Termination Voorbeeldclausules

Termination. No Warranties 10.Limitation of Liability 11.Indemnification 12.Dispute Resolution 13.Integration and Severability 14.Miscellaneous 15.Copyright and Trademark Notices
Termination. If you wish to terminate your Account, you may notify your institution. For contact information see: xxxxx://xxxx.xxxx.xx/xx/xxxxx/xxxxxxxx/XxxxxxxxxXX/xxxxxxx. When You do not comply with the Rules and Conduct of this Agreement, or when your participating institution files a request to do so, DataverseNL may terminate your account and/or your access to all or any part of the Service at any time, with or without notice. All provisions of this Agreement which by their nature should survive termination shall survive termination, including, without limitation, warranty disclaimers, indemnity and limitations of liability.
Termination. 8.1. Without limiting any other rights or remedies that ADFIL may have in terms of these Conditions, the Contract or in terms of applicable law, ADFIL may terminate, without judicial intervention, a Contract with immediate effect by giving written notice to the Customer if: exiger du Client qu’il remette tous les Biens en sa possession qui n’ont pas été revendus ou irréversiblement incorporés dans un autre produit ; et Si le Client ne s’exécute pas rapidement, entrer dans les locaux du Client ou de tout tiers où les Biens sont stockés afin de les récupérer, le coût de cette récupération se faisant aux frais du Client.
Termination. 4.1 Without prejudice to the right to claim damages in cases where a client does not meet its obligations towards Xxxxxx and Xxxxx as described in these terms and conditions, or in cases where the client defaults, Xxxxxx and Xxxxx reserves the right to terminate the agreement with immediate effect, by means of a written termination announcement. Any outstanding invoices will become payable immediately 4.2 In addition to the situation described in article 4.1, Xxxxxx and Xxxxx has the right to terminate the agreement with immediate effect in the following situations: • the client files for Chapter 11 or suspension of payments • the court has granted Chapter 11 or suspension of payments to the client • the client files for bankruptcy • the client is declared bankrupt • the client transfers ownership, liquidates or ceases (part of) its operations • a client’s assets are repossessed or the client forecloses 4.4 In case of termination of this agreement under article 4.2, any outstanding invoices and amounts, plus associated interest, damages and costs become due for immediate payment.
Termination. 18.1. The Client has the right to terminate this Agreement by giving the Company at least seven (7) days written notice, specifying the date of termination in such, on the condition that in the case of such termination, all Client's Positions shall be closed by the date of termination. The first day of the notice for this Section 17.1 shall CA29072018 Tel: +00000000000 | Fax: +00000000000 | xxx.xxxxxx.xxx beëindigingsdatum worden gesloten. De eerste dag van de opzeggingstermijn voor dit onderdeel 17.1 wordt beschouwd als de datum waarop de Maatschappij de opzegging ontvangt. 18.2. De Maatschappij mag de Overeenkomst eindigen door de Klant ten minste zeven (7) dagen van te voren schriftelijk te informeren met vermelding van de beëindigingsdatum. 18.3. De Maatschappij kan in de volgende gevallen deze Overeenkomst onmiddellijk beëindigen: i) indien de klant gebruik maakt van de Diensten of het Handelsplatform ongepast geweest is of niet strookt met de insteek van deze Overeenkomst; ii) als uw Rekening op één of andere manier geassocieerd is aan een rekening die beëindigd is. Indien een Rekening geassocieerd is met of verwant is aan een bestaande geblokkeerde rekening, dan kan de Maatschappij een Rekening opheffen ongeacht de aard van dit verwantschap evenals de Toegangscodes tot deze Rekeningen; iii) overlijden van de Klant; iv) indien een aanvraag is ingediend of een opdracht is gegeven of een vergadering bijeen is geroepen of een motie is goedgekeurd of maatregelen ten behoeve van faillissement of liquidatie van de Klant genomen zijn; v) zo'n beëindiging verzocht wordt door een bevoegde autoriteit of instelling; vii) De Maatschappij verdenkt de Klant ervan een bepaling van deze Overeenkomst te schenden of te hebben geschonden; viii) deze Overeenkomst naar eigen goeddunken van de Maatschappij niet kan worden uitgevoerd; ix) de Klant een wetgeving of regelgeving schendt naar hij aan onderhevig is, waaronder maar zonder beperkt te zijn tot, wetten en regelgeving met betrekking tot deviezencontrole en registratievereisten; x) de Klant betrekt de Maatschappij direct of indirect in een vorm van fraude (al het bovenstaande "Geval van Wanprestatie"). 18.4. De beëindiging van deze Overeenkomst zal in geen geval de ontstane rechten beïnvloeden, de bestaande verbindingen of welke contractuele bepaling dan ook die van kracht zou moeten blijven na de beëindiging en in geval van beëindiging, de Klant zal de verantwoordelijk zijn voor het betalen van de volgende kosten be...
