Adisseo France S.A.S. per l`esecuzione di servizi riguardanti analisi per la ricerca di Enterococcus cecorum.
Si sottopone alla Direttrice generale la seguente relazione della Responsabile della S.S. Affari Generali, Anticorruzione e Trasparenza.
Si premette che:
- l’articolo 1, comma 6, del Decreto Legislativo n. 270/1993, confermato all’art. 9, comma 2, del Decreto Legislativo n. 106/2012, consente agli Istituti Zooprofilattici Sperimentali di “[…] stipulare convenzioni o contratti di consulenza per la fornitura di servizi e per l’erogazione di prestazioni ad enti, associazioni, organizzazioni pubbliche e private, sulla base di disposizioni regionali, fatte salve le competenze delle unità sanitarie locali”;
- l’articolo 5, comma 1 – rubricato “Attività verso terzi” – dell’Accordo per la gestione dell’Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale delle Venezie approvato dalla Regione del Veneto, dalla Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia e dalle Province Autonome di Trento e Bolzano, rispettivamente, con Leggi n. 5/2015, n. 9/2015, n. 5/2015 e n. 5/2015, prevede, del pari, che “Fermo restando l’assolvimento dei propri compiti istituzionali, l'istituto può fornire prestazioni a terzi a titolo oneroso, stipulando convenzioni o contratti di consulenza per la fornitura di servizi e per l'erogazione di prestazioni a enti, associazioni, organizzazioni pubbliche e private sulla base di disposizioni regionali, fatte salve le competenze delle aziende unità sanitarie locali […]”;
- con riferimento a tali disposizioni, l’art. 5, comma 1, dello Statuto dell’Istituto – adottato con DCA n. 12 del 24.05.2021 e approvato con DGRV n. 1308 del 28.09.2021 – prevede che l’Istituto “[…] può fornire prestazioni a terzi a titolo oneroso, stipulando convenzioni o contratti di consulenza per la fornitura di servizi e per l'erogazione di prestazioni a soggetti privati, ad imprese, enti, associazioni, organizzazioni pubbliche e private sulla base di
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X.X.X.Xx – Deliberazione della DIRETTRICE GENERALE
disposizioni degli enti cogerenti […]”; il comma 2 del citato art. 5, stabilisce che “Nelle more delle disposizioni di cui al punto precedente, l’Istituto continua ad applicare le modalità in atto”;
- l’art. 6, comma 2, lett. e) del D. Lgs. n. 270/1993, confermato all’art. 3, comma 2, lett. e) della Legge della Regione del Veneto n. 5 del 18.3.2015, prevede che il finanziamento degli Istituti Zooprofilattici Sperimentali sia, inoltre, assicurato “dagli introiti per la fornitura di servizi e per l’erogazione di prestazioni a pagamento”;
- i vigenti documenti di programmazione di IZSVe prevedono – tra gli indirizzi approvati – la promozione e l’incentivazione di attività progettuali finanziate da soggetti terzi ad integrazione del finanziamento istituzionale.
Con DDG n. 317 del 26/06/2013 è stato approvato il nuovo “Regolamento per la prestazione di attività e servizi aggiuntivi in favore di soggetti privati tramite la stipula di contratti e convenzioni” e con nota prot. n. 10134/2013 è stata diffusa la relativa circolare interpretativa a firma del Direttore generale.
Quest’ultima prevede che le attività non-istituzionali cd. semplici, così come enucleate e definite all’interno della citata circolare, deroghino dall’ambito di applicazione del vigente Regolamento e pertanto dall’iter procedurale di approvazione del contratto ivi stabilita.
Con nota del 12.03.2024, acquisita a ns. prot. n. 2720 del 13.03.2024, la società Adisseo France S.A.S., con sede in Antony (Francia), ha richiesto all’IZSVe di addivenire alla stipula di un contratto per l’esecuzione di servizi riguardanti analisi per la ricerca di Enterococcus cecorum.
In conformità alle soprarichiamate disposizioni, al fine di dare seguito alla suindicata richiesta, la dott.ssa Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx, Ricercatrice in servizio presso la “SCT2 - Sezione Territoriale di Treviso”, ha inserito, in qualità di referente scientifico, la richiesta Intranet n. 221142/2024 allegando, tra gli altri documenti, lo schema di contratto condiviso con Adisseo France S.A.S., la dichiarazione per la stipula del contratto con la società in parola prevista dalla citata circolare interpretativa, nonché, il quadro economico che evidenzia sinteticamente i costi a carico dell’Istituto per le attività da eseguire, documenti conservati agli atti presso questa Struttura.
Tramite detta dichiarazione, la dott.ssa Xxxxxxxx ha attestato che le attività richieste dalla società Adisseo France S.A.S. rientrano nelle attività non-istituzionali cd. semplici come definite nella citata circolare prot. n. 10134/2013 e, in particolare, che le attività da eseguire consistono in analisi per la ricerca e la quantificazione di Enterococcus cecorum su 100 campioni biologici forniti dal Cliente.
