Remuneration policy Voorbeeldclausules

Remuneration policy. On 16 May 2020 the new article 7:89/1 of the Belgian Companies and Associations Code, which provides that listed companies must establish a remuneration policy with respect to directors, other officers and delegates for day-to-day management, entered into force. This article details the objectives of, as well as the information that needs to be included in, the remuneration policy. The remuneration policy must be approved by a binding vote of the general shareholders' meeting and must be submitted to the general shareholders' meeting for approval whenever there is a material change and in any case at least every four years. In view hereof, in accordance with article 7:89/1 of the Belgian Companies and Associations Code, the nomination and remuneration committee prepared a remuneration policy which (most recent version) has been approved by the shareholders at the extraordinary general meeting held on 10 February 2023. The aforementioned remuneration policy can be consulted on the Company's website through the following link: xxxxx:// ENG-final-with-votes.pdf. The revised remuneration policy will be submitted for approval to the annual shareholders’ meeting of 23 May 2024.