REGISTERED QUANTITIES. Only the substances used for commercial purposes are subjected to registration and are submitted by the Declarants who indicate the quantities that were placed on the Belgian market. The registrations of substances exclusively used for scientific purposes (simplified registrations) and the registrations submitted by the Foreign Supplier do not require indication of quantities. For the trade year 2018, 812 registrations of quantity were submitted. The quantities could be registered in kilograms either as estimated quantities or as real quantities. From the 812 registrations 408 were mixtures (Enregistrement mélange) and 19 were simplified registrations (Enregistrement simplifié). Therefore, for these 427 registrations (52%) no quantities were provided. The rest 385 registrations concerned substances, from which 17 did not indicate quantities, 60 indicated estimated quantities and 308 real quantities. The status of these 385 registrations of substances were: 321 archived (83%), 46 (12%) submitted and 18 draft (5%). Statistics were done for the grouped estimated and real quantities (368 registrations) of substances. The total quantity of substances in the nanoparticulate state, which was introduced on the Belgian market in 2018, as calculated from the 368 substance registrations, is 120734587.2 kg (120734.5872 tons) based on the recorded data with: • 48240.5 tons imported and, • 72494 tons produced. This section does not take into account the amount of substances that was distributed, since this is in fact a relocation of a product that is already on the Belgian market. The total quantity of substances in nanoparticulate state is decreased by 40% compared to the quantities registered in the trade year 2017 (201429 tons). In particular, a decrease of 24% is recorded for the import of substances in the nanoparticulate state and a decrease of 47% for the production of substances in the nanoparticulate state. Figure 20 shows the quantities of the substances containing nanomaterials registered during the trade year 2018. In most of the registrations (77%), the applicant declared quantities that range between 10 and 100000 kg. A significant percentage of about 51% (187 registrations) concerns quantities of less than 1 ton and therefore falls outside the scope of the REACH legislation. Only 13 registrations declared quantities more than 1000 tons. The list of the generic names of the substances that were introduced on the Belgian market in a total quantity that is l...
REGISTERED QUANTITIES. Only the substances used for commercial purposes are subjected to registration and are submitted by the Declarants who indicate the quantities that were placed on the BE market. The registrations of substances exclusively used for scientific purposes (simplified registrations) and the registrations submitted by the Foreign Supplier do not require indication of quantities. For the trade year 2017, 777 registrations of quantity were submitted. The quantities could be registered as estimated or real quantities in kilograms. From there registrations, 558 are archived (Archivé, -72%), 168 are submitted (soumis, -22%) and 51 are drafts (brouillon, -6%). From the 777 registrations, 353 registrations were mixtures (Enregistrement mélange) and simplified (Enregistrement simplifié) and no quantity was provided. From the rest 424 registrations of the substances, 13 registrations did not indicate quantities, 66 users introduced estimated quantities and 345 introduced real quantities. The total quantity of substances produced in the nanoparticulate state, which was introduced on the Belgian market in 2017, as calculated from the 411 substance registrations, is 201429533.6 kg (201429.5336 tons) based on the recorded data with: • 64042.51 tons imported and • 137387.02 tons produced. This section does not take into account the amount of substances that was distributed, since this is in fact a relocation of a product that is already on the Belgian market. Figure 20 shows the quantities of the substances containing nanomaterials registered during the trade year 2017. In most of the registrations (78%), the user declared quantities that range between 10 and 100000 kg. A significant percentage of about 46% (190 registrations) concerns quantities of less than 1 ton (109 of them are less than 100 kg) and therefore falls outside the scope of the REACH legislation. Table 3 gives the list of substances that were introduced on the Belgian market in a total quantity that is larger than 1000 tons. This amount refers to the sum of all registrations submitted under the specified generic name.


  • Producten 24.1 Partijen zullen schriftelijk specificeren welke Producten ontwikkeld zullen worden en op welke manier dit zal geschieden. Leverancier zal de productontwikkeling (lees: programmatuurontwikkeling en/of apparatuurontwikkeling) met zorg uitvoeren op basis van de door Afnemer te verstrekken gegevens, voor de juistheid, volledigheid en consistentie waarvoor Xxxxxxx instaat.

  • WELKE WETTEN EN REGELS GELDEN VOOR DEZE OVEREENKOMST? 13.1 Op deze verzekeringsovereenkomst is het Nederlands recht van toepassing.

  • Sanctiewet- en regelgeving Dit is de nationale en internationale wet- en regelgeving op het gebied van handels- en economische sancties. Sancties zijn politieke instrumenten die worden ingezet als reactie op schendingen van bijvoorbeeld internationaal recht, mensenrechten of democratische beginselen en bij de bestrijding van terrorisme.

  • VGZ Rotterdampakket Compact VGZ Rotterdampakket maximaal € 300 per kalenderjaar maximaal € 500 per kalenderjaar

  • Territoriale omvang De waarborg wordt toegekend voor een schadegeval dat zich voordeed in België en in alle landen van de Europese Unie, in het Verenigd Koninkrijk, in de vorstendommen Andorra en Monaco, in Vaticaanstad, in IJsland, in Liechtenstein, in Noorwegen, in San Xxxxxx, in Zwitserland.

  • Wat zijn de gevolgen als u de informatie niet (op tijd) doorgeeft? Als we de informatie niet (op tijd) van u ontvangen, schorten we uw vergoeding op. Dat betekent dat u geen vergoeding ontvangt voor de verzekerde op wie de gevraagde informatie betrekking heeft. We hervatten de vergoeding met terugwerkende kracht zodra we de informatie hebben ontvangen, en we het recht op en de hoogte van de vergoeding hebben vastgesteld.

  • Overige informatie en bijlagen IV.1 Welke overige informatie die hiervoor nog niet is genoemd, is voor de NZa relevant voor de beoordeling?

  • Genezing niet belemmeren a. De werknemer mag zich tijdens de arbeidsongeschiktheid niet zodanig gedragen dat de genezing wordt belemmerd. De beoordeling hiervan is aan de controlerende instantie.


  • Overeenkomst, offerte en bevestiging 1.1 Deze algemene voorwaarden (hierna: Algemene Voorwaarden) zijn van toepassing op alle offertes en de totstandkoming, de inhoud en de nakoming van alle tussen de opdrachtgever en de opdrachtnemer (hierna: ontwerper) gesloten overeenkomsten. Afwijkingen op deze Algemene Voorwaarden kunnen slechts schriftelijk overeengekomen worden tussen opdrachtgever en ontwerper.