Al fine di regolarne gli aspetti giuridici ed economici, le Parti hanno concordato, per le vie brevi, lo schema di contratto condiviso con la ditta Adisseo France S.A.S. documento che viene allegato al presente provvedimento quale parte integrante e sostanziale (allegato n. 1), senza il relativo allegato tecnico che viene, invece, conservato agli atti.
Ai sensi del contratto in parola – che decorre dalla data di ultima sottoscrizione fino al 03.06.2025 o, in ogni caso, fino al completamento dei Servizi da parte di IZSVe e al pagamento del corrispettivo da parte del Cliente – l’Istituto si impegna ad eseguire i servizi previsti all’art. 3 e dettagliati nel relativo allegato tecnico (“Annex A”) per un numero complessivo massimo di
n. 100 analisi, a fronte dei quali Adisseo France S.A.S si impegna a corrispondere l’importo di € 2.700,00 (IVA esclusa se dovuta), da versare secondo le modalità previste all’art. 4.
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X.X.X.Xx – Deliberazione della DIRETTRICE GENERALE
Tutto ciò premesso, sulla base degli elementi riportati dal referente dell’istruttoria, si propone alla Direttrice generale quanto segue:
1. di approvare lo schema di “Service Agreement” tra questo Istituto, rappresentato dalla Direttrice Generale e legale rappresentante pro tempore Xxxxxxx Xxxxx e la società Adisseo France S.A.S., con sede in Antony (France), nella persona responsabile degli acquisiti per la ricerca ed innovazione Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxx, per l’esecuzione di servizi riguardanti analisi per la ricerca di Enterococcus cecorum, documento che viene allegato al presente provvedimento quale parte integrante e sostanziale (allegato n. 1), senza il relativo allegato tecnico che viene, invece, conservato agli atti;
2. di procedere, per l’effetto, alla sottoscrizione del contratto di cui al punto che precede – decorrente dalla data di ultima sottoscrizione e fino al 03.06.2025 o, in ogni caso, fino al completamento dei Servizi da parte di IZSVe e al pagamento del corrispettivo da parte del Cliente – ai sensi degli artt. 15 e 16 del vigente Accordo interregionale sulla gestione dell’Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale delle Venezie;
3. di prendere atto del quadro economico che evidenzia sinteticamente i costi a carico dell’Istituto per le attività da eseguire, per un numero complessivo massimo di n. 100 analisi, documento conservato agli atti;
4. di prendere atto che la società Adisseo France S.A.S. corrisponderà all’Istituto per l’esecuzione di un numero massimo di 100 analisi, la somma di € 2.700,00 (IVA esclusa se dovuta), da versare secondo le modalità stabilite all’art. 4 del contratto;
5. di rilevare i ricavi, derivanti dal presente provvedimento, al sottoconto 620011003 “Ricavi per prestazioni sanitarie erogate a soggetti privati – Altre convenzioni” attribuiti pro quota a ciascun esercizio finanziario secondo il criterio di competenza economica.
ESAMINATA la proposta di deliberazione della Responsabile della S.S. Affari Generali, Anticorruzione e Trasparenza.
PRESO ATTO che la Responsabile della S.S. Affari Generali, Anticorruzione e Trasparenza, nel proporre il presente atto, attesta la regolarità tecnica ed amministrativa, la legittimità e congruenza dell’atto con le finalità istituzionali dell’Istituto, l’assenza di conflitto di interessi, stante anche l’istruttoria effettuata a cura del suddetto Dirigente.
ACQUISITO il parere favorevole del Direttore amministrativo e del Direttore sanitario per quanto di competenza, espresso ai sensi dell’art. 15 dello Statuto dell’Istituto, adottato con
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X.X.X.Xx – Deliberazione della DIRETTRICE GENERALE
delibera del CdA n. 12 del 24 maggio 2021 e approvato con delibera della Giunta regionale del Veneto n. 1308 del 28 settembre 2021.
1. di approvare lo schema di “Service Agreement” tra questo Istituto, rappresentato dalla Direttrice Generale e legale rappresentante pro tempore Xxxxxxx Xxxxx e la società Adisseo France S.A.S., con sede in Antony (France), nella persona responsabile degli acquisiti per la ricerca ed innovazione Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxx, per l’esecuzione di servizi riguardanti analisi per la ricerca di Enterococcus cecorum, documento che viene allegato al presente provvedimento quale parte integrante e sostanziale (allegato n. 1), senza il relativo allegato tecnico che viene, invece, conservato agli atti;
2. di procedere, per l’effetto, alla sottoscrizione del contratto di cui al punto che precede – decorrente dalla data di ultima sottoscrizione e fino al 03.06.2025 o, in ogni caso, fino al completamento dei Servizi da parte di IZSVe e al pagamento del corrispettivo da parte del Cliente – ai sensi degli artt. 15 e 16 del vigente Accordo interregionale sulla gestione dell’Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale delle Venezie;
3. di prendere atto del quadro economico che evidenzia sinteticamente i costi a carico dell’Istituto per le attività da eseguire, per un numero complessivo massimo di n. 100 analisi, documento conservato agli atti;
4. di prendere atto che la società Adisseo France S.A.S. corrisponderà all’Istituto per l’esecuzione di un numero massimo di 100 analisi, la somma di € 2.700,00 (IVA esclusa se dovuta), da versare secondo le modalità stabilite all’art. 4 del contratto;
5. di rilevare i ricavi, derivanti dal presente provvedimento, al sottoconto 620011003 “Ricavi per prestazioni sanitarie erogate a soggetti privati – Altre convenzioni” attribuiti pro quota a ciascun esercizio finanziario secondo il criterio di competenza economica.
