GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS. A contract can only be considered to be concluded after a written or electronic confirmation by Faculty Club. Prices are indexed to the health index on 1st January.
GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS. 2.1. The terms and conditions mentioned in these Terms and Conditions will be applicable to all tenders, offers, order confirmations, agreements, deliveries, products and services whereby Prowareness acts as seller/contractor.
2.2. Deviations from the Terms and Conditions of the general Terms and Conditions are only valid and binding if these have been explicitly agreed in writing. A deviation must be signed by authorized representatives of each of the parties.
2.3. The applicability of any general or specific Terms and Conditions or clauses of Client are explicitly rejected by Prowareness.
2.4. In the event of whole or partial voidness or other invalidity of one or more provisions of these Terms and Conditions the remaining provisions will continue in force and Client and Prowareness will enter into consultation in order to agree new provisions to replace the voidable or voided provisions, in the course of which the purpose and the application of the voidable or voided provisions will be observed as much as is possible. bepalingen van kracht en zullen Opdrachtgever en Prowareness in overleg treden teneinde nieuwe bepalingen ter vervanging van de nietige c.q. vernietigde bepalingen over te komen, waarbij zoveel mogelijk het doel en de strekking van de nietige c.q. vernietigde bepalingen in acht worden genomen.
2.5. Een offerte, aanbieding of prijsopgave bindt Prowareness niet en geldt slechts als uitnodiging tot het plaatsen van een order door Opdrachtgever, tenzij uitdrukkelijk anders is vermeld. Opdrachtgever staat ervoor in dat hij, naar beste weten, alle essentiële informatie voor de opzet en uitvoering van een opdracht verstrekt voor het tot stand komen van een opdracht.
2.6. De Overeenkomst komt tot stand, nadat de overeenkomst tot het verrichten van diensten door Prowareness is ontvangen en bevestigd middels een ondertekende Overeenkomst, dan wel met de uitvoering van de opdracht door Prowareness is begonnen.
2.7. Prowareness zal zich naar beste inzicht en vermogen inspannen de dienstverlening met zorg uit te voeren, in voorkomend geval overeenkomstig die met Opdrachtgever schriftelijk vastgelegde afspraken en procedures.
2.8. Prowareness mag Opdrachtgever gebruiken als referentie.
2.9. Alle termijnen en/of deadlines waar Prowareness zich aan verbonden heeft zijn indicatief en zullen alleen als fatale termijnen gelden als die uitdrukkelijk en in die bewoordingen als zodanig schriftelijk zijn overeengekomen tussen Prowareness en Opdrachtgever.
GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS. 2.1 The terms and conditions mentioned in these Terms and Conditions will be applicable to all tenders, offers, order confirmations, agreements, deliveries, products and services whereby DevOn acts as seller/contractor.
2.2 Deviations from the Terms and Conditions of the general Terms and Conditions are only valid and binding if these have been explicitly agreed in writing. A deviation must be signed by authorized representatives of each of the parties.
2.3 The applicability of any general or specific Terms and Conditions or clauses of Client are explicitly rejected by XxxXx.
2.4 In the event of whole or partial voidness or other invalidity of one or more provisions of these Terms and Conditions the remaining provisions will continue in force and Client and DevOn will enter into consultation in order to agree new provisions to replace the voidable or voided provisions, in the course of which the purpose and the application of the voidable or voided provisions will be observed as much as is possible.
2.5 An offer, tender or quote does not bind DevOn and only applies as an invitation to Client to place an order, unless explicitly stated otherwise. Client guarantees that he, to the best of his knowledge, thereby has provided all essential information for the planning and execution of the order.
2.6 The Agreement comes into effect after the order for the services to be carried out is received by XxxXx and confirmed by means of an executed Agreement, or as the case may be the execution of the order by XxxXx has started.
2.7 DevOn will use reasonable endeavors to deliver the provision of service with care, where applicable in accordance with arrangements and procedures recorded in writing with Client.
2.8 DevOn can use Client as reference.
2.9 All terms/deadlines that XxxXx has committed to are indicative and will only be considered as fatal terms if this is explicitly agreed as such in writing between DevOn and Client.
GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS. All our deliveries, sales, repairs and executions are subject to these General Terms and Conditions, to the exclusion of the client’s own conditions. These General Terms and Conditions can only be deviated from with the express written permission of the business manager of Alphaplan bvba.
GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS. Article 1. Definitions In these conditions, the following terms are understood as: "Conditions": general terms and conditions of STICHTING INSIGHT SEMINARS NL "STICHTING INSIGHT
GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS. Article 1.General - Definitions 1.These "General Conditions" (version EN: are applicable to and form an integral part of 1) all offers and order confirmations issued by Ecosoft B.V. or by any company affiliated with it (hereinafter each separately: "Supplier") and 2) all agreements defined below between the Supplier and (future) buyer (hereinafter: "Customer"), in each case with the exception of the Customer's conditions. Deviations can only be accepted in writing by the management of the Supplier. In case of conflict between the General Conditions and specific product/service delivery conditions of the Supplier, the latter shall prevail.