Damages Voorbeeldclausules

Damages. If, in the process of taking action pursuant to Articles 9 and 10 above, any person, whether natural or legal, suffers loss, damage or injury as a result of negligence or some other fault attributable to the intervening State, it shall be liable to pay compensation in respect thereof.
Damages. 1. The User must complete a damage form for all damage to the E-vehicle caused by the User or during the period of use, after reporting it to the manager of the issuing office. This must be done no later than upon returning the E-vehicle. At that moment, photographs of the damage will be taken, which will be part of the damage form. EuroWheelz shall provide a damage form for this purpose. EuroWheelz or a third party it has designated (for instance - but not limited to - the manager of the issuing office) will immediately estimate the damage to the E-vehicle on the basis of a EuroWheelz price list and the User is required to pay this immediately when returning the E-vehicle. To this end, the User will receive a payment link by e-mail. 2. If an immediate assessment of the damage is not possible, the deductible - in advance of a final compensation after assessment - will be charged to the User. This deductible must be paid immediately via a payment link via e-mail. After the damage has been assessed or repaired, the remaining amount will be charged and must be paid within 5 days, or any excess amount paid will be refunded (if the final damage is less than the deductible). 3. If the User has purchased a damage/theft waiver scheme when booking the E-Vehicle, the loss amount for/to the E-Vehicle the User is liable for shall not exceed € 350.00 (in words: three hundred and fifty Euros) (see also Article 10). If the User has not taken out insurance via EuroWheelz, the maximum loss amount the User is liable for is € 1,500 (in words: fifteen hundred Euros) per E-vehicle. If the User does not immediately fulfil his payment obligation, the provisions of Article 16 of these General Terms and Conditions of Use shall apply. please note: the damage/theft waiver scheme applies to damage caused to the E-Vehicle and does not apply to damage to third parties. With respect to damage to third parties, the User remains liable up to € 1,000.00, provided that the general terms and conditions of the third-party insurance are further met, otherwise the User shall be fully liable for the full damage caused. After receiving payment, EuroWheelz will send the User an invoice.
Damages. 11.1 Except in case of intent or gross negligence on the part of Bell Dredging Pumps or its executive officers, Bell Dredging Pumps is not liable for damage. Purchaser cannot derive any rights from advice and information obtained from Bell Dredging Pumps in case they do not directly concern the order. 11.2 Bell Dredging Pumps is never liable for consequential damage or indirect damage such as loss of turnover, loss of profit, loss of opportunities, damage caused by business interruptions or delay in the performance of obligations of Purchaser towards any third parties. 11.3 The damage for which Bell Dredging Pumps may be liable under the Agreement is at all times limited to the amount of the payment actually made by the insurer(s) of Bell Dredging Pumps due to or in connection with the damage concerned. In case Bell Dredging Pumps is not insured against the damage caused to Purchaser the liability of Bell Dredging Pumps is at all times limited to the amount of the price to be paid to Bell Dredging Pumps by Purchaser under the Agreement, the above with a maximum of € 25.000,-. 12.1 Agreements entered into with Bell Dredging Pumps are governed by Dutch law exclusively. The applicability of the Vienna Sales Convention is expressly excluded. 12.2 In case a dispute arises between Bell Dredging Pumps and Purchaser, which they are not able to settle by mutual consultation, said dispute shall be submitted to the jurisdiction of the court in the North-Holland district exclusively, unless Bell Dredging Pumps opts to submit the dispute to the jurisdiction of a different court of law that is competent by virtue of the law.
Damages. 7.1. For the account of the merchant are all fines, damages, costs, directly or indirectly charged to the carrier for undeclared or otherwise fraudulent carriage, export or import of goods by or on behalf of the carrier and/or master and/or other crew. 7.2. The shipper is liable for the damage caused by the non- or non-timely availability of the required documentation. 7.3. All damage and costs caused by or resulting from loading and stowing, stowage or all other treatment of the goods are for the account of the merchant. 7.4. Unforeseen costs can, in reasonability, be charged by the carrier to the merchant. 7.5. Damage and costs, directly or indirectly caused by the acts mentioned in this article are for the account of the merchant.
Damages. If the agreement is rescinded because of the buyer, the latter shall be liable for damages, fixed at a flat rate of thirty percent (30%) of the amount of the sale, or of the rescinded part thereof, whereby said damages may be increased on the basis of the proven loss actually suffered, as well as the costs incurred as a result of the rescission.
Damages. In addition to paying interests, any sums not paid when due shall automatically and without prior notification be increased by an amount equal to 15% of the sum owed and by a minimum of ¤125 as damages.
Damages. Section septième Des dommages-intérêts

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