Il presente provvedimento non è soggetto al controllo previsto dall’Accordo per la gestione dell’Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale delle Venezie approvato dagli Enti cogerenti con le leggi regionali e provinciali citate nelle premesse.
Xxxxxxx Xxxxx
Sul presente atto deliberativo ha espresso parere favorevole
Il Direttore amministrativo Il Direttore sanitario Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxx
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Pagina 4 di 5
X.X.X.Xx – Deliberazione della DIRETTRICE GENERALE
Il Responsabile della Struttura proponente attesta la regolarità della proposta di deliberazione, presentata per l’adozione, in ordine ai contenuti sostanziali, formali e di legittimità dell’atto e che la stessa:
Comporta spesa 🞏 su Finanziamento istituzionale 🞏
Finanziamento vincolato 🞏
Altri finanziamenti 🞏
Non comporta spesa 🗷
Il Responsabile del Budget attesta l’avvenuto controllo sulla disponibilità di budget.
Evidenziato infine che il responsabile della Struttura proponente, con la sottoscrizione della proposta di cui al presente atto, dichiara, sotto la propria responsabilità ed ai sensi e agli effetti degli artt. 47 e 76 del DPR 28 dicembre 2000, n. 445, che, in relazione alla presente procedura, non si trova in condizioni di incompatibilità di cui all’art. 35 bis del d.lgs. n. 165/2001, né sussistono conflitti di interesse di cui all’art. 6 bis della legge n. 241/1990 e agli artt. 6, 7 e 14 del DPR n. 62/2013.
La Dirigente della S.S. Affari Generali Anticorruzione e Trasparenza
Dott.ssa Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx
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Xxxxx xxxx’Xxxxxxxxxx 00 – 00000 XXXXXXX (XX)
OGGETTO: Approvazione dello schema di ``Service Agreement`` tra questo Istituto e Adisseo France S.A.S. per l`esecuzione di servizi riguardanti analisi per la ricerca di Enterococcus cecorum.
Pubblicata dal 27/09/2024 al 12/10/2024 Atto immediatamente esecutivo
Il Responsabile della Pubblicazione Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx
Elenco firmatari
Questo documento è stato firmato da:
Dott.ssa Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx - Servizio Affari generali, anticorruzione e trasparenza Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx - Direzione Amministrativa
Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxx - Direzione Sanitaria Xxxxxxx Xxxxx - Direzione Generale Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx - Gestione Atti
Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale delle Venezie, an Italian governmental institution, with offices at Xxxxx xxxx’Xxxxxxxxxx 00, 00000 Xxxxxxx (XX), Xxxxx, fiscal code and VAT n. 00206200289, PEC: xxxxxxxxxx@xxxxxxxxx.xx, represented by Dr. Xxxxxxx Xxxxx, Director General and Legal Representative,
(hereinafter referred to as “IZSVe”)
Adisseo France S.A.S., a French company having its registered office at Immeuble Antony Parc II, 00 xxxxx xx Xxxxxxx xx Xxxxxx, 00000 Xxxxxx, Xxxxxx, VAT n. FR82439436569, xxxxxx legally represented by Mme. Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxx, R & I purchasing leader,
(hereinafter referred to as the “ Company” or “Customer”
and severally as “Party” and jointly as “ Parties”)
WHEREAS, IZSVe is involved in providing diagnosis and research on infectious livestock diseases and zoonosis, quality control of foods of animal origin for human consumption, control of animal feed, epidemiologic surveillance and monitoring, planning of animal health programs, training of veterinary service personnel;
WHEREAS, IZSVe pursuant to art. 1, paragraph 6, of Legislative Decree n. 270/1993, and art. 5, paragraph 1 of the Agreement regulating the management of the IZSVe executed among the Veneto Region, the Autonomous Region of Friuli-Venezia Giulia, the Autonomous Region of Bolzano and the Autonomous Province of Trento as approved by the Regional Law of the Veneto Region n. 5/2015, is authorized to execute service agreements with public entities, associations, public or private organizations and entities;
WHEREAS, the Company requires IZSVe to perform certain services regarding Enterococcus cecorum analysis on 100 samples provided by the Company, for the benefit of the Company;
WHEREAS, IZSVe is interested in performing the services requested by the Company in compliance with the rules in force regarding the management of the IZSVe;
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the covenants and obligations hereinafter set forth, the Parties hereto, individually and by their respective agents and representatives, hereby agree as follows.
The recitals and annexes of the Agreement are an integral and substantial part of it and bind its interpretation and implementation.
Unless specifically set forth to the contrary under this Agreement, the following terms, whether used in the singular or plural, shall have the respective meanings set forth below.
