Ex-10 Sample Contracts
ContractUs Global Short Term Assignment • November 13th, 2023 • UL Solutions Inc. • Services-testing laboratories
Contract Type FiledNovember 13th, 2023 Company IndustryOggetto: interruzione anticipata distacco “US Global Short Term Assignment” e conferma condizioni contrattuali UL International Italia Srl Subject: “US Global Short Term Assignment” early termination and UL International Italia Srl confirmation of contract conditions Con riferimento all’accordo “US Global Short Term Assignment” sottoscritto in data 28 Settembre 2015 Le confermiamo come concordato l’anticipato termine del Suo distacco in data 31 Dicembre 2018. With reference to “US Global Short Term Assignment” signed on September 28th 2015 it is confirmed our mutual understanding about the Assignment early termination on December 31st 2018. A far data dal 1° Gennaio 2019 il Suo rapporto di lavoro a tempo indeterminato continuerà mantenendo l’anzianità ad oggi maturata con “UL International Italia Srl” alle seguenti condizioni. Starting from January 1st 2019 your permanent employment will continue maintaining acquired seniority with “UL International Italia Srl” in accordance with follo
Standard Contracts
CONTRATTO DI FORNITURA SERVIZI AService Agreement • April 16th, 2024 • micromobility.com Inc. • Services-business services, nec
Contract Type FiledApril 16th, 2024 Company IndustryHELBIZ MEDIA ITALIA SRL con sede legale a Milano, in Piazza del Liberty 8 , Codice Fiscale e P. IVA 11803000964 iscritta al Registro delle Imprese della CCIAA di Milano, in persona dell’amministratore unico e legale rappresentante, Spriano Gian Luca Maria Stefano ,
TRAContratto Di Lavoro Subordinato a Tempo Indeterminato • March 11th, 2015 • Acelity L.P. Inc. • Surgical & medical instruments & apparatus
Contract Type FiledMarch 11th, 2015 Company Industry
CONTRATTO DI COMPRAVENDITA AZIONARIA traContratto Di Compravendita Azionaria • April 27th, 2001 • Crown Castle International Corp • Communications services, nec
Contract Type FiledApril 27th, 2001 Company Industry
ACCORDO PER SCRITTURA PRIVATA traEmployment Agreement • February 27th, 2013 • Zimmer Holdings Inc • Orthopedic, prosthetic & surgical appliances & supplies
Contract Type FiledFebruary 27th, 2013 Company IndustryZimmer S.r.l., con sede in San Donato Milanese (MI), Via Milano, 6, in persona di James T. Crines, Presidente del Consiglio di Amministrazione (qui di seguito “Società”)
EXHIBIT 10.61 CONTRATTO DI LOCAZIONELease Agreement • October 2nd, 2000 • Magnetek Inc • Power, distribution & specialty transformers
Contract Type FiledOctober 2nd, 2000 Company Industry
ContractSeparation Agreement • January 6th, 2021 • Allegion PLC • Services-detective, guard & armored car services
Contract Type FiledJanuary 6th, 2021 Company IndustrySCRITTURA PRIVATAsottoscritta in data 31 dicembre 2020 SEPARATION AGREEMENTsigned on December 31, 2020 CISA S.P.A., con sede legale in Faenza (RA), Via Oberdan 42, codice fiscale [ ], in persona del Sig. Matthew John Kerfoot in qualità di Presidente del Consiglio di Amministrazione (di seguito, la “Società”) e la Sig.ra LUCIA VEIGA ERMIDA MORETTI DELIMA, residente a [indirizzo e codice fiscale] (di seguito, la “Sig.ra Moretti” o la “Dirigente”), (la Società e la Dirigente, congiuntamente, le “Parti”). CISA S.P.A., with registered office in Faenza (RA), Via Oberdan 42, tax code [ ] (hereinafter, the “Company”), represented by Mr. Matthew John Kerfoot in his capacity as the Chairman of the Board of Directors and LUCIA VEIGA ERMIDA MORETTI DE LIMA,residing in [address and tax code] (hereinafter, “Ms. Moretti ” or the “Executive”), (the Company and the Executive, jointly, the “Parties”). Premesso che: Whereas: a) la Sig.ra Moretti è stata assunta dalla Società a far data dal 1° aprile 20
Maximum Guarantee Contract HUA XIA BANK CO., LTDMaximum Guarantee Contract • September 26th, 2012 • Keyuan Petrochemicals, Inc. • Industrial organic chemicals
Contract Type FiledSeptember 26th, 2012 Company IndustryAccording to the provisions of Guaranty Law of the People's Republic of China and other related laws and regulations, a series of debts will occur between Party B and loanee Ningbo Keyuan Plastics Co., Ltd. (“the loanee of the main contract”) in the period of this contract regulated. Party A is willing to offer the guarantee for Party B in the extent of the maximum amount of debts of the above debts (the principal debts for short in the following). Through the consensus of Party A and Party B, they sign the contract.
Michele Conforti 38 Eaton Mews South London SW1W9HR (UK) Michele Conforti 38 Eaton Mews South London SW1W9HR (UK) La presente scrittura integrativa modifica il Suo contratto di lavoro, datato 14 maggio 2007, così come successivamente di volta in volta...Employment Agreement • March 10th, 2016 • Affinion Group, Inc. • Services-business services, nec
Contract Type FiledMarch 10th, 2016 Company Industry