Pagrindinės Nuostatos 5 General Provisions Pavyzdžių Nuostatos

Pagrindinės Nuostatos 5 General Provisions 

Related to Pagrindinės Nuostatos 5 General Provisions

  • GENERAL PROVISIONS JSC “EKSMA OPTICS”, (hereinafter – the Buyer) is implementing the project entitled “Opt. optimization of component production processes by creating and implementing more efficient opt. surface preparation, coating coating and opt. contact technology” (No. 01.2.1-LVPA-K-856-01-0145) jointly funded by the European Structural Funds and the Republic of Lithuania and intends to buy the following equipment: interferometer (1 unit). The principal concepts shall be used as defined in the Rules for Governing Project Administration and Financing, Approved by the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Lithuania by Order No. 1K-316 of 8 October 2014 (hereinafter – The Rules) The Procurement shall be executed in compliance with the Rules, the Civil Code of the Republic of Lithuania (hereinafter – the Civil Code), other legal acts and Tendering Process Terms and Conditions (hereinafter– Tendering Terms and Conditions). Publication of the Procurement Notice has been executed on the European Union Fund Investment website xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xx 26/04/2021. The Procurement shall be conducted through a Tendering Process, in accordance with the principles of equality, non-discrimination, mutual recognition, proportionality, transparency. If the Tendering Process does not take place because no Tender is received from any Supplier complying with the requirements set out by the Buyer, the Buyer shall reserve the right to conduct a Tendering Process repeatedly, in accordance with a procedure prescribed in item 461.1 of the Rules. The person authorized by the Buyer to maintain regular contact with the Suppliers and receive their notifications related to the Procurement procedures shall be the following: technical director Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx; tel. +000-0-0000000;, Mokslininkų str. 11, Vilnius, LT-08412. The equipment purchased shall be intended for interferometer (1 unit), the specifications of which are set out in the Technical Specification provided in Annex No. 1. In the case when the description of the Object of Procurement in the Technical Specification, refers to a certain model or a source, a particular process or a trademark, patent, types, particular origin or production, it should be considered that equivalent objects in terms of their properties will be acceptable as well. This Procurement is not divided into parts. Suppliers must submit their tenders for the entire scope of the Procurement. The Goods shall be delivered within a period no longer than 5 months from the day of signing the Procurement Contract. This term may be extended no longer than for additional 3 months. The place for delivery - Mokslininkų str. 11, Vilnius, LT-08412.

  • FINAL PROVISIONS The costs of Tender preparation and participation in the Tendering Process shall not be compensated to the Suppliers. The Buyer at any time prior to conclusion of the Procurement Contract, shall be entitled to terminate Procurement procedures, if some circumstances have appeared, which could not be anticipated. The Buyer, after adopting decision concerning termination of Procurement procedures, no later than within 3 business days from decision adoption, shall inform all suppliers, who have submitted their Tenders, on such a decision, and, if the Procurement procedures have been terminated prior to the deadline for Tender submission shall inform all suppliers who have acquired the Procurement Terms and Conditions and / or Procurement Documents. The Buyer, no later than within 3 business days after Procurement Contract conclusion, shall inform via e-mail all Suppliers, who have submitted their Tenders, about conclusion of the Procurement Contract, indicating the successful Supplier awarded the Contract, as well as on the price offered by this Supplier. Information, submitted in the Tenders, except for information indicated in item 11.3 of the Tendering Terms and Conditions shall not be disclosed to Suppliers and third persons, who administer and audit use of the EU Funds. Technical Specification (Annex No 1); Tender Form (Annex No. 2); Declaration of Compliance with Minimum Qualification Requirements (Annex No. 3); Supplier’s Declaration (Annex No. 4).

  • Draudimo sutarčiai taikoma teisė 9.1. Draudimo sutarčiai taikoma Lietuvos Respublikos teisė, jeigu draudimo sutartyje nenumatyta kitaip.


  • MINIMALIŲ KVALIFIKACIJOS REIKALAVIMŲ ATITIKTIES DEKLARACIJA (Data) _____________________ (Sudarymo vieta) tvirtinu, kad mano vadovaujamo (-os) /(atstovaujamo (-os)) ______________________________________________________________________________ , ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

  • BAIGIAMOSIOS NUOSTATOS 11.1 Tiekėjams pasiūlymų rengimo ir dalyvavimo konkurse išlaidos neatlyginamos.

  • VOKŲ SU PASIŪLYMAIS ATPLĖŠIMO PROCEDŪRA 10.1. Pradinis susipažinimas su CVP IS priemonėmis gautais pasiūlymais vyks Perkančiosios organizacijos Komisijos posėdyje 2016 m. d. 9.45 val. Lietuvos laiku adresu Žolyno x. 15, 10209 Vilniuje, posėdžių salėje – 200 kab. II aukšte.

  • PASIŪLYMŲ NAGRINĖJIMAS IR PASIŪLYMŲ ATMETIMO PRIEŽASTYS 9.1. Komisija tikrina tiekėjų pasiūlymuose pateiktų kvalifikacijos duomenų atitiktį konkurso sąlygose nustatytiems minimaliems kvalifikacijos reikalavimams. Jeigu Komisija nustato, kad tiekėjo pateikti kvalifikacijos duomenys yra neišsamūs arba netikslūs, ji privalo CVP IS susirašinėjimo priemonėmis prašyti tiekėjo juos papildyti arba paaiškinti per perkančiosios organizacijos nurodytą terminą. Jeigu perkančiosios organizacijos prašymu tiekėjas nepatikslino pateiktų netikslių ir neišsamių duomenų apie savo kvalifikaciją, perkančioji organizacija atmeta tokį pasiūlymą.

  • PIRKIMO DOKUMENTŲ PAAIŠKINIMAI, PATIKSLINIMAI, PAKEITIMAI 7.1. Perkančiosios organizacijos ir tiekėjų paklausimai ir atsakymai vieni kitiems, atliekant viešųjų pirkimų procedūras, turi būti lietuvių kalba. Perkančioji organizacija visus gautus klausimus ir visus atsakymus į juos, visus kitus pirkimo sąlygų paaiškinimus ir patikslinimus skelbs CVP IS, kur yra skelbiami visi šio pirkimo dokumentai.

  • DRAUDIMO IŠMOKOS APSKAIČIAVIMAS 38.1. Apdraustojo ligą pripažinus draudžiamuoju įvykiu išmokama visa pasirinkta papildomų ligų draudimo suma.