"Agreement" shall mean this Agreement and the Annexes attached thereto.
“Technical annex”: contains the detailed description of the service and activities required.
“Compensation” shall mean the payment due to IZSVe set forth in art. 4 herein for the services rendered pursuant to this Agreement.
"Confidential information" includes any information, documentation, material, tool, knowledge, data, found, patented or patentable, know-how and, in general, any news, of a technical, economic, commercial or administrative nature, as well as any drawing, document, magnetic medium or sample and material or product
even if not marked "private" or "confidential" or otherwise identified as such by the Party transmitting it (i.e. the disclosing Party) to the "receiving Party" during the term of the Agreement.
“Final Report” shall mean the report in writing containing analytical results.
“Legal Interest” shall mean the interest paid by the Company to IZSVe for the delay in payment of the Consideration, in full or in part, at the rate set forth by Legislative Decree n. 231/2002.
“Personnel” shall mean the personnel of the IZSVe involved in the services.
“Company Proprietary Materials” shall mean any tangible chemical, biological, or physical material, molecules, compounds, samples of any kind that the Company provides to the Supplier i) to be used in the provision of the Services, ii) to be tested, or iii) in relation to which an analytical method is required to be developed and/or validated, and/or iv) as the Company considers necessary for conducting the Services.
“Background” shall mean all knowledge, information as well as any intangible asset, protected and not protected under national, EU and international intellectual and industrial property laws, of which one Party is the owner before the start of the activity of this agreement .
“Sideground” shall means all knowledge, information as well as any intangible good that is protectable under national, EU and international intellectual and industrial property laws and regulation, created or otherwise achieved by a Party during the period of effectiveness of this Agreement but not in its execution nor connected to the objective of the activity to be performed, even if it is in the same technical or scientific field of the subject matter of the Agreement.
“Foreground” shall means all knowledge, information as well as any intangible property that is eligible for protection under national EU and international intellectual and industrial property laws, created or otherwise achieved during the implementation of the agreement and by reason thereof and therefore related to the objective of the activity to be performed.
“Results” shall mean all knowledge, information as well as any intangible property created or otherwise achieved during the implementation of the Agreement and by reason thereof and therefore related to the objective of the activity to be performed, but not protected under national, EU and international intellectual and industrial property laws.
3.1 The Company requests and IZSVe shall perform certain service regarding Enterococcus cecorum analysis on samples provided by the Company, (hereinafter referred to as “Services”) on the terms and conditions of this Agreement and in accordance with the attached Technical Annex (“Annex A”), that is an integral and essential part of it.
No changes to the activities as described in Annex A shall be made without the prior written consent of the Parties. In case any such changes result in substantial differences in the cost of the Services, the final budget will be adjusted by a mutually amount agreed by the Parties in writing. In case of disagreement on the adjusted budget, the Parties may terminate the Agreement pursuant to art. 12 of this Agreement.
Any amendments must clearly specify the modifications requested both from a technical, scientific and economic point of view.
3.2 The Company undertakes to supply IZSVe with the materials necessary for performing the Services, as defined in Annex A, and for the entire duration of the agreement and in the quantities necessary and sufficient for the execution of the activities. In the event that IZSVe considers the Material not suitable for the execution of the service, as requested by the Company, it will promptly send a notice to obtain the replacement of the Material.
The Company agrees to release and hold IZSVe harmless from any and all direct, indirect or consequential damages, which may occur during the transport of the Materials.
The IZSVe acknowledges and agrees not to provide to any third Party the samples, or other materials provided by the Company, without its prior written consent.
The IZSVe: (i) shall use the Proprietary Materials only to perform the Services in accordance with the Agreement; (ii) shall not chemically, physically, or otherwise modify the Proprietary Materials, except if specifically required in Annex A; and (iii) shall handle, store, and dispose of the Proprietary Materials in compliance with all applicable local, state, laws, rules, and regulations including, but not limited to, those governing hazardous substances.
3.3 Any additional material used to conduct the activities should be property of IZSVe and/or of a Third Party provided that a formal consensus for its use is issued.
3.4 Upon request of the Company, the IZSVe shall communicate in writing the working progress of the Services rendered pursuant to this Agreement.
During the term of this Agreement, the Parties may also meet periodically in order to check and/or clarify and/or update the Services’ working progress. The meetings will be held at the IZSVe’s headquarters or by videoconference or in any other convenient place as agreed by the Parties and they will be attended by the Personnel involved in the Services.
4.1 The Company shall pay to IZSVe for all Services rendered pursuant to this Agreement a lump sum of Euro 2.700 (two thousand seven hundred euros)(taxes and pension fund included but VAT excluded) for a total of 100 (one hundred) samples, 27 (twenty-seven) euros each against presentation of regular invoice, according to the following terms:
- a first installment equal to 50% of the Consideration € 1.350 (i.e. Euro one thousand three hundred and fifty taxes and pension fund included but VAT excluded) at the execution of this Agreement;
- a final balance equal to 50% of the Consideration € 1.350 (i.e. Euro one thousand three hundred and fifty taxes and pension fund included but VAT excluded) upon the final report delivery.
