Handover and Return of Rental Vehicle Voorbeeldclausules

Handover and Return of Rental Vehicle. The vehicle must be returned at the agreed upon time, to the agreed return location, as specified by Roadsurfer. If return is indicated to a location other than the location where your rental commences, you may have to pay a one way service fee as agreed in the Rental Contract. If you return the car to a different location from the agreed return location without Roadsurfer permission, you agree to pay an unauthorized return location fee according to the Fee Table. On occasion, it may be that bicycle racks are mounted on the rented vehicle, even though you did not expressly request them. Roadsurfer shall not be obligated to remove these bicycle racks. You must return the rented vehicle at the location and time agreed in the Rental Agreement when the rental period ends. If the rented vehicle is not returned when required, and you fail to inform Roadsurfer that you still have possession of the vehicle, Roadsurfer may assume that you are using the rented vehicle unlawfully. Roadsurfer reserves the right to contact the police or other relevant authorities and report the vehicle stolen. Additional fees and charges shall apply when you keep the vehicle longer than the agreed upon rental period. Upon return of the vehicle, we will conduct an inspection. You will pay a cleaning fee according to the Fee Table for cleaning the vehicle’s interior upon return if any stains, dirt, odor, or soiling attributable to your use cannot be cleaned with our standard post-rental procedures, as determined by us in our sole discretion. In the course of the inspection, new damage to the vehicle will be recorded. You are responsible for any and all new damage, greater than ordinary wear and tear, to the rented vehicle. The rented vehicle must be returned with a full tank of fuel. You will be charged a fuel surcharge according to the Fee Table (flat rate) in the event the gas tank is not full at the time of vehicle return. We can repossess the rented vehicle at any time in our sole discretion for reasons that include, but are not limited to the following: the rented vehicle is found illegally parked, being used to violate the law or the terms of the Rental Agreement, or appears to be abandoned. You agree that we need not notify you in advance and that we may take any actions reasonably necessary to obtain possession of the vehicle, including remotely disabling the engine, remotely locking the doors, tracking the location of the vehicle through GPS tracking devices and utilizing for ou...

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