Termination. 18.1. The Client has the right to terminate this Agreement by giving the Company at least seven (7) days written notice, specifying the date of termination in such, on the condition that in the case of such termination, all Client's Positions shall be closed by the date of termination. The first day of the notice for this Section 17.1 shall be deemed to be the date such notice has been received by the CA10042022 Tel: +00000000000 | Fax: +00000000000 | xxx.xxxxxx.xxx opzeggingstermijn voor dit onderdeel 17.1 wordt beschouwd als de datum waarop de Maatschappij de opzegging ontvangt. De kosten die van toepassing zijn op een dergelijke beëindiging zijn hierin te vinden. 18.2. De Maatschappij mag de Overeenkomst eindigen door de Klant ten minste zeven (7) dagen van te voren schriftelijk te informeren met vermelding van de beëindigingsdatum. 18.3. De Maatschappij kan in de volgende gevallen deze Overeenkomst onmiddellijk beëindigen: i) indien de klant gebruik maakt van de Diensten of het Handelsplatform ongepast geweest is of niet strookt met de insteek van deze Overeenkomst; ii) als uw Rekening op één of andere manier geassocieerd is aan een rekening die beëindigd is. Indien een Rekening geassocieerd is met of verwant is aan een bestaande geblokkeerde rekening, dan kan de Maatschappij een Rekening opheffen ongeacht de aard van dit verwantschap evenals de Toegangscodes tot deze Rekeningen; iii) overlijden van de Klant; iv) indien een aanvraag is ingediend of een opdracht is gegeven of een vergadering bijeen is geroepen of een motie is goedgekeurd of maatregelen ten behoeve van faillissement of liquidatie van de Klant genomen zijn; v) zo'n beëindiging verzocht wordt door een bevoegde autoriteit of instelling; vii) De Maatschappij verdenkt de Klant ervan een bepaling van deze Overeenkomst te schenden of te hebben geschonden; viii) deze Overeenkomst naar eigen goeddunken van de Maatschappij niet kan worden uitgevoerd; ix) de Klant een wetgeving of regelgeving schendt naar hij aan onderhevig is, waaronder maar zonder beperkt te zijn tot, wetten en regelgeving met betrekking tot deviezencontrole en registratievereisten; x) de Klant betrekt de Maatschappij direct of indirect in een vorm van fraude (al het bovenstaande "Geval van Wanprestatie"). 18.4. De beëindiging van deze Overeenkomst zal in geen geval de ontstane rechten beïnvloeden, de bestaande verbindingen of welke contractuele bepaling dan ook die van kracht zou moeten blijven na de beëindiging en in geval van ...
Termination. 1. Either party may terminate this Agreement upon one (1) day notice via Pikaway’s Customer Support or via xxxxxxx@xxxxxxx.xxx. 2. Pikaway shall at all times be entitled, at its discretion, immediately or temporarily, to deactivate or suspend an Account or to terminate the Agreement immediately upon notice via Pikaway’s Customer Support or via xxxxxxx@xxxxxxx.xxx if one of the following events occur, or if Pikaway has reasonable reasons to believe such event occurred: ∙ the User commits a criminal or immoral act or any violation of the applicable laws during or through such User’s use of the Services or ∙ in general, the User does not comply with the terms and conditions of this Agreement, irrespective whether by negligence, gross negligence, wilful misconduct or otherwise. 3. In case of deactivation or suspension of the Account or termination of the Agreement, the User shall no longer be entitled to use the Application and the Services for the duration of such deactivation or suspension, as the case may be.