The payment shall be made by bank transfer using the following bank details:
Beneficiary bank – Intesa San Paolo
Bank account – IBAN XX00X0000000000000000000000 BIC or SWIFT code – XXXXXXXX.
The Company undertakes to make all payments due under this Agreement within 45 days after the receipt of the invoice by IZSVe.
All payments by the Company shall constitute admission by the Company as to the performance by IZSVe of its obligations under this Agreement.
In case the delay of payment exceeds one hundred and eighty (180) days, the IZSVe may terminate this Agreement pursuant to art.12 of this Agreement, without prejudice to its right to claim for further damages, if any.
4.2 In case laboratory/instrumental test and/or additional services/activities not included in the foreseen and agreed compensation fee are deemed necessary to perform the activities during the course of the service, the Parties may integrate this agreement with an amendment that sets an increase of the agreed fee.
4.3 IZSVe shall send each invoice by email in pdf format to:, copy to Xxxx Xxxxxx ( All invoices shall indicate the following information:
IZSVe’s information:
- VAT number (EEC supplier),
- bank details (IBAN),
- currency for invoice,
- invoice foot including: excluding tax amount, VAT amount, all taxes included amount,
- when VAT exonerated, please indicate the relevant law reference.
XXXXXXX’x information:
- VAT number: FR82439436569,
- delivery and invoice address: ADISSEO FRANCE SAS, Immeuble Antony Parc II, 00 xxxxx xx Xxxxxxx xx Xxxxxx, 00000 Xxxxxx – Xxxxxx,
- number of the purchase order communicated later by ADISSEO.
This Agreement shall be effective upon the execution and shall remain in force until 2025, June 3rd, or in any case, until i) the IZSVe completes the requested Services and ii) the Company settles the corresponding compensation.
Any variation of the duration of this Agreement, including its renewal or extension, shall be agreed upon by the Parties in writing, subject to the approval by their competent bodies.
IZSVE hereby appoints Dr. Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx as its Principal Investigator, who may use, in order to implement the present agreement, permanent or temporary staff members, operating under his responsibility, qualified for the performance of the same. The Company hereby appoints Xxxx Xxxxxx as its Principal Investigator. If for any reason the appointed responsible is unable to continue to serve as Principal investigator, the name of the substitute shall be communicated to the other Party.
7.1 Each Party represents and warrants that it is a duly organized entity and has power and authority to perform its obligations under this Agreement, and that this Agreement does not conflict with or violate any agreement with a third Party.
Company and IZSVe declare that they will observe and comply with all applicable laws, rules and regulations. Each Party hereby further represents that, as of the date of execution of this Agreement, the rights granted to the other hereunder do not conflict with the rights of any third Party.
7.2 The Company acknowledges that the contracted activities, the Results and the Foreground that may be achieved or in any case obtained are experimental and supplied without any explicit or implicit guarantee, such as, for example, guarantees of merchantability, suitability for a particular purpose.
Within the limits of Art. 1229 of the Italian Civil Code, if the Company, under the Agreement or subsequent agreements, uses the Results, any Foreground or part of them in economic activities or, in any case, commercializes them directly or indirectly, the Company - including third Parties entitled by the Company itself
- shall be solely liable for any damages, direct or indirect, for any reason whatsoever, arising from such use or commercialization, , the IZSVe being unassailable by any such liability claim.
For such purpose, the Company undertakes to substantially and procedurally indemnify the IZSVe and to insure it against any and all losses, damages, liabilities, costs or expenses, including legal costs, arising from or in any way connected to claims, licenses or disputes by third Parties, relating to the use in economic activities or, in any case, to the commercialization of the Results, any Foreground or parts of them.
8.1 During the term of this Agreement and for a period of 60 months following its expiration (or upon termination of the agreement) the IZSVe and the Company agree also on behalf of their employees and/or collaborators:
a) to keep the utmost confidentiality and secrecy regarding any Confidential Information may become directly or indirectly aware of and in connection with this Agreement, and not to disclose or communicate such information, in any manner whatsoever, to anyone, without the prior written consent of the Disclosing Party;
b) to take all the precautions and employ any and all acts or activities reasonably necessary to ensure that Confidential information is not freely accessible to third Parties;
c) to take any appropriate measure to ensure the protection and integrity of the Confidential Information within its premises (including but not limited to taking any reasonable measure to prevent and protect Confidential Information against theft, copy or reproduction or any unauthorized use, disclosure or dissemination);
d) not to use the Confidential Information for any purpose other than the one intended to perform the activities object of the Agreement without the prior written consent of the Disclosing Party;
e) to limit the communication of Confidential information only to those members of its staff who need to have access thereto in order to properly perform the activities foreseen in the Agreement (and provided however that they are bound by the same confidentiality obligation in this Agreement). The Receiving Party is responsible to ensure that such people comply with such confidentiality and non-disclosure obligations;
The Parties expressly agree that Confidential Information is relevant, essential and confidential and its disclosure would seriously affect the effectiveness and success of the service, and that any breach of this clause constitutes a material breach of this agreement.
In the event of termination of this Agreement for any reason and at any time, upon request of the Disclosing Party, the Receiving Party shall return to the Disclosing Party or destroy all documents and media containing the Confidential Information, as well as all originals, copies, extracts and summaries of documentary material and other manifestations of Confidential Information except for one (1) copy which may be retained in the
legal files for evidentiary purposes only. If not provided to the Disclosing Party, the aforementioned material must be destroyed.
Notwithstanding the return or disposal of the Confidential Information, each Party will continue to be bound by its non-disclosure and confidentiality obligations and other obligations hereunder.
8.2 However, Confidential Information shall not be considered as such in case:
a) it is in the public domain prior to the disclosure by the Disclosing Party, or becomes public subsequently, without breach of this agreement;
b) it was known or used by the Receiving Party at the time or prior to its disclosure by the Disclosing Party to the Receiving Party, as evidenced by the Receiving Party's written records;
c) it is rightfully acquired by the Receiving Party from a Third Party not subject to confidential obligations towards the Disclosing Party and without restriction or violation of the Agreement;
d) is developed independently of the Receiving Party without use of or reference to the Disclosing Party's Confidential Information, as evidenced by the documents or other evidence in the Receiving Party's possession;
e) a Party is required to disclose the Confidential Information to the Judicial or Administrative Authorities by reason of an obligation under the law or regulations, or by the Judicial or Administrative Authorities themselves; in such case, the Party receiving the obligation shall promptly inform the other Party in writing prior to disclosure as to the timing and manner of such disclosure; if such prior notice is objectively impossible, notice shall be given immediately thereafter in order to limit disclosure as much as possible.
8.3 For the purposes of application of this article, Third Parties shall mean all the individuals other than the Parties who are not representatives, employees, collaborators or consultants of the Parties themselves. In any case, in relation to the individual Confidential Information that may be relevant from time to time, Third Parties shall also include the subjects indicated above in cases when, due to the nature of their relationship with the Parties, they have no reason or need to know one or more Confidential Information, or where the Party entitled to such information has expressly forbidden the communication of Confidential Information to their address.
Each Party is the owner of the intellectual and industrial property rights pertaining to its own Background and Sideground. The Parties mutually acknowledge that nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to directly or indirectly imply the transfer of any right on the Parties’ Background and/or Sideground.
The Parties, for the duration of this Agreement, mutually acknowledge the gratuitous and non-exclusive right, revocable and non-transferable to use their respective Backgrounds in the implementation of this Agreement, insofar as such use is necessary for the execution of the activities foreseen by this Agreement. Sub-licensing or transfer to third Parties under any title whatsoever is expressly forbidden.
On the other hand, the Sideground pertaining each Party may not be used by the other Party without the express authorization, in writing, of the holder thereof.
10.1 The Parties agree that the Results arising out of the performance of the Services shall be property of the Company.
The Company may freely use the reports and/or the results deriving from the activities covered by this Agreement.
10.2 In the unforeseen case of Foreground, the Parties undertake to establish by separate and specific written agreement the allocation of the ownership shares, the terms of the exercise of the relevant industrial and intellectual property rights and the consequent industrial exploitation rights.
It is understood that the IZSVe shall enjoy the right of free and perpetual use of Foreground for scientific purposes (internal use) as well as any further use agreed upon with the Company, subject to the limits of the existing confidentiality obligations. The rights of inventors to be recognised under Articles 62, 63 and 65 of the Italian Industrial Property Code shall remain unaffected.
10.3 The IZSVe warrants and represents that the use or exploitation by the Company of any Results will not infringe any intellectual property rights of which a third Party is the proprietor including, in particular but without limitation, any patents, copyrights, registered designs or rights of confidence. The IZSVe undertakes not to oppose any of its prior intellectual property rights to the use and/or exploitation of the Results.
10.4 IZSVe cannot publish the Results without the prior written approval of the Company. Approval will not be unreasonably withheld. It is understood that if no approval is received within 30 days after delivering to the Company the text regarding the publication, the IZSVe shall be free to publish the text.
Neither Party shall use the name or the logo of the other Party, of its Principal Investigator or its employees in any publicity, new release, publication or advertising without the express prior written approval of the Party. The Parties acknowledge and agree that all intellectual property rights related to the logo will remain exclusive property of the owning Party; particularly, with no limitation, the usage of the logo of a Party by the other Party will not transfer to the using Party any rights or titles related to the logo.
12.1 The Parties expressly agree that this Agreement shall be deemed to be terminated by right pursuant to Article 1456 of the Italian Civil Code in the event of non-payment of the consideration, after 180 days from the date of receipt of the invoice, or if the Company is subject to bankruptcy proceedings, which are incompatible with the continuation of the business activity, pursuant to the current legislation. In this case, the termination shall occur as of right when the IZSVe, by registered mail with return receipt (A/R) declares to the Company that it intends to avail itself of this clause.
12.2 In the hypothesis referred to in the preceding paragraph, the IZSVe reserves the right to take action to claim compensation for damages suffered for breach of Agreement.