Termination. 11.1 If the Maker acts contrary to Article 4, Article 7 and/or Article 9 of these Terms and Conditions, DPG Media is entitled to dissolve the Agreement with immediate effect without judicial intervention, without prejudice to DPG Media's claims for breach of contract by the Maker. 11.2 Deviation by the Maker from the provisions contained in these Terms and Conditions may result in the risk of additional levies for DPG Media. This means that deviation is a compelling cause for termination. In the event of a deviation, DPG Media is entitled to terminate the Agreement with immediate effect without judicial intervention, without prejudice to DPG Media's claims for breach of contract by the Maker. 11.3 Both parties are entitled to dissolve the Agreement in writing, without judicial intervention, with immediate effect, if: a. the other party fails to perform an obligation under the Agreement, or fails to do so on time or properly, and fails to remedy such failure within ten (10) working days of being given written notice of default, unless the failure, given its special nature or minor importance in relation to the obligations entered into, does not justify the dissolution and its consequences; a bankruptcy/insolvency petition is filed for the other party or the other party is declared bankrupt/insolvent; c. the other party applies for or is granted a moratorium, or; d. the other party ceases its operations and/or is liquidated. 11.4 DPG Media is further authorised to dissolve the Agreement in writing, without judicial intervention, with immediate effect, if: a. the Maker applies for or is granted statutory debt restructuring; b. the Maker is placed under administration or guardianship, or; c. the Maker dies. 11.5 Termination of the Agreement does not affect the rights granted in Article 7.
Termination. 14.1 BottleX may terminate the whole or any part of the Agreement, subject to all rights, by giving 30 days' notice in writing or by giving 30 days' notice in writing with immediate effect if the Buyer is in arrears with any amount which should have been paid to BottleX. Or if, on the basis of circumstances known to BottleX, it has good reason to fear that the Buyer will not or cannot fulfil its obligations under the Agreement. Or if the Buyer is declared bankrupt or insolvent, or if the Buyer breaches this Agreement and fails to remedy such breach within 30 days of being notified thereof. 14.2 BottleX shall furthermore be entitled to dissolve the Agreement if circumstances arise of such a nature that fulfilment of the Agreement is impossible or if other circumstances arise of such a nature that BottleX cannot reasonably be expected to maintain the Agreement unaltered. 14.3 If the Agreement is dissolved, the claims of BottleX against the Buyer shall become immediately due and payable. If BottleX suspends compliance with its obligations, it shall retain its rights under the law and the Agreement. 14.4 If BottleX suspends or dissolves the agreement, it shall not be liable in any way for compensation for damage and costs. 14.5 If the dissolution is attributable to the Buyer, BottleX shall be entitled to claim from the Buyer compensation for the loss, including the costs, incurred directly and indirectly as a result. If the Buyer fails to fulfil his obligations under the agreement and this failure justifies dissolution, BottleX shall be entitled to dissolve the agreement immediately and with immediate effect, without any obligation on its part to pay any compensation or indemnity, whereas the Buyer, by virtue of default, shall be obliged to pay compensation or indemnity. 14.6 If the Buyer fully or partially cancels an order that has been placed, the Buyer will be charged in full for the goods ordered or prepared for it, increased by any costs of delivery and removal thereof and the working time reserved for the performance of the Agreement. In addition, BottleX retains the prerogative to charge for lost profits.
Termination. 9.1 Each party is entitled to terminate an agreement only if the other party, after a proper and as detailed as possible written notice of default whereby a reasonable period of time has been set for clearing the shortcoming, is accountably in default in the fulfillment of substantial obligations pursuant to that agreement. 9.2 Either party may fully or partially terminate an agreement without notice of default and without judicial intervention by written notice with immediate effect if the other party is granted suspension of payment, whether or not provisionally, if the other party is filed for bankruptcy or if its business is liquidated or terminated other than for the purpose of reconstruction or merger of business. The party thus terminating that agreement will never be obliged to pay any compensation. 9.3 If, at the time of the termination of an agreement, the Customer has already received services to implement that agreement, these services and the related payment obligation will not be subject to cancellation, unless oneUp is in default with regard to those services. Amounts that oneUp has invoiced for the dissolution in connection with what it has already carried out or delivered for the execution of that agreement, remain due indefinitely subject to the provisions of the previous sentence and become immediately due and payable at the time of the dissolution.