12.3 Without prejudice to the provisions of this Agreement, either Party may terminate this Agreement for non-performance, pursuant to and in accordance with Article 1454 of the Italian Civil Code, by sending a written notice at least 30 (thirty) days in advance, if the other Party fails to comply with the obligations set forth in Articles 3 (subject matter), 7 (right of access to knowledge) 6 (treatment of confidential information) 9 (use of trademarks), which the Parties recognize as essential. The termination shall be effective upon receipt of the notice. A Party's performance pending receipt of the notice of termination remedies the non-performance, but is without prejudice to the other Party's right to damages.
12.4 The termination of this Agreement for any reason whatsoever shall not affect any obligations already performed by the Parties nor any rights that expressly survive termination in accordance with the terms of this Agreement and applicable laws, including, without limitation, the Parties' rights and obligations regarding confidentiality, intellectual property rights, and publication and materials.
12.5 The Material (e.g. samples) received by the IZSVe prior to receipt of notice of termination, which has not been used, shall be returned to the Company at the cost and expense of the Party exercising the right to terminate. In the event of such termination, the IZSVe shall notify the Company of the results generated up to the date of termination. In the event of early termination, the Company shall pay IZSVe a sum, which shall be less than the amount initially agreed, and which shall be agreed in writing between the Parties in proportion to the activities actually carried out by the IZSVe up to the date of termination.
12.6 The IZSVe also reserves the right to terminate this contract if there is a variation and/or change in the type, structure or set-up of the Company, such as but not limited to mergers, demergers, incorporations, transformations or transfers of Company branches that prevent the continuation of the activities covered by the contract by the IZSVe.
Each Party has the right to withdraw from this Agreement at any time, by giving twenty (20) days notice in writing, as forth in art.19. The termination will not affect the obligations already performed by the Parties or whose performance is in progress at the time of termination.
14.1 A Party shall not be held responsible towards the other for the failure, inaccurate or delayed fulfillment of its obligations established in this agreement in the event of a direct or indirect unforeseeable circumstance, force majeure or any other cause not attributable to the Party.
14.2 For the purposes of this clause, by way of example and not exhaustive, “Force Majeure event” shall include any event (i) beyond the control of either Party (ii) that may prevent this Party from fulfilling its
obligations under this Agreement, (iii) which could not have been reasonably foreseen when the Agreement was executed and (iv) whose effects cannot be avoided by appropriate measures. For example but not exhaustive: natural disasters, fires, floods, wars (declared or undeclared), civil uprisings, riots, embargoes, sabotage, accidents, labor disputes, strikes, provisions of any public or governmental authority, including applicable laws, ordinances, rules and regulations.
In the event of such Force Majeure, the affected Party shall promptly notify the other Party in writing. If the force majeure lasts more than 90 days, the Party unaffected by the Force Majeure shall have the right to terminate the Agreement; the notice of termination shall be made according to Article 19 of this Agreement.
15.1 The IZSVe acknowledges and agrees to respect and to enforce, within its premises, national laws and internal regulations related to the workers’ safety and health care. In case the Company’s employees or consultants shall perform any kind of activities within the IZSVe premises, visits and inspections included, the Company acknowledges and agrees to enforce on its personnel the said laws and regulations provided that such activities, visits and inspections, shall be scheduled in advance in writing by the Parties.
15.2 Except in cases of willful misconduct or gross negligence, the Parties mutually release each other from any liability for any harmful event that may occur to the personnel of one Party during their stay at the other Party’s premises. Each Party shall indemnify and, in any case, exempt the other Party from any commitment and responsibility that may arise for any reason whatsoever towards third Parties from the execution through its personnel of the activities related to this Agreement.
16.1 In compliance with the conditions set forth in the EU General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 (GDPR), the Parties mutually undertake to process and, if necessary, to communicate to third Parties the personal data contained in this Agreement, or in any case acquired during its execution, for the sole purpose of fulfilling the commitments undertaken thereunder or for the fulfilment of the obligations connected therewith. The data provided by the Parties shall be collected and processed by manual, paper and computerised means, by means of their inclusion in paper and/or computer files.
By signing this deed, the Parties express their consent to the processing and communication of their personal data in the manner and for the purposes described above.
16.2 Each Party may exercise its rights of access, rectification and cancellation, opposition and right to limit the processing of personal data collected by the other Party.
The IZSVe may exercise its rights by contacting The Company may exercise its rights by contacting xxx@xxxxxxxxxx.xx.
16.3 In the event a Party becomes aware of an actual or potential breach of security (including, without limitation, any destruction, loss, accidental or intentional alteration, unauthorised disclosure of, or access to, personal data) involving the other Party's premises, networks, or systems or those of any of its employees, agents, representatives, and/or consultants and any affiliates that may be affected by this Agreement, that Party
(a) shall immediately inform the other Party of its knowledge of the breach;
(b) shall assist the other Party in investigating, remediating, and taking any action that the Parties deem necessary with respect to the breach and the affected personal data.
This agreement shall be subject to, governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Italy. All disputes, controversies or differences that may arise between the Parties out of or in connection with this agreement, its interpretation or performance, shall be submitted to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Court of Padua, Italy.
18.1.a) The Company declares that it has read the:
- Code of Ethics and Behavior of the IZSVe, approved with DCA n. 12/2017, available in the “Transparent Administration/General Provisions” section of the Institute/website at the following link
xxxx://xxx.xxxxxxxxx.xx/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxx/XX00/ and to adhere to the principles contained therein and to observe, if compliant, the rules provided for by the same Codes;
- Three-year plan for the prevention of corruption and transparency of the IZSVe, published on the institutional website xxxxx://xxx.xxxxxxxxxx.xx/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxx/XX00/
18.1.b) IZSVe confirms having read and considered the Company Sustainable Purchases Charter (“the Charter”) available on ADISSEO website (xxxxx:// purchasing-charter-avec-lien-v2-002-en.pdf). IZSVe further confirms that its own practices (whether in relation with sales, operations, HR or general administration, …) and, its own sustainable development charter, are consistent with the practices expressed in the Charter.
18.2 The Parties also undertake to comply with the national legislation on the prevention of corruption (Law n. 190/2012 and subsequent amendments) and mutually undertake to immediately inform the other Party of any possible violation of this article and will make available all information and documentation for any appropriate verification.
18.3 Any violation of this article by the IZSVe or the Company constitutes a breach of the Agreement and will allow IZSVe and the Company to terminate the agreement with immediate effect, pursuant art. 12.
IZSVe reserves the right, at its sole discretion, not to proceed or to suspend this Agreement if:
- It believes that a conflict of interest may arise between public and private activities;
- It recognizes a possible prejudice or damage to the image or to its initiatives or activities.
The Company must not in any way cause prejudice or harm the ethic of the primary institutional public function of the IZSVe and must not expose it to the risk of appearing unduly influenced by private interests of an advertising and commercial nature.
19.1 The delay or failure of either Party to enforce at any time or for any period of time any of the provisions of this agreement shall not be construed as a waiver of such provisions or of the right of the Party to thereafter seek their enforcement.
19.2 The Parties claim that all rights that allow the signing and performance of this agreement and that allow the other Party to perform the obligations set forth herein belong to them. Each Party claims that the signing and performance of this agreement and the rights set forth herein do not compromise any third Party rights.
19.3 With regard to the real purpose pursued by the Parties, if, after the conclusion of this Agreement, one or more clauses should prove to be invalid or void, in whole or in part, the Agreement shall remain valid and the clauses found to be invalid or void shall be replaced by fully valid and effective provisions, unless such clauses are of an essential nature.
19.4 IZSVe and the Company will act all times as independent contractors. Nothing contained herein shall be construed or applied so as to create the relationship of principal and agent or of employer and employee between IZSVe and the Company or any partnership or joint-venture. Neither Party shall make any commitment or incur any charge or expense in the name of the other Party.
19.5 This Agreement and the rights and duties set forth herein may not be assigned, transferred, delegated or sub-contracted by either Party without the written consent of the other Party.
19.6 This Agreement may be amended, modified, superseded or canceled, only by a written instrument executed by each Party’s duly authorized representatives.
19.7 For anything not expressly regulated by this contract, the Parties will make exclusive reference to the legislation in force in the Italian legal system, in particular the laws of the Civil Code and the general conditions of contract available on the Institute's website (xxx.xxxxxxxxxx.xx) and subsequent amendments and/or additions.
19.8 All notices and communications related to this agreement shall be made by registered or certified letter, return receipt requested, telecopier or electronic transmission confirmed in writing by register letter and shall be addressed as follows (or to other address as may hereafter be designed by written notice):
If to IZSVe: Att. Servizio Affari generali Anticorruzione e Trasparenza Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale delle Venezie
Xxxxx xxxx’Xxxxxxxxxx, 00 00000 Xxxxxxx (XX) - Xxxxx
e-mail xxxxxxxxxx@xxxxxxxxxx.xx
If to the Company:
Immeuble Antony Parc II,
00 xxxxx xx Xxxxxxx xx Xxxxxx, 00000 Xxxxxx, XXXXXX
Attn: Xxxxxxxxx XXXXXXX, Executive VP Specialties SBU Cc by email to
The services covered by this Agreement are subject to VAT according to Italian law (D.P.R. n. 633/1972 and its amendments) in compliance with the EU single market rules. The registration fee is due just in the event of judicial or administrative use, as set forth in Italian law (D.P.R. n. 131/1986) and costs and expenses will be borne by the requesting Party. The Parties will contribute in equal measure to the other tax duties related to this agreement, stamp duty included.
The Parties expressly declare that this Agreement has been negotiated in its entirety and in each and every part. Therefore, Articles 1341 and 1342 of the Italian Civil Code shall not apply.
This deed, drawn up in duplicate, for the use of IZSVe and the Company, is read, confirmed and signed.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have caused this agreement to be executed by their duly authorized representatives.
This agreement is made at the date and place of the last signature.
IZSVe The Company
General Manager R & I Purchasing leader
Dr. Xxxxxxx Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxx Neilz
Date _ Date